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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 31, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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at the konguna factory, the factory has changed a lot in 20 years, new workshops have been added, many new lines have been added, now it is such a giant that provides the entire market for its products, does not stand still, it is developing, the factory is thriving, for 20 years i tried myself on many processes, then one of our new lines opened, a mogul line, so i... got there, now i work there as an operator, a foreman, this is one of our most powerful lines with a productivity of up to a ton per hour, you can say , working the place is the heart of the line, i am in the very heart, due to the type of my activity, during the work shift we try the product that we cast, well, of course i try to limit myself from sweets, but it’s hard, working in a factory and seeing so many delicious , beautiful sweets, it’s very hard.
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this is constant work on oneself, we have excursions at our factory every day , children come to us from school when they see so many candies, when their eyes light up, when they want to try everything, just smiles, it makes me happy, it also brings pleasure to me, when you see so many candies produced every day , you understand that you made an effort, this is your work, and that they will go to thousands of families and bring joy and pleasure to people, this is a product, this is a hormone happiness, that is, you bring positivity to the family, well, the heart rejoices.
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there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba. brazil and venezuela, but somehow for a long time we had the habit of not listening to them, but to wait until a bunch of other countries, supposedly more democratic than all of the above states. the most psychologically difficult thing is to monotonously, methodically, calmly, but efficiently, do your usual work every single day, this, it seems to me, is what is needed from us for the country in 2024. if someone doesn't know where to start, start with yourself. this is the word i constantly torture. he
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wants stability more than anyone, because the united states is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china, and even belarus, but there is a nuance: america's stability is ensured by the instability of everything the rest of the world. we need to appreciate this stability, because it is not only expensive , it is priceless. the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians.
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exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries. azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available. 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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they weren’t invited, was it really up to them, because girls don’t play war, they were given more and more outfits, midnight ones, but they turned on the side lights, not wanting a better life for our daughter,
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the country of our daughter, and carried this praise with a whirlwind of fiery tracks. their repaired tracks, and the house is far, far away, and the world is far, far away on the plane, knocking dogs, girls, come back on time.
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everything is correct, a liaison officer with a suitcase and a convoy, which means everything else is correct, patrols in the forest and acid in a suitcase, well, they gave us a problem.
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we're leaving. and the strike should be of maximum density, thank you, mayor, immediately after you our artillery will begin to work on the same area, a breakthrough is being prepared soon, let german intelligence puzzle over this, then there is a lieutenant, well, everything is clear, that
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’s right, resolve the question, yes, but will zvonareva return? so questions, please, i ask only on assignment there is one, and this is a question on assignment, in our regiment there is no one better than her, except that shevchenko, in fact, comrade colonel, are there better pilots... leave , comrade lieutenant, touch colonel, i have long i drew your attention to fine discipline, comrade colonel, captain zvonareva arrived for further service, bought it at the military store, all that remains is to wash it, wait, zhenya, it’s some kind of hall, not a staff. comrade colonel, i have an order to transfer gali shevchenko to the flight crew. where is galya? was
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she taken today? criminal myopia has occurred. we'll have to figure it out. comrade colonel. yes. allow me to address comrade major. you will answer, you will answer for everything, i don’t care, i didn’t see anything, i understand, i didn’t see, let me go, drive her away, comrade colonel, how can this be? how can this be, comrade colonel, you need to call urgently,
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don’t call, you have to go, zhen, from the door, sit here while he’s flying. let's see, you go to bed, rest, i i'll conquer it.
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galina shevchenko, yes, private, yes, there is an order, do you understand what’s there? shevchenko on the way out, night bombers, why are you here? i violated the combat order.
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shevchenko, shevchenko, on the way out, they have come for you.
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carrying out terrorist acts, what their goals are, this is the establishment of control, political, military, information , to create anti-russia along the perimeter of russia, here is biological warfare, it can be more large- scale, and there is already evidence that the americans were engaged in these laboratories in ukraine namely covid-19. it is possible that
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we will still see pandemics that will be more dangerous in military operations. belarus, our successful decision to repulse the attack of the coup d'état became a kind of vaccination, because the absolute majority saw that the much-hyped technologies of color revolutions could be resisted. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. there are wide, clean streets here, and it seems like you can breathe well here.
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neither domestic policy nor foreign policy, this is again today a certain foundation in many areas of activity, that is culture cannot develop today if there is no ideological foundation, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . yes, i understand, comrade colonel, let’s think , there is, end of connection, so, so, the data is like that, road, 3 km, a motorcade, covers this distance
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in 4.5 minutes, only here. it makes sense to attack, because here at the airfield and here in the bunker, very large forces are concentrated, how many of them are there, motorcades of 20 automatic security guards, two people in a dashing car, there are machine guns, the courier destroys documents in the suitcase at any hint of an attack, which means in order to neutralize the courier we will have a maximum of 10 seconds. how to get there? you have to take it right away when he gets off the plane. and to help us , we will ask you to drop a regiment of paratroopers for support. a regiment is not a regiment, but aviation can help us. i am for.
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well, let's go wash your stars then, let's go, i'll catch up now.
