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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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live panorama, in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, minsk and petropavlovs kamchatsky are able to increase trade turnover through direct supplies of seafood, creating joint processing plants, like... our president discussed more projects with the governor of this russian region. 20 days before the elections, observers observe, candidates campaign for today on tv. and young people are preparing to choose the future together, we’ll tell you what this campaign is. and ukrainians are being prepared for total mobilization, and residents of eat are in shock from the abundance of premium cars with yellow plates and urge their owners not to pay benefits anymore. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. when we go live. it’s early in the morning, how
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the relations between official minsk and the most distant russian region are developing, the president received the governor of kamchatka, details in the panorama. the virus of separatism, as it rebels, one of the key states of america, who calls biden and the president, does not believe in the legitimacy of his victory in the elections and refuses to obey decisions from the capital, as illegal immigrants have become a bargaining chip in the big game, whether texas will go free, we will tell you in a clear policy. carefully. work is underway on the m-10; in the gomel region, one of the busiest highways in the region is being put in order. how long will it take to repair another section of the transit highway when they begin to build an overpass on the border of the petrikovsky and zhitkovichi districts. answers in panorama. slander your opponent, put something into his mouth that he never said, how the capabilities of artificial intelligence become a tool in dirty political games. further in the report.
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modern methods of treatment, highly qualified specialists, regional medicine has reached a new level of providing care to patients, about unique operations performed in regional clinics in our story. and now about sports, optimism has returned to hockey dynamo, it’s all about the successful start of the khl home series, we are waiting for the continuation. the fifth international basketball tournament 3:3. polova snowball took place in minsk and a review of the european football weekend in the sports day project. find opportunities to build logistics with kamchatka without unnecessary intermediaries. the president spoke about this today when receiving the governor of the far eastern region. belarus is looking with interest at the large energy projects that it plans to launch in kamchatka. this is the construction of marine stations that depend on the tides. the most modern thing that exists in the energy sector and is natural only to russia.
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direct export of fish without a large number of additional links, so that even kamchatka crab or salmon are available for belarusians. in turn, we are ready to supply machines for agriculture; more than 50% of tractors there are already operating under the mtz brand, but these are not final figures. mining dump trucks, combine harvesters, special equipment, belarusians are able to modify the lines to suit the needs of the far north and of course tourism about the beauty of the trans-urals, details from katerina krutalevich. in the northeastern part of eurasia, this is from a geography textbook, but even so, from school we all know that kamchatka in every sense of the word is far away, flying from minsk requires a transfer, it’s the far east, but everyone who has ever flown there says it’s worth it: firstly, kamchatka is all big water, the okhotsk sea, the bering sea, the pacific ocean, you can only imagine how diverse it can be here. be a catch, and this is not all the advantages of the local nature, albeit quite harsh; the hardest thing, of course, is the distance.
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vostok left with the development of his career. he was the chairman of the government of the republic of sakha and started his phd in moscow, in far yakutia. there are also ambitious plans for kamchatka, as our president will say, belarus is open to mutually beneficial projects, preferably with a minimum number of intermediaries. i am convinced that we will be able to find opportunities to build our relationships without unnecessary intermediaries, and thereby we will achieve the product. which we supply back and forth will be much cheaper. speaking about promising projects, we should mention your grandiose idea for the construction of the penzhina tidal power plant in the sea of ​​okhotsk,
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we have certain competencies, you can clarify if we will be useful in terms of design and construction of this facility, we will be glad to take part. in this landmark construction. dog, this is the abbreviation for such power plants; to put it roughly, it is a system that converts the energy of ebbs and flows into current. they are at the forefront of the energy sector in all leading countries, great britain, canada, the usa, south korea, china, india, russia has a chance to beat them all, thanks to the capabilities of the penge bay. the tides here are so strong that up to 500 km of water move every day. potentially, the penzhinsk substation is capable of generating over 100. this is like 25 modern nuclear power plants or 40% of the total capacity of the russian energy system. the belarusians are offering special equipment and design expertise for this project, $500 billion, which our partners are ready to spend on ps. and these are not all the natural possibilities of kamchatka.
