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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 4, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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name in belarus, you can swim here, like now, like now, but i don’t have that, we don’t, and also that you can get healing, yes, that’s the most important thing, the most beautiful thing, oh, yes, it was just amazing , i liked everything, i liked everything too, but i ’m interested...
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berezensky is located 100 km north of the capital of belarus, the city of minsk, on the territory of the vitebsk and minsk regions.
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the big european five, every naturalist's dream, bear, wolf, lynx, elk and bison.
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over thousands of years, nature created this temple, the sliding glaciers of the north changed its relief and forms, alternating ridges, hills, islands. lake depressions, the last of the glacier melted more than 10 thousand years ago, a huge periglacial lake stretching over many hundreds of kilometers disappeared, splitting into many large and small reservoirs, their slow overgrowing began, as a result of this work... lakes:
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the remains of the melted glacier beginning of winter, berezina river. beavers have lived in these places for thousands of years, this is their homeland. while the reservoirs are not yet completely covered with ice, beavers use the slightest opportunity to get out of their holes and huts onto the already snow-covered surface, feast on the branches of coastal trees, sometimes with the whole family. it is now difficult
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to believe that 100 years ago the beaver was on the verge of extinction in europe. during the first world war and post-war devastation, forests perished over vast areas. the numbers of many species of wild animals have sharply declined. elk, deer, roe deer, wild boar,
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bear, and otter have practically disappeared from the republic. capercaillie and tetere have become rare. in 1924, under the guidance of zoologist anatoly. already 2 months after completion expedition on january 30, 1925, the first state in the bssr was established by resolutions of the council of people's commissars. reserve, the purpose of which was to protect and reproduce valuable wild animals and game birds, especially river beavers. on an area of ​​60 thousand dessiatines of land , a ban was introduced on hunting, logging, and timber rafting along a number of small forest rivers.
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in 1932, 54 beaver settlements went into reserves, in 1936 - 116, in the last pre-war year already 170. in the thirties, in the berezensky reserve for the first time in the territory in the soviet union, a beaver farm and an elk nursery were organized. the berezensky beaver was not only preserved, but also widely distributed outside of belarus. today
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, at least one and a half thousand beavers live in the protected area. the wolf is the main enemy of beavers; it always checks all forest reservoirs, or rather their banks, these are places where there is a chance of success. kittens.
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the berezina, the main river of the reserve, originates 45 km from the northern border of the reserve area as a small stream. its length within the boundaries of the reserve is 110 km, here it slows down its flow, its banks become swamped, and the floodplain increases. on its way, the berezina receives water from about seventy tributaries. near the southern granite of the berezina reserve forms a natural extension of the channel, lake polik, the largest in the reserve, the domain of the white-tailed eagle. every day, in search of prey, eagles cover the open water left by
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wormwood after the night frost. along the edge of the ice there are non-flying shorebirds, gray and great white herons, ducks, coots, and swans. yesterday it was still restless. throughout surface of the lake, and today they have to be content with what the frost provides. the more it freezes, the fewer ice-free places there are for waterfowl, but the birds will stay here until the last window of open water.
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viburnum: decoration of the birch floodplain, its fruits in winter are a real pharmacy. one of the most devoted fans of viburnum fruits is the bullfinch. kalina bullfinches eat in a unique way: they spit out the pulp and eat it. and seeds. gray partridges spend the winter in the snow-covered meadows in the floodplain of the birch tree. a dozen birds are a family which in summer was almost twice as large. however, over six months the number of chicks has noticeably decreased. due to encounters with birds and four-legged predators, all life is on its feet,
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through harsh snowy winters, frosts and lack of food. a pike that had just been caught by an otter, an unexpected gift to a pereyark wolf, the two-year-old predator, without any hesitation, dragged the fish away from the water, but the otter did not seem upset and immediately went fishing for new prey.
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these animals do not always live in one place; in the summer they prefer to stay alone area, moving away from it no more than 6 km, in winter it all depends on how much the water freezes; if the area is completely frozen, the otters leave it in search of a suitable reservoir and are able to overcome more than tens of kilometers.
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another fisherman, the american mink, is a guest from another continent, they brought it to belarus in... minks are predators, they are semi-aquatic animals. in addition to fish, the mink often eats land animals of a size suitable for its teeth: frogs, mice, voles, crayfish, mollusks, sometimes even large insect birds.
