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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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once again, only facts of theft or attempted theft, as well as data of participants in such crimes, information about those who were robbed and those to whose accounts the stolen money was transferred. data of bank account holders is a banking secret. but, the person from whose account the money was taken will have to call the bank and report this, and then come to the police and write a statement describing the details. situation and will call for his money to be found and the perpetrators punished. the very circumstances of the theft through fraud reveal the data banking secrecy from the category of secrecy. what kind of a secret is it if a person voluntarily gives his internet banking login information to scammers or installs a remote access application on his phone and allows strangers to do whatever they want with the contents of his mobile phone. by these actions he himself reveals his banking secret. well, to every victim. it is
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worth understanding that it is impossible to solve a crime committed through a bank account without touching bank secrecy at all, just as it is impossible to solve a case of negligence of a doctor, without touching on medical confidentiality, cases of crimes in this area will be entered into a database accessible to banks and law enforcement officers in order to prevent new episodes of fraud; the database itself will be securely hidden on the servers of the national bank. yes, a database into which data on cases of money theft is entered. from the accounts of belarusians via the internet already exists, it belongs to the national bank, it is called an automated incident processing system, abbreviated asoi. in 2018, seeing that belarusians are increasingly giving money to scammers, the national bank created a center response to computer threats, and they launched asoe there. it records data on thefts from online accounts, but now law enforcement officers do not have access to this database, so when... in cyberspace it takes a long time to disclose.
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presidential decree no. 269 is aimed at giving law enforcement officers legal access to the national bank’s database on such crimes and saving naive citizens from ruin. nowadays , someone deceived by telephone or internet scammers immediately calls the bank, but most often the bank cannot help him. if a person transfers money himself, he hands it over. nicknames , logins, passwords and one-time codes for communication sessions from the bank’s point of view, at the time of the transfer nothing illegal happens and the system carries out the operation, the money ends up in an account in another bank , the victim’s bank cannot track its further path, which the operator informs the victim of the scammers about, then a person goes to the police, they accept his statement, check the facts, recognize him as a victim under criminal articles 209 or 200... 12 send an application to his bank to
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receive information about the movement on the account for the period when he transferred money to scammers. by law, investigators can only send this application in paper form via regular mail. the bank processes the application in the same paper version and sends the investigators a detailed statement about the movement of the victim’s money during the theft. from dozens of payments, investigators need to choose exactly the one that the person transferred to the scammers’ account. after this, there are paper requests to the bank accounts from which the money went, and from there the answers come, sometimes all this drags on for months. now about how everything will be happen when decree number 269 comes into effect . for example, a person realizes that he has transferred money to scammers, he calls the bank and there his message about the crime is entered into the asoi database. after this, the deceived citizen goes to the police and writes a statement. the investigator on the spot opens it. base and sees how much money was spent,
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when, and most importantly, where. using secure communication channels, he sends a request to the bank where the money went, they open the aso database and see that the crime has actually been recorded, they immediately report where the amount was transferred from their bank, that is, track a chain of transfers will be possible not over several months, but in one day, and having discovered the account in which the money was, for example, in the evening, force the bank to suspend movement on this account, the machine. will not be able to withdraw or transfer the amount, and it will be returned to the owner. victims of such crimes will receive their money back faster, there will be more cases of return, and the criminals themselves, knowing that they can be found in a day, will reduce their ardor. now think about whether it’s good or bad that a system is being created in the country, which will make it possible to stop criminals from returning to citizens the money that they themselves give to scammers. is it bad that the state.
