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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 30, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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fuel and a separate irritant - cheap agricultural products from ukraine. macron, like scholz, also abolished subsidies for farmers, turning the middle class against him. looking at the clusters of popular anger, macron immediately began to fuss, saying that there weren’t enough more yellow vests, then they had barely raked it all out. fearing the consequences, the government withdraws the draft law on agriculture and invites representatives of the agricultural sector for negotiations, but no matter how late it is, because the situation for macron is close to disaster. 8% of french people rate the actions of his leader as very bad, every time a certain sector goes on strike, the first thing macron does is change the minister of that industry, thinking that of course this will solve the whole problem. in this situation, which concerns the strikes of the agrarians in france, he acted differently, he simply said that the french state was incompetent in this, in this situation, and the problems were coming from the european union. and this is a problem that
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came to farmers from the european union, and that is, farmers need to supply and apply specifically to the european union. parisian farmers went even further, protesters surrounded the entire city, farmers blocked the highways that lead to the capital, two key airports, the largest food market in europe. according to the activists' plan, not a single food truck should enter the city during the siege. the parisian authorities announced that they intend to operate a similar red line. but who cares about their own economy when you can talk about ukraine, macron gave the following words at a press conference on january 17, that is already during the strike protests. macron announced the impending conclusion of a bilateral agreement to supply ukraine with new weapons, 40 scalp long-range missiles and several hundred bombs. i myself will go to ukraine in february and there we will...
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begin the supply of these new weapons, the president said, referring to the supply of the above- mentioned weapons. the market reacted to macron’s words by increasing the price of electricity by as much as 10%. an important point that will tell you a lot about french care. paris sells its electricity london received 1.5 billion pounds last year, and for domestic needs they buy from french pockets from third countries. the conclusion is another strike. already energy drinks. the trade unions decided to keep up with their colleagues from germany and the netherlands, they decided to start a strike on january 15, it will affect employees of the largest energy company edf, the energy workers will fight for higher wages. shocked by what was happening , polish farmers held a nationwide strike on january 24, attention in 130 places, and blocked 200 roads.
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europe is about growing and breeding, you must agree, the slogan is very clear, but it seems that the authorities are cheating the farmers, and the polish farmers want the same thing as the germans and the french, to live and work normally, at least in some ways the european union is truly united. further environmental restrictions arising from the european green deal, we demand changes in ecosystems and conventions, less bureaucracy and more biologization, we ask the european commission to limit the access of ukrainian grain to markets, it is absorbing our export markets, says the official letter from the organizers strikes, for polish farmers this is a disaster, imagine all the warehouses.
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the grain is slaughtered, choked, and, moreover, there is no technical ability to release them in the coming months, and farmers ’ own stores are also full, because there is nowhere to sell them because of ukrainian grain, and we are already approaching the next season, we already need to sow, we already need to little by little prepare for next harvest, what should they do? and an amazing picture emerges: for germany, the price of the farming issue is half a billion euros, which is 100 times less the amount that, apparently, will be allocated to ukraine. but there is no money for its subsidies, but berlin continues to zealously sink its name-making economy for providing 50 billion euros in aid to ukraine. you can’t dance to
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the american tune and completely lose your dignity. you cannot shred your economy for the sake of imperial ambitions. you can't be carried away by the crazy whim of white. you understand, they can’t even put out a fire in their own house, the europeans don’t want this war, they understand that today in ukraine, here they are trying to set belarus on fire, all of europe will catch fire tomorrow. romania, austria, italy, poland, france, germany have already
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been talked about; in the first month of the year for europe, everyone is on strike under a short slogan. farmers could not stand it, even in russophobic lithuania. the european union is indeed on the verge of significant changes. the economy is just the beginning; illegal immigrants are here to stay. day by day , the face of europe is radically changing as terrorist threats and uncontrolled immigration destroy the idyll of free movement between eu countries. because of this, the schengen zone may cease to exist. the amazing stubbornness of local politicians, the further, the more it leads europe into the abyss of serious upheavals. having been bogged down by the discontent of society, one would not choke from one’s stubbornness in the shaking of failed adventures, or in the rivers of manure that farmers are actively pouring into the streets, because the causes of the crisis are obvious, it’s only a pity
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that publicly and, most importantly, internally, they will never be recognized by the unprincipled pro-american scattering of the european elite . i hope this will be clear to you now.
