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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 5, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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but in fact, we have already started the countdown to spring a long time ago, we are really looking forward to it, and today, well , if you count the fifth number, then there are 24 days left, yes, i’m doing great, and nevertheless , february is still fiercely resisting the onset of spring and proves to us that it is still winter a weak snowstorm is expected across the country, ice, gusty winds, yes, today i felt gusty winds myself, i estimated about 15 m/s, yes, tell me, if only i could lose -2 kilograms, maybe i would fly away on my own, yes, so go out into the street carefully today, be careful in one word, the weather is certainly strange, but that doesn’t stop us from making the morning good, wake up.
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nyoki is almost like paste; it only sounds good in a decent orchestra. to make the dish tasty and healthy, carefully select the food companions and ingredients for the sauce. ideally, it will be vegetables, seafood, fresh herbs. and to prepare nyoki itself, use whole grain flour. so, first of all, prepare the potato dough, boiled or baked. grind the potatoes into a puree, we recommend using a regular whisk for this, not a blender, then the puree will turn out airy, then cool it and add a couple of chicken eggs and whole grain flour, so much so that the dough does not stick to your hands, here a lot depends on the type of potato and the method of pre -processing it: after kneading, put the dough in the cold , only then roll it out and cut it into squares , we decorate their edges using a fork from... scald the necks in boiling salted
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water for no more than 2 minutes after surfacing. at this time, we work on the remaining ingredients of the dish. blanch asparagus in boiling water. depending on the degree of its maturity, this it will take no more than a couple of minutes. chop the garlic and finely chop the onion. we simply divide the tomatoes, cherry shrimps into two parts. we also chop the blanched asparagus. pour olive oil into a saucepan and fry the garlic and onion. stir constantly and as soon as the vegetables give off their aroma to the oil, lower the cooking temperature and add the tomato and cherry tomatoes to the saucepan. next in line is shrimp. add a little salt and simmer together with the asparagus for two to three minutes at low temperature. all that remains is to post it in serving plate, stewed vegetables, shrimp, add grated parmesan and boil. a dish that adults will enjoy pampering themselves with. and the children are ready. nyoki, like pasta
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, is an excellent base for many dietary dishes; add your favorite vegetables, fresh herbs, experiment with the form of nyoki and get not only pleasure, but benefits from food. bon appetit!
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is this clip so thoughtful, if we showed our faces 5 seconds before the end of the clip, there would be something to laugh about, this is a very serious picture, yes, just like that for 20 seconds we devoted the air to our emotions, and now we will pay attention to our filling of the air, what will we talk about today in the next 3 hours. our correspondent, olesya boyarskikh, will talk about fire prevention and how rescuers work to prevent emergencies. a combination of patheticness and restraint,
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our fashion expert knows what trendy look to create in the art deco style. to get in touch with suprematism, together with our correspondent matvey leichonok, we will visit the opening of the exhibition 1.10, square. smart, affectionate, mischievous dog in the road section home we will look for owners for the charming coco. let's make the country's morning good, let's see what time tamara burshtyn, a test maker, starts her working day. what an interesting profession, i can’t wait to see it, in fact, there is some kind of association with round dance, yes, tea dance, round dance and i don’t know, some delicious aroma with bread, of course, but by the way, these are not all the plans for today every year 4 february.
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he will perform an original composition, by the way, called happiness, everything is simple, happiness, yes, our morning continues, now we want to share a recipe for a delicious breakfast, anatoly moiseev will tell you how to make cheese flatbread with milk, good morning, today for breakfast delicious cheese flatbread with milk, a quick and lazy recipe, but the result.
