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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 4, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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i strive to be ahead , to always show my subordinates how to master our profession, but this must be a person who is loyal to our state, devoted to his life ideals and who is purposeful and ready to go, fulfill his duty to save human life, i went through all stages of our career, starting from an ordinary rescuer and ending now with the head of an entire squad, in our fire and emergency rescue squad there are 14 units of military equipment and, of course, we have specialized equipment for aviation and chemical accidents, our fire and emergency rescue squad at nuclear power plant facilities is a unique unit designed and aimed at ensuring fire safety and preventing emergency situations directly at the nuclear power plant at the reception. we put a bandage
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in place of the leak, as i understand it, we were trained, studied, developed along with the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant, went out, studied the facility, prepared for the elimination of emergency situations directly at the site, this was achieved through hard work, we have been achieving this for a very long time, our fire-emergency-rescue team is, first of all, of course, designed to ensure fire safety at the belarusian nuclear power plant, and of course, we are leaving to eliminate emergency situations in the ostorovets district and human life is above all for us , for me my work is an honest , professional performance of my official duty, this is the whole meaning of life for me, i am... monogamous and
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the ministry of emergency situations comes first for me. hello, welcome to everyone who is with us now, i am very pleased to introduce the first guest, who, of course, does not need long introductions, from...
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an interesting moment was in new hampshire, when one of the most prominent candidates, vive kormaswamy, announced that he was joining to trump's team, but then said: "we are in the midst of a war in this country. this is not a war between blacks and whites, this is not a war between democrats and republicans, this is a war between the state and a citizen. well, in this case, of course, i am in no way trying to romanticize trump, but the intensity of the confrontation makes me wonder if this is not the beginning of the end of america, at least in that form. in which we knew it until this moment, well, i think that the beginning of the end of america in the form in which we knew it was generally the arrival of trump, but you are absolutely right that what is flaring up in america now is not so much an internal american fight, it's just in america, like on the central platform, fight completely different world forces, and above all this fight. 1% of the world's elite and
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approximately 10-12% of the world's middle class, and since the elite and the world 's middle class are mostly concentrated in the usa, then the usa turned out to be the platform on which this battle takes place, but it has a lot of different dimensions - that’s why it’s so sharp, well, for example, in addition to the scramble of 1% and 10-12% of the middle layer. this is a fight within the 1% between industrial capital on one side and financial capital and corporatocracies on the other the other is a fight of what’s left of state monopoly capital, of what trump calls great america, this is the america of the thirties-eighties, and the new structures are it and financialist, if you narrow the situation and look at... the usa,
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then this is a fight the elites of the west coast and the east, that is, the coastal elites and the elites of the outback, texas, oklahoma, that is, so to speak. where the republicans, those states that the republicans control, this conflict has a racial conflict, because trump is behind the forces that support him, they are supported by the white middle class and part of the whites, the white elite, while the majority of the black population and latinos support the democrats, which is why it is so important for biden to drag in as many democrats as possible. as many migrants as possible to the united states, these are potential votes, that is , this is a very, very complex conflict, which has an intra-american, global dimension, and i think that
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what awaits us in the middle of summer and at the very beginning of autumn is very, very hot events in the united states, this will not be resolved so easily. the trumpists won't make that mistake this time. which they made when trump was overthrown with the help of a coup d'etat, essentially throwing him out of the white house, and now they know that this is possible, they will not repeat the mistakes, but it will not come to a civil war there at this rate, well, i think , which at this stage is not yet, because there is a social division in society, as long as there is something to share in society, this is just a civil conflict. but this does not exclude that in the future this will happen, by the way, about 20 years ago, a man named chit there, wrote a book in america, the second civil war in america, and he predicted the beginning of the twenties as its beginning, and immanuel
