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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 2, 2024 9:45pm-11:16pm MSK

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labor. in general, society maintains a demand for feedback and the involvement of citizens themselves in solving problems. one of the issues that worries belarusians and is constantly under control is housing and communal services. the presidential decree established the maximum permissible tariffs for housing and communal services for this year. thus, payments are based on a typical two-room apartment with three residents with their standard consumption of services. digital technologies in archiving were discussed today at an extended meeting of the board department of archives and records management of the ministry of justice. on the agenda are the results of the activities of state archival institutions over the past year. using the archives, more than 300 exhibitions were held using the
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same logistics. to date, a new archive building has been built in gomel, and construction of archive buildings is underway in the cities of mogilev and the city of minsk. over the past year , more than 1,600 thousand pages of documents were translated into electronic format. in the digital age, even photo archives come to life. the tv news agency bel tv and radio company together with the archive of film-photo-background documents.
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two projects are being implemented at once, which collect hundreds of thousands of views, in the public domain and without retouching. well, just now we will show the project without retouching. for the first time on television screens there are unique photographs. yes, they are shocking in their essence, but it is important to remember how many hundreds of thousands of victims are at the hands of the filmed fascist executioners. for your attention, the last minutes after the verdict by the minsk military tribunal, usually called. minsky-nurberg.
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during the war years, all of belarus became a citadel of courage, and today nine more settlements of belarus, by presidential decree, were awarded a pennant for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. these are the cities of baranovichi, derzhinsk, dyatlovo, kalinkovichi, lyuban, osipovichi, chausy, and the urban villages of obol and osveya. they were awarded in connection with the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. victory of the soviet
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people, as well as in order to perpetuate the feat of the soldiers of the red army, workers, partisans and underground fighters. until now in in belarus , 27 settlements were awarded pennants for courage and perseverance during the war. this insignia was established in 2004 by presidential decree to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic from the nazi invaders. the charity marathon with a kind heart to every home continues in minsk . 44 children with disabilities need special equipment for adaptation and financial assistance for rehabilitation. including six
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wards from the pervomaisky district of the capital. in support of families there today they organized interactive holiday in the shopping center: music show, animators, master classes, and of course, fundraising. from those who care. the organizer of the action was the minsk city executive committee. the initiative was supported by public associations and city enterprises. at the age of 2, masha was diagnosed with a serious illness, ret syndrome, a genetic disease, unfortunately, incurable. people with kind hearts come to us, into our homes, this is for our families, it is really very expensive, any help, any attention is very important for this child. and therefore. this event is very expensive for us, this is a wonderful undertaking, which i think every resident of the city of minsk will join, because belarusians have a kind and big heart, they will not remain indifferent, in the pervomaisky district of minsk this marathon is in full swing, in every
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educational institution, every enterprise in every organization is already actively collecting funds. charity exhibitions and concerts, theatrical performances. flash mobs take place in all districts of minsk. everyone can join in charitable deeds. the citywide marathon of kindness will last until february 16. well, the next hero proved to everyone: people with disabilities, with the support of caring people, can do anything if they want. the winner of the factorby show, daniil savenya, became a guest of the program say don’t be silent. he told the most rated tv about his journey.
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hello, the club of editors on belarus-1 and belarus 24 will discuss the main socio-political topics of belarus and
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beyond and let me introduce the guests, who will become participants in our program today, and as always, according to tradition, i start with dmitry alexandrovich in charge. a three-day working visit of the president of belarus to russia, there was a meeting of the supreme state council, there was great interest, i see , i even looked on the internet, and have not yet seen our ratings of final television programs, but we need to look at what concerns the internet, well
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, a huge number of views, a lot of quotes, a lot of discussion, hysterics occurred among our escaped propagandists, analysts, yes?
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the station is part of a tvp station, for some reason a space station. tvp are polish propagandists, state-owned, pisovsky. belsat broadcasts are in question thanks to the illegally appointed tusk government, the liquidator of tvp. belsat director romoshevskaya told us that she has not yet been able to meet with the liquidator; the meetings were canceled twice. the main threat is that time is passing, and we do not have signed contracts for january, people are working, but they may not get paid, the last phrase is key.
