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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 1, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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this period is truly unique, because each person realized that a wide road was open before him, and he could, if he tried, achieve the maximum of what he wanted, that is, this is the realization of his goals, everything depends only on his own motivation, hard work and ...
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it was such a scale that i still don’t understand how we did it, how we managed to do it, because it’s incredible. an era ahead of its time. it was during those years that the republic in the soviet union was created powerful potential for moving forward.
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it was then that the bssr achieved undoubted success in all sectors of the national economy, and the growth rate of social production for the first time exceeded the growth rate for the soviet union as a whole. until now, sviridov’s time sounds forward, the music, it’s like that, you know, it has a mood, it has good pathos, the right one.
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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers the whole world has access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, so... you need to see it with your own eyes to understand and feel it. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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hello, dear team and viewers of the belarus 24 tv channel, on behalf of the diplomatic mission of turkmenistan, republic of belarus, i have the honor to express sincere congratulations and deep gratitude to your wonderful international satellite tv channel. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we are talking about how belarusians abroad will change their passports, what will happen if this is not done in time, why they cut it
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functionality of our consulates? go! on september 5, alexander lukashenko, by his decree , prohibited the belarusian consulates from exchanging the passports of our citizens who are in belarus. abroad, and now everyone who has gone abroad must return to belarus after their passport expires to exchange the document for a new one; diplomatic missions will no longer do this. this question caused a heated discussion on the internet, but the replacement of passports is not the only procedure that will no longer be carried out by the consulate abroad. for example, our diplomatic missions will no longer issue powers of attorney so that an emigrant can sell in his homeland. house, apartment or car. to complete a transaction , the seller will need to appear in person or send someone there with a general power of attorney to manage the property . but this power of attorney can be issued according to the new rules only in belarus. for example,
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a belarusian lives in italy and wants to sell an apartment, for example, in brest. previously, he could come to the belarusian consulate with a passport, provide copies of documents from a lawyer, relative or friend who lives in belarus and issue a general power of attorney for property management directly at the consulate. diplomats sent this power of attorney to our country, and the authorized representative on behalf of the emigrant could sell his property and then transfer the money to the former owner. now, in order to sell an apartment in his homeland, our emigrant must come from italy to this very conditional brest and personally handle the transaction, or entrust this to the person for whom he has issued a general deed power of attorney on the territory of our country. as you understand, it is impossible to do this without arriving home. another change: emigrants often lose diplomas, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, and without them they cannot get a job abroad, send their children to kindergartens and schools, get married, or apply for benefits. so, previously, a belarusian abroad could come to the consulate to order a duplicate of a lost document.
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the diplomatic mission made a request to belarus, here the legislative office, the ministry of internal affairs or the university, made a duplicate of the certificate or diploma and it was sent to the host country. now the consulates will not do this; you will also have to go to belarus to get duplicates. there is an important change for those who are planning to start a family abroad. many states , in order to register a marriage of a foreigner, require the bride or groom to provide documentary evidence that the person is not married or unmarried in their home country. previously, such confirmation could be ordered at the diplomatic mission. now you will have to receive it in person in belarus. but there is life hack. you need to register the marriage at the consulate itself, then it will take care of obtaining a certificate stating that the newlywed is single and does not intend to get heartbroken. a message flashed online that belarusians abroad will now not be able to register family capital. this amount in belarusian rubles is equivalent to plus or minus 10 thousand dollars,
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which the state simply puts into the account of a family when it becomes large. you can use the money when the third child turns 18 or earlier. the basis for discussion is supposedly. new normal registration of family capital for those living abroad was the fact that the clause on family capital is included in the new decree, but this is more of a written fixation of an already existing norm, however. only families in which both parents and children live in belarus had the right to register family capital, and even more so to use it ahead of schedule; this is one of the conditions for calculating the payment; it can only be issued by personal appearance. residence in the country is confirmed by the presence of a valid passport with registration. if the family for some reason because he spends some time outside the country, but lives in it, his parents will not have any problems personally processing payments. the new decree applies to all belarusians who are abroad. it doesn’t matter whether they
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went there for a walk, to work or to live. and if there are no questions with those who are in a foreign land for a short time without plans to stay, they will come home anyway, then for those who live there, nuances have appeared. in belarus, people who go abroad for permanent residence are issued passports of a special series of pp. to obtain such a passport, the citizen must reside permanently in another country. permanent residence is considered to be no less than being there. deregister in belarus, that is , cancel your registration, obtain a permit for permanent residence abroad, a pp series passport from the ministry of internal affairs, and register with the belarusian consulate of another country. nobody is stopping us from doing this. at consular registration abroad it costs approximately 127. the changes for them conclude.