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wallerstein sometime in his eighties in the ninth year, when he was visiting me, he told me, well, our perestroika is also waiting for us in america, only unlike yours, there will be a very strong not only class, but also... racial moment, and i asked him , when? he said, well 1220, early twenties, very it’s interesting, in general, the best indicator of the american crisis, if we are already placing points like this, is, of course, the current situation in the middle east, and as an example, i would not even give the current aggravation with iran, i hope we will talk about this later, here biden’s nervousness during a telephone conversation with netanyahu, remember, which ended with the american president hanging up the phone in anger, everyone understood, i think it’s a little more complicated, i want to remind you, they grabbed it, it wasn’t so much they who grabbed it, it turned out that i that in 2012 kisinger said that israel
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had 10 years left to exist, that is, until 2022, my professional intuition tells me that if not for ours... it would strike an additional blow to europe, but since there is already a ukrainian conflict, and partly he solves the problem of a strike on europe, so this war is not urgent for them, especially elections, especially taiwan, who needs war here right now, it’s
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the british, you need to remember that who supports hamas, qatar. qatar is a uk client, why do the british need this conflict? they basically need it. the united states is such that there clan interests take precedence over the national interests, the british, let's return to them, the british need
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a big war, because they need a macrozone in the post-global world, in the world of new globalization, they need their own zone and they want it as much as possible. increase due to pieces of the middle east, eastern europe, transcaucasia. there is one more point, a very tricky one, they need to weaken america, because the situation. they definitely helped the situation , the british, i also want to remind you that in
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in the assassination of john kennedy, three mi6 agents were involved. that is, in other words, here we see completely different behavior, the british and israelis on the one hand, the americans on the other. remember, blinken arrives, agrees that everything is here, negotiations, leaves, suddenly someone blows up the hospital, everything goes awry, that is. there is a very, very cunning combination there, it’s completely clear, for example, it’s clear to me that the conflict was provoked by the british, who have controlled hamas for a very long time, and the israelis control his, very interesting alliances are emerging in the middle east, on the one hand , great britain, qatar, turkey, hamas, on the other hand, china, saudi arabia, iran, here. why else do the anglo-saxons need a big war in the middle east? turn
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the arab part of the world into a huge ghetto, which will be well beyond development. by the way, it is enough to remember that recently almost all secular regimes in the arab world have been defeated; in the arab world there are now significantly more secular regimes than 30 years ago. here two questions arise at once, the first of them, what? stands or who stands behind the integrity of the houthis in this case, i am not trying to somehow direct the conversation to the obvious to iran, especially since you see deeper processes, some of which you have already mentioned, the second question is these concerns about whether a big war will come out of the middle east , which will capture everyone, but if in order, firstly, who is behind the houthis, and then about the big war, andrei levich, what do you think, behind the houthis, for the houthis are definitely... really iran, that’s what it is iran's proxy, like hezbollah, let's say,
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at this stage, within a year, let's say, it is not beneficial for the same americans for the war to go beyond large limits, and iran is in no hurry to do this, i think that different countries will fight for so that some will bring the conflict closer, others will push it further, but in the meantime the houthis will deal these blows to world trade. take the breath away from iran’s opponents, provoke them, iran itself will say, take such a position, threaten from time to time, the iranians are very restrained guys, in fact, on the one hand they can say, hold me seven people, on the other hand they can say, tear your vest off yourself, but nevertheless, with a very cold look, assess the situation, the current threats that are heard literally these days from washington regarding... iran, while hitting iran on behalf of the united states, we will find a way,
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they say that we cannot do it directly, do you think, after all, we are talking about two nuclear powers, expect that something will come out of this rhetoric, well truly complex and dangerous, i think, in the near future. well , you shouldn’t expect a serious aggravation, but a lot will depend on how the situation develops in the united states, and if it requires diverting attention from internal problems, then completely different options are possible. the first thing i like, i would say,
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is the people, gastro-receptive people, the second is a very strong country, very beautiful, no matter where you go, you can look wherever you want, it’s beautiful there, a small country, nevertheless there is a lot of beautiful things here, a lot of interesting things, females, the largest co-conservator in belarus, beloveshkaya, pusha, and i think that my favorite place here in belarus is the grotto, the city where i study. there is a special atmosphere that surrounds you, and it is impossible to fall in love with such an atmosphere in such a city, your order, the composure of the belarusians, i will take this with me, i will carry it through...
