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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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and no matter how much she may not want or desire to build her career, and if she is successful, if she is purposeful, believe me, she will in any case achieve the result, the goal that she sets for herself, but all this will be incomplete, if there really is no family, if there are no close people nearby, if there isn’t that little person who will call and call himself a mother, and this is nature... arranged, this is a necessity, and today , no matter what social form we probably offer , the opportunity , and we understand perfectly well that today the state is doing a lot to support not only large families, in general, so that children today can develop, receive education, medical care, the social sphere, in principle, it does not stand still, everything is developing so that a woman can have a career develop and...
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after all, the value of family was for all of us at a very high level, it should be primary, believe me, if we understand how important it is today to create a family, then raise children, preserve our family, no matter how much we increase benefits today, yes, no matter what benefits we offer today, this is support, yes, but it is completely motivated.
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yes, women today are ready, among other things, to be candidates for deputies, and we know that according to the last convocation, many women deputies are working today, believe me, this is another burden, by the way, on a woman, you see, career, family, and public life , plus, of course, parliamentary work is important, but believe me, women cope very successfully, express their desire, they take the time to meet with the population.
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we have always taken an active position in all areas, believe me, and here there are a lot of worthy people among us, these are not necessarily leaders, these include women who work in shifts every day, these are women who are raising three or more children, but they have their own views on their opinions, including, they are truly purposeful and ready to be useful to society today. thanks a lot. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical atn program. main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best.
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barriers, trade obstacles , disagreements in politics, this is so important when both friends and enemies coincide, and no matter how stormy it gets, minsk and moscow know that the difficulties of their allies only strengthen them, the union state has passed the test of time, sanctions, external shocks, today it is an example for others, it sounds
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every now and then even at the highest level, but this is not a reason to slow down the pace of rapprochement. ahead the next negotiations between lukashenko and putin, as well as the supreme state council of the union state.
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dmitry fedorich, minsk and moscow are preparing for the supreme state council of the union state, and this is certainly the main topic that was raised at the meeting with our president; it was noted that changes can be made to the agenda right up to the start of the meeting. yes, such regulations, the parties prepared a proposal, the standing committee, in accordance with its powers, brought them together, at the moment, those 16 proposals that are included in a single a document,
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in terms of the depth and scale of industrial policy, which work for the sake of people, for the sake of the citizens of belarus and russia, these are not mere words, but the movement is obvious, this is a movement that is felt by thousands of workers. this is a movement that is felt by millions of workers who receive wages, who receive bonuses, who provide for their families, and the state provides those obligations, social obligations that it takes on to people. belarus and russia are pursuing an active policy in the field of import substitution, the basis of this work is implementation of a package of 28 union programs, they were approved by the presidents of the two countries at the end of 2021. economic integration presupposes a unified...
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the parties will report on what has been done, but this is not only the basis for specific activities and results, prescribed, including in regulatory documents, improving the legal basis of union interaction, it is also confirmation that we we can negotiate, we can be together, we can multiply potential, this is very important, but still a proposal for new programs a plan is being prepared, which is an appendix to the new document, which was considered at a meeting of the union government on november 29,
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this is a continuation of 28 programs. but still, we understand what level we have reached today, and we are talking about a unified customs policy, this was generally one of the most difficult issues, and it took place, and it has a concrete result, even, by the way, the seal that is hung on the cars , at customs posts on the territory of the republic of belarus, as at customs posts in russia, was produced. well i think many now they wonder: what’s next? we continue to move forward, further improve the practice that exists, here it is very important to understand that the strategy of a single scientific and technological space of the union state until 2035 will be proposed for approval, this is a unique document that will allow us to combine not only scientific potentials, but to unite does not mean present to myself, to combine opportunities for scientific research, applied and fundamental. do not spend extra money creating a parallel or competitive scientific base, the result of two
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is the result of all. the national academy of sciences, the state committee on science and technology, the ministry of education, the russian academy of sciences, the kurchatov institute, the ministry of education and science of russia, these are the coordinators of this strategy, of course we want more and more scientific universities... centers to connect as much as possible to this work and here we are seriously talking about the creation of a network university of the union state of high technologies, which should be located in minsk. there has been talk before and there is still talk about creating a single currency. well, here is the position of our president, today is not the time yet, but against the backdrop of such an obvious rapprochement of our countries, perhaps now there is more justification.
