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tv   -  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 5:35pm-6:50pm MSK

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igor aleksandrovich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly introduce yourself. time has passed. karbov igor aleksandrovich graduated from minsk state university. medical institute, for more than 40 years i have been working at the department of infectious diseases of the belarusian state medical university, i have been heading the department for 25 years, we have been consulting quite a large number of patients, we are the department’s staff, we teach students , we teach how to treat, and of course the scientific component of the work, i must say that i love my work very much, it is extremely interesting, that ’s probably all of you...
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this was all, of course, there, but in the family this specialty was treated with great pride, as they say now, secondly, you know, i was introduced to the book very early, there were two of my favorite heroes, it was rabinson cruz and gulivers, if you remember, gulivera, he was a ship surgeon, it all worked together somewhere and i really wanted to engage in this specialty very early on, but were you afraid of the actions of doctors, vaccinations, some medications?
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i don’t remember that i was afraid of doctors, and there was nothing terrible, but i remember one case when, while working in the regional center, i was still very small, a nurse came , my grandmother knew her, she greeted her very well, she hands me this is such a yellow jelly, just like i remember candy now, so i swallowed this candy , so she said, it means to my grandmother, i came to vaccinate a child against polymelitis, then they explained to me what p or melit is, when , alas, my generation saw such patients with really severe lesions, that’s how it was , grandma was thinking whether to give me a pill or not, i said, i’ve already swallowed it, i swallowed it like that, that means it’s good, but now you have some fears, you know, the fears of a person who’s not young, they’re a little different , maybe from those fears which happen in youth, in youth, this is fear for health, families for the health of children,
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and finally fear for the country, and this is the desire for everything to turn out very well. let's move on to the red sector, it's on your left. to become better in your profession, is it necessary to study as an excellent student at school and would you be an excellent student? you don’t have to be an excellent student, but your key question is the concept of learning, you need to study, and most importantly, study itself. brought you pleasure, another thing that is extremely important, very i want to say, you need to make friends with a book, there is such a very good aphorism, you know , when you watch tv, you are a spectator, when you read a book, you are a co-author, books should be needed in order to think about them, this is much more important than getting some grades in this regard, well, that’s how it seems. what was your favorite
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and least favorite subject at school? you know, the least favorite subject i had, i had two, so i really didn’t like drawing, i didn’t succeed somehow, and you know , the second subject was singing, we had a very unique teacher, he was very good, he was a young student who was distinguished by the fact that he played the button accordion and sang a song in a woman’s voice my nightingale, all the boys laughed and teased, that’s why he made threes in quarters, well, we don’t like this subject much. this remains, but where are doctors taught to write so illegibly? did you have any course at the institute? no, i have an innate talent for this, the thing is that i still i remember how in the first grade i tried to write the letter c, i couldn’t, the thing is that fate almost played a cruel joke on me, on the exam, on the chemistry exam, well , it was recommended to everyone for applicants, those who take exams , everyone was recommended to write ... be sure to write their answer on paper for
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themselves, so i wrote four pages quickly enough, the questions were not so difficult, and then a representative of the institute took this piece of paper and said: is it really possible to take such people? look how he... writes, i answered, i was given an absolute a, then he somehow tried to comment on this, yes, you know, but it turns out that you know all this well, but then i came out and thought like this, you know, i think that the kidneys almost played a fatal fate in my life , here i have an example of a doctor’s handwriting, could you read it, because i can’t , let’s wait and see, thank you, for your or what, these are priceless doctors, for their work, priceless hero doctors, you know, at first i thought it was basically a frog's handwriting, it's like that wide-legged, big, so i want
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to give you an assistant who clearly knows this language, thank you very much, thank you, next? question from the purple sector, let's turn 180°. hello, my name is christina, what does being a doctor mean to you? this means helping people, working, not helping patients, consulting, i guess that’s how i can define it. why is money in demand in medicine now, even though doctors take the hippocratic oath? the question is of course interesting, as they say, yes, but i want to tell you that we have in our state, money influences. very little for the medical situation, the fact is that, probably, we are one of those states that provide free care to patients, and any level of assistance, this is not a cheap matter, but nevertheless the state goes for it, so of course this the most financial pressure that falls
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on patients is incomparable to what is happening, including among our neighbors. hello, my name is. what do you like about your job and what irritates you? you know, i like the very clinical part of the component opportunity opportunity, you know, to study , because the specialty is extremely broad, a lot of information comes in literally like an avalanche, so it’s interesting to work with, it’s interesting to implement, it’s annoying, annoying, like many, in any case, this is the amount of paperwork, this is the correspondence, this any doctor will tell you. present time at any level, this is a little distracting, in general sometimes very distracting, and i would like there to be less of this, let’s turn 180°, the red sector, when you first did you feel satisfied with your profession? maria, probably in
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the same 1980, we started working as intermittent doctors, and i remember this patient, he was brought in with severe bronchial asthma, he was an elderly man, here... you know, he told me then, that he was very afraid that the young doctor was helping him, he was in a rather serious condition, but you know, i managed to help him quickly enough, i remember his smile, and of course this was very memorable to me, that’s when we felt that we could do something, that’s how it was with each of us who started this work at one time, and what do people get sick with most often ? i want to tell you that this is usually an acute respiratory viral infection? infections, now is the season, a lot of people really suffer from these diseases, and what viruses are the worst? you know, there are such viruses, they exist, well , for example in africa, there are viruses that cause severe diseases, these
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diseases are dangerous, but everything is done at all levels, including at the international level at the level of our country, there is such a special epidemiology...
