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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 6, 2024 3:25am-3:56am MSK

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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will... answer everything. alim, why do you think the children chose you for the conversation? perhaps the guys will be interested to know the fate of an athlete who, through some work, achieved some results. are you ready for children to sometimes ask awkward questions? yes, i'm ready, i'll try to be as frank as possible. let's see how you cope now. promise
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to be honest, at least i will try my best, then good luck! chairman of the belarusian wrestling federation, two-time world champion in greco-roman wrestling, alim maksimovich zelimov! alin, i want to warn you, according to the rules of our program, if for some reason. if you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times. and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program you have to choose the best one. now you have one minute to briefly tell us about yourself. time has passed. i'm alim selimov. i am 40 years old. i am the chairman of the belarusian wrestling federation, a two-time world champion.
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honored master of sports of the republic belarus. you finished it in less than a minute. and now questions from our audience. we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question. let's see how fast you can answer. you are ready? yes. then let's begin. question from the red sector. hello, my name is svyatoslav. here you are, a belarusian athlete. but judging by your name, you don't quite have it. i was born in dagestan in the mountainous republic of the russian federation in the village of kasumkent, at the age of 15 i moved to the republic of belarus to gomel, the olympic reserve school, where i became professional athlete, where belarusian coaches raised me. and in general, in
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general, the belarusian state gave me a great opportunity to achieve my goal, thank you very much, how did you come to big-time sports and why were you so attracted to greco-roman wrestling? i was nine years old and it was in my village, where i was born, in the village of kasumkent, in fact, i did not go to the greco-roman wrestling section, greco-roman wrestling i...
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loss, that day, on the first day , when i got into the volleyball section, next to this hall there was a wrestling hall, from where i could hear screams from the coach, harsh screams from the coach, knocks falling there, the bar falling, well, like a child of 9 years old, i became very interested in what was going on in the gym, i walked around the hall, went into the wrestling hall, opened the door and i was surprised. what was happening in the hall, there really was such an atmosphere that i stuck my head in the door like this and looked and the coach looked at me with such a hard look and said: whose girl are you? i say: i’m not a girl, he says, if you’re not a girl, you play volleyball with the girls there with a sword, he he says, do you want to become a real man , i say, well, yes, of course, he says, go to this corner and sit there, sat down...
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watched the whole training, then he comes up to me after training, hugged me and says so : listen, to become a man, you have to be here, and i'm waiting for you tomorrow at training. and so i ended up in the freestyle wrestling section, have you ever thought about choosing this particular sport, it seems to me that it’s not the most profitable, in fact, not everything is measured in money, i got it at the age of 10 the goal of becoming a world champion and until 22 years of my life i lived only with this goal, you know, i had it at my second or third competitions during my fight, my fight, my fight, such a legendary ali aliyev came into our hall, this five -time world champion, for us then it was a big idol, great happiness, desire, then he
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came to our hall and saw - since we were fighting, and i lost, i became fourth when the award ceremony was already underway, my name was called and they called me : to receive a prize for the will to win, then he turned me towards all the guys, put his hand on my shoulder and told me, alim, you have very good qualities as an athlete and fighter, so he says, work, work, if you are disciplined, good results await you when i walked after a competition with my brother on foot, about a kilometer and a half from our house, i told my brother, brother, i’m... a world champion, he says, who are you, a world champion, don’t make me laugh, that’s when i got a goal in life , i never fought for money, i understood that if i achieved some results - uh, then i will have, well , let’s say, normal material benefits, and i
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’ll tell you, today the state provides athletes who achieve good results with good prizes, good salaries, today yes, this is not football, this is not hockey, there there are no millions, but a person who achieves great results at the world championships, olympic games, in our country is well paid and lives with dignity, so the goal itself was not making money, the goal itself was my desire, my dream, to become a champion peace, thank god, i managed to do it twice, now the questions are from the yellow sector, this is on the right, hello, my name is igor, please tell me, is it necessary to be angry with your opponent in order to win? is it necessary to be angry? no , uh, anger actually destroys an athlete, uh, you have to be concentrated
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as much as possible, make sure that your opponent switches, i’ll tell you, i’ll explain, probably in such understandable language, to your fighting style, or so that he plays by your rules. this is a great respect for the person who comes out against you, maximum composure , maximum respect for your opponent and maximum desire to win, tell us something about your most successful sports season, it was probably 2011, when i won the world championship for the second time, i went through a series of injuries, i feel very strongly ... i was lucky, and i was plagued by injuries for 3 years, i couldn’t recover, and i probably still think that injuries don’t just happen, every injury is primarily the fault of the athlete himself, somewhere you gave weak, in some places i relaxed, in others i didn’t work, i had a very difficult period