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last year, their exports of fish products increased almost fivefold. whale, sockeye salmon, salmon, kamchatka crabs. the point is to make this available to belarusians at unreasonable prices. this will be very correct. the creation of your processing plants in our country, if it is profitable, you can try, we will create the most favorable conditions for the delivery of your products to any point where it will be profitable for you in europe,
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and south-eastern europe, and maybe western asia, points that will be closer to belarus here, i especially want to note: that the investments of bona fide businesses are reliably protected by the state, you don’t even have to think or discuss this, if you decide to work here, everything will be the same as you and i let's agree, taking into account your plans to increase kamchatka's self-sufficiency in milk and meat, we are ready to provide the necessary equipment for agricultural complexes, dairy complexes, we have extensive experience in creating... production of dairy products, including baby food, i know what it is everywhere in russia the direction is promising, and here , of course, the northern sea route helps, it is now being actively developed by russian partners, if you look at the simplest map, this line
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is marked in blue, an alternative to the long red option, the shortest water road that connects the far east and western territories of russia, if you look from our side, then of course the point is murmansk. from where goods go to the closest ports of st. petersburg. the path itself is not easy. the route must be supported by icebreakers, but still calculated from murmonsk to shanghai. it is almost two times shorter than the route through the suede canal, and passage through it takes a third less time. kamchatka today is the eastern gate of the northern sea route, allowing logistics to be made twice as cheap times shorter. this is really an alternative to the suedian channel. this year, cargo turnover exceeded 20 million tons, when we talk about cooperation with belarus, of course, the most important challenge is the distance, and so the distance can be overcome by the northern sea route, delivering in-demand products in the form of aquatic and biological resources to belarus, and kamchatka is the main fishing region of the russian
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federation and one of the most important fishing regions in the world. the governor will speak about his intentions not only to purchase from belarusians equipment, agricultural, heavy quarry, but also to locate service centers in the far east. the government has already agreed on this; the belarusian side is ready to finalize certain models. the climate of kamchatka suggests that they need, for example, tracked combines - this is far from a plain. in general, kamchatka is located at... at the junction of tectonic plates, hence the periodically active volcanoes and earthquakes, you need to adapt to everything. belarusians are mobile in this regard; the main thing is not to create trade chains in which there are many unnecessary links. so that the efficiency of your transactions and our transactions will be as useful as possible for those who produce these products, and not those who are engaged in these operations. the winter version of the car and this is already being finalized for partners, belarusian manufacturers, the last delivery from mtz was to yugra. of course. closer than petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, but also with a northern accent. the delegation today at the plant is not
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the first time in terms of cooperation. of all the tractors that are used in agricultural production, mtz ranks in the vnikomchestsky region 63%. to date. we must understand that this percentage is higher than 50%. yes, that’s why we are interested in receiving such equipment, we are interested in a repair base. there are such direct relationships, yes, when you can buy, today we are within the framework of a union state today, and today we are not. certain barriers that exist with other countries, there are no today the same sanctions that came today and all at once, and those who previously bought some italian equipment there, maybe there are others european countries, and today they are experiencing problems with the same basic spare parts, with service and even with other consumables that today they have to buy, yes they are available through third countries, but they have become much more expensive. in addition, italian may be good , but with a caveat in kamchatka in august it can be +10, but kamchatka rivers originate in glaciers, this is absolutely... clean, there is frost below and flowers appear at the hot springs, or in the summer on the mountain caps everything there is still snow, yes,
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perhaps you will not choose kamchatka every year a vacation spot, but it ’s really worth seeing; from a person who has traveled all over the world, the far east often receives the highest possible ratings. the kamchatka region is the dream of any traveler, including me. while in st. petersburg, vladimirovich once again told me a lot about kamchatka, i asked him about... and the most powerful, so if you don’t mind, someday i’ll find time to