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have come closer to it, these are two countries , one economy, this does not mean that from
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some day or from some hour everything there, at the click or ringing of an alarm clock, is implemented within the framework of a single one, without any exceptions above national industrial policy or policy in the agricultural sector and so on further, there is no need to simplify here, there is no need to simplify here, but the tendency is for us to be stronger and not create conditions for ourselves that are unreasonable. competition, it is obvious, today the ministry of industry and trade of russia, the ministry of industry of the republic of belarus, proposed, this is supported by governments , we are convinced that the model will be supported by the presidents when components produced in belarus are perceived by the russian federation, as, on the contrary, components produced in the russian federation, manufacturers in belarus, without any exceptions, without obstacles, with trust, and here the role of the chambers of commerce and industry of our countries increases, as, of course, the role
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of the ministries that i mentioned increases, namely in conducting real economic affairs. integration, that is, a real industrial policy of such depth and scale is becoming commonplace today, which has never happened within the framework of union construction. well , nevertheless, every time we talk about close cooperation between our countries , the voice of opponents is heard that every new step in deepening and integration - this is a step back, these are concessions to our sovereignty. in your opinion, is it worth ringing the alarm bell? that we are losing some independence, what arguments do you have? there is the experience of the european union. and this integration is much larger and deeper than the level of integration achieved by the union treaty. and if today we really, without any
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exaggeration, are talking about good relations between belarus and russia, we are not talking about this as part of the framework. response to sanctions pressure the west, to reproaches from them, but as an understanding that we are making each other stronger, this means that there can be no talk of any threat to the independence, sovereignty of belarus, there are many people who spoke about this insincerely, as if buying either a plastic alarm bell or a drink there, wanting first of all to promote himself more. why worry about your native belarus, about your little birth, these people may have slowed down at some stages that real economic integration, which is absolutely without threatening the sovereignty of the national structure of belarus, it would make our union stronger , but now we see that we are catching up, but at the same time
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, no one threatens the national structure, nor the national tradition, nor the native belarusian language; on the contrary, incredible respect is shown and i would even say reverence for how people in belarus treat their village, town, town, how they treat the names of those public figures for centuries, representatives of the literary, cultural , writing, educational workshop, that today we are learning more and more and presenting to the world, that is why... this year books will be published dedicated to semeon polatsky, kazimir semenovich, francis skarina, but books will be published dedicated to dmitry mendeleev, to those educators who worked together on for decades, who knew a lot more about each other than we even think when we, together with
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the leadership of brest and the brest region , chose a place in 2019. to erect a monument to alexander pushkin as a gift to russia in honor millennium of brest, i allowed myself to say that it is significant that on the street of the great poet adam mickiewicz there will be a monument to the great poet alexander pushkin. a lot has been done in union construction recently, indeed , perhaps like never before, sanctions have become a kind of trigger, you will agree with this, if you hadn’t...
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done it over the past years, if you go back a little in historical terms, this is literally a mik episode in the late eighties, then the management was still
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ununited germany, the president of the united states, a number of european leaders, convinced the leadership of the soviet union to agree on the unification of germany, the german democratic republic, the federal republic of germany, and called for the withdrawal of troops.
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reacted the soviet union, but today this is exactly what is happening, because the role of the ussr in the unification of germany is key and exclusive,
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the role of the ussr in reducing the level of confrontation in europe is key and unique, why is it forgotten, who allowed it, and now, when russia is calling for action, tough action, respect your... turnover between belarus and russia has increased sevenfold . in 2022, the figure approached $50 billion, which was a record. we are still waiting for the latest statistics, but there is every reason
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to believe that based on the results of the twenty-third year , the countries will cross this level too. it is expected that trade turnover will amount to $55 billion. the foundation of a strong union of interaction between regions during the crisis period since march, 202 russian regions have concluded over 3.00 contracts for a total amount of more than 85 rubles. from those supplied from abroad to russia belarusian every fourth tractor, every fourth tv, every sixth passenger car and sixteenth truck. it is clear that we are now pursuing a unified, coordinated import substitution policy, in possible formats, both minsk and moscow. it is clear that it so happened that we cannot and did not produce everything in our time for our countries, but now what is possible is not just possible, but necessary. what product do we need on the common union market and what kind of product can it really be today? what can we do? first, the product must be high-quality, you noticed that just
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these days, aleksandrevich lukashenko approved the quality mark for belarus and it seems to me that it is very symbolic that it almost completely repeats the quality mark of the ussr. this is another confirmation that in belarus they respect the tradition that made us stronger.
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is also being decided jointly, today we say that in belaz, in the structure of belaz components, there is a significant share of russian manufacturers, and we see how engines are being replaced, even for heavy trucks high line, in the near future it will be more and more, manufacturers from russia, we know that amkador, belkomonmash, maz are in production. minsk tractor plant, a significant part of the components are from russia, as is the metal , almost all the metal comes from the russian federation, this is what is more in demand today, it is successful, this is high-quality work, high-quality work in the contract, high-quality work taking into account the interests of the partner , high-quality work in accounting for the obligations that are taken aside on each other, the key direction
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of bilateral relations is production.
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extremely little and should not influence in principle, as for the budget of the union state, we know that this year it has been increased quite significantly, this is 38%, quite a lot, you must agree, why yes, why such a noticeable breakthrough, is this all being done only for here are the provisions for the implementation of union programs, or not only, you understand that this is not just your own money, this is the position of state leaders who see that... union formats are becoming more successful, and this is further confirmation of the importance of the union treaty and our integration. this 38% should go to the biombranes program, this is the most important program for biotechnologists, for the medical industry, for the medical community, but three programs went to ensure a different level of security for the regional group
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of troops.


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