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first of all, i would like to hear the answers of those who have directly or indirectly suffered from the actions of scammers. secondly , there are interesting answers from online residents who, for several years, under every news about fraud, have been stamping comments about the inaction of the authorities. the opinion of people who do not live in belarus is of little interest, but it is they who most often express it. practice shows that the majority. telephone and internet scammers drive the money of naive citizens between belarusian banks, we have 21 of them. as a rule, the crime is discovered at the third or fourth level of transfers. if the money has gone abroad, the law enforcement unit for the prevention of cybercrime tries to return it with
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the help of foreign colleagues. international agreements help them with this, but what to hide, in such cases the chances of getting the amount back are greatly reduced. belarusians most often lose money in schemes when scammers call them on behalf of bank employees and report that someone is trying to steal money from a person’s account, the fear of losing savings paralyzes critical thinking, consciousness narrows to the diameter of the threat, it is at this moment that scammers offer salvation, the opportunity to transfer funds to another secure account. the person believes that this offer comes from a bank employee, transfers money so that... and does not go to the scammers, and then realizes that he was talking to them, this is a game on fear. in addition, it is popular a scheme where attackers pretend to be investigators who catch an internet fraudster and invite the victim to participate in a special operation. they say
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they are trying to steal money from your account, we want to catch the scoundrel as a live bait, be a live bait, take a loan so that the thief will fall for it, transfer it to him, and we will track his account, catch him red-handed, return the money to you and reward you. don’t be offended, those who have suffered from such schemes, but in my opinion, this is a game of ambition in the good sense of the concept: a person wants to be on the side of good, he likes to believe that without him he will be caught the whole investigative committee cannot handle the fraudster, so he agrees to participate in the scam against himself, takes out a loan and transfers it to the fake investigators, and no matter how events develop further, the debt to the bank hangs on the victim. the third most popular scheme is fake websites. banks, the victim thinks that he is logging into his internet banking from the original website, enters all the card account data on the scammers’ website and loses the money. there is only one way out: on a piece of paper, next to the login and password for logging into internet banking, write down letters the address of the original bank website
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, check it with what is written in the address bar every time you decide to pay for something. these are the top three cyber fraud options. in addition to them, there is an offer to get rich on the stock exchange, false links to payment for goods. services from online flea markets and many more options for deception. we don’t take the scheme with a relative and an accident, because in it couriers are sent to people, and this is no longer a cybercrime. these are the times when a key under the apartment’s rug has become less of a threat to property than one handed to a stranger. bank security key. you just have to accept it. the decree on measures to combat unauthorized payment transactions will come into force in six months. the national bank and law enforcement agencies need this time in order to issue additional legislative acts, organize round-the-clock operation of branches in banks responsible for contacts with defrauded clients, and resolve technical issues of the database. for example, all banks in the country will be required to implement anti-fraud
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systems. fraud - in english - fraud. anti-frood system is a set algorithms based on artificial intelligence. it analyzes every online payment, because as a user. the card swipes it, tries to determine whether it is a theft or a regular money transfer. the program checks whether the payment exceeds the established average daily limit, and whether the amount of the amount is out of the usual range for a particular client? advanced systems even analyze how the user presses the keys of the gadget through which he pays for a product or service, remembers the movement of his fingers if they are not the same as usual, call the security of the transaction into question. this does not mean that banks will be... all suspicious, controversial transfers, payments that the robot considers artificial intelligence will be transferred to bank specialists for review. always understand the innovations that the state offers us and only then draw conclusions about them: take care of your data for logging into
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internet banking, this is your golden key, and its secret concerns no one but you, and if you are not afraid to reveal the secret of your golden key to strangers from internet, then it definitely wouldn’t be worth it to protect the property of belarusians, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you, the adventure of foreigners in belarus, let me free you like...
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yes, what’s the problem? no, it’s not a problem yet, while i’m still young, and it won’t spoil here , no, there’s thermometry, fans, the air is blowing, he’s happy to talk about the most colorful places in the country, well, it’s delicious, i don’t know how many vegetables there are here, just it’s incredible how many hectares you need to dig to get such a vegetable, i already know how to get sugar, the hardest part was catching it. there are a lot of things that i like
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, for example, i love to relax in lagoisk , we really like visiting nesves, we have been there several times, the world as well, in general i can say that your atmosphere is wonderful in fact, my children, i repeat , enjoy it, they love winter, they love playing with the snow, again i think. the spirit of the belarusian people, who were not broken during all the difficult
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trials that befell them. everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan. georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar,
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united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the either space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with tv channel belarus 2 and discover belarus.