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visit you there. in absolute terms , trade between the parties definitely has room to grow. the working group will determine the direction on cooperation, they will begin negotiations tomorrow. from a weather point of view, the far east, of course, understands us, their winter begins in november and ends in march, the distance between us is more than 700 km, but with the right logistics, everything works out and not on such long routes. katerina krutalevich, alexander oleshko, alexey volkov, television news agency. belarus is preparing for a single voting day. there are 20 days left before the elections of deputies at all levels. now the election campaign is actively undergoing the agitation stage. preparation process and the elections are being monitored by international observers, an objective
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, impartial assessment will be given - noted international observer from the cis evgeniy klemes. today he got acquainted with the work of several district election commissions of gomel. now the candidates are in the campaigning stage. there are pickets, meetings with voters and appearances on radio and television. the compliance of biographical data placed in information materials is also verified. at the same time , trainings and seminars are held for representatives of election commissions. more again, this is ours. 125th mission in the space of the commonwealth of independent states, and the twelfth, namely in the republic of belarus, today we have already visited three commissions, looked at how the work is organized, preparatory activities for the elections are being carried out, visual campaigning is being drawn up, all data on candidates, by sources, their funding is recorded accounts, well, in general , it seems to me that the work has been established, from
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today until february 13 on the belarus 3 tv channel you can hear the speech of candidates for deputies of the house of representatives, on the website the central election commission has posted a schedule for the distribution of air time, the belarusian radio broadcasting company has provided a recording space in the namakayonka 9 studio, as well as in branches in the regions, the election program must be included in 5 minutes, the first... speeches have already passed. the main principle is the same conditions for all participants in the election campaign. to ensure full coverage of the audience, each candidate's on -air speeches are accompanied by sign language translation. and today on the initiative. youth information and educational campaign started at the belarusian republican youth union project poshtolka bel. a solemn cancellation ceremony took place in minsk. postal cards choose the future together, with a personal invitation to the elections on february 25. more than 70 thousand postcards will be sent throughout the country. until february 20, inclusive, everyone will be able to fill out and send it to the addressee absolutely free of charge. i sent it
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to my mother, because this is very important to me, my family is quite scrupulous about... here we have chosen such an interesting form, when there is a blank postcard, postcard, reminder, that 25 february will be a single voting day, and young people, especially those for whom this will be the first voting day, will be especially honored to receive such a postcard, come and vote, leave it as a memory, and then show it to their friends and acquaintances. to provide assistance to the election commission and once again, in such a creative form, invite our voters to the polling stations to come on february 25
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to make their choice. the project is intended to remind belarusians. about their constitutional suffrage, civil responsibility and a single voting day. future people's deputies will definitely need such a quality as the ability to listen to hear people, because deputies will have to help in solving problems. for example, road repair is a topical topic for the end of winter, and even more so in the year of quality. the next story will talk about how...
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back in november last year, several kilometers of one of the two lanes between gomel and rechitsa were closed for major repairs; before the frost , a set of preparatory work was carried out in order to launch asphalt pavers in the spring. yes, there are inconveniences, but they are temporary. these are urgent measures due to the fact that the condition of this section of the road is already poor. it was critical that work had already begun on laying the base for the coating and the lower layer of asphalt concrete pavement on this section of the road had partially begun. by mid -summer, road workers promise a perfectly smooth road surface here, relying on the use of advanced technologies. 6 km will be covered with crushed stone-bridge asphalt concrete with the addition of
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modified bitumen, a successful development by beldornie. for the convenience of drivers and security. they will install a barrier fence, there were no such things here before. we have belarusian standards, we are striving for this, we are working and planning to complete about 230 km on the network of republican highways in the twenty-fourth year. we will update little by little. this is a current renovation. the entire network of republican roads in the dorogoma region is 2,300 km of roads, that is, this amounts to 10%. pothole repairs take place all year round, thanks to technology they allow us to work.
