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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 28, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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the reporter said: the blessed five-year plan will mean not only the liquidation of the german acupuncture war, but also the further development of national culture and culture, increasing the life expectancy of the population nothing. minsk had its first session of the supreme council of the republic. i am the oldest deputy, vice-president of the academy of sciences of the bssr, the hero of the socialist race atrakhovich, the writer kandrat krapiva. the eldest of vyarkhonaga saveta. deputy shamyakin, the first viceroy and foreman of the board of the union of writers of the bssr, is elected unanimously. years, a decade pass, and youth remains the mistress of the square. lenin square is the address of medical and pedagogical institutes. belarusian state university. lenin square. the square of democracy, the square of science, the square of youth.
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hello, belarus one and belarus 24 are on air, the club program.
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ideology, academy of management under the president of belarus, candidate of historical sciences, and alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism of bsu, candidate of historical sciences, good evening, let's start, there are enough high-profile topics, there are enough terrible incidents that happened this week, we will talk about them right away.
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according to the confessions of ukraine, ukrainians, we all know how to read, yeah, but more on that a little later, i would like to start with another episode, from the words of one, if i may say so, man, his name is sergei dubovets, of course, he has no place in air, state tv channel, on prime, he would never have appeared in his life, and there should be no place for such people in...
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the western german occupation in belarus was widely known, the belarusian language was covered belarusian schools, real belarusian, not in the terary taryary practice, but real belarusian, called belarusian
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arganizations, young people, workers, samapomach.
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so i looked at him and understood that this is the strategy that was tested by nazi
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germany on the territory of belarus - the creation of these and the unification of collaborators who simply executed their neighbors, killed residents of neighboring villages, the bet is made today on the same thing, when from these the fugitives will be formed exactly the same as the police.
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build, and this is another proof that
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there is a struggle between good, i mean us, i will say this openly, with absolute evil, look what would happen if they came, together with them they are trying to overthrow the existing one starting from the twentieth, tenth, sixth year, look what would happen , and if you don’t believe me, the same thing has already been done in the baltic states and ukraine, that’s how it all ended, once again. i want to say, my personal opinion, we are not fighting the svo today, we are not fighting sanctions, we are fighting the nazis, this, it seems to me, is the most important thing, ivan mikhailovich, i i was watching while you were making your speech , you already broke your pen, it broke, it betrays your emotions, dubovets is not around, he broke his pen, yes, well, really, these are our enemies, and what they brought today would be even worse than under hitler, because hitler did not have those technical capabilities. well, i did sponges, but there i strangled 10, 20 people, now they can come up with bacteriological weapons, nuclear,
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chemical, whatever, you know what’s the matter, they can destroy all of belarus, the entire population of belarus in a week and forget, that someone was here, and this one will not say that he did not hear any genocide, but in fact, the document, excuse me, is documentary, because the plans were for the almost complete destruction of 75% of the belarusians in fact. he may be stupid, but maybe not that stupid, he ca n’t help but know this, he’s not stupid, you know, these roots are much deeper, unfortunately, read dostoevsky, the karamazov brothers, there ’s a wonderful character in quotation marks .