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sergey, good evening, good, we all we've heard a lot about the american dream. but it’s a fascinating life of any stereotype: a factory worker who becomes a racer with world changes, is this a belarusian dream or a belarusian reality, how did you get it from the workshop? a dream that has already come true for me, but this is an incredible coincidence of circumstances, because at the time of my arrival at the plant the masburt team did not even exist, this is how events, opportunities, desires turned out that i managed to become a pilot of this team, what a year, the twelfth year after that how... the team had already visited the dakar race once , performed at it, and i was not there, so
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when i saw on tv that from my native factory, the team was competing in the most prestigious race on the planet at that time, of course, as soon as they returned, i immediately stood on the threshold of the team with a request to take me as a pilot, especially since at that time i was the newly-minted champion of the republic of belarus in the classic urals, in a passenger car, yes, and i was given such an opportunity at that time, but you are called a hopeless racer, you participated in night racing, well according to rumors, yes, they started driving at the age of 16 , almost yes, much earlier, much earlier, yes, and that’s where you could drive, you always drove, that’s how real it is, in fact it’s true, well, there were such times, but it was a slightly specific time, the release of the movie fast and the furious and so on and so on, yes. night races, mainly 400 m races, but i took part in sports
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maneuvering in my personal car, like my own, my father’s, where my own is from, yes, and the first teacher or my meters, kilometers in a car, this teacher was my father, who held me on his knees , without reaching the pedals, i could already freely control the steering wheel - the car wheel to direct the car in the right direction... can we say that it was thanks to your participation in the mas team that you found an outlet for this energy ? of course, now through some prism it’s already been years, i can say that those times of illegal, so to speak, racing, or manifestations of a racing nature somewhere on the roads, thank god that’s over - everything is fine, of course psychology and everything has changed after that when... started participate in professional competitions , you have to show your skills there, on the road be an example for all
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road users, today i can say that i feel much more uncomfortable on the road than on the highway, there are a lot of fines for speed now, but not much, but they are there, these are usually photo recording cameras, i actually fall into traps, then at the roundabout the speed is 100 km/h, then 90, that is, this is a slight excess of up to 20 km, sometimes you know how in the city 40 yes but you're driving 60 60 got caught, well, of course there are such violations, everyone says so, yes, well last year you won the silk road, the first award for the belarusian team won in the thirteenth year, and then they would have won another bronze on the silk road the year before last in 2021 there was silver so there is and are you also the silver medalist of the 18th dakar? bronze year of the twentieth, that’s right, well, you see, almost
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a complete collection of awards, almost, almost, yes, well, the racers never stop, and then, of course, they don’t stop, you see, it’s not about awards, but about how much you like it, awards are the result of work already done, firstly, it’s teamwork in... secondly, when you do your work with soul, with good mood, with love , you get the result , that is, roller raids are a very difficult physical, physically demanding event, and if you just endure it, then you will quickly get tired of it, you have to love it, yes, well, okay, but you are in front of some kind of result you set yourself, but of course, i would like the mass to occupy the entire pedestal, you have three teams and three crews participating. there are actually three places on the podium, yes, as a team leader, i would like us to be able
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to do this, this year we got two crews on the podium at the stages of the russian championship, but still in these competitions our opponent, these are serious guys, and that’s why it’s worth a lot to be two crews on the podium on their territory, but we want to be three, this is one of the goals, and of course, to supplement the collection with what’s missing... this is a victory for the nadokara, well, i i think that the madness will pass yet, okay, let’s make a kamaz, make a kamaz, that’s cool, but are you serious? guys , uh, it’s already working out, we need to brag , yes, let’s brag, well, this is very cool, no one has succeeded in this, over the last years since the twelfth year, probably the last time we managed to win with a hole, just when there was a turning point, a transitional moment the moment when the previous generation in the team left and new guys came, that’s when we managed to win early in the twelfth year, after
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no one has ever beaten kamaz to this, that is, you succeeded, this is...
