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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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therefore, when it appears, and we are now working on this issue together with interested parties, to still introduce the appropriate responsibility, because there is an obligation to inform citizens, some law-abiding citizens, thank you very much to them, in fact, having fulfilled this obligation, someone is thinking of staying aside or not report it, in any case, the age of modern technology, the age of total control at certain points, as if control over an individual, this is quite easily revealed, so if they think that they avoid the need to notify our competent authorities of the presence of foreign citizenship or cohabitation, then they are very deeply mistaken, in any case, when there is appropriate responsibility, citizens will be held administratively liable for yes, well , let’s say, in the russian federation there is generally criminal liability for this , in the russian federation it carried criminal liability for failure to inform, if repeated failure to inform, the person could be held criminally liable, therefore, for now, for now , the competent authorities are developing standards in order to find a balance, most likely, because in reality...
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or for civil servants today? well, look , you can’t say that this is a problem, in fact, it is the desire of every citizen to have this foreign document or to refuse it, because in fact everyone remembers everything, that is, in fact, it is actually possible for citizens of belarus to receive a pole card, well, yes, this is like such a sensational project that the polish side is developing on the territory of the republic belarus, including through its embassies, has begun to implement this, including on the territory of poland, and in fact we now have, among other things, civil servants who voluntarily... refuse
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the pole card, because it is clear that the status of a civil servant or status of a certain official who has access to state secrets, the presence of a foreign document is unacceptable, therefore the person must voluntarily and voluntarily renounce this document, moreover, through the competent authorities, and this will not constitute restriction, but in fact, a person simply, having a foreign document, will not be able to exercise, probably, a whole series of his rights that are provided for by law, that is, for example, he cannot gain access to state secrets, cannot become a civil servant, cannot become a deputy.
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registered as a candidate and we can say for sure that he does not have dual citizenship, he does not have a pole card, yes, he does not have dual citizenship and does not have a pole card, well, we must understand that this is not only, we check not only by that information that citizens provided to us voluntarily when they declared the presence of foreign citizenship, internal affairs bodies and diplomatic service bodies also have other sources of information that confirm that both persons have the corresponding foreign citizenship, so while there is no responsibility, the information is perceived as only.
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use on the territory of belarus and receive a pole card is unacceptable, because it is clear that the person who purchases the card a pole, he... therefore, the state perfectly understands the threats and risks from all this and is taking a number of steps to minimize it altogether.
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for some, the debate about their number does not subside, and the fake about 97%, well, for many, excuse me, idiots, it is stuck very firmly in the head, i know the real numbers, yes, how many were unsteady on the 16th,
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23rd, and you have a relatively real figure those who left the country after the twentieth year for political reasons, taking into account families? well, a number that you can actually operate with. margeevich, look, again, you can’t say political motives, not political motives, that is , let’s say when the relocation of it specialists took place and is happening, are these political motives? no, these are issues related to sanctions, we, in fact, that is , the competent authority, in fact, with the help of information resources, quite clearly have information about those persons who are not employed in the economy and who, in a certain period of time, left the territory of the republic of belarus, including by their family members, who are all certain circumstances are not on...
