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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:51pm MSK

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actions of the union state in the field of foreign policy for the period until 2026 will certainly serve to continue and develop even closer russian-belarusian coordination in international affairs. among the tasks of the union state, at all costs, is to eliminate everything that hinders the mutual supply of goods, level the conditions for enterprises, eliminate barriers in the field of government procurement, and remove restrictions on the transit of goods.
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together we will strengthen the image of the union state in the international arena in various integration formats. european union is also considered as a possible partner. as a result, a new program document was approved for the next three-year cycle. in an era of powerful information confrontation. pursue a coordinated information policy, a decision was made to create media campaigns of the union state, it would contribute to our even greater unity, the establishment of direct communication and mutual understanding, and secondly, it would protect us from those destructive provocative technologies and fakes that are constantly used, the so-called collective the west, with its giant media companies, mastering... billions of dollars of the budget. new,
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fresh ideas, and most importantly, breakthrough economic projects and specific proposals for the development of cooperation are also expected from the eleventh forum of regions of belarus in russia, which will be held in june in vitebsk. he commented on the results of the meeting of the supreme state council held in st. petersburg and the development strategy of the union state in an exclusive interview for our program.
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new scientific and technological strategy of the union state, explain to us that what kind of strategy is this, what areas does it include and how will it help our common economic sovereignty? well, it’s a good, significant question: updating high-tech research industries, updating the infrastructure of scientific research, both fundamental and applied, and one of the tasks that was also not posed before:
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today belarus and russia are under strong sanctions pressure, nevertheless, based on the results of the twenty-third year, we have a record trade turnover of almost 54 billion dollars, that is, it turns out that countries they relied on import substitution and won economically. listen, you are bringing the enormous task of our joint development, the implementation of integration programs from november 4 , 2011 only into a rather narrow corridor. today we are talking about improving the entire industrial policy, about improving and expanding the successes from interaction in the agricultural sector and in the financial sector. today we see the tasks set. on the twenty-ninth, at a meeting of the council of ministers, there was a very substantive
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conversation about this. in the konstantinovsky palace there were signed by alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, vladimir vladimirovich putin, members of the supreme state council, documents that define perfect. a different quality of macroeconomic policy is coordinated, industrial and trade are coordinated, interaction in the financial sector is coordinated, that is, this is a completely different quality of not just dialogue, interaction between ministries and departments, this is interaction within the real sectors of the economy, this is a different foundation, so yes, to some extent we can say that sanctions pressure strengthened this system of relations, but we...
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and those people who are a little jealous of the new quality and depth of integration of belarus and russia, they may today rethink such approaches and say that this is precisely a good successful example for us, there’s a lot we can take that we can use together, within the framework of integration associations,
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independently, dozens of new directions, i didn’t even begin to list for you now how many new international agreements have been signed, new methods and technologies have been formed... a high-level group, just in the past year, a high-level group of the council of ministers of the union state made 46 specific practical decisions: from licensing glass and timber, to ensuring the regime for the passage of goods and creating a barrier-free environment, to taking into account a significant number of proposals from metallurgists who argued between pskov and belarus, when the debts will be repaid. why doesn’t it come back and what needs to be done to get them back? this is completely practical work, it would seem, there is a union state, here we are here on earth, and even within the framework of the gvu meeting there is a very specific conversation, in addition to reaching a specific decision, we are forming, perhaps
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not always setting ourselves such a task, feeling this is a different style of interaction, i will say again, equal to the desire to hear each other’s arguments, this does not mean... the union state is a real center of power. in the current geopolitical realities , this format of interaction takes on special significance. while disagreements are piling up around the world, belarus and russia are effectively responding to challenges together modernity. how to strengthen each other’s capabilities, the potential of the union state, let’s talk with the guest of the studio, member of the council of elders under the council of the republic of the national assembly of belarus, professor sergei rakhmanov. sergei rakhmanov, member of the council of elders under the council of the republic of the national assembly
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of belarus, corresponding member of the national academy of sciences of belarus, doctor of chemical sciences, professor, honored scientist of belarus, born in 1952 in krasnodar, russia, graduated from the belarusian state university, author of more than thirty inventions and 200 scientific papers, rose from the head of the laboratory. bssr, council of ministers of belarus. sergei kimovich, where is the union state in the global race today? of course, the union state is among the leaders. the point is that such regional structures are now being formed, not even individual countries, but countries that are united into some.