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controls the quality of materials, testing samples is carried out with each batch in 500 tons, they check asphalt concrete , crushed stone, deicing and binding materials, the last authority, after which they give the go-ahead to put the facilities into operation, there is a check for compaction coefficient, residual porosity, water saturation, swelling, our main task is, of course, quality, the quality of the work performed, so that there were no complaints. more than twenty small forces of gomel-obldorstroy, there are also ambitious projects, the longest bridge is about a kilometer across pripyat at the entrance to mozyr, just about specialists will begin... the construction of support elements, design and estimate documentation is also ready for the construction of a new bridge across the sozh in the branch, plans for the near future include the construction of overpasses in
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the suburbs of gomel along the m-10 highway on the border of the petrikovsky and zhitkovichi districts. again, our sore road m10 from the rechitsa khoiniki highway to kolinkovichi, it is planned to begin the reconstruction of this road to bring it to the first category. this will already be a two-lane road with traffic flow separation, that is safe road, modern, the project provides, again in pursuance of the instructions of the head of state, a cement-concrete pavement, more durable, the results of a phased renovation, timely repair of transport arteries and maintaining order, the driver will always appreciate, the quality is not bad, they put it in order, the only thing i i’m telling you, where is the asphalt... surface, they suffer during transition periods, here is the asphalt concrete on the second moscow ring road, in minsk, which lies, a wonderful surface, it’s pleasant
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to move on it and it doesn’t suffer so much, i went to in europe, i can’t say that the roads there are much better. in every sense , roads of any significance are dear to belarusians; they are a catalyst for the development of freight transportation, populated areas of the country as a whole, and therefore the requirements and approaches to their construction. and the contents are extremely clear, do it conscientiously. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin, telenews agency. the price tags in stores are surprising, they are ready to recommend a bargain, people’s price control is announced. write us the qr code now on your screens. top questions and suggestions we will discuss belarus-1 on air, ask questions to experts, representatives of government agencies, retail chains and manufacturers. talk show economic environment plus. a blow to prices. on air on wednesday after the panorama of belarus. experts are ready to answer any question. international agendas. the bill on mobilization in ukraine may be considered in
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the first reading this week, the verkhovna rada said. the document provoked a surge of panic. local businessmen say that the mobilization will literally paralyze the country's economy with enterprise volokut to the front of the last qualified specialists. citizens are also worried. the new law provides for the issuance of electronic subpoenas. as well as checkpoints on the border, from where men will be taken straight to the barracks. officials come out with exhortations that can drive the most ardent jingoists crazy. for example, the head of the security council danilov said that mobilization is good and correct, since we quote, all ukrainians should participate in the conflict. at the same time , the sons of danilov himself are hiding from conscription in europe and the states. deputies are discussing the possibility of companies booking specialists for 500 euros per month, which will help avoid conscription. it's me. supposedly will bring an additional 5 billion to the budget. as a result , the poor and socially unprotected will go to the front, and those who are richer will continue to waste their lives in european resorts and casinos. however,
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this can already be observed now. austrian politician velimsky called for depriving ukrainians of benefits for expensive cars. according to him, there will be no crowding on the streets of vienna because of maybachs and mercedes with yellow and blue flags on their license plates. if you have a car worth a quarter of a million euros, do you really need an austrian allowance? velinske is interested in the budget. the money is clearly not used to solve internal problems. italian farmers are joining the pan-european protest movement. columns on tractors are formed in different regions of the country and move towards the capital both from the north and from the south. the peasants hope to arrive in rome this evening. farmers in particular blocked the road leading to the southern italian city caserta has no intention of leaving. the italians have many complaints against their own government, including the abolition of subsidies that are deadly. for agriculture , the tightening of environmental standards, chaos and ruin for peasants is also caused by the abolition of all restrictions on ukrainian agricultural imports. in europe, now every fourth chicken
