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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 30, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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holidays for me are a state, a state of joy, a state of brightness, childhood, when you can meet friends, look into their eyes, live bright, joyful emotions together, life became brighter, more joyful, when round dances appeared, did i like to draw or embroider, no , i read all my childhood, i
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read a lot, starting from the age of 3, at the age of 3 i learned to read, and i re-read everything that was possible in the house, at school, and i remember the big eyes of the librarian from school when she said little light, there are city ones libraries, in our childhood there were no cell phones and computers, so the games were live and we collected them very often. after school, i graduated from medical school and went to work in a hospital as a nurse. the idea of ​​holding round dance festivals has been around for quite a long time, for many years, i became acquainted with round dances over the years. ago there was an organization
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of creation with such an environmental focus, where people gathered who wanted to move to the land and organize their family estate, and we often met, there were interesting lectures, we helped botanical garden, they planted cedars, that is, there was a lot of interesting work, but each of our meetings ended with games and round dances, that’s where i saw it for the first time and realized how cool it was. to play together, when i first came there, it was easy for me to join the team through games, that is, through the game it was easy for me to get to know each other, then round dances, this warmth, this joy that is in round dances, and after some time i realized that these games and round dances, which end these meetings, i am waiting for much more than the meetings themselves, and several more years passed before i realized that since i like it so much, why not
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do it myself, why wait for someone to come and entertain you, why not learn this cannot be accomplished .
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so i studied, completed the training, organized a seminar, and completed the training myself live. at this time, when i was already studying live, in a live program, i had already started holding parties, my friend and i, too, who had been trained at a round dance play school, also with the presenter, we began to organize parties in minsk, this was already in 2018, that is , it was already 5 years when we held the first party with egor. it was right away, there were such enthusiastic reviews that let's, let's do it more often, let's do it every week, we realized the value, that it's great, that it 's wonderful, it's a wonderful form of time for transformation, we travel around belarus and
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discover new sights, i'll visit church, which is almost 9 centuries old, no less, researchers of ancient russian architecture ian’s personality is associated with the rise of the polotsk school of zotchestvo in the 19th century. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. and right now i’m heading to the weaving museum to learn more about this art. these longitudinal warp threads were threaded by two or three of the most experienced women, because it was important to thread every thread evenly, so that later our product would also turn out beautiful and not a single thread would be left in the weaving process. not confused, the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, they kiss, yes, they kiss, hello, i look like a seed, god, what the most tender, lush,
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i immediately want to return to my childhood, the project route has been built, watch on the belarus tv channel 2 round dance and game tradition, this tradition is to celebrate holidays with games and dances, round dances together. initially large settlements. this tradition arose among our ancestors when they celebrated their holidays, and its roots have reached us through folklore. in our round dance game school, we
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adapted this tradition to modern times, so that in our time everyone could come to take part in these round dance games, stand in a round dance, hold hands. play with each other. what are evenings? parties are a way of organizing leisure time. absolutely anyone can come to the parties. we play folk games here. games are liberating; anyone who has never even visited us can easily come into our space. each of us has an inner child. each of us played as a child, always played, more or less, older generations played more when there was no gadget. the current generation of children also plays, this awakens in everyone the inner child reaches out to play, everything always goes joyfully and cheerfully, you will see today. in just a few minutes
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our friday party will begin, the guests are already gathering, placing all sorts of goodies on the table and in a few minutes. we will start playing, dancing, getting to know each other, we invite you to take part in our friday party. today i want to start with a more formal round dance. this is a round dance of the times. how will people find out about our parties? firstly, by word of mouth. as always , word of mouth works. the man came he liked it, he says to his friend or wife or husband, let's go there, it's great, let's go there for a party. the second option is, of course, social networks. we have it in the group. in viber in telegram vkontakte, and through them people can also come to us,
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groups are constantly replenished, new members are added, participants find us, children, adults, men and women come, it’s even difficult for me to say what the percentage is, but always there are also children at parties who come with their parents, we invite parents to take their children with them, this it is very important that... children understand how their parents relax, and that this is an example that you can relax like this in different ways , fun and joyfully. most often, at the beginning we arrange a tea party, so that when a person comes, um, maybe he’s from work, especially when we have parties most often on friday evenings, and when a person comes from work, he needs time to relax to switch to this, this type of activity to... some cookies,
