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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 29, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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for causing property damage, the perpetrators have not yet been found. the second world war left an indelible trace of cruel crimes against humanity on earth in the souls of people. our land, where every third person died, saturated with the tears of innocent people, gave new sprouts, raised a generation that simply must know and remember the lessons of history. about what became the preconditions for the terrible war , who is trying today to shift their blame onto... other people’s shoulders, and most importantly why, a special report from the television news agency , it’s war, watch today on belarus-1. she has different names, it has many faces, names of nationalities, but there is something that unites it into one word, a word that always carries with it loss, destruction and a bloody trail. she is war, watch on january 29 in
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the evening broadcast on belarus one. in the last days of january, the weather in belarus will still be unstable, wet snow and rain will cause foggy days, the average temperature is 5° above normal. tomorrow night from zero in the west to -10 in the east, and in the daytime up to 3° above zero. that weather conditions will determine atmospheric fronts and unstable air masses spreading across northwestern europe. from time to time there will be precipitation of varying intensity in the form of sleet and rain. at night and in the morning , light foggy ice is expected in places on some sections of roads. on friday the wind is expected to increase to 15-18 m/s. the minimum air temperature at night will be -5 -1, during the day -1 +5. and this coming weekend it will get warmer, it will pass again. rain
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in general february will be warm; in the last month of winter the temperature will rarely drop below zero. more information from my colleagues at 15:00 on our air, all the best.
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sergey, good evening, good one, we have all heard about the american dream, but life is fascinating for any stereotype: a factory worker who becomes a world- famous racer, that’s what it is? a dream
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, but this is an incredible coincidence of circumstances, because at the time of my arrival at the plant the martavt team did not even exist, this is how events, opportunities, desires turned out that i managed to become a pilot of this team, what year, the twelfth year, after the team had already visited the dokar race once , performed at it, and i wasn’t there, that ’s when i saw on tv that from... my dear factory, the team was competing in the most prestigious race on the planet at that time, of course, as soon as they returned, i immediately stood on the threshold of the team with a request to take me as a pilot, especially since at that time i was the newly minted champion of the republic of belarus in
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the classic urals in a passenger car, and i was given such an opportunity at that time, but you are called a hopeless racer , you participated in night... well, according to rumors, they started driving there at the age of 16, almost yes, much earlier , much earlier, and that’s where you could drive , you always drove, that’s how real it is , in fact, it’s true, well, there were times like that, but there was a slightly specific time the release of the movie fast and the furious, and so on and so forth, and the night races are mainly 400 m races, but i took part in sports maneuvering. in my personal car, as in my own, in my father’s, where my own is from, yes, and the first teacher or my meters and kilometers in a car, that teacher was my father, who he kept me on his knees, not reaching the pedals, i could already freely control the steering
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wheel of the car and direct the car in the right direction. can we say that it was thanks to your participation in the mas team that you found an outlet for this energy? conditionally now, through some prism, i can say for years now that those times of illegal, so to speak , racing or manifestations of a racing nature somewhere on the roads, thank god that everything ended well, of course the psychology everything changed after i started participate in professional competitions, you have to show your skills there, on the road be an example for everyone... road users today i can say that i feel much more uncomfortable on the road than on the highway, there are a lot of fines for speed now, but not much, but they are there, these are usually photo recording cameras, in fact i get caught in a trap, then at the roundabout the speed
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is 100 km/h, then 90, that is, this is a slight excess of up to 20 km/h, sometimes you know, like in the city 40 yes , you're going 60, 60 gotcha, well, of course there are such violations, everyone says so, right? well, last year you won the silk road, the first award for the belarusian team was won in the thirteenth year, yes, then there was a way, on the silk road, you won another bronze the year before, in 2021 there was silver, so yes, yes, you are also silver dakar medalist in '18, bronze in '20, that's right, well, you see, almost a complete collection of awards, almost, almost, yes. well, racers never stop, what next? of course, they don’t stop, you see, this is not the point awards, but the point is how much you like it, awards are the result
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of work already done, firstly, it is teamwork, secondly, when you do your work with soul, in a good mood, with love, you and the result is obtained , that is... a very difficult physical, physically demanding event, and if you simply endure it, then you will quickly get tired of it, you have to love it, you have to love it, yes, well, well, well , after all, you set yourself some kind of result , and of course, i would like mas to occupy the entire pedestal, you have three teams are participating, three crews, yes, there are three places on the podium, but as a team leader, i would like us to be able to do this this year.
