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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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i am very open-hearted, very friendly and very responsive people who are always ready to help. watch in the project glance at belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good evening, live broadcast of panorama, studio ekaterina tyahomirova and about the main events of this saturday. the price of a great victory is our common pain. we will preserve our civilization. we are the heirs of the victors, we oppose the ideology of nazism. using quotes, we will analyze the main theme of this day and remember the feat of besieged leningrad. sign of escalation, usa plan to place nuclear weapons on the uk base, and again it has no equal. for the second year in a row, aryna sabalenka wins the australian open. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. common history and common memory of alexander lukashenko’s visit to russia exactly 80 years ago, complete withdrawal of benefits. decision not
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to invite representatives from the osce to observe the elections of deputies. in turn, representatives of the commonwealth have already begun an observation mission in the panorama section, let’s summarize this week. several months of testing, castings, chairs, after all, eight live broadcasts. the winner of the third season of the show went through this path. daniil savenya. we'll find out the details very soon in the panorama. young patriots from the gomel region temporarily turned into cadets at a military academy. at the belaya luzha training ground in the marisovsky district, they undergo combat, combat, and psychological training. our team, as always, rises to the challenge. preserving the truth about the great patriotic war is the most important question that time poses to us. about this. complete
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liberation of leningrad from fascist rule blockades this happened exactly on january 27th. alexander lukashenko, together with his russian colleague, took part in the opening ceremony of the memorial complex in memory of the peaceful soviet residents, victims of the nazi genocide during the great patriotic war. in front of those gathered for a lot. state council of the union state. in the meantime , the main points of the day are in the report by natalia breus. the siege of leningrad by the nazi
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invaders lasted almost 900 days, a terrible time surrounded by the enemy, which cannot be forgotten: bombings, merciless cold and terrible hunger, 125 g of the treasured bread with fire and blood in half. the tragedy, according to various sources, claimed the lives of from 600,000 to one and a half million people; 80 years later, the memories of witnesses to that nightmare give me goosebumps. arkady in '42, together with the little ones...
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more evidence about genocide during the great patriotic war is possible. this is about besieged leningrad, about burned belarusian villages, about death camps. what they do and for... life has passed. the siege survivors themselves often say about the liberation of the city: this is leningrad victory day. those who persevere held the siege of the enemy, every day , alas, time becomes less and less. thousands of blockade survivors lived in belarus, today only about two hundred. this is our common history and memory;
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it is symbolic that alexander lukashenko also flies to st. petersburg on this important day. but this year we will have a landmark date: the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, the country is preparing for an important event, certainly no less than the people of st. petersburg. here, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade , they decided to solemnly open a memorial complex to peaceful citizens of the soviet union, those who died in the great patriotic war. alexander lukashenko is traveling to a unique place that has immortalized the memory of millions of innocent people. by the way, he travels with putin, the russian president picks up a colleague in an aurus, and politicians appear together at the ceremony. vladimir putin arrived in his native st. petersburg the day before.
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it is important for alexander lukashenko to be here at such sacred moments for our peoples, on the day of the complete lifting of the blockade, willy-nilly, we are immersed in the feeling of people who had to endure hell on earth. even after 80 years, the memory of these events makes us shrink from our hearts, again experience the bitterness of losses and the joy of liberation, and the incredible intensity of the struggle for life for our victory. the price of the great victory is our common pain, common to all peoples sentenced to death by hitler's germany. belarusians feel it like no one else. this pain is cast in bronze and carved into stones, on thousands of mass graves of unknown soldiers, in places of mass executions, civilians and selfless exploits
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of red army soldiers, partisans, underground fighters, from moscow to brest and berlin. every. such monument, witness, accuser and judge, each monument is irrefutable proof of the genocide of the soviet people, it is a sentence forever, no matter how someone wants it, it is to them, all the peaceful citizens of the soviet union, whose lives were taken by the moloch of the nazi genocide, that the memorial we open.