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belarusian life on the russian side, i say yong in general, the currency of the country is different, in different spheres, and although we talk about the right to the right, in reality this is a transition to racial rules, to their laws, to their software. listen further, and this is all about belarusian sovereignty in the lands of the hellish spheres, software. but please tell me, what kind of software do we have now , what kind of software do you have, what kind
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of software do we have, you start from the other side, this is what we have now, it’s american, so it’s bad that we ’re abandoning it, wait, that means we are now under american pressure, so for it’s important to them, and that’s okay, it’s even very good from your point of view, you said here, how is this about people? so these people, they really don’t see reality and don’t feel the ground under their feet, i always get the feeling that they are walking around in some kind of spacesuit that isolates them from the outside world, you know, like cosmonauts in helmets, but there it is necessary, because it is necessary to survive, but in conditions not intended for human life, on earth why this spacesuit is needed, so they need this spacesuit so that they can fully ignore obvious, real things, yeah. that’s what it means we how much klaskovsky has been scaring us for 20 years, that we forge the sovereignty
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of no one in the country, while klaskovsky himself campaigned for us to live not according to ours, but according to european laws, according to their morals, according to their foundations, and this what does this mean somehow , putting it in another way, he is in the interests of those whose money he earned, but that’s not what’s important, why did the howl arise? what is a union state? this is the vgs that took place in st. petersburg, it is important from a different point of view, it has been confirmed further course for the development of yep.
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it’s much easier for us to deal with how to treat people who are 25 years after each hcv and hcv, declares that we have finally sold, we need to look, now so much time has passed, it’s easy to compare, firstly, i absolutely agree, 30 years with the first meeting of the president of belarus with the president of russia, first with yeltsin, then with putin, every meeting, every supreme state council, the creation of union states, we are losing sovereignty, the end of the state, tomorrow belarus. will not happen, at this time belarus is behind for 30 years, sovereignty and the state have been strengthened, we were considering a union with russia, the president , when he signed all these agreements, he was a supporter of integration from the very beginning, but he always said one thing: the union of belarus with russia should strengthen the sovereignty and statehood of belarus, we we are working, he is strengthening, by the way, the statehood of russia too, after the start of the northern military district,
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in russia, everyone finally understood this, and now, my friends, oklaskovsky wanted us to follow what path? ukraine, lithuania, poland, 30 years have passed, belarus is sovereign the state, the president of belarus on its territory, native land, makes decisions independently, everything is absolutely, we take the path that mr. klaskovsky offered us, ukraine, there is no state, unfortunately, there is no sovereignty, telephone conversations many times, given many times, americans, ukraine, okay, someone will say, well, it’s a special case, no, not special, lithuania. what kind of sovereignty is there in lithuania today? does the president of lithuania make an independent decision there? no, he has a phone, a white house, biden, although biden won’t talk to him will be, white house clerk, let's move on, poland is a sovereign state, no, and now about alliances, another important point, the union of belarus with russia, yes, russia is huge, but excuse me, thanks to how the president built
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the relationship, like what we are fraternal peoples, this is truly an equal union in my opinion, it is clear that comparing is so, my friend, you suggested following the path of poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and ukraine, and what would we have now, say, now
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dmitry aleksanovich said what's in the spacesuit and they don’t see, dmitry aleksanovich, i say again, the information is from the first. i will support you completely, but i would not dwell on the baltic countries, poland or hungary, any country in the european union today is not a successful country that does not make decisions on its own, we are talking about all countries, and the president said the key thing, it seems to me, on my opinion, yes, here is his phrase about the fact that show any other country that would work with belarus the way the russian
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federation works, open markets, open doors, where we have the opportunity to trade freely has been opened to ukrainians. you see, so let’s, well, these are two striking examples, yes, we ’ve talked about this many times, what would await us, well, i’ll say what you make up, how do you know what would await us, but we have examples of neighbors, the baltic states , where industry has been destroyed, essentially there is ukraine, well, well , the european union doesn’t kiss anyone like that, like now i will definitely give it away like with ukraine, it can’t be sold, it can’t be, there are quotas, there are bans, that’s why , you see, this is even funny. says such things, however , it’s funny for me to hear them, i’m already tired of hearing them for 30 years, i don’t know who else they can affect, this is the only thing, this is the only country, our country is a neighbor of russia, with which this has historically happened.