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they weren’t invited, it’s really up to them, because girls don’t play war. they were getting more and more dressed up, midnight, but they lit the side lights, a better life. not wanting our daughter , our daughter’s country, and rushed and praised, a whirlwind of fiery trails, a whirlwind of fiery trails, and the house is far, far away, and the world is far, far away , along the plane, step-dog, girls, return... on
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time , alarm, alarm, russian planes, k weapons, alarm, we go to the target, crane, they will kill us, stop talking.
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look, on the right, metz’s beekeeper, the girls , i’m on fire now , what’s wrong with them, i don’t know how... girls, it’s okay, i want, we’ll get out,
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look, one witch is covering. i turn the car around, zhenya, we have orders, we’ll talk later,
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but. and two more women died. they could become wives and mothers. force women to fight.
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but we don’t know which of our people passed on the information to you. i'm afraid you'll have to live with this.
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we reach the target, throw the saber, straight away, there is! disappeared? i don't understand. is that all it means? all. there is
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a goal, we leave, a course of return, there is a course of return, everything worked out, yes, now all that remains is to return. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science: magic turned out to be powerless, who made the first attempts to create a precious stone when. the world's first peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists. synthetic stones, they are quite close in their characteristics to natural ones, so here are... the myths that exist that if you put it in a glass of water, if you hold it in your hand, we conducted experiments, and how many people, so many opinions, we share interesting facts,
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ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. scientists created a press that made it possible to extract butter from cocoa beans to ultimately produce solid chocolate. in fact, quite a lot of time passes from the idea itself to its implementation; the idea appears as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, as well as research into consumer preferences, for example, through questionnaires. look in project science is nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel. there are 256 countries in the world. basically, the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela. for some time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to evaluate us, supposedly more democratic than all of the above-mentioned states, the most
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psychologically difficult thing is to monotonously, methodically, calmly, but efficiently do your usual work every single day day, this seems to me to be what is needed from us for the country in 2024, if someone doesn’t know why start, start with yourself, this is the word they constantly try to prick lukashenko and his government. they say you need stability, does biden want stability, he wants stability more than anyone, because the united states is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china and even belarus, but there is a nuance: the stability of america is ensured by the instability of the rest of the world. we need to value this stability, because it is not only expensive , it is priceless. propaganda project, watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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damn it, i marked the place of death of the beekeeper and mitkova, comrade colonel, that’s all i have, the rapport is over. well, the destruction of this sturmpanfire oliver neumann is... it’s very important, but it’s not clear what he was doing there in this estate, there ’s nothing interesting there besides the fuel depots, you received the data and the order.
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managed to deceive them with this brownie shorpe? that ’s right, in general everything went according to plan, only the girls, yes, every time you have to pay such a price, it’s scary to think about it, let me go, comrade colonel, yes, go, oh, stay late, stay late, bell ringer, you have been presented with a request. your assignment is for a high government award, tomorrow the order will be presented to you by a personal comrade of the schism. it’s clear, let me go, but as a senior lieutenant, it feels like you’re not happy, you’re being given government awards every day, you really want to sleep, 20 hours without sleep, six of them at the helm, comrade major, it’s like the war is going on , i myself haven’t slept for three days now, you don’t fly, that’s
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something else. let me go, they are linguists you guys have big tongues, but they fly like witches, as i understand it, none of the personnel should give up the true targets of this bombing, absolutely true, i doubt it. colonel, that the girls, with a calm heart , were able to drop bombs where the captured soviet army officer was located. yes please.
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tell galina vasilievna, what kind of vasilievna do you like, ulya, especially today. our friends died, blessed to their memory, about fascist death.
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and katya the beekeeper, now everyone should rest, they'll take off again at night, come on, come on.