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which arrived many, many, many years ago, but we had to help them, provide assistance to them, and you know, we dealt with this very successfully, but i have seen leprosy in my life . i saw japanese encephalitis, i saw many exotic helminthiases, but this was no longer in the republic of belarus. how has the emergence of the new coronavirus infection affected your work? the fact is that you know, this situation with coronavirus infection, it’s called pandemic. this means that the incidence covers a very large contingent of patients , all in almost many countries, in different age groups. and accordingly, this greatly affects not only our specialty, we had to be
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in the lead here and be the first to teach our colleagues how to work, because doctors of all practical specialties actually took part in this work, these were surgeons, these were orthopedic doctors , such a huge responsibility fell on the emergency physicians who received the most... the most difficult patients, and one can only be proud, as they say, to take off one’s hat to their work, courageous, competent, with a great general desire to provide help, to our citizens, in this case, of course, it changed, it became the focus , over several years. the next question is on your right, this is the yellow sector. igor alexandrovich, please tell me, have you ever been vaccinated against coronavirus? yes yes yes. i’ll tell you, even more than that, i recently had it done, and
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almost my whole family was vaccinated, the eldest generation, so necessarily , how do you feel about anti-vaxxers, do you think that because of them, diseases that humanity has long defeated may return, how i feel, i have a negative attitude, i would like to answer your question absolutely specifically, you know , there were such episodes, they happen periodically, unfortunately they happen periodically.
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approximately several tens of thousands of patients in the territory of the former soviet union with quite serious mortality, this was such an example, the second example - i don’t want to name the time and country of some of our neighbors when work on vaccinations was weakened. i spoke against corey then there with a presentation, my relationship with my colleagues was excellent, you know, i was stopped in the middle of the speech, it wasn’t about his core at that moment they asked how much you have in the republic of belarus, well, i named this figure, figure was very, very small, the audience gasped, because they had tens of thousands of cases of this disease, in fact it was like that, so you know, to anti-vaxxers...