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is produced at the enterprises of the oligarch kosyuk. the italians, following the french, demand an answer as to why the ukrainians were helped by providing super-income to the oligarchs to the detriment of their own producers. i'm here to support protests in defense of italy, it should be above all else for the government. not the interests of europe or anyone else, our problems do not concern anyone, all decisions of the authorities are directed against us. we block roads to remind ourselves, to be heard, we will not leave until we achieve our goals. and in latvia, farmers went on the offensive, they moved in columns to 16 cities in the country , demanding immediate government support. about 200 cars took part in the so-called tractor rallies today. if they requirements. satisfied immediately, the peasants promise to march to riga in the coming days, where they are going to organize a real political show of light, exactly like their french colleagues in
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paris. europeans find themselves in a situation of complete socio-economic insecurity and are ready to end the ukrainian crisis on any terms. this opinion was expressed to our tv channel by the ukrainian speredon kelenkarov. i believe that it was the european union that suffered more than others, probably from this crisis in ukraine, from this war. more in total, of course, the countries of the european union suffered, their economies, let’s say, because they were supported by something, cheap ones. energy resources on open markets, with china, with the united states of america, and so on. today there are restrictive measures and problems there with logistics and so on, that is, well, they have serious economic problems, and this and this is actually not the limit, this is not the end of the story, i think that this process will continue for quite a long time period of time, so of course europeans in in principle, they would be ready on any terms
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for... to resolve this conflict in order to expand their economic opportunities, because this sanctions policy there is all that stuff, it negatively affects their economies, as for, say , protests, farmers, there, polish farmers again came out to protest, i think this story will also have its continuation, because to compete with such a huge country as ukraine, well, let’s say, which has quite a serious potential in in the agricultural sector, but even for such... countries as poland it is quite difficult, so the easiest way is to limit the access of ukrainian products to european markets. the united states is plunging deeper into a cycle of crises. over the past 24 hours, the pentagon has carried out several attacks on targets in yemen. according to the houthis, there have been about 300 such strikes recently. the yemenis respond to rocket attacks in kind. the day before
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they launched missiles at... american warships, and they promise a response to today's attack in the coming hours. situation the situation is extremely unfavorable for the americans, missile strikes do not cause noticeable damage to the houthis, the pentagon does not risk starting a ground operation, because in yemen almost all people are armed. in addition, the houthis are threatening to undermine the internet cable in the red sea, and this could collapse world exchanges and make it impossible to exchange payments between three parts of the world at once: europe, africa and asia. the white house is unable to resolve the internal crisis. despite threats from the central authorities, texas began building its own border wall, and instantly the number of illegal immigrants present dropped from 3,000 to three. biden, in turn, is trying to economically strangle the state by introducing a ban on the export of texas gas. this, however, only added to the resolve of the region's leadership. 25 states have already expressed support for governor abbott, and about ten have sent their
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security forces to texas. at the same time, washington is doing absolutely nothing to resolve the migration crisis. a reform project has been submitted to congress, which involves admission to the country up to 3 million refugees annually. this caused such outrage in the house of representatives that they promised to fail the project along with aid packages for ukraine, israel, as well as proposals to finance the government itself. the virus of separatism, and how one of the key states of america is rebelling, who? calls biden and the president, does not believe in the legality of his victory in the elections and refuses to obey decisions from the capital, how illegal immigrants became bargaining chips in the big game, will texas go free, we will tell you today in clear politics right away after the panorama.
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a huge scandal in poland, the wyborczy newspaper
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reports that the prosecutor's office has launched an investigation. against the leadership of the right to justice party in connection with the organization of wiretapping in hotels of a polish hotel holding. it has already been established that former deputy minister of internal affairs vonsik was involved in illegal surveillance. squeak's guide. which was the actual masters of the country, used the obtained information to conduct its business projects, also to control the activities of the opposition, the very one that it now heads government. among others, he installed bugs in the rooms where there were figures of the belarusian emigration who came to warsaw on political tours. the matter of wiretapping makes the already gloomy prospects of the ps even more gloomy. the recent owners of the country are seriously at risk of going to jail for a long time. slander your opponent, put something into his mouth that he never said. the capabilities of artificial intelligence are increasingly being used in dirty political games. the quality of deep fakes is reaching a new level.