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dough, mix thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps, salt to taste, add italian herbs to give an incredible aroma to the finished flatbread, grate the pizza mozzarella on a coarse grater and add to the dough, if you wish, you can make a mix of several types of soft cheese, fry butter over medium heat under a closed lid for about 5 minutes, then using a plate, turn the flatbread over and fry under the lid for another 3-5 minutes, let it cool a little , serve it warm, but not hot, it’s delicious on its own, but if you want variety, then a ruddy fluffy flatbread is
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the ideal basis for breakfast, what you combine it with is up to you, i hope you like this recipe, bon appetit! tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. how many are we we know about the people whose names our lanes, streets or avenues are named after. agree, not everything that is obligatory to know and pass on from generation to generation. but behind an ordinary street sign, truly heroic destinies are hidden. a new section of the sb belarus today... hero, it’s about them. journalists from the publication met olga korzh on the street named after her grandfather, vasily korzh. over the years, this legendary man was called vasil the wise, the fighter semenov, kamarada pablo, and the partisan komarov. and here's what it's like loved ones remembered, the hero’s granddaughter told about
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unknown facts from his turbulent biography. strange things are happening in european politics, the leaders of the most democratic countries in the world, on the one hand, selflessly. they are fighting global hunger and poverty, while the other eu is destroying its own agriculture . the green agenda is not so much sticking into the exhaust pipes of cars as it is looking under the tail of cows. and other agricultural animals, they say they produce no less greenhouse gases than motor vehicles. judging by the performances of farmers, they can be fought more successfully than internal combustion engines. the whole of europe plunged into a protest storm of farmers. in general, politics in the old world, figuratively speaking, fights with the refrigerators of its citizens. where it leads? analysis of the situation on the pages of the republic. a video of a schoolboy who created a cardboard mock-up of a cabin was posted on tiktok. almost life-size, everything is like in a real car: steering wheel, gearbox, radio,
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mirrors and even the glove compartment. the author of the model is gleb budnik, a seventh-grader from luninets. in in the student’s room there are also cardboard mini-versions of tractors, which have variable attachments, and smaller copies of trucks, but almost half of the room is occupied by a huge truck cabin. znamenka correspondents also took a ride with the cardboard trucker, as gleb calls himself on tiktok. world. not without good people , footage of the rescue of a charming seal, which is published by the telegram channel sb bai, appeared on the network. fleeing from the killer whales, the waterfowl tried to jump onto the yacht, we will save you, leave her alone, uh, don’t touch her, this is our nerpa. crew noticed how predators were circling around the doomed seal, but nerpa quickly got her bearings and managed to climb onto the yacht, after which the commanders decided to give full speed ahead. people are happy, and the cassettes are from...
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belarus is a project of the people who are trying to make their dreams come true. glyadzice on our tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. the magic turned out to be powerless, no matter who did the first thing. attempts to create a precious stone, the world's first peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists, synthetic stones, they are quite close in their characteristics to natural ones, so here are all the myths that exist, that if you put it in a glass of water, if you hold it in your hand, we conducted experiments and how many people have so many opinions, we share interesting facts, we ask the most exciting questions, we look for answers to them , scientists have created a process that makes it possible to extract oil from cocoa beans to
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ultimately obtain solid chocolate. in fact, quite a lot of time passes from the idea itself to its implementation. idea appears as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, as well as research into consumer preferences, for example, through questionnaires. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24
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tv channel. good morning, anna quiloria and maryana morenkova continue to celebrate this monday morning, february 5, together with you, now is the time to find out from marian vasilievna, who is somewhere in tamei, almost in kamchatka, what it’s like today . wind gusts across the republic during the day up to 22 m/s, be careful, well and the temperatures are quite positive +1 +3 in the minsk region in brest up to +6, i remind you on february 5 on the calendar 0 +2 in vitebsk, in gomel up to +4 +3 +5 in grodno in magilevo 0 +2. everywhere, as you see, there will be some precipitation in the form of snow, in the form of rain, and somewhere in