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the state security committee and other law enforcement agencies collaborated on the topic of combating human trafficking, on the topic of fighting terrorism on a global scale, and
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no one put any obstacles to this cooperation, here it’s literally about the economy, but 54 billion is trade turnover, but you need to understand, because sometimes zmagars try to twist it, that supposedly we are trading, developing, but everything in ourselves is a minus in reality, now this is not the situation.
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take the analysis of the nineteenth year, rand, stratford and the eu, among others, they said that the direct quote: the nineteenth year -20 is a window of opportunity, if we miss it, in terms of putting pressure on belarus, pulling back, moreover, they introduced the term pulling belarus away from russia , we no longer have such an opportunity, so they missed this window of opportunity , now they naturally understand:
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occupy such a high position in the authorities , remember this massacre of policemen from the courtyards attacking pushkinskoye, imagine there were about a dozen shots fired and who would be blamed and so that we could prove it to whom, i remember the early nineties very well, you and i then studied at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs , how unsafe it was to be a policeman, it’s true, and what happened after the president took up this problem, when law enforcement agencies really got the opportunity to restore order, now our children, my children really don’t go they're afraid in the evening anyway.
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she bears the most burden, and suffers more than anyone, and the reason for all this and the houthis, the middle east and the south china sea, the problem that arises, is all because a multipolar world is coming, as the russian foreign minister said, the monopolist doesn’t want this, so they are trying to maintain a unipolar world using different methods.
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spoke, also mentioning china, specifically for the city of minsk, let’s take the minsk gear plant, the investment program is 200 million belarusian rubles, machines with numerical control, chinese, high-quality, i saw them with my own eyes, the director proudly showed them to me, russian credit, import substitution, new competencies, products are coming, republic of belarus.
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government orders, government procurement, it is very important that a new program, a new plan, for another 3 years, was signed for the hhs in st. petersburg, this is another strategic move, i absolutely agree with oleg sergeevich, with olga alexandrovna, ukraine had this chance, remember, 2013-2014, difficult negotiations on association with the european union, after the failure of the signing of which occurred. euromaidan, what the russian federation was talking about, it was ready to give more than 80 billion dollars for these import substitution projects that we have now implemented, these are the nikolaev shipyards, these are coke plants, these are the aircraft manufacturing mriya, the russians, all this is production and processing, by the way , uranium ores on the territory of ukraine, these are lithium plants, the chinese were ready to give another 200 billion
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society, as they did, calling our people, our institutions civil underdeveloped, excuse me, we have to try harder, no other information enemy has insulted us so much. a community that is formed around one oligarch who also escaped, and they will give you soup in a row from this general budget, and you will be like the unskilled workers of the runaway russian pseudo-opposition on
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the dancers, you should have seen what happened to them, firstly, this is about the issue of sovereignty, and then you will be sovereign, that is, you will be, you accuse us, what are we? means in the middle east, the situation in europe, and i want to remind our viewers that we are precisely in this center of geopolitics, why? all the hatred of the west, these are sanctions, struggle, money, millions of dollars , including for these crazy fugitives, it’s all
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because of geopolitics, because why even the current visit, they are immediately trying to quarrel between the president of russia and belarus for what seems like 30 years, every meeting and nothing works out, i laughed, listen to one fake.
