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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 6, 2024 10:35am-11:01am MSK

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there are plans for the twenty-fourth collaboration on polenov’s work. we cooperate very closely and a lot with russian museums. today there are more than 40 agreements with museums of the russian federation and other cis countries. in 2023, 17 agreements were concluded with such leading museums of the russian federation as the state russian museum, the novgorod museum, the rostov regional art museum and many others. this year the national art center is 85, 110 years old and the birth of its architect mikhail boklanov would be proud of his brainchild. scientific laboratory, experimental site, lecture hall. having gone beyond the conservative, the museum has turned into an art quarter and lives in the rhythm of the metropolis. we really liked the museum, we visited in general , well, to be honest, we were very surprised by the painting by vasily bukarev, we thought it was a copy, but it turns out that it is... the author's
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original, another duplicate that he painted himself, he says, and there are two such paintings, one of which hangs in russia in the tretyakov gallery the original, the second original we left here in minsk. every year the museum welcomes approximately 180 thousand visitors; of course, everyone has their own evaluation criteria, but in general everyone is looking for intrigue, beauty and comfort. by the way, banquettes are not only for relaxation, they are an important element in understanding high art. when they do polls, the public names which paintings you liked the most. these are completely specific paintings, almost the same, it turned out that there are banquettes in front of these paintings, people have the opportunity to look at this painting for not 5-7 seconds, like usually, passing by, and for a minute, two or three, well , 15 minutes at the end of the end, they are imbued with and remember this particular work, the banquettes in the museum in constant rotation are not touched only by those at the feet of the empress, the portrait of catherine ii is among the favorites, there is what to see, just accessories. you can study
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endlessly, the life hack from experts is known, but still prepare in advance for going to the museum, paintings love to be looked at, if you know what to look for and where to look, they will reveal all the secrets. this is our episode completed, we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. all the best! they are smart, enterprising and courageous. maxim, hello, well, i answered: yes, but i remembered that minsk was founded in 1667, it was mentioned, you probably meant a thousand, and then you did the math and it turned out that most likely... i understand, there are age is not
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a hindrance for them, because adult questions can be expressed in seconds as 10 minutes and 10 seconds, in one minute there are 60 seconds, and 60 times 10 is 600 and another plus 10 seconds is 610 seconds, and this is the absolutely correct answer, the struggle for the title of the best intellectual, no matter how some of you might not like it, and some may not want it, but it’s time to take stock. to understand who the two are who are going to our final fourth round, who are the ones to whom we say for today, goodbye, we have a draw again, look, in the new season of the project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel, we travel around belarus and discovering new attractions. i will visit a church that is
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almost nine centuries old, however, researchers of ancient russian architecture the personality of john is associated with the rise of the polotsk school of zotchestvo in the 10th century. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. and right now i'm heading to the weaving museum to learn more about this art. these longitudinal threads of the warp were threaded by two or three of the most experienced women, because it was important to thread every thread exactly so that... the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, we kiss, yes, we kiss, hello, i look like a grain, god, what the most tender, lush, you immediately want to return to childhood. ut
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built, watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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clear policy. hello, there is a serious domestic political crisis in the united states. the governor of texas sent biden to hell and the residents supported him. what caused the american uprising, why the specter of civil war looms in the states, is everything so serious. the situation that has developed is very typical not only for washington; mass riots in europe and a rebellion against the white house overseas are caused by one very simple reason. the authorities are playing too hard and are not listening emphasis, we will prove this, as always, only with facts, it’s up to you to draw conclusions.
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texas is one of the main circulatory systems for the united states; the state accounts for half of the oil production and a quarter of the gas in the entire country.
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if austin, the capital, declares independence, it will immediately become the ninth economy in the world. the state's economy exceeds $2 trillion and is poised to explode. for entire countries, to understand, this is more than in italy and canada. texas offers cheap energy to businesses and there is no corporate income tax, which attracts a large number of foreign companies, especially from europe. texas ranks first in the united states in terms of gdp in terms of population growth and exports. there are other reasons for its economic strength, for example, texas has invested heavily in education. the state is home to more than 180 university colleges. last year , texas created more new jobs than any other state in the united states, more than half a million. there are also 19 seaports to the space center of the world. almost 150,000 people are involved in aviation and space industry. there are 1,450 airports in the state.
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the largest johnson space center, nasa's space flight center, the heart of astronautics, is located here. american grandees too. the treaty between the united states and texas has been violated, the state has the right to defend itself.