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their families and so on and so forth, that is , of course, a lot, because this is a working-age population, but on the other hand, the state is always open to them, we have never put obstacles in the way of the return of our own citizens, and we are talking about that please, if you have committed a criminal offense, that is , the relevant commission, it works for them, it receives an appeal so that the citizen can understand, he can return to the territory of the country, he will attract, will be attracted to some kind of administrative or criminal liability or cannot return to the territory of the country, but no one is preventing these citizens from returning, please, so that they do not generate any numerous fakes about the fact that yes, they are specifically scared, in fact, they are scared specifically so that they themselves do not understand that their state, when let’s say, again for example, last year changed the mechanism for issuing foreign passports to its own citizens, it did not change because it wanted, again, that all permanent residents
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returned to the territory of the country, because the sanctions policy of the european union also does not allow diplomats to quickly satisfy the aspirations of our citizens regarding the replacement of passports, so everyone has decided that everyone should... now receive passports on the territory of belarus, and we and we are happy to process them and there are no obstacles, the citizen arrived promptly, received a biometric passport or an ordinary passport and returned to the country of citizenship, no bureaucracy, no responsibility , no horror stories, if there are no administrative or criminal claims against him, even if no one against him, in this case, if he has no restrictions on his right to travel and if there are no criminal claims against him, here look, the son is not responsible for his father, well-known. these same children in relation to the state, they will grow up, sometimes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but they will want to return
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to their homeland, so you have already thought about an individual approach to such hostages of the parental position, if it is now, let’s say he can’t renew his passport, but in 5 years he wants to come? again, the procedure for verifying his affiliation is valid in every diplomatic mission of any institution, including at checkpoints on the state border, if he arrives even after 5 years with an invalid passport, then a border service officer, having carried out an appropriate check on a number of records, yes according to the database, will make a decision on allowing a person into the territory of the country, or he will say that, well, that is, you need to get a return, because the document is no longer valid there is no personality, there is no similarity, and your biometric data is also not in the information resource, but this is not even an individual approach, and this is probably an approach in relation to... citizens who currently live outside of belarus and each of them is not deprived of constitutional the right to return to the territory of the country, he can do this, well , the only thing is that he must have a documenting identity, and he must not understand that he will lose the civil republic of belarus only by certain of his actions, well, you understand perfectly well why i asked the question, yes, now many parents may
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simply not give the opportunity, well, in the sense that they will not take any action to ensure that their children, who are now abroad with them, receive this certificate identity, that is, a belarusian passport and... and here they can get into, to put it mildly, such a legal mess, yes, that is , they do not have an identity card, because their parents did not take care of it, but at the same time he wants to return to belarus and will arrive how do you say. to the border, and at his place, which confirms that he is related to belarus in terms of bases and so on, even if he does not have any document and in fact, at the checkpoint it will be established that he is a citizen of belarus, even if is not a valid document, then the border service officer will launch it into the territory of the country, tell you where to apply and it will be there, but again we are talking about this, we are talking about adult citizens of the republic, it is clear that the border is not an adult. but absolutely, adults, adults , that is, who in this period, they became , and if he fully gives an account of his
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actions, that is, he is fine, then the state will accept him with pleasure, he will receive a complex, if necessary, of issues related to integration, if necessary, he will receive an appropriate education, grandparents, even if there is no one, he will still not be forgotten by the state, in our country i’ll just say as an example, we have cases when the competent authorities of foreign states deported belarusians whom was not in the country until...
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there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela, but for some time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to appreciate us , supposedly more democratic than all of the above states. the most psychologically difficult thing is to do it monotonously, methodically, calmly, but efficiently. he wants stability more than anyone, because the us is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china and even belarus, but there is a nuance: american stability provided. instability of the rest of the world, we need to value this stability, because it is not only expensive
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, it is priceless. propaganda project , watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, pasta with mussels, with peas, but this is just a wonderful start to the day, it seems to me that any person will feel super happy this way. and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all, but let’s say we have garlic for breakfast, we’ll get the boost of necessary energy, okay, then i i’ll be crafty, you do the dough, and i’ll do the turkey, right? that’s it, put the whole thing in the oven until ready, uh-huh, uh-huh,
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watch the breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel . without vis, the number of tourists is growing, from 3852 to 414 in 23. lithuania, latvia, poland. this year, our president decided to extend the visa-free regime, one of the far-sighted goals is to overcome the information blockade, the leadership of neighboring countries, they tried to ensure this, yes, through personal.
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and enclosing their own citizens with fences and saying that hanging horror stories in points checkpoints, reducing the number of checkpoints and reducing communications, they create a special one for them.
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attitude on the part of belarusians towards these same tourists, therefore the number, if there were more checkpoints, then the number of tourists would be an order of magnitude greater, especially since the visa-free regime applies to citizens of third countries at the border, this is both the grodno and brest regions, and is valid until now in relation to citizens of other european countries through the territory of the minsk-2 national airport, there is also not one, not one tens of thousands of citizens who take advantage
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of this regime and enter the territory of belarus without visas, without any bureaucratic restrictions at all, yeah, it all works and...
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all the information resources that work in this area are probably the employees who work at checkpoints that operate on the territory of the country, they can identify , among other things, potential violators, potential extremists, persons who pursue theoretical goals, and that is, in some cases on the territory of the country they showed that law enforcement agencies work quite intensively and effectively, therefore, in this regard, respectable tourists who come here and feel this should not experience these certain aspects of the election campaign.
