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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 3, 2024 12:15am-12:45am MSK

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and we know that from the last convocation there are many women working as deputies today, believe me, this is another burden, by the way, on a woman, you see, career, family, and public life, plus, of course, deputy work, this is important, but believe me, women cope very successfully , express their desire, they find time to meet with the population, are not afraid of pressing issues, and for us, of course, today it is fundamentally important to be...
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there are a lot of worthy people, these are not necessarily leaders, this is in including women who work in shifts every day are women who are raising three or more children, but they have their own views on their opinions, including, they are really purposeful and ready to be useful to society today, thank you very much, results and analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program. main broadcast, all projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best. me
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: well, that's very good. gathered in our studio 100 brave guys, each of them has a question for an adult. why do you think children ask strange questions? a person is always scared by something new. what scared you when you were offered to become the rector of bsu. something you could never forgive, well, for example, a loved one. what is it written in the gospel? “if you forgive and forgive people for their sins, then the heavenly father will forgive you, everything the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes awkward questions, what does bsu have that no other university has, a very good question.
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the flakes are flying upward, there is magic light everywhere, in your time it is so interesting, modern, the music that you listen to, the music that you like, probably it should sound, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. what goes around, then you will reap, the rest of the technological processes will begin in the spring. indiahu leads the field detachment, he digs and digs up the silt, the leader of the whites took up azim, and what am i planting, well, the garden is all set up interrogation with... almost broke the miraculously surviving mill, went up, went down, the bottom stone, they slept like that, caught the original bread, the gloss, since the cavalochkas were found, not sifted, ate from the belly, these are donuts,
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delicious, lit up throughout the country, autograph , we can, we can, we present, krichish honey , thank you very much , a product of humanity, each country has its own crunchy favorite, the fifth republic cannot imagine breakfast without a baguette, the french eat up to 58 kilos of the product per year, the greeks give preference to craft bread, absolute the leader of turkey, in particular honor ekme, each
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resident eats at least a hundredweight of ready-made baked goods, in the homeland of intiagulongo in the panblanco part, white as a paper roll, a favorite of the local population. the presenter prudently goes to the filming of this episode of the project on an empty stomach. kneeling in front of the food icon. our ancestors literally idolized bread; symbolically, its origin was associated with the center of the sun, fertility, and procreation. originally, the product began with a mill, in its millstones the dried grain was transformed into special technology into flour. in belarus , only a few of these have survived to this day. buildings, this is vintage. intiagulonga will appreciate the greatness of the impressive colossus right now. tall bread. this fourteen-meter building was erected at the beginning of the last century in the gomel region. it worked properly until the seventies, then for many years it remained an
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ancient monument. a couple of decades later, the disassembled structure was transported near minsk. here it became part of the iconic open-air museum of ethnography. leading. not an easy task, only a few knew how to assemble the miracle technology, a master familiar with the tricks, a peer. the artifact itself: for several years a man assembled the structure one log at a time. we were, of course, lucky, because one of the craftsmen who restored it post-war in 1947 was alive, so he agreed to disassemble it there, accompany the transportation here, and restore it here.
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do you even know what mills were used for? if my mind is not very bad, i will very much remember that this is done for flour, probably, they brought grain, they produced... and made flour, despite its honorable age, the mechanism works like a clock , a specialist looks after it weekly, changes parts, adjusts the full cycle, lubricates, bags were fixed, put on scales, weighed, here we have a millstone and it’s already ready, the products will be ready, i think it’s just decorative, and yes, i was very surprised that it’s still working for the first time... for many years of inactivity , the windmill waved its blades in 2020, since then it has been periodically started and ground flour. inti agulong was unlucky, in the autumn season the mill was laid up, it moved apart, yes, there was a locking
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mechanism, they succumbed to the scales, yes, there, by the way, due to this device , it was possible to change the millstones, in the old days. the mill served up to 12 people a day; at least half a ton of flour came out from under these millstones every day. take it, twist it, twist it, twist it, twist it, enough, now another one! at home like a master. inside we tried to recreate the interior of a peasant hut, the late
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nineteenth, early 22nd centuries, it is more picturesque. stoves, benches, the life of peasants of those times - a monument to asceticism, in the rooms there is modest, necessary stuff. they cooked food in the stove, slept on the stove, and the stove heats the room. the parents lived with the young people under the same roof, everyone huddled in one room. a foreigner gets to know with his own eyes... ross sucks in the pit of his stomach in the morning, he eats a national sandwich in seconds, we
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call cabbage our belarusian pineapple, because the vitamin composition is not inferior to yours, that ’s great, thanks to this house, let’s go to another one, thank you very much, you are very welcome an interesting, inquisitive person, to everyone who is interested and dear to the history of our people, our culture, especially... foreigners, yes, we are ready to accept everyone. the beginning of a loaf, since ancient times the bread starts from the field, intyagulonga had already put his hand to the harvest, i feel it like some kind of pill, the finger is a reaper, it doesn’t pay up more , troches, now his mission is to bake a real loaf, wow, beautiful, good afternoon, oh, good afternoon, i’m savudenti, and what’s your name, yeah?