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they did everything as you said, the girls did a great job, that’s good, gal, let me tell you the truth at headquarters, why did you come up with everything, today’s operation, and the one at
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the airfield, come on... why, what difference does it make, who i came up with the main thing, it worked, gal , they express gratitude to me, tomorrow my comrade herself will come, she hands me an order, i understand, i feel like a thief, “zhenya, what are you saying , you’re flying, you’re risking your life, this is your reward, well, you could do it yourself, you know that the hatch is better than me, this is a controversial issue, after what i did, they should have put me under a tube, but they left me on the planes, this is already happiness, so it’s better not to remind anyone about me, let it be as it is, go, wife, you need to rest, gal. zhenya, go, i'll be right there, go.
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let's quickly load things, if ours has no news, no news for us, not alive, not dead, maybe , maybe not, mom, comrades, let's hurry up, the car
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should be on the way a long time ago, don't worry, don't worry about us, everything will be fine, take care yourself dear.
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"why did you hang us, heroine, you need today the order itself will forgive the split, it ’s like visiting the kremlin, well, yes, but i only saw her once, when they accepted folk music, and i
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never did, only in a photograph, and we will not spare our lives for the sake of victory, each of you , i’m sure of this, i’m ready to die for her.” but you have to live, girls, you have to live and be able to win not only with sacrifices, but with intelligence and skill, this is the reward for this, senior lieutenant, i’m here, senior lieutenant zvonareva according to you arrived to the order. comrade senior lieutenant, allow me on behalf of the party of the government of the people of the union soviet socialist republics to present you with the order of kutuzov, third degree,
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did i drill a hole? i received the order, i also forgot, here it is! do i serve the working people or serve the soviet union? i serve the soviet union. i serve the soviet union. now everything is in order.
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i want to ask you, what happened to that pilot who bombed the truck in the field, she doesn’t fly anymore, it’s a pity, she’s a good pilot, such accuracy , but we have others who are no worse, most have much better discipline, yes , discipline is very important, well everything good, thank you. sit down, order bearer, here is a new task for you,
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study it, congratulations, thank you, it means a new task, yes, very important and urgent. we need to fly out tonight, it’s clear, let’s see, our saboteurs blew up this bridge, and now at this junction station there are several wagons with ammunition that need to be destroyed tonight, so the heavy bombers work during the day, you can’t get a lyricist, but we have small bomb reserve, what to do? you have to think, please allow it,
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you’re doing this in vain, there’s no need to hide the reward, on day, but what if they drop bombs with precision, right on the wagons with ammunition, do you think the germans will specially mark them? to do this, you need to attract the sabotage group that blew up the bridge, and what task to assign them, there are some considerations, comrade colonel, you need to contact the group as soon as possible, i will check with the headquarters when the next communication session with them is, stay here and state your thoughts. belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping
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and this time you need to learn and master. yong patrabavaў i the excavation of such treasured elements of that old architecture, but the materials were already different: there were trees, there were stone materials, and there they were built like this, well, it looked imitation. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. shchuchansky palace of drutsky-lubensky prisoners on the old month. there was already a noble meeting, when the park was destroyed, it seems, but when the hand of stanislav yundzi, this nobleman of the belarusian batanik of the end of the 18th century, struck. cultural-asvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus. banks, if you get out, yes, my dear.
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in africa, all conflicts around the world will be reset and this boomerang will definitely reach europe. don’t miss it on tv channel belarus 24.
