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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 29, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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birth with the heart, it’s not just that it’s called birth with the heart, welcoming a child into the family. you didn’t immediately fall in love with him, you didn’t immediately understand everything that the child wants from you, this is all a journey, but over time the child becomes family, so all our children, all 15 of us are all relatives, my name is lerina nizhevets, i am a parent-educator in family- type orphanage in the city of pruzhany, bota to be a mother, to give
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care, warmth, affection to my children. a family-type orphanage is a state program, that is, houses were built specifically for children who remained in the care of the state without their own. these children, so as not to be sent to boarding schools or social institutions, shelters, they are placed in families, the family format is a program that helps children
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develop, become children, and not adults with all the problems that they have to face in biological families often. a child came to us, he is a year old and he is lying down, he did not walk, now he is already 2 years old, and he can be said to be flying around the house, even the doctors were surprised in a year, now he is walking, developing, even learning to talk, is already swearing at someone, such a good fellow, in our family, you can probably say this, the purpose of the family is this, i am the fifth generation, in a family of women on the maternal side who have children, orphans, in the family, my parents have adopted children appeared when i was 17,
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then i already thought that i would grow up , i would definitely have adopted children, we... came to the desire to adopt a child through the death of a child, we lost a child in the eighth month of pregnancy, it happened, not i really wanted to live then, not that think about some other child, my mother is a very wise woman, at that moment, when it was very, very difficult for me, when i didn’t have, i wasn’t present in this world, as if, yes, she took me to an orphanage showed the children. right on the same day something happened and you are sitting here feeling sorry for yourself, but look, here, now the living children want someone to be a mother, my husband supported me,
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it was very important for my husband that i return to life, then we we started the journey with no pressure... we chose, that’s who was there, those were adopted, the most it was exciting for us to receive a certificate for a long-term family, this moment when we were discharged, all the children were registered, we have seven, seven children here, that is , taking into account adoption, we did not even plan to become parents in a family-type orphanage, initially we wanted adopt our children and live our own lives, then our life circumstances developed so that we had one child in care, he was 3 years old, the grandmother asked: please take a temporary child, i will quickly collect documents in 4 months i'll take it from you. our children
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had already finished school, and we were planning to move our future life as it should have been, by the end of the summer we understand that the grandmother is not taking the child. it so happened that they built this house, they were looking for a family here , and my mother said that this is your path, maybe following the example of our path, think about it, it was a difficult decision, but we thought about it, and sasha agreed, i was already following him when i already had children, so in the end we had 10 of them, it’s no longer an arrow question, i want to give birth, i was enough, i have... they are my children, we learned to live with each other, school, lessons, kindergarten, some kind of everyday life, everything i wanted, i got everything at the time of adoption, but i was happy to find out because that i was pregnant, it was, of course, my gift
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, this is the eleventh child, it was a miracle, it really is a miracle, the second miracle also did not happen right away, yes, there was another pregnancy loss. i really understand girls who lose a child, not being able to get pregnant when it doesn’t work out, you just need to start on the other side. first take child, love, give this child, and then the child will come, he will come for sure. okay, okay, let's go get the girls out now, dimka, girls, good morning, good morning, let's wake up, yes, wake up, girls. we get up at 6:30, which is quite early, because we have a school and kindergarten, we drop off
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the children by 8 o’clock, and if it’s already a day off, then we can sleep a little, well, literally there from 8 in the morning, every morning we have fresh porridge, a must, children love something hot, so it’s warm, fresh, 5 liters of porridge with in the morning - we have this for breakfast for all the children, that’s it, there’s nothing left for the second day, kids, let’s go tomorrow. it’s a little hot here, pasha, sit down to eat, boys, let’s go eat, we don’t have any problems with food at all, the children eat everything, the only thing that could be champignons or, in principle , the children don’t really like mushrooms, because they are slippery , i ask the children, what do you want to eat? orders are often from kids, but every
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child will say that their favorite dish will be macayons, that’s it, pasta, they don’t need anything else, so we focus on mom’s inspiration, dimka, you’re at home today, but with a fever, you also have a sore throat, yes, you girls, you’ll need dad to see you through. school, as a rule, we prepare food for the whole day, every day, because i don’t cook in large quantities, no, because we eat well, we make large purchases of food twice a month, a lot of pamerz and a lot of sterile powder, vegetable oil , over small things every day, i buy bread every day, there are stocks of porridge, cereals, flour, my dishes are also mine corner. where i arrange everything , collect it or come there , for example, enjoy the look of my dishes, that’s why
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we have a freezer here and here we get all my equipment, kitchen helpers, we do a lot of cleaning every day, because the kids do laundry every day , the day turns out to be 8-9, sometimes 12 machines, we change all the bedding, so... the machines work around the clock, we hang them up, take them off, then ironing, ironing , there are a lot of small ones, they get dirty often, but we like them to be clean, eight liquid liters will leave per week, we add capsules depending on the wash, there is color, white, black, i even ask you directly, please don’t call me before 12.