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values, therefore, of course, the union state is now gaining strength, in conditions when, as you rightly said , there is a certain global transformation with increased conflict, it is this integration that is of particular importance for the life of not only russia and belarus, but also for the life of all countries in the post-soviet space and even other countries that are adjacent to us and who, to one degree or another , come into contact with us. because now there are many dangers in the world, but one way or another we will not
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be able to close ourselves off from these problems, from america, from the west, from different ends of the earth, it penetrates into space, of course, in order to resist this, you need to have the appropriate technological, intellectual and organizational level in order to correctly see, understand, anticipate and resist all this, so this is what it is. well, and a number of other areas in our industry, also security issues,
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security, one of the safest countries in the world, everyone recognizes this, despite the fact that recently we have seen the aggressive policy of the west towards both belarus and and russia, in addition, in belarus there is a very low level of inequality, that is, now the global paradigm has led to the fact that inter- and intra-country inequality is growing, we already see huge social problems within even the so-called developed countries, it is very important to preserve our slavic peace, at the meeting in st. petersburg, the presidents of belarus and russia paid a lot of attention to this point, that how important it is to preserve the slavic world, which is in conditions of political cultural survival, this is what is fraught if are we going to go the other way? well, if we go the other way, we will simply disappear, so... we will simply be assimilated by other civilizations and we will find ourselves in a position where we will lose our identity, well,
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how to resist this is very difficult, the whole world is against us, well, i would i didn’t say that the whole world, because now there is peace, although they talk about multipolarity, in fact this is an intermediate stage, in fact, over a certain period of time, structuring will end with the formation of two fields of power, it will be a collective west led by... he is resisting, not yet in a very organized way, but precisely the pressure of the collective west, which is promoting these new values ​​that contradict basic human values ​​and our values. do you think this is a prospect for how many years or decades or centuries? no, well, the formation of these two serious forces will certainly happen in
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this century, the question is how quickly this will happen, for now, as i said, one of the tools for the development of these innovations, that’s how this tool is most is it still effective to use? well, the fact is that the word innovation is used everywhere, but there must be an integrated approach, because innovation essentially only works when a system is created. the system must include the sphere of education, science,
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production, including private business, which must actively participate here, there must be. information technology, precision instrument making, and a whole range of other areas, including microelectronics, in a number of positions we occupy a very good place in the world, so when in such conditions, we will be able to adequately realize the innovative potential that we have accumulated in the country. now there are certain implementation problems, but
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we have every reason to revive this potential and make maximum use of it. today everyone is talking about the digital economy , about the intellectual economy, the union state is following this path, of course, but the only thing that is needed here is to eliminate a certain problem, which is imitation, that is, i do not mean the union state, the world as a whole , because digital transformation is not digitalization, that is, the level of digital transformation is not determined only by the presence of iphones, computers or some kind of communication system, it is important that...
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including in the form of a regional forum, which already has a lot of practice, by the way , a very good achievement along this line, that is, they are determined by the fact that central leadership is very important.
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analysis and so on, and the main thing is that essentially all serious projects that are being implemented between russia and belarus, they are carried out to one degree or another at the regional level, each forum of regions adds something new, it is very important to say that at the last forum of regions, on the initiative of the head of the council of the republic , the question was raised about strengthening the expert component in the work, it is expected that what exactly within the framework of the forum of regions... this year this bloc will be developed accordingly , used as much as possible to strengthen our ties, probably the main task in building a union state, and we are
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in principle, we have achieved it, this is the most union unity, when we come to russia , we feel at home, when russians come to belarus, they feel at home, you are a shining example of this, you were born in russia in krasnodar, you live in belarus, you feel at home in belarus like at home, like in our homeland, the fact is that...