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to make a kamaz, it’s cool, but you say, serious guys, uh, it’s already working out, we need to brag, yes, let’s brag, well, this is very cool, no one has succeeded in doing this.
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well, really, to each his own, but i , well, there is a spectator for circuit racing, i look with admiration at the huge trucks that cut through such cosmic landscapes, and the most diverse ones, starting from the steppes forests, ending with dunes, yes, that’s what these two sports have in common and what distinguishes them, why do you personally sit high in prayer, and didn’t choose a more down-to-earth one now. such a luxury option, well, i’m actually on your side here, i’m also not a fan of circuit racing, for me they seem boring, because for many years the guys, starting with karting, ending with formula 1, if we take world competitions, compete in the same and the same routes along the memorized roads, safety zones, and so on and so forth. what attracts you to roller-raids is what you ride always on a road unknown to you at the maximum speed possible for you. this is a huge drive, this is just such a piece
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of life that you live separately from the rest of your life, when you find yourself in these circumstances, everything is different in your head, you know, we talked to you a little behind the scenes, yes, and you opened for me, there are some things that i didn’t really know about, but the speed, the average speed on the highway, is higher today on trucks. average speed, maximum, which the speed we are allowed is 140 km , there is a limit, yes, there is an electronic limit, but we, uh, after we weren’t allowed to go to dakar the first time, we went to baikal, and uh, there’s an event there where speed records are set, including for trucks, this is right on the lake, on ice, on ice, we set the maximum speed of 203 km/h on the average on a section of the road in two directions - upwind in the wind the average was 191.6, and the maximum was 203 - this is a truck, and not
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specially prepared, just pre-karov our version of a car with a disabled limiter , well, speeds are increasing, today we are faster than category cars at certain stages, you don’t know the terrain you will be driving through, no, no, we don’t know it, we get a road book routbook for 15 minutes before the start, where the direction of travel along which we must travel will be simply schematically indicated for the navigator, what we will encounter on this path, we don’t know, it’s fantasy, and we have to always drive as close as possible to the maximum speed by sight, but our truck has progressed so much over the years that mass allows us to drive almost always at the maximum possible speed, so that over a stretch of more than 300 km we can show an average speed of over 100 km/h.