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the border with russia is open, in fact, yes, a single space, including, can we say that these are the decisions that have been made today, the databases that have created information resources, yes , i mean the databases of law enforcement agencies, and so on further, customs authorities, border guards, they are sufficient to clearly understand that the external border of our two states, the common external border, is closed and safe for both us belarusians and russia. yes, in fact, we are following with the russian federation in building the so-called common migration contour, which includes, among other things , such quite fundamental things, when when, if the competent authority, for example, made a decision to refuse entry to a citizen of a third country, by that in fact, the border with the russian federation is not guarded, it is long enough so that it does not pass through the territory of the russian federation into the republic of belarus, this external contour works and, moreover, it works both for
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the entry of foreign citizens and for the exit of citizens of third countries, but we consistently of course we also carry out a number of other measures. belarus, so that we can analyze it, look at it, taking into account those risks, taking into account his criminal past in general, and so on and so forth, and a whole range of measures is also envisaged in 24, because it is clear that the russian federation is also going to the corresponding elections, it will open polling stations on the territory of our country and we... are also not interested in any escalation happening here, we will also carry out appropriate measures to ensure selectivity of both our electoral process and the electoral process in the russian federation, which will be carried out on the territory of our country by... by citizens of the russian federation, the work takes place comprehensively, and in, i say, in all directions, starting with the exchange of personal data of citizens , ending with integra, further integration of information resources and a whole range of other activities
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that are associated with activities, including on the common, seemingly unguarded state border, that is, if, roughly speaking, a conditional panin arrives across the belarusian border, and the russians will know about it, the russians, here we are, unfortunately, since he is a citizen of the russian federation, do not let him if he does not did nothing illegal on the territory of belarus. that is, we did not make a decision to refuse entry, then he will arrive on the territory of belarus, in any case , he will arrive on the territory of the russian federation that he has arrived in belarus and is going to come to the territory of belarus, they will receive the relevant information, great, our passports , belarusians, the citizens reacted with fear and caution to the introduction of biometric passports, and for a variety of reasons, even the most fantastic, there was almost the introduction of a chip there in the brain and so on. the president agreed. and the obligation to make the new passport mandatory biometric, but not yet, no, after a while, how do you assess the readiness of belarusians to receive a more
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modern document and what advantages does it still provide? yes, this is also a rather interesting question, i want to say, well, firstly, digital technologies are probably penetrating our lives, it is clear that a biometric passport is a new digital technology for our citizens, well, it is clear that for a significant period of time we have become accustomed at all. carry our simple paper passport , which contained everything, information about registration, information about marriage, information about children, and in fact, that is, there was no need to carry other documents and citizens with us, and the official did not need, and some employee did not need there was access to an information resource, because in fact, that is, all this was reflected in the national passport, but the world does not stand still, that is, in fact, digital technologies are constantly being introduced into our lives, and people who, for example, own biometric documents, receive a whole range of other preferences, privileges that allow them , on the basis of a biometric id card, to
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receive unauthorized access, and over time, i want to say, even according to statistics, in some regions of our country, every third belarusian already receives biometric documents , despite the fact that at the moment we have already issued 550,000 biometric documents, and some holders of a biometric passport, a citizen of the republic of belarus, receive two biometric passports in order to such a rather serious preference, then, when a citizen can submit both passports to one embassy, ​​use the other passport to easily travel abroad, and persons who are sufficiently... traveling abroad are very happy to take advantage of this opportunity, there is no need, figuratively speaking of, declaring the loss of your old passport, leaving it behind, means in your bosom, then
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revealing it at checkpoints on the state border or in other countries, because let’s do it that way, your recommendation as a professional, yes now i need to change my passport, you recommend that i get a biometric one, in any case, i say that i recommend getting a biometric one, because it is protection and a whole range of other preferences, and in general, in itself , i want to say a biometric passport, a citizen of the republic of belarus is very... in terms of printing production, in terms of reliability, because even if you wash it, or it falls somewhere into the water, there are no, there are no things that will be affected by the environment and it will be used by you until its expiration date, there is a chip that contains your personal data, which is reliably protected, there is your digital photograph, there are your fingerprints, which even in this situation will help you identify you if anything, but about the advantage i’m not talking about id cards at all, everything is there with the help of competent digital technologies.