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need to sift the flour, byarytse, pour out, lid, lid , palova yashche big, mustache, khopіts, byarytse, prasevaytse, and so, no, just like that, in order for the bread to turn out, you need to observe a huge ceremony, the main rule is a positive attitude, good thoughts, oh, like goodness, flour, vada , salt,
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unissued, i have so much given out the atrymouvalas, he drank and cesta i attrimalas, as if he were working with him, i have this whole note, that...
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longa in full turn. the next point on the route is a whole bakery. this plant is nearly half a century old. the production is famous for its fragrant and fluffy buns. daily enterprise bakes 55 tons of baked goods, that's about 50 items. hello, hello, me. marina. industrial bread production is similar to craft bread. it starts from brewing. is this like a friend? yes. and something like that, kneading, holding, baking , this is not the whole way, from the conveyor to the counter it takes at least 16 hours, the production technology is painstaking, complex, intricate, in automatic mode everything is dialed in by the dough mixer automatically, presses the buttons, and then here everything is already kneaded, as soon as the dough
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is ready, it goes to the lower floor, where it is rolled into molds. comes to proofing, melts, rests, how long does it take for it to grow? well, in different ways, again it all depends on the strength of the dough. most of the stages are placed on the steel shoulders of machines; hands intervene every now and then in an automated process. and what will we do? and you and i can weigh the dough piece. at this stage, the future bread is calibrated. where to add, where to subtract, they figure it out by eye. leading. i’m ready to undertake a responsible mission, take anyone, anyone, okay, we come here to the scaffolding and check, we check how many places there are, two or one, one at a time, one at a time, okay, chill, everything is fine with us, excellent, but i think in general there is potential, yes, work at the plant
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boils from dusk to dawn 365 days a year, while in one place specialists work on... hot, it is cooled to 15°, when it can already be cut, rye, wheat, with seeds, bran, bread these days there is the most demanding mouth , and intiagu longo, it seems, did not bother, but when the bread is only that it is very tasty, probably, of course, you want to try it, maybe, of course. delicious, tasty, because when you’re just in a rush, there’s a crispy crust, it’s just wow, it’s hot, but it’s tastier than just that kind of bread from the store. the plant’s special pride is its sweets, 10 types of cookies, doba cakes, and intiagu asks his guide to take him to the bakery, and he can try it, he
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must try it, there is an inner gen, within us. there are cherries, it’s incredibly delicious, i’d like to have breakfast, it’s every day, a shift at bread production for the inquisitive the foreigner has come to an end, come to us again, we’ll feed you, thank you very much, goodbye, i’m very surprised how much they make per day, it’s a lot, this is the first time i’ve seen so much bread, it’s just that no one thinks, this is when they buy a store, here there are so many people working here, it takes a lot of time. a kind, warm man, who was very pleased to show our production, what we produce, only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, where it is better to appreciate the existing ones and be proud of them,
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after all, there is no second leader like this in any european country.
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it's like air that you don't notice; when it runs out, you begin to realize what you've lost. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. karavay, karavay. oh, how good things are coming your way. spin, spin, spin. quite a lion's share of grain will turn into flour, the basis of the main product of our time, bread every day. intiagu touched on history, the presenter found out the craft production technology, looked at the ancient mill, baked bread in a russian oven. well, okay, cuddle! next, the foreigner went to a large plant, whose modern conveyors produce tons of fragrant products every day, that’s what it is. a farm has been standing for many years, 150 km from the capital, 150 km from the capital, which is making waves throughout the country. local machine operators
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are the first in the region to thresh 1.0 tons of crop, young knitting needles are rushing to work, behind the harvesters, the lady and intiagu show everything at once. good afternoon, good fellow, my name is, what’s your name? sergey, sergey, very nice познакомиться. the director of the enterprise is convinced, love. rural work is an inoculation from childhood, everyone here treats traditions with special respect, the leader himself has been in business since he was young, was born and raised in the village, helped his parents from an early age, now he is introducing his own offspring to the agricultural sector, the son followed in his father’s footsteps , we are not the best, we are an ordinary basic enterprise, which, well, i just work, but it’s a very scary job, probably, but no, the work is not difficult, i’m used to working.