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maybe some pastries, and we're discussing some questions, or just getting to know each other if someone comes for the first time, and so it’s very easy to establish contact during communication, getting to know each other most often happens through a game, there are a lot of very different dating games that are played at the table and played there are a lot of different active ones, we use more than ten in our parties depending on the situation, each of our parties has some kind of theme, and many parties correspond to slavic holidays, the new year, that is , the new year - this is the cycle of the sun, which is held in early childhood at the solstice, this is maslenitsa, koleda, kupala of autumn or the rich man. there are four more holidays that are located between these holidays, we also celebrate them, we definitely celebrate them,
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we believe that it is very important to celebrate precisely these moments of the solar cycle so that people realize for themselves, note that this is the middle of summer and it was bathing, now, for example, in the middle, end of december, it’s december 22nd, right? and this means that the sun, the day has become the smallest, and on december 25 the sun begins grow, the sunny day begins to increase, each of these holidays has its own energy, and if a person lives in proportion, in the rhythm of these energies, he will live in the rhythm of the world, legs together,
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many men come to our parties, it is important for a man to be the leader , in the state of a man, responsibility for the one he leads is a family, this is some kind of work team. this is some kind of business, and a man pumps up this responsibility in round dances, plus, of course, dancing, when there is harmonious interaction between a man and a woman, in russian dances, in slavic dances, it has always been a lot of spins, when there is a man around, a woman spins around a man, as she should spin by nature in her own way, that is, a man is... it’s time for the family to support, a woman spins around creates
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such an atmosphere of tenderness and care. evenings always existed among our ancestors; in every village, in every settlement , evenings were always held, most often at the end of the work week. evenings have always been in the traditions of our ancestors, and now we are reviving them, taking some of them from folklore particles. borders and adapt to modern times, so that it would be interesting for everyone who comes, that is, we simply continue what our parents and forefathers did, in the villages there were special... places where both young and older people gathered, young people danced, children somewhere played , ran between the dancers, older people, mothers, fathers, old people, sat and watched, and it was a joint interaction, at parties you could get to know each other through dancing, because it’s very
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easy to recognize a person, through their hands, whether they are strong they? through the eyes, whether they look openly , there are so many factors, how to understand a person in dance, in our traditions, most often dances are pair dances with a change of partner, when a girl walks through a circle, danced with one partner, with another, with a third, with the fourth, with the fifth, and that’s how people got to know each other, that’s how they got to know each other, there were parties that took place between villages, at our parties... there are quite a lot of cases when a man and a woman, a guy and a girl meet at parties, only for last year calendar, we have three pairs, two of who formed a family, and one couple is still dating , we have a very interesting story, 2 years ago a couple met at a party, they fell in love with the parties, they
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went to every party, they were so happy about it, so interesting, they always participated so actively , they didn’t miss a single evening, having fallen in love with parties, they also fell in love with each other and formed a wonderful creative couple, now they are together, during this time they trained to be the host of round dance and game holidays and have even held their first party together, where they were independent hosts, it was very joyful at the party... we all try to come in dresses, at least below the knee. such dresses or skirts , they save energy, a dress or skirt, like a dome, saves feminine energy, at our party many girls sew their own clothes, we have a mother who teaches protective sewing, you can always sew
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yourself a dress in it or for well done shirt. we save these. we also carry it through time from our grandmothers and mothers and try to preserve it this and always coming to parties in beautiful dresses, i sew my own outfits, i don’t have much time for this, but i have four dresses that i sewed for myself by hand, this is just a practice of mastering myself, because every stitch, every a seam, it is something... unnecessary, each seam means something, by sealing the seams, we seal our energy, preserving means, by cutting from the fabric, we remove it, the hem is a connection with the family, the neck is our self-expression, the gusset that is sewn into the side is self-love, every part of a protective dress means
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something, like this, when we sew the whole dress, consider it, this is such a practice... quite serious, strong, plus we sew from only natural fabrics, from linen from cotton, this also allows save energy, clap someone, pass on the trouble and you run after the pebble, run, run and wait , where will it fit in, where will it fit in, what place will it stand in, where, where will it stand, yeah, there stood there.