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a huge amount of work by government agencies, diplomats, and production workers in order to set it all up, it was all set up in the shortest possible time, but the question is different, now it is expedient, of course, to have the production capacity, which in case if such a situation arises, they will be able to provide their population with vaccines. movies often show how a super virus kills people, tell me, is it
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possible, you know, if they don’t show all sorts of things in hollywood somewhere else? horror films, who will watch this, but sometimes humanity falls for this, the director knows this, so of course here he invents not only super viruses, but also superheroes, a super alien who comes here, that’s why we probably won’t create this situation turn into... armageddon, but let's just understand that we may have some kind of virus, like covid, for example, coming here, we need to be as prepared as possible for this, probably,
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tell me, please, what do you think, love is this a virus that cannot be cured, or is there a vaccine? you know, she doesn’t need such a vaccine, love is a wonderful feeling, and there’s no need to get vaccinated against it, it’s really a great happiness, why avoid it? and... do you remember when you first became infected with this virus, do you remember your first love? i remember, in the first grade i really liked my classmate, so i found it on the street, probably, or someone threw it away or someone lost it, you know, uh, amazing in its beauty - a ring that was woven from telephone wires of different colors, red, yellow, uh,
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blue, so i solemnly gave it to her, i think she was happy, uh. this was the story of how you met your wife, was it love at first sight? you know, practically yes, uh, one of the teachers who taught the senior students brought this group to my department, left it for me for an hour, that’s how it all happened, so you see how, everything happened in working order, as it were, well, it turned out to be love for... life, how do you distribute responsibilities around the house with your wife? you know, we somehow don’t bother in this regard, the fact is that my wife is a doctor, she’s a cardiologist, she’s very happy with her profession, she works a lot as a cardiologist, so somehow we share this load, between mine i usually
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have time to go shopping or go on some trips, so she cooks more, she says that when she, for example, uses... the vacuum cleaner, her nervousness calms down system, so somehow we are working on nothing, turning 180°, red sector, please tell us the recipe for family longevity, how to live a long happy family life, you know, firstly, it is necessary to marry for love, then it’s time to understand what kind of person is next to you, who you choose, sometimes my wife and i are different people in some emotional sense, in many other ways, but here it is very important, if there is a common direction, then we agree on many values ​​are exactly the same, well now we’ve been together for more than 40 years and somehow we’re not tired of each other, probably this is the most important thing, to understand who is next to you, to understand that
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this person will pass by your side all your life. did any of your children continue your work and go into medicine? well, my daughter graduated from medical university, my son is a programmer, are you happy about this or disappointed? you know, i’m probably neither happy nor sad, that’s because children build their own destiny, the main thing is that everything suits them, that they are happy, that’s the feeling of happiness, so that they don’t deceive themselves, so that it definitely exists, this is the main thing for me, a question from the purple sector, this is to your right, hello! my name is daria, how many grandchildren do you have? i have four, the eldest girl, here are three boys, and maybe they also have some medical mysteries, inclinations? well, one of the grandsons , whose dad is a programmer, he has a set that he chose himself, the doctor puts on a doctor’s robe, so
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he starts playing, but he warns me, i want to be... programmers like dad, what happens, we’ll see, but how you usually spend time with your grandchildren, chlyuskinets park, gorky park, many other entertainments, nowadays, we use these children’s spaces quite often, they are happy, i really like to read to children, and what will happen if you turn off your phone for the whole day, you know, honestly and frankly, i didn’t even try it on vacation, but what a big plus it is. in fact, for every person, this must be understood; if a person is in demand, that’s good. hello, igor alexandrovich, what does patriotism mean to you? actually in fact, patriotism, it can be different, you need
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to find out, choose the most important direction in which a person works in some generally difficult situation and does his job. sometimes you have to, as they say, grit your teeth, because it’s difficult, the work that is necessary is absolutely correct. it also happens, well, treat your work honestly, this is another very important aspect, i also want to say that you need to know, in general , the history of your country, be interested in it, be interested in assessing completely objectively how much has been done so far time, now, if you compare what was then when i was studying and what is now, this is what the republic of belarus has become, the difference is huge, my generation understands this well, the next question: from the red sector, this is to your left, and you we were thinking about a pension , as you imagine it, everyone is already a pensioner , that’s how i imagine it, i’m basically
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a working pensioner, uh, i want to say that there’s nothing wrong with a pension, the main thing is that you have enough health, so you can work continue in different positions, in different hypostases, all this is extremely interesting, but in this regard it is impossible... it looks like, now we are in the period of flu and colds, covid has taught us to wear masks, do you think it is necessary to do this now
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, it depends on the situation, as the world health organization writes , if there is a sick person somewhere near you, then in this regard it is not a sin for him and healthy people to wear a mask, this is the first thing, and secondly, always when talking about covid... the audience is slobbered from top to bottom, then such a mask, of course it’s better to avoid it actually, you need to wear a mask, it needs to be changed periodically, then in general it can
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serve to a certain extent as a protective agent. what kind of flu is expected this year, is it worth getting vaccinated? it’s worth getting vaccinated and it’s worth strongly recommending it to adults, and if you have a grandparent at home , then you just need to talk to them. so that they definitely get this vaccination, because this is again the same risk group for these viral respiratory infections, so the vaccination protects against the disease quite well and the most the main thing is that it occurs in a severe form. please tell me, should we be afraid of a new wave of coronavirus, or do our doctors already know what to do about it? our doctors know very well what to do about this... the right thing to do is not to be afraid, this is an unnecessary word, this is an unnecessary approach to any problem, belarusian
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medicine has sufficient experience, there are now many different options, including antiviral treatment, they have appeared, they own this, they have it all, if you had such an opportunity, what kind of politician, a very influential country, would speak the fact is that one of the very large ones said that so much money will be invested in the problem of developing a vaccine against hiv infection, that the vaccine will appear in 10 years, you know what year he said this, 1990. now it’s 2024, so here requires a very reasonable approach in itself, on your right is a question from the black sector. have you ever thought that your
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profession was losing its meaning? sooner or later , humanity is always very interested in infectious diseases, you know, these are the waves, covid is over, that’s it realized that this infection exists very well, that in our country this profession related to infectious diseases, they were not eliminated, they were not eliminated, they remained, because then it begins very...
