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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 30, 2024 3:20am-3:50am MSK

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this inner child awakens in everyone and reaches out to play, everything always goes joyfully and cheerfully, you will see today, in just a few minutes our friday party will begin, the guests are already gathering, placing all sorts of goodies on the table and in a few minutes we will start playing, dancing, getting to know each other, we invite you to take part. in our friday evening, today i want to start with a more solemn round dance, this is a round dance of the times, how will people find out about our evenings? first of all, about word of mouth radio, as word of mouth always works, a person came, he liked it, he says to his friend: either his wife or husband, let’s go there
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great, let’s go there for a party. the second option is, of course, social networks, we have a viber group on telegram, vkontakte, and through them people can also come to us, the groups are constantly replenished, new members are added, members find us, children, adults, men and women come , it’s even difficult for me to say what the percentage is, but there are always children at... at parties who come with parents, we invite parents to take their children with them, it is very important that children understand how their parents relax, and so that this is an example that you can relax like this in different ways, fun and joyfully, most often at the beginning we arrange a tea party so that when a person came, maybe he was home from work, especially when we have parties most often on friday evenings and a person...
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when he comes from work, he needs time to rest, to switch to this, to this type of activity , for the evenings, we we'll have a tea party with goodies, everyone brings something to the common table, fruits , some cookies, maybe some pastries, and we discuss some questions, or just get to know each other if someone comes for the first time, and so, during communication, it is very easy to establish contact, acquaintance most often occurs through the game, there are a lot of very different dating games, which are played at the table, and played indoors, active, there are a lot of different ones, more than ten we use in our evenings, depending on the situation, every evening ours has some kind of theme, and many of the evenings correspond to slavic holidays, year-round, that is, year-round - this is according to the cycle of the sun, which is held in... on
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childhood at the solstice, this is maslenitsa, koleda, kupala of autumn or the rich man. there are four more holidays that are located between these holidays, we also celebrate them, we definitely celebrate them, we believe that it is very important to celebrate precisely these moments of the solar cycle, so that people realize for themselves, note that this is the middle of summer and this is a koopa. right now, for example, the middle, end of december , there is december 22, yes, and this means that the sun, the day has become the smallest, and on december 25 the sun begins to grow, the sunny day begins to increase, each of these holidays has its own energy, and if a person lives with in relation, in the rhythm of these energies, he will live in the rhythm... of the world, legs together, legs
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together, many men come to our parties, it is important for a man to be the leader. in a man’s condition, he is responsible for the one he leads, this is a family, this is some kind of work team, this is some kind of business, and a man pumps up this responsibility in round dances, plus, of course, dancing, when there is a harmonious interaction between a man and a woman, and in russian dances, in slavic dances, it has always been a lot of rotations, when there is a man around, around a man...
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a woman is spinning, how she should spin by nature in her own way, that is, the man is the support of the family, the support around, the woman spins around. creates such an atmosphere of tenderness and care. evenings have always existed among our ancestors. in every village, in every settlement, parties were definitely held. most often at the end of the work week. evenings have always been in the traditions of our ancestors, and now we are reviving, taking from folklore, some of their particles, facets and adapting them to modern times, so that it is interesting for everyone.
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it was possible to get to know each other through dance, because it is very easy to recognize a person, through their hands , whether they are strong, through their eyes, whether they look openly, there are so many factors, how to understand a person in dance, in our traditions most often dances are pair dances with a change partner when a girl walks through a circle, dances with one partner, with another, with a third, with a fourth, with a fifth. this is how people got to know each other, this is how they got to know each other, there were parties that took place between villages, at our parties there are quite a lot of cases when a man and a woman, a guy and a girl meet at parties, in the last calendar year alone we have had three couples, two of
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who formed a family, and one couple is still dating, we have a very interesting story, 2 years ago a couple met at a party and they fell... in love at a party, they went to every party, they found it so joyful, so interesting, they always participated so actively, did not miss a single evening, having fallen in love with the parties, they also fell in love with each other and formed a wonderful creative couple, now they are together, they are for it time, and we trained to be the host of round dance and game festivals, we even held our first party together, where they were independent hosts, it was very joyful, at the party we all try to come in dresses, at least lower knees, such dresses or skirts, they retain energy, a dress or skirt, like a dome,
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retains feminine energy, at our party many girls sew their own clothes, we have a mother who teaches careful... sewing, you can always sew in it a dress for yourself or a shirt for a young man. we preserve these traditions, we also carry it through time from our grandmothers and mothers, and we try to preserve this and always come to parties in beautiful dresses. i sew my own outfits, i don’t have much time for it, but i have four dresses that i handmade for myself. this is a direct practice of self-stripping, because every stitch, every seam, it means something, by cutting from the fabric, we remove unnecessary things, every seam means something, by sealing the seams, we seal our energy, preserving
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it, the hem is a connection with family, the neckline is our self-expression, the gusset that is sewn into the side is self-love, every part of the protective dress... means something like this, when we sew the whole dress, consider it, this is such a practice enough serious, strong, plus we sew only from natural fabrics, linen, cotton, this also allows you to save energy, pat someone on the shoulder, pass on the trouble and run out for a pebble, run, run and wait to see where it will fit.