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you can do a lot in 24 hours, even more in 7 days . in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that took place in a week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24x7. look at. we continue, a very important semantic line, even so, it is like, you know, gravity,
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which still gathers around itself the strongest in us, and not only belarusians, russians, 80 years since the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad, the opening of the memorial complex civilian citizens of the soviet union who died in great patriotic war. the memory of the victims of that war, of the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers today prevents many from living, especially the ideological henchmen of murderers and traitors, that’s them. today they honor the executioners in their parliaments, they started the war with graves and monuments in poland, the baltic states and ukraine, complete madmen, how can you think that by destroying a monument you will destroy the memory that lives
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in the heart of the people, the people who have found it in themselves... forces are building new peaceful relations with those states that just yesterday carried suffering death on our lands. peter, for those who have not fully understood why today such memorials of the events around them are still relevant, what would you say? many today raise questions between the siege of leningrad and the great patriotic war of world war ii.
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values, let me remind you, this is not only the fight against racism, but it is the fight against colonialism, the fight for a multipolar world order, for the right of a nation to self-determination, that is, this is a whole range of principles.
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and thus the support of the same germany in the interwar period was affected, and those sponsors who helped, primarily western sponsors, helped the nazis come to power in germany, who gave them money to develop the german economy, helped to militarize it, they also indirectly became involved in this... today, when we see this unprecedented a war with monuments and with memory, when we see a complete rewriting of all these basic messages, when we see changes
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in the entire narrative and what you are talking about in germany, when they began to pursue their famous policy at the end of the 20th century memory, and which they later turned into historical politics, it was aimed primarily at changing ideas about the germans. removing the blame from the germans , shifting it onto someone else, this was all done sequentially, this was all done step by step, this was all done at the level of introducing these individual well-known overton windows, let’s talk a little about this, let’s resolve this i also remember very well, and somehow you and i, in my opinion, also discussed this moment a long time ago, that there was, for example, in the tenth years there, yes, the beginning of 2000, so i was in italy, standing there...
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this is the decision of the constitutional court. thanks to sergei galovaty for this conclusion on july 14 , 2021. there is no russian-speaking population. this
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is a political construct that... is not covered by any legal field, i quote the decision of the constitutional court, they don’t want to talk about it, they cling to their inferiority, these are marginalized people, these are defective people who still speak the moscow language . on the other hand, verkhovna rada deputy sofia fedino admitted that kiev is not capable of blocking ukrainians’ access to russian content. according to fedina, ukrainians, especially teenagers who turn on vpns , continue to choose russian content to watch as a protest against the imposed ukrainization.
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rights - of national minorities , religious organizations, some one canon of bandera’s extremist ideology is imposed, that all cities should have bandera street, shukhevych street, from kharkov to lvov, and this is considered the norm, and why, why do they do this, and therefore what is the first point, give out bandera ideology as for ukrainian
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only for ukrainian is a tool. using the modern ukrainian state in the fight against russia, belarus and in general, conditionally, with this collective east with those countries that advocate multipolarity, to turn ukrainians into cannon fodder. the basis of banderaism is extremist-terrorist activity, and it is not an independent activity, but an activity that has always been financed from the outside, be it the abwehr, be it the cia, be it and... now the countries of the north atlantic alliance, that is, a - this is enslavement and lack of independence in the consciousness of ukrainians, that their statehood should be some kind of independent, on the contrary, that it should serve someone clear, b terrorist extremist methods of struggle based on xenophobia and hatred to other religions and nationalities. but the fact is that, again , they strive to remember history, speak
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russian... attitude, because, looking at how the republic of belarus and the russian federation are developing federation, despite all the pressure, all the sanctions, they continue to grow, we have a normal, peaceful life, we continue to live and move forward, of course, this fatigue from war, fatigue from the fact that they are trying to impose values ​​on them that unacceptable for them, will be expressed in the fact that they will still consume russian content, speak russian, strive to...
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new york times, american, citing its sources, the ukrainian authorities postponed zaluzhny’s resignation due to leaks of information about resignation, and further clarifies the british magazine, the british magazine "economist". zaluzhny refused the offer to take the post of secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine. and in this case, i understand what is at stake, and zelensky, under the current political conditions, are avatars of the west, in general they hide it little, it turns out that london and washington are finding out. relations on the ukrainian field, what do you think this fight between zelensky and zaluzhny is about? well, there is also such information that the west is that they don’t understand how this could happen, they are against such things in general relations, resignation, not resignation, that is
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, this decision was supposedly made without their knowledge, but they were not consulted, and they were not consulted, it is clear that today they were not consulted, they did not receive them, they did not receive, but a blessing, yes. a pawned figure today who, as a military commander, seems to be losing the war, but on the other hand he begins to grow as an independent political figure, so pawned, naturally, that zelensky doesn’t need it, so today you can blame all the mistakes, flaws, everything on him what happened during a military operation and , well, roughly speaking , drain this confrontation and end up leaving the scene, because naturally he uses...