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always, because i have already mentioned an example with microorganisms, how they developed , how evolutionary they are, so as we develop medicine, healthcare, as long as our peers live, and we would like longer, there will be necessarily problems associated with infectology, this topic is inexhaustible in itself, what is important for you in raising children? children should have an interest , that’s right, they should definitely be interested in something, be passionate about something, my daughter had a very broad outlook, she worked a lot, my son, he became a little later, so to speak, a calmer guy, so and one day he and i went to the book market, we then went every sunday to the book market, suddenly he comes up and asks for a book very
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programming, i have it straight... did you make mistakes when treating them? you know, probably yes, this has also happened , sometimes you want to redo your work, the doctor does not have the right to do this, that’s why the right to make mistakes in our specialty is very expensive, so if now i ask you a very, very adult question, it it can be very difficult to answer what is more important: knowledge or experience, you know, can i
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give you an answer now from the position of my age? this is where all the conversations that started from the first questions come from, it is necessary to study, it is necessary enjoy studying, because when they say that there is a mistake and so on, you learn from mistakes, but you need to avoid these very mistakes, inaccuracies as much as possible, so that they do not appear in your work, and for this you need to be very - to know a lot and spare no effort in studying, you must be able to learn. did you go through a difficult period in your career? yes, there was a difficult period in my career. if not a secret, then what? well, you know, there’s no special secret. at the very beginning of the nineties, at the end of the eighties, it was very difficult, because salaries fell then, during this period, it’s impossible, low.
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we all tried in some way, or... i wouldn’t want to, so i wouldn’t change anything, everything that has been lived, lived through, all the difficulties that have been overcome, probably, there’s no need to change fate like that , some conclusions need to be drawn, well, by and large, i wouldn’t change anything, this signal means that the time for asking questions to the hero has expired. igor alexandrovich, now you
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have to choose. the best question of this program, you know, is the question about the excellent student, which was asked at the very beginning, which formed the basis for a number of my further answers. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest , you know, a wise owl lives here, so that she will always help you make wise decisions, thank you very much, well , dear colleagues, i have one small souvenir that i want . put on in the studio, you know, this is a new year's angel, so we were talking about literature and then a yellow angel quietly jumped from an extinct tree, but so that in our life, in your life always was definitely at the right moment
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such an angel appeared, it could be a mother, it could be a good doctor, but it’s better still parents, here’s a good teacher, so i leave this with you as a symbol, you are dealing with children, let stays here. purely symbolically, applause, thank you very much, very nice. igor alexandrovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your questions. i will ask one question to everyone at once. tell me please, do you have a dream? i have a dream of becoming a great artist because i i'm learning to draw. i am promoting this cause. my dream is to complete all 11 grades with excellent marks and enter a prestigious college to become a doctor.
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igor alexandrovich, tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? well, probably the damned hippocrates, these are questions related to the virus of love.
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answers to all questions, he answered frankly, he went into a lot of detail, even about his personal life, so it was very attractive and it was clear that he was sincere in all aspects. igor alexandrovich responded to each question is as detailed as possible, and also a person who works with people’s health, he cannot lie about it. who thinks that our guest was cunning and did not finish speaking, raise your hand.
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question for an adult, see you in a week, dear participants of the program, today we are visiting the honored artist of the republic of belarus, singer jeanette, how is the popularity of an artist measured in belarus? you never wanted to go abroad, what’s good about being famous, tell me what kind of belarusian viewer he is, what kind of does singing benefit society? have
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you ever had any periods in your life when you had nothing to wear and nothing to buy? do you think you are a good mother? 100 questions for an adult? you can fall in love, as much as you can give up. hello, my name is daria, and what was the most unpleasant thing during the covid pandemic, when you lose a patient, these moments, of course, had a very negative effect on the perception of the situation, finally on the psyche, so the doctors and...
