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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 6, 2024 2:05am-3:11am MSK

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look, well, it would be nice if there was one, of course, but we will assume that, that is , we will not hide our secret thoughts, yes, but the fact is that, for example, when trump was president, the earth was simply burning there, they it was not the factor of separatism that was launched, this is a complex mechanism , the factor is not to be grumbled, here is blm, please, we have an oppressed population, which, yes, they launched the democrats, such a wave, and the earth burned, that is, it was not a territorial principle, it was a principle some oppressed social group, look today too, this is a slightly different factor , purely territorial, where texas wants to separate.
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you have a gun at home, you vote for republicans there, this has already passed, today there is complete automation of electoral processes, that is, we are about 5-10 years behind them, you have facebook, for example. i think no, you’re doing the right thing, because this is a social network that collects absolutely, well, all the information about you that can be there, from the moment to moving your conversations there and so on, then imagine on an american scale, yes, how much can be collected information on a particular state, where everyone sits on this social network, makes purchases and so on, that is, they see you, let’s say, your age, your marital status, who you communicate with, your orientation, including who you can marry vote potentially, and then they send you targeted advertising for trump, for example, they did it in
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the last election, due to this they raised a huge target group that no one could do before, they shouted: russian hackers chose trump, no, trump chose himself , but they just used such a target advertising on the databases that social networks gave them, then zuckerberg admitted that you know, we are spying on you, well, it just turns out that the americans themselves didn’t know about it, that’s all, but today american political strategists, they don’t have a map for each state there are streets and districts, like ours, they have a map of voters, their tastes, preferences, ages, who lives where, and then they calculate which address.
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a country that has everything, there are any weapons and open the border, a huge powerful right to do anything in the world, but they don’t they’re doing it, well, okay, this is the division, conditionally, let’s once again specify the southern and northern states today, is it relevant today or based on your message, this is most likely a question of impact and technology, irrelevant, that is there are republican stronghold states that are pumping, this is clear, that is , the flows of this migration are directed there so that, for example, people vote more actively for trump. or vice versa, they take these migrants, transfer them to buses, take them to the republicans, then to the democrats in another state, so that the democrats there are indignant, have already voted against biden, that is, there is a struggle, well, in each specific state, okay, so how will this confrontation on the rio grand border end now, they will disperse, this situation will calm down, or it is capable of provoking more serious consequences, before the elections this will be the main information source that voters will drop every day, this is the safest thing, starting some kind of war there, this is a much less safe way, it will go no one knows how, your enemy is the poor mexicans,
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who are climbing over the fence there, well, it’s easier to fight with him, you know, how our poland fought there for 2 years with these arabs, that’s great, we ’re all such heroes, we’re so great, carry out a counter-offensive, and then we’ll see how... you guys are great, they did it, so they will catch poor mexicans, okay, i ’m interested, that is, it turns out that both sides are interested in this conflict, of course, this is a choice, there is a very, very subtle approach to the election campaign, we don’t care this technology, this is good technology, according to data bloomberg, yes... is considering the possibility of conducting a secret operation against iran, but be that as it may, this is also connected with the election campaign, in general with us policy, well, in this case in the middle east. on the one hand, biden wants to punish or will want to punish the organizers of the terrorist attack
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against american military personnel. on the other hand, some say that this could draw the united states into direct confrontation with iran, and almost until the third world war. will there be a reaction the head of the white house, one of his most important decisions in the entire history of biden’s presidency , and determining this in the elections, you know, this is a secret operation that we are discussing, well, it’s probably not like that, we’re looking there the background, this is an information operation, we are so powerful, we are ready there even tomorrow , we just don’t start yet, well, i already promised a few days ago, but that i will make this decision literally in a day, then let’s think about how they work tsrshniki. east, that is, we have a show based on soviet films, there are guys sitting in the embassy and saying, carry out an action there, that means, or let’s shoot someone there, nothing like that, the task of western intelligence there is to create conditions for the work of terrorist groups , but how to form this, so that you don’t finance isis there from your own pocket, but so that someone does it for you, find sponsors,
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find some oil fields, recapture them, protect them, so that all this work is not carried out for at the expense of the us congress, and for due to some local groups or some third external factor, well, they are now working in ukraine with... europe, just look, yes, yes, yes, absolutely right, these are the groups that were raised in the middle east, they there is today, there is still isis there, there is al-qaida , which has a complex relationship with iran, there are kurds - this is the main force today , western, and they work with all of them, and at some strange cost, it is not clear where they are coming from money, but this does not pass under the articles of the us congress, and you say, we need a war, which our congress will agree on there, the counter-offensive cost 70 billion dollars, that is, to repeat it, we need the consent of the congress again, with iran there may be more...