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of time in my sports career, where i had a lot of injuries, a lot of everyday problems and we are probably already somewhere on the verge of depression, i uh . was, but when you have close friends who support you, i think that you can move mountains, fortunately it happened in my life, and this most difficult, but very successful season of 2010-2011, when i was able to climb again pedestal and prove first to myself that i am worthy of a second medal at the world championships, a gold medal for the champion... also another question, what was your most serious failure? i had a failure in 2007 at the world championships in baku, where it was a licensed world championship, where olympic licenses to travel
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to the olympics were played out, then i very disappointingly lost to a fairly experienced swedish wrestler, literally in 10 seconds yes... end of the meeting , although i was leading the score, well, somewhere , i probably didn’t have enough experience, maybe i was overly confident in myself, maybe. this i underestimated my opponent at the end of the meeting, it was a big failure, where i actually thought about retiring from my career, but again i will say that my family was nearby, my friends who always supported me, who gave me a new incentive, a new charge of energy, with whom i went to new heights. hello, alim, my name is anya,
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what do you think is more useful, victory or defeat? in fact, both of these factors are very important for an athlete, let’s probably start with victory, victory is also a terrible thing, because victory can, say, drive you into such a corner of exaltation, or something, of stardom, where you need to cope. with your emotions, because when you are a champion , when you are a winner, there is a lot of attention around you , a lot of cameras, you are the center of attention, and if you cannot cope with this, then it will pull you down, so victory, victory should be enjoyed very much, you know, how measuredly, when you win, your friends look at you differently... as for
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losing, losing probably also gives such an impetus for understanding your work that you did, when you lose, you get up again, whoever doesn’t fall, doesn’t get up, as they say, when you lose, you review all your preparation, you study. all sorts of elements that you worked on, but somewhere you didn’t bring them enough to automatism, so both of these factors are very dangerous for an athlete.
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when the national anthem plays, many athletes cry, but why is this happening, from joy or from patriotism? of course, it is a great pride when your anthem plays in your honor country, it’s a great... pride when you raise 15-20 people to their feet, even those who can’t and don’t want to, but they have nowhere to go, they stand up in peace and listen to the anthem of your country, because you made them do it to do, that’s why i probably always get goosebumps, and you stand and think , did i really do it, was i really able to do it, and you... understand that thousands of eyes are watching you from your homeland, there’s a huge the number of belarusian fans,
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spectators who worry about you, who your fans are rooting for you, and these guys, an indescribable feeling, these moments when you are wrapped in a flag and standing on a pedestal, when you are running a lap of honor with a flag, these are crazy feelings, guys, i wish you all to feel this, for what reason can you cry? i began to observe that with age i am becoming some kind of sentimental person, and i will even say that some kind of emotional scene in a movie can probably make me cry, yes, i’m kind of strong, yes there i'm all like that here, well i'm holding myself there with all my might uh. but sometimes you just want to go into a room and cry , in fact, yes, there is such a thing
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, there are such scenes, there are such situations, yes, this is what is happening in the world now, i am very worried about it, that a lot of people are dying , there are a lot of children, and when you see somewhere on the internet, from all sides, exactly what concerns children, then yes, it really can make me cry and cry with such great pity. the next question is from the purple sector, let's turn 180°. the roman struggle can be called traumatic sport. i had a lot of injuries, but... i have many examples where, having completed their sports career, professional sports career, having reached certain heights, the guys went, say, into retirement with minimal losses. one more question: is it true that you have a brotherhood of broken ears? yes, this is absolutely true, this is true, because
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among our fighters, as i always say, abandon us. from a fighter to where there is a broken ear, you will never be lost, you will always be surrounded by care, attention, even recently incident, maybe a couple of months ago - in a shopping center, i was walking with my wife, a guy with a broken ear was walking opposite me, i don’t know him , he probably doesn’t know me either, we crossed paths like that, we’re walking against each other, we just reached out to each other, said hello, no matter what, today , when all the athletes of our republic, the russian federation, have restrictions on performing in the international arena, the international federation took
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responsibility and allowed us, belarusians and russians, to the international start, to unfortunately. without a flag, without an anthem, well, the big question is whether we will perform at the olympic games, but i think that the way the attitude towards us is going today, i think that we will perform at the olympic games, we, at least, we really hope so, as we are going through difficult times, i mean sanctions, a ban on the flag and anthem is difficult when you are like an outcast. pushes aside when politics interferes in sports, when politics takes away your dreams from athletes, when you are suspended or allowed to participate in international starts like white crows, without a flag,
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without an anthem, which... are at the peak of their form, training, going towards their dreams from a young age, and for them today, perhaps, they are at their peak today, they have their last today , perhaps this is the last opportunity when they will be able to show results, and uh, we , of course, would not want to take this dream away from them, when the international
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wrestling federation sent us a letter about the possibility of our athletes performing without a flag, without... an anthem we after consulting with a superior leadership, this is with the ministry of sports with the national olympic committee, we still decided to compete there, to prove, despite any sanctions, to go out, do our job, how friendly is the world of wrestling in general, does it put glass in shoes, like glass in shoes , yes?
