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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 6, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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in thought, secessionists do not agree with this and argue that the prohibitions for states are assigned in the us constitution, there is no ban on secession in this list, the precedent created by the supreme court can be revised, because if it ever comes to texas secession from the united states, then, as a number of experts believe, this process will not be peaceful, and it feels like the santsara circle has closed, hollywood and reality are ready to meet. in april , a new film, “civil war,” will be released in the united states. the scriptwriters of the film ask themselves: what will happen if texas and california will declare independence. 19 states have seceded, the us army is increasing its activity. the white house has warned western forces as well as the florida alliance, and the three-term president has assured that the insurrection will be suppressed quickly. in one of the episodes of the commercial, a man with his family.
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at whom the soldier is aiming, he shouts: “hey, we’re americans.” to which the military man ikhidno replies: good, but what kind of americans exactly? having cut and crushed alive many countries of the world, it seems that today the chimera begins to devour yourself, and absolutely deservedly so. happily. the television news agency is open access, we have no secrets from our people. many bastards in a foreign land are maryls and these people are estranged from their native land. the joyful hour has come.
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from argentine and ades came the ukrainians from the western regions of ukraine and belarus, who were born in 1939 . verified on radzima, january 1st for everything they received one-time pear aid and free. belarus has more and more people.
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that the kalis people were shining in the light on ivan’s crystal koshara, who does not know the fate of argentina, is dying of native meat. there are a lot of things to do here, the need to publish yashche adzin kalgasny sviran, this time together with ivan koshar. this laudatory moment ivan gaurylavich kobranets remembers all his life, as he has been searching for a long time in argentina, and as he knows in radzim and his native pinsk, so fortunately ve , pratsue, uchytstsa, i nyadauna staў kamunistam. city of grozna. while
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grazing on the 19th century for the fall of the americans, the family of ivan yakaulevich semyanovich came here. yes, no their hands were tired on the work. now all the members of the getai are working at the grodzen fine cloth factory. ivan yakaulevich himself works in the svesaram workshop. iago son albert. is a professional weaver. this workshop has the oldest son, ivan yakaulevich , peter. good creative haste in a short hour, the wife of pyatra yaugeniya vasilyina simanovich was born. yana is much ahead of the established norms. pratsoўny days are over. only those who have not been on radzim for decades can understand how happy the justice is free hour. on the banks of the neman river.
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let us be successful in life and practice.
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as soon as the sun began
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to bloom in the early forest, the sun began to fade , and i held my breath so much that i wouldn’t let it get to me.
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on the commander, the best victory in the war that has not begun. hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent. victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest is the assistant minister.
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activities in society, and thought that all this was for us forever and from above, today studying the situation, meeting with... with representatives of labor collectives , meeting with student youth, we can conclude that people have probably undergone some kind of fundamental change in consciousness and people today understand that peace is not just like that, that it needs to be protected, that goodness must to be, probably, somewhere with fists, and today many people, as ... you communicate, they are ready to endure some kind of hardships, hardships, if only there would be peace on
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our land, and this is very clearly and clearly noticed, even here you mentioned the twentieth year, in the twentieth year, subsequently, it was a lot of people who contacted the military department, came to military commissariats, directly came to the minister of defense for an appointment, to the deputy ministers. and people just came and said that here i am, that i may be subject to conscription, but i am still full of strength, energy, i can hold a weapon in my hands and can be useful for the defense of my country, then we began to work on, in particular, an initiative related to people's militia, it received very great support from our population, this is another certificate.
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so to speak, high morale , they are able to carry out those tasks to ensure
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the security of the state that are required in this situation, it is also probably very good that this initiative on the people’s militia was later formalized at the legislative level, which prevents the uncontrolled distribution of weapons, as we observed in ukraine, when working on this issue, we naturally took into account experience as well. the experience of our neighbor from the south of ukraine and worked through all, so to speak, positive, negative aspects, in my opinion, the legislative basis has been formed that is inherent in both the mentality of our belarusian people and the conditions under which, if necessary, we will carry out these tasks. we remember, leonid viktorovich, all the time when there was prestige,
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such a trend, a very big competition among girls for those specialties where girls could undergo training and receive officer ranks.
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in my opinion, this is still unnecessary and the situation does not require it, it is no secret that for military personnel in our country, certain benefits and preferences have been created, many of them, someone says that in this way the state is trying, well , to lure a young man into military service, well, someone says that this is in order to improve his status in this way military man and raise his status as a defender of the homeland
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to a higher level, but what point of view do you adhere to? the main thing? my point of view is that the homeland must be defended not for money, not for buns, as i call them, but the homeland must be defended, because it is yours homeland, and but there is another side to this issue, as i already said, a military man does not belong to himself, he belongs to the state, in the legislation on military service in the same general military regulations about...