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they are given money, they are guided by the fact that yes, they will receive this money, they will use it, in in the form of expensive clothes, investments, investments have such a small feature, i must say so, and investments are when you
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understand that first of all, investments must be given back, because any investment is returnable, the most important thing is that it does not give away money, moreover, it is necessary invest in the type of activity that will generate the maximum income, yeah. well, it’s clear, if you read the classics, what is the maximum income? wars, yes, prostitution, weapons, drugs, but we are talking about normal things, and of course, when various fugitives they begin to talk about the fact that russia gave money, well, it’s clear that this is an attempt to simply turn it around, no one has any money, no, i looked at her face, she doesn’t understand, they don’t even realize how this money works, but you know, just this morning i... literally a very good phrase caught my eye, but we will discuss it now, when we discuss the hcv, we discuss the position of belarus, the role of our president, here is the formation of independent belarus,
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you know, here i would like to say in such a narrow , succinct phrase that our president is precisely him a patriot, but not a capitalist, where did this come from, i read, yes, it’s belinsky. he said , it’s not good for the state to be in the hands of capitalists, these are people without patriotism, for them war or peace only means the rise or decline of funds, further, they - they don’t see anything, they gave all this money, and in fact, when we talk about ukraine, we talk about poland, about fugitives, about the baltic countries, and in principle about the european union, we actually see that the capitalists in power are those who are focused purely on making money, belinsky characterizes it very clearly, yes, but those who... conditionally have capital, they always use power against the people.
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our president, pay attention, this is the most important thing, probably, for our viewers to emphasize, our president has always focused on the development of the wealth of belarus, and therefore the well-being of every belarusian. we are, relatively speaking, now accustomed to living in some extremely comfortable society, an extremely comfortable economy, but it’s worth it. go to other regions and see what is happening now, especially after covid, the decline in the world economy, it’s terrible there, and even alexey, there’s no need to go, today at the belarusian council of journalists we received the ambassador of palestine, he talked about the monstrous tragedy that happened to these people, yes, about that catastrophic situation palestinian journalists, the vast majority of whom have lost loved ones, there are no journalists there.
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state, one fatherland, and the kept woman is all of them, because they, the kept woman, she cannot understand what it is investments, she gets money, now she’s so shabby, she’s running after her owner , it’s dim, a new guy came and said where is my money, but they don’t give me money , that’s why she’s a kept woman, that’s why they write like that, the kept woman doesn’t know what investments are, because she doesn’t know what a family is, you know , andrei remembered about palestine, if we look and discuss -
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we are celebrating 80 years of liberation of belarus, how much blood, how many lives of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were sacrificed for us to live sovereignly today and peacefully, and that the presidents opened this memorial together, and then were at a concert, probably a recum, which was at the gazprom arena, this only means that this component moment... it is very important, i would even say,
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it is fundamental for our union, without this common history, common understanding, we cannot, would not be able to achieve what we had, the most important thing in this entire visit, the second day is science, in fact it is science, if we are talking about antarctica , this is science, this is again an element of creation, what is everything for this is being done, why during
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... khamenko spoke, well, a military man, a general, said a good thing, explained in general what was happening, this is the gathering of troops to our borders and the demolition of monuments, he tied all this together, because, well
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, naturally , he says that the demolition of monuments is being done so that in 10 years the next generation will come and explain to him exactly that nothing happened. why are troops gathered in such numbers just to strike? the third component is when is the most convenient time to strike, when in the country turmoil appears, i mean belarus , under any pretext, the task is to blow up society here, as it was in the twentieth year, as they have not done this yet, and then
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troops are brought in, so to speak, to restore order, help and so on, freedom , they are already informational.
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the most popular answer was: the polish troops are allies, well, this is the result of this rewriting of history.
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on january 16, macron told us about the military economy, and now i will comment on blinken in december and the pentagon in
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november, they said in black and white that for us the war in ukraine and other parts of the world is the most important way out of the economic crisis. our industry is growing, the level of industrialization is increasing, some media have already named them.
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that only two things can save america from the collapse of the economic crisis: the first is war, the second is a miracle. and now - two words, we talk a lot about this today, i want to go back, but the americans, the americans openly say that they make money in the war, but what about our europe? on there are some notable announcements and some decisions this week. first, at the beginning we talk about our old favorite characters borel, he admitted that he was in russia.
