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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 30, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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they booed unsuccessfully, even after such words, today i cannot promise you more government assistance from...
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coal power plants, and there is nowhere to get electricity, in fact, that is, it needs to be exported at an expensive price, at three expensive prices. nuclear power plants in neighboring countries , on the other hand, this sanctions policy towards the russian federation, when the supply of pipeline cheap russian gas is cut off for ideological reasons, plus someone, well, in quotes, someone is blowing up the nordic streams, all this, of course a heap of problems is falling on the german economy, ultimately on german business, on the consumer. and then the chancellor took
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a different path, to patch up the holes in the budget, he decided correctly, tightening his belt, naturally, not for himself, he didn’t find anything better than to save on farmers by cutting benefits and reducing subsidies. the farmers, to put it mildly, did not understand such adventures and disrespect, against the backdrop of crazy tranches into ukraine. farmers in germany are faced with economic difficulties that the current political leadership is creating for them germany, giving preference to other spending, such as aid to ukraine. germany has still not adopted a state budget and now berlin is trying to get out of the situation by, among other things, cutting benefits for agricultural workers. but if this happens, food prices will rise as a consequence, which will affect the well-being of the entire population of germany. the locomotive
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of the european economy was decided by the drivers; starting from january 23 , approximately 40,000 people did not go to work, the reason being the rapidly growing inflation in the country. according to the data federal statistical office of germany, inflation in germany amounted to 7.9%. this is a historical record for germany. the highest figure in almost half a century. at the same time , consumer prices soared by 8.7. gas prices are also not encouraging; over the year, blue fuel has become 301 points heavier. the current strike of drivers is really large-scale, up to 80% of trains were canceled, commuter trains were also under attack, the germans could not even get to their work. economists accurately say the damage could reach a billion euros. requirements railway workers to increase their salaries by 500 euros per month, pay a one-time compensation of... thousands of euros due to inflation and
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reduce the working week by 3 hours to 35. the government cannot make concessions, the 2024 budget was drawn up taking into account a hole of 17 billion euros. all this could become the final chord for scholz, whose rating is rapidly sliding into the abyss. overall, 76% of voters are dissatisfied with the performance of german chancellor olaf scholz, according to december national polls. for his party. only 13% of dpgs are ready to vote. falling at two times since the bundestag elections in 2021 . it is difficult to adequately treat a politician who blames anyone but himself for all his troubles. for example, in his new year's address , scholz again stated that the failures in the economy were all putin's fault. traditional participants in various protests and strikes, public sector employees, for example, teachers or doctors, who are also dissatisfied with their current situation, may also do the same. and if germany is swallowed up
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by full-scale protests not only of farmers, but also of other segments of the population, and the country stands up, the government of olaff scholz will not you'll be jealous. by the way, farmers. supported by almost 70% of german residents, a more obvious example of the fact that the people and the leadership live in different realities simply cannot be found. it's time for something to change in germany, politics should serve citizens, not politicians. people are worried about their future, they can no longer afford their usual standard of living, this cannot continue. we need policies that work for citizens, are based on public consent and are open to debate. germany remains the largest in europe, second in the world after the usa donor of kyiv. the total volume of assistance,
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humanitarian, financial, military, has already exceeded 25 billion euros. the chaotic actions of scholz and his team are rapidly killing both the ratings and the economy. 2 years before the federal elections, that’s it for the chancellor. they are talking more often about resignation, against the backdrop of such indicators, caused primarily by the government’s socio-economic policy, calls for early elections and the resignation of olaf scholz, who has become the most unpopular chancellor in the history of approval ratings, are intensifying in the country head of the cabinet of ministers since 1997. enormous spending has taken its toll, now there is a recession in the economy, increased tariffs, taxes, inflation, but the level must be reduced. the people of germany do not want to live, especially since the strongest economy in the eurozone was doomed to crisis by the adventurous decisions of the leadership. the severance of relations with russia, stupid sanctions attacks and the rejection of cheap energy resources, the latter is hitting local business on the spot. the leader
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of the german metallurgical industry did not have time to celebrate his centenary and has already recognized himself bankrupt, even the world leaders of the auto industry are no longer able to work in germany. mercedes sells everything. 80 german car dealerships, including headquarters in stuttgart and moving to china. last year the number of corporate bankruptcies in germany increased by almost 25%. about 15 thousand applications for termination of activities were submitted. the french expression "we are straw" means financial ruin. today, local farmers are protesting under this slogan to show what the situation is...