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how can it be, commander, they abandoned the girl, greek, so what would you do, perakli, you can’t , i came, i saw, i left, that’s our task, kill them anyway, quietly, stupidity. there will be enough of them, they will change the order , we won’t be able to complete the task, yes this is understandable, but it’s very disgusting, then my conscience will torment me all my life, i ’m a commander, but now the main thing is to complete the task, commander, what are we doing, now everyone
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to rest, who is guarding me? you cool down for now, yeah, you're taking off according to plan, you should be at the target at 3:30 am, eat. let me go, there will be personnel, there will be, yes,
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this is a very risky undertaking, are there any other proposals? no way, period colonel, that's right , comrade colonel, i understand, there is, end of communication, we have a new task, so, in now we should be at the station, here, the task is to identify the train with burning ammunition, how we will designate it, i don’t know yet for whom, they say for aviation. girls on necks typewriters? yes, the task was assigned to the night bombers. why are you smiling, greek, they will be in the sky, and you will be on the ground. yes, at least they will fly over me, grandfathers, the planes will be at the station at 3:30, we are moving
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out, sergeant major solovyov is bringing up the rear, run after me, march, carefully, today there was mail , there is something from my husband, no, neither from him nor about him. how i would like to fly myself, you will fly, you will definitely fly, zhen, you take care of yourself, you are fighting for two, remember, don’t miss, two bombs on target, okay, unscrew!
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3:15 we had 15 minutes, got it?
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gotovich, yes, commander!
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smoking is bad for you, thomas. scared me. 5 minutes left, get ready, there is, and if they don’t succeed, it will work out, the first approach
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is to find the rentals, then we turn around, i remember, the main thing is that there are landmarks, the minute that is punctual, i saw the landmark, that’s right, let’s follow it, there are, four, three, demand, there is!
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they worked everything out exactly, but according to such alestir , why not work it out like training, the reconnaissance officers
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are flying, flying, comrade colonel, so report to him, so, comrade major, let me lay it down, they are flying. hold it zhen, thank you, you'll have tea, no, tea, i won't have tea, although okay, go ahead, thank you, well, zhen, we bombed, great, we did something like this in the past, if you'd seen it, the scouts are also great, a bomb from a low altitude
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they reset it, yes, as usual, which means it was just lucky that no one died. what luck, and if it were covered by an external wave or fire , the lower you fly, the higher the accuracy, guy, you know, accuracy needs to be practiced, oh, you’re a commander, oh well, what a commander, gal, if only you could fly. yes, look ahead!
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you need a special invitation, stand up second, there is a step march, i’ll still talk, from the sky regiment, you’ll fly, gal, don’t even think about it. senior lieutenant, zvonareva, here, zvonareva, ordered to report to headquarters, is it to report to headquarters, at least they would give a person some sleep, how many days have you not slept properly?
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come on, this is the case, at the same time i’ll find out about gali. to be allowed to fly? well, yes, happily, good girl, yes, what about my friend? he’s trying, but as if these efforts didn’t backfire, he’s almost under the tribunal, but the log doesn’t give the matter any progress, it hurts donor, arrogant, they fight for this like a rosary, comrade colonel, bear with me, there’s no time, an urgent order came from the general staff, they call you to paint, why? they didn’t report to me, only very urgently , in half an hour the neighbors’ plane will take off, so i won’t have time to get ready, the documents are with you, but here’s a bag thing, dry food and deception, comrade colonel, i wanted to contact you about galya shevchenko, no
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need for anything conversations, she suspended herself from flying, so get into the car, comrade colonel, and if i’m completely, completely carry out orders, comrade senior lieutenant , here we go again...
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along unexplored paths and routes, a certain medieval traveler, a favorite of today’s marketers, called belarus a country of castles, and it’s not to say that he was wrong, because sources from the 16th-18th centuries claim castles, on our land there were about a hundred, we will travel all over belarus, the streshane church, majestic snow-white, built of brick, we knew that in total three similar buildings were erected in europe, only one has survived to this day, it is located in streshane so that to show how unusual and wonderful our country is, grodno can’t nadakuchyts, grodna can’t stop, i walk around this city with a problem and sleep.
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what are the different trajectories and perspectives? 34 trillion, the us national debt mark has been reached , they live at the expense of others, and this is a very important element that the united states will try to preserve at any cost, all politics is now based on this, it’s very nice to talk about democracy, in fact, on human blood to make money, we have different motivations, these people only want money, we are determined to... thank you very much to our alexander grigorievich that we have peace, order and that we do not have war, many do not understand this, it is like air that you do not notice, when it ends, you begin understand what you have lost.


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