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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 2, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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says that nothing is impossible for a union state, even entering orbit, what do such programs mean for our union, what is their contribution, and also our economic development of the union? all the programs of the union state in the field of space, there were six of them, they were all devoted to the applied component, they helped ensure the work of more successful agriculture, meteorological services, they certainly work.
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just as you were holding the book in your hands, you were picking one piece after another. skin sniffles
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words. here are the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. the galas of people are clear and expressive. everything that chalavetstva created. i was obsessed with old books, for the fascinators. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. read more close to the pack. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus
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24. well please, i really need it, you understand, i just really like dimka, and it seems to me that he likes me too, you and he are sports partners, and i hope we will be partners in life, emotions, feelings, dancing , this is wonderful, but i think you
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have a love triangle there, i want to know what happened to my father, who lived a double life for so long, deceived me and my mother, you know, if if i make a mistake in sports terminology, it will immediately become clear. that i cooked up the interview myself, please help me out, i just have to hand it in tomorrow, okay, tell me the address, i really need to talk to you, and i’m sorry, i can’t right now, i’m not alone, you ruined my girl, listen, well stop, you can see that the guy himself is stressed, it’s just an accident, but there’s no need, i can do it myself, i’m sorry, it’s just a necessity, ritka, you came after all, and you’re not alone, inga, i love you very much i love and ask you to become my wife, i love... another, i myself have been living with this feeling since the day you fell on the ice through my fault, watch the series again there will be a day on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. sun, quietly so, bated breath, if only it weren’t for the atrests, gety tsud, what stvary. the greatest master. neil elevich. you also have your share in these crazy ratings. now there will be a small exclusive. insider. i was one of the most capricious artists. an artist is, well, let’s just say it’s an unstable profession. if you don’t live up to this, then sooner or later there will be someone better than you, someone who believes in you will show you how to do it, someone who regrets will do it for you, listen, this is how we talk about love, let the audience enjoy, and we have to work for it, well, this is probably what
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the happy ending of all stories should be, at new car, you are driving into a new life, you fall in love with it very quickly, become a star, i have no right. hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is the winner of the third season of the factor byy show, daniil savenya. hello, daniil! good afternoon, well , first of all, we congratulate you on your triumph, a very beautiful triumph on the show, and we hasten to inform our viewers that this was the highest-rated project in the entire history of the byy factor, 3 million tv viewers watched it, 140 million
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people clicked on youtube to see you , too, so i think, danik, that you also have a share in these crazy ratings, you agree, well... they literally just surrounded me with care, warmth, attention, back in the seventh straight there was a moment on air when sergei vasilyevich said that it was unlikely that yura shatunov had ever performed at a stadium in front of
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several million people, but he probably already knew something, something, something at that time, but you at first you doubted whether you should participate at all? in this show where did such doubts come from, why did you doubt? well, you know, firstly, this is a colossal effort, at that moment it seemed to me that i would not be able to master geta, that... i drank it, remember when this happened? yes, i remember this moment very clearly,
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it was the moment of the second number, paradise lost, after the performance i realized that i could, i had never sung rock, uh, in the second broadcast, it was a real debut - in my rock future, let's say, in a fatal role, yeah, that's it... after performing paradise lost, i realized that i can to transform, well, then there was more , then there was a third broadcast, in which i actually went, and of course before that i moved around the stage, but take eight steps to interact with the ballet, and at the same time we, let’s say, work in ear monitors, that is i have, let’s say, the orientation...
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pilgrims’ paths on the land, they prayed for us before the lords, and for white russia, papras, pachuy me, asvetnitsa, praztogiya. like the earth is shining, with the weight of your hand,
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it’s very interesting to rewind the film a little back, here you can immediately see that, perhaps, it was at this moment that seryoga decided to become your mentor, and who did sergei vasilyevich become for you during almost six months of communication, father, brother, friend, comrade, the best definition is a senior comrade, but because everything is hidden in this definition , elder brother and...