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what strains the most, that he can go faster
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, the spine that strains the most is the neck, these are compression impacts on the spine, constant holding of the head during various types of vibrations there, well , excuse me for asking this question, but what injuries are most common among racers? compression displacement of the vertebrae and neck, how is the vestibular apparatus? the vestibular apparatus is also heavily loaded, this is not my strongest place either. you also have to use medications in order to keep it in the desired shape for many hours, you are in an unnatural state for yourself. position in a rather hot environment, the temperature in the cabin reaches from 40 to 60°, despite the fact that we have a good air conditioning system, and with this, with such a load, of course the vestibular system suffers, this is not straightforward, let’s say there is the same effect which we imagine we imagine that there is nausea in its literal sense,
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but it doesn’t feel very good, let’s just say, you just start to feel nauseous at these moments , it’s hard to be. are practically not used, the rest of the time we maintain physical fitness with cardio exercises, this is, well, for example, in this case i use a bicycle, i ride a bike a lot, in winter i ride an exercise bike, but working with muscles is usually working with your own weight, without any barbells, weights, weights and so on, somewhere only if it’s for relief, there for oneself, but in a race it’s not
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helps because muscles also require a lot of oxygen energy and so on. this person needs to be even more, that is , spinning without fail and doing without fail , yes, this is the main thing that needs to be trained and cardio in order to ride at a high heart rate for a long time, and the criterion for retirement is loss of competitiveness, there are examples even of today’s dakar, which ended recently , he was won in the car category by carlos science, he is well over 60 years old, i won’t name him exactly so as not to make a mistake, but he is 60 years old... a long time ago, but as i understand it, this is not the limit, this is not the limit, he is a winner, he became the best in the car category, there is tight competition in the truck category, the japanese shugawara drove at 74 years old, in my opinion drove, but it cannot be said that he was already competitive, but in my opinion, if we are talking about a factory team, this is up to the moment when you can be useful to the team, you can be useful to the team
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in different ways, you can enter the result, or you can to be an assistant for... the pages who carry result. anyway, during the race we use the tactic that the car with the worst result is, as - maybe you’ve also heard this expression, a fast technical vehicle, this means that it is the same sports car, the only thing is that it is loaded with a large number of spare parts, it is heavier, if there are two leading crews, he sees leading crews on his way, he stops, provides them with technical assistance, shares spare parts, provides assistance - in the form of repairs, continues to insure, and this is standard practice, this is standard practice for all teams, and those crews that bring results travel with a minimum number of spare parts in order to be as light as possible. okay, i’ve never seen female racers, in your class, yes, it’s still the most brutal, can we say that, or are they still starting to take away a little? no, there are women on trucks, eh,
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but they can’t take anything yet, this is a brutal sport. there is a reason, that is , they have an all-female crew this year all three women performed at the dokar, there are separate women pilots, but the results so far are standard in competitions, but for now they just don’t show the results , there are results in all categories, in cars, in motorcycles, already in trucks, that’s exactly what i’m talking about in trucks , this is the trend of the last literally three years , probably on the silk road, 24 hours, 22 minutes and 14 seconds, well, i don’t remember, well, we looked specifically, in fact, more than a day of life, that’s probably the time at such moments shrinks, but it flies faster, that’s what these days are for your team, what they mean, well
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, for the team it’s a huge stress, a huge responsibility before the minsk automobile plant, before... the republic of belarus, when you represent them on the international stage, so as not let us down, we understand that the factory workers are rooting for us, the country is rooting for us, making mistakes that could lead to an accident and so on is unacceptable, but in the fight against such an opponent as we have today, the emazmaster team, you must always go beyond the edge, not on the edge, but beyond the edge, since they are many times larger than us in number, they field 5-7 crews, we are always there. all crews face problems, everyone, including them, but when you can afford to lose three, two, four crews, you have two or three remaining in service. in the fight for the podium, you can afford to take more risks. in our case, this is, as a rule, one or two crews who are in the fight for the highest levels. and here the cost of an error leads to the fact that the team
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no result in case of error. yes , we are already accustomed to winning, and then this is painful, painful, of course, well, look, we are sometimes criticized that we are in top domestic products, there are few belarusian ones, yes, but at the same time they are called belarusian, then the domestic computer. someone is not satisfied, yes, then cars, it seems like this year you even had domestic tires, yes, we drove on belshina, they were our partner, including on the silk road we won a victory using tires and belshina , you rode a misha before or no, before this there was interference, the speeds increased so much that the tires overheated, in the previous edition of the silk road the mishli let us down very badly, the wheels exploded every day, we could not impose a fight. and it was precisely because of this that we came third this year using belshin tires, we were able to find ourselves at the top stage and we simply won for sure, but