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immigrants, they are very close to us, every day they pass the us-mexico border here, in just 2 minutes dozens of migrants got through this section, i saw many migrants with small children who had to get into the usa illegally, whoever sneaks into states for a better life, across the mexican border, not only mexicans themselves, but also ecuadorians, panamanians, guatemalans, representatives of other countries of latin america, where the economy is tight, of course, this is... residents of small border towns also complain about the increase
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in the level of crime, in particular , the number of robberies has increased, many are scared because of migrants, they are afraid because at some time they invaded people’s houses, stole or broke into doors, in general it’s a complete mess, said one of the residents of the city of iglpas. prosperous texas, second. the situation is aggravated by the fact that weapons and drugs enter the united states along with migrants; the american media have repeatedly written that an opioid epidemic has broken out in the united states; every year about 100 thousand people in the country become its victims. influx of illegal immigrants, governor. called it an invasion and spit on washington’s inaction , decided to restore order himself, ordered
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the national guard to take the most problematic section of the border under increased control, fencing it with barbed wire, driving out the federal services. the white house called this behavior arbitrariness and demanded that federal border guards be allowed to the border and that the fence be removed. the supreme court made a corresponding decision, but the governor refused to obey decisions from the capital. just imagine, the united states has 3,145 km of border with mexico, about a third of which is in texas, and you can walk there almost freely. the main businessman of texas, elon musk, is also shocked by the situation. the problem is federal border guards who have been ordered to assist illegal immigrants. the fundamental problem is that anyone, without any evidence, can obtain asylum in the united states, which means the entire population of the earth can simply. so come to america when the white house said: “houston, you have problems,
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25 governors and the same number of prosecutors immediately sided with the rebellious state. thus, greg abbott became a symbol of disobedience to washington. but with ordinary americans, things are even more serious. according to latest data, 68% of us residents support the construction of barbed barriers wire on the border with mexico. thus, in the still divided states of america, they are again talking about the effectiveness of the zero tolerance policy. last year, a lot of migrants entered the united states, a historical record. the state institute for migration policy puts the figure at 2.5 million people. that's exactly how many crossed the border and disappeared into the country. with one degree or another of legality, the main burden fell on texas, in general, a hodgepodge from all over
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the world, no one checks them, and there have already been scandals about the fact that there are real terrorists there are crossing this border, and many in america are afraid that big terrorist attacks are just around the corner, some new september 11th, well, these are millions of people, in any case from all over the world, so they are storming the southern border of the united states. the main slogan of activists is return our border. it is illegal migration that contributes to drug and human trafficking, an increase in crime, diseases and other unpleasant consequences. here is part of the official address to washington. we the people are determined to send a message of peace to politicians and immigration officials. services that allow tens of thousands of illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists from more than 160 countries to enter our country daily along our southern border. the state authorities tried to solve the problems themselves,
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repeatedly turning to the white house with requests for help, but washington stubbornly did not notice, moreover, the door at the border, let ’s say, was deliberately not closed tightly. the fact is that the feds working for biden treat illegal immigrants well and allow them to infiltrate the country, and texans are tired of this, is it easy for more than 2 million people to pass through their state each year? what normal president would allow millions of unexpected guests into the country?
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he will legalize them without any problems , they will jump with joy to cast votes for him, and then again again, and we will get the democrats in power forever. in 2023 alone, the federal budget spent more than a billion dollars on the resettlement of illegal immigrants, it would seem, why why? and even here our old friend george soros comes up, who is trying to make texas his own, that is, to tear it away from republicans. as fox news found out, billion.
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latin american leaders, republicans , have prevailed over those who traditionally vote in the fourth year because they do not want to vote for the democrats. the situation for the united states is unique for two things: firstly, never before has the texas national guard behaved so economically, blocking the entry of the feds and establishing control over the border. secondly, never before have local authorities had such broad support; texas has the same 25 states on its side, that is, approximately half the country. they are in sync. accused the biden administration is completely inactive and unwilling to protect the border. instead of upholding the law and protecting the border, the biden administration is attacking texas for actions to protect american citizens from historic levels of illegal immigration, deadly drugs and terrorists sneaking into the united states, the republican governors said in a joint statement.