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to trump, so of course, if there is still someone's brains, and there, i think, there is someone to make a decision, they will keep it under control all the time, threaten a little, that here, here, here, yes, maybe, maybe not, but this is the fog of war, today everyone does this, but in reality the means of strength are for this purpose , to be honest, who has the brains, well i have a hard time imagining that biden makes the decision himself, yes, well, there is this guy salevan, he is the national security advisor, a formal position, they say he is the backbone of the democratic party that is in power today, they say his old grandfather
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was in charge himself in fact, this is a ready candidate for elections, so people there think 2-4 moves ahead, not even one, well, let’s try to name texas, iran, the gas sector, israel, yes, taiwan, well, the same maldives , tourists are afraid that they will close beaches and hot islands will turn into a hot spot, this would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but the fact remains.
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that it was impossible to lose face, they began to escalate, under no circumstances should pilosi come to us, we will scramble planes, we
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will drive out tanks on the beach there, all this happened, but it turned out that she still arrived, this is an overheated situation , it was received very nervously by other allies of china around the world, who looked at the official chinese press, which was talking about what was possible there war and battle, clashes, and of course this effect cannot be overcome there in a year in six months, this nervous information picture will persist, but in reality it is necessary to evaluate the forces and means that... china has today, the usa in this region, everything is not simple there, i think that the americans, even two such big wars, they will not survive in parallel, that is , they will have to finish something for them, as they came out of afghanistan, then we need to raise our ears, then something will happen, but for now they got stuck in ukraine, just like israel got stuck in this gas sector, so something won’t change there quickly, that is , in reality, a more serious aggravation somewhere else should be expected or perhaps after the topic of ukraine is closed the topic of the middle east in a specific sector will be closed. gas, well, the middle east, of course , not much can be understood with ukraine, that is , this is a point that diverts russian resources,
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here already, yes, here already, yes, yes, yes, everything has been raked out, there is still a goldmine there, there energy resources, there is also control of transit through the red sea, of course you can fight there, but the question is at whose expense the banquet will be, it turned out that the banquet cannot be extended indefinitely, as was the mistake of one party with this counter-offensive, that is, they need to build a financing mechanism, for example, through saudi arabia, but today everything is bad there in saudi arabia, so it happened. this, by the way, is a victory for russian diplomacy; as long as russia, saudi arabia, iran are in the triangle, there are normal relations, it will be difficult to do anything there in the middle east, yes, there are kurds, for example, who, by the way, are being raided on our border, the kurds are mostly fleeing, the main supporting western group is fleeing from where the americans are creating a separatist state for them, for some reason they are fleeing to europe, then there is also not the most reliable ally, well, iran, as if these are people who have absolutely nothing to lose, who do not coordinate their internal policy with anyone, it is 100% sovereign, as much as possible, already how they react to this situation. .. they will also look and determine the further development of events, so far it is clear that they do not want to fight
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, you know, i probably agree with your position, you know, money can be printed in any quantity, although it will not turn into 155mm shells, yes, which they are already starting to save, and not only in ukraine, but these statements that the israeli army may still find them useful in the future, they have already been made, okay, that’s how a person who travels to belarusian enterprises, and i go every month, i can’t help but ask, that’s what, that’s what would not happen in the world, but to our people the main thing is still important, and this is true, as long as there is no war, i hear this at every meeting, the most important thing for them is gratitude to the president for preserving this peace, well, it’s clear that we should let our guard down given our there are no close neighbors in poland and the baltic states, and of course ukraine. this is who, in your opinion, first of all, as
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lukashenko said, needs to be kept in sight, first of all, look, we had the twentieth year, where there was a fairly open pro-western coup, in this situation an attempt, say, yes, in this situation, some of the comrades there began to waver a little, despite the fact that they understood who the organizer was, after all, it wasn’t russia at all, it was a well-known telegram channel operating from poland, and it was obvious, nevertheless ... people began to waver a little, imagine that the conditional coup attempt number two will not have such a pronounced western trail, there is a center in vilnius, a center in warsaw, a telegram channel that obviously works from there, all this is not there, the question then , unless it is obvious enemy, what would such a change of power look like then, and i’ll answer you, it was, for example, 1994, when they elected our first president, whom russia supported then, they supported kebich, because well, he seems to be a good guy, partocrats, partocrats and not because lukashenko was bad there. good or vice versa, they simply didn’t know who to support, and chose such a person,