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of course we still had similar problems at some of the hottest stages, but we must pay tribute to the belarusian manufacturer, that even at the moment when the protector fell off, the wheel, the wheel cord remained intact and we could finish without replacing the wheel on a metal court, it just didn’t... it fell off, as i understand it, for physical reasons, yes, the temperature exceeds the permissible, we have instruments that measure this and by about 130° separates the tread from the court, but the tire is manufactured, welded, say, this short at a temperature of 100, when we exceed this temperature for a long time, simply the reverse process occurs, a normal physical process, why is this for all tires typically, we use them in trucks, but serial tires do not exist. tires, sport tires for trucks, so all the more credit must be given to belarusian tires that under such extreme loads, with a speed index
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of 90 dash 100 km/h, they can move for many hours at a speed of 140 km/h, fly, land, jump , deform, drive at low pressure and at the same time bring our belarusian maz to the highest levels of the pedestal, this is the current victory of maz, what does this give in your opinion? not only for you in terms of your personal brand, but at least everyone knows vizovic, but our flagship mazu is known to our country. initially, in general, this project , the massport auto sports team, was conceived as an advertising project for recognition of the mass brand throughout the world, a brand, a brand, and i believe that this project took place and it is successful, the mass brand is known all over the world, thereby we - we advertise the minsk automobile plant, the products of the minsk automobile plant and, of course, our engineering complex and the republic of belarus, that our products
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are competitive, despite all that as if we, probably since the times of the soviet union, have become accustomed to the fact that for some reason ours should always be a little worse than somewhere, something far away, stereotypes in certain stereotypes, but according to ours... the product, and i now i’m talking about trucks of the masses, this is a product of the minsk automobile plant, we can say that in terms of quality our trucks are some of the best in the world, we prove this at competitions, we perform to, say, restrictions on the world stage, competing with all trucks that are similar by design they were still reliable and higher speeds. and for many years , even in the international arena, we fought precisely with the kamaz team, we continue to do this now, it’s not cool when two enterprises
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of the leading two allied countries, and among themselves, although it would seem, according to our stereotypes, this is a paradox, but this fact, well, you will agree, this is still recognition not only of the maza brand, but this is a country, of course, of course, our trucks are always branded with state symbols.
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a guy from ecuador has lived here for 8 years and travels around our towns and villages too i wanted to see a lot, but what’s the problem ? no, it’s not a problem yet, i’m still young, and it won’t spoil here, no, there’s thermometry with fans, the air is blowing , he’s happy to talk about the most colorful places in the country , because it’s delicious, i don’t know, there
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are so many vegetables here. it’s simple, it’s incredible how many hectares you need to dig to get such a vegetable, i already know how sugar is obtained, the most difficult thing was to love the sephir itself, because it floats ours, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel. in 24 hours can to manage a lot, in 7 days even more, in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened in a week. in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, we we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science: magic
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turned out to be powerless, who made the first attempts to create a precious stone. the world's first peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists. synthetic stones, they are quite close in their characteristics to natural ones, so here are all the myths that exist, that if you put them in a glass of water, if you hold them in your hand, we conducted experiments, and how many people have so many opinions, we share interesting facts, we ask the most exciting ones questions. we are looking for answers to them. scientists created a press that made it possible to extract butter from cocoa beans to ultimately produce solid chocolate. on in fact, quite a lot of time passes from the idea itself to its implementation. the idea appears as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, as well as research into consumer preferences, for example, through questionnaires. see the project: science is nearby. tv
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channel belarus 24, now let's get to the unpleasant, yes, they are afraid of such people, winners are always afraid, and almost all belarusian athletes are now... as a result of sanctions, but they came up with a problem and excommunicated them from sports, riders are not an exception, as i understand it, no , of course, they are not an exception, yes, it affected you personally, but these were actually difficult moments, both for the team and for me personally, in fact, for me, probably more than for the team, that’s right, as you say, when you are a leader, you have to experience not only pleasant moments, but difficult moments, in the twentieth year
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there was, of course, enormous pressure on the team on me personally in order to somehow and we spoke out or i personally spoke out in favor of those people who they tried to come to power, yeah, to use you as a tool, but that is, they wanted to manipulate you, let’s not only me, but the team as a whole, but in fact for me at that moment... the most difficult thing was to preserve the team’s collective and the team's motivation to continue to represent the republic of belarus at as high a level as possible, despite the fact that we are suspended from international competitions, in fact this was one of the sticking points that they tried to manipulate, what will you have in such case, the opportunity to perform, but you remain,
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say, at an enterprise, you remain... loyal to your country, you won’t be able to perform, okay, what would you perform at then? you know, i never thought about this, because my whole career is connected with lubricants and i managed to create a car, just like another of our athlete, alexander vasilevsky, who is not competing yet, we give way, let’s say to the young to train, compete in all generations of maz, and we are simply completely in love with it, this is what our photo at the finish line says the silk road where we hug our truck after we cross the catwalk, so.