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then they chased power, got on a bicycle, and somewhere else the deputies transformed, this is what patriarch kirill said correctly, you confirmed this, the struggle of good and evil, the devil, i don’t want to use these high or crude or low formalities, but this is really human nature, it is twofold, it has dark, light, and civilization - this is what develops the light, rises, yes, but evil, anti-civilization - these are the fascists. there is a famous parable, yes, the devil and the apostle paul met, yes, i’ll tell you briefly, and the devil says: look how many are following me, and how many are following you? what was the apostle's answer pavla: so you call down, and i call up , where it’s easier to go, so weak little souls, low, yes, unable to rise up, these are
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the types, they go there, and it can be massive, and that’s what we have to do fight to help good, because... there is much more good in human nature, everyone is born a beautiful, innocent, good person, and he can only be spoiled in the future, when today mrs. frionda and the rest of these people in ukraine, crazy fascists, literally she released from the psychiatric hospital, yes, she’s starting to educate young children, only they have learned to speak, yawn and shout that we will kill the muscovites, this is called the most terrible, and re-interpretation of human nature, they gather with god, god. created a person good, and they want to remake him into a bad one , from handing him over to the evil one, so to speak, i’m not a preacher, i just understand that today we are talking about great meanings, and today we, the republic of belarus, we defend all civilization, all that is good, that exists in the world today is belarus, and russia, and china, that’s who will group around them, those will save civilization from destruction, and if
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we allow these scum to send us all down to hell, then the civilization of this century will not survive, one moment, you probably remember that when our troops drove the germans out of our territory in the great patriotic war , starting after the forty-second year, commissions were created and actively worked to record, investigate and document all the crimes of fascism on the territory of the soviet union, why this was done, because it was obvious that someday the moment would come, when... these people will appear in court, what happened, and the nyberg trial, it would not have been like this if this documentation had not been carried out in advance, what our prosecutor general's office is doing now is an absolutely clear, correct message that is given in society, we can talk a lot here about the fact that they are inhuman, they really don’t,
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they have something from the devil, but nothing from god, but besides... who creates the conditions for this to happen , including accomplices, accomplices and all those crimes, and if we do not do this, then in a few years, when the question arises of bringing them to criminal responsibility, we will not have
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documents, no, the point is that the elements of the crime must be recorded, i tell you as a lawyer, i simply say that it is necessary. among the bosses there were few people, guerin , someone else, these were all plans, yes, this is all a tool, where most of them ended up, no, the question is that there were accomplices and then they began to hide.
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they told the residents what was happening, and we showed it on the air, there is a proposal for the next club of editors, bring specific correspondence, show it, and most importantly, who signs, i’m calling them on the air, they don’t come, we don’t be afraid of the one who has gathered here, it’s annoying them, i’m calling them on the air for many years, they won’t go on air, they won’t go on air, why are you asking questions that are not written down in advance and their answer, that’s all we’re talking about, it’s subordinated to one super task on the other side. reconsider the results of the second world war and the role of the victorious states, first of all, the soviet union has already been allowed, yes, you know, why this is being done, this is being done
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in order to create first the psychological soil in society, and then the mental one for a new attack on the east, here, in order to come here again with war, and with the help of western propagandists we are all being dehumanized, right? yes, they remove the pain threshold, so to speak, of the european population, from a cold scientific point of view, i want to confirm and support your position, which means after the war, when we were the winners, we won this fascism and so on and so forth, which means in the united states of america, which was a real way, including fascism, american business invested 210 billion dollars in hitler in the creation of this militaristic machine in order to direct it at us, so that’s when we defeated it, even as part of the anti-hitler coalition, but they then went on to war against the concept, we made an atomic bomb, they, that’s what we are now, our president says, yes, we have operational-tactical nuclear weapons, try to bite us, that’s theirs stopped, but
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they had two concepts, the first concept was containment, the second concept was called liberation, liberation, liberation is their dream, to destroy us, to free us from our land, and the earth from us, but then we had strength, power, yes, joint association and armed forces, nuclear forces. then they did not dare to do this, they came to the concept of containment, today they want to implement it, they thought that we were weak, they thought that we could succumb, they want this liberation, and liberation free us, humiliate us, they just want to destroy us, this is the ancient thousand-year-old dream of the west, they always looked here with such greedy eyes, let’s remember the block, that’s why this is their last today. attempt, thank god, we recognized all this, we learned all this, there is a russian nuclear shield , there is a belarusian russian union, there are allied states, there is a connection with china,
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nothing will work out for them, today they are furious with anger, these are their last days, well , this is not the last of their attempts, they will do it try to do it constantly, you always need to be prepared for this, and this is history, this is the history of dehumanization and rewriting of history, it did not start today, it all started immediately after the great patriotic war or the second. when she reacted, here are a few quotes , of course, there is a version that the british are behind this, because the peace negotiations broke down, yes, the headline is a downed plane, questions still remain unanswered against
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the backdrop of claims from ukraine and russia, of course, there are a lot of doubts , when in our opinion there were no doubts about the plane with partasevich after 3 minutes, there are of course a lot of doubts, there is a video of how it is shot down, that’s what they write, it is important to remember that russia has a long history of blatant lies and disinformation. haha, wrote the bbc, who are international masters of sports in this matter. this was proven by the downing of mha17 and the novichok poisoning at saltbury. and these are just two major cases over the past 10 years. as many as two cases in the last 10. by the way, they have not been proven either. yes, there was even a full-scale invasion of ukraine started with a lie - writes the bbc. listen to the false claim that the nazi regime, in quotes, exposed the russian-speaking population to the risk of genocide. risk.