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very well, in in particular they are leaving
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accordingly, they adapt very immune, this happens quite often , this is their way of existence, well-developed by nature, this is where the word mutation comes from, you received the title of people's doctor, and what is it like to be them, i am very grateful that the word people's was heard at all for the simple reason that my colleagues provided all the help. to all patients, mind you, regardless of age, regardless of any situation, we tried to reach out to everyone, hence this is generally a good positive word, very appreciated, i want to say that when i was awarded this title, i said, the most important thing is what i feel now, i have nothing to add, this is a title that we all share among ourselves, those who worked at that time, therefore our medicine, in general , after all this has become folk medicine, how
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effective is traditional medicine? traditional medicine must be treated with respect. the fact is that there was just a question due to lack of money once upon a time, for the generation of our grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers, in that period, it was not, they only had these folk remedies, they have been tested, tested by entire generations, but they are not as effective as those medicinal ones. those that are currently given to patients, including those with an infectious
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disease, came to us as a continuation of the experience that traditional doctors, namely healers, received, at that time, i will give one example, the two most popular drugs against maleria at present , they came out of traditional medicine, they were simply strengthened, received, and purified with modern technologies. and these medicines work in currently in classical medicine it is very very successful. the purple sector is ready to ask a question, it’s on the right. when was the last time you were sick and why? oh, and you know, i suffered from covid twice, well, i was probably treated for this, i was in our hospital in the infectious diseases ward, but there was nothing serious, so how do you improve? the state of your immunity, with your permission
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i will rephrase your question, how to increase it, you know, the sun, air and water, this is absolutely true, these are our best friends, this is a good walk, somewhere you like age, exercise, walk, fresh air, swimming, but this is something that strengthens the immune system much better than different types of pills, believe me, it’s very... hello, my name is polina, what should i do if i can’t make an accurate diagnosis? first of all, again, i want to refer you to the question that was about excellent students, studies, you know, first of all, it’s to have a team, you see, that is, when one failed, it means to have a team
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that can raise a good medical literature to find a solution for a given patient and further it... to examine it in the right direction, time has changed, and sometimes it’s just collective work like this, which most often leads to success. please tell me, it is mandatory to wash your hands, it is mandatory to wash your hands, cleanliness is the key to health, this must be done. how many times a day do you do this? the fact is that a doctor who goes to see a difficult patient. who is, for example, in the intensive care unit and any medical worker who approaches and touches him, touches his bed linen, regarding equipment, you need to strictly follow the rules of hygiene, sometimes you have to do this many times even in one hour, this is correct and this is
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a mandatory program, if you had not become a doctor, what else would you do? i don’t know, you know, maybe
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... i have a positive attitude towards people’s wealth, this is a good thing, well, i have enough money, maybe, if i name it, my salary is not that big, but it is quite sufficient for, in general - to live normally, and somehow i have more plans in this regard no, you know, there was one very interesting writer, his name was eric kästner, and he said, he wrote a wonderful phrase: money is very important, maybe the most important thing, but only from... secondary things, that’s when parents will start answering this question , they will talk about your health, this is really the most important thing for them, so that you succeed, so that their plans for your brothers and sisters come true, so that no one gets sick around, so that the country lives peacefully, look, even money is not included in five
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here are the main problems that i immediately named, they will name you much more, and sometimes you simply won’t hear. happens when a person changes something to would you like to work abroad? there’s always something, you have to sacrifice something, well, for example, i wasn’t ready to sacrifice very much in order to... leave somewhere, for me this issue ended very quickly, so i didn’t try to leave . a question from the black sector, it's on your right. is it important for you to be the first and the best in your profession? a very serious question
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important, so you put yourself in my place, here i am, as it were, leading a team that must teach. students, to raise graduate students in general, if someone is better than me in something, what do you think, we should be happy or sad in this regard, so it all depends on the work, and so that the next generation, you know, leaving behind, this bare field, this is in no way wrong, it is necessary that future generations have someone to learn from, so you know, i treat this issue without jealousy.
