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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 31, 2024 12:55am-1:26am MSK

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we will tell you about important church dates and holidays. the church is gradually preparing us prayerfully and liturgically in this way to celebrate this holiday. therefore, this day is mainly dedicated to remembering the events associated with the birth of christ. we will introduce you to ancient relics and miraculous icons. she occupies such a special place of honor in the center of the temple.
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let's go on a trip to belarus katya. you are restoring a real real once residential farm, and the motives that led them to life in the village are absolutely different, i was so overdone that they could hang me from the christmas tree, because on me it’s easy to remove, roll down, everything is in order, the task of the leader.
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belarus 24. scientists have proven that horse riding improves not only your mood, but also your health. this is beautiful posture, general muscle tone, a strong nervous system and even... improved
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digestion, we believe in scientists, so go ahead and ride! alexander, how many horses do you have under your command? we have 10 horses under our command and anyone who wants to ride can come to you? yes, absolutely anyone there is for extreme sports, let's say , ferrari. uh-huh, among horses , well, there are, let’s say, they’ll screw it up, and if a person has no experience at all, well, then we’ll put him on a zaporozhets, he’ll ride , have a look, if he likes it, well, he’ll be able to learn how to ride a ferrari, it seems that’s it this is exactly my case, i haven’t ridden a horse for a long time, but in general, friends, everything here is strictly individual, for one a few lessons will be enough, for another six months will not be enough, in this matter the main thing is not to rush, and
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have fun before you buy a horse saddle, it is our duty to clean it, the horse may be dirty, it could get dirty, plus it was lying, and no one canceled the pew, its beautiful appearance, but in general horses love it when they are looked after, stroked, combed there, the horse has no hands, no fingers, she cannot scratch herself, in order to scratch herself she needs to rock somewhere in the sand, in a snowball, there are places that are very difficult to scratch, they stand there happy, they roll up. and really like it, huh? horses just like people, everyone needs their own approach, but there is a key rule, we listen carefully, you must always be a leader for the horse, a friend, but a leader, so, because if you are just a friend, they can hang your legs on you, if you are only a leader, the horse can to be afraid, beings are usually more vindictive, that is, with smerins, it’s easier with stallions, the dog is in the wrong mood, got off on the wrong foot. yes, tell me, they squeezed in the wrong place,
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scratched in the wrong place, women, well, what can i say, even though i love horses very much, but the technique security. above all, you never know, we brought beauty, we got ready, now we go to get to know each other, the arms are in the saddle, we pull up both left legs, we gently lower ourselves into the seat, the shelves are always in a vertical position, we hold them like a mug, the leashes are drawn evenly for uniform control, the right one - this is right, left - left to turn the horse, left leash to the knees, uh-huh, right, right , stop both of them towards you too, down, not up, just down, to create pressure so that the horse walks with both legs, at the same time we we squeeze it, and yes, we continue,
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that is, we squeezed, let go, squeezed, let go, if the horse didn’t hear, then we squeeze a little harder, we would become friends. which means that now we can try something else, i’ll help count, yeah, then i’ll raise the horse to a trot, we’ll see, i ’ll control it more, it’ll listen to me, let’s trot, but just sitting in the saddle won’t work , you'll have to work a little harder, one two, one two, one two, one two, one two, one two, one two, one. excellent, wonderful, and now they sat down deeply, and the horse will start walking, yeah, you can pet the horse on the horse
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and praise it, yes, unique, honestly, dear tv viewers, i didn’t even think that i missed horse riding so much, now i want to go back come back, i really liked it, i recommend it, and i also insist that everyone should visit the well and definitely, there are so many bright impressions and discoveries very close to minsk, so dear friends, come, get inspired, learn, with you it was me. and to fast routes, bye-bye,
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there is a lot that i like. i’m already just a specialist in making cheesecakes, of course, i make them in my own way, so they turn out a little venezuelan, in fact i can add a lot about the belarusian people, the first time i visited brest and the brest fortress, in fact i i was simply impressed and amazed by the spirit of the belarusian people, who were not broken during all the difficult
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trials that befell them.