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fabricated videos with statements from politicians and public figures today are almost impossible to distinguish from the original. why they are made and how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers, andrey sych will tell you. persons collected a total of more than 100 million views. the wow effect of what they saw caused users to have an irresistible desire to share what they saw with relatives and friends. at the same time, the creators of the deepfake did the job quite carelessly; everyone understood that
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this was a fake. this was the authors' idea - to demonstrate the possibility of modern technologies in creating deepfakes. people first started talking about deepfakes back in 2017. fans of content marked 18. plus used it on iraset to change the appearance of actors in porn videos on the faces of hollywood stars. the development of technology has made it possible to minimize human participation in this process. and now any user, even with one free hand, can create such content. as long as specific creativity was aimed at satisfying individual needs, it did not bring any problems except bloody blisters. today it analysts are confident that the technology is deep. may become the most dangerous in the digital sphere in recent decades; in fact, with its help, you can completely destroy the image of any politician, forming absurd statements that he did not make in reality. deepfakes are already being actively used in
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the russian-ukrainian conflict; vladimir putin’s fake message has spread across the internet. martial law was introduced by my decree on the territory of the kursk, belgorod, and bryansk regions. also today. sign a decree on general mobilization. distinguish each time the original becomes more and more complex from the debfake. only by peering at a high-quality fake can one non-verbally suspect interference based on individual fragments of facial expressions. it’s just that , as a rule, the wow effect doesn’t allow you to devote time to this process. overwhelming emotions require you to immediately share what you see. this is what happened with zaluzhny’s fake appeal, which went viral in the ukrainian expanse. internet. i don’t have accurate information that zelensky was elected as a leader yesterday. vin is getting ready eliminate me the same way, and then create a country. neuronetworks are capable of faking not only visual content. machine learning
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made it possible to achieve almost identical voice intonations. sometimes even close people are unable to distinguish a fake they hear. the technology is actively used by telephone scammers to defraud relatives of money. under the pretext of an emergency that requires unforeseen expenses. cnn representatives conducted an experiment during which the journalist’s mother responded with generated phrases, sounding in the son's voice. on eroset, with mass public access , they are capable of much more technologically advanced deepfakes. when creating a fake, you can translate the voice into foreign languages ​​while maintaining the original pronunciation.
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alexander lukashenko also became the target of a kind of attack, as the president of belarus spoke about at a meeting with young people. neuronetworks, they are changing society a lot. due to this, difficult times await us.
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this thing greatly affects the world, the relationships between people, we need to be very careful here, we cannot avoid it can. the post-truth era has become part of the space where each of us sometimes spends an impressive amount of our time. it is important to remember that if a publication gives you a wow effect, it is not emotions that begin to overwhelm you, most likely you are being manipulated. and this is an example of how modern technologies serve people and make their lives better. medicine in the regions has reached a new level of patient care, thanks to the constant updating of medical equipment; minimally invasive operations have begun to be carried out even in regional clinics. in lida, for example, were the first in the grodno region to treat the biliary tract using a new method ; in vitebsk, laparoscopic operations were put on stream. details in the report by yuri kornilovich. an operation to remove stones
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from the bile ducts using a minimally invasive method through small punctures is common for republican clinics. in the regions, this method was practically not used, and therefore the responsibility to the surgeon of the litskaya regional hospital, mikhail gritchenko, was great. he decided to operate on a patient with concomitant pathologies. considering this diagnosis, a large stone of one and a half cm, it was decided for the first time to perform laparoscopic, cholecystotomy and chaledochalitomy at the lida level, that is, removal of a stone from the common bile duct, which we succeeded in, the patient was discharged on the seventh day in an ultoratory state , lida surgeons began to apply the experience gained in practice, literally a few days later the second patient was operated on, today elena golovach is already preparing for discharge, everything went perfectly, with the anesthesia came out fine, they did it at about 11. 11-12 o'clock, and already at about 5 o'clock i was already