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there is still somewhere, well, we need additional solutions in all areas, despite the fact that we have successes, which means we should not reassure ourselves, because that essentially
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there is something to be done in each direction, about this it is said all the time at the level of senior management, it is said at the regional forum, we have questions related to the fact that we must understand that we are truly united, and so that this is in fact, because now , despite everything, we are very became closer, especially in recent years... our citizens of the union state were to a certain extent patriots of both russia and belarus and vice versa, in this case we
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take into account each other’s interests. and do not create conflict situations that could potentially lead to negative consequences, therefore, all this must be taken into account in our joint educational programs, in the movement of specialists in the scientific field, and naturally, this should be taken into account at the level of managing all these processes. thank you very much, professor, member of the council of elders under the council of the republic of the national assembly of belarus sergei rakhmanov was in our studio. this is belarus. the main thing is further in the program. the best achievement of the present and past. the northern region of belarus will present its opportunity at vdnkh in moscow. anniversary tone of high art the national art museum of belarus is 85. we'll be back in the studio in a few minutes. after the visit to russia, the theme of allied relations
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was continued during the week in minsk. the president of belarus held talks with the governor of the bryansk region. the bryansk region is the case when interests with belarus really couldn’t be closer. geographical proximity, approximately 200 km to the border, contributes to strong cooperation chains. having obeyed the laws of logistics, the partners have built up a weighty portfolio over the years of work. mutually beneficial interests. in 2020, trade turnover exceeded the billion dollar mark. now it's sagged a little. to the meeting.
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industrial sectors, seed production, testing of plant varieties, breeding work, this is what our scientists are already doing as part of interaction with the bran region, i would like these joint projects to increase, but with an extreme focus on practice. cooperation along the minsk-bryansk line. after a conversation with president lukashenko, the governor shared plans for cooperation, more than 60% of russian foreign trade turnover region. falls specifically on belarus, the bet is on industry. today, every third combine harvester working in the fields of russia leaves the bryank-selmash workshop. further, alexander bahamas often visits belarus, in particular the gomel region, he is familiar with all the possibilities of the country, therefore the cooperation agenda can be much broader. development of industry, increase in production of grain harvesters in the bryansk region, expansion of production. we're already last year. branch of
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bom silmash brand silmash will fulfill almost 1.00 thermal harvesters, the immediate goals are to increase production one and a half to two times, and of course agriculture, where we are constantly learning from you, but even today we have good results on the obryansk land, here in our country we are the first in the production of weapons and labor, the first in the yield of corn, the first in the yield of potatoes, and we produce every fifth kilogram of potatoes in russia, well, plus, of course, when we talked... and the president noted that we need to unite together, develop our youth, our children, so the first such projects in sports, this year we are starting a joint hockey championship together between the brensk region and the gomel region, among the promising areas of cooperation is the revival of the chernobyl lands, because the bryansk region, like belarus, also suffered greatly from the emergency accident. this is
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the main thing for belarus in continuing the union theme of breakthrough projects and new ideas, both belarusians and russians expect from the regions that are the driver of relations between the two countries. joint production of military-industrial complex, supply of elevators, promising area of ​​cooperation belarus with the astrakhan region of russia. among the proposals is the opening of a store similar to the first one in astrakhan.
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the route is well known to belarusians. in october twenty-second, a delegation of our government was already met here. then we signed a cooperation agreement. now is the time to see what has been done. astrakhan is famous for its fish, they say it is here on land, in the water, a variety from roach to beluga, it is dried, salted, made into chips and other delicacies, some can already be found in belarusian stores, but the assortment is definitely there is room for expansion, they will move quickly from words to deeds, especially since there is already a successful experience, belarus opened a mtz trade and service center in astrakhan in october 2022 and sales.
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there are great prospects in terms of using the construction capacity of the republic of belarus, in the field of reclamation and design, we intend to take advantage of the potential that belarus
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has today. in 3 years, 2.0 belarusian elevators will renew the cabins of astrakhan high-rise buildings, and the export of belarusian building materials is also growing. services are currently being discussed construction of new facilities. with colleagues. discussed the possibility of participation of belarusian builders in the design and direct construction of facilities , the clinic is a priority for 300 visits, we are considering kindergartens and schools, we are considering living areas, starting with the planning of the territory, this enterprise is a trendsetter for fishermen, boots and overalls are sewn with the help of belarusians, too, and they want to offer their goods, because belarus is a land of lakes and...
