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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 3, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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investigations there, we need to give a certain direction, perhaps related more to systematic work somehow in the state security committee, and i was inclined to send you there as a leader, and konstantinovich, since he is still a very young man, well, works in the state security committee. well, i won’t hide the new generation, i always talk about this, you will have to work and work in higher positions, so don’t forget about this either. after the appointment of the former director of the dfr igor marshalov. ambassador zimbabwe position was vacant, from now on it will be taken by andrey sambuk. he moves to state control from the kgb, where he worked as head of the investigative department. led by konstantin
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bychik, for whom this is a promotion from the position of deputy. an important mission of the controller, in general, and of the financial police, in particular , is to nip economic crimes in the bud, to identify cases of false entrepreneurship, and tax manipulation of salaries in envelopes. there are plenty of dodgers today. the head of state instructed to take a set of measures aimed at further development of financial institutions investigations. and the main tasks they face are... ensuring economic security, protecting the interests of our state and society from illegal attacks in the economic sphere, attention is paid to identifying and suppressing crimes, offenses in this area and the fight against corruption. the employees of the department of financial investigations are professionals in their field, patriots from our country, so i can assure that everything put in place...
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and of course it will take these years, a year or two, well, maybe be three with the advent of the supreme national assembly and certain serious constitutional powers, we would not create some kind of chaos in power at this time, because you know, chaos in power is instantly transferred to society, i thought that at this stage in the position of a leader apparatus of the all-belarusian people...
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i remember where i started from, so that’s it, then we will decide how to act, but for now, if you don’t mind, i would still... offer you to lead at this stage and formulate what to lead, necessary to form a secretariat of the supreme national assembly and begin work on preparing the all-belarusian people's assembly. the organizing committee has been created, it is headed by the prime minister, let him head the government, but what position will you have to steer and resolve all these issues. first of all, it is necessary to decide on the personnel of the secretariat of the supreme national assembly, set.
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look at government organizations that should get involved and do the maximum, in particular to develop this direction, it is not easy, but if the presidential administration does not take on this, no one will this issue will not be quickly resolved and will not raise
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this industry, well, i’m saying this for example, there are a number of other industries that, well, let’s say, for some reason i don’t hear your telehans, the ski resort, somehow this issue has died down. we also need to improve our work and reach a higher level, we need to be, after all, a relatively northern country , so that the kids, just like you and i once did in school, now study on the street, and the street today is skis, first of all, it is necessary to instill in them this knowledge and experience from school years, in order so that there are just healthy people, and not sitting there on the internet and not poking at the phone. it is no coincidence that alexander lukashenko burdens the management with affairs, sometimes with seemingly impossible tasks, well, if not it , then who, under the wing of such a powerful structure , the same belkhudozhpromyslovs have a chance for a new life, so as not to lose a unique school of specialists, originality, human
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skill, it is necessary to modernize and meet the demands of the time, this is important for the president, the agro-industrial complex must also meet the demands of the time, despite the low... after all, it’s not a place to constantly store potatoes, but to store an apple, other fruit and berry products that can be sold profitably, the market is huge, vast, the russian market, china is asking for food products in ever-increasing
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volumes, i heard that they want to ask us to we supply pork, they will even open up supplies of pork there, so there are no more markets. own processing of raw materials, look at new markets, especially pay attention to the people's republic of china, because there are certain developments there, i think we will use them, to implement new projects, i reported to the president that, in particular, we will build a new milk processing plant in the shklovsky district, this is a good topic, the president supported it. in general, new projects, modernization and development build on this the work of the presidential administration and...
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signed an order on the creation of a republican organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. the organizing committee included a number of senior officials, leadership of ministries, chairmen of regional executive committees and minsk city executive committee, as well as representatives of other government bodies. it was headed by prime minister roman golovchenko. they are reaching a new level of quality. union relations between minsk and moscow, where is our joint policy heading, what challenges do we
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have to respond to together, as well as the pre-election period, technological sovereignty, sanctions and the personalities of the two leaders? we talked about this and more with the dean of the faculty of journalism, alexey belyaev, and bc analyst olga lazorkina. an interesting conversation about important things awaits you. see the project tv news agency question number one for.