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the form of snow and rain. yes, besides the fact that, as marianna said, an orange level of danger has already been announced due to strong... winds , there is ice and icy conditions on our roads, in general , everything in a row - they say that there is a difference between these two concepts, which i will not say, i’ll find out, i’ll definitely announce it, yes, if you know, write to anna valerievna’s instagram account, yes, in the meantime, we want to inform you that the museum of the history of the great patriotic war invites young artists to take part in the drawing competition “we are proud of the heroes, it is dedicated to to the day of defenders of the fatherland and the armed forces of the republic of belarus, to participate. children from 10 to 16 years old living in minsk are invited to participate in the competition. to do this, you must register and send a photo of your drawing before february 13 via online form. all works of participants will be published on the museum’s website in the format of an online exhibition. an expert jury will select 15 drawings that will be included in the design of the exhibition at the faya museum. that is, the paintings
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will now be able to be exhibited in such a beautiful, large, iconic museum. you know, this is an opportunity to give your dad, for example, a compliment. olesya boyarskikh, together with the rescuers , we are going on a preventive raid. employees of the ministry of emergency situations not only go to save people from fires, but also carry out planned preventive work to prevent tragedy, today we will find out how it goes. the purpose of such preventive work is not only for the safety of the person himself, but also for the well-being of those around him. this year , the operational situation with fires and deaths from fires, both in the republic and in the city of minsk, has become more complicated. employees of the department's departments have intensified preventive
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work in housing. we have focused on visiting socially excluded categories of citizens. those with many children are pensioners living alone, so in the frunzinsky district, employees of the ministry of emergency situations visited a large family zuev family, where rescuers played interactive games with the children, thereby reminding them that fire is extremely dangerous if careless. you like to solve riddles, small remote things bring big trouble, which children should never play with, matches, with matches, don’t play around with matches and lighters, emergency phone numbers. remember, come on, let's call this number, who can we call? fireman, smart girl, 101 firefighter, we will give you this coloring book, this is what we will give you, exactly this will come in handy, look, the rules, but the rules are not easy, the safety rules, you see, you won’t just learn to write beautifully, i
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’m sure you’ll also learn the safety rules? during such preventive work , parents are reminded of the main aspects of home safety, the serviceability of electrical wiring, appliances, fire detectors, and they also remind adults not to leave children alone in apartments; it is very pleasant that the ministry of emergency situations takes care of large families, the elderly, because that sometimes we don’t really notice everyday life important things, and you came and reminded my little children, i think... if the fire detector is faulty or not installed in the apartment, then the rescuers will help solve this problem, because the sound of these devices can wake up the owners in the event of a fire at night. according to our requirements , it is necessary that each living room have an autonomous fire detector; accordingly, since you have one, you
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need to install two more. we are very glad that representatives of the ministry of emergency situations came to us and reminded us about fire safety, because that we still forget this matter and do not always pay attention to it, we need to protect ourselves, treat electrical appliances with care, heating appliances, and generally be vigilant. the main cause of death in a fire remains the same carelessness when using open fire. he drank, lit a cigarette, fell asleep. on the fire is relevant today, of the three who died in january of this year in the city of minsk, the preliminary cause was precisely carelessness when smoking while not smoking . residents of the capital, of course understand the urgency of the problem with fires, often their timely call to 101 allows you to save a person’s life
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in a fire, alarm, it happened the other day when a citizen passing by called 101 and reported a fire, upon arrival , the ministry of emergency situations rescued three people who were. in the room next to the kitchen, but if a fire occurs in your apartment, then in any case, do not panic and do not lose your composure, call 1012 in a timely manner, and evacuate the living quarters if there is someone in the apartment with you, during a telephone conversation with the dispatcher, tell the exact address, listen to the algorithm of action of the dispatcher and the operational control center, when leaving the house, do not forget to turn off all electrical appliances, and also remove the charger from the network, remember, call the rescuers in a timely manner will help prevent a big disaster!