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the russians need to know what the situation is here and know what the balance of power is, who needs to be supported here, in this case we have everything it will continue to be normal, no matter what coup attempts there are, no matter what changes occur in terms of the government there, you know, all this must be kept in mind, this is the number one question today, not only are there some troops there poland, which is preparing, not only there are these caricature battalions, which is in ukraine, no, the enemy is always the main one on the inside, it was before, it will be now, it will be tomorrow. well , the president clearly indicated that if we have a normal situation inside, we will generally not be afraid of external enemies given that organization, with the allied relations that exist today. okay , andrei vladimirovich, unfortunately, the last, semi-philosophical question, even based on our conversation, obviously, the western world is slowly going crazy, not to mention when you, and also remember the opening of eu culture days in austria, if you saw this wonderful video, yes, or french municipalities in total, excuse me, crap,
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the final, in my opinion, humiliation after liver... they are in an alliance with us and russia, and not with the eu and the usa. all our cis countries went through a period of building a vertical power structure, but not all of them have built it yet. so, where the vertical has been built, some kind of integration can be carried out there. we have it in russia, we have it in belarus. please, two decision-making centers, agreed and carried out such integration. why don’t they like russians in moldova? and how do they love it? but there is no
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center there that would make these decisions. that is, they did not hold a constitutional referendum, like we did, in the nineties . it worked in moldova in armenia, look, in ukraine it worked out great , the vertical power there was also quite weak, they also lost the war, that is , this is how they work for all our potential allies, they don’t need to win here directly, it’s enough for us keep them on such a leash without power, it’s good if they work to ensure that we have here,
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well, let’s say, this system, the vertical of control, and make it incapacitated, is it possible... personal opinion, the same baltic states, it’s in good , i’ll clarify, just in case, yours
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in the long term, they are able to return to their native harbor, well, look, they are leaving mexico. mexicans in the usa , these southern states are gradually becoming mexico, someday the population will leave the baltic states so much that there will be, say, some kind of support base there, including for us and for the russians, which will remain, then something might may change, but for now there is a clan system and complete strict control of the special services, so unfortunately i don’t see such a prospect today, thank you for this conversation, please along unexplored paths and routes, a certain medieval traveler, a favorite of today’s marketers, called belarus a country of castles, and it’s not to say that he was wrong, because sources from the seventeenth-eighth centuries
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claim that there were about a hundred castles on our land. hella velma jumping admetnasts - this fire tower. darechy, yashche adzin turistychny papular ab'ekt. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel. in all international acts , it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population
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of unarmed children is a war crime. but the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow. but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure , almost 22 thousand residents of the gas sector were killed, the number of wounded exceeded 56 thousand. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. a bye west. is already dividing up the remnants of ukraine, without waiting for the end of the special military operation, they are no longer interested in the latter, in principle, the author’s project of ksenia lebedeva
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is something else. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. we, the young generation of sovereign belarus, must remember the past and appreciate the present, so that our native... belarus lives in peace and creation. indeed, social life has always aroused great interest, and while studying at school from the eighth grade, i was elected secretary of the primary organization of the secondary number one school in the city of novolukoml. and in principle, probably, from that moment an active social life began , being elected secretary at school, well, it was very honorable, probably important, and