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holidays for me are a state, a state joy, a state of brightness, childhood, when you can meet friends, look into their eyes, and experience bright, joyful emotions together. life became brighter, more joyful when round dances appeared, did i like to draw or embroider , no, my entire childhood i read, i read a lot, starting from the age of 3, at the age of three i learned to read, and re-read everything that was possible in the house , at school, and i remember the big eyes of the library from school, when she said: svetochka, libraries, in our childhood there were no cell phones and computers, so the games were live and -
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very often we gathered with the girls in the yard and played various different games. i didn’t have any dreams about the future, i felt so good every day, so joyful, there were so many interesting things, i don’t remember that i dreamed of becoming someone, and after school... i graduated from medical school i went to work in a hospital as a nurse, the idea of ​​holding round dances for many years has been around for quite a long time, i got acquainted with round dances about 15 years ago, there was an organization for the creation of such an environmental focus, where people gathered people who wanted to move to the land and organize their family estate, and we often met, there were interesting lectures there, we helped the botanical garden. the cedars came to life, that is, there was a lot of interesting work, but each of our meetings ended with games and round dances, that’s where i
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saw it for the first time, i realized how cool it was, to play together, when i first came there, it was easy for me to join the team through games, that is, through the game it was easy for me to get to know each other, then the round dances, this is the warmth, this is the joy that is in the round dances, and after some time, i realized that these games... exist all over the world, since it is possible
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to study online, but it so happened that there was a round dance game school, even in belarus there was little demand for training harvod players, and the director veronica gavrilenok , she taught people mainly in russia, went to seminars in russia, and for belarusians there was the opportunity to study online, but this was not enough, how to learn round dances online, true, although, although this is a great film, but how? through cinema learn how to dance in a round dance, i learned, completed the training, when i asked veronica when there would be a live course, yes, when it will be possible to dance with your legs, and do round dances, she said, well, no one is organizing it, i thought, since no one is organizing it, why should i i couldn’t organize it myself, so i started organizing live seminars for veronica, and so i learned , got trained, organized a seminar, got trained and... live, at this time, when i was already studying live, in a live program, i
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had already started spend evenings, we and a friend, too, who went to study at a round dance play school, also with the leader , began to organize parties in minsk, this was already in 2018, that is, it was already 5 years when we held the first party with egur, it was right away, we were so rave reviews that let's do it, let's do it more often, let 's do it every week, we realized the value, that it's great, that it's wonderful, it's a wonderful way to spend time. 100 brave children gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult, why do you think children ask strange questions? questions, a person is always frightened by something new, what frightened you when you were offered to become the rector of bsu, what could you never
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forgive, well, for example, a loved one, as it is written in the gospel? if you forgive and forgive people for their sins, then the heavenly father will forgive you, everything. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. what does bsu have that no other university has? very good question. popya! flying upward, there is magic light everywhere, in your time, so interesting and modern , the music that you listen to, the music that you like, uh, probably it should sound, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, only
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for our tv viewers we choose the best routes. it’s better to appreciate the ones you have and be proud of them, because there is no other lead like this in any european country. and we set off on an exciting journey. products created by local craftsmen were in great demand throughout europe. ivan the terrible himself could not resist bykhov's guns. actually in fact, gedenin had seven daughters, but none of them was called lida. note that jogaila is only getting younger with time, although at the time of the wedding he was 71 years old. if the castle was captured, either there was a traitor who opened the gates, or in some peaceful way to show how unusually wonderful our country is. bykhovsky district is one of the richest deposits in belarus, 32, and these are only officially registered, there are even antique ones. the first icon of queen razaria was brought by the franciscans in the 14th century, but it
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died in a fire. this is an 18th century image. see the program. cities of belarus on tv channel belarus 24. charming gaming tradition. this tradition is to celebrate holidays with... games and dances, round dances, together, initially in large settlements. this tradition arose among our ancestors when they celebrated their holidays, and its roots have reached us through folklore. in our round dance game school, we have adapted this tradition to modern times, so that in
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our time everyone can come to take part in these games. in a round dance, stand in a round dance, hold hands and play with each other. what are evenings? parties are a way of organizing leisure time. absolutely anyone can come to the parties. we play folk games here. games are liberating; anyone who has never even visited us can easily enter our space. each of us has an inner child. each of us played as a child, always played, more or less. the older generation played more when there were no gadgets, the current generation of children also plays, this inner child awakens in everyone and wants to play, everything always goes joyfully and cheerfully, you are lucky today.