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yes, speak loudly, yes, yes, mark, you are going to kindergarten, we raise our hands, whoever is in kindergarten is starting , you can talk a lot about how i cope, how everything turns out easily and smoothly for me, but i wouldn’t be able to do this if i didn’t have a husband nearby and such a husband when i need the children they didn’t bother me, hot ladies... at this time sasha simply takes all the kids, a fun time passing the children with screams, noise,
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sgamom, it’s all on sasha, in our family there are not only children, but there are also adopted dogs, yes, let’s say we have agusha, here’s thea, and there are five more little puppies like this, children get used to animals, cruelty , that is, our cat can sleep with its belly up, and the children will simply step over it, even the little ones like this are already following the example of the elders, they see that the cat is lying and... they will not touch it, or the dog is lying, sleeping, they won’t touch her, pull her tail, in any way, so i think we need to get animals.
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there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela, but for some time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to appreciate us, supposedly more democratic than all of the above states, the most psychologically difficult. it is monotonous, methodical, calm, but efficiently doing your regular work every single day. and this, it seems to me, is what is needed from us for the country in 2024. if someone doesn't know where to start, start with yourself. here with this word they are constantly trying to prick lukashenko and his government, they say you need stability. does biden, so to speak, want stability? he wants stability more than anyone,
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because the united states is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china, and even belarus. but there is a nuance: america's stability is ensured by the instability of the rest of the world. we need to value this stability, because it is not only expensive , it is priceless. propaganda project. watch on tv channel belarus 24. adventures of foreigners in belarus. how about you name? and my name is evgenia. evgenia, it’s very nice to meet you. for me, i prefer it if you boil it, i like lily, otherwise it has a different taste, they taste different, more for frying, probably, that is, for baking, this is queen anne, a guy from ecuador, lives here 8 years old and travels through our towns and villages, i would also like to see a lot, yes, what’s the problem, no, it’s not a problem yet, while i’m still young, and
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it won’t spoil here, no, there’s thermometry, there are fans for the air.
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we drop off the kids and then we’re left with ourselves kids, is there any story at all with these kids? ours is so difficult, that year we actually had four children, one was born, three new children were born, we actually had a reorganization of the whole house, and i lived in the living room with two newborn babies , so that all the adults, the rest there was a kindergarten, schools, so that the kids didn’t bother me with their night awakenings, my main pain was that i took one meal, then another, nothing was absorbed, that is, i have a... married child, i can try the second one too feed the baby, not the first time, but it was some kind of feeling, really, that she succeeded, our babies get sick, well, i think it’s like all children, but angelina has teeth now, so she needs her medicine so that
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she it was easier and the temperature was low, in general we don’t have any issues with the hospital, with the clinic, that is, we call... we invite the doctor, he comes, everything looks like this, that regarding medical examinations for school, every child needs to go through all the doctors, we can’t go through this ourselves, children are admitted to the hospital and the collective common passage of all doctors in kraspol. the state maintains full control over the child at every stage, here are foster parents, there are institutions, first of all, this is the guardianship of our city. the school takes care of the children, psychologists, every teacher at the school tells me what i didn’t pay attention to. in the kindergarten there is a child’s own rehabilitation, that is, in addition to defectologists, speech therapists and so on, there is also psychological help, support for each child, so we
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don’t just get a child, we get another task, what we pay attention to, what we especially help him with, for each child we also issue a certificate for the right to represent the interests of the child, well, for me this is very exciting, that is, there is a deadline. validity period until the twenty-fourth year, then the question is: did i cope, did i fail, will it be extended for me? children end up in care for various reasons, it happens that the parents died, then this child is a complete orphan, i, as a parent, teacher, receive an accountable fund for him, he also has a pension, we we open a separate account for the child and we keep it, we do not dispose of it. there are children who, with living parents, are social orphans, these are the majority of children, precisely because the parents failed to cope with their parental role.