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indeed, among my classmates there was also no such thing as that i was the secretary of the primary organization, but on the contrary, just it was very pleasant when the guys with whom we studied, let’s say, expressed trust and... helping veterans is the sacred duty of absolutely every belarusian, because thanks to these people today we can, in principle, live under peaceful sky, calmly walk down the street
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, participate in various kinds of events, promotions, projects that we offer today, which are being initiated by young people today, in principle for the right to live under a peaceful sky, i think this is the most important thing that can only be, such emotions that you experience after volunteer events is probably hard to experience after anything else, i just recently held a charity concert that we held, this is one of the first, probably significant events - in terms of volunteerism activity for me, because i still probably have this feeling, as if, well, we turned the world upside down. barsem is the future homeland, to be built by the young, of course, today, thanks to the youth union, every young person can... not remain aloof from all the events that are happening in the country. first of all, of course, young people should love their country and rightfully be proud that they live in a peaceful,
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independent, prosperous belarus, because truly the support of youth in our country, like in no other country, is colossal, and young people feel it, the most important thing will be the return from young people if they simply appreciate and respect all this, the most important thing, of course, is to increase peace and creativity every year.
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the geographical remoteness of kamchatka and belarus should not hinder friendship and cooperation, alexander lukashenko stated this during a meeting with the governor of the kamchatka territory. the president of belarus noted that minsk and petropavlovsk-kamchatsky are capable of significantly increasing trade turnover through direct supplies of sea-related products
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joint processing industries. in order to remove several unnecessary intermediaries, we are also ready to work in this regard. in this regard, a promising model for the development of cooperation could be such a problem as the creation of your processing facilities in our country, if it is profitable, you can try it, we will create the most favorable conditions for the delivery of your products to any point where... it will be profitable for you in europe, and south-eastern europe, and maybe western asia, points that here will be closer to belarus, especially i want to note that the investments of bona fide businesses are reliably protected by the state, you don’t even have to think or discuss this, if you decide to work here, everything will be
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as we agree with you. belarus is also ready to share its rich experience in creating large agricultural complexes. currently, the majority of bilateral trade turnover is made up of belarusian exports. minsk supplies frozen beef, cheeses, as well as special-purpose machines and mechanical devices to kamchatka. port the capacities of st. petersburg became the base for belarusian cargo. last year, out of the 14 million tons that our country sent through all russian ports, almost 13 million went through the city on niva. in general, as i said. ambassador of belarus to russia dmitry krutoy, volumes have grown significantly in recent years, with the existing railway infrastructure we are actually reaching the transshipment ceiling, so the railways of the two countries have agreed on investment plans to meet demand. the first stage is the construction of seven sidings, that is, the restoration of sidings that were actually mothballed after the soviet union, they need to be restored very quickly and quickly today, and
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the basic task is to ensure the volume of transshipment of 15 million tons of our cargo by 2025, using ports from st. petersburg. the northern sea route is also a priority for the delivery of belarusian goods to china. it is also actively used by russians. chinese logistics companies have also begun to explore. belarus and russia are developing cooperation in terms of transportation almost 2 million residents of the union state last year took advantage of direct flights between minsk and russian ones. cities, such passenger traffic was by rail; this year they plan to expand air traffic, with special attention to the siberian regions. new non-stop routes are a help for business and tourism development. work to attract russian carriers will continue. more than 2.0 companies from 35 countries. the prodexpo exhibition has begun in moscow, traditionally there is great interest in the meidden exposition in belarus. high-quality products from the food
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industry of our country are used in russia. high demand. as part of the exhibition of food products, drinks and raw materials for their production, a broad business program is planned. a military department was opened at the polos state university named after efrasinia polodskaya. the event was attended by representatives of the ministry of defense, local authorities, and the university administration. training there will take place in the following specialties: artillery reconnaissance, ground-based electronic warfare, engineering and sapper service, automobile division. we are currently accepting applications.