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belarus brought their advanced solutions in medicine, digital diagnostics is also of interest
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to the heads of clinics in kazakhstan, and a smart operating room is completely unique for both science and education. due to the fact that the operations are recorded, they are recorded in a very good original quality, and the fact that we have, well, world- famous specialists in oncology and cardiology, the result of their work, that is, the operations performed or consultations, is possible. need to be written down in order to share experiences on some conferences, in order for a training event, that is, interns and so on , when there is an open heart operation, to put 20 interns in the operating room, well, in general, it’s impossible, but this is a simulator on which you can drive a tractor and a truck, everything is like in real cars, the models are coordinated with the auto giants, all that remains is to hone your skills, for example, harvesting can be practiced once a year in real practice, or in a simulator. very high efficiency of training personnel for the effective
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operation of equipment. virtually possible test yourself as a craftsman, disassemble and reassemble a broken mechanism, such as here in a combine harvester. mastery of mastery in such a simulator, then in a real car, of course, breakdowns are eliminated quickly and efficiently. our students are already actively using this technology, but belarusian buyers are also interested. technology in asia and africa. digitalization has a good economic effect, our prime minister will say at the digital forum. precision agriculture, product labeling for traceability, robots in production.
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the necessary conditions have been created for this. today, the five make important decisions for the development of the economies of the entire union. the situation sometimes changes rapidly. in the morning , the prime minister of kyrgyzstan flew out of almaty due to an accident at the local power plant. the country was represented at the intergovernmental council by the deputy prime minister. there are 10
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issues on the agenda, something is discussed on the sidelines, but the main thing is loud with colleagues. we have already spoken more than once about the fundamental importance of the international positioning of our union, i am sure that the initiative of the president of the republic of belarus to hold a summit sco brix is ​​more relevant than ever at the current historical stage. particular attention to the joint integration project. the selection and financing mechanism has been approved, it is important that it all works this year. belarus insists on harmonizing electronic passports for equipment it sells to partners. there are problems that are associated with processing additional issues related to electronic passports, so specific instructions have been given to resolve the current situation in order to eliminate bureaucratic failures for our entities that produce equipment and supply it to the markets of eu countries had as
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few of these aspects as possible, which are associated with additional duplication in the transfer of certain information. our initiatives to revise the list of countries for agreements on a free trade zone and focus our attention more on the global south, and today, as a result , a memorandum on the development of railway transportation was signed, there is great potential here. if we take into account bilateral relations, then of course export from the republic of belarus in the direction of russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, it has been increased from 10 to 45%. and in fact, today it is we who take mutual trade. the issue of creating an information integration system is sensitive for us. we have joined many procedures, but the effectiveness of participation is important here. time for monitoring until the next intergovernmental council. in may, the premieres of the five will gather in belarus. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey yunosh and alexander moguchiy. tv news agency, almaty, kazakhstan. well, what
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does he live on? the civilized west, strike protests, european trend of the season. with every day, not only the geography is expanding, but also the number of those who are unhappy because of the policies of their authorities. and while french farmers are driving their equipment away from paris, the agrarian authorities have so far kept quiet. teachers immediately took their places. thousands of teachers demonstrated in the french capital. they are unhappy with low wages and job cuts. they demand the resignation of the minister of education.
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dissatisfaction with low prices for their products, even lower incomes, they blocked roads throughout the country and the border from spain. we are all in a very difficult situation, people in rural areas, people who make a living from agriculture, people who feed society, are in a simply terrible economic situation, a similar situation on the border of belgium and the netherlands, farmers have blocked three highways connecting the countries. they condemn low tariffs on foreign producers, free trade agreements and eu rules. the protesters say they won't budge for at least the entire weekend.