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because you are always driving along an unknown road at the maximum speed possible for you, this is a huge drive, this is just such a piece of life that you live separately from the rest of my life, when i find myself in these circumstances, everything is different in my head, you know, we talked to you a little behind the scenes, and you also discovered some things for me. which i didn’t really know about, but here’s the speed, the average speed on the highway, and today it’s trucks exceeds 100 km/h, the average speed, the maximum speed we are allowed is 140 km/h, there is a limit, yes, there is an electronic limit, but we, mm, after we were not allowed to go to dakar the first time, let's go on baikal there is
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an event where speed records are set, including for trucks, it’s right on the lake. on ice on ice we set a maximum speed of 203 km/h , the average speed on a section of road in two directions - against the wind in the wind the average was 191.6, and the maximum 203 is a truck , not a specially prepared one, just our pre-karov version of the car with the limiter disabled, but the speeds are increasing, today we are mm at certain stages faster than the category of cars, you don’t know the terrain you will be driving through? no, no, we don’t know it, we receive a road book, a routebook 15 minutes before the start, where the direction of travel along which we must travel will be simply schematically indicated for the navigator, what we will meet along the way, we don’t know, fantastic, and you have to always drive as close to the maximum speed as possible, but
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our truck has progressed so much over many years that the vehicle allows us to move pro... always at the maximum possible speed, so that on a stretch of more than 300 km we can show speeds of over 100 km/h average , you understand that you almost always need to go 140. well, you seem to be sitting in the cockpit, but you sit quietly and do it, here’s an amateur’s question, why is not only a strong engine important, but also developed muscles, why do you need to keep yourself in perfect fit, athletic form, because when driving off-road, it is... constant impacts, shaking, vibrations, huge loads on the muscular corset of the whole body, and at the same time, fatigue sets in quite quickly if a person is not prepared, although it would seem that many compare us with a trip to work, from work or to the store, you can get caught on camera, there, there it’s not like that, there you can often
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move, in a modern truck you can move just as much as your physical form allows, because once there is a car that can go faster , you can’t, yes, today our truck is so good that it strains the most, that it can go faster, the neck spine strains the most, these are compression impacts on the spine, constant holding of the head during various types of vibrations there, well, excuse me for asking this question, but what injuries are most common among racers, compression displacement of the vertebrae and neck. how is the vestibular apparatus? the vestibular apparatus is also heavily loaded, this is not my strongest the place, in fact, also has to be used with drugs in order to maintain it. required form , for many hours, you are in an unnatural position for yourself in a rather hot
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environment, the temperature in the cabin reaches from 40 to 60 °, despite the fact that we have a good air conditioning system, and with such a load, of course well, the vestibular system suffers, it’s not directly, let’s say the effect is the one that we imagine, there is accuracy on... in its literal sense, but it’s not very good, let’s say, you just start to feel nauseous, at these moments it’s hard to be focused , so okay, so you work in a design bureau, as i understand it, but it’s standard for you, when you’re here in belarus, to spend your working day, let’s say, at your main job, okay , you train how, where and the most important thing is that you specifically train, in fact, before competitions we resort to the help of specialists, this is our republican scientific and practical center for sports. who conducts several training sessions with us on precisely those muscle groups that are practically not used in ordinary life, the rest of the time we maintain
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physical fitness with cardio exercises, well , in this case i use a bicycle, i ride a lot in winter on an exercise bike, but working with muscles is usually working with your own weight, without any barbells, weights, weights, etc. so on, somewhere only if it is for... relief there for oneself, but in the race this does not help, because the muscles also require a lot of energy, oxygen and so on, this person needs to be even more, that is, back in mandatory mandatory okay, yes, this is the main thing that you need to train and cardio load in order to ride for a long time at a high heart rate, the criterion for retirement, and the loss of competitiveness, there are examples even of today’s career, which ended recently. it was won in the cars category by carlos sainz, he is well over 60 years old, i won’t say exactly so as not to make a mistake, but he celebrated 60 years ago, but as i understand it, this is not
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the limit, this is not the limit, he is a winner, he became the best in the car category, there is tight competition, in the truck category, japanese shugawara was still driving at 74 years old, in my opinion, he was driving , but it cannot be said that he was already competitive, but in my opinion, if we are talking about a factory team, this is until the moment you can be... useful to the team, useful the team can be different, you can enter the result, or you can be an assistant for the crews who bring the result, anyway, during the race we use the tactic that the car with the worst result is, as you may have heard this expression, fast technically, this means that it is the same sports car, the only thing is that it is loaded with a large number of spare parts, it is heavier, if there are 2 leading crews... he sees crews on his way, he stops, provides them with technical assistance, shares spare parts, provides assistance in the form of a product repairs
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continue to be insured, and this is standard practice, this is standard practice for all teams, and those crews that bring results travel with a minimum number of spare parts in order to be as light as possible. okay, i've never seen a female racer in your class, yes, it is still the most brutal, is it possible to say that, or are they still starting to take away a little? no, women. there are on trucks , but they can’t take anything yet, this is a brutal sport, they are there for a reason, that is, they have an all-female crew, this year they competed in the dokari, all three are women, there are women pilots separately, but the result is ponies this is standard in competitions, but for now they just don’t show the results, but there is, there is in all categories in cars and motorcycles already.
