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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 3, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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a look at belarus on our tv channel.
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tv news agency begins an information day in the studio elizaveta lokotka, good morning, in this issue we have created a development strategy in belarus.
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personnel rotations in the state security committee, financial intelligence and the effective work of the presidential affairs department. alexander lukashenko outlined important tasks for each department the day before. andrey sambuk became the new head of the financial investigation department and deputy chairman of the state control committee. previously, he headed the investigation kgb control. by the way, the leadership position was vacant for a short time; a decision was made on the appointment.
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the all-belarusian people's assembly of authorities in connection with the conferment of constitutional powers, becomes constitutional bodies, and of course, we need these years, a year or two, well, maybe three, with the advent of the supreme national assembly and certain serious constitutional powers, we would not be able to create some kind of -there is chaos in power, because you know, chaos in power is instantly transferred to society. the tasks were addressed to the presidential affairs departments, having received the report from the head of the department , alexander lukashenko instructed to take control of the production of musical instruments and skis. the agro-industrial complex is faced with the task of increasing processing volumes, exploring the possibilities of supplies to new markets, paying special attention to china. there were also proposals for the development of the suda belts enterprise, the work of belkhudozh crafts, the quality and efficiency of work in all areas should be as high as possible. one.
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preparations for the all-belarusian people's assembly, the president signed a decree on the creation of a republican organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the first meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly. the organizing committee included a number of senior officials, leadership of ministries, chairmen of regional executive committees and the minsk city executive committee, as well as representatives of other government bodies. it will be headed by prime minister roman golovchenko. improving legal culture. who are taking part in
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the election campaign for the first time in belarus , a forum of young voters was held, the organizers of the central election committee and the ministry of education. about 100 children from all regions of the country, students of secondary specialized higher education institutions, gathered at the forum. this year they will have to make an informed choice about the future. on february 25, young people will go to the polling stations to cast their vote. we are implementing a whole plan of joint events, which is aimed primarily at those children who today want to engage in legal education, who today want to see their place in public, socio-political life. and one of the elements is like this. having voted for a deputy who you like, he will represent you at higher
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levels, among the same deputies, together they will be able to choose some decisions that are important for our country, or the same bills that may be in in the future they will somehow affect... according to the central election commission , almost 178 thousand people will take part in voting in the elections for the first time in our country. 4 years ago , a youth council was created at the national assembly of belarus. today it consists of 138 boys and girls. the union relations between minsk and moscow are reaching a new level of quality. where is our
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joint policy heading, what challenges do we have to respond to together? as well as the pre-election period, technological sovereignty, sanctions and the personalities of the two leaders. we are not the only ones talking about this. how exactly the dynamics of relations between the two leaders will develop, we already have a strong friendship, will such a sharp jump in cooperation lead to the fact that we will very quickly reach the ceiling, about the ceiling it’s still very early to say that our elections in russia will be held calmly.
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iraq and syria, like... joe biden, we're talking about retaliation for the recent attack on a us base in jordan. washington promises to continue attacks on groups allegedly associated with iran. the syrian side reports eighteen dead, and there are civilian casualties in iraq. there, the attack hit the army arsenal in the city of el-qaim. the detonation led to the death of random citizens, meanwhile the arsenal had nothing to do with the militants. he belonged iraqi army. it is noteworthy that, fearing a response, the states abandoned the idea of ​​bombing the territory. iran itself. the fact is that official tehran warned in advance that the consequences for the americans would be catastrophic. if this news did not belong to the sphere of high politics, it would be worth starting with the words: you will laugh, but. so, sweden, it seems, will not join the north atlantic alliance in the coming days.