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do patients often treat you to sweets, for example, sweets, sweets or chocolate , not so often, rarely, but do you take them, i don’t really like sweets, if i must say so, honestly and frankly, here, but, sometimes, not only i, and the nurses, first of all, they accept these very chocolates, because often and most often, older people do this, they refuse an elderly person, even if he... excuse me, he brought a sandwich that you didn’t you will eat, sometimes this happens, this is a desire to thank, you just need
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to treat age with understanding, in this case, of course, you won’t run after him and won’t shove this chocolate bar back, you shouldn’t offend people, and if i tell you right now, you will accept, well, of course, only if there is more this is the very condition that you will notice and you, souvenir, thank you, keep it, here, here, here, here. this is for you, the most important thing, look, there is a very big life lesson there, with what spoon you should eat sweets, it’s good that it does not harm.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, do not switch, stop removed, our everyday task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different to to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day. because we are making belarus closer. on the air of the program "sas"
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is authorized to declare. i am its presenter nadezhda sas, i greet you. let me remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country. and each of us. in today's program we will talk about the conflict that worries many people in the red sea, but first about we will tell you the key events in world politics this week in our digest. the current vice president of taiwan, the leader of the ruling democratic progressive party , qingde, who advocates the independence of the island, won the presidential election. his victory was confirmed by the election commission. shortly before this, the main rival of cnd. the chinese conservative
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guomendang party received 33.4% of the vote. observers agree that the results of the presidential elections and the new parliament in taiwan will predetermine beijing's decision. is it worth it launch a military invasion of the island, which the prc authorities consider their sovereign territory. the contender for the presidency of taiwan from the kuomintang party, houyou, previously directly stated that on january 13, the people of taiwan will make a choice between war and peace. he is sure to prevent it. a full-scale military conflict is possible only by strengthening relations with beijing. former us president donald trump received the most votes in iowa in the party primaries. this was reported by the washington post on january 16, citing exit poll data. on by the time more than 95% of the ballots are counted, trump wins 51% of the vote. in second place is ron
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disantis, with 21.3 percent , followed by niki haley, with 19.1 percent. after confirmation of the results, the fourth contender, vivik ramaswamy, announced the end of the presidential campaign, according to a source from bloomberg plans to announce his support for trump. trump won 98 of the state's 99 counties. in 2016, he was only able to secure a majority of 37 votes. the next round of republican primaries will take place in new hampshire on january 23. according to study, 69% of republican supporters said they intend to vote for trump in the primary. on january 16, president of belarus alexander lukashenko held a meeting of the security council, which was devoted to the consideration of two most important strategic planning documents: the draft national security concept and the military doctrine of belarus. key
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directions for transforming modern challenge risks. and threats in the field of national security are set out in some detail in the concept and military doctrine - stated head of state, and many of the assessments and forecasts contained there are already coming true, the belarusian leader noted. as an example, the president cited the situation in the middle east. we talk a lot and often about ukraine in the program, and this can be understood given the significance of the events taking place there, but the contours of the future are determined not only there, not only. in europe as a whole, and i would like to quote pyotr arkadyevich stalypin on this matter. our eagle is a heritage of byzantium, a two-headed eagle. of course, strong powerful and single-headed eagles, but cutting off our russian eagle’s one head facing the east, you will not turn it into a single-headed eagle, you will only make it bleed. neither russia nor belarus can ignore
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the processes in the middle east, where wars are also flaring up. where the situation is being pushed towards a nuclear clash, we will talk about this in today’s program. i am glad to welcome vadim gigin, general director of the national library of belarus, chairman of the board of the belarusian society, to our studio knowledge. hello hello. i am glad to welcome to our studio vladimir kireev, head of the analytical department of the international eurasian movement, political scientist. hello. hello. by tradition, we begin our conversation with a quick question. with the participation of iran and the united states , should we expect a major conflict in the near future ? well, depending on what we mean by the near future, that is, we see how the confrontation between the united states and iran is growing, but i think both sides, it is important to emphasize that both the united states and iran they are trying to avoid this conflict, it is now not beneficial to either one or the other , well, in short, the united states has a very difficult internal political
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situation, and this conflict will not be easy for america; bringing the extremely unpredictable united states to iran with the entire collective west can also have consequences. vladimir konstantinovich, please. russia, iran and the united states are part of their own political ecosystems that exist. constant relations, and the united states, entering into a conflict with iran, with iran, at the moment the conflict is not yet direct, it is a conflict with
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proxy structures of iran and nevertheless. are in many ways doomed to enter into direct conflict, because the united states is in conflict, not even with iran itself, but with this entire ecosystem with which iran is connected today, which also includes... russia, and china, and a number of other countries, and since the relations between these blocs are truly antagonistic, antagonistic at the fundamental level, it is practically impossible to avoid a collision, of course, not in the short term, but in the medium term. i am glad to welcome you to our program of political scientist and orientalist karine gevorgyan. dear karine, i greet you. hello. there is an opinion that israel and its lobbyists in the united states of america. are interested in dragging iran into the conflict in order to deal with it once and for all. how much do you agree with this, with this opinion? let 's talk about this in a little more detail, please.