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that is, it is impossible to say openly, although they seem to tell us that there is freedom of speech, the guys can communicate in closed chats in person , but they cannot afford any calls or correspondence, since they have responsibility for this, yes, but yes, this is the reality of exactly the life that they are trying to impose on us, today the silk road race is open to everyone, despite. for all political situations, we we invite everyone to this race. vladimirich chagin, the same thing in all his speeches says that the race is open to all participants from all over the world, come and
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prove, well, colleagues congratulated, colleagues congratulated, who else congratulated, in fact , almost all the top teams and pilots personally congratulated with victory on the silk road, they know the price of victory over a team like mazmaster. but again i say, this is all not public, let’s say it’s all in direct message, so that it is not visible to the public, here you are they themselves recognized the dakar syndrome, but look, these new routes, china, mongolia , within the framework of the silk road, they are able to relieve it at least a little, this syndrome, or is it still the expectation that someday this, well, mildly speaking, stupidity and cynicism. will pass , it is there, and you know, the first year was simply stressful, after we turned around halfway, the second year was a little easier, this year i think about it differently, you know, there is such a belarusian
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saying, well done among the sheep, well done among the sheep the sheep itself, in fact, well, maybe it sounds a little rude, but the meaning of it is such that today... winning the dakar is not something supernatural with the current composition, well, if, excuse me, there are no strongest athletes, and for myself and for the team, i now put a victory on the silk road at a home race with the strongest team in the world, as many thought before, but we were able to compete with it this year, but they still... very strong opponents, i think that this year they will give our team a serious fight in order to take this title for myself, but nevertheless, watching this year’s decar race, in the composition in which it is,
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having won it, i would not feel as much satisfaction as an athlete as over very strong rivals and even for me in at some point... we must accept some conditions in order to prove something to someone, to whom and what? well , i, well, i don’t understand, i’m saying this frankly, why? of course, i want
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to return, but if we do this, what will we show to whom? only your own weakness, that’s right, this same year at dakar, as far as i know, there were no flags on... yes, and at the last moment, a riddle, a riddle for which there is no solution, i think, in order to... not bring to any conflicts, because this race is still being held in an arab country, today in saudi arabia, and there are many conflicts related to just that, well, you speak diplomatically, but the meaning is clear, yes, but at the same time, in my opinion, well, this already goes beyond all limits, when sport has become such a political instrument, when we in the first self-building they insisted that sport should be outside of politics, unfortunately... over the years we have become convinced that this is one of the tools, of course, which
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is used very seriously, but it’s okay, we will survive, but then we are athletes, you have the strength, sergey, let’s speak frankly, racers, yes, these are people without brakes, then the question is simple, what in the twentieth year helped you remain human, not betray the country, not succumb to manipulation? you know, probably, but the past and history of the country, family, mine, including my parents, uh, thanks to working in a team, thanks to the minsk automobile plant, i was able to visit many countries of the world, travel - many countries, never in my life have i wanted to stay somewhere, and i still i don’t understand people who today give up everything and go somewhere, but their homeland is up to... “it’s not like
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when they ask you why you love, you just love it, well, it’s yours, i can’t even explain why , i like belarus for no reason, not because, but simply i was born here, my parents are native belarusians, my two grandfathers went through the second world war, alone. one of them reached berlin in a tank, the other, after two wounds, was a partisan here, and what was offered to us in return, but many did not actually ask themselves this question, in the twentieth year we were told to break everything, in exchange for what, such conversations were not even it was, it was just break when you created at least something there in your life...