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everything was impeccable, there was no point in resisting in random situations. meeting touches, our doubts melted away, simple, eternal truths were open to us, spelled out,
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no matter who we are and where we are now, the cockpits are burning for us, as if for the last time, make the music louder, the doubts quieter and you will hear, these notes with a slight movement are as easy as breathing , make the music louder, the doubts quieter, believe me, it’s necessary, or side to the stars higher and higher, i 'll be there, i can't be the only one , i can't build these walls, but somehow... something will end with my salvation from loneliness, make the music louder, doubts
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quieter, and you will hear, catch these notes , with a slight movement, as easy as you breathe, do it the music is louder, the doubts are quieter, that’s what i need, and the sky is higher and higher, i’ll be there, i ’ll be there
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, so breathe, make music, the doubts are quieter, believe me as it should, you’re the sky is lower, higher and higher, i’ll be there , turn up the music louder , stay on your tv screen while you drink coffee or morning tea, we said everything, of course not... no, yes, we didn’t say everything, we have interesting news for you, a sports festival will be held in magelów today special olympics, young athletes. relay races for children, parents and teachers will be held in
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kindergarten number three. the main objective of the event is to train basic physical qualities in preschoolers in order to subsequently participate in various sports programs. yes, the event is organized by the belarusian special olympics committee with the support of the presidential sports club. but yesterday the brave league tournament, which is also held with the support of the presidential sports club, ended. the competition, organized by the belarusian wrestling federation, was held for the second year in a row. the tournament was a format show that's doubled. motivates young people to perform to the limit of their capabilities, at the end of the final day of the competition, bronze medals were taken by the guys from the minsk region, for which we sincerely congratulate them, and we also sincerely congratulate those who took second place, these are athletes from moscow, winners of the league of the brave, for the first time became representatives of the mogilev region. yes, we congratulate all our champions and wish them success, of course, but now let’s move on to international news, and such
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came to us from france, local. the perfume and cosmetics company has unveiled a high-tech hair dryer with a built-in infrared emitter that it claims will dry hair more efficiently and quickly. according to a company representative, the light helps water droplets dry on the surface of the hair, leaving moisture inside, resulting in strands that become more hydrated and smooth. at the same time, drying time is reduced by 30% and energy consumption by 31%. by the way , it's new.
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they want to buy something that is constantly advertised, doesn’t mean that this is good or bad, or different from its previous hairdryer relatives, it seems to me that this is just really a marketing ploy, perhaps, excuse me the inventors of the sygo, well , they just built a flashlight into a hairdryer and they say it’s infrared, not really , that the most important thing for a hairdryer is that it doesn’t overdry, that it doesn’t catch fire in your hands, but it knows what it’s talking about, i know what i’m talking about, that is, it... must be of high quality, what else is there, well, dry quickly , naturally, depending on the level of the mode, wet naturally, you can’t touch it with your hands either , everything will be fine, and then the variation of blue is already the work of the inventor, time will tell whether it will really be so magical or will turn out to be just another in this very line of marketing moves, well, from beauty gadgets we move on fashion trends, our stylist will tell you everything about clothing.
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arddeco is a fashionable trend, it is based on the art movement of the same name. the style has a real embodiment of femininity, luxury, charm and a certain simplicity of execution. the origins of fashion the directions take us to paris in 1925 to an exhibition of modern decorative and industrial arts, from where art deco took its name. the first models of the direction combined mixed elements of various stylistic trends. this included oriental motifs: art nouveau, russian constructivism, cubism and abstractionism. let's look at the main features of the art deco style in clothing: a twenties silhouette, a straight dress, just above the knee length, and do not emphasize the waist of the hips. this is usually how gatby style dresses look standard. they are actively replicated these days. the bold image combines almost incompatible
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elements, here. there is outrageousness at the same time restraint, elegant sophistication and flamboyant excess. outfits no longer emphasized the female figure; thin girls were considered beautiful. the fashion trend of the twenties is characterized by soft, sinuous or straight lines of tailoring without emphasis on the waist. elements of the art deco style fit perfectly for parties, corporate events, and some festive events. in the first image. we use dress, sequins, very beautiful, long maxi with a slit along the leg. we complement it with black shoes, pumps and do a very strict hairstyle. the second look was created from a bright shiny dress, which had a dropped waist, and complemented it with a light cloud and a fur coat. art deco style in clothes
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is bright. expressed himself in the design of dresses. it is their creation that characterizes this style direction. the length of the skirt could be any. both long floor-length items and knee-length outfits were in fashion. particular emphasis is placed on the back; it can be completely bare, and decorated with lace, beads or fringe. such outfits are unique with an individual design idea and are more suitable for special occasions and significant events. in a penny on this one, we follow the sports life of our country.