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bsu has created a system for environmental assessment of the impact of emissions on the environment and accounting for air quality; it is based on a physical and mathematical model, which included the main parameters of minsk, this is the relief. surface types, industrial areas, parks, buildings and atmospheric parameters. the development will be useful when designing new neighborhoods or industrial zones to assess the potential transfer of pollutants, their impact on air quality and comfort living in specific residential areas. these results can be applied to other cities in belarus, and regional cities, district cities, that is, where there is large-scale production and the task is to solve the environment and air quality. since the project has its own deadlines. it has already been completed, and, but we have promising plans, further developments, cooperation with foreign colleagues, with china and central asia. based on research results, the program calculated that minsk has the highest emissions
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of harmful substances into the atmosphere in the factory district, and least of all in pervomaisky. as if you were holding a book in your hands, clutching one piece after another, sipping on the words of your skin, the greatest creativity comes from all of us, the most valuable and useful things are these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. there are different galas of people, everything that chalavetstva made, hogged on old books, bytstsam
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enchantment. let's read the chalavek perezhyvae stagodzi, read the closest packs. we value the past for our present. belarus 24. there are 256 countries in the world. basically the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela, but for some long time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to appreciate us.
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potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china, and even belarus, but there is a nuance: america’s stability is ensured by the instability of the rest of the world. we need to value this stability, because it is not only expensive , it is priceless. propaganda project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the most important - pay attention to its color. it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots, often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i
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haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we are having quiche for breakfast, with spinach and red fish, it will be amazingly delicious. breakfast of a champion for energy for the whole day. see the project this will be a good complex for the morning exercises that will allow you to fill up with the belarus 24 tv channel. they are smart, enterprising and brave. maxim, hello, well, i answered yes, but i remembered. that minsk was founded in 1067, it was mentioned, you probably meant, thousand, and then you did the math and it turned out that most likely, i understand, their age is not a hindrance for them, because
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questions of an adult nature, express in seconds 10 minutes and 10 seconds, there are 60 seconds in one minute, and 60 x 10 is 600 and another plus 10 seconds is 610. and this is absolutely the correct answer. fight for the title of the best intellectual. no matter how much some of you would like to, and some may not want to, it’s time to take stock. who are the two who are going to our final fourth round, who are the ones to whom we say today, goodbye, we have a draw again, look, in the new season of the project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. fields, like a young bird that flocks above a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i hear. loud laughter, which often rings for clear words, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for my dear daughter, may i love you.
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yes openings. the birthplace of skiers on the planet, not far from minsk or the village of raubishi, was inspired to build a unique complex, back in 1972, then, as a sign of the great successes of soviet biathletes in the international arena, it was decided to give the opportunity to host the world championship to the soviet union, there was little time, it was like this here, i'll tell you, this is where this is they were shooting, there were only cows grazing here, there was nothing else. this season of ’73, it
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was very intense, because in ’74 the world championship was already about to be held, and that’s where raubchi came from. the first world championship among adult athletes was held in 1974, and the second in 1990. between them there were in 1976 and 1980, in my opinion, two more world junior championships. and when i was still performing, of course, raubich was not only a chic base where more than once international competitions, but also as a country that always accepts with soul, is always very friendly, and a cheerleader. spectators were also treated
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, the complex is in demand as a venue for international competitions, so in 12, such a, one might say, global reconstruction of the complex began, in 15 the first stage of it was completed, we held the youth biathlon world championship, which was held at a very high decent level. new lighting that illuminates the shooting range,
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track and stadium, competitions can be held in the dark, the most wonderful place for both a novice athlete and a professional, here is probably the best memory sravich, i started my international, so to speak, sports career here, this it was at... at the end of the year in december the european cup stage was held here, when the european championship was held here, spectators.
