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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 29, 2024 12:50am-1:21am MSK

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to the fact that we have everything on the table today, everything is tasty, everything is natural, everything is tasty, natural, nevertheless, food in the world remains one of the most important priorities, it remains a priority in our country. the next two areas, which also seem important to me, are, of course, mechanical engineering, yes, this is a kind of calling card of our republic. in mechanical engineering, well, recently this requirement for human safety has become very prominent. the humanitarian sphere, today the social sphere, remains one of the most important spheres, including fundamental research, to protect historical memory, cult.
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professional specialists, a formed base of independent experts of over 3,500 people, that is, this is a well-oiled mechanism, and it should also be added that currently the state examination is carried out on average, takes place in a committee in the national operator for about 26 days, it must be said that 7 years ago it was 53 days, so we are working in this direction, trying to speed up, it took us a long time to get to this point, yes. but in the end i also think
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that today there is an expert system for selecting scientific projects for implementation within the framework of relevant programs, filling these programs, it is built, in principle it works, and it works quite openly, i mean that this is not some kind of closed club, where only those who know about them can go, absolutely all organizations, of any form of ownership. calmly participate on a general basis, pass if their project, well , proves the viability of the project, there are criteria and export of orientation and added value per one average person, that is, higher than the european average, it is necessary to fulfill the volumes, that is, it is not very difficult if , in fact, people or companies attract financing for work, and not in order to implement some startups, yes, when they are confident in that this is needed, it is very simple. you need to try it once,
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when you walk along this path, amkador has built such constructive ones, yes, of course, we interact very closely with the state committee for science and technology and the ministry. industry with our higher organization, that is, we have completely found all the ways of interaction , we understand with what package of documents you can go there, and what can already be implemented at your own expense, at your own expense, when we understand that this is already what it is, yes, it may work out, maybe no, but where we are absolutely sure, we go to the state committee for science and technology for funding and literally there in a short period of time there is no need to go to offices and stand in queues, everything is so regulated, one two three, that you just need...
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6,700 items of various products that we produce and offer to the market , that is, each machine consists of from 15 to 30,000 parts, components and assemblies and various ones, and some of these parts were imported, and from unfriendly countries, to us in a short period of time it took time to preserve the entire model range, to replace, to reach every element, the entire belarusian industry worked here, yes, because everyone faced this, these are suppliers.
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developed and we were able to replace not only transmissions, but also the competencies in which we preserved and developed since the eighties, that’s right, he said, the soviet school, it developed, we didn’t give up on it, today we are already making transmissions with automatic gear shifting, that is , essentially like in a passenger car, in a loader, you can calmly, pressing the pedal, you don’t need to change these gears, very smooth, very... simple movement, yes, the gearbox has become more complicated, but it has become easier for the operator, because we work for someone, for the client, and naturally, the machine is from the foliage industry, because it's not just the elements mechanical, these are also control systems, and the most important thing is that now we are trying to seriously develop, these are mechatronic systems,
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this is the connection between the control systems of the machine, the electrical systems and between the hardware, so to speak, we have gone so deep that we ourselves.. we have also created control systems, information display systems, these are displays, monitors, we print the boards ourselves, we have come to the point where we have developed our own controller, which we purchased in the west and today we are already carrying out testing our own harvester head, this is actually such a serious step, albeit perhaps on the scale of belarus and a medium-sized company, but on a global scale we are still a fairly small company, i hope that those. investments in science, and investments in science without investments in production, they will also be meaningless, this is work on the shelf, so last year we started seriously investing in production capacities, somewhere we lost the opportunity to finance current activities, because we need to distract
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financial resources for the purchase of equipment, for the preparation of foundations, this is a huge layer of work that we are carrying out today, raising, but we are absolutely confident that it is correct. the path we have chosen, look, the main thing for us is results, not process , in fact amkodor, in addition to investments in this science, innovation, we are also switching to a process to a divisional form of management, we are generally changing the management structure of the organization, changing jobs, at least we are moving in all directions to correspond to the time, what we have retained the entire line of products, in which i will repeat where i started, where...