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all of their life is connected with productivity . the porovsky wall mowing began in this very place, and i was a direct participant in these synokos, it was very interesting, well, i try to glorify my telekhans. and i want our telehans to know that they live an active life, that they are not life has come to a standstill in our telekhanas. glyadzice project poleshuki. on the tv channel belarus 24. as if you were holding a book in your hands, picking up
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one piece after another, sipping on the words on your skin. here comes the greatest creativity, the most valuable and useful vagi. these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. the galas of people are clear and expressive. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. let's read the chalavek.
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welcomes you this monday and shares useful information, of course, we’ll be happy to share, i’ll start specifically do it. on february 13, the lati our song competition will bring together performers of the folk vocal and choral genre in grodno, to compete for the title of the best of the best, the guys will be able to in four nominations, remember: choir group , folk ensemble, solo vocalists and duets, it seems to me that duets are the most difficult, what can happen when you have to adapt to another person and... no, not spoiling - a musical duet, specifically a musical one, three age groups are determined for the participants of the competition: junior - these are participants under the age of 9, average from 10 to 13 and the oldest from 14 to 17 years old. we invite everyone to come and cheer for the young
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performers. yes, be sure to come , we wish all participants good luck, luck , don’t worry, but get ready for the competition well, well, right now we invite you to look at another cultural event, our beautiful... touch suprematism, which, by the way, originated in belarus now you can not only in vitebsk, but right in the center of minsk. an exhibition of 1/1 square has opened in the palace of art, and its name is not accidental. the theme, of course, was for artists are given, exactly this way, the transformation of a black square. how now in modern art one can show the path of this black square, the result, in general, of what malevich did, because suprematism, as a phenomenon, is everything. has a limited lifespan, it arose sometime at
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the beginning of the 20th century, in principle at the beginning of the 20th century, and after some time it disappeared. this is why natalya admits that the project participants are not reviving suprematism, they are reviving our belarusian history, the concept of a simple form: a square, a circle of a cross, which were presented at the first exhibition of suprematism, it was called 010, and the project , which takes place in the palace of arts, has the name: this means that the exhibition is not about the square itself, but only about its part, part of the history and meaning. the exhibition features a variety of art forms, from painting to installation. the meaning of the work is to combine the three simplest geometric forms that were used by kazimir malevich at the dawn of suprematism. this is a square, circle cross. can you imagine?
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the artist created a canvas specifically for the project, based on acrylic paints and special italian shiny pigments. the painting refers to the very geometric formal forms and compositions that kazimir malevich used in his work. it is noteworthy that the author came from vitebsk. it was there that at the beginning of the last century the revolutionary artistic association novis was born, from where all world suprematism emerged. the legendary malevich worked there. i made two two works, which are dedicated there to the mother of the child, then
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well, family, well, i decided it in such an unconventional color, which is more, more, so to speak, it is innovative, for me too, the discovery in mlevich is not just an image, it is working with space, so my face can be green and blue, i work with space, depth, the diptic consists of two serial paintings, one is called kolykhanka, and the other is a meeting, here... suprematist elements meet in the background, the shape of the canvas itself is a circle, a lyrical story unfolds inside the love of a mother for her child and a girl for her boyfriend. the exhibition project was also created to mark a significant date - the birthday of kazimir malevich. february 23 will mark the 145th anniversary of the birth of a man who radically changed the course of the history of world art for... declaring that the black square is the end of all things, a metaphysical abyss
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and the end of everything that was hitherto known to us. the exhibition can be seen until february 24 inclusive, immerse yourself in the world of geometric shapes and bizarre color combinations, and also get acquainted with the reading belarusian artists of the world phenomenon called suprematism. thanks to matvey for the material, but we continue to share interesting news with you. a detailed program of events can naturally be found on the website of the national