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well, this is germany, the germans didn’t have time recover from yesterday's strike by airport employees, just as public transport workers in the country are indignant. approximately 90 thousand employees in eighty cities refused to go to work. the movement of buses, trams and metro has almost completely stopped. of course it makes our lives more difficult, but if you look at why it happens, it kind of makes sense because inflation is quite high and wages aren't going up that fast, so people decide to go on strike, unions decide to go on strike. however, to hear people, solve their problems european authorities didn’t even try, and orban was even threatened with deprivation of his rights. votes in the eu in case of refusal to support financial assistance to ukraine. well, who and how will divide the 50 billion euros that the european union
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decided yesterday to send to kiev. the economics of conflict is the focus of attention of experts and guests of the new edition of the editors' club. how did they manage to break rebellious hungary and what do ordinary europeans think? politicians do not have support from ordinary people, so they decided to isolate themselves. the result was an eloquent setting in the center of brussels. decision on continued support for ukraine was taken to the sound of sirens from zarego fire. europe continues to shoot itself in the foot and destroy itself. why? yes, because it is not sovereign. here we return to this topic of sovereignty. the european union lies at the feet of the white house, at this time, the europeans arrived on tractors. and burning. i saw, and there’s something they ’re hiding from the common people, from their own people, listen, they’ve surrounded themselves with a fence, barbed wire, and why is it difficult to go out or talk, and why are you hiding from people
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, hiding there, sitting your people in their offices, i you you see, i quote them in the twentieth year, ivan mikhailovich, there is no one there to go out to the people, unfortunately, because a negative political selection was carried out, and there are clerks sitting there, how much they have already earned. american arms manufacturers in the ukrainian crisis, as well as how technologies tested in coup attempts in belarus are now being used in russia. watch the new episode of the editors club today, immediately after the panorama. in the meantime, a new maidan or coup d’etat threatens kiev. a heated confrontation is unfolding in the offices of power. apparently zelensky is starting to be leaked. the fact is that until march 31st. presidential elections were supposed to take place in ukraine, but they do not intend to hold them, which means that an illegitimate president will be in power.
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the local position is preparing for this; they are now actively gathering around the commander-in-chief zaluzhny, who is currently the most popular person in ukraine. details in the "screenshot" section. to do as in moldova, so that citizens of other countries can govern ukraine, i will ask the fact of the sale of the homeland to be recorded in the protocol, brother on veins, simple boys go, but fat ones -
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but the only thing is that people are already voting with their feet, trying not to pay attention, young people are ready to take risks and drown in leading rivers, tempting fate , not everyone can run without looking back, older people are forced to drag out a miserable existence, every second pensioner in ukraine receives... it’s like a new batch of old women, these are orphans, the difficult legacy of the tsarist regime, a huge
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layer of social problems... it inevitably affects zelensky’s ratings. sociology demonstrates a significant crisis trust from the population. against this background , commander-in-chief zaluzhny continues to gain popularity. populist rhetoric in interviews and clever evasions from responsibility for mobilization are yielding results. scandals with zelensky’s hesitant attempts to remove him from his post only strengthen the general’s ratings. the entire opposition is already beginning to consolidate around him.
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people's monetary fund. the organization, like no other, knows how to count its own money and predict risks. there is a clear consciousness that the dead, which is ukrainian state, they don’t pay their bills. the imf refused to restructure ukraine's debts. to continue selfless love , representatives of organizations demand that loans already issued be returned within the established time frame. true, they also offer an alternative option, one of the conditions for continuing financial assistance. there may be an expansion of the range of toxic and nuclear waste that will be exported from western countries and buried in ukraine. the logic of this proposal fully fits into the long-term strategic plan of western strategists. when i passed by, i saw brzyzinski sitting, we locked eyes, i sat down next to him, we
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talked very little. to feed, but we don’t need any more , it’s interesting that today such statements are increasingly coming up from the top officials of ukraine, they perfectly understood where they were taking the country for what purpose, and most importantly, that they are the conductors of this policy in ukraine, at the same time the collapse of statehood, as a rule, is counted from the events on the maidan in 2014, but in reality everything happened much earlier than if not
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a coup d'etat. corners, starting from the nineties, they played on contradictions and pitted each other against each other , divided them into western and eastern, drove a linguistic wedge, the results of the work done were in plain sight, about the lessons of the mentors, andrey sych in the screenshot section.