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the path, did not give me the opportunity to give up, if there were moments when this was all i wanted, he accompanied me throughout everything i wanted to do, and he told a lot of truths that seemed to lie on the surface, but you need to pay attention to them, turn your gaze, so he actually helped this... for example, the fact that ambition and vanity are not the same thing, so they often ask me if your success makes you dizzy, i can say that yes, my self-esteem has increased somewhat, my voice has somewhat transformed, even, what a sin, but at the same time i very clearly understand where i am, thanks to whom all this is...
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inconvenient there, in general, everyone there is bad , no, that didn't happen, uh, but we quite often, well, let's just say, we wouldn't argue, i wouldn't... altospor we discussed quite often issues related to recording backing vocals, how something should look there, and so on, that is, i tried to be as much as possible in the process, to participate as much as possible, and from the outside it might seem that i don’t trust, i don’t trust the mentor, i don’t trust the vocal teacher
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tatyana aleksandovna, i take this opportunity to convey warm regards, thank you very much. it wasn’t about mistrust, it was about my integration into what was happening, in my opinion everything turned out more than cool. well you became close, you know why, to sergei vasilich, because we asked him exactly the same question right away on stage when you were awarded the prize, and let ’s hear what sergei vasilyevich answered this question, and you can say that... comrades, and this is very responsibly, he well, you see, the same answer to the elders wrote you an amazing song, which you
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have already mentioned, it is necessary, i agree, yes, of course, yeah, you can listen to the fragment, and then... discuss, if you want, i’ll triple your patience, if you want in the sky i’ll build females, if you want, i’ll become a superhero, if you want, i’ll be like an angel, i’ll be for i need you with my back, i need you alone, i will find out everything , silence is needed like a sail of the wind. i need you alone, the wave is over, the sky is like a bird, now our viewers have seen seryoga’s face at this moment, he clearly likes what is happening, is this the first solo track in your career? uh, this is the second solo track in my career,
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the first one was released on digital platforms a year ago , but i didn’t find success... of course, well, this is my kind of requiem at that time, this track, the second one, i would n't even call it a track, you know, it's like that the story is passing, but i would say that this is a hymn addressed to the one thanks to whom all this happened, all the victory, all this result became possible, who is against...
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so is she from an artistic environment or not? let's just say that she is related to the artistic environment, but her type of activity is different from mine. did you meet on the internet? yes, and before the show starts? yes, much, much earlier, before the start, it was in the month of august. what attracted you to her? i was attracted to her by the enormous power that is hidden in her. the power in her is so hidden big, that it’s enough to , i don’t know, turn this entire planet upside down twice, but this is still a virtual romance, or did you have meetings, no, we had meetings, meetings that were quite cool, quite emotional, actually one of them helped
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me reach the super final, well, great, listen , so we’re talking about love, well, yes, you said that... you don’t have everything in your studies, you ’re now in your last year of college, in the department of pop singing, that is, the choice of profession is already included in the name, but you constantly walk around, i read your social networks, well, i kind of hear what you ’re talking about when you’re not in an interview, and you always somehow don’t connect your life with the stage, why in order to connect your life, as much as possible to connect with the stage to make a profession, to make an artist your profession, you need to be a very confident and courageous person. because an artist is, well , let’s put it this way, it’s an unstable profession, times change, song trends change, and
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if you don’t correspond to this, then sooner or late, there will be someone better than you , you know, some strategist is talking about the distant, distant future, but you also need to enjoy now this triumph that happened, in fact, that’s exactly what i’m doing, i... 15 years, on in my opinion, this is a huge achievement, and in order to support it, of course, i need some resources, so now we are doing everything to find
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a job to actually provide for the family, because the amount of invested resources from the mother, from the dads and sisters too, this an incredible amount of resources, you traveled with the finberg orchestra, because you also fell somewhere... tours cannot bring in the money, tours bring in some kind of fees, before, which ones do you dream of? not everything, well, this is stipulated, of course, if these are some events that involve such fees, that’s great, in general , i work like this most of my life, just like that, just singing, just improving, that is, you yourself don’t treat singing as ... a profession that can bring serious income, well, it’s just serious and stable , no, unfortunately, no, another question is how do you cope with these interviews, while you
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like what’s happening, i mean these invitations to the radio, as you say in television, or i want to go back into my shell again and close myself off, but no , let’s just say there is a line at which at some point i really want to go back into this shell, but this line is unlikely to be reached. it will be achieved in the near future, because i have always, since childhood i have always loved to talk, i have spoken constantly, unfortunately, i have such a bad trait of interrupting people, so now i can say what i want to say, and this is important, moreover, in addition to the fact that i can say what i want to say, i can talk about those who i want to talk about, and this is also important, but it seems to me that you know what profession?