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yes, in the media, it testifies to a very terrible thing, including for us belarusians: the lack of coordination of a single decision-making center in ukraine, this is another version, because, sorry, they told us, they didn’t tell us how to behave, but the point is that the irritation, it poured out on the internet, evidence of this, you just showed these squins, what does this mean, that one hand is not...
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knows what the other is doing, but the biggest problem is that in each of these hands there is a missile that flies a long distance and can shoot down civilians.
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prove, and this will be proven, because they will find fragments, yes, this will be proven, then it will be immediately clear who gave the instructions, no zaluzhny there, no zelensky there, excuse me, step to the left, step to the right, he won’t do anything, they’re all for a long time there have been cia agents there, someone else, it doesn’t matter, they have a corresponding curator, wherever he moves, he’ll just be slapped the next day, so this is all done with pointers from someone specifically to the west from the west, the second point is who can organize a general assembly, well, in this case, in the council.
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topic, however, he directly repeats the theses that i wanted, the question is different, i’ll start with the fact that you are absolutely right, the americans, at least the americans and the same british, since they completely control all
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air and outer space from the point from a technical point of view, yes, they clearly know where, up to a split second, which missiles launched, from which complex, who pressed the button, they know all this exactly, the situation. one in one with the situation in july 22, when the colony in elenovka, 20 km from donitsk, was shelled, and when 53 azov residents were killed and 75 were wounded, you remember, by the way, you remembered about the bbc, but the bbc then also wrote that the russians themselves they fired at themselves, or rather not at themselves, they fired at a colony on their territory in order to destroy these donbass, according to the version they fired at this moment, but i may allow myself to disagree with my colleagues. i have my own idea about this, it’s very difficult to say that here there is some kind of, let’s say, pumping from the outside from the point of view , who benefits from this, let’s just think about it, everyone can express their
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point of view, this is more profitable for the british than for the americans, the americans are more for everything- after all, for negotiations, not for a negotiation, for an exchange process, the americans were behind this, behind the exchange of prisoners, but... the british categorically refused this, i mean, they believed that this was not necessary, they were more in favor of increasing confrontation, but second point, okay, what about ukraine? today is absolutely homogeneous, but no , well, now it’s as if there was no pre-election period from the point of view of regulations, although they announced that there will be no elections, but that zaluzhny’s candidacy has already been written off, but i’m not sure about this, this is not an election campaign , this is a struggle for power, absolutely precise, who is like a thorn in zelensky’s side, well , the zaluzhny, for a long time, who is popular in the army, the zaluzhny, who is formally, i emphasize, formally subordinate to the air defense, the commander-in-chief, not yermak, nor zelensky ,
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and to the commander-in-chief, that is, the commander-in-chief, whom in this situation, the easiest way is to make him a scapegoat, but if you take away all the other things, who is to blame? naturally, the main military person, whose subordination includes the air defense troops. and then we can argue, okay, or rather, let’s see how events develop. absolutely.
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comes out with a blue eye saying that he does not have enough information, this is exactly the same situation, exactly the same situation as when the us secretary of state waved a test tube, clearly understanding that it was not anthrax, but tooth powder that his wife poured on him there with morning, he... says, give me a little bit, i ’m here for a bit of a scandal, they gave it to him, he went on the basis of this, and after that the bbc will tell us that russia lies all the time, yes, that is, it’s not them they started the war in iraq because, clearly speaking , they deceived the whole world, no, it’s russia that’s lying , colleagues, here’s one more thing, after all, no matter who shot down this plane, it’s obvious that it was such a rather harsh message. relations of the russian federation, that now they are still not capable of peace, no one is
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does not mean that it is ukraine that decides to go to peace negotiations or not, we see now that ukraine’s unconditional dependence on external forces does not allow them to decide for themselves whether they will end this conflict or not, which means i my personal opinion, yes, as he says, i can say, this is my personal opinion, but i know well how...