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rossneft and gazprom, well, at this enterprise new projects in medicine are planned. our parent organization materials are currently receiving a registration certificate for the medical products of our production. we are one of the largest manufacturers of disposable medical clothing and linen in russia. this is production in a port special economic zone. lotus, the enterprises that operate here, have access to the caspian sea. belarusian manufacturers know this direction well. further, another big one opens for belarus through iran. indian market. for the current year, the base figure is
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60,000 tons of transshipment of our cargo. we will look at expanding the range. the russian railway has retained the entire volume of discounts for us, depending on the types of cargo, they are different and i think that we take this channel into account. there are also a number of humanitarian projects ahead to preserve historical memory and attract the youth of the two countries to them. belarus and moscow signed a road map of cooperation for
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the next 3 years. what is reflected in the program and what opportunities will open up for our citizens countries next up is the northern region of belarus - the best achievements of the present and past of the vitebsk region at vdnkh in moscow. together against the global. the covid-19 call blocker was developed by belarusian and russian specialists. about the main thing, briefly, further in the program. nine residents were awarded the impel for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. points of belarus. the decree was signed by alexander lukashenko. cities and urban settlements are a worthy example of the military labor feat of national resistance shown during the hard years of war. honored military doctors receive gratitude from the president of belarus for humanitarian assistance in syria. in addition, alexander lukashenko announced the president’s gratitude to several belarusian enterprises. initiative of the president of belarus to hold the eac summit. sco and brix, it is more important than ever
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to ask you to ensure the domestic prompt implementation of this order and to take an active part in the work on the program, we all need this, this will lead to the deepening of the processes of scientific and technological development and imports independence of the eac. trade turnover between belarus and all ias countries last year increased by almost 7.5% and amounted to about $46 billion. overall, the economic indicators are top five.
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this declaration involves expanding areas of cooperation, in particular on the climate agenda, the use of artificial intelligence systems in the field of e-commerce, the formation of a common financial... increasing the volume of imports and exports, industrial cooperation and projects in the humanitarian sphere belarus and tatarstan are expanding business relations. the meeting with the parliamentary delegation from kazan was held by the chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly of belarus. natalya kachanova drew attention to such visits and the result of the agreement.
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as a result of the meeting , a roadmap for cooperation between belarus and the russian capital until 2026 was signed, as well as a joint statement on transport cooperation between the moscow government and the minsk city executive committee. the covid-19 blocker was developed by belarusian and russian scientists; it plays an important role in the fight against coronavirus mpro enzyme. when its activity stops , the virus stops reproducing; the development is a white substance. which is only the basis for the future
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drug. development will continue. today there are several similar drugs on the world market. new blockers differ from existing ones in that they do not interact with other proteins in the human body. this makes them less dangerous. from sports and tourism to well-known belarusian products. the northern region of belarus will present the whole range of achievements in time of days of the vitebsk region at vdnkh in moscow until february 26. especially rich. the northern region of belarus has brought the best collections of clothing to moscow, presenting its tourism potential and achievements in sports infrastructure; all sorts of tastings of products that belarus is famous for will also take place; famous russians with belarusian roots are invited to visit odenha these days. i have
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a lot in common with vitebsk, my parents, my sister, her family, a lot of relatives live here, this ancient one of the most beautiful cities it is my great pleasure to visit belarus. when you come with your family, you plan in advance meetings with schoolchildren and students, which are always very warm. each of you will be able to get to know this region of belarus, its culture, and achievements better during the days of the vitebsk region at vdnkh. the organizers promise a warm welcome throughout february in the belarusian pavilion. don't miss the opportunity to become part of a big celebration, and you will never regret it, or if you come to the pavilion of the vitebsk region. see you! anniversary tone of high art, national art museum of belarus 85, founded as an art gallery, and today it is a real art quarter. the museum has the largest collection of paintings, graphics, and sculptures in eastern europe. the national
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treasury contains more than 33,000 works from 132 countries. the funds contain 12 centuries of human history. where... is called one of the best in the world, his solo sounds in the soundtracks of the films 7 years in tibet, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, memoirs of a geisha, among the musician’s concert instruments there is a work of stradivarius, born in at the beginning of the 18th century, she still captivates the ears of music lovers, the internet is full of videos and... with her image, another thing is a picturesque portrait, one of which is kept in minsk, in the national art museum. this is certainly a masterpiece of our collection, simply the star of this room and the entire collection in general. the main character of the picture is also a historical character, count weelgorsky. a handsome officer, a virtuoso musician and a heartthrob. he fell in love with
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women, but he himself was devoted to veolanceli, even jokingly calling her his wife. portrait of matvey veelgorsky is the title of the painting. i was impressed by karl bryulov, the first russian artist who was talked about in europe. if you look closely, you will see behind the canopy smoking vizuvimi. you can immediately understand that brilov lived in rome and he specially came to minneapolis to paint the famous cyclist matvey yuryevich velgorsky. before us is a picture that alexander sergeevich pushkin saw. the painting appeared in minsk in 1960, a treasure from the collection.