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in immigration departments at the place of registration, without an intermediary for forwarding documents in the form of a consulate, relatives and friends with powers of attorney will not help; according to the law , an adult citizen can only receive a passport in person; for children, parents receive the document. by the way, the diplomatic mission did not issue very many passports anyway; while the ministry of internal affairs in the country issues from 700,000 to millions a year, the consulate only issues about 8. the consulate will continue to certify wills, various consents and refusals, certify copies of documents and extracts
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from them, confirm that a person is alive and located in a certain place. full list the procedures that diplomats will carry out from now on are in the text of that very decree number 278, it is in the public domain and anyone can read it. it also describes what the consulate will no longer do. there are several reasons for this. one of them. the need to relieve diplomatic missions and relieve them of the obligation to endlessly send documents. the world has been going through changes over the past few years: a pandemic, sanctions, relocation or, more simply, the relocation of some companies, the desire to change jobs, or simply the curiosity and passion of young people to try the honor in other countries, triggered migration on the continent. the load on the consulate has increased, the phenomenon of cyber fraud has emerged, and during this difficult period , documents that help protect.
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they really want to go home, but they don’t go because of the tails of a foreign life with a reduced set of rights , crimes or imposed fear. the need to appear for a passport is an opportunity for them to make sure in a real situation, that they are waiting for them at home, that it is a mistake. many make, but only at home, our mistakes are always accepted by us. for for those who decide that making a life in a foreign land is more sadness than pleasure, the commission to consider appeals from belarusian citizens abroad continues to work. a person who knows or thinks that he has broken the law and is afraid of punishment can write to the commission via a telegram bot or by email. the appeal will be reviewed and reported whether there are any violations or not. more than 100 people have already taken advantage of this opportunity.
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pick up the parcel, arrange no paid services, or register a sim card. if with something will happen to the owner of such a passport, he will be provided with emergency medical care, and then doctors, together with the ministry of internal affairs, will establish his identity, and in order to continue treatment, the patient will still have to issue a passport. we don’t like to punish people for having an expired passport, although there is a punishment. it is provided for in article 243 of the administrative code. the third
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part of this article states that living without identity documents or... a valid document is punishable by a fine of up to four basic units, now it’s 148 rubles, but in practice they don’t charge late fees. now about how to behave if your passport has expired and you live abroad. you can go to the consulate and get a certificate of return there. this is a sheet where it is written who you are and it is indicated that you can proceed to belarus. they will let you through at the border, won’t charge you any fines for an expired passport, and send you on your way. get a new one. realize that a passport is not just something to keep in your pocket, it’s a shield that hides your owner from life's troubles, demonstrating to the whole world that the country stands behind this person. take off your ears and noodles, the possibility of creating a surrogate passport for belarus outside its borders. chatting and moving bags are completely different things. for a passport to really provide protection and
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privileges, there must be a real state behind it. well, be proud of your belarusian passport. this is a sign of belonging to a strong, independent country, and it is definitely worth coming home to get it in person. i'm marina karaman and how to be a belarusian emigrant we have sorted out the expired passport, everything is clear, see you later. a primary school teacher must be able
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to guide each student, his mental and creative abilities. for the benefit of peace and creation, i studied at the belarusian state pedagogical university named after maxim tank, graduated from it, and have been working as a primary school teacher for more than 20 years. my choice is due to the fact that i love children very much, this is the most important thing, perhaps the second thing is that there is a dynasty in our family, my grandmother. all life worked as a primary school teacher , she also worked during the war, my dad also started his career at this level, he also worked as a primary school teacher, a primary school teacher is a very multifaceted profession, he must first of all be a teacher, psychologist, educator, mother, because elementary
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school is also its own microworld, the most important, in which... everything that is most important for the child in the future is laid. the most important task is to teach the kids who came to us in first grade with a desire to learn, not suppress the desire to learn, because a primary school teacher is not a profession, it is a vocation, and a vocation is the highest degree of professional suitability. i myself am a very creative person and really appreciate this in children. when kids come to me, i try to discern in each of them the grain of some inclinations, some abilities, trying to develop them. my children participate everywhere, at any competitions, at any olympiads. every time i graduate my next children from the middle level to the senior level, i feel bitterness
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some kind. loss, loss, some kind of loss, well, it ’s as if a piece of me was torn away from me, because in 4 years they truly become my children. friends, i sincerely congratulate the belarus24 tv channel on its birthday. bright broadcasts, new programs and let news about belarus be watched in all parts of the world. greetings from russia, happy birthday .
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the news is now live, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon, a billion is far from the limit, the president of belarus held a meeting today with the governor of the bryansk region, as noted. alexander lukashenko, trade turnover our country and the russian region have dipped a little, but there is everything to not only restore the important billion mark, but increase it.


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