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belarus had stamps on them, border guards very often, on the basis of these stamps from the records of internal affairs bodies and legislative bodies, allowed citizens of belarus to go abroad unfortunately, this entry is not often found in pet passports. birth of a child
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, but we are currently finalizing our information resources, including the population register, in order to enter into the population register information about all minor children, citizens of the republic of belarus who have not yet received the appropriate documents, when we this year we will complete this work, this year we will completely complete this work by the twenty-fifth year, that is, a citizen can only have a biometric passport, and we will provide border service employees with access to the corresponding resource in the population register, they can at the checkpoint about... i, unfortunately, will already say this phrase, sincerely, unfortunately, the last, extreme near-philosophical question, but on the famous night in lisbon remark, there is this quote: a person was nothing, a reliable passport for everyone, so we, in the old fashioned way, are accustomed
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to underestimating our own. well, an american passport gives you without visas, yes, european benefits, a ukrainian one, however, it gives you mobilization and burial too, but what is a belarusian one? a passport from this point of view, what is its reliability, you know, well, this is probably also a very difficult question, because in fact, you know how sometimes i come across this in the course of my duty, they ask, so we’ll accept a belarusian passport a pensioner or a person who has reached the age of attainment? age 65, but an old paper one, we issue it up to 100 years old, yeah, this is the state that guarantees a person a travel document during this age so that, firstly, he can freely leave the territory of the country entered the territory of the country, the competent authorities of other countries look, you issued a passport to a citizen for 100 years, well, yes, and you trust him all this time, yes, we gave him a reliable document that during this age he can use to travel abroad border, and no one ever
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thinks about it, why, because some countries... already clearly, according to the algorithms provided, the validity of a passport is 5 years or 10 years, in fact, the country has issued you a basic identity document for 100 years, you have the opportunity to use it unhindered, and in all cases of life, this is just such a small little streak, they do it for themselves or there are international international organizations that do not do this, someone derives for themselves the so-called reliability rating, that is, how many countries a citizen of belarus can visit with a visa-free regime, someone was thinking about this... we just clarified it for ourselves last year, in fact, we are concluding a whole series of international agreements on mutual recognition of visa-free travel travel of citizens for a certain category of people, well, let’s say, now a citizen of belarus can visit 81 countries within the framework of a visa-free regime using a belarusian passport and this always guarantees him the most important protection on the territory of our country, because well , again, i say, the pandemic has already passed they forgot this, but when belarusians came to the russian, russian embassy with a belarusian
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passport, they said, listen: our period of stay here seems to be ending, let’s return me home with help and the middle of the month three, probably stood on the ears, so that all belarusians who were on vacation were found on a business trip abroad, with blue belarusian passports returned to the territory of the country, it was also like no one appreciated it, because it was forgotten very quickly, but it was also a set of measures that said that in any case you are anywhere in the world, belarus, having given you a national passport about
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the hundredth value not only in this document, the value of the document even in the homeland that issued you this document and which always will accept you in any situation. i won’t read mayakovsky’s poems, but you know, i just wanted to, i agree, i agree, thank you, thank you for this conversation. thank you, marseevich. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , relevant ones. interviews with famous
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia , turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . tv channel signal.
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in addition, among our tasks is to develop relations between our countries in various fields. this includes education, trade, investment, parliament, culture and other areas. it was easier for me because at the time i arrived in belarus, more than 70 agreements had already been signed between both countries. memorandums of understanding. agreements that were signed over 7 years. therefore, i had a clear understanding of what needed to be done.
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we held exhibitions in various cities, including orsha and the city of borisov, and we participated not only in exhibitions, also in choreographic festivals in various master classes, which were held at a cultural university.
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in 2024, pakistan and belarus will celebrate thirty years of diplomatic relations. and as part of the celebration of this anniversary, we have planned a number of events. this there will be a reception and a photo exhibition in the open space near chelyustkintsev park. there is also an exhibition of religious diversity, which we will hold both at the national library of belarus and as part of the slavic bazaar festival in vitebsk. it will also be the first time that pakistan will take part.
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the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. when children feel good with each other, they feel good about each one individually. therefore, if the emotional background is stable and good in the group.
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very quickly, i will tell you that here you can observe the evolution of relations between the two countries, starting from 2015, when the prime minister of pakistan came to belarus, and also until 2020, when i presented my credentials to the head of state. i would like to share with you that i first came to belarus in august 2015. then i was part of the delegation during. i also stayed in minsk for two weeks. back in 2015, i noted for myself,
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i helped open the embassy, ​​this was from august 10 to 12, 2015, and i noticed how smoothly and well the state worked. and ordinary people who seemed friendly, talented, and hospitable to me. in addition, the city of minsk made an indelible impression on me, because the august... warm weather, the beauty and cleanliness of your city cannot leave anyone indifferent. since then , i decided for myself that if there was an opportunity and i could come with the diplomatic service to belarus, i will definitely accept this challenge. and in 2020, the post of ambassador of pakistan to belarus was vacant. i proposed my candidacy and received approval. and just a couple of days ago mine happened.