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well, we wandered around like that as an adult and very much, from 12 to 15,000 people work at the enterprise, everyone has a family, this multiply by - a family there of three to five people, up to 50, 40, 50 thousand people would be involved, left without work, how to start all this, but what happened, for example, what you had in mind there, the enterprise is standing, this what the hell, they wanted the factory workers to come out, but not...
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the idea was probably for people to be offended by the existing government, but at the same time you are creating these restrictions, and people have been understanding for the past time, who actually creates restrictions for them, who creates conditions for life, well, we had one candidate there who said that 90% of state-owned enterprises should be closed, and people would go to work in it, yes, to work on crowdfunding platforms and so on, oh well, let’s leave it. yes, i ’ll ask a practical question: how to control
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emotions, that’s when tires explode, off-road and out of sight, and the future, these are the secrets you have for this education of this very endurance, and if these secrets, and maybe patriotism as well , in fact, how to control my emotions, if i had known, we would have done all this much earlier we won, this is the most difficult moment - in my opinion, this is the key to success; my psychological state was influenced by the transition from pilots to team leaders, when i felt responsible. for all the guys, before that i wanted to prove to everyone who sergei vyazovich was, and this usually led to accidents, we won certain stages, but could not win the race, when i realized i began to be responsible for all the guys, and knowing
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that the amount of work they do for this, well, i couldn’t afford to let myself down, in at this moment the result began to grow, and therefore what is the secret... to grow up and not think only about yourself, can you be bought by fakes? and i think that a certain situation is most likely with live news, but so elementary, now there are a lot of photography opportunities, of course, if we are talking about the beginning of all these events, and about the twentieth year, but the thoughts were different in my head, in including doubts about what is actually happening at all, but thank god.
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when professionals work against you and they work professionally, even when you have doubts, but you understand, this is a really correct, good result, well , let’s talk a little about another race, political, next week, in fact , such an electoral race starts in belarus with registered candidates, yes, and on the twenty-fifth for the first time, and for the first time since the twentieth year, the first elections are like this and for the first time you...
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know the candidates who we will choose, but in my opinion, this is a person who has gone through a certain path in life, in many ways there is candidates who do not have, let’s say, any history behind them, try to immediately become representatives of, let’s say, the people in the legislative assembly; in my opinion, these should be people who have work experience behind them and understand the problems. from the bottom to the very top, then we can say that you understand all the processes that take place and the thoughts in people’s heads, and you must understand how people live, because what seems very important to some is not at all important to others has no meaning, but value
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completely different, and of course you need to understand the mentality of the belarusian people, we have our own values, our own... history that needs to be preserved and adhered to, for me, including in the team, it’s important, i tell the guys this every time so you know the history of formation, and now i’ll say this, yes, everyone sees the result, especially when this result is successful, but no one wants to know the path that was overcome until this result was achieved. the path is always difficult, but everyone forgets about it, including somewhere, once upon a time, they helped us pressure in this way, saying that there the first pilot of the team, who passed the dokar alexander vasilevsky, sergei vyazoevich kicked him out there in disgrace and so on, every
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trip to our competition such an article appeared in certain circles, discrediting me personally and the team, no, they all in place, they all work. we honor the history of our team and those who started this path, and we inherited this, our task is to preserve and pass on, this is if we are talking about the team, but in life i have exactly the same life principles for i adhere to myself, we grew up on the land, grew up in the village, with our grandfathers.


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