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well, fatigue is a relative concept, you see, you need to be able to rest well and efficiently, if you know how to rest well and efficiently, you will never get tired, and what does it mean to have quality rest in your understanding, and a good quality rest in my understanding is listening to good music, communicating with my wonderful... friends, watching some energizing films, and of course, the most important thing is communicating with a loved one, more in general - then nothing is needed, my most important plans now, there are actually two of them, is to finally pick up the car, master it and ride it - this is one of the types of recreation, as i understand you, right? and secondly, in the same car, go to st. petersburg to implement the plan that was conceived from the broadcast, probably the fifth,
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plan ah, that’s what i would call it. another favorite activity of mine is working with sound, yes, that is, i have a computer, i have equipment and i periodically improve my skills, and this also energizes me very much, let’s take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel , say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch! the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the winner of the “factor bai” show of the third season, daniil savenya. daniel, you formulated your mission on the show: to prove to others that people with special needs have unlimited capabilities, and that the impossible is possible. we, in turn
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, are grateful to you for what you tell us. how is the life of blind people organized in general? you even have a corresponding section on instagram, for example, i’m curious to know how you manage your social networks, do you do it yourself or does someone help you? yes, i mostly manage social networks myself, such as vkontakte, telegram, things that are directly related to text, or materials that can be upload to the platform, here's instagram from some... my good, kind comrade lyosha vasilevsky helps me lead, in my opinion he does it efficiently, and most importantly quickly, that's why, but of course i reserve the full right to choose, but what exactly do i say, how do i do it, and moreover, i am scrupulous about how to shoot this video and how well
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it can be heard. it's time for us to meet alexey, how did you find out about danika and why are you with him now? our acquaintance began many, many years ago, yeah, as you know, danik studied in molodechno, studied in the studio at once, at the same time i studied in the studio too, we talked a little, we were in contact, but not much, just this year i entered...
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well, voice training also has its place, but basically i try to write in text, yeah , there are specifics, there are certain specifics of how you can write on a phone, there is a braille font, i think that many viewers are familiar with this, and there are keyboards that programmatically implement the ability to use braille.
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3000 km/second, as far as i remember, but the speed of sound is 300 m/second , well, that is, the difference is colossal, and in order for us to perceive information faster, we need to speed up the sound several tens of times, well, do you understand english, or is it something intuitive, it’s still not, well i use a computer on...