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and continuing the topic of analytics. the weekly information and analytical program, the main broadcast, today celebrates its first anniversary. 10 years ago the first program was released that attracts at least half a million viewers every sunday spectators. over 10 years, the tv news agency team made 526 episodes. each of them is an exclusive selection of news of the week and analytics. experts, business trips around belarus and the world. at least 60 specialists are working on the broadcast, from lighting technicians, make-up artists and drivers to the director, reporters and program presenters. correspondents of a top-rated television project not only are the first on the scene, but are always ready to share hot analytics, as they say, not on the surface. and the hero of the broadcasts is noticeable media people not only in our
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country, but also far away. outside its borders, the information and analytical program has more than once become a laureate of a special television award, tv vershina. well, it’s not surprising that the content on... the youtube channel has already collected almost 20 million views, and in order to enjoy a quality product, users spent about one and a half million hours, the main broadcast every week flies on the main news routes without delayed flights, how not to drown in the flow of news, how we will live and most importantly, what we will there are many topics in the information field that grow according to their own, one might say, calendar laws of the genre. it's already winter on the calendar, which means a new exciting sports season is ahead. what can you agree on in
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the rhythm of salsa? i would like to start this interview a little unconventionally. good afternoon. let's show what is usually hidden from television cameras. welcome to the palace of independence.
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the head of the central election commission, igor karpenko, told young people today about the innovations of the upcoming election campaign on february 25. open dialogue within the framework of the youth forum voters took place at the national site. children's technology park, katerina strikha met with those who this year for the first time will have to make an informed choice about the future of their homeland. a sophomore at the belarusian state university of transport, ivan zhivnov, will go to the polling station for the first time on february 25 to cast his vote. the young man says: personal communication with parliamentarians was beneficial; he realizes that he, among other things, bears responsibility for a peaceful and prosperous future.
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i think the best quality for a person is especially for the voter. the choice we make is a choice for the future, and the future is not only us, it is our children, it is our children's children. i feel great pride that i have the right to vote, and in the future, perhaps, i plan to be elected. during the open dialogue, the main issues of electoral law and the essence of innovations in the electoral campaign were discussed. forum participants were also told about parliamentary powers and the procedure for consideration.
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we are peaceful people, we don’t want to fight with our neighbors, the residents of the country can live and work in peace, and young people should mind their own business, study, and this bears fruit. our economy is developing. stable, the volume of domestic product grew by almost 4% over the past year. the speaker called on young people to appreciate the work and achievements of older generations in any situation and remain patriots. educational activities and volunteer activities were also touched upon; volunteer activities were closer to me, since i myself am a volunteer, i am a member of the belarusian republican youth union. working with young people is a priority of state policy. according to the central election commission in our country almost 178 will take part in voting in the elections for the first time
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. the institute of sociology of the national academy of sciences and the bsi today presented the results of a comprehensive study of public opinion. the deputy head of the presidential administration called for relying on objective data when working on the ground. igor lutsky noted that this will allow us to better understand the needs of various groups of the population. constant monitoring is carried out on issues that are under the control of the head of state, education, healthcare and many others. high the level of feeling of social security
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of the citizens of our country on the streets of their locality, in their home, home, in public places. our data suggests that efforts to expand employment opportunities are effective and that many more people than were the case a few years ago respond positively to the question of how they...