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with these emotions, then, naturally, such an aftertaste remains after the holiday, it lasts for several days, and then , when you start preparing the holiday, you also enter into a state of holiday, and the holiday passes, again after tasting, if this holiday is once a week, then practically you live constantly in a state of holiday, it’s very cool when ... i’m leading a holiday, i ’m still on a holiday, and i, together with other people, feel all these emotions and joys, and unity, creativity, laughter, enthusiasm. harmony, when in some dances, in round dances, all this is lived out, and of course, this affects my state too, on
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condition of the participants, we are going on a trip to belarus, katya is very pleasant, stunned, even a little scary, don’t be afraid,
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it’s all positive, if they hadn’t told me, this often happens every half hour, that we are here on the territory of a landscape designer, i would i thought some football fan lived here, because what is this? well, this is our teflitsa, the project is from the village, watch it on tv channel belarus 2 each of the heroes of the project is engaged in an important matter, guys, who is the teacher and what does he do? he works with children. we we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine. and pharmacy , we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work, when children feel good with each other, they
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feel good individually, so if the emotional background is stable in the group and each child is in a good mood with the teacher, then the child is happy to go to a kindergarten. students, subordinates sixth year students at the belarusian state medical university are practicing just this skill. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . the family is certainly supportive, they are glad that i have a business that i like,
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they are interested in what, when, as it happened, there is support, there is respect for my occupation, my husband and i have been living for 33 years, of course, we are very close, and we share everything, tell each other about how our day went, of course, he asks how it went there, how many people were there, what they did, what was interesting, and that it is very important, of course , the mutual exchange of emotions, sensations with a loved one, of course, this is mandatory, this is important when i see that after every holiday people leave joyful, come again, this is very cool, they need this communication, this warmth , this gives strength, besides parties there is also a huge variety, and travel , and family, and friends, and relatives, there are some small hobbies, being fond of handicrafts, we very often meet with friends, watch movies together or play board games , from
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the multitude of these faces one already makes up happy life, what is the recipe for happiness, how to find happiness? it seems to me that you just need to give people your warmth, kindness, your light, your love. and if we give it selflessly and receive it in return, what could be even better, this is happiness.
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the magic of evenings is in the state that people get in these few hours, this is a great opportunity to take a break from the work week in 3-4 hours and recharge with energy, if you compare a person to a whole phone. we 've been working for a week, our battery seems to be a little discharges, and during the round dance, during communication, we are filled with emotions, filled with emotions of joy, unity, gratitude, and we have the opportunity to recharge the whole next week, spend the whole next week in joy , the evenings generally pump up, right?
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such a modern word, fashionable, but understandable to everyone, pumps up all aspects of life , starting with health, because the evening is like a slavic fitness, running, jumping, squatting for 3-4 hours is a good physical activity, and it develops the speed of thought, because there are speed games thoughts, on the ability to think quickly, to think quickly, there are games of all... different aspects, at parties it is easy to become more confident and then express yourself more confidently in life, which also affects all areas of life, on realization and creativity, on the material sphere, when a more confident person realizes his destiny more easily, we hold holidays and want as many people as possible to join, so that
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these events become more widespread, even on a city scale, on a state scale, so that maslenitsa, so baths were held as national holidays, such as national holidays. i see how people’s condition changes, how people rest more, how their lives improve, they find new friends, they form couples, they simply become happier, of course we all live in society, we have different situations. but from a state of fullness and joy , it is much easier to cope with any situation than a state of anxiety, or some kind of negative states, yes, i said that i am a happy person, naturally, i am the same, like everyone else, an ordinary person who has some situations in his family and with his relatives, uh, at work, that require getting together, the question
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is how... we solve them from what state, from a state of kindness to the world, love for the world, love for people, or out of a state of anxiety, and the decision will be completely different. of course, i want to live in a state of ease, joy, peace and harmony, i want there to be peace throughout the whole earth, because the own happiness and state of each individual person... the prosperous state of each person it is impossible without the well-being of the people around, without well-being and harmony throughout the world, so we hold round dances and we want the round dances to make the whole world go round, for example, we went to st. petersburg and held round dances there for 300 people. and we dream
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of starting a huge round dance on our october square, because this is just a means of looking into each other’s eyes, holding hands, holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes, we will understand each other better, the world will become a better place.