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up, i seemed to be feeling well, the excellent operation went well, minimally invasive operations are a promising direction for lida doctors, for example, they are actively used for the treatment of hernias, more than fifty such surgical operations are performed here every year interventions, after traditional methods a wound remains at the site of the hernia, the person is in pain, he is discharged on the sixth or seventh day, only the stitches are removed. he cannot lift more than 5 kg for a month. after a laparoscopic garage section , a person gets up on the same day, in the morning and the operation was performed, after lunch he gets up and walks, the next day we calmly discharge him home. the introduction of modern treatment methods for the district hospital became possible thanks to the qualifications of doctors and large-scale re-equipment. over the past few years , the surgical building here has been completely restored. modern operating units with advanced equipment appeared, a computer was installed. tomograph. today at the clinic the main emphasis is on the development
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of diagnostics. in just a few months, a magnetic resonance imaging scanner will appear here, with which it will be possible to examine almost all human organs. ultimately, this will allow a quick and high-quality diagnosis to be made. patients who require emergency interventions are admitted to the emergency hospital in vitebsk. lyudmila golubeva from lepelsky district, preparing for surgery. the stone i had there came here, now the doctor said it was necessary. operate, i consulted with my son, who is also my doctor , and said that it is imperative to undergo surgery, the operation is exclusively laparoscopic, unlike traditional intervention, the manipulation is carried out through small incisions, thanks to this the person does not have large scars, the patient quickly recovers. emergency hospital surgeons are introducing minimally invasive operations for emergency patients. yuri kornilovich, olga moslovskaya, television news agency. the league of the brave tournament in the show format became special for its participants
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great impetus for wrestling. there is a strong tradition in this sport in belarus, and in order for our athletes to continue to perform brightly on the international stage, it is necessary to carefully work on preparing the reserve. andrei kozlov will talk about how the final of the project took place under the patronage of the presidential sports club. oh, good, tyom, now it was not bad. okay, but you still have a bad grip. you know that you are pulling your head well, but you have to pull your hand , yourself. we have a profession, they call it good luck as a reporter, a day before the climax of the season he will go to visit the team that will ultimately win. mogilev , the process did not stop for a second. okay, well done, we finished, we ran two circles. easy jogging. the mogilev region team had to defend not only the honor of the region in the brave league finals, but also the honor of the entire country. after all, the opponents are muscovites, the current winners of the competition. our team coach ekaterina zubarevich will say prophetic words.
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very serious technical training, general developmental, everything the quality of the wrestler has risen to a high level, and i think this year i know. the next day will become perhaps the brightest in the sports biography of the finalists; the atmosphere, especially for the final confrontation at one of the capital’s concert venues, was incredible, because children’s emotions are the most sincere, and even more so when the greatest athletes of our time are nearby.
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i feel great joy for our team, for myself, because we have all been waiting for this all year. a medal from the hands of honored guests, soon such a precious and important cup. very difficult, it was exciting, but yesterday i promised my viewers, the fans of our team.
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emotions during the finals, first started in september 2022, every year he surrounds himself not only with sports directly, but with seminars and much more. in terms of selection , competitions are priceless, at which there are already programs, children's camps, and judges , you can spot rising stars. the second season of the brave league is behind us, but there is a firm belief that this is a project for years, at least the presidential sports club and the belarusian wrestling federation, the excitement during the final exceeded all expectations. andrey kozlov, sergey matveychuk and anzor tuzhaev, tv news agency. tourist mecca of belarus with the princely palace from the unesco world heritage list. and authentic architecture. the route of our project “a place to live” continues in the legendary nesvezh. today, about 15 thousand people live in the city. and the television tour was prepared by a senior researcher at the reserve museum. sergei chastyakov moved there with his parents 40 years ago, and was inspired as a child legacy of the radevil dynasty. journey
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through the centuries. on our air. nesvizh is the city where the largest number of mysteries, stories, legends of all kinds of sacraments are concentrated, and of course, anyone who comes to the city... begins their acquaintance with its history from the nestvezh castle. in 2005, the complex was included in the list of this world heritage site, this is about 400 thousand visitors a year, more than thirty exhibitions...


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