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and the guys understood and took me to college, from the life of blind people or generally people with special needs always. you need to clearly understand, to see that line, that’s where it is between care and pity, when they simply care about you or when they begin to feel sorry for you, where this line, i will answer this question with a phrase or quote from the book life in episodes by katerina spitz, uh, the one who believes in you will show you how to do it, whoever regrets it will do it for you, and you can offer your help. you can conditionally straighten a tie or something else, or talk about how, or better yet, actually talk about how to do it, so that a person learns to do it, so that a certain pattern develops, but as soon as you
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start doing everything for man, you completely kill every desire, basically something to do, this also works with responsibility in fact for everyone, not only for people with special needs, but for everyone, because if you don’t give... the opportunity to bear responsibility, make mistakes, understand the risks, then the person will not simply know why he needs it it’s necessary , that’s all, that is, responsibility is not an innate quality, you need to give a fishing rod, but not a fish, yes, of course, well, somehow you were noticed in a barbershop, this is also some kind of merit, probably due to the show factor byy, that you began to take more active care of your appearance, this did someone bring you, or was it your initiative? we agreed with the stylist lisa that i needed to change my appearance a little before the broadcast and we went to the barbershop, but in general i am a fairly frequent visitor to this establishment, because somehow we
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still need to take care of ourselves, our viewers just saw a photo from the barbershop, you look phenomenal there, very fashionable, danik, good barbershop, stick with it, it’s considered that that’s it. blind people still have absolute pitch, this is a huge myth, absolute pitch is a kind of the ability to remember to compare the pitch scale, that is, conventionally, the note a has a frequency of 440 hz, and if someone presses the frotepian note or any other note, i will say what kind of note it is, because i have patterns in my head and i s... i compare the sound of these notes with the patterns in my head, but not everyone has such hearing, and i would say that not everyone has it, perhaps my attraction to music was influenced by the kindergarten,
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where i was invited to matinees and where i actively participated in matinees, then in school, where i started professionally already , well, well, you can say that... this is when on stage, in any case, no matter what happens, you are alone, for the duration of the performance, for the duration of these 3.5 minutes there, when you you sing a song, you sing it to the audience and work with the audience, but at the same time you are alone, you should not
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pay attention to external factors, to any distractions, yes, because otherwise the number simply will not work, i had moments several times during the performance the monitors turned off, something else happened, yes, and i had to react in time, and i i also depend on the work of the sound engineer and the equipment, here i unfortunately don’t have enough experience yet, if the equipment is not of poor quality or i don’t like the way it sounds, then of course i will get confused, i won’t have enough...
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what color what does it mean why this particular color is used to denote certain things ? he really taught me, in particular, i know that... color is the hottest color in the palette, and the hottest, the brightest, causing a feeling of danger, and so on , orange color, it’s a little colder, but also it’s such a bright, catchy color, and yura has some special perception of colors in general, well... artists, they’re all kind of, yes, interesting, they see that way, yes,
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i’m an artist, that’s how i see it, indeed, i fully understood this phrase, thank you so much, thank you very much for your science, and green is the color of life, the combination of colors is also important, yeah, including this will help me in the future to select some some clothes, some color scheme so that it doesn’t look like that. green light, yes, green light is a metaphor
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and life, yes, as you said, i admire danik, this is 100%, but what he is, you know, he is like a wise man who has lived a certain kind of life, who will teach something in his own way , he has his own view of the world, and this look is very... needed, because, as they say, danik feels with his soul and heart, that is, you learn from him, so to speak, alexey, yes, but you have a lot of friends, tanik, in general, can they be a lot, i have exactly as many friends as i need to feel happy, seriously, that’s because i don’t there is no sense in quantity if you are not happy with these people, and with my friends i am more than happy, but are there many of them? uh, no, there aren’t many of them, yeah, but they exist, and that’s great,
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well, listen, i really like how logic works in you, it’s one of the well-known laws, yes, not quantity, quality, yes, of course, it’s from principle, it applies not only to friends, how would you like more concerts or once a multimillion-dollar stadium? no, no, no, under no circumstances, uh, firstly, i had the experience of performing at the minsk arena in 2015, yes. this is of course great, cool, you sang the anthems then, and it started at a hockey match, but it’s a one-time thing, you fall in love with it very quickly, yeah, and if it was a one-time thing, well, of course it wouldn’t be enough for me, that’s when you have the opportunity performing, working at some concerts, this is more interesting, because firstly, different audiences and these different audiences require different approaches. and different meanings, and this is interesting,