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of course, all the chaos is also an element of the election race, which is beautiful against the backdrop of unyielding texas. trump looks exactly like that. during his presidency he actively defended border and even built a wall against migrants. when biden came to power, the project was quickly scrapped. therefore, trump traditionally attracts greater support from southern voters. moments after my inauguration, we will begin the largest us deportation operation in american history. the desire for texas independence is in the blood of the cowboy. and oil workers. it is worth recalling that in the 19th century the united states actually annexed this territory from mexico. for three decades now , there has been a movement for secession in the state, separation from washington. today there are about a million people there. confrontations with the federal authorities once again fueled separatist sentiments. a little over a month ago, residents collected 139 signatures in favor of
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holding a referendum on '. get out of the usa. the growth of autonomy sentiment in texas has been a feature of the last 7-8 years. this is a feature that reflects the general deterioration of the system of government in the united states, the imposition of an actually very conservative state, a state stuffed with small arms, certain liberal-left-liberal views. which contradicts it, and this, by the way, reflects the general policy of the authorities in recent years to strengthen the federal vertical of power in the united states. the independent republic of texas existed from 1836 to 1846. then the state united
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the territories of the current states. wyoming, kansas, colorado, new mexico and oklahoma. by the way, it’s the governors. these states today supported austin's demarche, and the head of oklahoma sent his troops to help texas. texas joined the ranks of the united states, being not just a territory, but an independent state and managed to maintain a number of privileges to this day. thus, texas is the only state that has the right to hold a popular referendum on the issue of secession and independence. also, and this is a point of special pride for freedom-loving texans, only this state is allowed to raise its own. the so -called one-star flag is on the same level as the national flag. texit supporters are confident that the federal system is falling apart, and ordinary texans are being held accountable by the poor. rusty train states. according to local republicans, the authorities violated texas' right to self-government; the report calls the current head of state, joseph biden
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, the acting president, since, according to the authors of the document, he did not win legally. they believe that significant voter fraud was committed in the country's main cities, which helped the democratic candidate ultimately come to power. another stumbling block, second. constitutional amendment: yes, this is the notorious right to keep weapons. this is not a myth. texans can actually go grocery shopping with a gun. and even from this point of view, angering the most armed state in the united states is fraught. the population has more than a million guns in their hands. the press is increasingly writing about the risk of civil war. in texas, there is a whole scattering of national movements calling for independence for the region. they have accumulated many claims against the federal center, if in time. a democrat takes over the oval office, and talk of creating a texas
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republic intensifies. what specific claims, bend your fingers. separatists oppose the lgbt agenda and really dislike feminism and the environmental agenda. we are confident that eco-fanaticism will kill the local brand, the famous livestock farming and the oil industry. well, of course. than likely, right now america will most likely be able to avoid this, but what will happen, for example, in the elections, yes, if there is fraud again, if there are attempts to imprison trump, everything else, well
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, it’s kind of difficult to predict, yes , i fully admit that all all republican states will rise up again, take their national guard out into the streets and refuse to recognize biden’s legitimacy, and this could already threaten very serious shocks to the united states of america, the ism is much more global and it’s not just texas. in many directions, america is already torn apart, local residents say. there are parents who unite as a community to teach their children in normal schools, without an lgbt agenda. and there are antifa and blm gangs that intimidate voters in elections and raid stores in their free time. eat cities where abortion is prohibited, and there are cities where abortion is openly, including financially, encouraged. there are states in which the second. amendment, that is, the right to use firearms is sacred. there are cities that call themselves a sacred refuge for illegal immigrants, there are settlements whose center is a church, and there are
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cities like portland, where the only religion is the blm cult, that is, the bonds of federal law and national unity are being destroyed one after another. whether an independent center of power will emerge in the united states is definite difficult, at least legally the states have long protected themselves from such things. in 1869, the supreme court banned unilateral declarations of independence by any states, but the covers of major magazines are still in doubt. secessionists do not agree with this and argue that the prohibitions for states are assigned to the us constitution, there is no ban on secession in this list, the precedent created by the supreme court can be revised, because if it ever comes to texas secession from the united states, it is believed a number of experts, this process is peaceful it won’t, and it feels like the circle of samsara has closed, hollywood and reality are ready to meet,
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a new film “civil war” will be released in the us in april. the scriptwriters of the film ask themselves: what will happen if texas and california declare independence. 19 states have seceded, the us army is increasing its activity. the white house warned western forces as well as the florida alliance. the president, who served for three terms, assures that the uprising will be under... in one of the episodes of the commercial, a man with his family, at whom a soldier is aiming, shouts: “hey, we are americans,” to which the military man slyly replies, good, but what kind of americans, having cut and crushed alive many countries of the world, it seems that today the chimera is beginning to devour itself, and absolutely deservedly so. happily.


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