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it is already clear to every european that the war in ukraine has weakened the european union and weakened eu sanctions. at the same time, this week, the european union makes a decision to put pressure on hungary, crushing it by actually intimidating it with economic sanctions about additional assistance to ukraine. this is what it says, help, there are two or three, very expensive, very expensive, but that’s not the point, the point is that europe continues to shoot himself in the foot.
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200 billion, at first the north-west military district invested in ukraine , during this time, according to various sources, it lost several hundred thousand soldiers killed by ukrainians, it lost four, in my opinion, regions, yes, almost in full force, and now they propose to continue all this, giving there is much less money, another thing is how many more
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ukrainians there are, yes, yes, the worst thing is that none of those who give money and... everyone who takes it in kiev believes in any victory, this is the worst thing that people continue to be driven to the front by mobilization laws, everyone in a row, no one believes in victory anymore , but they don’t stop them, these 200 billion.
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there is one point here, they really are losers and ineffective from the point of view of their people, but from the point of view of employers, believe me, they are very effective managers, this is the issue of capitalism and patriotism, which alexey spoke about, this system, it always works, another news that i would like you to discuss, this is again news from st. petersburg, but for starters
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, a quote from the following: look at what you wanted do with us in in the twentieth year, they understood perfectly well what they wanted to do with them in these presidential elections, by the way, they won’t do it, including what we experienced, after the presidential elections in belarus, russia learned lessons, for
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these presidential elections in march, it approaches completely differently russia, completely different, they cleaned up the fifth column, not like ours, they can do even more, i hope after the elections they will do it, but the fact that belarusization is going on there is good...
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2020, and here we have this, this there is a video about the score, it is very short, but very indicative, but let's first listen to the president, then we'll see, for the first time in the history of belarus, on february 25 of this year there will be a single voting day, following the example of russia, we also established a constitutionally single voting day, on this day deputies of parliament, local councils will be elected, we have regional ones, district and... rural councils have been preserved, as it was in soviet times, and on march 17 , presidential elections will be held in russia, a period, well, as you can see, it is passing calmly, and i am sure we
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will calmly approach these dates, and also let's carry out these events calmly, yes, i 'm in the election campaign in the russian federation, the presidential elections are coming, i open the internet, i look... there's a queue, there's a photo, but at first i thought that this might be something i'm still waiting for, but here it is comparison, by the way, from the wonderful telegram channel yellow plum premium, subscribe to this channel, i don’t know. there are a lot of citizens of the russian federation, and the media, i know that other republics of the former soviet union are watching us on the internet, where there will still be elections for which they are sharpening their teeth
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western countries, when you look at these queues, they will take a photo for you, i will take a photograph so that it will seem to you that the whole city has come out, put your signature on the candidate, no, let’s see the photos later, let’s watch the video, we have a video, 3 minutes: minsk, komarovka, collecting signatures for alternative candidates, from week to week they stand, pay attention.
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in my opinion, i understand that you are asking about the fact that we are on the belsat tv channel in the past days in many cities, there are other candidates, budzem bachyts, if it’s already independence, let’s go and see that he leaves, runs away, flies away, unknown.
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his pensions, yes, he is deceiving the people, you understand, this man rules here, he simply rules, the kings did not rule the way he rules, let him out, you will install.