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we live in states of joy, carelessness, brightness, enjoyment of these emotions, then naturally such an aftertaste remains. after the holiday, it stretches for several days, and then, when you start preparing the holiday, you also enter into a state of holiday, and the holiday passes, again aftertaste, and if this holiday is once a week, then practically you live constantly in a state of holiday, it’s very cool when i host a holiday, i’m still on a holiday, and i, together with other people... feel all these emotions and joy, and unity, creativity
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, laughter, enthusiasm, harmony, when in some dances, in round dances, all this is lived out, and of course, this is reflected in my state , too, on the state of the participants. let's go on a trip to belarus, dear friends, welcome to novostarobinsk, few people knows, but this is what the city of soligorsk was once called, now only the inscription on this stone reminds of this, which symbolizes the beginning of the construction of the city, with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions, i have been to a variety of master classes, a variety of different ones, but honestly, this is the first time in my life i’ve seen something like this, even for a moment. visit the vibrant
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sights of our country. there are two museums with amazing exhibits here. agree, such rarities can now be seen only in soviet movies. girls love to decorate the world around them, and i am no exception, so we will have such a painted candle. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. participants in this show believe that you need to pump up not only your muscles, but also your brain. hello, friends, today we are planning a football and hockey derby, this is the name of the sportswear in which athletes train and perform in karate, dudo and some other martial arts.
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cristiano ronaldo has been playing for most of his career. number seven. number seven. this correct answer. sports and entertainment show - head game. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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the family certainly supports, they are glad that i have a whole business that i like, they are interested in what, when, as it happened, there is support, there is respect for my occupation, my husband and i have been living for 33 years, of course , we... are very close, and we share everything, tell each other about how our day went, of course, he asks how it went, how many people were there, what they did, what was interesting, and this is very important, of course same, mutual exchange emotions, feelings with a loved one, of course, this is mandatory, this is important, when i see that after every holiday, people leave joyful, come again, this is very cool. they need this communication, this warmth, this gives strength. in addition to parties , there is also a huge variety of travel,
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family, friends, and relatives, there are some small hobbies, i am fond of handicrafts, we often meet with friends, watch movies together or play board games, many of these facets already add up, happy life, what a recipe for happiness, how to find happiness? it seems to me that we just need to give people our warmth, kindness, our light, our love, and if we give it away... we unselfishly receive in return, what could be even better, this is happiness.
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the magic of evenings is the state that people get in these few hours; this is a great opportunity to relax in 3-4 hours. week and recharge, fill up with energy, so if you compare a person with a telephone, we work for a whole week, our battery seems to be a little discharged, and during a round dance, during communication, we we are filled with emotions, we are filled with emotions of joy, unity, gratitude and we
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have the opportunity... to recharge ourselves the whole next week and spend the whole next week in joy. parties in general seem to pump up, yes, such a modern word is fashionable, but understandable to everyone, they pump up all aspects of life, health begins, because a party - this is like slavic fitness, running, jumping, squatting for 3-4 hours is a good physical activity, it develops the speed of thought, because that is, games on e for the speed of thought, the ability to think quickly, think quickly, there are games on a variety of aspects, at parties it’s easy to become more confident and then show yourself more confident in life, which also affects all areas of life, on realization and creativity, on
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the material sphere, when a more confident person is more ... easily realizes its purpose, we hold holidays and want as many people as possible to join, so that these holidays become more widespread, even on a city scale, on a state scale, so that maslenitsa, bathing, are held as folk festivals national holidays. i see how people's condition changes, how people rest more, how their lives improve, they... find new friends, they form couples, they simply become happier. of course, we all live in society, we have different situations, but from a state of fullness and joy it is much easier to cope with any situation than a state of anxiety or some kind of negative states, yes, i said that i am
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happy person, naturally, i am the same as everyone else, an ordinary person who has it happens... in the family and with relatives, at work, there are some situations that require us to get together, the question is how we solve them, from what state, from a state of kindness towards the world, love for the world, love for people, or from a state of anxiety and the decision will be completely different. of course, i want to live in a state of lightness, joy, peace. and harmony, i want there to be peace throughout the whole earth, because the own happiness and state of each individual person, the prosperous state of each person is impossible without the well-being of people around, without prosperity and harmony in the whole world, that’s why we hold round dances, and we
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want the round dances to make the whole world spin. for example, we went to st. petersburg and held round dances there for 3.00 people, and we dream of having a huge round dance on our october square, because it’s just a means of looking into each other’s eyes, holding hands, holding hands, looking into each other's eyes, we will understand each other better. the world will be a better place.