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indeed, israel, the israeli lobby, the british lobby in the united states, would very much like to pull the united states in like a fist, that is, to take someone like that. golem without a head, but powerful, and hammering iran with his fists, it is unlikely that they will succeed from my point of view, because i remember the long-ago pentagon report, and the report is, in my opinion, 2009, they considered what was necessary in order to to bring iran to its knees, that is, to achieve a result so that iran does not arise again, to try with its sovereignty in general.
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the united states, every day , despite the fact that it receives weapons from military transport planes, they fly to baku and bring weapons there, it is an open secret that border of azerbaijan and iran on the territory of post-soviet azerbaijan in zangelan, two, in my opinion, well, maybe more, but such israeli support bases already exist, this is a fact, and here i am.
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equal sovereign with azerbaijan , so this is important, but as for the iranians , i will remind you that it is there that the main concentration of the armed forces of the iranian troops, on the border with azerbaijan with armenia, 1000 military personnel, excellent weapons, installations with ballistic cruise missiles and 4000 fighters. to the sire of the guard corps islamic revolution, they are waiting for a blow from there , they have been waiting for a long time, they have equipped it very well, that is, if there is an attempt to carry out military operations, new military operations in the transcaucasus,
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then iran will not even need to cross the border, because iran will be able to remotely stop these military actions condition, as i imagine, although i am not a military expert, as far as that is concerned. therefore, i think it’s just a low probability that everything is possible in this raging world, but i assess precisely the direct and even indirect
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clash between iran and the united states states, as unlikely at present. moreover, these strikes that iran carried out were carried out directly and very early on erbil here. we must understand that on the territory of northern kurdistan there are three turkish bases, there are american bases, and in fact iranians. it is the turkish bases that are most annoying, because the americans have long ceased to worry about them, the position of israel, which is very strong, is in northern kurdistan, for your viewers i’ll just say that there are two kurdistans in iraq, they fought terribly with each other twice , very seriously, they are completely opposite to each other, and southern kurdistan, if i can put it that way with the capital sulaymaniyah, it is really... completely pro-iranian, and it
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was controlled by the talabani clan, here is pavel talabani, just very pro-iranian, such a kurdish politician, here is the barzani clan, which controls northern kurdistan with the capital of verbili, it is pro-turkish and pro-israeli. by the way, regarding turkey and israel, despite erdogan’s menacing statements, you already don’t care about palestine, a terrible scolding. we have already verbally played for three nuclear wars with each other, but nevertheless, trade turnover between israel and turkey has tripled by leaps and bounds, dear, please stay with us, also, if possible, vadim frantsivich, that’s how much tehran controls their so-called proxies in other countries of the region, can the same houthis or hezbollah embark on a serious escalation?
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hamas is still a sunni group, but nevertheless, iran’s influence is very great in the region and, look how the policy of the united states failed, they set one of the goals of their reduction.
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iran on the bashar-assad regime, the syrian government, but there we know that it is balanced by russia, which also has a very strong position, of course iran’s influence on yemen, but such a primitive idea. iran has strengthened its position in afghanistan, of course, so we must understand that this is some kind of confederation of different groups, with their own interests, with their leaders, with their own history, as if the leader of which... iran, such a certain one arose
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subregion, i would call it that, under the influence of iran, and we must not forget the growth of iran in iraq itself, because for the americans this is horror, they planned to put iraq under complete control, but we see how tehran’s influence is growing in this region as a whole, but i say again, to simplize and say that tehran was given a command, they began to carry it out, this is not happening, let ’s be clear,
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maybe one of the biggest political problems for saudi arabia, along with the contradictions within the family itself, is big part of the ruling family, most of the population of iraq are shiites, there are also different groups; baghdad, for example, is divided , here you have these groups listed ; again, syria, the majority of the population are sunnis. but allawites, shiites and christians also united around bashar-assad, that is, those ethnic groups that, in the event of a victory by the islamic state or, in principle , the islamists, would simply be subject to total destruction. lebanon is traditionally split along religious lines, it is laid down in the constitution, so you know, it has not been held in lebanon since thirty second year population census, and why? because the alignment of ethnic groups, political, in which only a christian, a maronite can be president
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, only a sunni can be a prime minister, only a shiite can be the head of parliament, their deputy there is divided among orthodox christians, so this was recorded at the time of the thirties, since then the census has not is being carried out in order... not to shift this balance, plus palestinian refugees, in fact, this is such a thin tangle of contradictions that has developed not only for years, centuries in a region with its own history, when the americans got in there, they not only stirred up this tangle of interests, but they led to such a growing explosion, and what we are now seeing is a crisis of the entire american strategy in the middle east, which assumed that their leadership provided from...
