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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 30, 2024 12:55am-1:26am MSK

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that were running, are still running on the routes, we were extremely surprised by the condition, that is, our buses are in better condition than those that we saw, well, you can even look at a seven-year-old bus from this bus, but so - there are visible damages and such strong ones, and the tunneloleum is quite intact, they don’t have a disease like this on buses, that ’s where... the glass is adjacent and the bottom panel has gone, yes, that is, rust forms, then there is no such thing on mazov buses, well, that’s good belarus is represented in sakhalin, here on sakhalin, sakhalin businessmen, how willingly they go to belarus today, or whether belarus still remains such an island is unknown, i think yes, the second most likely direction, there is still room for us to move, because for now we are attracting people here, and we are interested in this, but i think that for ours...
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when we visited minsk last year, enterprises producing compound feed in belarus were interested in fish waste, this is fish oil and fish meal, that is, we have enterprises in the city that is engaged in the processing of fish waste, and fish oil is an integral part for the production of compound feed, so we want the management here to also work on the issue so that our enterprises can supply these products. the vice-mayor
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of yuzhno-sakhalinsk also announced a visit of businessmen and tourism people from grodno in march. grodno, by the way, is a twin city of yuzhno-sakhalinsk. they are planning to strengthen relations with the leninsky district of minsk in the near future. in addition, a belarusian trading house will be opened on the territory of yuzhny. in in the sphere of industrial development , belazs are purchased. we have coal mining in the sakhalin region. to date. more than 94 belaz units carry out their work, have proven themselves from the best side, as high-quality, high-performance equipment, and thanks to these technologies, we see the development of this area, the coal industry, and our coal production has increased over the past six years, from 2 .3 million tons, up to i hope that in... coal is
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a quality indicator that affects number on the tax base and accordingly replenishing the budget revenues. and now we are returning to the sea of ​​okhotsk again, where the crab hunt has been going on for an hour. the bait is abandoned, we check it regularly, while simultaneously casting the fishing rod. and... this is the first success of the allied team, oh what a sol, he grabbed you in the leg, well, what is the first one, it’s a prickly royal one, but it’s considered large , well, no, it’s a medium size, a medium small one can even be considered that it’s a small thing , yes, this is just a cub, there is an even smaller one, but this more or less size, a start has been made, class, guys, second, the sea turned out to be generous, it crawls, crawls, have you ever tried
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a crab caught in person? well , that’s it, we open it, everyone remembers it beautifully young, boiled in sea water, in a word, it’s already worth going to sakhalin island for this, let’s give it its due, the generous mohodsky that day was for fish, and this is already holy...
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continuous and every year we we release the fish into the river, grind the whales, then the return accordingly goes every year, in the slaughterhouse, which means there is a table like this. fits on this table female whale, the abdominal cavity is hidden, the eggs are removed, from several females the eggs are placed in this basin, in this way, in this basin the eggs are fertilized with the sperm of the males, then they are placed in shipping boxes, a crate. 2 hours under running water, when it has stood, the shell is strengthened, it
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is no longer susceptible to mechanical damage to the eggs, after that the water is drained from the boxes, the box is packed with steam and the slaughter is transported to... the hatchery workshop where we are located. 29 million eggs are produced per year, 26 million juveniles are released, with a weight gain of 90 mg. the food is russian, the whale goes on a free swim in june, after 3 years the fish returns to where it was reproduced. this is what i told you about, about the corpse substratum, now she is lying in a twisted substratum, you see, they are so small. yes, this is the grinding of whales, you can lift it, like this, this stream is a discharge channel, it is connected to the udarnitsa river, and the grinding from the udarnitsa river ends up in
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lake tunacha, in which it still continues feed there for from two weeks to one month, from here with fish. the sunbathing net is removed, these sandors are removed, and the fish spontaneously falls into this stream, so the stream rolls into the river, from the river, into the lake, tunacha, well, from the tunacha into the sea of ​​okhkhod. today we see the activity of fishing industry, the beginning of supplies of fish products to the territory of the republic of belarus, this includes pink salmon, flounder, and mentai. we hope this is the direction too.
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to the territory of the republic of belarus, the market itself will tell you which products are more in demand in what volumes need to be supplied, we will, of course, provide the demand that is formed in the territory of the republic. and now a short pause, cooking. in yuzhno-sakhalinsk we were invited to a restaurant where the chef prepared two dishes. remember those who want to experience the island flavors. minimum set of ingredients, maximum kitchen. let's get started, first take salt, salt it, i don't know salt, i add
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salt, just by eye. pepper, this dish is very simple, well so to speak, it’s probably traditional, i would say our sakhali dish, let’s add a little originality and bread it in semolina, dish number two from the chef surprised us, much more potato pancakes, they say potato ones, the only ones on the menu like...