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what do they mean? well, for the team this is a huge stress, a huge responsibility before the minsk automobile plant, before the republic of belarus, when you represent them on the international stage, so as not to let us down, we understand that the factory workers are rooting for us, the country is rooting for us, but let mistakes that can lead to an accident, a derailment , and so on, are unacceptable, but in the fight against such an opponent as we have today, the komazmaster team, you must always go beyond the limit. not on the edge, but beyond, since they are many times larger than us , they field 5-7 crews, we are always in the minority, all crews
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face problems, that’s all. including them, but when you can afford to lose three, two, four crews, you have two or three left in the ranks in the fight for the podium, you can afford to take more risks, in our case it is usually one or two crews, who are in the fight for the highest levels, and here the price of a mistake leads to the fact that the team has no result in case of a mistake, but they are already accustomed to winning, and this then it’s painful, painful, of course , well, look, we are sometimes criticized that we say... there is little belarusian in the top domestic products, yes, but at the same time they are called belarusian, then the domestic computer does not suit someone, yes, then cars, it seems like this year you even had domestic tires, yes, we drove on belshina, they were our partner, including on the silk road we won a victory using belshina tires, did you drive misha before or not, yes this interference with the speed increased so much that the tires
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overheat and - in the previous edition of the route mishli let us down very badly, wheels exploded every day, we could not impose a fight, and precisely because of this we came third this year using belshina tires , we were able to be on the top step of the podium, yes, but at the same time, of course, we still had similar problems at some of the hottest stages, but we must pay tribute to the belarusian manufacturer that even at the moment when the leak... flew off, the wheel, the wheel court remained intact and we could finish without replacing the wheel with just a metal court, the wrong ones fell off , as i understand it, for physical reasons, but the temperature exceeds the permissible, we have instruments that measure this and the tread is separated from the court at about 130°, but the tires are manufactured, welded, say, to this short at a temperature 100, when we exceed this temperature for a long time,
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it happens simply. the reverse process, the usual physical process, this is typical for all tires, yes, we use serial tires in trucks, there are no sports tires for trucks, so all the more credit must be given to belarusian tires that under such extreme loads, with a speed index of 90 - 100 km/h, they can move for many hours, at a speed of 140 km/h, fly, land, jump, deform , drive at low pressure and... at the same time bring our belarusian maz to the highest levels of the pedestal, this is the current victory of maz, this is what, in your opinion, this gives not only to you in terms of your personal brand, well, although everyone knows vizovich, but to our flagship maz in our country, initially this project, sports team massport auto was conceived as an advertising project for recognition of the mass brand throughout the world, brand, brand, and i believe that this project...
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took place and it is successful, the mass brand is known and recognized all over the world, thereby we are advertising the minsk automobile plant, the products of the minsk automobile plant and, of course , our machine-building complex and the republic of belarus, that our products are competitive, despite everything, the fact that we, probably, since the times of the soviet union, have become accustomed to the fact that for some reason ours should always be a little.
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of course, our trucks are always branded only by brandomaz, but this country, of course, carries state symbols, and you carry it today, just like we do today, yes, like our equipment, and we are proud of this, that we are actually implementing the project , you know, as we call it, three in one, this is a belarusian enterprise, belarusian trucks and belarusian athletes, factory workers, that is, here we are,
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this is our feature. teams, that is, we do not have hired athletes, we present our own products, which were produced at the enterprise, at the belarusian enterprise. now let's get to the unpleasant, yes, they are afraid of such people, winners are always afraid, and almost all belarusian athletes are now as a result of sanctions, but they came up with a problem and excommunicated them from the sport, racers are no exception, as i understand it, no, of course, not an exception, yes , how did this affect you personally, well, these were actually difficult moments and for...