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hitler and the ss men are using terror against all undesirables, barbaric shelling of peaceful towns and villages continues, killings of old people, women, and children. in a number of european countries , russophobia is promoted as a state policy. we will do everything, everything to stop and completely eradicate nazism. the followers of the nazi sticks, no matter what they call themselves today, are doomed. and nothing can stop the desire of millions of people, not only in our country, but throughout the planet, for
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true freedom, for justice, peace and security. happy memory to everyone, to all those who died, glory to the soviet soldier. crushed nazism. who would have thought that eight decades later we would have to stand in defense of the truth, as we once did in defense of our great fatherland. attempts to rewrite stories.
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it is important for us belarusians that this mournful monument will preserve a piece of our
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wounded soul, the memory of the tragedy of our people. you know, dear friends , let's be honest, here, in vast russia and belarus, there are thousands, thousands of monuments, the vast majority of these monuments to those honored heroes, red army soldiers, partisans, people who then defended their land with weapons, and how... then we, perhaps not entirely intentionally, did not forget, but did not pay that tribute to our rear troops, those who performed a feat in the rear, we talked a lot about this, but most of the monuments are to those who defended with weapons...
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what may have been missed in soviet times, to you, vladimir vladimirovich, to the entire russian people, to all those who took part in for the creation of this monument, many thanks, thanks to the leadership of the leningrad region, the russian military historical society, and the team of authors. thank you from all the long-suffering belarusian people.
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we cannot change the past, but we can protect the future. let this memorial protects our common historical memory, the brotherhood of peoples and the strength of the indestructible unity of nations that united in the fight against world evil and won. its very important for us today , peace, good luck to you all. in memory of the victims of the nazi genocide , an eternal flame was lit in the memorial complex; the presidents laid flowers at a heartfelt moment.
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our country, our city was visited by the president of the republic of belarus, here are our two leaders, the president of russia and the president of the republic of belarus, defending the historical. the truth and not just the historical truth, but those of ours spiritual values ​​that were laid down by our ancestors, which give us the opportunity to preserve our history, our language, our culture, to raise children correctly and to be independent, here are two leaders, today they save not only our countries, they save
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the whole world, which wants to live independently , just world. the memorial to the victims of the fascist genocide is visible. from afar , on the top of stella, looking up into the sky, a female figure presses the frightened children, like a mother in her homeland in mortal danger, but ready to protect her children to the last. idea approved by leningrad veterans and former concentration camp prisoners. the authors of the monument project were sculptor andrei korobtsov and architect konstantin fomin, their tandem worked on the soviet soldier in varzhevo. yes, right here. “the bas-reliefs of the monument tell unimaginable stories, the stories of real people who experienced the horrors of the hard times of war, a baby burned alive in the belogorod region, a village shot in the smolensk region, teenagers who died in concentration camps in karelia, the result was a poignant monument to the perseverance and courage of the entire soviet people. decision
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leaders visiting the new memorial complex together did not surprise anyone, if you remember, then... and several years ago politicians together opened the rzhev memorial to a soviet soldier, and for alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin, historical justice and truth are a matter of honor and a duty to the millions of victims fascist aggression. more than half of the almost 27 million people our country lost during the great patriotic war were civilians who were killed at home, who died. camps who died from hunger, from bombing, from all that is called deliberate destruction, genocide of soviet civilians, only here 80,000 civilians were tortured, only in gaccina, and today such an expressive
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silence of the memorial peskorevsky cemetery and... the living family memory of several generations of leningraders, petersburgers, will not allow in the world to forget about this terrible tragedy, about this terrible crime of the nazis. together alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin go to the gazprom arena, where the performance begins in the evening requiem and concert dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. we invite the stage of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin, the president of the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko.