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good education, that the most important thing that a parent can give to their child is not wealth, in fact, it is proper upbringing, proper upbringing is the ability to communicate with people, but... the ability to behave in society, respect for elders, you know, these are all the qualities that i am trying to instill in my children today, and
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i wish you guys, everyone, that you have very happy families, that you are really proud of your children, and you will feel, remember my words, indeed, life is changing in root my name is polina, after you left professional sports, your life became less glorious, i really didn’t strive for great fame, i always tried to do my job, wherever i would be, with the greatest possible dedication to that matter what i do, yes so it turned out that after i... in 2013, i finished my career as a professional athlete, for several years i had, let's say, a certain gap in my career, then, um, i
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started working as the general director of a football club, oddly enough, dynamo minsk. after that, i also worked for several years in belarusian football at dynamo brest, where i headed the best football academy. well, after all this, i returned to my sport, to wrestling, where i headed the belarusian wrestling federation, where we are now doing a lot of work with children, we launched, let’s say, such a new round of development of our sport in our country, i don’t do it for fame , i do it because i love it very much, what i do is work with children, work with athletes for the benefit of the sport that gave me certain steps into a great
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life. let's move to the purple sector, it's to your left. tell me, what other sports do you like? in fact, i watch a lot of sports, regarding team sports, of course, i watch... my son loves it very much, and he again pulled me into this sport, he and i watch this sport very closely. if you had n't become an athlete, what else could you have
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done? uh yes, i probably would have become a doctor, i studied according to the five-point system, i had five points in anatomy, i really love the human body, when asked about all, let’s say, topics, i always answered excellently - and, probably , i would still become a doctor, and i like it. alim, hello, my name is lera. how do you feel about fighting without rules? is it just a spectacle or are there present elements of a beautiful fight? i actually have an attitude towards fighting. it’s twofold, you know, there’s like an element of sport in this, of course , the guys prepare,
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the guys put in a lot of effort, the preparation of a professional athlete, an olympic sport or a professional sport, such as mma, is no different, but there are probably principles i remember, which, probably, i would never have been able to go against an opponent who... fought because i had to, when i lived yes, i really did a lot in childhood
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i’m still there in dagestan. as i said earlier, i needed to conquer territories, say in my yard, because i always wanted to be first, i wanted to always be strong, if someone ran faster than me, i had to run faster than him, if someone - he pulls himself up more than me, i had to train to pull himself up more than him, that is, my whole childhood was like this, you know, in competition, and it happened that... that yes, you need to go out and prove to everyone that you are strong , in fights too, but that was in childhood, in youth, today, of course, we are already adults , a fight, as i already said, is the very last thing that can happen, but if necessary, if i need to defend myself, my family, my friends, my state, we are ready to stand up for our
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we will become loved ones, everything that is dear to us. the next question is from the red sector, let's turn 180°. hello, my name is bogdan. you currently live in belarus, but were born in dagestan. which country do you consider home? eh, as i already said, life gave me dagestan, belarus raised me. here it is impossible to separate one from the other. and i believe that if, as i already said, the dagestan in me dies, i will die. myself and if i am ungrateful and belarus dies in me, i will also die myself, so bogdan, today i cannot tell you exactly where my homeland is. i am a very happy person, i have two homelands, and i am proud of it. it’s true that all dagestanis know how to dance lisginka, can i ask you to show us this dance? it is not true that all dagestanis can dance.
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i, as it were, when i dance at weddings, of course, uh, do you really want to see my dance , dear friends, we want to see the dance, yes, okay, it’s not entirely correct to dance alone, i’ll invite some girl from you who can do it with me, and now the music in the studio.
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wonderful, thank you. how to marry in dagestan for love or by agreement? of course , there are weddings that take place according to customs, and of course, no one has canceled love, when people fall in love and nothing can stop them, no customs can stop them, but as it was with you personally, i had love, i did. v
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belarus, i met my wife in gomel, uh, she tormented me a little, she didn’t give me a phone number, but i achieved this, after all , she didn’t give me her phone number, she took my phone number and called me back 3 months later, she said : hello, hello, i say, hello, is this alim? i say, yes , this is alim, and i recognized her immediately, i say, who is this? she says: nastya, i say: we live in minsk. the next question is from the yellow sector, which is to your left. how important is faith in your life and what do you believe in now?


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