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and i got tired, because the people are for change, they are chasing, they are crying out for what is happening here, the prayers of menavit are now chanting, what do you, what do you want to tell your slippers, i want to say that changes are needed. carousel, carousel - you see, this story has a special the role belongs to these - the information services of the state department in the form of these, i won’t call them extremist, because... well, it’s clear, these ten, i don’t know how many there were, two, one and a half or three, who are always carousel people, they generally don’t seem to make a difference, but they always appeared on air on behalf of a simple belarusian excited people, well, as a result, well , how did our people work from the komsomol to - who
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else is our onliner, look at some interesting photos, what else we have there, look at what like this all the time. large medium plans, yes , let's further show what else we have there, and we probably have it written down, yes, well , look at the plans, yeah, look, yes, from the top point there are carousels, in a minute, it says that a huge number of people came out, ordinary people spoke out and so on, well, yes, they spoke out, look how we saw it that day when they reported that... in general, well, yes, this is the kind - from above, this is - there’s a queue, another plan, well, you understand that all these people could easily fit in the square and there would be no problems, everything is done for the sake of the picture, once again i draw the attention of our
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russians, now i need to say one more thing, in fact, in how many weeks we have a single voting day, so this is what... everything will work out, if there is any political content, don’t believe it, check, check, check through the traditional media, through newspapers, television, radio, please don’t be emotionally fooled, and also go to a meeting with potential
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candidates, look, we’ve seen this more than once they said that political technologies, they are the same in the countries of the post-soviet space , are being developed by the west, but there is one more similarity, this is the reaction: of the western media to all these events, it is absolutely identical, when i am now watching the presidential elections, yes, that’s for the audience, for a good test for everyone, a good one, as soon as you see that all these pro-western media begin to praise someone, run away from him, which means he is definitely a traitor to the motherland, because real patriots, like ours, our president and the president of the union state russia always. they will only sand , which means good people, literally everything is possible, everything has already gone, we are discussing the year 2020, but literally this week all of facebook was covered with paid advertising, i will not name these resources, but we must admit that our enemies
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they began to touch on a very delicate topic for belarusians - it’s pennies, a topic, but they write according to data. statistics, the number of people employed in the economy decreased by another 3.00 people, then they write that an investigation is underway, here is this resource where everything will be published in full data on state cutting, then it is written later: if you are an offended man, join our community, we will protect you, this is also technology, then on average there is one for every belarusian. there is a large number of loans, everything is credited, and another interesting post, they say, and you are ready for changes in belarus, the same thing, they write: we present the concept of local self-government, join us, we
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must be free, that is, they are planting on resources that are already kicking in, these are global changes in technology approach, previously we needed one big huge fake like...
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that we make decisions in the real world, yes, they are trying to force us to base our decisions
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on some virtual things, make a decision on what you see in the real world, on on the street, in shops, at your enterprise, and not in the picture that you will see now, ivan mikhailovich, remember, we are just in the twentieth year, in my opinion, in june your team, that’s exactly the team. yes, yes, yes, and the women are in white, and the piano, what would it be like
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without a piano? this is a must, grandma before a policeman who is on her knees and standing in front of a policeman, this was everywhere, everywhere, a trolling film should be made like this, you know, their technology, how to show how they are trying to do this and how it affects the masses and... in reality, how it looks from the side of a sane person, and if something goes well with the coup d’etat, a representative of the us or lithuanian embassy always appears with cookies and hands out livers, well, here’s another event of this week, i believe that this is also part of political technology, there will be not will be, but people have it in their minds, i mean that the table.
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not, this is what they started, the first, yes, about 50 thousand dead afghan civilians,
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the iraq war, the third eleventh, according to various estimates, from 655 thousand to 1 million people died because of the test tube, you remember, the intervention in libya by according to various estimates, from 15 to 30 thousand people died, and syria, you know, according to various sources, from 585 to a million people died. a lecture costs a million, so when we talked today, it means that
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they paid for those buberzheny ones, read them further, advertised pizza. when fascist germany, yes , it was its grouping that was defeated, it also brought light, peace, in quotes, then it is clear that all those generals, leaders who took the helm of nato after the second world war, they naturally laid the foundations of nato ideology on the basis of the ideology of fascist germany, that
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is, in fact they say, let's stoltenberg, the leader of the fascist organization. let's give the peace prize, they are lower, listen, for me volgograd, stalingrad, my hometown, this picture has been imprinted in my memory since childhood, when the field marshal paulus, with trembling hands and lips, comes out of the catacombs, but here is a bright moment, why is it all connected, where these catacombs were, in this place there is now a minsk department store, and great , at the same time, russophobia, what i was talking about, is the daily express . british newspaper , and there is a critic there, mike wortle, he writes about the russians, what a moment of history for you, throughout the times that i was on this earth, but a particular nation was constantly recognized as the most terrifying, even when i was a child, the word itself russians sent shivers down my spine, partly this was because my father, god rest his soul, convinced me that they
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were behind every sinister event imaginable, increasing tensions in some distant...