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because you have to learn something new in order to be in the flow of this public, that is, you are still ready for a tour, well, it depends on the number of concerts, which , because there is less than ten numbers per concert , it doesn’t make any sense, this is one moment, the second point again... comfort is important, because working out 10 numbers is not so easy, i am amazed and admired people who work in restaurants from 11 to 6 in the morning, they give it their all, that is, they don’t perceive it as some kind of earnings story, they are completely and immersed in it, and the songs they perform are not some kind of tavern, they are downright serious . what is it worth example of grigory viktoroviya and lep, this is
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a classic, well, yes, this is a classic. daniel, we have a section, a surprise question, a lady has prepared a question for you, now you will hear her, you will probably recognize her by her voice. let's listen. danil, when you stand on stage, when you give your talent to people and your emotion comes from the heart. please tell me what you are experiencing at this moment, what you are thinking about, what you are filled with, and what is needed in order to... disrespect, or something, except for the fact that elena , we have gone through so much that it would be unrecognizable, well viktorovna is your teacher at the music college, and she is also the chairman
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of the belarusian union of composers, now, yes, yes, yeah, well, well, the song osvetnitsa, which you started with, was also written by her, what will we answer her, elena. elena viktorovna, answering your question, and i am sure that many viewers wanted to ask me the same question, i will say this: when do you understand that these meanings are reaching people, when you understand that there is feedback, when this is not wasted, and you understand that you are needed for something in this world, for something, these difficulties that you experience, they are intended, and - understanding
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this gives us the strength to move on. because without this i probably can’t imagine my life anymore, without saying something and listening to answers, without even composing something somewhere and so on, well, that is, to summarize, i i am filled with the energy that the viewer synthesizes. in response to my message, and what i’m thinking about, you know, it’s very difficult to say what i’m specifically thinking about, because rather, as a rule, i just enjoy the performance, if it suits me i like it, and if i don’t like it, then of course i try to correct it, but this is probably not
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entirely correct, i once heard one such truth: let the audience enjoy it. and we have to work for it, but if so, then it will turn into a routine, this cannot be allowed under any circumstances, and what is needed to feel happy, there was also a sub-question, in order to feel happy, you need to feel your importance to have a stable , a clear and most importantly own income, because no matter how much we talk about the meanings, about what... is needed to be filled with all that, of course, but material well-being, it allows you to be filled more widely and faster, including through visiting some places, through communicating with people, through acquiring
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some new things that also bring happiness, you are absolutely right, danik with a budget with... with funds everything happens much faster in this world, we have to agree with you again, now we’ll take a short break, after a short pause, we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, that’s it our look for episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again say don’t be silent our guest is the winner of the third season of the show factor byy daniil savenya. daniil, at the very beginning of the show you spoke vaguely about your family, but by the end of the project the degree of mutual love with your parents increased so much that you gave such a fiery speech that it made not only
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your dad, but the whole audience cry. let's listen. my father is jumping in this hall. and i immediately crave the beast and the yago. remember, dad, we are married to you, as we are new autamabil. and all at once i, pachakayce, kali laska, pachakayce. and all the time i want to tell you, dad, mom, sister, brother. on the getai machine we eat the dry food. what is called zhytstse? well, this is probably how the happy ending of all stories should be, in a new car, you are driving to a new life, reunification. family took place? of course, and it took place at the stage when, uh
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, we came to shoot this business card for the sixth broadcast of factor byy, and it was unforgettable, of course, and you know what it’s most about this was marked not by the number of treats on the table, but by the warm welcome of the parents, because their welcome is always warm. and first of all, the fact that my little brother, romka , for the first time in all the months of his life, he himself came into my arms, i’m rarely at home, and he - well, he’s a little afraid of me, but he doesn’t have time to just get used to it, he still small, this is typical for children, but then he actively wanted to come into my arms, recently i came too -
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i just needed to understand how much was done for me, how many sleepless nights there were, how much nerves were spent, again , the condemnation that the parents faced after the second broadcast made me understand that we...
