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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 5, 2024 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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let me love you, like a flower in the field, like a young apple that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild, let me love you. may i love you for the song
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that i hear, for the sweet, booming laughter that often rings, for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every day, for my life heaven nathnene, dear daughter-in-law, please allow me. love, a show where they fight not with the help of physical strength. as you know, playing sports contributes to the production of the happiness hormone. our program to the word has the same effect. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. who won the 2023 belarus cup? field hockey.
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arseny, the press builder, is absolutely correct, but activity will also play a role, the theme is football, this argentine player won the 22nd world cup with the national team, and also scored the winning goal in the final of the copa america 20:21. i hope it's messi, that's the wrong answer. watch an intellectual sports show and... our daily task is to talk about belarus, country abroad. more than 100 to watch our tv channel’s projects, so what is belarus like? business and millions of viewers around the world have access to
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an evolving, hospitable, vibrant and festival experience. generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we. we introduce you to active,
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energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with my own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. it has different names, it has many faces, names of nationalities, but there is something that unites it into one word, a word that always brings with it losses, destruction, a trail of blood, it is war. and
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the history of mankind is the history of wars, the scale of which is sometimes not easy to assess, but the largest, most destructive of... the bloodiest war was the second world war, which surpassed in scale all the wars of the past are far away. military operations took place on the territory of forty states, on three continents and on all oceans. in total, the war pulled 3/4 of the world's population into its orbit. the question of what this is all for often remains rhetorical. if we talk.
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to end the first world war, it was imperfect and could not satisfy the interests of most european states. on june 28, 1919, in the hall of mirrors of the palace of versailles, a peace treaty between the entente countries and germany was signed, drawing a line under the first world war, or as then they talked about a great war. the terms of the peace document at that time did not satisfy any of the powers. germany lost all its colonies and was obliged to pay reparations. true, the amount of payments was not specified. the winners were unable to agree on this during the conference. but
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the punishment for the main loser of the first world war was not limited to these measures. in germany , universal conscription was abolished.
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factor, it was the soviet union - consistently, probably the only country that consistently acted in within the framework of an attempt to establish some kind of system of collective security, many other players in this large geopolitical field, they were rather aimed precisely at the fact that a new war would sooner or later start anyway. it goes without saying that the victorious powers, primarily great britain and france, emerged from this war as deep debtors to the united states of america.
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against the backdrop of those events, the policies that were implemented, as well as the economic crisis in the mid- thirties, people are beginning to come to power, tical goals, the revival of the same roman
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empire, as in the example of italy. the dictator ended his career differently than he imagined. on april 28, 1945, the overthrown musalini and his mistress clara pitacci were shot by gorebaldi partisans. after the execution, musalini’s body was mocked. well, later, with hitler coming to power, the basis was again taken to satisfy the interests of ethnic germans, including those who lived outside the territory of germany, and the task became to unite these territories, naturally, violent paths were used as the basis, and strict nationalism was propagated, oddly enough. these ideas, at that time, found the support of a significant part of the population of these states,
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in fact, these are the processes that are taking place in italy, in germany, the civil war in spain, where, again, the pro-fascist regime of frank comes to power, francisco franco, who ruled spain for 36 years, maneuvered between the fascists.
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this principle, that is, the soviet union was not accepted at the beginning, that is, it was accepted there much later, firstly, secondly, there was a system of international isolation of some states, again, that is, germany’s representation there was very limited and in the rights to actually influence any processes, that is, this organization, despite the fact that certain rules were written down, that is, in the charter of the league of nations, they never...
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was not a secret to anyone, the only question was when it would begin, but on september 1, 1939 , we all know what happened after glyaev provocation. germany statements war attacked poland. on september 3, 1939 , great britain and france declared war on germany. on september 6, 1939 , the british dominions declared war on germany. that is, as they say, it turned out that the great
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european war involved states located on three continents.
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a plan for an attack on the soviet union was developed, in 1941 by this time there was already the so-called barbaros plan, this was done back in december 1940, which suggests that the military actions were planned in advance, the attack on the soviet union was not is no preventative. let’s say, with a blow, as they later tried to explain at the nurem trials, and this was a clearly pre-planned operation of the german wehrmacht forces to seize the territory of the soviet union, well, the ost plan, which also took place for the further colonization of the occupied territories,
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the territories of the soviet union, where specific destruction figures were outlined. civilian population on the use of the economic potential of the occupied territories, the use of labor, and so on and etc. in the future, well, it should also be noted that it was this front with the soviet union, the eastern front, that was fundamental. the outcome of both the great patriotic war, this is understandable, and the entire second world war was determined precisely by the events on the soviet-german front. why? because? here the absolute amount of all potential on both sides, both germany and the soviet union, was involved. in june 1944, in particular on june 28, the territory of the republic of belarus was liberated with the liberation of brest. before this, in in the forty-third year, a radical
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change occurred, both in the great patriotic war and in the second world war, when germany suffered. defeat, first at stalingrad, and then at kursk, the so-called battle of kursk, well, later, as we know, on may 9, 1900... germany, the second world war, it is still...