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the main process of vegetation is already underway in the spring. an important condition for growth is high snow cover. they are guaranteed not to freeze under it, which means they won’t disappear. in the spring , the crops will yield a noticeably larger harvest. what is this, is it grass or? no, these are already azims that were sown literally 10 days ago. much earlier than the others. the crop can be harvested at the end of june, beginning of july. barley and pearl barley are produced from it, and coffee is made. plants are rich. for nutrients, starch and protein, grain is also used for animal feed, now we are ensuring that these sowing dates the winters have gone into overwintering according to... a certain
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phase will overwinter in the spring, the rest of the technological processes will begin - this is fertilizing , weeding, a positive young man, you know, a little, probably, such a specialty is not entirely in demand, perhaps in agriculture, i didn’t know anything before i came, it’s disgusting , it was something new for me, because i think how can a sima plant be grown, in the arsenal there is not only technology, most of all in this farm people are valued, only thanks to their selfless... work there is a result, on entire families work in the company. good afternoon. hello. don't spill the water. chita kostyukevich began serving in tandem 2 years ago. the husband is a machine operator, his wife is his right hand. a man in the agricultural cooperative for 6 years, in the summer on combines, in the winter on a tractor, plows the entire club, gets here, this is a loading cleaner and a bunker, then we, yes, yes, it’s already clean. yes.
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somehow, purely spontaneously, the director suggested we try it, well, i suggested it to my wife , she was hooked and we’ve been working on this for two seasons now, she likes it, i like it, and this is new, because i’ve already been to kumai a lot once only men, once there was a team of father and son, and the first time a wife and husband, it ’s very cool, the man didn’t have to get used to the fancy technology, he’s been with it his whole life, hopefully kostyuvich for... poses had to start from scratch, like as soon as the harvesting is completed, the woman returns to her workplace, to the weighing room, inti agulonga hurries there straight from the field, the presenter can’t wait to meet this brave lady , i have experienced working on grain machines myself, these are working scales on which we hang all the products that comes from the field, and this is simply considered a man’s work, as you found or as you decided there, why is it a man’s work, well, rarely, rarely
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anymore. but my husband and i decided to give it a try, initially it was a little scary, but after a week or two you get used to it. triumph in the field. over the past 2 years, the crew has repeatedly become the first and best in the region. kostyukevichi farmers managed to harvest crops faster than steel ones using domestic equipment. is it possible somehow? i’m interested in just seeing how you live, can i go to your home? home? yes. well, i don’t even know what? maybe , having received a positive answer, the foreigner hurries to visit, what surprise awaits him in the yard , only god knows, hello, hello, oh, how good, look, what a wonderful program yours is, i really like to always watch it, otherwise an unexpected meeting will surprise me the ecuadorian is taken by surprise, after another minute, the leader of the whites pulls himself together, very soon a new
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wave will fall on him. popularity, autograph, can i please, can i, but in the meantime, here we also built our own dining room, because it’s dining room, because we have a very small kitchenette, the kostyukevich family was given this house by the farm, now it has four rooms, a kitchen, a basement, a technical room, here we have our bedroom, it’s beautiful, yes, everything is made to look like wood, every family member today has your corner, there was something right away. we had to finish building something ourselves, from now on there is enough space for everyone, and this is a hall, yes, this is a collection, but we are already reducing the collection a little, because it gets boring, boring, nadezhda and sergei kostyukevich have a daughter growing up, an eleventh-grader also works at enterprise in a family contract, a schoolgirl helps receive grain, daughters in the bedroom, but of course we have a daughter, the daughter is currently at school, despite the high
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workload. the family manages to run their own farmstead, there are beds, chickens, a dog, cats, we grow tomatoes in a greenhouse , you see, tomatoes are growing, but he is still small , yes, well, oh, the heat went off, talking with kind people, intiagulonga, i was also very pleased get to know you, thanks for your time, goodbye, goodbye, rushes further, he will have the opportunity to attend the belarusian harvest festival for the first time.


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