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the main task and development of cooperation in union state - strengthening the international positioning of the association, further work in the field of import substitution, eliminating remaining barriers in the economy. we are talking about the supply of goods and equal conditions for the operation of enterprises; all these topics were discussed at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state the day before in st. petersburg. the new agreements in the official document, designed for 3 years, are aimed at developing the further legal framework of belarus and russia. 11 sections: macroeconomic, tax, customs policy creation common information space. belarus and russia will also have a separate media company of the union state. we really are. we worked very seriously these 2 days, this is not a joke, one can say frankly, from the south pole to the north, we discussed the problems of antarctica, then vladimir vladimirovich and i from the south, went north, of course,
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we analyzed the events that are happening in the world, we discussed economic problems and work on the asian continent, especially in africa. the results of the past year are encouraging: belarus and russia will update its historical maximum of trade in goods and services. this figure is expected to be closer to $54 billion.
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ensuring security, stopping violations of the state border, eliminating channels for the supply of weapons and ammunition. the armed forces of belarus have strengthened sections of the border in the southern direction, guarding important facilities, including roads and overpasses. personal involved. the composition of the special operation forces, as the ministry of defense once again noted, the unit of the armed forces located at the reinforcement of sections of the border does not threaten anyone, but at the same time they reliably protect their homeland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity. the local population knows the situation in the adjacent territory and understands that belarusian military personnel ensure the security of the country. today in belarus the final day of registration of candidates for deputies from january 31 to february 24 will take place on february 25 on the main election day, campaigning is prohibited by law, deputies of all levels will be elected on a single voting day. this form, international observers note, in has proven itself in the community. early voting in belarus will take place from
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february 20 to 24. voters who will not be able to come to the polling station on february 25 will be able to vote in advance on sunday. polling stations will be open from 12 noon to 7 pm. nonstop . the northern region of belarus will present its full range of achievements during the days of the vitebsk region at vdnkh in moscow, which will be held from february 2 to 26. the cultural scene is especially rich. thematic showcases will invite you to travel back to ancient times. polutsk, the cradle of belarusian spirituality. the masters will tell you everything about vitebsk majolica, and tiles found during excavations will be presented. guests can also expect vibrant performances by artists. the northern region of belarus will bring the best collection of clothing to moscow. will present the tourism potential of achieving sports infrastructure, and product tastings will also be held. good deeds for young people on the winter route. the republican patriotic labor project is taking place in all regions of belarus.
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the minsk region also joined the initiative. the grand opening took place in the nesvezhsky regional center. the activities of student groups were discussed at the dialogue platform. meetings with schoolchildren are also planned. they will be given career guidance classes and discussions on the topic. preservation of historical memory. in addition, comprehensive assistance will be provided to older people. the labor action will continue until february 9. the winter route will unite 20 districts at once, including pukhovichsky and derzhinsky. 170 youth activists will take part in the project, including representatives of russian labor groups from pskov and kazan. the winners of the republican exhibition of the kolyadnaya dzorka competition were determined in minsk. the project brought together more than 10,000 young artists, craftsmen and artists. from all over belarus , half a thousand individual and collective works reached the finals; the winter new year and christmas holidays were depicted in various techniques: vytinanka, wickerwork, artistic painting, ceramics, birch bark, embroidery, weaving, tapestry. the jury identified 33
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winners and 67 runners-up for the competition exhibition in eleven categories, including carols zorka, winter holidays, christmas tree toy and art animation. the first thing i like, i would say, is that these are people, gasto-receptive people, the second thing is that this is a very strong country, very strong.


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