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moose, representatives of the big european five animals, also stay in the floodplains in winter. if the place is rich in willow trees, the favorite winter food of moose, the animals gather in groups. moose avoid areas with deep snow in every possible way. in suitable places they live, naturalists say, stand, for a long time, sometimes in a very small area. such places are called camps. there are several places in the reserve where elk form a camp. this is the tract of elk pits, stables, gorelelek, and kuty. up to 70 moose spend the winter in such places.
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lynxes are rarely active during the day, usually at they go hunting at dusk, or even late at night. this way of life is typical for most of our animals; it is at dusk that wolves, foxes, minks, and otters prefer to hunt. in the evening , moose and deer begin to feed.
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the winter sun is getting lower and lower above the horizon, and the evening frost is getting stronger. the male beaver, breaking off the edges of the hole, tries to extend the opportunity to reach tasty twigs for at least a day.
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white-tailed eagles see off in a daze.
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until the river froze, the beavers worked all winter night; since the end of summer they have been stocking up branches that were placed near a hole or nest under water, this is their winter food; in cold water without access to oxygen, the branches remain fresh, as in a refrigerator, as...
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february, frosty morning, klekuna swans are resting on the serguch river. the river is part of the berezenskaya water system, which was built in 1797-1805. its length is 169 km, it connected the berezina with the western dvina, since 1805 the rich gifts of nature, ship timber and charcoal, resin, tar, furs, honey, began to be transported along the waterway to the baltic and black sea ports in one summer season. the berezenskaya water system was intensively exploited until the outbreak of world war ii. currently, it
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has completely lost its transport significance and is only a historical monument and a habitat for numerous semi-aquatic animals. during the great patriotic war , the territory of the reserve became a base for the partisan movement, a place of formation, rest and shelter for many partisan brigades. there were 11 partisan detachments operating here, two underground. district party committee, two hospitals. the largest partizan operation was liberation of the district
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center bigomal on december 19, 1942. these places became the center of the partisan region, the borisov-begomal partisan zone. the partisans held an area of ​​more than 800 km until the arrival of the soviet army. in 1944. after the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, the government of the republic adopted a special resolution on the resumption of the activities of the berezensky nature reserve. administrative and residential premises were built at an accelerated pace, the protection of protected areas was established, regular censuses of wild animals were carried out. on august 29, 1951, stalin signed resolution no.
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3192 of the ussr council of ministers on nature reserves. along with dozens of other protected areas of the soviet union, the berezensky nature reserve ceased to exist for 7 long years. his forests and lands were his property. given under the control of the ministry of forestry of the bssr. five timber industry enterprises began operating on the territory of the former reserve. over the 8 years from 1951 to 1958, over 4,000 hectares of the best forests were cut down here. intensive wood rafting was carried out on the berezina and most small rivers at home. 1958. by resolution of the council of ministers of the bssr, dated may 5, 1958,
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the berezensky nature reserve was restored. within the same boundaries. the protected forest stretches for many tens of kilometers. giant trees, little ones, mosses, spreading shrubs and modest herbs live peacefully in the forest thicket. the nimble tits tirelessly flutter the lights onto the branch. he freezes and listens carefully. rustling bison. the forest provides shelter to all its inhabitants. the end of winter, the time of wolf weddings. pass
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they are from the beginning of february to the middle. capable of providing her future offspring with abundant food, such a spouse will give rise to healthy, resilient wolf cubs, and there are no others; for all her maternal tenderness, it is the she-wolf who will not tolerate a weak puppy in the family.
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golden eagle, a giant among our birds, a two-meter wingspan, noble posture, a golden coating on the pointed feathers of the back of the head and neck.
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that is why it is called the golden eagle. the golden eagle lives in the swamp that it once chose: all year round, in winter and summer. to to feed themselves and their chicks, golden eagles must be provided with food, which means that wood grouse, black grouse, and hares must live where they nest. and waders and ducks, we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the most important thing is to pay attention to its color; it should be
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uniform, without streaks. not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots, often indicating oxidation of fat. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we have quiche for breakfast, with spinach, red fish, it will have an amazingly exquisite taste. don't forget about invigorating exercises. this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to fill up with energy for the whole day. watch in the project breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel. together with the belarus 24 tv channel, we will plunge into the cultural life of our country. and at once i’ll cook the pabachyts, just as i make theatrical pastas. pershae,
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that i learned to rap from ballet dancers. we are there.