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academy of sciences, so come in, take an interest, and participate. well, our next news came from the safari park of the mexican city of puebla. a new star has appeared there, a giraffe named benito. a few weeks ago, his fate alarmed animal rights activists and many residents of the country. the point is that he i lived on one for almost a year, i lived alone in a cramped enclosure in ciudat juarez park. besides loneliness, life is a giraffe. the situation was complicated by the unsuitable climate; it got noticeably cold there in winter. as a result, the authorities got the african animal to be transported to puebla. the journey lasted 50 hours. benito rode in the trailer of the truck. 2.0 km, for this they made a special high container, during the trip he was fed and watered, and also constantly monitored his health, now he is settling in in the park, he has already met other giraffes, this is surprising, of course, especially this container deserves special attention, separately for the neck, but such
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a giraffe story, i wonder how they realized that the giraffe was lonely, he was talking to himself coldly, good question. in such a hotel, but i would be scared of the giraffe, and a piece from your table, i would like to visit no, i wouldn’t give my food to them, i don’t share food with a giraffe, then don’t go there, friends, the next cute creature with whom we would like to introduce you, your name is coco, she is looking for owners, let's help her with this. good
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morning, meet coco, the smart, mischievous one, an affectionate girl, she is 4 years old and today she will look for her way home. little coco, a resident of the homeless animal assistance center, came here along with other ponytails from the former spontaneous community. this little girl is the most loving dog in the world. she gives out her kisses at the first convenient opportunity to everyone around her. coco feels great in the company of adults and children, is accustomed to walking on a leash, and also loves jogging in the fresh air. dog food, chicken and other treats are all our favorite treats. girls. she is also absolutely healthy, sterilized, vaccinated and treated for
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parasites. this little girl doesn't like to stay home alone. in her worries, without noticing it, coco may bite a shoe or taste... lipstick, expecting to see her loved one again as soon as possible, our beauty will settle into an apartment or private house, but without living on the street. coco is looking forward to meeting her future owner, take a closer look at our girl and call the phone number indicated on your screen. along unexplored paths and routes, a certain a medieval traveler, a favorite of today’s marketers, called belarus a country of castles, and it’s not to say that he was wrong, because sources from the 16th-18th centuries
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claim that there were about a hundred castles on our land. sgozhay admetnastsi - geta fire tower, darechy, yashche adzin turistychny, papular ab'ekt, discover belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel. you can
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accomplish a lot in 24 hours, even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world. happened in a week in just 20 minutes, there will be time and for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24/7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, belarusian: all her little things, all the details, some like this beautiful. which is breathtaking, some are absurd, but
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together they are one whole, together they are harmony, looking at them you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer. just recently we were rooting for each of them, now we are watching them as beautiful numbers, we continue to wake up, i remind you that today is february 5, anna quilori, mariana marinkova, kva and services anna chikina appeared at nastuzi, an engineer of human bodies, as we said behind the scenes, she said beautifully, anya, good morning, very beautiful, good morning, well, let's get started, let's go, we're doing a whole-body warm-up. we start from the shoulder joints, move our arms in a circular motion, stretch upward behind the top of the head, try to keep your back straight,
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only your arms do not move your back, if possible, move away away from your neighbors, if you do this exercise, oh, keep your back straight, anya, share how to keep it straight, always train, you will strengthen your muscles little by little, an easier way, just lying down won’t work. inhale, open up, exhale, round your back, when you open your arms, point your thumbs back, then vice versa, thumbs towards each other, my favorite exercise, by the way, in the morning at 4 am is the best, you imagine that you are flying to work, may you open up to the light this new day, and one more time, and how many times do we do up to ten, yes, we do up to 10 times normally, up to 10 is also good, our hands rest on our hips. push with our hands from the hips, bend in the back, then exhale, round the back, inhale again , bend, exhale, i have only one
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question, here’s telepathy, that’s what you think, anya, it exists, because i’m doing everything this morning exactly the same as you are showing now, this is because i am already showing you this exercise, it has been deposited somewhere, it works, of course, now let's find out what will happen next, i'm silent, i won't say that i did the next exercise, so you need to surprise, we'll do what we 'll do next. sitting down, how did we wait , carefully on your knees, try not to let your knees go inward like that, we push our knees wider, to the right, to the left, she, and this is true, in order to pump up certain back surfaces, you must squat with a load, first you need to build a technique without weight, so that your lower back does not sag, so that, as i mentioned, your knees do not collapse in...