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that the united states was creating a system of control over the middle east, the greater middle east, we are talking about the planning horizon, which was carried out at the beginning of the 2000s, even partly at the beginning of in the late nineties, this is a plan for the redevelopment of the greater middle east with the segmentation of large states,
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a focus on sects, a focus on radical groups, in order to make this area chaotic and control these chaotic groups, there was also an idea, by the way, to create a large kurdistan and the dissolution of iraq , turkey and this is iran, they had such big plans, they are almost completely buried, the united states has de facto left iraq and afghanistan and is present there very symbolically, well, situationally, to talk about that the palestinian-israeli conflict was beneficial to the united states, i think this is wrong, most likely it was a terrible dream for them, what happened, why they got involved in this process is also quite understandable, because there is a very big influence. ethnic jewish groups who are neocon to a very large extent, there is a large consensus in the american political community, not in society, in the political community, that israel is an old and long-term partner the united states, so they joined quite uncompromisingly contrary to their goals, another question is that in the region itself
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there is an independent process, and this process is formation, there are macroblocks at the planetary level, there are microblocks at the regional level at... the regional level is quite obvious that the sunni majority has always dominated this region, and the shiites have always been small, isolated groups, humiliated and insulted by and large, american foreign policy, it broke all these alliances, alliances created the conditions, naturally with very great creativity of iranian foreign policy, different groups acted there, but they acted quite effectively, they managed to create... from very disparate shiite groups, here vadim frantsov, vadim frantsovich said that the zeidis are from yemen , they are so different from the iranian shiites, but we will say that the allawites from syria recognized them as full-fledged shiites just a few years ago at a spiritual council in iran, and this
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recognition is political, they have not been around for hundreds of years recognized as normal shiites, and there will also be ismailis, and various groups of turkish shiites, and... the druze, who are not considered muslims at all, well, are not considered muslims by many, but these are all disparate groups, they suddenly began to unite, because they saw a historical chance for themselves to increase their political weight in their regions, and their orientation towards iran is very significant, because this is a resource dependence, not ideological, it is a resource dependence, now they act as a single the whole, in many ways, yes, they have different views inside, but the logic... of survival dictates that they work closely with each other, and this is not a matter of beliefs, it is a matter of strategic play, when they are surrounded by enemies, their only one. the chance to win to unite and unite, of course, not with each other, with iran, therefore, yes, the united
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states is losing control of the situation, they are not playing the game now, they are only responding, they have a reactive position, some country has an active position, according to iran has everything, these groups, yes, they are interested in conflict, but they act in very concerted manner with iran, iran quite possibly acts in concert with someone else, with some other countries, and does not make a decision alone, but... however, the united states in this situation is in region by reactive force, they only respond. and with your permission , let us remind you of the war in the red sea, which is happening off the coast of yemen in our short story, we are watching together. on january 15 , an american ship was hit by a missile off the coast of yemen. the shell hit the left side of the cargo ship, which managed to stay on afloat, but the impact led to a fire in the hold. the emergency occurred around...
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the yemen tv channel claims. the yemin and houthi armed forces consider all american and british warships and vessels involved in aggression against our country as hostile targets. we confirm that a response to the us and uk attacks is inevitable and that any new one. will not go unpunished. the container ship continued along the route. the ship's crew reported no casualties or significant damage. let me remind you that in mid-november the shiite paramilitary the ansar allan movement, ruling in the north of yemen , began to attack israeli-linked ships in the red sea as a sign of support for the palestinians in the gaza strip. this had a negative impact on trade, and maritime transport through the shutsky canal decreased sharply. global trade volumes due to attack.
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the conflict flared up instantly, the united states announced a military operation to protect shipping in the region. washington was supported by 10 other countries on this issue. on friday night , the states and the uk launched an operation against the ansar allah movement. we have made it clear how and many other countries. that the houthis' actions will have consequences. we have also repeatedly tried to make it clear to iran that we support.


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