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in fact, this was one of the stumbling blocks that they tried to manipulate that in this case you will have the opportunity to perform, but you remain, say, at the enterprise, remain loyal to your country, you will not be able to perform, but well,
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what would you perform at then, you know, i never thought about it, because my whole career is connected with maz and i was able to create a car, just like another one... our athlete alexander vasilevsky, who is not competing yet, we give the way, let’s say, to young people to learn, to compete in all generations of maz, and we just into it head over heels in love, this is what our photo at the finish line of the silk road shows, where we hug our truck after crossing the podium, so i never imagined myself in the truck category with another car.
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we invite everyone to this race, vladimirich chagin says the same thing in all his speeches, that the race is open to all participants from all over the world, come and prove, well, colleagues congratulated, colleagues congratulated, who else congratulated, in fact,
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practically all top teams and drivers they personally congratulated us on the victory over the sholok path, they know the price of victory over such a team as a master, but again i say, this is not public, let’s say, this is all in direct messages. in order for this not to be visible to public opinion, you yourself admitted that you have the dakar syndrome, yes, look, these new routes, china, mongolia, within the framework of the silk road, they are able to relieve it at least a little, this syndrome, or still , there is an expectation that someday this, well , to put it mildly, stupidity and cynicism will pass, it is there, and you know, the first year was easy. stressful after we even turned around halfway. the second year was a little easier. this year i think about it completely differently. you know, there is such a belarusian proverb: a good man among sheep, a good man among sheep
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. in fact, it may sound a little rude, but the meaning behind it is that today it is not possible to win the dakar with the current composition. something supernatural, well, if there are, excuse me, there are no strongest athletes, and i now put victory for myself at the head and for the team. found my way to you at home race with the strongest team in the world, as many thought before, but we were able to compete with them this year, and they are still very strong competitors, i think that this year they will give a serious fight to our team in order to take this title for themselves , but nevertheless, watching this year’s dkar race, in the composition in which it is - having won it, i would not feel
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as much satisfaction as an athlete as over very strong rivals and even for me at some point they turned out to be invincible. sergey, i'll ask this may be an awkward question, but i really want to get an honest answer. if you were offered to participate in dakar right now, you would, yes, without a flag and an anthem, you know, there is also a saying, never say never. yes, but we have already said that this is unacceptable for us, and why? well, i perceive this as humiliation, and i don’t see any reasons for this, why should we accept some conditions in order to prove something to someone, to whom and what? well, i, well, i don’t understand, i’m saying this frankly, why, of course, i want to return, but...
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after all, it is being held in an arab country, today, saudi arabia, and there are many conflicts connected just the same, well, you speak diplomatically, but the meaning is clear, yes, but at the same time, in my opinion, well, this is already going beyond all limits when sport became so much an instrument of politics, when during the first self-building we insisted that sport should not be a political instrument, unfortunately, over the years we have become convinced that this is one of the instruments, of course.
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then the question is simple, what helped you remain human in 1920, not to betray the country , not to succumb to manipulation, you know, probably, the past and history, of the country, family, mine, including my parents, thanks to working in a team, thanks to the minsk automobile plant, i was able to visit many countries of the world, travel to many countries, no once in my life i didn’t want to stay somewhere, and i still don’t understand people who today leave everything behind and go somewhere, but homeland, home, this is not the same thing when they... ask you why you are you love
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it, but you just love it, well, it’s yours, i can’t even explain why, i like it belarus and without any reason, not because , but simply, i was born here, my parents are native belarusians, my two grandfathers went through the second world war, and one of them reached berlin in a tank, the other, after two wounds , and... was a partisan here, and what they offered us in return, and yet many did not actually ask themselves this question in the twentieth year, we were told to break everything, in exchange for what, such conversations did not even happen, it was just break when you have at least something in your life created a family, a team or something else there, you understand the value of how is being created. difficult and how easy it is to destroy everything
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in exchange for what? on someone's ambitions on promises, as the left usually say? well, yes, that is , the goals were incomprehensible to me when they called on enterprise workers to stop work at the plant, and no one at that time asked themselves, of those who were pushing for this, that it was there, well, we were wandering around like adults , yes very much, 12 to 15 thousand people. work in an enterprise, everyone has a family, multiply this by a family of three five people, that would be up to 50, 40-50 thousand people involved, were left without work.