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after 16 years of age, the parents have raised the child, fulfilled their role, and this child is transferred further into the care of the institution where the child is studying. free education, food, plus social housing. in our country there is such careful control over every child, even an orphan, that well, our neighbors can envy, look, your son is repeating your actions, clearing the snow near his house so that the girls can come in and play there now , well done, well done, sasha and i are very actively developing social networks. we show our life with many children, it’s freezing, it’s pinching our kidneys , yes, yes, or no, it’s cold, okay, that’s it, i
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’m working, i’m warm, yes , daddy, handsome, you’re mine, mom, and you’re completely separate, you know, thank you, we run these pages for a reason in our lives as foster parents, as adoptive parents. because we have nothing to do, this is difficult, i really want to inspire people to take the same action in relation to children, orphans , here is the second floor, we have one children’s room here, this is a shower room, one, here is the second, then there is a girls’ room and also a girls’ room, we are completely on balance
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, gospo, if you have a happy mother, everyone around you will be happy, for children the example of mothers is not downtrodden, there are mothers, i don’t know, with a dirty head and stained t-shirts, yes, but a mother, who is a woman first of all for her husband, is a mother for the family, as usual, in general, the girls make themselves look beautiful, they draw, that’s what we have. they like to decorate something, i think that from such a young age girls should be taught to take care of themselves, to make themselves beautiful, so painting their nails, if it’s allowed at school, then we
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can too, but if it’s not allowed at school, then girls on the weekends they do everything, they do everything with makeup and makeup, whatever they want, ball gowns occupy a special place in the lives of our two little girls, this is a separate closet. only for dresses, because two girls absolutely love to dress up and are always ready walk around in dresses, skirts, well, princesses , the real ones, they only go to kindergarten with us, but in addition we enrolled them in a modeling school, they participate in shows, i’m not alone with these homework tasks, i have assistants, a real an older brother to whom you can leave the child's gold. yes, you are my gold, just today he had an assignment, but at school, and he was assigned not far away, as a chief mechanic, so
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the child could go for a walk with friends. or with the kids or feed, wash, comb, braid, so, yegorchik, pull we know how, look, evenly, right here , right here, come on, my husband.... next to me, a loving husband, well, nothing, the hands are still wooden, you’ll get used to it, there’s a very clear hierarchy of our family, dad, chief, then mom, and then the children are older, this model has been passed down to us from generation to generation, the ideal model of life, family in principle, our children, in fact, when they later go out into independent life, they can do everything on their own, themselves
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without... any problems, they know how to stroke, and roughly speaking, fry eggs, bed they can lay the sheets, they can do everything themselves and wash the dishes after themselves too. alya, masha, where is pasha? here are nikita, angelina, angela. julia, will you play with us? will you? so, dima has a fever, where is egor? kostya, mark, yarik. remembering 15 names isn't as hard as remembering. 15 birthdays, pull out a card, show which one, come on, come on , come on, so there’s no offense, that’s it, it’s you, hush, hush, hush, well, what’s his name, he also has fiona, you know fiona, who is fiona’s husband? , who doesn’t, puss in boots still happens to them, sometimes, shren, well done, give me five,
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come on, spending time with your family will remain in your memory for the rest of your life, and for me somehow these moments are especially valuable, usually in the evenings it’s very noisy here until we bathe the kids and put them to bed, it’s fun, friendly, interesting, but noisy, the dogs also play with us at this time, we want girls and boys to participate in cooking, the smell of baking yes... years later, so that they feel it, that the house always smells of baking, it’s always like that with us, grandma we'll welcome you today, so let's let's prepare basket cakes, everyone loves it, grandma loves them very much, let's prepare it, yes , okay, let's start, butter for me, please, i even picked out aprons for everyone, so that the boys and girls have aprons for us, we put a little bit of dough
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and... that we make a flatbread, yes, a neat, smooth, beautiful flatbread, yes, girls, yeah, we bake something and the kids and i communicate at this moment, they can tell me something very heartfelt, this is a family in this, when everyone is together, everyone is friendly, grandma has arrived, grandma is a grandma.
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my parents showed me an example of adopted children in general, i didn’t even think about it before, god did the work in the heart, it was just my proposal, they and sasha decided everything, i thank you, of course they would love this, just a wonderful guy who will eat, go, who will eat at the table, we shouldn’t have orphanhood, why it exists, probably because we all live too well, and somehow everyone doesn’t want to infringe on themselves somewhere, at least one child would be taken apart, that's it, if we didn't have this, where did they get this cake, that's the secret, but
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we'll cut it out for you... olechka, our first daughter, made her eldest sister, since today they are 8 years old. respect, love, care comes from mom to dad, from dad to mom, we made this conclusion from what we saw around, in our family we live one life for ourselves, yes, we have such evenings periodically, i would like of course , more often than not, unfortunately, it’s not possible to meet with parents often. so meeting at the same table, sitting, talking - this is not only valuable for us, it is also for our children are valuable, what is our attitude towards our parents, how respectful do we treat them? i’m sure that these family holidays will remain in the children
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’s memory, i see this picture: the extreme old age of me and sasha, fireplace and... my children, my grandchildren, maybe my great-grandchildren, so that each of my children has their own home, so that they grow up as worthy people who base their lives on the values ​​of family, love, fidelity, friendship, so that they build their families strong, reliable, what we invest in them, so that it has sprouted.
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the president of belarus outlined the main tasks in the development of cooperation in the union state, both in the current period
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and in the future. the head of state made a corresponding statement at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state in st. petersburg. alexander lukashenko said that by the end of 2023 the parties will renew. historical maximum of trade in goods and services. the president outlined intensified cooperation on import substitution as the main task in the industrial sector. it's already been done a lot. alexander lukashenko also stated the need, at all costs, to eliminate everything that hinders mutual supplies of goods, level the operating conditions for enterprises, eliminate barriers in the field of government procurement, and remove restrictions on the transit of goods. the agenda of the meeting of the supreme state council also includes such important topics as the creation of a union media holding, the settlement of issues of common property, and the approval of a strategy for the scientific and technological development of the union state until 2035. this year the union state will celebrate a number of significant dates, primarily
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the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the signing of the treaty on the creation of a union state, these are powerful ideological reasons, we have no right not to use them for advancement.
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fundamentally does not arise, there will always be a dispute between the seller and the buyer, the question is how much does this affect the strategic system of our relations, i believe that this... it affects extremely little and should not affect in principle.


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