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in the summer the guys on wakeboards are very active; to be more specific, we opened on january 24, 2004, there was some very relief section of belarus, because well, a very small part of our mountain is an embankment, and the main part of it is, in principle, we used the relief, well, regarding... this particular place, we managed to combine the level for those who it’s just that now it’s time to ski or snowboard, and there are still a couple of elements on the slopes, when you can fully feel the adrenaline, because the change in
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height and steepness, well, it’s so impressive, periodically the building was completed... the building, for example, a restaurant, he didn't appear right away there was a big one, just a tent-house , a conference room, this is a multifunctional room, mainly used for business meetings, seminars, trainings, the bulk of the employees are, of course, residents of, well , the nearest settlements, on the complex, but within people 70-80 works reliably. frankly speaking, the new history of alpine skiing began with the advent of these ski centers, that is, earlier in the seventies of the last century our famous raobichi sports complex helped,
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then there was a pause in the development of the sport skiing, although fans did not stop practicing, so... in the mid-tenths of our century , the sports movement began to develop with the advent of ski centers, there was little of what we see now, now it is fully matured, a full-fledged resort, and of course there used to be
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a center here... the president of the republic of belarus gave the start to our center, to our work, by alexander lukashenko on january 29, 2005. republican ski center. siliche is open, simultaneously with the construction of the ski center there is active landscaping.
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from the days of the start of the ski center, athletes fell in love with our center, in principle, from the very beginning, competitions have been held since 2005 - we have 11 ski slopes, from beginners, they will practice on the educational and training slope on the children's slope, to professionals, since they train here
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sports teams, we are constantly working to improve security systems, well , up to 500 people can be on our slopes at a time, more than 1,500 people pass through each day, of course, the culture is changing before our eyes skating, the number of fans is increasing. of course , interest is growing significantly, there have been many more people since then, i will say that, probably, in the first years there were more people at the box office, now there are a little less of them, because belarusians have already bought a lot of their equipment, people are attracted to this, you can see , how they are already trying to move on to more difficult slopes from the training slope, and not only guests from our republic come, but also from abroad, we constantly... not what we hear, we see, how they write words of gratitude and directly, how they see changes for the better,
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because we try for people to have fun here, so that they come here time after time for a good mood, to be charged with energy and positive emotions. i really want our belarusians, the little children who today have reached the age of five, to be 5-6 years old. previously it was undesirable, just like in austria in germany and switzerland they started skiing and had the opportunity to ski here, i tell you with absolute authority, as among the people they say, i declare, i assure you that if your child starts skiing, he will never get sick, but what does a mother need more than a father?
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each of the project's heroes is engaged in important work. guys, who is a teacher and what does he do? he works. with children, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and education. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. when children feel good with each other, they feel good individually. that's why. if the emotional background is stable in the group and the teacher is in a good mood with each child, then the child is happy to go to kindergarten.
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sixth-year subordinate students at the belarusian state medical university are practicing the skills of providing emergency care in various clinical situations. watch on tv channel belarus 24. belarusian winter. all her little things, all the details, some are so beautiful, which is breathtaking, some are absurd, but together they are one whole, together they are harmony, looking at them you feel aesthetic pleasure. you feel that belarus is closer.
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and for me the world of wild nature has always been interesting, learning new worlds, getting to know new people, getting to know my own friends, i would have a desire to travel and my own... i was once born in the city of kopol.
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not far away we had such a creative atmosphere among friends, we dreamed of traveling when we had already graduated from university, because there was no opportunity, i didn’t have time, and then when there was time, when i went to work, there was a vacation, there was nothing to do with it, i got into the section, they immediately offered a bunch of options, because we were good athletes, i’m talking about ourselves and about our brother, and we immediately easily joined the company, already such...
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like-minded people who are ready to sit there near the fire and eat pasta with the stew that you brought from belarus, then you will have everything inexpensively, and of course there is first-class travel, for example some antarctica or somewhere else, just flying there costs a lot of money, so money is not the most important thing here.