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food and lard. we go to the tasting with our fellow countryman, alexey lazar. living in belarus , of course, we eat classic potato pancakes and , to be honest, even for... for me today it was a surprise, well, the presentation, of course, is also amazing, well, this is typical, because we have red fish here, i i say i’ve already assimilated a little , red fish, caviar, this is the presentation, it ’s certainly very interesting, well, i don’t know the taste, while our chefs are busy with other dishes, i suggest you try it, i agree, will you and i taste the beer or not? i’ll feel it, of course i have beets, i’m surprised by the beets, yes,
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yes, yes, and you use a coarse grater, i decided to do it with a coarse grater, with a carrot grater, i grate it with a carrot grater, and i managed to develop my own recipe, garlic i feel it, but there’s no beer, you can’t feel the beer, it’s very subtle. garlic is piquant, and i think if you try it with fish, it will be just right, it will complement it, yes, try it with fish, a note to belarusian housewives, this is the recipe, you have a cool idea, yes, this idea, well, it probably arose as a symbiosis our communication with you, of course, we now have ever closer integration ties, you can see how our presidents meet, and accordingly, we are at a distance here.
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could try the far eastern cuisine of sakhalin, first of all i speak for sakhalin, sakhalin cuisine, which our chefs will cook here in sakhalin, i hope that this will be supported by the authorities at all levels. and this project will be implemented, we will be happy to get involved. and this is
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a store of belarusian products in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, as you understand, the reaction was top notch. tell me what you are buying, we are studying the preference for sakhalin, which is belarusian, very tasty cheeses, but most of all i just eat, they have very tasty sausages, by the way, i also need servilat, milk, most of all i eat ice cream here, very tasty cabbage rolls i don't see where they are. yeah, i'm just eating cheese, that's it you can try everything at once , you can try everything at all, very tasty, yes, cabbage rolls, dumplings, very yes, stewed peppers are also very tasty, but they have very tasty ice cream, which is currently out of stock, i ate it all, very tasty , i can show you, come on, well, we have to lead, if it were, i would take the box now, but now i’ll take this. and if there is, then i’ll probably take a box of this, how much will it cost you to eat it? i can eat four or five at a time,
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milk, cheeses, sausages, groceries and even bread. i’ll tell you that this bread is so loved by sakhalin residents that although they have their own production, in many stores they bake bread themselves, but most buyers come here for bread, because the taste and quality are still different, and we are so enamored with soul of sakhalin, that we are very... constantly belarusian, eat in ours , dress, speak closer to the body. our
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stores have been open since 2011, our main suppliers are sersh and veroli, we have been working with them for almost 12 years. what do you have in stock here, maybe something you can show? there is a wide assortment, that is, almost the entire line of home knitwear - these are women's and men's t-shirts, shirts with sleeves. with straps, well , all kinds of t-shirt type, then, if we go through, then this is a row of pajamas, also shorts, capri pants, trousers, all generations of women in the family come to us. this is a daughter , and a grandmother, and a mother, minsk, yuzhno-sakhalinsk, delivery by rail, then by ferry, textiles take 2 months, so if you need, for example, holiday collections, valentine's day or defender of the fatherland day, or new year , plan six months in advance. when did you learn about
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belarus in general from this point of view? partnership, well , look, i’ve been living on sokhalin for about 30 years, with my wife, yes, well, i came from the mainland, but nevertheless, sakhalin residents, and i remember the moment when, about 7-8 years ago, we were on the market, on in a simple market, in an unkempt place, we met this belarusian with his products, then the sausage was from his grandmother, from his grandfather, something like that...