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in just a few minutes our friday party will begin, the guests are already gathering and setting us up. there are all sorts of goodies on the table and in a few minutes we will start playing, dancing, getting to know each other, we invite you to take part in our friday party, today i want to start with a more solemn round dance, this is a round dance of the times, how will people find out. in our evenings, firstly, by word of mouth, as word of mouth always works, a person came, he liked it, he says to his friend, or wife or husband, let's go there, great, let's go there forever. the second option, of course , is social networks, we have a group in viber and in telegram, vkontakte, and through them people can also come to us, the groups are constantly
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replenished, new members are added, participants find us, children, adults, and men come, and women, uh, it’s even difficult for me to say what the percentage is, but at parties there are always children who come with their parents, we invite parents to take their children with them, it’s very it is important that children understand how their parents relax, and that this is an example that they can relax like this in different ways, fun and joyfully. most often, at the beginning, we arrange a tea party, so that when a person comes , maybe he is from work, especially when we have parties, most often on friday evenings, and when a person comes from work, he needs time to rest, so that. .. study on - on this type of activity for the evenings, we will have a tea party with goodies, everyone brings something to the common table, and fruits, some cookies, maybe
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some pastries, and we discuss some questions, or just get to know each other if someone comes for the first time, and so we conceive during communication, it’s very easy to establish contact, get to know each other most often it happens through a game; there are many different dating games. which are held at the table, and held indoors, active, there are a lot of different ones, we use more than ten in our parties, depending on the situation, each of our parties has some kind of theme, and many evenings correspond to the slavic holidays, kologodny, that is, kologodny - this is the cycle of the sun, which is held in the early days of the solstice, this is maslenitsa, yes kupala of autumn or the rich man. there are four more holidays that are located between these holidays and we also celebrate them. we definitely celebrate. we believe that it is very important
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to celebrate precisely these moments of the solar cycle, so that people realize for themselves, note that this is the middle of summer and it is bathing. but now, for example, in... the middle, end of december, there is december 22, yes, and this means that the sun, uh, the day has become the smallest, and on december 25 the sun begins to rise, the sunny day begins to increase, each of these holidays has its own energy, and if a person lives in correlation, in the rhythm of these energies, he will live in the rhythm of the world, socks together,
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many men come to our parties, it is important for a man to be a leader in the state of a man responsible for the one he leads. this is a family, this is some kind of work team, this is some kind of business, and the man pumps this responsibility in round dances, plus, of course, dancing, when there is a harmonious interaction between a man and a woman, and in russian dances, in slavic dances, it has always been a lot of rotations, when a man is around, a woman is spinning around a man, the way she should spin . by nature, that is, a man is the support of the family, the support, the woman spins around, creating such
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an atmosphere of tenderness and care. evenings have always existed among our ancestors. in every village, in every settlement it is mandatory parties were held. most often at the end of the work week. evenings have always been in the traditions of our ancestors, and we are now reviving them. taking some of their particles and facets from folklore and adapting them to modern times, so that it would be interesting to everyone who comes, that is, we are simply continuing what our parents and forefathers did. in the villages there were special places where both young and older people gathered, young people danced, children played somewhere, ran between the dancers, older people, we dads, old people sat and watched, and it was joint interaction, at parties you could get to know each other, through dance, because it’s very
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easy... to recognize a person, through their hands , whether they are strong, through their eyes, whether they look openly, there are so many factors, how to understand a person in dance, in our traditions , most often dances are paired dances with a change of partner, when a girl goes through a circle, dances with one partner, with another, with a third, with a fourth, with a fifth, and that’s how people got to know each other, that’s how they got to know each other, there were parties. which were between the villages there are quite a lot of cases at our parties when a man and a woman, a guy and a girl meet at parties, in the last calendar year alone we have had three couples, two of whom have formed a family, and one couple is still dating, we have a very interesting story, 2 years ago , a couple met at a party, they fell in love with the parties,
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they went to every party, they were... it was so joyful, so interesting, they always participated so actively, did not miss a single evening, having fallen in love with the parties, they they also fell in love with each other and formed a wonderful creative couple, now they are together, during this time they trained to be the host of round dance and game festivals, they even held their first party together, where they were independent... hosts, it was very joyful, at the party we all try to come in dresses, at least below the knee, such dresses or skirts, they save energy, a dress or skirt, like a dome, saves feminine energy, at our party many girls sew their own clothes, we have a mother who teaches care sewing, you can always sew yourself a dress
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and... and mothers, and we try to maintain this and always come to parties in beautiful dresses, i sew outfits for myself, i don’t have much time for this, but i have four dresses, which i sewed for myself by hand, it’s just a practice of self-love. because every stitch, every seam, it means something, by cutting from the fabric, we remove what is unnecessary, every seam means something, by sealing the seams, we seal our energy, preserving it, the hem is a connection with the family, the neck - this is our self-expression, the gusset that is sewn into the side, this is self-love, every part of the protective dress means something, just like that, when we a... sew the whole dress,
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consider it, this is such, this practice is quite serious, strong , plus we sew only from natural fabrics, from linen, from cotton, this also allows you to save energy, tap someone on the shoulder, pass the flopon, and you run after the pebble, run, run and wait to see where it will fit in, where he will fit in, what place he will take,
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the fulness, the brightness, the enjoyment of these emotions, then, naturally, there remains such an after taste after the holiday, it stretches for several days, and then , when you start preparing the holiday, you also enter into a state of holiday, and the holiday passes, again after the taste, if this holiday is once a week, then practically you live constantly in... a state of celebration, it’s very cool when i host a celebration, i ’m still on a holiday, and i, together with other people, feel all these emotions and joys, and unity, creativity, laughter , enthusiasm, uh, harmony, when in some dances, in round dances, i experience all this, and of course, this affects my state too, my state...


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