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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 2, 2024 12:45am-1:15am MSK

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myshkovy, well, this is in belarus, well , i think, not only in belarus, cities are named either by the name of the creator, or by the name of the most famous person, or by the place where the settlement is located, and what buildings are interesting or preserved here or what memorable ones can we find in this city? well, look, you and i are just passing by a monument that was built in the center of the village, in honor of the memory of fellow countrymen who died during the great patriotic war. there's such a big building, of course, you can see in front, look what a tower with for hours, you have traveled a lot around belarus, tell me, can you name many settlements where there is such a tower.
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with a clock, there is a hotel where you can stay, and there is, of course, a place where you can eat, there are restaurants, there is a pizzeria, but in general i recommend it to you, our most famous place is, of course, smazhanka, in kirovsk, where they bake our famous smazhanki, which is the brand of our region , smazhanki - what is it, it’s like a small pizza, and have you ever seen, no, that means you should definitely...
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cut off these ends, you see, but you can cut them off, well, if you cut them carefully, then i think, you’re not all, these are relics for us, because they’re not sold here, but we need such leaves, and i’m just really homesick, oh great , you see how in the outback of belarus you can find such unique trees, now we will go up and get acquainted with the dawn collective farm museum with the history of those... people who stood at the origins of this, this beauty, this collective farm. this museum was opened by the decision of the collective farm board in 1979, then there is already a collective farm known in the soviet union , in the republic of belarus, and they decided to create a museum in order to preserve the memory, first of all, of the organizer of the collective farm, after the war , kirill prokofievich orlovsky, so here you can get acquainted with the way of life, how they lived before.
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on the site of the cultural center there once stood a wooden church like this, you see, this is the church, why in the village of popovshchina, because once upon a time it was the village of popovshchina. which smoothly joined the village of myshkovich. please tell me which one is the best a unique artifact here in the museum? in this museum there is a 3d panama hat, three oh, wow, which was made specifically for this museum, oh, so you can understand what the mousekoviches looked like, this is how it was, and were there houses? houses, houses , that’s where the church is, you see, that’s where the cultural center is, it’s beautiful, thank you very much for the tour, it was very interesting, every time we know from belarus, where else would they advise us to go in this city? you
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know, in the city of kirovsk we have artisans who preserve traditional crafts, yes they do very interesting, unique things, i think you should. and how delicious it smells, oh, thai, judging by the number of people, we found that famous place, always taking turns,
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taking turns, yes, yes, yes, kayla, look, if there are different types with shrimp, but there are a lot, it’s difficult choose, i think we need to take one at a time, all, all one at a time, i agree, let's try, the more, the better, all one at a time, yes, yes, all one at a time, and then we won't be hungry, there is myrtle a lot, me please, from the village with the grevs, yeah, ok, and for me with shrimps with calamar, yes, oh, straight russian and venezuelan. oh my god, how delicious it smells, how beautiful, yes, you are all the same, it will be a surprise, and you know that kayla, this place looks like
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an incredible place, eladeria coromoto in merida, yes, where there are thousands of different types of ice cream, thousands , even from beans there is, well... very tasty and the meat is not dry and there is some kind of juice in there, but in short, friends, if you haven’t tried it
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, you should definitely try it because it’s not like pizza, it looks like a small pizza , but it doesn’t taste like it, so you can replace it with shrimp, we ate very tasty, but tai, i think that we need to move on, but this is absolutely necessary, how else, what about you, yes, please, and you wanted, and you wanted where to put it in your pocket, no, girls , please , we want all of this, everything , we follow the sporting life of our country, he congratulated and promised to buy medals himself, this is how
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the captain of the belarusian men's biathlon team anton smolsky reacted to the gold and bronze of his partners in the team race at the russian championship, we review the most interesting event. belarus 24. in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder
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of civilians and unarmed children is a war crime. but the head of european diplomacy, jose barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow. but this is different. in almost 3 months. residents of the gaza strip, the number of injured exceeded 56,000. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, and this is a violation of humanitarian rights, violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already dividing the remains of ukraine. don't wait until the end of special military training. operations, the latter is, in principle, no longer interesting to them. the author's project
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of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. we go to training and graduate artisans, since we don’t have a time-based school
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of artisans in kirovsk, everyone does their own function, this is how we get our wonderful artisans, yes , you noticed correctly, today we are with you we will make a protective doll, and this doll is placed in the hallway at home, so that evil news does not pass your house, only good, good news gets into your house, today we will make something like this. you see, every day of the week , every day of the week, seven skirts, we need to choose, by
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color, you can look at different colors, seven different pieces of fabric, now we need to form a ball of synthetic padding right away, this will be the head in the center of our first petticoat, it's monday, let's wet our head. because the head weeks - this is monday, that monday should be then a thousand times light, it is usually heavy, yes, we form our head like this, we tie it with a thread, and now look, girls, you - everyone has already done monday, now we are setting up tuesday for monday , and that is , this is how we build a kind of pyramid of days, i think today we get a beautiful doll for the first time for me, see you there,
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see you, learn how to do it, bring our traditions to your home, another business , all, all we have to do is tie our long red thread, so that we can then hang our doll - in the place that you determine for it in your home.