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we decided to update the existing fleet, there were some business trips, they personally went to belarus, and there they found that equipment , which was presented to them, and it turned out to be the amkodor company, from the fifteenth or sixteenth years, they bought it, it still works well today, then you, as the head of the repair service, tell us how often or not often this belarusian equipment breaks down and how long do you have it? already - on the balance sheet, we have had equipment since the fifteenth year, breakdowns , well, we don’t have such global breakdowns, uh, all the equipment is repairable, in principle , we have all the spare parts, with the exception of - specifically two units, this is a 308 loader and 320 loader, at one time there were factories there, when
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they were working, they supplied imported spare parts , that’s what we’re talking about now, if you find it, maybe you’ll show something about the engine and... their stage, they each exist for their own stage, yeah, each for places that no other equipment can go into, these are 308 loaders that
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fold, they are very comfortable, very convenient, we have few of these, unfortunately. today there are only three of them, they are in demand, i would like to buy, but we are waiting for financing, there are plans, approved and purchases of mtz loaders, and they also need a belarusian wood splitter. at the request of the wives who left for the northern military district, the guys, all organizations supplied firewood, firewood, coal, including ours, two of us were forced to do sawing and chopping. the guys chopped wood, tore off the backs by hand, it was difficult to do , we rented a wood splitter from friends, it turned out to be made in belarus, so based on it we quickly ordered another one, now we are waiting for delivery, it will arrive, we will finish it, we will finish it and distribute it when expected, i think, what's through it’ll be 2 weeks already, the factory
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has confirmed the shipment, but there’s no need to travel all over sakhalin. region , it is enough to visit the capital, the city of yuzhno-sakhalinsk , to understand how much japanese there is, for example, a building from the time of occupation, this is a local history museum, there are witnesses, military equipment and these korean dogs, but to us they look more like lions, and yes , there was hard labor here, for 20 years they were sent into exile here on the island of sakhalin, the work of the katarzhans was hard, they laid. tunnels, they built roads and houses, mined coal , all this formed the basis of anton pavlovich chekhov’s book, sakhalin island, chekhov wrote: this is hell, today the islanders are not shy and openly talk about this page of their history, although among those who were sent here,
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belarusians were also exiled, so hearing how it was was important for each of us. it took chekhov 81 days to get to sakhalin by train along the spring floods of the volga, using crossroads. and just imagine, he is walking along the shore of the tatar strait, meeting him on... convicted of the most serious crimes, well that's how many years he was in hard labor, he was shackled like this for so long, his arms and legs were chained to a wheelbarrow that weighed
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about 30 kg, he dragged it behind him, and then, when he was unchained after his term, it turned out that he had some conditioned reflexes were developed, he twitched his arms and legs, and he had to learn to live again , i would like to highlight, probably , coal mining, open-pit coal mining...
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we learned to live again, developing the island of sakhalin here, which was very difficult. sakhalinskaya the region borders the kamchatka, khabarovsk and primorsky territories, and japan in the south. this is the only region in russia that consists only of islands and is the largest. with visitors, or rather those who have flown in, local acquaintances begin with the question, are you from the mainland, here on the island they really love guests, they don’t often have to leave their land, and they say that everything is there, we are now communicating with you in the winter, in first of all, probably, one cannot help but say about our sports and tourist complex mountain air, this is the pearl of the sakhalin region, undoubtedly of the entire far east, i will boast about the mountain air... this is not the first time that it has become the winner of the nomination, this competition is held throughout the russian federation and this is one of the best resorts of home resorts and the best resort of the far east. we annually receive a large
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number of tourists, according to the results of the last season, and 240,000 people, a little more than 240,000 people visited the sakhalin region, namely the ski resort, that is, we do not count all those tourists who may be they don’t ski, yes, of course there were a lot of them. more sakhalin residents are a permanent resource - a trendy concept, but the sakhalin region is a resource region with significant reserves of oil, gas, coal, many minerals, water-biological, forestry, recreational and hospital resources, although listen to the minister, they are still ready to go for the latter on a long voyage to belarus, well, of course, tourists from belarus are interesting to us, we are ready to meet them.
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taking into account the fact that you have already been to belarus, were you able to see anything and maybe some contacts have been made? well, unfortunately, from the point of view of tourism , i was only able to see minsk literally, probably for a walk, because i was mostly in transit, but at the same time, sokhalin has a history of relations with belarus, not in terms of tourism, but in terms of agriculture economy, i have a lot of friends who visit belarus primarily for the sake of sanatorium and spa treatment, i know that it is very developed in belarus, very accessible, very interesting. belarus and sakhalin region, despite the distance, different time zones, we are interesting to each other, beneficial, we are close historically and in
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the present, nowhere closer. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult.
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ceraz is contagious in the early forest of the sun, a little bit so, hold your breath, let it not be the attresses of this tsud, which are the old masters. arina sabalenka, who became the champion of the australian open for the second year in a row, on saturday in the final the minsk resident left no chance to the chinese jamesie wen, thanks to which our tennis player repeated the success of victoria azarenka, who also won the major in
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melbourne for 2 years in a row. we will tell you what other achievement arina achieved in australia a little later on the arena broadcast. hello, look at the program. sabalenka won, djokovic lost in the semifinals. how did the first grand slam tournament of the season turn out? let's sum it up and congratulate the winners. everyone clearly understands, sees perfectly and knows why the choice fell on this or... the strongest belarusian biathletes will take part in the all-russian winter spartakiad in zlatoust, who will go to the tournament, the latest news from the team: our beloved mother, our dear mother, live forever, their witch is belarus!


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