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the heels often fall outwards, we try to keep the heels from falling apart, to remain at the same width as we originally placed them, or if the heels are falling apart, make another movement, which is like this, you know, yes, like this, with such circular movements , feet, yes you can, since you have already taken care of the heels, this is a very important part of the body that some people hurt after wearing heels, please show me some exercise. will knead the bones, the big ones here near the thumb, i think many women now they’ll understand me, yes, these lifts
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work well, let’s do it with you and sit down, sit down, sit down, put your hands where your knees are and here we lift our knees from the floor through our half toes, stretch our heels back, it felt very good too , yes. you can just watch as if a therapeutic effect appears, i hope that everything has become easier for our tv viewers too , we hope that our tv viewers repeat all this with pleasure, especially the last exercise after an active weekend in heels, you’ll probably have a flying gait we tried to welcome spring, but it’s still only february, and you’ll really need this exercise, this was anna chikina in our studio dobritsa belarus, now i wanted to say anna chikina is a televod. and now we have a test maker, yes, tamara burshtyn, let's find out how she greets her morning.
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my name is tamara burshtyn, i work as a dough maker, when i go to work, i wake up at 5 in the morning, and usually, when at home, then at 7 in the morning, the foreman writes an order, and we work, weigh the raw materials and knead the dough, weigh everything with raw materials , here through the scale, here we have the ingredients. that are needed, that’s all, we have technological instructions and according to these instructions we weigh all the raw materials through scales, well, in general, i ’ve been working at the factory for like 13 or 14 years, i started with packaging, first i worked on
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packaging, i came to packaging, then i worked on laying, i worked on cutting, well, in the end it turned out that i’m working here now, we have two speeds, first we knead at a low speed, then the machine automatically switches to a higher speed, now we’ll add salt water and we will knead, well , we will knead at a slow speed for 6 minutes at a high speed of 4.3 we are happy with our work... we bring goodness to people, we bring goodness, you go into the store when people take our products, somehow it feels warm in your soul , because you put a part of yourself into this, here we roll up the finished dough, it ’s called a tipper, it falls along the dough descent down to the cutter. everything, so you look, if
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it’s something that’s ours that chooses, you’re even somehow glad that it’s us who also put our hands and hearts into it. i love my work because it makes my country's morning good. i remember the tipper, and i always thought that the tipper was a janitor who forgot to sprinkle sand on the ice. "logical, logical, on this humorous note, i propose to end the first part of our live broadcast, let me remind you that very soon we will get in touch with the city of vitebsk, find out what interesting happened in this northern region, and also remind you that on february 4 every year world cancer day is celebrated, let's talk about how to detect and prevent it in time with our guest, head of the oncology department of minimally invasive surgery of the republican scientific and practical center
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of oncology and medical radiology named after alexandrov." natalya and trizna. yes, don’t miss it, this will be a very interesting, important conversation. and at the beginning of the third part , astrologer katerina will come to our studio korneva . let's find out what the stars promise us in february. well , the cherry on the cake will be the visit of the singer, poet and composer, sergei lyubavin. at our concert venue, we'll hear his original composition happiness. and for now we charge you with just happiness if you leave for work, if not, don’t switch. earth in the porthole, earth in the porthole. the earth is visible through the porthole, how the son is sad about his mother, how the son is sad about his mother, we are sad on the earth, she is alone, and the stars, nevertheless, and the stars, nevertheless, are a little closer, but still cold, and as in the hours of an eclipse , and as in the hours of an eclipse, we wait for the light and the earthly ones, we see dreams, a song for us, like
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the spectators, not this icy power, the grass for the skids, the grass near the house, green, green grass. and you fly into orbits, along unbeaten paths, the space is stitched with meteorites, the undercurrent of courage, cosmic music, our conversation floats into the teal, in some hole
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there is a matte earth.
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from below we see the little world, the cosmodrome, it’s not icy blue, there’s grass below us, grass near the house, green green firewood, now we want to listen to you.
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ramlyam kasmarova's merokat, not this ice blue, and from below we have the grass near the house, green, green grass.
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the morning of february 5, monday, information day on belarus 1 and belarus 24, begins the television news agency. in a studio pavel lazovik, look.


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