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they are intended so that a military man, performing tasks, and as it is written in the same legislation, while serving, these tasks are associated with an increased risk to life and health, he understood that those close to him , relatives who are far from him, during the period of performing tasks, they will protected, and no matter what happens to him , his children, his wife, relatives, friends, they will be protected by the state, so this is normal practice in any state, when military personnel are provided with certain benefits and guarantees from the state, this should be the case, but accepting the decision about whether to become a military man or not, i
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always say, and... to cadet applicants, when i talk to them, i tell them that this should not be decisive, neither buns nor benefits should be decisive, but the desire to fulfill one’s military duty to protect one's country, well, then, as you already said , then he will be disappointed in the profession, because his mother said, go to the military academy, then get an apartment, i always told the cadets that if you go to the army, for example. rich, they were quite wealthy, but they were never rich, but what a popular, widespread myth: the general’s apartment, it’s just oh, almost a branch
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of the hermitage, remember moscow, he doesn’t believe in tears, how much he wants to marry a general, but in the same in the film, a woman talks about how to become a general, you need to marry a lieutenant and go through all the training grounds with him, all the hardships and... all his life be next to him in the academy in military camps and live in garrisons later, well, that ’s fair now, and of course it’s fair, so again, returning to benefits, guarantees, well, let’s do this a little let's go back to earth, let's say, and well, for example , two young men who studied together at school, one became a military man, and the other, let's say , became... an engineer, works in a factory, sits in one place all his life, acquires property, dachas, garages there and everyone else, but the military, uh, as i already said,
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he is not left to his own devices, i have eight moves during my entire service , it is not clear who will reach the goal faster, there could also be such a preference as early retirement or something else, but of course, as one of the preferences, one of the benefits , yes.
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what, the second one from the infantry says, no, you ’re wrong, a conflict arises between them, and the commander is obliged to take legislative measures against these servicemen, even if they didn’t fight, but just grappled there, grabbed each other by the uniform, if the commander does not take these measures, it means that the senior boss is obliged.
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with is stopped and at this point we even give an assessment of the slightest fact, on the other hand we still need to take into account, why do i say that the current generation is twofold, they are a little different, all these appeals to you, comrade, all this is not very clear to them, i i’ll tell you, by and large, our current guys, our youth are no different from you and me, but maybe they have slightly different concepts, but we need to work with them.
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you need to talk to them, you need to tell them the truth, under no circumstances lie, never, because that, well, if you lie to them once, they will no longer believe, even the events of the twentieth year showed that after the twenty-first year, more than 700 boys came to our armed forces who had experience of protest activity in the twentieth year, and already well ... let's say, after the first weeks, after the first month of communicating with them, telling them about how, what, why, where, the guys spoke in such a way that if they had told me about this earlier, i would not have even come close to went where i went, as it was said in one famous film, if it had been so
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clear to me right away, i would have been a different person. say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the assistant minister of defense, major general leonid kasinsky.
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if they don’t like it, if it infuriates them, then we are doing everything right, it means we need to do this, the fact is that no one is preparing children for war... military-patriotic clubs and the process of patriotic military-patriotism in general are preparing patriotic education is not aimed at preparing a child for war, it is aimed at raising a patriot out of a boy, a girl, a young citizen of our country, no one prepares anyone for war, the fact is that - they are silent about that almost the same work is being carried out in western countries, in poland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, they are simply silent about it, they do not say, in
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2016, a delegation at the level of the ministry of education of latvia came to us in belarus to learn from the experience of our pre-conscription . preparation to introduce this experience in latvia, and this is a normal practice of any state, in the same united states, the scout movement, these are the same military-patriotic clubs, at the end of the twentieth year our ordinary belarusian women turned to me, who in the period of the twentieth year united through internet to a certain group that... tried to protect the consciousness of their children, as one activist told me, so we said we lived next to a monument that the military took under protection, they let these protesters in there, and
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he says, at first we saw what was happening there at this monument, and uh, the children, he says, ours were just in a very depressed state when they saw...
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thanked them for the fact that we, the club in asipovichi, so they thanked us for the fact that we provided the opportunity to present the possibilities of their patriotic club
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directly at the minsk venues, when i asked the girls how you like it, in general, one of the girls says, touch general, so... i, he says, get up every saturday 5:00 am, from minsk i’m going to asipovich to work out at the club, maybe let's transfer you, why do you need to go from minsk to asipovichi, she proudly answered me, no, there is no need to transfer me, my grandfather once served in asipovichi, and this is exactly what i want to do club, but this again suggests that the parents also did some kind of work, but in a hidden way they were just proud.
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and the only thing is that you can’t make a panacea out of clubs only, because well , today there is 48’ in the armed forces.
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we try to bring some special nominations so that none of the teams, none of the guys are left unencouraged. when we talk about patriotic education about patriotism, should patriotism always be with weapons in hand? absolutely not, and i am the first to oppose the idea that patriotism should be carried out with weapons in hand. i have always said and say that everyone should engage in patriotic education, not only security forces, not only the military, and today a patriotic journalist, grain grower, tractor driver, teacher are no less important than a person who defends the country with arms in hand, well, if we've already talked about education, then we can’t help but talk about re-education, a recent case at the end of january 21. the deputy prosecutor of the city, in the presence
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of students from educational institutions and persons registered with the criminal executive inspection, authorized the detention of the accused, in your opinion , this method works so that others do not it was customary to publicly show what these actions lead to. i won’t evaluate whether it works or doesn’t work, because the law is harsh, but it’s the law, i’ll just say what should probably be done to prevent this, that is, somewhere we simply missed this boy, we have, unfortunately, not the only example, you probably remember, in the twenty-first year, in my opinion, when vitya... a very young boy went around
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spitting to the graves of warriors ’ burials, drifting, we remember on the eternal flame here, and we were very serious then, the vitebsk paratroopers, our guys, conscripts, began to attract this boy to all their events, including to restore order at military graves. and i think that for this young citizen of our country it will be indicative for life, so of course it is better not to allow it to...