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such, with all that i say, with all that we are discussing now, every
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child has an e parents have a certain question, why, why, why did you do this or that way, and for a parent, you know, i’ll put it more simply, here are quotes from vkontakte: every child will always, no matter how ideal the parent is, have something to say to their psychotherapist. that's true, and you also mentioned your grandmother, why you had a closer relationship with her contact, explain to me, she left on the eve of the show, we really sympathize with you, but as we discussed, she’s probably hovering nearby somewhere, because her help is obvious, it affects how you went through this path with dignity and became the winner, well, to me i would like to know why she became such a closer person to you, grandma, as my mother said and how i saw absolutely always, no matter what happened, she loved me, at some
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point my mother even said that she loved me more than everyone else, uh-huh, and uh, of course, it happened, unfortunately, that she left, but it was expected, i can’t say that it was unexpected, if we hadn’t expected this, it would have been very difficult on air, but she was very sick , she was sick for a long time, she lost several children in a short period of time, she lost her husband , all this took its toll on her, in my opinion, for her it was more of a deliverance than something bad, she said before her death, the most important thing is that i even there is a recording on the phone of our conversation, thank god, i just realized that we may never see each other, so i did it and don’t regret it.
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that you continue your studies in music and enter the academy, but you haven’t decided yet, as we heard, right? on this score, i want to tell you that in my case, i clearly determined for myself that i have no right to make a mistake, this is the difficulty of my choice, because after the academy there, if god forbid, what
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happens, where- then suddenly switch there, i won’t have that opportunity anymore. well , again, what is an academy, that’s for sure society, these are certainly contacts, these are certainly some projects, but this is too, too distant a prospect of what in the end, what will happen in the end, now i already have some definite outlines of what could be, where i can go, i have a certain agility.
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because, well, in principle, my whole life is built on soviet culture, on the culture of hard-working people, and despite my artistic history, i still would like to work, well, and this brings confidence, you, well can you imagine what it is? for a person at 20, at 21, it’s conditional to come home from work and say, my beloved, i’m at home, and there’s already something for you. i think i guessed what it was, finally, yes, but also, of course, the reason is that you don’t like to study, you yourself have already admitted this many times, but we haven’t heard you perform jazz standards, opera, you didn’t show us arias, daniil, there is room to grow in music, if you like to work, work on your
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voice, in order to grow in music, it is absolutely not necessary to enter... some institutions, for this enough just don’t lose touch with teachers , come, even conditionally for something, well , as a student there, well as a tutor, and also improve, that is, this is much more opportunity, because i plan to fly to russia, i plan to fly, in principle , somewhere , it’s extremely problematic to do this with your studies, so yeah.
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i’m not running behind the scenes, but i told you, i wanted to sit with you, listen to you, hear your wonderful thoughts, your heart, which always says: you’re right, you ’re always in such a pleasant vibrations and which are communicated to you much more than the numbers on the stage of any, even the most rated show, we wish you good luck, let your path be the one you choose for yourself, but as i understand, you are in a hurry to live, well... .and let everything go faster, good things happen to you. and we, tatyana shcherbina and victoria popova, say goodbye to you for today, goodbye. goodbye, daniil savenya says now. dear friends, what i would like to tell you, yes, first of all, is that each of you is unique in what you do, even if you think that you are not
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you do nothing. i would sincerely like to wish you all to be kinder to each other, to be more patient, although sometimes this is extremely difficult. i would like to wish you sincere, kind love that fills you, because in love there is the appearance of something new, someone new. i would sincerely like to thank each and every one of you, everyone who voted, to whom i can dedicate this victory. i want to thank elena viktorovna for the path that we are going through, and we have already walked a lot, in general, i want to thank my mother, father, sister, i want to thank my friend
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lyosha vasilevsky, who accompanied me throughout all these broadcasts, i want to thank my mentor, my college comrades, yulia mikhailovna, yanessa alexandrovna, tatyana andreevna, everyone. college teachers, thanks to whom this whole story became possible, in conclusion i want to say, be yourself, everything will work out for you. danik, today you opened our eyes to many things from your own life, we ask you to record these impressions in our picture from the neural network as a souvenir, leave an autograph of your wishes. so here, yes, yes, what does this mean? this is my signature so strange, well, it’s no less strange than everything
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you do, thank you very much.
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