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the idea is probably for people to be offended by experiencing certain kinds of restrictions on the existing government, but at the same time you create these restrictions, and over the past time people understand who actually creates restrictions for them, who creates conditions for life, well... we had one candidate there who said that 90% of state-owned enterprises should be closed, and people will go to it specialists, yes, to work on crowdfunding platforms and so on, oh well, let's leave it, i'll ask a practical question, how to control emotions, that’s when tires explode
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on the roads and out of sight, and the future, these are the secrets you have for this upbringing of this very you... who is sergei vyazovich, and this, as a rule, led to accidents right away, we won some stages, but could not win the race, when i realized i began to be responsible for all the guys, and knowing the amount of work that they do for this, well, i could not afford to let myself down, at that moment
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i began to grow result, and therefore what’s the secret here, to grow up and not think about only one thing: yourself, can you be bought with fakes? and i think that in a certain situation , most likely, with live news, it’s so elementary, now there are a lot of opportunities, photographs, of course, if we are talking about the beginning of all these events, and about the twentieth year, but there were different thoughts in my head , including doubts about what was actually happening at all, but thank god there was enough there , let’s say, let’s get straight to the brains, brains yes. education of the right people surrounded, in order to deal with this situation, i ca n’t say that i’m such a good guy, i figured it out nearby, no, of course , the environment, friends, advice and so on helped, but let’s just say, the thoughts that i need to break
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something, it certainly wasn’t, that is , you understand, when professionals work against you and work professionally , even when... you have doubts, but you understand, this is a really correct, good result, so let’s talk a little about another race, a political one, next week actually such a project is starting in belarus electoral race, already registered candidates, yes, and on the twenty-fifth for the first time, and for the first time since the twentieth year, the first elections are like this, yes, for the first time in the history of belarus there is a single voting day, we are waiting for updates in...
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that you understand all the processes that are taking place and thoughts in people's heads, you must understand how people live, because what seems to one... very important for others has no meaning at all, and the values ​​are completely different, of course you need
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to understand the mentality of the belarusian people, we have our own values, our own history , which needs to be preserved and adhered to, for me , including in the team - it’s important, i tell the guys about this every time, so that you know the history of formation, and mm, now i’ll say it, yes, everyone sees ... the result, especially when this result is successful, but no one wants to know the path that was overcome before achieving this result, the path is always difficult, but everyone forgets about it, including somewhere once we were put under pressure in this way, saying that there the first pilot of the team, who passed the dokar, alexander vasilevsky, his... such an article in certain circles, discrediting me personally and
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the team, but no, they are all in place, they are all working, and we honor the history of our team and those who started this path , and we inherited this , our task is to preserve and pass it on, if we are talking about a team, but in life i adhere to exactly the same life principles for myself. we grew up on the land, grew up in the village, with our grandparents, despite the fact that we were already born in minsk, these are family values ​​for me, these are the most important values, if you put a sports career on the line, some other values, and i will choose my parents and my family. sergei , but you know, i’ll still clarify, one of my guests said that when he characterized the events of the twentieth year, he said that... there were no traitors in his family, yes, there were no traitors in his family, that’s a purely human quality for you, including for the deputy,
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but in general, including for the deputy, i mean in the elections, but in general for you, as for a person, as a man, not only as a leader, what are the values ​​of human traits, keeps his word, for me this is important, because... it is possible to manipulate this, so to speak , to get out of there and so on, keep your word, this is very important, the last
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is an extremely philosophical question, sergei, the famous enze ferrari said, a racing car cannot be called ugly or ugly, yes, they become beautiful when they win, this year in belarus will be marked by quality, mass, thanks also to yours victory he has already proven his quality in any way, that’s what else in our country for you personally with a sign of quality, people, places, values, oh, yes, there are many such moments that i would note in our country, starting from how it looks , this is just a brand, everyone says that belarus is clean, beautiful, well-groomed, this is a fact, of course, thanks to this. work being carried out at the state level, but also our mentality and it is such that belarusians are neat, they are
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economical, homely and conservation, probably, i’ll repeat myself, is correct life values, well, these are important moments, because the values ​​that are now being imposed all over the world are, well, these are terrible things. in my opinion, this does not completely break the idea of ​​a normal human life.


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