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and what funny hair, how beautiful, thank you very much, grace, we almost left for minsk, but we were advised to visit the source, this is definitely a must, that’s why. oh just yes you can already see the water-connected complex of sivotov alexander nesky the istoshnik font always on the historical nests oh you remember we were in this city leskaya and where is the most delicious water there leskaya and we were there too
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somewhere we treated your leg and leg that no longer prays and then fell. but it’s cold, well, look, why did they do it once, and there, tandym , you see, yes, which means that it will be hot, when there is daylight or for just a temperature difference, you can touch it, opera, yes, that’s it, let’s go, ah, i love it .
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yes, this is the most important thing, the most beautiful, oh , yes, it was just amazing, i bit into it, i liked everything, i liked everything too, but i will definitely come back for this flatbread and i forgot what it’s called, my dear, you’re all on the road a lot, yes, and you are friends, watch the next one.
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dear friends, happy birthday to belarus 24 tv channel, 19 years on air, this is a magnificent achievement, i congratulate you on this wonderful event, your information, entertainment and cultural programs warm our hearts.
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nothing terrible happens here, but then naturally people got used to this miracle, this is my street, where i live, it’s called za... because the road that runs along my street, it just ends in zakozel. zakozel is about six or seven kilometers from us, but perkovichi herself is there. village ours is no worse than zakozel’s, so i can be proud that i was born in the same place, the village of perkovich itself is very old, it is more than 500 years old, and to this day it is not clear
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why it is called that, well, the thing is that most scientists, who clarify the issue of toponymy, say that this name is baltic, that is, the balts still lived here, and the village itself is known. from the 15th century, located in such a picturesque place, the city of dragichin is close, there are different roads, both automobile and railway, that well, you can’t live here, perkovichi has a very rich history, and this history is connected primarily with those owners who owned this very village, there were many different estates here, well, in my family history there is even... a legend, let’s say, or the truth or is it not true that my grandfather’s family appeared here because one of the landowners exchanged a family of distant ancestors already
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from the village of popino, which is located about ten kilometers from perkovichi, for a couple of hunting dogs, so, let’s say so, until recently we were called popinets in memory of what happened here, well... one way or another it was, i can’t say now, but we, our family has lived here for a very, very long time, all my ancestors are buried here, well, i hope that, let’s just say, i’m not going anywhere from here either, my parents, my ancestors lived here all their conscious time, i live here, except that for 2 years i served in the soviet army and for 5 years i studied, went to school, i’m in perkovichi, i came to work here, i live in my home school, also in perkovichi, where i have been teaching history and society for 29 years
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, vision, probably, if i had not loved my small homeland, i would not have returned here, after i graduated from the educational institution, i came back, i did not plan to stay somewhere far away , to move somewhere to some big or small city, because it was as if my homeland was calling me back. dear children, today we came with you to look at the palace and park complex of the vyslovukh family, who lived with us in perkovichi for 150 years. in front of us is a house, two-story, in in which one family lived for about 150 years, the surname of this family was vyslavukhe and this whole family descended from the first vyslovukha, whose name was zinon kazimir, that’s exactly zinon kazimir. in 756 he laid out this brick two-story house, which had 15 rooms, along with the house a church was founded
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and a park was laid out, as for this family, it means that zinon kazimir vyslavukh began construction of the house, but he did not have time to finish it, because by at that time he fell ill and died; his son, whose name was victor, was already finishing the house. victor... was finishing the construction the house, this one, which was in front of us and completed the construction of our church, what is it all made of, and the house and the church are made of red brick, which was not made anywhere, except for our perkovichi, we have an area in perkovichi called tsegelnya, danil , you probably know where it is, tsegelnya, you know where this tsegelnya is, and so in this tsygelnya they found reserves of clay that were used for production. this brick, that’s why it was made there, it was brought here, and both the house and the church were built from this same brick. the thing is that the house is a little outdated, by the time we
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time we have a slightly renovated house. for example, in the original house there was this very parapet and four columns that supported it. but at the beginning of the 20th century, about 120 years ago, a tragedy occurred. and tragedy. something happened that when once there were no cars, but people rode carriages, or horses, when the coachman was bringing this very carriage here, the horses suddenly ran away, were frightened of something, and one of the carriages got caught it caught on a column, this one, so that the coachman fell and died, that’s why the owners of the house, about 120 years ago, removed these same columns. because of this incident, but in our time, when the house was being restored, because the restoration of the house took place about 20 years ago, these very columns and this very
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roof with a balcony were returned.
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high, therefore, even if someone tried to build that underground passage, nothing would have come of it, because the waters would have flooded the underground passage anyway, when we are talking about the house, a park was laid out along with the house, which we have on both sides, because that here in the center there was a main road along which people walked and drove, now it is of course covered with asphalt, but then it was a sandy road, so there was sand here, so...
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only an old well, you see the well, there were vegetable gardens on the left and right, there was a garden, but the house was the most important, so the main road led here and there was always a church opposite the house, because the church and the house, they were built at the same time according to the same plan, as for the attitude of the children, one can say about that yes, children interested in history and... their native places , interested in world history, and i can even proudly say that there are already more than a dozen of my former students who chose the path of studying history at a professional level.
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what kind of testimony about our history , about our greatness, about their father’s work , about youth, about our culture, without ideology it is impossible today to perceive either domestic policy or foreign policy, this is again a certain foundation in many directions today activity, that is , culture cannot develop today if there is no ideological foundation. project say don't
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be silent, don't miss new releases. on tv channel belarus 24. what a beauty, as if it came from ancient greece or rome from denmark, but this is what it is in perkovichi. our church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary has been built.


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