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a leading tv man from the german zdf came to mariupol live air , i unexpectedly discovered that mariupol is alive, that there are restaurants, wi-fi, and transport, this also caused us to look for a fifth corner, but we need to understand that all these
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technologies associated with the internet, social networks, are today turning into information weapons with... and these weapons, unfortunately, are not in our hands, will be used against us to the maximum, well, i ’m glad that they learn from our mistakes, i mean from our tolerance, all of these worked for us, starting from ngos, ending with...
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information, please use german federal legislation, on the issue of registration of non-governmental organizations, use american legislation, right up to the letter to the decimal point, translate into kazakh, into kazakh, after that you are guaranteed how the americans reacted when the legislators in one country took it, and what are you doing, american.
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this is bad, but trudeau will still regret it if trump comes, donald won’t just leave it like that, many people are talking, of course, about the fact that he himself says it, that he will quickly
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end the war, i of course have little faith, no one has introduced so much sanctions against belarus, as trump, in my opinion, did when he, yes his administration, well, yes, we had american guests here, we asked them this question, which they work in team including trump not far from him, they say that of course trump is the president of the united states. america sometimes even has an indirect connection to this , the machine works, deep america works, his job is to shake his head and sign another document, i may have now changed his point of view on this matter, so in my opinion we are running out of time, thank you it’s great that we came and talked here, argued a little, it was a club of editors, we’ll see you in exactly a week, goodbye.
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i am a multiple world champion, i gave all my strength in order to adequately represent my country in international arenas , i would like to wish all of us belarusians to live in peace and creation, i was young, a small, perky boy, a lot of energy, my parents understood that we needed this energy somewhere to direct me, so they sent me to the sport, at that time it was tekwando, then i was already doing dekwando, and then i chose my stage myself. i saw him, i have a long career, it turned out to be more than 20 years in battles, so i don’t have
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such some kind of important victory, their there were a lot of professional world champion titles of different versions, i also competed in kickboxing, it’s very cool when you’re a small country and you represent it in some competition and you understand that they already know it here, they know it’s some kind of... then it’s as if you are for everyone, you are one for everyone. the guys from there show such a level, such a lobe, so it was great, there was never a thought that damn, everything was tired or they were leaving everything there, there was never that thought, despite the injuries, difficulties, to lose, you already need to understand that you have, roughly speaking, a weapon of some kind, it’s just that skills of this kind are, of course , a very complex, well, tough thing, so you need to understand that this does not need to be applied outside, but i’ll honestly say that when
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you are doing your best here... 100%, you are so kind, fluffy, outside of this gym, because there is no aggression, children go, they look up to someone, of course, when you are a good athlete training them, of course they look up to they want to achieve the same you heights, the same victories there, someone, if they already understand, is not succeeding in something, so that at least there they can be the same person, and i wish the guys, if you see this goal, then the path is hard, the sports path - this is very difficult in any sport, well... to understand that he will not always come right away when you want it, he can come much later, they understood that this is a difficult, difficult job, you need to be very disciplined , strong and of course set a goal, do not give up, go towards your goals, in all international acts black on white is written to kill civilians, unarmed children - this is a war
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crime, but... the head of european diplomacy , josep barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure , almost 22 thousand residents of the gaza strip were killed, and the number of wounded exceeded 56,000. regarding the shelling of donetsk on new year's night of belgorod, and this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war, this is a war crime, and while the west is already dividing the remnants of ukraine, without waiting for the end of a special military operation, the latter is, in principle, no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. the skin
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hero of may is creating a unique history of life and creativity. i saw a concrete pot, i showed it to roma and said, i need it. well, actually, this is how ours began journey into the concrete world. i’m probably going something like this step by step, step by step. i have time for everything, in general, i have everything.


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