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our clinic here is one of the oldest in belarus, when in 97 the idea of ​​​​creating such a dental clinic arose, it was created and has been working there successfully for more than, probably, what 25 years, this is our life here, but i have always worked here . in the position of manager of this wonderful institution, and in parallel with this i had to do mountaineering, i didn’t have to believe, i’ve been doing it all my life lipinism, somewhere since the year eighty-five , mountaineering is a serious sport and requires a lot of preparation, physical training consists of many levels, this is strength, and you need endurance, and speed qualities there are a lot of directions, you need to be harmonious,
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well developed, one of such directions are, of course, what i do. we also call climbing without the supervision of a leader or instructor, why? i’ll tell you right away, you need good physical training in the mountains having good physical shape, and in general in life, if you feel good and exercise, you walk down the street, you are in a good mood there, and you want to go to work or take a walk in the forest, even better, if you don’t feel well, you you feel discomfort, you are missing something, you think
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it was a waste of time not to train, and you... because you will be busy with your suffering, how bad you feel, how you are missing something, well, that’s it, eh if you are in good physical shape, you can easily overcome everything, your safety is higher, because safety is always associated with control of the situation, with good attention, concentration of a person, if he, it can only be in good physical shape, if you are tired, you start to fall asleep, you lose control, you can... look at the dangers there are some rocks there, avalanches and something else, that is, you may have a loss of control because of this, and this consequence of this may be injuries, which happen, several years ago i climbed with my
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daughter, middle, and i didn't calculate the route while moving along the route - it became clear that there was no water on the route, this happens very rarely, but... there is not a drop of water at all, usually you can eat snow, there is nothing here, to return, but we are already tired, we didn’t calculate either our strength, to go back down , we won’t have water, we may lose control, well, in fact, we may almost die there due to the lack of moisture, and we have to climb another 200 m to the top, and you know that there is definitely water at the top, so the decision was made to rise. to the top, so we took a drink there water, drank, but it was already evening , it became dark, bad weather came and we got , so to speak, a cold overnight stay, a cold overnight stay means that you are sitting like this, so
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you are on the ice on this, my daughter was still there, she was about 15 years old, very young person, i had to hold her in my arms all night, this is the usual miscalculation of a climber, or i ended up in a very unpleasant situation, i must calculate that i need to return back, moreover, he must not only make allowances for returning back, he must always make allowances for the fact that when returning or when while climbing to the top, an accident may happen , he or his partner may get injured, so all ascents should always be carried out with a large margin of safety. here training takes place under the guidance of my coach oleg
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borisovich kiriyenko, a legend of soviet karate and the belarusian founder of its karate. well, as victor said, karate, although we have already developed our own system, which is called wudo, it is a mixture of woo warrior.
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that’s it, because if it just works out, well, a little, it’s not always possible, act effectively despite the combat aspects that oleg borirovich teaches us, the system has a lot of other aspects, in particular health and general physical strengthening
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of human health, which is why by training here, we get a healthy, healthy body, healthy mind, martial arts practice and general physical training, well here i also realized that we are talking about an even broader meaning,
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plus, well, everything that weighs very little in some simple porridges that take two or three minutes to prepare, the first mountain in the year eighty-six i climbed in 1986, it was mount aktur, it was like that, the western caucasus, after a month of training already in albaza, the uzunkol took place under the guidance of my trainers at that time, and it was a very beautiful climb, because we rose... then above the clouds and below us
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there was such an endless pilina, we felt just like gods, the decision was very cool , beautiful, remembered forever, it is very important that the climber has something to remember, because despite all the difficulties that you endure there in the mountains, you can be held in good shape only the surrounding beautiful views that exist there endlessly, yes there are many... a lot of dead people, we need to remember that there irven and melory, the first ones who died there under the summit of everest, all this of course looks, well, well somehow very peculiar, when i saw all this, i was impressed, the strong impression remains, because you are healthy and alive, then the person in this place took, suddenly for some reason, not for some reason, for some reason, there are all very strong people there, and there are a lot of them, by the way. i
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that’s why i told you that the beginning of any climber lies in the ways, well , so that he learns the ways of survival here already, because for me, most of them, especially young people, they can neither put up a tent, nor light a fire, nor even cook basic food for themselves on a stove in the house, not to mention somewhere in the forest, so... if you dream of traveling, you need to become an independent person and be able to provide for your simple life, in nature, in the forest, on the river, fishing in eventually.
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yes, there are superstitions, there are a lot of superstitions , because, well, i’ve already seen enough, i have a lot , accidents happened near me, so there is a feeling that something will happen soon, this affected many of mine, several of mine.


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