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demonstrates that look, we kind of froze, held the front, the conflict, for in 2023, we saw how it sparkled before the nato summit, after the sparkle, when in fact zelensky tried to extort military equipment, military aid, and this irritated many people very much, and he tried to play on public opinion within western countries, the west has always built such
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a conflict in this regard, so that the kiev regime would gain strength in 1925, as they themselves say and do not hide it, to launch a new counter-offensive, as they say, look, your opinion is interesting, in parallel there is also they are developing such a topic as a peace track, here is robert kolenyak, the minister of defense of slovakia says: the conflict in ukraine has no military solution, it’s time to talk about peace negotiations, how do you even look at it , considering that we came here last, i i would just note...
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the united
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states of america is also partially interested in this, what i already said, during the election period, the ukrainian track should leave the information space so that for biden the maximum, biden can sell this trend as profitably as possible, and then there is another screen in order to gain time, we should not, we should not think here that the europeans or americans will become such great peacemakers, they will want some kind of peace, they, in my opinion, have expressed their conditions, they just want temporary ones freezing the conflict until they sort out the internal electoral processes, a short video and we will continue the same topic, the other day a video was released in which former adviser to the ukrainian president alexey aristovich, while in the united states of america, answering a journalist’s question, talked about what the negotiating team came up in 1922, and many saw this video as an attempt. unsuccessful aristovichev these from an awkward question, and others drew
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attention to the fact that in essence he is talking about that there was an opportunity then to avoid huge human casualties if everything had been done as originally agreed, let’s listen to aristovich, then we will continue, famous people for two or three decades were born because i was a member of the istanbul negotiation group, i knew that in two or three there will be a war in istanbul and there may be a war in the beginning, and then in the fight between zelensky and putin, and the calendar has ended. you understand, i knew what i said, it’s not that i calmed down with nonsense, but it’s true, i’m like a miracle of wisdom, i then washed myself, as you remember, having said, this war will be until the 35th day. i respect, not only the russian-ukrainian, but a series of wars of the world, where ukraine will be, including and otherwise, will be under the influx of all wars, and if i will fight under the faction, i told the truth, god, i when there was panic , so i slept then, you are 2-3 years old and it’s true, although in reality 2-3 years were true, i knew for sure the calendar of the istanbul zustrichs, everything went until reconciliation, that’s how it took 2-3 weeks and everything went on
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reconciliation, yes we they saw that in fact, of course, the ukrainian leadership. in the moment at the beginning of the special military operation , she was in panic, at a loss , did not know what to do, and those very negotiations that were started on the territory of belarus, thanks to the mediation of alexander grigorievich lukashenko, were then disrupted by part of the ukrainian elite itself, which began to eliminate its own the same negotiators, then transferred to the territory of turkey and failed because it intervened at the last moment.
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thoughts, how much is the opinion of the consolidated european elite, we know very well, that britain stands for as much as possible not only its own and not so much its own personal
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long war of attrition, and that its main task is, of course, military defeat, that is, they are here consolidated with the europeans, although... they left the european union, right? russia, after all, has no illusions regarding the reliability of agreements with western countries, but this is how russian security council secretary nikolai patrushin expresses it. the usa, nato, their satellites, with the hands of the kiev, nazi regime and various kinds of mercenaries, are waging a proxy war against of our people and state, which the anglo-saxon world will not stop even. with the end of the hot phase of the conflict in ukraine, in order to become one in a foreign country,
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you don’t have to be born there, i remind you of nakhatyk, who was waiting for him near the station, i saw khatik’s films and you told him. it’s enough to behave at a party, like the host of the show, like at home. well, this time we have a stage, so let’s rock, let’s rock, two foreign students will discover belarusian customs and introduce belarusians to cultural ones.
