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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:21pm MSK

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the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue. competent people for responsible positions. i involve everyone.
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finland is flying into the trend of european protests; a mass strike has literally paralyzed the life of the movement in the scandinavian side. migration crisis. splits the united states. the governor of texas is already dispensing advice to biden. with a kind heart and care for children, the charity event gives spirit and provides support to those in need in all districts of minsk. questions functioning and activities of the two most important security forces. the state security and financial intelligence committee was discussed today at the independence palace. personnel rotation is also on the agenda. so. a new
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head of the financial investigations department, deputy chairman of the state control committee has been appointed, andrei sambuk, who previously headed the kgb investigative department, and today a decision was made to appoint konstantin bychik to the vacant position. we need to give a certain direction, maybe more related systematic work, somehow in the state security committee and i was inclined to... andrevich would send you there to this position as a leader, and konstantinich, since he is still a very young man, well, he works in the state security committee, and so did i i won’t hide the new generation, i always talk about this, you will still have to work and work in higher positions, so don’t forget about this too, and also...
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perhaps you can make some suggestions, i think a week is enough for you, to contribute, well, it will be seen later that you have experience big, not only the apparatus, but you... in accordance with the constitution, the first meeting must be held no later than 60 days from the single election day, which will take place on february 25, so the deadline is april 25, this is... taking into account that, that this is a new constitutional body that appeared in our constitution after the referendum, accordingly, well, it is completely new , on the other hand there is responsibility, because it is the highest representative body, it has
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very serious powers, and accordingly, the organization of its work must be approached very carefully very responsibly, the people there will work on a professional basis in the apparatus itself, but... the entire belarusian people's assembly itself, the delegates, they, naturally, are not on a professional basis, there is no building yet, we will be located in those administrative buildings that are today there are, where the administrative authorities are located, well, first this is the building of the presidential administration, new modernization and re-equipment projects alexander lukashenko also today received a report from the head of the presidential affairs department.
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for the development of this direction , it is not easy, but if the presidential administration does not take on this, no one will promptly solve this issue and raise this industry, well, i’m saying this, for example, there are a number of other industries that, well, let’s say
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that - i don’t hear your telehans, ski resorts, somehow this issue died down, we also need to improve our work and reach a higher level. separately touched upon the topic of the work of artistic crafts; when nazarov was appointed, the president instructed to modernize the organization of this association, to carry out technical re-equipment there so as not to lose the unique school that exists, as the head of the department noted , proposals were also made for the development of the slut belts enterprise. i reported on our approach to the development of, say, a service enterprise, where we are building a separate new modern production building, compact. technologically advanced in order to minimize costs, the president supported this, we will work step by step on other enterprises, on agriculture, well, the obvious order here is increase processing volumes, because we have our own processing of raw materials , look at new markets, and especially pay attention to
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the people's republic of china, because there are certain developments there, i think we will use them, and on the implementation of new projects, i reported to the president, in particular, we will -
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by order of the council of the ec, interested member states were asked to identify national customers-coordinators of participants in the development of the draft of the relevant program. that's why i, colleagues, wanted to come to you contact. with a request to ensure the domestic operational implementation of this order and to take an active part in the work on the program, we all need this, this will lead to the deepening of the processes of scientific and technological development and the import of independence of yas. trade turnover between belarus and all ias countries last year increased by almost 7.5% and amounted to about $46 billion. the next meeting of the eu interprovincial council will be held in may in belarus. today is the second day of the forum of young voters, it began with an open
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dialogue between young people and the head of the central election commission of belarus igor korpenko and minister of education andrei ivanets. in the national children's technology park there are about 100 children from all regions of the country, students of secondary specialized higher education institutions. this year they will have to make an informed choice about the future. on february 25, young people will go to the polls for the first time to cast their ballots. voice, how can you feel that you are an adult? you came to the polls, you can express your opinion by casting a vote for the deputy who you like, he will represent you at higher levels levels, among the same deputies, together they will be able to choose some decisions that are important for our country or the same bills that may in the future somehow influence the development of the country or even resolve issues that concern the people , very important. today to preserve this unity of the country, to preserve the moral and ethical standards that
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our ancestors and traditions laid down, i would like to wish that our youth would be as inquisitive, as purposeful, as responsible, as professional oriented, like these guys who came here, so that in the future we can transfer the reins of government, management of the country, the state into the reliable hands of young people. during the open dialogue , the main issues of electoral law and the essence of innovations in the electoral campaign were discussed. forum participants were told about parliamentary powers, the procedure for considering and adopting laws, and also about the role of parliament and local councils of deputies in the implementation of state policy in belarus. one of the most important factors when determining the social well-being of the population - security. more than 90% of belarusians affirmatively say that it is calm.