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that he will be killed for this later, that's all,
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but here it is clear, i can say one thing, that the main curator with all the talk there about this shabby england, and about the french, germans, these are still the same guys, the main player and the main manager there, the scriptwriter, are the americans, who exactly is it in the cia, in the pentagon, it doesn’t matter, everything comes from the white house, i claim that the usa is also responsible for this crime, remember about this image, yes, which was shot down over donetsk, which means then john kerry means.
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will become completely under the control of russia, that the entire political scene, including the president, the government, is under the control of russia, and now imagine that mexico is included in a military organization where russia plays a dominant role, so you do, this is a rational argument, ukraine is not a sovereign dependent. really, they need to create the same america in order to stop this danger of aggression, just like in the caribbean crisis, put a gun to their head too, then they won’t talk, i just
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honestly give him a standing ovation for one simple reason , here he was using an elementary example, yes, he did it using an elementary example. awesome propaganda work for all journalists combined, because he’s just 2 +2 put everything together and saw that it was still four, yes, but - here is an interesting moment, firstly, completing that question, returning, it will be like a bridge, you know, not so long ago i re-read kisinger on world order, yes, by the way, he’s talking about events related to an airplane, it fits very well, we don’t understand at all, sometimes... why some small events happen, which seem to be, well, natural, when we’re talking about the deaths of dozens of people, this is not small, but from the point of view of a global, global scale, yes, it seems like an event small, regional and so on, but when they happen, it is needed for something, so kisinje described a moment such that
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in the fourteenth year, when the first world war began, there were no conditions for this war to begin,
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here... well, okay, ukraine is sovereign in terms of money, on november 9 they are adopting a budget for the twenty-fourth year, yes, their budget deficit is 40 3 billion, of which 41 are planned external borrowings, 41 billion that are given will need which are not just yes, these are loans, these are loans against, and in installments, as we see, the imf doesn’t try very hard, it doesn’t give it to them.
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no one pays their dead, this money, just like there are hundreds of thousands of wounded who need to be paid 1000 hryvnia every month, when we start these...
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this slave’s organs have already been sold, creditors are waiting for them to be confiscated, i absolutely agree with you, there are lviv region, volyn and so on, you can bend as much as you like, i’ll say here. but today, this is what ivan mikhailovich was talking about now, about burial grounds, about the land has already been sold, uh-huh, look, look , this is the document that confirms the colonial status of ukraine, and the policies of old europe, britain, france, the usa, as neo-colonial, they just found a colony into which they don’t have to pay for 39 lands to the sea. it’s right here nearby, several thousand by land , and they themselves are ready to go, i want a centuries-old example, alexey, excuse me, please
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, about the zones, let’s remember, in the seventeenth year, kirensky concluded a secret agreement before the revolution, not long ago, yes division into zones of the russian empire, which means the south, odessa, and everything else should have gone to the french and the british, murmansk in the north and the british, the far east of the united states of america and japan, and well... the entire railway network was sold, yes , in general, everything, all the railways were sold to the americans, one after another, now it’s 2006, ivan mikhailovich, it was not in vain that you mentioned chemical waste, there was an attempt to place it in odessa, several trains with chemicals were delivered to odessa territory waste from german and french chemical enterprises, then there was a noise, they turned it away, they said it was not necessary, they fought back, maybe this is one of the reasons. why did the war start in ukraine in the first place, because today, if they want to leave at least some piece of their territory, they will simply dump chemical
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waste there, that’s all, they are completely sold, sold and resold, to this day there is a debt s means ukraine is 124% of ukraine’s gdp, and no one knows how this gdp was calculated, well, yes, yes, we talk a lot here, i would like to draw your attention to a couple of points, yes, the first question is this. about how they are afraid of aggressive russia, how they are forced to defend themselves, how they are forced to strengthen their eastern borders, because
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aggressive russia wants to do something.
