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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 5, 2024 11:00am-11:36am MSK

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at the time of the wedding he was 71 years old, if the castle was captured, or there was a traitor who opened the gates, or in some peaceful way, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. bykhovsky district is one of the richest deposits in belarus, 32, and these are only officially registered, there are even antique ones. the first icon of queen razari was brought by the franciscans in the 14th century, but it was destroyed in a fire. this is an image.
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tsud, what a great master. nel gilevich.
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how long ago did you hold the book in your hands? old one after old one, choking on skin words. here are the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. it is clear and expressive. galas of people, everything that chalavetstva created, hogged on old books, wasted by the enchantment. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the heat. we appreciate the past for our today.
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belarus 24. a friend is a friend in need, it seems that you can’t think of a better description of the relations between minsk and moscow, dairy, oil, gas and other wars are behind us, today the union the state comes first, alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin clearly went to events in st. petersburg. a signal to the whole world: we are together, the leaders drove the same car, talked for more than 8 hours, and world politics has never known such friendship, but no less important is the fact that the same warm relations have developed between the two peoples,
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the past of the union state, the present and future, today we will discuss it with experts and analysts. alexey viktorovich, hello. good afternoon, thank you for taking the time to chat with us, today’s topic is allied relations between belarus and russia , the president had a big program at the end of last week, at the beginning of this week, and an event dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, then there was also the vgs, of course, this is also very important, i would like to ask you, please tell me , in your opinion, this is what it’s been like for 3 days, two leaders side by side like this and performing on an equal footing, what?
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to our dear iso-oceanic and supposedly closer friends, who forced us to pay even more attention to our own cooperation, because all those actions on the part of the external western world are aimed at cutting off our opportunities for foreign
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trade, closing the european and economic markets for us, attempting to put pressure on international platforms, making absolutely unfounded accusations, like with the same plane that landed for security reasons, without any proceedings, our flights from europe were immediately cut off, for example, without waiting for any investigations, no court decisions, and it all snowballed is growing, that is, we see, of course, that they are trying to crush us, crush our economy, fragment the internal society, and of course, this is a simultaneous attack on belarus on russia, but belarus was the first, as...
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for a very long time, various media, as a rule , westerners, said that lukashenko and putin hate each other, that they are forced allies and that at any convenient opportunity, they would stop communicating altogether, but we saw that 3 days. many events they are side by side, they are constantly stayed ted-otet, traveled in the same car, but the same is impossible to play at such a level, for such an amount of time, what do you think is actually happening? among politicians, friendship is extremely rare, we
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know this, this is the first, second, i would still like to draw attention to the fact that it would be very beneficial for our opponents if the relationship were between. but a tandem is two people who
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each lead their own rudder, and each is responsible for their own state, because today in the future the contribution of one will be important belarus and russian units into the common program of action that we are actively developing today, because we are talking not only about our bilateral relations, and belarus and russia today in our region and i...
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important internal political events, for the first time in the history of belarus on february 25 of this year there will be a single voting day, following the example of russia, we also established a constitutionally single voting day, on this day deputies of parliament, local councils will be elected, we have regional, district and rural councils, councils will be retained, as it was in the soviet times, and on march 17 in russia there will be... a presidential election period, well, as you can see, it is passing calmly, and i am sure that we will calmly approach these dates and also calmly carry out these events. elections, we have a single voting day in russia on february 25, march 17, if i’m not mistaken, the presidential elections will also continue for several days. alexander lukashenko at the supreme state council
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said that he is sure that the elections in russia will be held calmly, but... we understand perfectly well that they will still pump, i already see fakes on the network that after the elections belarus is going to declare war on the baltic states, russia will join in, all this will unite into one big state, that putin has long since died , now they are running the country, his doubles under the control of the fsb, tees and four tees, and there are buryats, yakuts, they are called differently, tell me, on your opinion, taking into account the experience of the twentieth year, russian previous experience. are we ready to fight back with media and information during these campaigns? for this purpose, today we are consolidating our information policy and the decisions that were made by both presidents at the supreme state council on the creation of a single media holding of the union state, that is, first of all, here we must build a common information
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line, we must have the capabilities, of course, of our own television. is not controlled by us, they will mercilessly fight our content, they will delete it, ban it, passivize it, yes, we see it now and no one says that it will be easy, a holding that should work, in my opinion, it should turn into a real such a machine for information warfare. first of all, when we talk about the role inside country, then of course the holding should increase the knowledge of russians in belarus, in our belarusian media space russian news is present and accessible, that is, belarusians know much more about russia, sometimes even than the russians themselves, well , tell me, will it be possible to find it in this
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media holding balance, after all, russia has more people and resources, it already has experience of such interaction, which it has had. communities, communities of a single union state, how do you think our western and partners will try to influence society, the media environment. the process itself is the will of citizens, i think that there will be intervention, but as large-scale as we saw it, for example, in belarus in the twentieth year, it will no longer be, because our
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citizens, they have gone through certain stages in their consciousness in that number, here we are talking not only about the role of the state, what the state did to ensure that the situation stabilized, politically, first of all, and the path that our citizens have traveled in their consciousness.
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we, thanks to western sanctions, which in first of all, they are trying to deprive us of scientific technologies, today in this regard we are bringing our actions very close together, we are bringing the work
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of our research centers very close together. as for work in antarctica, this is testing technologies, generally working, studying, researching at low temperatures, this is a very serious experience that is practically possible today.
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which tried to restrain everyone, to find points of contact between all forces, between poland and russia, between poland and belarus, the only country in our region, between the baltic countries and russia, we have always acted as such a positive link in the region. the issue of leadership, i think, is not worth it for belarus, because it is important not to declare leadership, but to propose a program
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of action, we had one. the helsinki project is to revive helsinki 2, we have no shortage of initiatives or people who could implement all this, so the question of leadership in the future, i think, will not be questioned. let's go back to history a little, yes, both leaders were present in st. petersburg for their eightieth anniversary liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, the event was also given great attention...
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amazing people of our country, i noticed that there is such, you know, a request for toys of this kind of belarusian, belarusian images, some belarusian landscapes, some... then belarusian ornaments, well , which people miss and which...
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greatly, when they made the first attempts to create a precious stone, the world's first peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists. synthetic stones, they are enough are close in their characteristics to natural ones, so these are all the myths that exist, that
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if you put it in a glass of water, if you hold it in your hand, we conducted experiments and how many people, so many opinions. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. answers: scientists have created a press, thanks to which it has become possible to extract oil from cocoa beans in order to ultimately obtain solid chocolate. in fact, quite a lot of time passes from the idea itself to its implementation. the idea emerges as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, as well as research of consumer preferences, for example, through questionnaires. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus tv channel. 24!
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