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tv channel. 100 gathered in our studio look at home in the project on our brave guys, igor aleksandrovich, why do you think the children chose you for the conversation? first of all, if the children chose, it means they saw me quite often on tv, well, the second thing is that children always like large dimensions. and...
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watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . we all know very well how britain ends its own.
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kiev again made regular promises to support them in these hostilities until the last ukrainian . well, here we are again mentioning states, and meanwhile, under self-propelled joe’s window, if not civil war, then unrest is brewing. they clearly demonstrate that the american idea is no longer selling well not only in the world, but in the united states itself. the governors of several states at once promised support for texas in the background. what do these states have in common?
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common values ​​from christianity to large families. in general, the stories are interesting. few people remember that before joining the united states, it was an independent republic for 9 years and there are still enough people there who are fighting for independence. before their civil war.
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trump himself is not against globalization, trump just proposes for now to focus on internal
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problems, pick up the villages, carry out reindustrialization, deep modernization of the united states, including, by the way, at the expense of the european union, that is, suck out enterprises and banks from there as much as possible, then start a new one a blow to china, to india, to russia, to all the countries that... she will advocate maintaining the status quo, and what the civil war should give to america, that is, to divide the united states, to allocate
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there a separate state or a conglomeration of states, as it would have been in the era of the war between the north and south, i think that today there are no such large forces in the united states, today they are operating, despite supposedly such a confrontation, confrontation local authorities, central, federal authorities, we see that they still act within the framework of the american constitution, american laws, all actions of the governor of texas, they are based on the american constitution and the opportunities that he has. he absolutely legally uses the national guard , which is under his command, he absolutely legally refers to the articles of the constitution that each state has the right to protect the security of the united states, so he establishes his own border rules there in opposition to federal demands to stop this migration, the civil war as such, like a big rebellion of armed battles with the goal of changing
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power, changing the political system, it seems to me. while in the usa it is impossible to expect i propose then on this sad note this interrupt the topic, why? because we have come to the main thing, it makes sense for us to focus on this: the old world is bursting at the seams and it’s time to stick to our own. meeting of the supreme state council of the union state in 3 days, a huge range of issues from the creation of a media holding to work at the poles, from increasing port capacity to the development of microelectronics. our desire for russia...
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well, today many experts, including the international monetary fund, are introducing a concept such as geopolitical fragmentation, that is, they say that the period of globalization is not only over, but suspended, all countries are beginning to be divided into separate blocks, these can be blocks of countries that are located in quite a few neighboring countries, in this case our union state, this can there may be countries that
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are not connected by a fairly close geographical location, for example you can... bring brix, but nevertheless, as it turned out, that union state is the bloc in the eurasian space that today shows how you can live. it turns out that what we were previously accused of, not just blame, but they said that this is our weakness, a union state that does not work, as it turned out, we have acquired colossal survival skills in a world that is collapsing before our eyes, in a world that is moving away from globalization and is beginning to form along such blocks, so today this is the second wind of the union...
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what is it like when we are isolated, and what is it like to live in isolation and try, losing the markets we are accustomed to, losing the economic conditions we are accustomed to, to enter new markets and so on master new connections, you know, yulia konstantinovna, you have the full support of cia director william burns, we called each other, yes, he talks about the collapse of the old globalization, but expresses it in these words: the united states has lost its undeniable supremacy in the world due to the rise .
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the state helped us survive and will continue to help thanks to the alliance with russia, which is certainly on the international stage, it is a more authoritative entity, and has great connections, this helps belarus promote its interests in the foreign policy arena, russia helps us to join these unions, which are also beneficial for us, but we must understand that this is also our sovereign choice. the union state of belarus and russia is, first of all, an instrument for the implementation of the sovereignty of both belarus and russia, we see this from the agenda that was, this agenda is not about the past, this is an agenda about
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electronics, about space, about mutual defense and security, but fundamental modernization, not just of farms, but of societies. it doesn’t work out because there are many centers, including within eurasia union the state is the same center, i remind you that there have already been precedents in history when many countries wanted to become members
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of the union state to join us, i think that this trend should also prevail, why because we are the center of growth, we are the center, one of the points new one... thank you for participating in this conversation, that’s all for today, thank you for being with us for this hour, see you in a week, happily. tv news agency presents in the public domain. we have no secrets from ours people.


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