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to complete the mission, it is planned to attract night bombers; they will bomb the object and thereby divert the attention of the guards. who came up with this? me and captain makiev. strange logic of the captain, accounting, okay. i’ll try to come to an agreement with colonel polenko, let me go, comrade commander, go,
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here’s a special unit for you, we’re sitting idle. are you ready to go out?
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maybe we’ll ask them, why sit? it's a shame, actually. we will have a task, for sure. girls, warm the water for our return, okay. here's the task. now you will do it. there is fulfillment. don't get upset, why are you? okay, sonya, excuse me, let's do it together, okay? but it’s still shameful to sit like that, i know. no, mechanics are not that, but how do you know? every time you see him off, your heart aches, the person risks his life, and you sit there. captain, zavonareva, emergency headquarters.
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well, welcome, improving my little fellow, now i need to look at a more detailed map, excuse me, step on it, otherwise we’ll quarrel, come on, it’s such a beauty, it’s a lot of effort , it’s here... the airfield, the bunker here, the distance from the airfield to the bunker 3 km, the motorcade travels 3 km in 4 s2 minutes,
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the motorcades are three cars, two trucks, one passenger car, guarded by 20 machine gunners, there are machine guns, there is a courier and an accompanying person in the car, the courier destroys the documents in the suitcase at the slightest hint of attack. all of himself is such a front, he looks past , he crows through his teeth, they’re literally doing us a favor, that’s exactly how i was holding on, yeah, a diversionary maneuver, a bomb strike, listen , and i’m holding my finger like that, like pistols, yes, let’s get drunk, well, here she is.
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comrade major, in my opinion, is completely in his place, but you definitely don’t deserve the title of soviet pilot, the title of daughter of enemies of the people suits you better, please sit down into the car, don’t let go, lieutenant, okay?
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our task is to stop the motorcade and distract the enemy. what is needed for this? we
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need to find out from you. go, let's go, let's go, let's go, 16, 17, 18, 19.
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25, quite tolerable, 25 seconds, quite tolerable, i think we can handle it on our own, one bomb for each car, but i think it won’t go like that, it’s getting faster and faster it is necessary, i am fire, close in on the car, otherwise they will kill us all here, we will work, work, comrades, goodbye, let's go to the starting points, just be careful, commander, in general, in connection with everyone
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based on the circumstances that have emerged, we conclude that our plan is unsuccessful, no, well, of course we can work even faster, but the slightest change on the ground and, why are you making so much noise, comrades, georgians, i’m screwed, i’m for it, i’ll wash it, what’s next, next, what am i going to report, this issue must be resolved somehow. sorry,
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girls, we can’t collaborate this time. i have a plan, speak up. what if bombs were dropped directly on trucks? on the run? yes, that is, you don’t waste time on the convoy, but take the courier right away. can you? wheels, driver, fucking, security guard, everything, time, well done, 15 seconds, these hit, didn’t you see, dust from the bags, they hit, right, well, commander, then it should work, let’s shoot,
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commander, we should try at night, i agree. come on, captain, where do they go all the time, and now they still fly, well, i wish they could. we are correct, but nothing, captain , we were lucky, so we’ll try, i would also like to practice the same actions only at night, do you think the trucks will drive with key headlights, no one knows this, but actually it doesn’t matter,
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because there is a forest there, it will be necessary then designate the location of the attack, we approximately reach the target, then, well, then we will have to come up with something, the flying clubs haven’t flown since then. what did you train as a raider? no, jump with a parachute. but according to our state, parachutes are not allowed. wait, how can you get on planes without a parachute? what if you’re not afraid of summer? well, we’re planning, well , we’re flying at such an altitude that if something happens, the parachute won’t save us. yes, it’s true that they don’t beat people often. zhenya. excuse me, wow, for what? well, because i thought badly of you at our first meeting, and well then you are sasha, excuse me, that means i’m
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correct then. 10 seconds before the estimated time, get ready, get ready for fullness, get ready. what are you doing? where is he going?
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one bomb was not dropped. the driver will drive all the way until he hears a blow to the body. it's bad, commander. we don't have any time left. let's leave, comrade kamesk, with permission, report, the task was not completed according to me. i didn’t fail, you are withdrawing from flights and from performing combat missions, zhenya, you have always been an example for me, even when you failed,
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because you wanted to take revenge and not suffer from grief, i wanted to help you, i succeeded, and you? oh, ulyana!