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among the guests are veterans, defenders and residents of the once besieged city, home front workers. they will remember. how it all began, the most difficult, hungry winter of forty-one and forty-two and the breakthrough that gave a chance for life to hundreds of thousands of people, the hero lukashenko will tell about the city as he feels. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear friends, to all of you, to us! i was fortunate to be born, live, study and work in the great city of the hero, a city that will forever remain in the memory of descendants, a symbol of the unbending will, perseverance and courage of the soviet people. there is no example in the world
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comparable to the feat of the leningraders. having overcome hunger, cold, thirst, and survived the endless deaths of their loved ones, they retained their humanity. the fate of each of them is a story of spiritual achievement. we know this story from the recollections of eyewitnesses, archival footage, newsreels, newspaper articles of those years. we understand, re-read, remember, revise, look for answers to the questions that time poses to us, complex and fundamental questions. we are still trying to resolve these issues today. the most important of them is preserving the truth about that war. this
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truth demonstrates the depth of the moral and moral decline of those who stood under the banner of nazi germany. it is casting a dark shadow over many western european countries. this is ours. true, but we are not talking about enmity with their peoples, we, the heirs, the victors, we oppose the ideology of nazism, from which the germans, the french, and many, many other peoples suffered, we also raise the issue of recognition of the genocide of the soviet people, the exact number of victims of that terrible, great... patriotic war in belarus and russia is still unknown we still find the remains of murdered mothers clutching
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babies to their breasts, infants buried alive, there are countless such stories, and the numbers are terrifying. we simply cannot allow the revival of nazism as a weapon of the collective west directed against the slavic world, he left too big a scar in history.
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we are trying to answer, we are answering and will answer , be sure of this, and let the memory of those who left us inspire us to create in the name of the future of our peoples, in the name of peace, we will preserve our civilization, of this you can be sure, thank you. today is a special day, its significance cannot be measured by anything
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other than the feelings that were experienced then in january 1944 by every resident of the exhausted and heroic besieged city, exactly... war, this is a common pain and a common memory. i love you, liter of creation, i love your strict, slender appearance, you are not a sovereign trend.
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to remember, to fight for the truth and to prevent the repetition of terrible events, this is the mission of our generation; the heirs of the victors should not and cannot do otherwise today. natalya breus, olesya vysotskaya, veronika buta, katerina krutalevich and alexander oleshka, tv news agency, st. petersburg, russia. the famous road of life, along which food was delivered to besieged leningrad along lake ladyshskoe. few people know that a similar road was under water, to on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad, the victory museum on poklonnaya hill opened the exhibition “fireworks over the neva”. she talks about the feat of divers who, risking their lives, restored underwater cables damaged by bombing , raised trucks, barges with food, and fuel tanks that had sunk under the water. participated in demining bridges and the waters of the baltic, lake ladazh
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and the niva riverbed. it was they who restored telephone communications between leningrad and the mainland, and in 43 days they laid more than 20 km of pipeline through which fuel began to flow into the city, and in 47 days a life cable was laid along the bottom to return electricity to leningrad. the work was carried out 2 km from the front line under constant bombing. there were only 50 divers among them on staff.
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also, in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the complete blockade of leningrad , a spark of hope event was held on poklonnaya hill. cadets, cadets, military personnel studied, schoolchildren and volunteers lit candles, hundreds of sparklers, in memory of the leningraders who died of hunger, cold and bombings. the siege of leningrad is the longest siege of the city in the history of mankind, and the most terrible figures, symbols of the tragedy: 125 years, 872 days, 630,000 people. liberation came as a result of the leningrad -novgorod offensive operation. during the blockade, the city had no electricity, no heat, no running water, but most importantly, there was a catastrophic shortage of food. 125 g
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of bread is the norm for children and wait. from hunger, cold and disease during the 872 days of the blockade , from 6,000 to one and a half million people died, exact the figure is still unknown today; according to various sources, about 1 million city residents died there during the blockade, mostly they died from hunger, then about the same number of those who defended leningrad died, that is, there were losses. food supplies there were also cut short and people there were in he, too, part of it was surrounded and in quite difficult conditions, dad didn’t like to talk about it at all, he had a reservation, he worked at a factory, well, almost every...
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look on the main broadcast tomorrow at 21:00. but in europe, it seems that the memory has completely disappeared. for example, on this day she celebrates holocaust remembrance day, forgetting about leningrad. moreover, ursula vonderleen, head of the european commission, in her message about the holocaust, noted that the auschwitz-berkinau concentration camp was liberated by allied forces. the error in the statement of the head of the european commission was pointed out by the russian representation to the european union. in russian.