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meanwhile, this was supposed to happen on monday. on the issue of membership , only the hungarian parliament remains to vote. all other states have long confirmed their consent. however, yesterday the fidesz party announced that it would not take part in the vote. together with her , the christian democrats announced a boycott of parliamentary meetings. thus, sweden's entry into nato is delayed for at least several more months. the country, however, has already become a de facto member of the alliance. the placement of foreign bases there is legally permitted. sweden participates in all bloc exercises. the government is even talking about the possibility of placing it here nuclear weapons. an orange danger level has been declared in belarus today due to strong winds, gusts of which can reach 18 m/s. in most parts of the country there will be sleet, rain, fog in some areas, ice, and icy roads. the air will warm up to +10°. due to difficult weather conditions
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, gi is intensifying monitoring of the roadway; drivers should adhere to the speed limit and also keep a safe distance. inspectors urge you to be careful. pedestrians, taking into account changes in daylight hours characteristics of road conditions, the state traffic inspectorate continues to work to monitor the safety of movement of pedestrians and... parents in the area of ​​pedestrian crossings at controlled intersections , i would like to remind you that when crossing the roadway with children, minimize the use of gadgets, do not wear a hood and, by example, set the right lessons for your to kid. inspectors emphasize that the main goal is not to fine road users, but to help develop the habit of observing traffic rules for their own safety. a system has been created at bsu for environmental assessment of the impact of emissions on
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the environment, air quality accounting. it was based on a physical and mathematical model, into which the main parameters of the city were entered: relief, surface types, industrial zones, parks, buildings and atmospheric parameters. the development will be useful when designing new residential areas or industrial areas to assess the potential transfer of pollutants and their impact on air quality and comfort. these results can be applied to other cities of belarus, regional cities, district cities, that is, where there is a large-scale production and the task is to solve the environment, air quality, since the project has its own deadlines, it has already been completed, but we have plans, promising developments in the future, cooperation with foreign colleagues, with china and central asia. based on the research results, the program calculated that in the capital the most emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are in the factory area, and the least in the pervomaisky district. formation
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of patriotism and loyalty to the oath at polotsk state university named after evrosine the military department was solemnly opened in polotsk. the event was attended by representatives of the ministry of defense, local authorities, and the university rector’s office. training there will take place in the following specialties: artillery reconnaissance, ground-based electronic warfare, engineer-sapper service, and automobile. division, we are now accepting applications from students who will begin their studies on march 1. it is gratifying to note that the competition for the military department is 2.5 people per place, with a recruitment of 100 people, applications are still ongoing, this suggests that military education is popular among young people; for a university it is not only an event as such, it is truly purposeful work. so that our students, our future applicants have the opportunity to self-realize and acquire during their studies
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not only a civilian specialty, but also a military one, that is, in essence, they become more competitive. students will also undergo serious combat, fire , topographical, and military medical training, as well as become familiar with the methods chemical and biological protection. the story of one of the wittgenstein family of belarusian aristocrats. who left a unique collection of fine art as a legacy to mir castle in a new book. the art gallery of mikhail savitsky became the platform for the presentation of a historical monograph, the work of olga popko, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor and first director of the mir castle complex. the publication is a collection of paintings by the wittgenstein princes in the context of european art of the 19th century. i 'll tell you, part of this collection in 2016 was purchased by us for the castle complex museum.
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it will be continued, the second volume has already been written and will be presented in the summer. the olympian sports complex in mogilev today hosts the belarusian athletics cup with more than 250 participants. almost all the leaders of the national team, including the country's record holders, will compete for medals. thus , irina zhuk will perform in the women's pole vault, karina demidik in the high jump, and violetta skvortsova in the long jump. for men, oleg tomoshevich will perform in the shot put, vitaly porokhonko will compete in the race with barriers. and the men's sprint will be interesting with the confrontation between maxim grobarenko and denis
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bliznets. the live broadcast will start at 9:50, this is the morning session, watch the evening session as well. sports channel at 14:25. a real holiday for basketball fans in the 3:3 format right in the capital shopping center, the weekend area on the ground floor will host the international competition named after nikolai ermashov, and the belarusian cup will also be played. 12 men's teams and eight women's teams will compete for the awards, and the russians will compete with the hosts. on in the group stage, the teams are divided into quartets; today the participants in the playoffs will be determined. the competition starts at 10:00 am, tv channel. belarus 5 will show spectacular fights in the evening broadcast, the live broadcast will begin at 17:50. that's all the news for now, all the best to you and see you at noon.
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only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, where it is better to appreciate the existing ones and be proud of them, because there is no second such lead in any european country, and we go on
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an exciting journey, products created used by local craftsmen.
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days like this don’t happen often, but we don’t even cover the trees, such as the trees, the colorful patterns and the jumping, created by the cold and frost. neither snow nor frost beset the zealous, it is cold, and the fishermen do not give up their favorite activities.
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such a bathing garden is the best place to live.


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