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it’s clear that no one ever intended to pay these 15 million hryvnia to the families of the victims, that is, it was all, as we like to say, a decoy so that people would know that i will go to the front, and maybe even if i die, my family will be provided for, it was all an absolute lie immediately from beginning to end, regarding the sell-out of ukraine, well, i don’t know, of course,
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but our task of journalists is to tell about...
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our rival, another confirmation, just the other day, is there any truth, i think a document appeared today, even screenshot published by the american side.
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regarding the recently declassified documents, the day before those that were signed and the correspondence that was conducted between the office of the us president and the state department in ninety -three, because not so long ago
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a number of other documents were declassified, where clearly it was said, here are three messages i remember this way, since they absolutely reflect the reality of today's situation, first, it is imperative to ensure that from the territory of countries that... they stated that for the first time, for the first time in 50 years after the end of the second world war , the united states no longer has a military adversary,
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that is, they stated that they had destroyed the alliance, they have no enemy, the medal was stolen for the hogemons in the world now, because why does this bridge need to be clearly traced, yes, because now they they understand perfectly well that hegemony is ending.
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a wonderful meme where a sheep is depicted , under which there is text, meat processing plants do not exist, this is a conspiracy theory, yes, of us, in fact , these 30 years or 20 years after the collapse
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of the union, these sheep were made, which should not have understood that we they are leading you to slaughter, you have just brought a leak, which still needs to be confirmed, i will need to, but in fairly serious sources on the internet. from boris elson’s assistants and officially through the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, it means it was published. a letter from boris yeltsen to george bush sr., that is, this is the ninety-first or ninety-second year, no more, where he writes that ukraine can become, as if a bone of contention with it, a war can begin on the territory of the former soviet union, and he asks which american side somehow solve this problem as opposed to the fact that he is in trouble for this, that is, firstly, yeltsin understood what he was doing in order to come to power to remove gorbachev, and simply to solve some kind of personal problem.
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that this could end in war, but i mean what you were talking about about our president, you can imagine what the trend was then in the russian government, and what our president did when he came to power, he actually saved this space , and the former soviet union, from destruction and final collapse, offering integration to the same yeltsin, and he proposed this, being then still a very young man, but understanding, as they say, the internal political alignment. in the russian federation, it was elections 1990, yes, zyuganov then had a very strong argument that yeltsin is the destroyer of russia, yes, zyuganov is its collector of lands, then yeltsin needed to somehow play out this thesis when boris nikolaevich heard a proposal from alexander grigorievich, he immediately realized that this would be his salvation in the elections, but our president understood this tactical part very well, but considered the whole situation from a strategic point of view.
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with some local elements, but the similarities were obvious. georgia also experienced a sharp decline in the level of democracy and good governance, in almost every area there was a decline, despite the fact that i passed her candidate status. ukraine, moldova and georgia applied for eu membership after the outbreak of full-scale conflict in 2020, but georgia is slowly moving away from the eu, and ukraine and moldova are steadily making the systemic changes that brussels expects of them. oh, oh, the most blatant, to advance on the path
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of accession, the report says, but let me remind you that moldova closed, sawed out media, but that's okay, but cut it out, cut it out. shor, the party that was.
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and what is really happening, how normal georgians react to this, who are the overwhelming majority and for whom orthodoxy has serious meaning, plus they, let’s say it straight, saakashvili was a project, the same project as... in other countries, let’s talk about poroshenko one can also talk about zelensky, but saakashvili was typical, moreover, they tried to make anti-russia out of georgia, the events of 2008 did not happen by chance, and it was an attempt, which, thank god, it was stopped quickly enough, and one more point, well , be that as it may, traditionally georgia has always been connected with russia economically, and russia for georgia has always been the main... sales markets, when 2008 showed that as soon as russia closed its markets to georgia , yes, serious economic problems began there, so now, thank god, the politicians there have enough brains, one small nuance , when we look at the picture from georgia, we must not forget one simple thing: they v
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their time under saakashvili they made a small, small mistake, they made these soros and funds, well, imagine 2000 societies for a population of 3.5 million. i listened to everyone, but everything we are saying now, well, i really listened to everyone carefully, we cite georgia as an example. georgia is an example of how you can quickly lose your sovereignty if...