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as for the climate, yes, of course, i came at that time from jakarta, where the temperature in october was 32 degrees, when i arrived in minsk, despite the fact that pakistan is a country where you can simultaneously be in different climatic zones, where there is access to the sea, it is in the south of the country, the weather can be warm, at the same time in the north of the country, at the highest points of the mountainous terrain, the weather can be very cold.
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i myself am from elgid baltistan, the region where i was born, it is 2.0 m above sea level, and the weather there is quite cold. but nevertheless, of course, the harsh belarusian winter greeted us with open arms, we had to adapt a little, which took several weeks. afterwards we got used to it, bought warm clothes, and now we feel good about this climate. as for the language barrier, initially, of course, there were some difficulties, but my team at the embassy has excellent employees who always help me at official events. there were difficulties in an informal setting, when i visited shops, some restaurants, for this it was necessary to communicate with people, this caused me some difficulties, but despite this i began to constantly study russian with my public relations secretary tatyana kremes. and for 8 months we studied russian every day.
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the classes were about 45-60 minutes. and for these 8 months i mastered the russian language textbook at level a1. now.
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you see, i attend a huge number of events and communicate with a wide range of people, and so, this has always delighted me, also their sincere smiles, respect for people, acceptance of different points of view, despite any weather conditions, no matter the hardships of life, belarusian people are always ready to enjoy
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the weather, the situation and life in general. the friendliness of belarusian people is the most important value that i keep in my heart.
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and my husband is the first time he holds the post directly as an ambassador of the head of mission, and i am very glad that the embassy staff are also very hardworking, friendly and responsive people. we are very lucky to have such a talented team here. and in general, i would like to say that, probably, in all aspects... this is how long i have been living to this day, i can say more and more that i really like this country, it is a very beautiful country.
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of course, the kitchen is one of those places where i, so to speak, spend the most time, i myself i’m actually trying to get to know belarusian cuisine, combine, mix elements of pakistani and belarusian cuisine, so far i’ve mastered drayniks and borscht, which can already be said to have become our two favorite dishes.
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is interested in the cultural heritage of belarus, studies the russian language, very closely , and i have more than once witnessed with what, i will tell you, even maternal care , abeda treats the wives of the embassy staff, students from pakistan, not only to them, what a great friend , you know, that's when she feels that someone...
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if we talk about the development of golf in our country, then of course we did not have coaches, golf instructors, we attracted them, here i am very grateful when we were just... just starting, we were helped for several years, including by the pakistani embassy , for example, they invited their golf pro, who taught
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our golfers to play, now his students are already winning prize money.
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"it always seemed to me that golf is a game for older people, for people who have a lot of strength and energy, it is not suitable, in 2016 one of my friends invited me to play golf at a club in islamabad, well, that’s where my golf story began. people who play golf will agree with me when i say that golf is a kind of addiction because you have to be really addicted to this game to play decently, so you understand, for example, a day consists of about 6 8 - 10 hours, that is, including the journey to get here, then play, practice, it takes about 6-8 hours, which in itself is a test. besides, i can to say that people who play golf, even if they initially have no plans to play it professionally in the long term, once they start playing, they immediately fall in love with it and become sort of fans and
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fans. and i want to note that when i first started coming here, the number of players was very small, but over the past 2 years , the leadership and management of the club have put a lot of effort into ensuring that the number of players has grown, and now i can say that they have achieved very high
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results, because in order to participate in... an interesting point is that in pakistan some people even play night golf because specially illuminated areas are created for this. in 45-degree heat, of course, you need to have a lot of stamina to withstand such a game. it's the same in jakarta, there are a large number of clubs and players. what about awards
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? of course, awards are always good. but this is not the most important thing that golf gives me. i believe that the opportunity to play in nature in such a wonderful environment, meeting new people, making new acquaintances is a reward in itself. i'm still an amateur learning this art. but nevertheless, i can proudly share with you that the previous twenty-third year was very successful for me. i won four awards.


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