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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 5, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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one of which is dedicated to pioneer friendship. here you can hug a young oak planted in the year of the bicentenary of adam mickiewicz, or touch the stone grove glorified by the poet. women, of course, are physically weaker than men, but in terms of mental strength and the ability to act in defiance of circumstances, the weaker sex is often not inferior. everyone will find something of their own here. well, having finished the program , i’ll probably throw a coin into it at the wishing well, not only to return here again, but also so that each of you has the opportunity to travel and discover new cities for myself, including my own novogrudok.
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there are a lot of things that i like, for example, i love to relax in logoisk, we really like to visit nesves, we have been there several times. the world also in general i can say that your atmosphere is wonderful, in fact, my children, i repeat, enjoy it, they love winter, they love playing with the snow, again i thought that i would suffer, but no, the children like it, i see that they are happy from this, and i am happy with them, as for belarusian cuisine, we already have it i love it, i really like potato pancakes, the children just love cheesecakes, i have to cook them every day, i’m already just an expert in making cheesecakes, of course i make them in my own way, so they turn out a little better. in venezuelan,
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in fact, i can add a lot about the belarusian people, the first time i visited brest and the brest fortress, in fact, i was simply impressed and amazed by the spirit of the belarusian people, who were not broken during all those difficult trials that fell to his lot, there are wide clean streets, it’s as if you can breathe well here, i don’t know, i’m very...
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in domestic politics, not foreign policy, today this is again a certain foundation in many areas of activity, that is , culture cannot develop today if there is no ideological foundation. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to tell stories. belarus, in a country abroad. more than 100 million viewers worldwide have access to view projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and. festival
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different to understand. and you need to see it
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with your own eyes to feel it. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus-24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we... let's make belarus closer. from a memo to a german soldier: remember, do it. you just have to act, not be afraid of anything. no nerves, no heart, no pity, you
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are made of german iron. destroy pity and compassion in yourself, kill every russian, soviet, don’t stop them. on the morning of march 29, 1942, from the direction of the urban village of kapotkevich, they arrived in a sleigh with horses in uniform. the fashtas drove the local residents out of their houses and drove everyone into a large barn. some of the locals managed
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to run away, someone was captured. the nazis forced about 100 people into the barn and set fire to the barn with people. and people.
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so, in the early spring of 1942, under the pretext of fighting partisans, another large-scale operation of the bamberg fascists began ; it began on march 20 with punitive actions simultaneously in the bobruisk and glushsky districts of the mogilev region. lyubansky, minsk region, oktyabrsky and kapotkevichisky districts of polezh region, which were part of the oktyabrsky-lubensky partisan zone. the task was not only to defeat partisans, but also to pacify the civilian population.
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the germans sent two separate police battalions against him. cavalry squadron and even. aviation, fifty-first bomber squadron edelweiss. the onset of thaw made it impossible to reach the outback; it was more convenient to simply bomb an inaccessible area. thus, the fastas completely destroyed four villages. against peaceful.
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yany kozhny nyachki days went to the given and other villages, in our village, yany didn’t kill anything, but in other villages, there was meat, there were vechki, vazil vusi, vazil vusi, vase, spruce, o , zhilі, began to come fascists with fingers, chief of fingers, high, healthy,
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completely cleared from the germans of their accomplices kapotkevich, glusk, damanovichi districts of october bry partisan zone, as well as zhidovischesky polesie region . on april 2, 1942, in the village of karpila in
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the kapolev region, another massacre of civilians took place. they were all herded into a barn, from which screams and a children's raincoat could be heard. two policemen leaned on the doors, trying to close them tightly. people pressed against them from the inside. and a frightened boy, heading towards the cart. in the ensuing panic, no one began
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to find out whether this was so, and the woman calmly walked towards her house, but the road was unexpectedly blocked by two germans. one immediately pointed a machine gun at a woman and a child. sister, i'm a sister. smiling at the fascists and pointing towards the policeman, she said in a calm, confident voice. the german lowered his machine gun and let the woman through. behind the house, the forest became salvation. fascist.
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the residents of the village of korpilovka, where there were 127 households, were not immediately burned. the punishers of steel count out 10 people and take them to the stables. soon machine gun fire was heard from there.
