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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 4:15pm-4:36pm MSK

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from the crime weapon, another pistol and drugs, he was also prosecuted, as for alexander, he was prosecuted for concealing an instrument for committing a particularly serious crime, that is, under part two of article 405 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus, the sentence entered into legal force, one year of imprisonment with a sentence of 1 year. for the victim daniel, this story ended as well as it could have happened. thanks to the timely assistance of the guy’s doctors he was saved, but due to a traumatic brain injury, he did not remember at all the events that happened to him on that fateful evening. what cannot be said about the other characters in this story, they will probably remember it for a long time. for modern times, this is more the exception than the rule, this is quite common.
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how long have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after... page, greedily tasting every word? of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books, clearly and people's voices can be heard clearly. all that is humanity. accomplished, preserved, as if by
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magic, on the pages of books. by reading, a person goes through centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today our guest is the dean of the faculty of journalism of bsu, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor.
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peace, tranquility, order, this is very important, so i think that we had something to spend the old year, pin hopes on the new one, everyone, i absolutely agree with you, and let’s remember the reception on behalf of the president on the occasion of the old new year and his speech, where alexander lukashenko spoke about the difficult situation in the world, we are walking on thin ice , a careless step and we can drown, let’s listen, the world is on the eve of the most monumental events , once
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hinted a year and six months ago and repeated that we are in such a difficult situation today, something like we are walking on thin ice. a careless step, and we can drown, overturn the state, so this year will be very difficult, in all its events, it should be very noisy, but we must do everything to make it quiet and calm, the facts indicate that the world is turbulent, or will be, none of the powers that be, especially the americans, want this multi-field. they want to rule the whole world, as they did after the collapse of the soviet union. ukraine, the middle east, today is already the border of the atlantic indian ocean, the houthis and
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others are carrying out demonstrative bombings, just for the sake of the upcoming elections in america , i need to show my heroism, how tough i am.
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you need to understand that at the same time they are deputies of both local councils and deputies of the parliament of deputies, but that’s not all, that is , they become members of the all-belarusian people’s assembly, which is also a completely new body for us, it is very important for us now to understand how
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it will work, and it will also be formed these days, that is, spring for belarus is the time for the formation of legislative and representative authorities for the next five years. since our all-belarusian people's assembly is primarily the organ of the people's representative offices, this is a body that will , as it were, coordinate the work and control the work of all other departments, but again, according to the constitution , new ministers will be appointed, perhaps, this will also be with the participation of the formed parliament, the formation of courts, the formation ...
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on the borders with russia with belarus has concentrated more than 360 thousand military contingents in nato countries, both air and tank formations have already been deployed , we see how every year dozens of exercises and mass exercises take place on our borders where it is being practiced, firstly , the interaction of large armed groups from different countries where the transfer is being practiced. across the atlantic ocean, a large amount of new equipment, where
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, to our horror, they are practicing nuclear bombing on important strategic targets, for example, on the same russian st. petersburg, they don’t hide it, that’s the worst thing, you know, alexey viktorovich, i can’t understand , why, i know what you’re talking about, i think bilt wrote german, yes, and there for some reason, there is also the topic that russia will inevitably attack countries. look exactly the opposite after the collapse of the soviet union and russia , the post-soviet countries lay in ruins, it
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was a time when they were simply a prize given to the west, which shamelessly took advantage of it, and breaking its own promises made once relatively recently , someone told gorbachev that nato would not expand one iota to the east; today nato includes the former republics of the soviet union, lithuania.
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then if you continue to scare people all the time and want to be given power and money under this brand, then you are forced to raise the temperature all the time, and for this you need to artificially create frequent.
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we will give us some guarantees of security, we absolutely do not need this ukraine as part of the russian federation, we are ready, we are satisfied with working with it and being friends with it as a sovereign state, just like with everyone else, no, as vladimir putin said , russia has no desire to recreate the soviet union, how strange it is sounded because many citizens in neighboring states may even have somewhat hoped that russia had such aspirations, but it was...
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the states are financing the situation in ukraine in one way or another, and let’s compare the same russian military budget, which the defense of russia, which is spent on actually defending their own areas, after the shelling of belgorod
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, no one has any doubts that russia needs to be defended, and despite all this. there are incomparable numbers, who is the monster here? yes, this is not according to the americans and not according to these same missiles are flying to europeans, they are flying across russia, and they are flying across ukraine, today, when everyone has been pitted against each other in this bloody war, but in reality, of course, who should scare whom here? well, of course, i would like to definitely note that with all its efforts , russia is responding to this you...
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we will discuss his words, we know how to do, we know how to live, but we need to do it efficiently, this is especially important on the information front, where our journalists and experts have to work almost in a combat situation, dear friends, we are almost in a combat situation, we
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don’t have an information war yet, although we often talk about it. we must do everything to prevent it from happening, but there is a fierce confrontation, it always begins everywhere with internal confusion, and this is all accompanied by an information confrontation, and then an information war. i wouldn’t want this process to continue in this direction, it needs to be stopped, so i’m turning to our...


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