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and it is developing dynamically, when scientific thought is not just embodied in industrial production, but also benefits many areas of the economy. this is a thesis about belarusian mechanical engineering. holdings such as mass or amkador offer popular models of modern equipment and these machines are valued in many countries around the world. alexey kondratenko saw high-tech innovations with great potential. please. agro-industrial complex of belarus. last decades has stepped far forward, both qualitatively and quantitatively, about 10 million tons of grain, as
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well as fodder grasses, vegetables, potatoes. large volumes of production require reliable mechanization of agriculture. the machines and units that are developed and designed at the amkador simash plant are irreplaceable assistants to farmers. the holding's designers constantly offer the market effective developments. one of the current bestsellers is a special trailer for prompt reloading of grain in the field. in order for the combine to this machine was created by filling the body of the bunker where the grain is poured. thanks to this technical solution, our farmers save on fuel and depreciation of the vehicle. a designer, like a programmer, studies all his life and perceives something new for himself.
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the automobile plant has been benefiting various sectors of the economy for 80 years now, take, for example,
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megacities with their dense microdistricts and large volumes of municipal waste. know-how mass, the garbage truck works in the most difficult conditions, this machine is the fruit cooperation between belarusian and russian machine builders. thanks to innovation, the new mass truck is more maneuverable, and this is its advantage for working in large cities. but it has the maneuverability of a two-axle car, which can drive into narrow courtyards and narrow passages, but it carries with it a body with a volume of 20 cubic meters. this machine has a turning radius that is one meter smaller compared to a conventional three-axle vehicle. analogues of this machine are now on the republican market. the russian federation does not exist, this machine was created as import-substituting product of the big seven.
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among mass's innovative projects for this year is the modernization of a thermomechanical plant. this will more than double the production of all-wheel drive vehicles with front axles of a unique design. over the past year, we sold about 1.1200 cars with this design and we see a stable segment and see prospects for the development of this. today mas is also developing the production of electric vehicles, by the way, its vzhodina branch, where electric buses are produced, will provide citizens with environmentally friendly transport under the green city project, the first order from the minsk automobile plant of 14 cars in the same style as electric buses, and there will be new stopping points. andrey vladimirovich, well, here you are in avangard, amkador, mass, and there are also belarusian manufacturers who in...
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there is no one to replace a scientist while there is no one to replace a scientist, yes, so the basis of scientific activity is definitely personnel, and high science without highly qualified personnel it is impossible to have, a lot is spent on training scientific personnel
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time and effort, and i honestly think that... and doctors of sciences, it’s already been going on for 18-20 years, yes, yes, there are exceptions, but they are very rare, the very scheme, yes, which exists in our republic today , she is correct, but, probably, we
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are making too great demands, let’s say, not only in essence. in fact , there should definitely be requirements for dissertations, it’s a question of design matters, yes, there certainly should be accuracy, but excessively, this is not the most important thing in the work, so i think that we will probably eventually let's give some relaxations in this regard a little, leaving them the same.