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in winter and early spring, it happens that the golden eagle flies to the remains of wolf meals; it is here that it can meet its larger relative, the white-tailed eagle, and drive it away from food.
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spring comes to the reserve along the river valleys, it gets a little warmer, and the fast waters of the berezina immediately explode the ice shells, and it becomes daylight. every day more and more, the sun shines more and more brightly, endless lines of flying birds appear in the spring sky. spring, the time of awakening of life. evidence of its continuation and the height of courtship in many animals, including gray toads. they are just very unusual. female gray toads often carry males on their backs to
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the mating pond. here, in the shallows of an oxbow lake in the floodplain of the serguch river, female toads lay eggs. the mating season usually lasts no more than 10 days. at first, mating pairs in toads form by chance, but then larger males push the smaller ones away from the females on the water, and under water, on the way to the spawning ground.
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the most important and untouched reserves are a true standard of the nature of our planet, they have biosphere status, today there are more than 200 of them on all continents, this... the status is awarded by the presidium of the international council of the man and the biosphere program, the united nations organization. in 1979, the berezensky nature reserve, one of the very first nature reserves in the world, received this status. in 1983, in belarus and on the basis of the berezensky nature reserve, the first international congress on biosphere
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reserves was held, organized by unesco, the program un environment, un food and agriculture organization and international union for conservation of nature. this was the first of its kind in history. closer to sunset, the robin, one of the most beautiful and restless spring performers, begins to solo, only song thrushes. competes with her in evening forest
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concerts, before the evening animals and birds have time to lie down to rest, the morning ones wake up, and so on every spring day.
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one of the brightest spring events of the berezensky biosphere is the capercaillie current. 3:45 minutes, still in complete darkness, the first capercaillie began to sing. they're starting. currently, male wood grouse are in the trees, and after an hour they descend to the ground, it is here that they meet very cautious females, and in order to attract the attention of motley beauties, male wood grouse, in addition to singing, also take off and jump, loudly flapping their wings.
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in 1972, on the initiative of the main directorate for nature reserves of the ussr ministry of agriculture, work began on breeding wood grouse in artificial conditions in the berezensky nature reserve. prerequisite was caused by a sharp decrease in the number of vauhar throughout its range. according to estimates of those years, the stocks of this bird. in the 1970s compared to 1960 in the ussr decreased by 10 times. the capercaillie nursery in the berezensky nature reserve was experimental. six generations of birds were obtained at the nursery; on its basis, methods for keeping and breeding wood grouse in captivity were developed. the grouse current
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in the postrezhsky swamp is unique; up to thirty males gather here every year in the spring for tournament fights. retaining their natural appearance for thousands years. the size
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of the territory of the takovish depends on the number of males who disperse throughout it, each occupying it for himself. at the same time, the most experienced and powerful fighters take places closer to the middle of the field. the young get the outskirts and woe to those who violate the border. black feathers sparkle blue, scarlet bloodshot eyebrows flash, white ones flicker. from under the rump. the singing of individual males can be heard as early as march, and the most active teterwan ataka can be heard at the end of april, beginning of may.
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there are about twenty males on this capercaillie, each with their own area, the most the strong and experienced occupy the center of the current , young people huddle on the periphery, but the boundaries of the area for a real capercaillie are a relative concept, in the excitement of this you can violate the boundaries to your heart’s content and fight with your neighbor, sometimes it doesn’t come to a real fight... they will twist their necks, threaten each other and run away , but sometimes they start beating each other so hard that only feathers fly in different directions.
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let us remember again the big european five,
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the largest animal in europe, the bison. berezensky nature reserve, the second territory after belovezhskaya pushcha. to increase the number of local bison, new animals were brought to the reserve in december 2022 and housed in a large enclosure. in june 2023, they were released into the wild, 15
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animals, four males and 11 females. the lady's slipper is a real decoration of the rich flora of the berezinsky nature reserve. the flower of the lady's slipper is the largest among belarusian orchids, 7-8 cm. in the depths of the flower, small insects hide from the weather and comfortably and nectar are nearby. the flowering of orchids is a very extraordinary event, because they can reduce it for a year or two, and then... in 1995
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, the reserve was awarded a diploma from the council of europe as an area where a unique diversity of flora and fauna has been preserved. the long-term protection regime and the diversity of natural climate conditions determined the richness of the protected flora and fauna. the reserve is. hundreds of new species of wildlife are waiting for their researchers.