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through the eyes of sociologists, there are no gaps in regional age breakdown . the main issues, this is the unity of society , the request of older age groups, accessibility and the quality of medical services for young people is important, the desire for self-realization, success, and professional growth. the priority for the middle age group is employment and decent wages. in general, there remains a demand for feedback and involvement in society. their citizens in solving problems. one of the issues that concerns belarusians who are constantly under control is housing and communal services. the presidential decree established the maximum permissible tariffs for housing and communal services for this year. thus, payments are based on a typical two-room apartment with three residents with standard consumption of services , it will increase in 2024 by 20 rubles. this is semi-basic. digital technologies in
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archival affairs were discussed today at an extended meeting of the board of the department of archives and records management of the ministry of justice. the agenda included the results of the activities of state archival institutions over the past year. more than 300 exhibitions have been held using the archives. the digitization of documents from the national archival fund is ongoing on an ongoing basis. how. noted minister of justice sergei khamenko, one of the main tasks of the department for the current year are to restore historical justice. today archives are a developing structure, the basis of which is primarily the improvement of professional skills of personnel and, of course, logistics . today a new one has been built. archive buildings in gomel,
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construction of archive buildings is underway in the cities of mogilev and the city of minsk. over the past year , more than 1,600,000 pages of documents were translated into electronic format, in the digital age technology, even photo archives come to life. the tv news agency bel tv and radio company , together with the archive of film and photo documents, is implementing two projects at once, which collect hundreds of thousands of views. in the public domain and without retouching, and right now we will show the project without retouching, for the first time on television, unique photographs, yes, they are shocking in their essence. but it is important to remember how many hundreds of thousands of victims are at the hands of the filmed fascist executioners. for your attention, the last minutes after the verdict by the minsk military tribunal, usually called minsky-nuremberg.
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during the war years, all of belarus became a citadel of courage. and today, nine more
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settlements in belarus, by presidential decree, were awarded a pennant for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. these are the cities of baranovich and derzhinsk. dyatlovo, kolinkovichi, lyuban, osipovichi, chausy, urban villages of obol and osveya. they were awarded in connection with the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and the victory of the soviet people, as well as in order to perpetuate the feat of the red army soldiers, workers, partisans and underground workers. so far , 27 settlements in belarus have been awarded pennants for courage and perseverance during the war .
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the charity marathon with a kind heart to every home continues in minsk . 44 children with disabilities, including six wards from the pervomaisky district of the capital, need special equipment for adaptation and financial assistance for rehabilitation. in support of families , an interactive holiday was organized today in the shopping center: a music show, animators, master classes, and of course, fundraising from concerned people. the organizer of the action was the minsk city executive committee. initiative.
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every city-wide marathon of goodness can last until february 16. well , the next hero proved to everyone that people with disabilities, with the support of caring people, can do anything if they put their mind to it. the winner of the factorby show, daniil savenya, became a guest of the program say don’t be silent. he talked
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about his journey to the country's most rated television project, what he learned from his colleagues and star mentor. it’s a sin to drown there, but at the same time i’m very clear i understand where i am, thanks to whom all this happened, what i, what i and my comrades went through. and so on , that is, to become a star, i have no right, i reserve for myself, what are the plans of the winner of the show, the buy-in factor
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, the near future, why he doesn’t want to get a higher education yet, who is the most mysterious stranger from st. petersburg who dreams to arrive in a won car, about this and more, a philosophical mood with a new russian pop star, watch the full episode of the program, don’t be silent.
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we are embarking on expeditions in the depths of our country, a new day, a new year for the community, using special hands to clean up the rivers, special imminent flooding of the hour, which has happened and many times before in the past in the grodzen region so, let’s follow the history and myastsov’s abrads, i’ve been talking about the mythical past zhytkavitskaya district, so the advancing legend was occupied by the hell of mary. the end of 1938 is full of joy and decay. well, of course i’ll jump in. pray to god,
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our kaza has fallen, o cossack from the city, what a plundered us. and give new life to old traditions. they caught me, they burned me, and my buns, they tied me up, so ah! may immediately with projects in advance at the minute on the tv channel belarus 20.


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