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yes, what is its essence, here is a brief summary for our viewers, and what are the differences from previous forecasts for past periods, indeed, the development of a comprehensive forecast of scientific and technological progress for the state committee for science and technology is the second in terms of the number of forecasts developed, in this
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comprehensive forecast of scientific and technological progress progress, this is one of our, let’s say, main documents of the forecasting system and... these are 365 projects, over 400 projects for the perspective has been selected for the present moment, the long-term perspective. i need to say how it differs from the previous forecast, right? the question is that the results of the kp-ntp should naturally be understandable and applied by our ministries, industries, economies, specific organizations, and for this, this time in this forecasting cycle
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, methodological recommendations have been developed for the application of this forecast, where everything is transparently written and.. it must be said that even in the process of developing a comprehensive forecast, when contacting individual government agencies, industries on some issues, because the state committee on science gave explanations and explanations why they contacted, because again this time, when developing a comprehensive forecast , the working group also included representatives of ministries and other organizations, of course same, the national academy of sciences of belarus, that is, all our ministries and departments. each stage of the development of a comprehensive forecast saw results, it must be said that according to the results of the development of this forecast, today, a proposal has been formed:
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the national academy of sciences of belarus and the state committee on science and technology, with the participation of the deputy prime minister of the republic of belarus petr aleksandrovich parkhomchik, reviewed this draft forecast, in general it was approved and supported in the near future. is planned to be submitted for consideration to the commission on scientific and technical policy, which is headed by the prime minister of the republic of belarus, here’s how to ensure the introduction of scientific developments into mass production, are there any problems at this junction between the result of neo-development and implementation into mass production, are there any systemic problems, do you see them, how can this process be accelerated? in fact, everything is very simple, if here is a very simple answer, in order to introduce something new, this new must have a consumer, there must be demand,
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this is an internal consumer, an external consumer, for whom we solve the problem, and what do we get in return, money, some competencies, something else, there is demand, then this development has the right to exist, the second question, any product has two , let’s say, sides of competitiveness, this is a reduction in cost and an increase in quality, if the development leads to a reduction in cost, it is automatically quickly implemented, if it leads to an increase in quality, at an adequate cost, at an adequate cost, well, of course , there is demand, the development is being implemented, all other approaches, this is, let’s say, one hundred percent result can be obtained only with these three components: demand, cost reduction and quality improvement. the most the main thing is to do what is needed, and it is advisable to do this without catching up with someone else, to become in the trend yourself, yes, but it’s better
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to set this trend yourself, but you need to approach this, now you at least need to be at the level of world leaders, to use our own competencies to look for solutions in order to lead this direction. the academy of sciences has determined the top 10 scientific results for the past year. this is an achievement in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research. the criteria are as follows: the development must be fundamentally new, have an important the importance for scientific progress of helping to solve pressing problems, and most importantly - to meet the world level, about the most interesting achievements, in the story of lon and volynets. please. everyone around is coughing and sneezing. no surprise: there is usually a seasonal increase in the incidence of influenza. falls in january-february, so the best advice now is to adhere to maximum respiratory etiquette. this year, our scientists plan to complete the development of a belarusian
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flu vaccine, while only imported ones are available to us. she will contain two strains of influenza a and two strains of influenza b. last year, specialists managed to develop the synthesis of blockers of virus penetration into cells. consider this: the basis of a new strategy for vaccine prevention and antiviral therapy. the year 2023 will also be remembered for other striking scientific achievements. the number one issue is food security. despite the fact that belarus is fully self-sufficient in food, breeding work does not stop for a minute. for example, scientists presented a method for obtaining high-yielding varieties winter triticale. we are one of the world leaders in the production of such grain. now the animals are provided with fresh, high-quality food from spring to late autumn. usually triticale is not used.
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for comparison, in western europe, in large companies, registration of only 18% is considered success. all developments from life and for life, for example, the institute of environmental management presented a methodology for increasing the reliability of flood forecasts on rivers.
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many belarusian rivers. reach dangerous values ​​every year: timely forecast - equals the life of the property saved. the top 10 developments also include the work of the scientific and production center for bioresources team. experts have established the population genetic structure and nature of the spread of ixodid ticks on the territory of belarus. at first glance it seems: oh, what is there, a tick bite. an encounter with an insect can result in damage to the nervous system and the development of disability. every year doctors record. there are two diseases in our country: lyme disease and encephalitis, and their consequences for the body should not be underestimated. 2023 will also be remembered for large-scale archaeological research. the results of excavations near the minka river will surprise you. it would seem that everything is already written in history books, but no. it turns out that minsk may be much older. where then in these places is there a coin that is
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1250 years old, an archaeologist. history, very significant developments are emerging, worthy of our country and the representation of our country by our scientists at the international level. the archaeological complexes in the village of the ancient settlement can become one of the important tourist sites in belarus. scientists propose to recreate the appearance 11th century settlements, build life-size buildings so we can
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literally travel back in time. under the ground, in the water, in the air, we have voiced just a few examples of the national hit parade of scientific achievements. agree, the work of scientists is often invisible, but how noticeable it is in influencing our common future. the future is influenced, of course, but dear experts, next sunday the country will celebrate the day of belarusian science, the professional holiday of all belarusian scientists.
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scientific developments aimed at these goals should be and correspond in most respects.


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