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you received money somewhere, withdrew money and then gave some back there, this is wonderful, a wonderful business for europeans, i don’t know about americans, for and so further, and of course, soon we will see dzhevya 19-20, and artificial intelligence has also appeared, the riveting of all this will soon begin, because of course we, the media, must react, firstly, we must respond to the problems, the questions that exist.
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18 children, 37 teenagers, now the question
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is whether israel should participate or not, we have been cut out almost everywhere, yes, no, israel will participate everywhere, and even in this, even if they burn with a blue flame, they will participate in eurovision. i can only sympathize with israel , but us for what we don't we meet some standards, you hear , i recently sent it to the garda, i told you, there are 15 fakes in one... ivan mikhailovich, you don’t need to meet their standards , because for them now it’s somehow lgbt popular, i’m afraid that it will soon become mandatory, yeah, well, the latest data, by the way, you know, a survey was conducted in america, which means that young people from 18 to 25 years old, 28% consider themselves lgbt, and either transgender, or yes, and so on, that's how far you can go , you know, let's sum it up, you know, in what i see all this, yes. the president has one thing, we need to talk about this at every meeting, he clearly said, if we ourselves
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don’t allow collapse from within, then everything will be fine with us, we allowed it in... almost the twentieth, yes, now look, in russia, who knew nadezhdino, 3 months ago, four , who he was, and gigen knew, yes, but the fact that now there are these queues, queues again, and 10,000 is paid for a person, he says, give me 10 more, i’ll go through this line again, the internet is already full of information, russia needs to learn from ours mistakes. now, if we clearly understand what the first one said, we don’t fall apart from within ourselves, we preserve this unity, society and so on, everything will be fine, i think this will also promote things there, there are no such queues there, it’s all also a festival, well , the picture gives the picture, and as we have somewhere on our website,
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it seems to me a good experience and vaccination against such things, unfortunately we see now that vaccines today are short-lived. therefore , not much time has passed since the twentieth year, yes, but sometimes we already have comrades, who begin to say: that’s it, we forgot , we turned the page , let’s play these democratic games again, well, they played, there is material on the website in the telegram channel of the news agency, now the broadcast will take place, i’ll ask for an update, it’s somehow well, of course, where the magars went unnoticed, but everyone reposted us somewhere. for several weeks we analyzed the filming, either radio liberty, or lisata, glory from heaven, i hope they walked in this chain on a mosquito, the same people gave interviews, and some didn’t hold back, showed in line that it was me, in different clothes, there were even masks, it was very easy to do,
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the same pool of indignant belarusians who took part in this, i’m not saying that there are no people who are against... belarus one, bye, we know exactly how to start the morning right, pasta with mussels, with peas, but this is just
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a wonderful start to the day, it seems to me that anyone who has breakfast this way will feel super happy. we will prepare a delicious breakfast with you. nastya, today you are in command in the kitchen, so give instructions. we're girls, we won't cry, that's for sure. this is true. and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all. let's say you have garlic for breakfast. and we will receive the charge of the necessary energy. okay, then i'll be crafty, you do the dough, and i'll do the turkey. so that's it, put the whole thing in the oven until ready, uh-huh, uh-huh, watch the breakfast of the champion on the belarus24 tv channel, let's go on a journey in which we will learn more about the national identity of the belarusians,
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the clock at the end of the day was sultry and dry kolkasts chess pieces, darechy grodna is possible.
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cultural appreciation on the belarus 24 tv channel . in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy. commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, he said that he considered it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but this is different. in almost 3
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months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22,000 were killed residents of the gaza strip, the number of injured exceeded 56,000. regarding the shelling of donetsk. on new year's eve in belgorod, and this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war, this is a war crime, and while the west is already dividing the remnants of ukraine, do not wait for the end of the special military operation, the latter is, in principle, no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
9:00 am
. live news, in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, you are watching. summing up, plans for the future and meetings of the supreme state council of the union state, the president on a working visit to russia.


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