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why is this not so, the opinion that this is the second world war is a single process, and the division into the second world war and the great patriotic war is inappropriate, that is, here we can talk for a very long time, refer to many studies, there is even such a thing in the historiography of the world , but in short, the war in the east for even european soldiers, firstly, it was a war not only of germany, but after all, our country was attacked by the troops of a united europe.
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for germany, the war in the east was a colonial war, that is, it was a war of destruction, just like that, that is, a war of destruction of the local population, attempts, again, to try to somehow explain the atrocities that the occupiers committed here, they supposedly were a response to... resistance, this is not true, not in quality what kind of response to resistance cannot be the murder of unarmed women and children,
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that is, we are clearly not talking about resistance here, we are talking about a planned murder, brutally carried out literally on an industrial scale, the damage this war caused is still being discussed calculations, there are still disputes, because the initial figures were 60 million dead, destruction that could fit into three times the value of world national wealth, world wealth, these were the initial calculations, at present they say that the second world war claimed from 100 to 110 million lives, as for material damage, it has not been calculated in many countries until now, still for the material damage of the second world war...
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which we are talking about now, they were on a colossal scale, the main thing, of course , is to show that in our time those facts, those goals that were set before the start of the second world war, yes, the emergence of the emergence of nazi, fascist movements, and this is relevant in our time , in many countries, representatives of these movements. do not come to power, that is, to prevent anything like this. this or that interpretation of wartime events often serves as historical justification and justification for
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revising borders from...
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in percentage terms, belarus ranks as a republic, by the way, if we take first place in terms of the number of deaths from all the countries that took part in the second world war, and there are more than sixty of them in the state. the second world war left an indelible mark on the earth in the souls of people brutal crimes against humanity. the pain of this tragedy does not subside. this. pain
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for the elderly, children, women and men who were coldly deprived of their lives simply because of their origin. our land, where every third inhabitant died, nourished by the tears of innocent people, has sprouted new shoots and raised a generation that remembers the lessons of history and protects the world. and the only thing we must fight for is human life, because only it has meaning and value on earth. we travel around belarus and discover new sights. i'll visit church, which is almost 9 centuries old.
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however, researchers of ancient russian architecture associate the personality of john with the heyday of the polotsk school of architecture of the 19th century. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. now i'm heading to the weaving museum to learn more about this art. these longitudinal warp threads were threaded by two or three of the most experienced women, because it was important to thread every thread evenly, so that later our product would also turn out beautiful and not a single thread would be damaged during the weaving process. got mixed up. the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions. kissing, yes, kissing. hello! i look like a grain, god , what a tender, lush, childhood, i want to go back, the project, the route has been built, watch
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it on the belarus 24 tv channel, the first thing i like, i would say that these are people, gastronomic people, second, it’s very ... beautiful, small country, nevertheless we were driving here, you can look wherever you want, there is a lot of beautiful things, a lot of interesting things, females, the largest co-conspirator in belarus, white-haired bush, i think that’s my favorite the place here in belarus is a grotto, the city where i study, there is a special atmosphere that surrounds you, and it is impossible not to fall in love with such an atmosphere, with such a city.
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nikolai gastello, soviet military pilot, commander of a bomber squadron. on june 6 , 1941, on the fifth day of the war, the crew under the command of captain gostello flew out to bomb a german mechanized column moving along the molodechno radoshkoviche road. the attack began, the crew managed to
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accurately place several aerial bombs in the cluster german equipment and fire at the enemy. gastello's plane was shot down by enemy anti-aircraft artillery fire. an enemy shell damaged the fuel tank, but instead of evacuating , the soviet pilot made a fiery ram. gostello turned the burning plane towards the enemy column, sent the car straight into the thick of german technology, until the last the crew fired at the enemy from the plane engulfed in flames, not one of its members tried to leave the bomber, then there was an explosion, the plane crashed into... a lot burned german technology, but the price of this feat was high, the entire crew was killed. for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against german fascism and
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the courage and heroism shown, captain nikolai frantsevich gastello was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.


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