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involvement of citizens themselves in solving problems. in germany they have clearly forgotten about
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the well-being of their citizens. the traffic light coalition is headed for fiscal and social disaster, bloomberg reports. the current budget of germany does not stand up to criticism; problems associated with supporting ukraine and the negative consequences of anti-russian sanctions are driving the government into a corner. so, by next year berlin needs to find 20 billion, to fill the gap in the budget and not go overboard. the only option is a catastrophic reduction in subsidy spending, because we have to comply with the nato directive of 2% of defense spending plus the need for modernization.
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resents the political ambitions of his authorities. life in finland is paralyzed due to a large-scale strike by trade unions; they are dissatisfied with the pension reform, as well as the reduction of insurance premiums, sick leave payments, and unemployment benefits. almost all public transport in the country is disabled. not intercity buses and trains are running, planes are not flying, more than half a thousand flights have been cancelled, preschool education workers are also on strike, kindergartens are closed. about 300 thousand people are taking part in the protests across the country; a two-day strike could cause damage to the finnish economy of at least 360 million euros. farmer protests also continue. belgian and dutch farmers blocked three highways on the border of their countries, they condemn low duties for foreign producers, the agreement on free trade and eu rules. protesters
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say they will not budge for at least the entire weekend. polish farmers are preparing for the next protests. promotions across the country are planned for february 9. strikes will begin with a blockade of all border crossings between poland and ukraine, roads will be blocked in all voivodeships. one of the reasons is the decision of the european commission to extend duty-free trade. agricultural goods with ukraine until june twenty-fifth. according to the organizers, the protests will last at least a month. troubled overseas. a riotous, rebellious texas is getting closer to secession from the united states, the migration crisis between the state and federal governments is heating up to a critical point. other states
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have already promised to provide military aid to texas, which opposes biden's immigration policies. at the same time , the problem will be solved in the white house. in no hurry, against the backdrop of an unresolvable conflict of interests, the governor of texas attacked biden with another dose of criticism. joe biden has removed all measures to combat illegal migration that donald trump introduced, which led to... to the fewest border crossings in 40 years, if only the president would deal with real internal problems and not try to play with putin, from whom he needs to learn to work in the interests of his country, then everything would be different. meanwhile, the governor of florida said that the state will send a thousand national guard soldiers to texas to fight illegal migration, ron desantis is ready to help the lone star state, set up a barrier against migrants, according to american media, this case will the first time in us history that the national guard of a particular state carries out a mission outside its
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borders. digital technologies in archival affairs were discussed today at an extended meeting of the board of the department for archives and production of the ministry of justice on the agenda: the results of the activities of state archival institutions over the past year, more than 300 exhibitions were held using archives, work is ongoing on decoding documents of the national archival fund, as minister of justice sergei khamenko noted, work on restoration of historical justice. among the main tasks of the department for the current year, today archives are a developing structure , the basis of which is primarily the improvement of professional skills of personnel and, of course, logistics. to date, a new
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archive building has been built in gomel, construction of archive buildings is underway in the cities of mogilev and... in the city of minsk, over the past year more than 1,600,000 pages of documents have been translated into electronic format, they are coming to life in the age of digital technology even photo archives. the tv news agency , together with the archive of film and photo documents, is implementing two projects at once: in the public domain and without retouching. they collect hundreds of thousands of views. generous deeds with care for children, charity marathon with a kind heart. each home continues in minsk; 44 children with disabilities, including six wards from the pervomaisky district of the capital, need special equipment for adaptation and financial assistance for rehabilitation. in support of families today we organized an interactive holiday in a shopping center , a musical show, animators, master classes and , of course, fundraising from caring people.


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