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there were no direct clashes with them in other areas of the luboń zone. at the location of the partisan detachment under the command of alexander ivanovich dalidovich in the swamp in the area of ​​lake zyslov, on the twentieth of march forty-two
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, an operational meeting was held with the participation of the reconnaissance detachment. at the beginning of the month, with a group of fighters from pavlovsky’s detachment, he conducted a thousand-kilometer partisan raid along the german rear. it passed through the areas of minsk, polezhskaya regions. dozens of german garrisons were destroyed, including a large nazi garrison in the village of korpilovka. intelligence reported on the germans' plans to deal with the partisans. this was confirmed by the defector, a czech who called himself yura. the slovak corps, where he served, and where there were both czechs and slovaks, took part in the operation against the partisans. julius bagumil, who turned out to be czech yura, explained that he was from a working-class family and had been working since he was 14 years old. he
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was forcibly taken into the army, but he does not want to fight against the russians. bent over the map terrain, he outlined the area of ​​​​a possible nazi offensive. having assessed the situation, the detachment’s leadership made a decision to leave the places of the proposed battles , not to engage in direct clashes with the enemy, and to remove the civilian population from them as much as possible.
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residents, the punitive forces committed special atrocities against the village of khvoynya, petrikovsky district, where 1,419 of its residents were killed. the nazis were preparing to take revenge for their failures at the front in the fight against the partisans. the population of the republic. had to endure even more bloody and large-scale punitive fascist operations.
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i am a multiple world champion, i gave all my strength to adequately represent my country in international arenas, i would like to wish all of us belarusians to live in peace and creation. he was young, a small, energetic boy , a lot of energy, his parents understood that this energy needed to be directed somewhere, so they put him in the sport, at that time it was tekwando, then yes, probably, he practiced takwando at thirteen, then on his own i chose moytai, i saw him, i had a long career
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, more than 20 years in battles, so i don’t have there was one such important victory, there were a lot of them. you show such a level, such power, so it was great, there was never a thought that damn, i’m tired of everything or leaving everything there, i never had that thought, despite the injuries, difficulties, losses, already well... understand , that you possess , roughly speaking, a weapon of some kind, just that skills of this kind are of course a very complex, well , tough thing, so you need to understand that this
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does not need to be applied outside, but to be honest , i will say that when you are working out here everything is 100%, you are such a kind fluffy person outside of this room, because there is no aggression, children look up to someone, of course, when you are a good athlete and train them, of course they look up to you, they want to achieve this... we travel around belarus and discover
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new sights. i will visit a church that is almost nine centuries old. however, researchers of ancient russian architecture associate ian's personality with the rise of the polotsk school from the patronymic of the 19th century. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. right now i'm heading to the weaving museum to learn more about this art. these longitudinal warp threads were threaded by two or three of the most experienced women, because it was important to thread every thread evenly, so that later our product would also turn out beautiful, and not a single thread would get tangled during the weaving process. the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, kiss, yes, kiss, hello! i look like a seed, god, what a tender, lush, childhood structure,
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i want to go back, the project, the route has been built, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, amazing people of our country, i noticed that there is such a, you know, request for toys of this kind of belarusian... with belarusian images, some belarusian landscapes, some belarusian ornaments, well, which people lack and which people want actually hang them on our new year's trees, and we fulfilled this request, their calling is to bring enlightenment and spiritual development. monumental art, it is never fashionable, because if you take the renaissance, it is eternal, so what is associated with me, i’m kind of not that i lean, i want to stand.
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we are talking about the most fascinating things from the world of science: magic turned out to be powerless, who made the first attempts to create a precious stone, the first in the world, a peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists, synthetic stones, they are quite close in their characteristics to natural ones, so here are all the myths that exist, that if you put it in a glass of water, if you hold it in your hand, we conducted experiments and how many people have so many opinions. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them answers. scientists created a press that made it possible to extract
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butter from cocoa beans to ultimately produce solid chocolate. in fact, quite a lot of time passes from the idea itself to its implementation. the idea appears as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, as well as research into consumer preferences. for example, through a survey. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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