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shevchenko missed, get ready to fly instead of her. we talk about the most fascinating thing from the world of science: magic turned out to be. scientists created a press that
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made it possible to extract oil from cocoa to ultimately produce solid chocolate. in fact, quite a lot of time passes from the idea itself to its implementation. the idea appears as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, and also research of consumer preferences, for example, through questionnaires. watch in the science nearby project, on the belarus2 tv channel. club of editors the essence of everything that is happening is the struggle for resources, because these western centers, the usa, great britain, europe, they cannot live at their own expense, they have to constantly rob someone to absorb, an absolute feeling of impunity and the fact that they can do this, the world is balancing on the brink of the third world war, it is actually underway. it just goes differently, it’s a hybrid war, but the events
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can develop like dominoes, today not a single expert, not a single politician can predict what will happen, the usa is to blame for this crisis, they promised us in the ninety -first year that they would ensure peace and security throughout the entire planet, they failed to do so leadership, it all started, well, relatively speaking, it started in ukraine, already the middle east, yemen, ecuador, coups in africa, all the conflicts. all over the world will be rebooted and this boomerang will definitely reach europe. don't miss it on the belarus-24 tv channel. tonight we practiced bombing at moving objects. fine. both senior lieutenant solyzhka and i took off three times and worked all three times. excellent
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, i confirm, good, for our part we worked out the attack on the car, the safety of the cargo during the liquidation of the courier and accompanying persons is guaranteed, these papers are very important for us, the germans will be forced to reconsider plans on two fronts, and this is a huge time saving for us , a loss for the enemy, but i have a question, why is lieutenant salyshka flying, and not shevchenko? i believe that shevchenko has not yet... i’m ready, so as a commander i made such a decision, of course, this is your right, but i personally don’t have any questions, you can go, go, eat, comrade captain, can i take you to bed, zhen, what’s wrong with you? that
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i’m in trouble with my friend, who’s on a mission , i have vanya in my squad, you don’t know him, he’s in the hospital now, vanya is on his first mission, he couldn’t take down the sentry, he took out a knife, but he couldn’t hit him. i had to do it for him, i wanted to kick him in the neck, but the foreman perkhodievich dissuaded him from leaving, he says, vanik’s next task saved us all, thank you, comrade captain, for your support, thank you, be careful. how did you do it? very good. where are we
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going? and i wanted to show you one, one beautiful place, ours yesterday. won't i fail? no, what are you talking about? reliable. here. look how beautiful it is. true, very beautiful. by the way, ulyana, my package arrived yesterday. from greece? no, from georgia. so you are still georgian? no, i’m greek, a greek from georgia, i still don’t understand you, comrade greek. i'm listening. grapes, these are raisins, well, yes, raisins, if you want, washed, mom made it herself, try it, sweet, very sweet, you have a flight at night, i’ll
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worry, why should you worry, we’ll be waiting for you later. what do you call apricot, dried apricot, we are called dried apricots, take it here. thank you for the bread and salt, it’s time for us, there’s not much time left, we’ll wait for confirmation from you about the start of the operation, yes, wait, today after midnight, at 3 a.m., okay, good luck, come see me, captain, is there, or is it possible, when
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all this is over, i will write to you, i have to go. write, i will write, complete pioneer, shut up, see you later, shut up, well, that's good there, let's get in the car, grackle, go.
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why are you without a report, captain? comrade major, allow me to report, the captain is the bell ringer on orders, the comrade colonel has arrived, he will be there soon, sit down, thank you, no, you have no reason to be angry with me, captain bell ringer. but i don’t have any questions, to those people whom you choose as friends, whom you mean, captain makeev, a brave officer, but about him later, what will you say, your beloved shevchenko, and what’s her name, semyonova. do you know
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that her parents were repressed? so what? yes, there’s nothing, our children are not responsible for their fathers, but this is your little boy, what kind of relationship does she have with this intelligence officer? be silent, watch, wait for what she brings in the air, take your hand away.
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lyoshka, let's blow on the airfield, when the column moves, you'll let me know it's there, the start of the operation, silence. greek, i understand, i’m a commander, i understand, i won’t move, well, we’re waiting. sonya, ulyana, it’s time, they got in touch. katya,
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are you ready? yes, i'm ready. has everyone arrived, are they alive? everyone is alive, have they arrived? what happened to you? she has a fever. are you joking? what's the joke here? i can fly. girls, i'll fly. you'll screw up the case, why are you so? i won’t fail, believe me, okay, you’ll fly with art, maybe you shouldn’t have done that with gali, you should, let him be angry, it should help, it always helps me. by screws!
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one truck has broken down, a car with a courier is ahead, accepted, one security car, one missile. three-minute readiness, we will succeed, i know, get ready.
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look, the second security vehicle is catching up with them , now the trucks are too close to each other , the girls may not get in, but i see, i see, adeyevich, two trucks, two rocket launchers next to each other, they don’t... i don’t understand, they’ll understand what it is, why
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so close? i don’t know, something with the security vehicles? done, count three, one, two, two! eat, go home, fire, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, grunt on the left, come, cover me, be careful, maxson.
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there is a suitcase. thank you, whose letter, sasha, i wrote before i left, it’s so funny that i wouldn’t be afraid, but you, i’m still afraid, but i’m not afraid for myself, i’m afraid for him, zhen, but
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you’re still happy. sasha is back with the guys, the next one is feeding.
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just answer me right away, otherwise they don’t keep us in one place for long so that i can do your receive a letter.
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touch it.
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fuck it, major, mr. major, it seems he was mistaken, lieutenant. were you mistaken, mr. major,
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or what is your rank? colonel of state security. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, even more in 7 days, in our project you will learn about the key...
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watch on our tv channel every friday evening. live news, elizaveta lakotka is with you, hello, in this issue: construction of residential areas using belarusian technologies and agro-industrial complex, visit of our delegation.


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