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several highways, earthen ramparts have been thrown up, and government buildings are thrown and flooded with everything, farmers blame the same green pact, environmental reforms that will lead to higher fuel prices and a separate irritant, cheap agricultural products from ukraine. macron, like scholz, also abolished subsidies for... alienating the middle class. looking at the clusters of popular anger, macron immediately began to fuss, saying that there weren’t enough more yellow vests, then they barely raked it. fearing the consequences, the government withdraws the draft agricultural law and invites representatives, in the meantime for negotiations, but
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no matter how late it is, because the situation for macron is close to disaster. 68% of french people rate their leader's actions as very bad. every time a certain sector goes on strike, what... does it change the minister of that industry, thinking that of course this will solve the whole problem. in this situation , which concerns the strikes of the agrarians in france, he acted differently, he simply said that he was incompetent in this, in this situation, the french state, and the problems come from the european union, and this problem, which came to the agrarian from the european union, and that is , it is necessary to apply and apply as an agrarian to the european union. parisian farmers went even further, protesters surrounded the entire city, farmers blocked the highways that lead to the capital, two key airports, the largest food market in europe. according to the activists' plan, not a single food truck should enter the city during the siege. parisian authorities stated that
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already a red line, we intend to act tough. 15.00 policemen were deployed on the street to deal with the farmers. but who cares about their own economy when you can... talk about ukraine, macron gave the following words at a press conference on january 17, that is, he was already on strike during the protests. macron announced the impending conclusion of a bilateral agreement. supplies of new weapons to ukraine, 40 missiles, long-range scalp and several hundred bombs. i myself will go to ukraine in february, and there we will begin supplying these new weapons, - said the president, referring to the supply of the above- mentioned weapons. the market responded to macron’s words by increasing the price of electricity by as much as 10%. an important point that will tell you a lot about french care. paris sells its electricity to london, worth £1.5 billion last year. and for internal needs they buy from french pockets from third countries, conclusion, another
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strike, already by energy workers. french trade unions decided to keep up with their colleagues from germany and the netherlands, they decided to start a strike on january 15, it will affect employees of the largest energy company edf, energy workers will fight for salary increases. in shock at what is happening in europe - this is to grow and breed, you see, the slogan is very clear, but the authorities seem to be cheating farmers, and this is what the polish farmers want.
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arising from the european green deal, we demand changes in ecosystems and conventions, less bureaucracy and more biologization, we ask the european commission for further environmental restrictions, to limit the access of ukrainian grain to markets, it is absorbing our export markets, it says. they already need to sow, they already need to little by little prepare for the next harvest,
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what should they do? and an amazing picture emerges: for the same germany, the price of the farm issue is half a billion euros, which is 100 times less than the amount that, apparently, will be allocated to ukraine, but there is no money for its subsidies, but having an organizing economy, berlin continues to zealously strive to provide it to ukraine. assistance of 50 billion euros. you can’t dance to the american tune and completely lose your dignity. you can’t shred your economy for the sake of imperial ambitions, you can’t indulge the crazy whim of the white house, forgetting about your people and your interests. society has a logical question: if they don’t respect us, why do we need people like that?
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romania, austria, italy, poland, france, germany have already been talked about; in the first month of the year for europe, everyone is on strike under a short slogan. farmers could not stand it even in russophobic lithuania. the european union is indeed on the verge of significant change. the economy is just the beginning; illegal immigrants are here to stay.
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day by day, the face of europe is changing radically as terrorist threats of uncontrolled immigration are destroying the idyll of free movement between eu countries. because of this, the schengen zone may cease to exist. the amazing stubbornness of local politicians, the further, the more it leads europe into the abyss of serious upheavals. stuck in discontent. society would not be stunned by its stubbornness in the shaking of failed adventures, or in the rivers of manure that farmers are actively pouring on the street, because the causes of the crisis are obvious, it’s a pity that it’s just public and most importantly... internal they will never be recognized by the unprincipled pro-american scattering of the european elite. i hope this will be clear to you now. happily.
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we, the young generation of sovereign belarus, must remember the past and appreciate the present, so that our native belarus lives in peace and creation. indeed, social life is always.
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on the contrary, it was simply very pleasant when the guys with whom we studied, let’s say, expressed trust and united them around us to come up with something new, bring it to life, of course, we initiated a number of volunteer actions, they removed memorial monuments, helped veterans, elderly people, we did not have to sit and wait for help for elderly people to tell us about this. yes, it’s everyone’s duty, i consider it a young person today to help older people and do everything to make their lives more comfortable and cozy. of course, helping veterans is the sacred duty of absolutely every belarusian, because thanks to these people today we can, in principle, live under a peaceful sky, calmly walk down the street, participate in various
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the kind of events, promotions, projects that we offer today, which are being initiated by... today by young people, in principle for the right to live under a peaceful sky, i think this is the most important thing that can only be, such emotions that you experience after volunteer events , it’s probably hard to experience after something else, i just recently had a charity concert that we held, this is one of the first, probably significant events in terms of volunteer activities for me, because i have i still probably feel like... as if we turned the world upside down. bersem is the future of the homeland to be built by young people, of course, today, thanks to the youth union, every young person can not remain aloof from all the events that are happening in the country. first of all, of course, young people should love their country and be rightfully proud of the fact that they live in a peaceful, independent
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, prosperous belarus, because indeed the support for youth in our country, like in no other country, is colossal and... you can feel it , the most important there will be a return from the youth if they simply appreciate and respect all this , the most important thing, of course, is to increase it in the year of peace and creation, in order to become one of their own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, i remind you of the hatik who was waiting for him after the station , have you seen the movie?
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kalya ikh pavinna byts work, jumping young, telling about our culture. without ideology, it is impossible today to perceive either domestic policy or foreign policy; today, again, this is a certain foundation in many areas of activity, that is, not culture can develop today if there is no ideological foundation. project, say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. let’s plunge into the cultural life of our country, and now i’ll start publishing, like making theatrical pastanovki. the first thing i learned was rehearsing ballet dancers. we
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are in the heart of our theater stage. this line separates the stage from the stage pocket where ours are stored. let's remember folk traditions. the most famous carol plots that can be found in batleytsy, geta pastanovka tsar irad, i’ll tell you right away with me, i don’t care. a star appeared in the sky and was quite pleased. i, tsaryrad, am a dzeyach of slauna.
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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. logistics and import substitution, equal conditions for enterprises and international positioning of the union state. the results of the meeting of the supreme state council in...


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