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the department emphasized that the concentration camp was liberated by soldiers of the red army and noted that it would be great if the european commission corrected the mistake. january 27. good for everything around the world pay tribute to the victims of the holocaust and reaffirm their continued commitment to the fight against anti-semitism, racism and other forms of intolerance. at the initiative of the ministry of foreign affairs, today a ticker was launched on the building of the national library in minsk: 27th international day of remembrance for the holocaust. belarus and israel, remember at the same time. the inscription is broadcast in two languages: belarusian and hebrew. exactly 79 years ago, on
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january 27, 1945, the red army liberated prisoners of the nazi death camp, auschwitz berkinau. there were thousands of belarusian prisoners there, and this does not include belarusian jews.
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will completely replace mechanical, today a common thing in almost every industry, automated lines, an innovative product made by the hands and minds of our scientists. i, yulia alferova, will tell you where scientific progress is leading, and what else this week will be remembered for. the scientific community has a tradition on the eve of a professional holiday to sum up the results of the year, especially since there is something to talk about. there are about 450 organizations in the country involved in science, among the largest achievements of the year - launching a nanosatellite into low-earth orbit, producing our own. scientists guide practice in the creation of electric vehicles and the development of nuclear energy; such a product is in price abroad. in the twenty-third year, our export volumes will amount to about
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$60 million, this is an increase by the year 23. cooperation has been established with 100 countries of the world, and minsk recently became part of the program for the development of the earth’s satellite. this is a long-term russian project that plans to pay for it jointly with china. our scientists are already participating in roscosmos ground-based experiments interested in further rapprochement. we see in a special way the document that i will now talk about, the strategy for the scientific and technological development of the union state until 2035. this is a response to the challenges of the time. a number of documents that will clarify the picture of further union construction will be considered by the supreme state council. the draft decree has already been approved, the document supports everything that was achieved during implementation.
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85% more tolls, including for railway workers, which means that basic food products, medicines, everything, what is transported will be more expensive. and in this situation, the eu does not intend to stop, stripping its own people to the last thread. citizens are preparing to create a separate military assistance fund for kiev worth 20 billion euros, adding 5 billion to it every year. the farming community should not foot the bill for the war in ukraine. a wave of protests swept across the continent against aid to the kiev regime. france, germany, italy, poland, lithuania. yes, in the baltics you can also hear slogans from quite a few farmers, no.
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openly calls for peace and conversation that should be in the civilized world. but the western part of it has become so overplayed or addicted that they only hear what is convenient. international documents to cover up injustice work by this analogy. we have repeatedly suggested to our western colleagues, let's develop common standards for election observation. belarus supports, today 58 observers from the cis have already started work, in general we are waiting for about 300 international observers, including individual experts from european countries, who will be able to give an objective assessment of the election campaign. these were the results of the week, before the meeting.
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the west is building up its nuclear capabilities. the us wanted to return nuclear weapons to the uk. for the first time in 15 years, washington plans to place it in the united kingdom. the telegraph newspaper reports this with reference to pentagon documents. the publication clarifies that speeches. it’s about lakenheath airbase, where they intend to send warheads three times the power of the bomb dropped on jeroshima. journalists note that this base has already hosted nuclear weapons during the cold war. in the texit states themselves, a large-scale conflict continues to flare up between the authorities of texas and the federal government. in protest against biden's immigration policies, the state announced the formation of a column of thousands. truckers, according to local media reports, the
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reclaim our border rally will begin on january 29th, it is expected that about 700 thousand trucks from all over the country will participate, we are fed up, we demand that the biden administration enforce existing laws and security of our border, people are simply tired of the excessive pressure from the federal government and we are fighting back. texas authorities have sent more than 102 thousand people to other regions of the united states as part of a program to move illegal migrants from their territory. in addition, the office of the state governor noted that the authorities independently seized more than 454 million lethal doses of the illegal drug, fintanil. europe is sinking deeper into the abyss of manure. the french farmers' union has announced its intention to organize. a complete blockade of paris and its suburbs on the night
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of january 29. currently , roads in 85 departments are already blocked. farmers burn hay bales and old tires generously flood the country with manure. signs are being placed on tractors calling macron to account. angry protesters destroy imported goods in stores. a complex of municipal customs buildings was planted in them at night; in norbon, protesters refused to let them in. foreign cargo.


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