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the swamp is a special value of the berezensky nature reserve; nowhere in western europe are there such extensive and biologically diverse swamp systems, almost completely retaining their natural appearance. rare feathered predators. the osprey has become so adapted to hovering above the water during fishing that it has largely lost the ability to maneuver flight. that is why she always builds her nests on... ospreys find such trees
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in high bogs in belarus. unlike their closest relatives, the capercaillie and black grouse, hazel grouse live in pairs. at the end of april, the raft itself is worse. sits on the masonry, the nest is well camouflaged and is a depression in the soil, usually with six to nine eggs. after 3 weeks of incubation, the chicks appear ; the female immediately takes them away from the nest.
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you can find a woodpecker's living hollow in the forest by its voice, because woodpecker hollows sing. of course, the little cubs are squealing in the hollow. they don't stop talking for a second. they constantly remind parents that all babies need to be fed, preferably with something tasty. but detlikha’s mother flew to duplu with food, but did not feed the children. flew away, sat down in full view of the chicks, as if teasing them, waited a little, again to the hollow, again close, the most
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the eldest, hungriest chick reached for food and fell out of the hollow, and then flew to a neighboring tree, and so begins the independent life of the gray woodpecker chicks, one of the rarest in the berezinsky nature reserve. baby animals are simply obliged to hide until their legs become stronger, the feathers on their wings grow, hide, freeze, merge with the surrounding soil, do not breathe, do not even blink their eyes, a special joy is mutual games, you can hang out with each other. games in the animal world are a special phenomenon; while playing,
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animals learn, train, prepare for difficulties of adult life. wolf cubs begin to play at the age of 20 days; the games use elements and movements of fighting, hunting and family behavior. while playing, wolf cubs watch for each other, attack, try to bite, while they are friendly towards each other. among beavers, by the end of summer, beaver cubs are already traveling along the river on their own, but they do not move away from their parent’s hut, although they are not as agile as their neighbors, the minks.
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a young mink in september is almost no different from an adult, and even when hunting succeeds in catching crayfish just like her parents. the long-awaited autumn comes to biosphere berezensk.
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autumn days are the most restless and exciting for male red deer. now they are in the period of knightly tournaments, mating roars to the point of complete dizziness, unbridled courtship of beauties and alyonukhas. and it’s also autumn in the reserve, the crane season. already in august, gray cranes gather for the winter, fly with the famous crane wedge,
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while emitting the no less famous crane whine. the cranes will fly away to distant wintering grounds, leaving in their homeland their recent neighbors, whooper swans, ducks, gray herons, beavers and minks, otters, deer, teeth. throughout their lives , the cranes are not separated; together they build a nest , incubate eggs, raise chicks together and teach them crane sciences. in the fall they unite. in friendly flocks they fly together to distant wintering grounds, spend long winter months there, and then return together to their homeland, to the berezinsky biosphere reserve,
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protected nature is a lot and a little, a moment before thousands of years of the existence of wild nature and a whole 100 years of work, the life of the most different people so that we, our children , can touch the secrets of the preserved nature of the berezinsky nature reserve. the wildlife world of the berezensky nature reserve lives its own life, bright and diverse , giving you and me the opportunity to see its beauty again and again, and perhaps each of us, having visited the reserve, will feel responsible for the preservation
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of these forests, swamps and waters. we will introduce you to belarusians who
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deliberately exchanged the city for the village. what is your husband like when cooking? here he is husband, when is it easier to burn down the kitchen after he has cooked something, or is it not? no, no, everyone praises him, usually, everything works out for him, of course he polishes some points, but... nevertheless, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business. i warn you, everything you see next may make you want to get up and go to the kitchen to fry a mountain of pancakes. honestly, i’ll be making potato pancakes with meat for the first time in my life, so i would really like you to guide me a little, at least tell me a little, how and what is done, in what sequence. the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life. oh, everything is great, we warmed up , warmed up, and i, frankly, didn’t freeze , get to work, well, great, all the people have been evicted, the project, i’m from the village,
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. noon news on belarus 1. in studio vladislav bunder. hello, that's what we'll talk about in the episode. 2 million tickets for direct flights with russia.


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