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choose the best one, now you have one to refuse the question and be attentive to questions, at the end of the program you will have if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right three times a minute to briefly talk about yourself, time has passed, i am olim selimov, i am 40 years old, i am the chairman of the belarusian wrestling federation . two-time world champion, honored master of sports of the republic of belarus. and you finished it in less than a minute. and now questions from our audience.
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we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question. let's see how fast you can answer. you are ready? yes. then let's begin. question from the red sector. hello, my name is svyatoslav. here you are, a belarusian athlete. but judging by... your name, your roots are not entirely belarusian, can you please tell us about your homeland? i was born in dagestan in the mountainous republic of the russian federation, in the village of kasumkent, at the age of 15 and i moved to the republic of belarus, to gomel, the olympic reserve school, where i became a professional athlete, where i had belarusian coaches...
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wrestling greco-roman wrestling i began to study here in the republic of belarus, and i began to attend the freestyle section struggle, it happened purely by chance , i lost my father very early, and i was the one left, i was the youngest in the family and my mother, in order to somehow distract me, i just had a neighbor, she was a volleyball coach, she asked take me to the gym so that i could somehow... take my mind off this such a heavy loss, on that day, the very first day when i got into the volleyball section, next to
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this hall there was a wrestling hall. where were the screams of the coach coming from, the harsh screams of the coach, the fall of knocks, the fall of the barbell, i, well, like a child at the age of 9, felt very i wonder what is happening there in the hall, i walked around the hall, went into the wrestling hall, opened the door, and i was surprised at what was happening in the hall, there really was such an atmosphere that i stuck my head in the door like that i look and the coach looks at me with such a hard look: he looked at me once, he says, whose girl are you, i say, i’m not a girl, he says, i’m not a girl , you play volleyball with the girls there with a sword, he says, you want to become a real man, i say, well, yes, of course, he says, go to this corner and sit there, sat down, looked all over training, then he comes up to me after training, hugged me and said: listen, to become a man, you must
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be here and... i’m waiting for you tomorrow at training, and that’s how i ended up in the freestyle wrestling section, have you ever thought about when choosing this particular sport, it seems to me that it is not the most profitable, in fact, not everything is measured in money, at the age of 10 i had the goal of becoming a world champion, and until the age of 22 in my life i lived only with this goal. you know, it appeared for me at my second or third competitions during my fight, my fights, my fight , such a legendary ali aliyev came into our hall, he is a five -time world champion, for us then he was a big idol, this is great happiness, desire, then he came to our hall and saw the way we were fighting, and i lost, became fourth
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when the award ceremony was already underway, they called my name and called me to receive a prize for the will to win, then he turned me around to all the guys, put his hand on my shoulder and said to me: alim, uh, you have a lot in you good qualities of an athlete and a fighter, so he says, work, work hard, if you are disciplined, good results await you, when i was walking after the competition with my brother about a kilometer and a half to our house, i am brother... i say, brother, i will become a world champion, he says who are you world champion , don’t make me laugh, that’s when i had a goal in life, i never fought for money, i understood that if i achieved some results, then i would have, well, let’s say, normal material benefits, and i ’ll tell you, today the state provides athletes who achieve results good prize money, good... salary
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today, yes, this is not football, this is not hockey, there are no millions, but a person who achieves great results at the world championships, olympic games, in our country is well paid and lives with dignity, so that the goal itself was not making money, the goal itself was my desire, my dream, to become a world champion, thank god, i managed to do it twice, now questions from the yellow sector, this is on the right, hello, olim, my name is igor, tell me, please, is it necessary to attack your opponent in order to win? is it necessary to be angry? no , uh, anger actually destroys an athlete, you have to be concentrated as much as possible, make sure that your opponent switches, i’ll say, i’ll explain, probably in such understandable language, into your fighting style, or...
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so that he plays according to yours rules, this is great respect for the person who goes against you, maximum composure, maximum respect for your opponent and maximum desire to win, tell me anything about your most successful sports season? it was probably 2011, when i won the second time...


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