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actions as the museum itself is dramatic: in in 1939 , an art gallery appeared in the belarusian capital, but in the first days of the war, the germans took away almost everything. they began to collect exhibits again after the liberation of minsk, in 1957 the museum got its own house, after the housewarming the address did not change. the building was built over 8 years, the design of the building was entrusted to the front-line architect mikhail baklanov, there is an abundance of white marble, these columns are topped...
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these are billions of dollars, the level of security corresponds to the status, there is one continuous safe inside the building, no one is responsible for the safety only security services, but also a restoration center, 25 people, like surgeons every day fighting for the lives of masterpieces, we should not in any case infiltrate the author’s layer, the author’s style, because our task as restorers is to preserve the object, for in order to give the desired display appearance to the object, the restoration council decides whether to replenish it. this loss, or we can tone it into the general tone of the object so that it does not stand out from the overall display appearance, not that
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months, years can be spent on healing a painting, centimeter by centimeter, they slowly painstakingly restore not only the canvases, but also the frames , they are like clothing, they emphasize dignity and give status, we are now restoring a large format frame, this is a frame from a painting by aivazovsky, the frame is original. this frame was made in the 19th century, this frame was ordered in teflis , the name of this bookbinding and haberdashery workshop is very clear here, these things, as a rule, were very expensive, especially if we look at the frame, which is large in size, wide in format, as a rule, it has rich carvings, and this was precisely an indicator of the cost, the high cost of the frame, national artistic, permanent participant in international... projects. at the end of autumn, a large-scale exhibition of ivan shishkin, more than 150 works from ten museums, started in vladivostok. among them is an exclusive from minsk.
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it is very important for us to show those things that our resident, our guest of the city of vladivostok or the primorsky territory, will not be able to see either in the tretyakov gallery or in the russian museum. for this he needs, of course, to fly to belarus, visit the minsk museum. not everyone has this opportunity, then it’s very... great when things come to a completely different space, they meet completely different things by ivan ivanovich shishkin, with which they are not adjacent, and maybe were once written, were in one workshop. the minsk museum presented three paintings: one of the works, “spruce forest,” was painted by the artist during a trip to belarus. nature and belarus, this is still our close nature, these birches, dear, moors, blades of grass, flowers, all this delighted him, and he really... walked and studied for a long time, it was no coincidence that many said that he behaved like a botanist. this is not the first time belarusian work has been done in vladivostok. last year they brought repin,
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and plans for the twenty-fourth collaboration based on polenov’s work. we cooperate very closely and a lot with russian museums. today there are more than 40 agreements with museums of the russian federation and other cis countries. 17 agreements were concluded in 2023 with. with such leading museums of the russian federation as the state russian museum, the novgorod museum, the rostov regional art museum and many others. this year the national art museum is 85, 110 years old and since the birth of its architect, mikhail boklanov would be proud of his brainchild. scientific laboratory, experimental site, lecture hall. having gone beyond the conservative, the museum has turned into an art quarter and lives in the rhythm of the metropolis. we really liked the museum, we visited it overall, well , to be honest, it really surprised us painting by vasily bukarev, we thought
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it was a copy, but it turns out it’s the author’s original, another duplicate that he painted himself, he says, and there are two such paintings that we have, one in russia in the trettyakov gallery hangs the original, the second here we left the original here in minsk. every year the museum welcomes approximately 180,000 visitors, of course, everyone has their own evaluation criterion, but in general everyone is looking for intrigue, beauty and comfort. by the way. banquettes are not only for relaxation, they are an important element of understanding the high art. when they do polls about which paintings you liked the most, the public names very specific paintings, almost the same ones. it turned out that there were banquettes in front of these paintings. people have the opportunity to look at this picture not for 5-7 seconds, as usual, when passing by, but for a minute, two or three, well, 15 minutes in the end, they are imbued with and remember this particular work. in the museum, in constant rotation , the only ones left untouched are those at the feet of the empress; the portrait of catherine ii is among her favorites.


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