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i mean, these are measures of an adequate response to the situation that is developing around our country, and we have talked and are talking, here is the draft of a new military doctrine, another example of this, we we are not threatening anyone, we are peaceful people, our intentions
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are to protect our country, and like...
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even let’s say the apparatus of military attaches, i won’t name specific names, yes names, there are countries, but when you communicate with them, they say: when we were traveling to your country, we have the idea about your country was completely different, because the propaganda that works for the population of their countries does its job, they make us into a backward country, where - yes, we are almost barbarians, there are almost bears walking our streets, they lick cans there, so, well, they... have been doing this for a long time, our task is to convey to both our population and the world community,
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as far as possible, as far as all our forces and means allow, our point of view that we are not a threat to anyone about what we a peaceful state, but if someone encroaches, they will receive a worthy response, i think that the population of europe and...
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on the air again, say do not be silent, our guest is the assistant minister of defense, major general leonid okosinsky. leonid viktorovich, on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of leningrad, our president took part in commemorative events and told how they were approaching this.
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there is a distortion and erasure from us, from the descendants of the victors, of this historical truth, an erasure from young people that they are descendants of the victors, in the fact that they, their ancestors, their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, won this war, this is a dangerous trend, therefore, of course, the historical truth should be conveyed to any boy, any girl, and not only to adults,
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unfortunately, we had a period in history when... even people who are 35-40 years old today were taught, well, a distorted history, they were taught a distorted truth, they got it from the internet, where again a lot of people work tries to distort precisely the historical facts that were in in fact... this is one of the most important areas of patriotic education, we have included it in the program of patriotic education of the population, i draw attention, not only to children and youth, the population, because today this is, well , one of the areas with with the help of which
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they are trying to destroy our future, our peoples of russia and belarus, well, we notice , yes, that they have an arsenal of these information bombs, it is monotonous, as soon as we approach the date of the blockade, yes, the same thing begins, that it was necessary to pass, that is, we are already coming to these elections, perhaps more prepared, yes, the fact that the museum of the great patriotic war in minsk is the most actively visited tourist site, not only belarusians themselves like to visit it, but also...
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over the punisher of khatyn, the kotryuk, the traitor, the criminal, and look how many attempts on the internet, these vile ones, as the president said, to whitewash this executioner, people have nothing sacred left, these vile, pro which he said, but it makes me happy, you know that the tv channel rain was the first to try to speak out, once upon a time, in recent history, there is no longer that rain and so on. this is active work, well, that is, an adequate response comes right away and the information field protects, but recently such a touching video appeared on the internet, where a baby is hugging a jacket, well, perhaps there is either a grandfather or a father stroking awards, let's see, the most important thing in this video - this is that it is not staged, but this is life, and uh, this
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little one, i’m sure he will grow up. a worthy citizen of our country, the inscription is on this video that we serve so that our children do not fight, it reflects, in general, those peace-loving aspirations that we have already talked about today in our program, the main task of the armed forces is to prevent war by all available means with...
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but also mothers and wives and those who come to us. it’s not in vain, leonid viktorovich , we have been waiting for you for so long, you promised to come to us, but various circumstances prevented us from meeting, but it is very important, as you said correctly, the commander-in-chief always says that people should know the truth about what is happening , today we heard it in full, and somehow we calmed down, or maybe a little, but we won’t stop spinning the wheels, of course, only good luck to you on your path and... let all the measures that we are taking work proactively , yes, our task is to prevent , as you said today, and not to see another mess here on our land, thank you again for today’s meeting, and we are tatyana shcherbina and victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, now says leonid kasinsky, dear friends, taking this opportunity to address, i
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want... to say, probably simple words, let's appreciate our country, let's appreciate what we have, believe me for... a long period of 30 years of sovereignty, statehood of belarus, we are with you have achieved a lot, probably achieved more than some countries with centuries-old sovereignty, with centuries-old independence, so let’s often ask ourselves the question, not what the state has done for me, but what i can do for my country. leonid viktorovich, autograph from the general, from major general and some wish to us, our viewers.
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only together we will protect the country, make it even more beautiful and pass it on to our descendants.
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the theme of quality is the main one this year and it’s not just about a good product, the meaning is much deeper, it’s about our lives. it will appear in our country. this is its own national mark, a state sign that will mark all the best. make yours unique, product control will be placed at a higher level. if many year-quality people accept you sincerely, tomorrow in belarus it will be live better. everyone knows that belarusian means high quality, hence the high demand in foreign markets. by the way, six new countries have been added to the export treasury. these are argentina, turkmenistan, kenya, colombia, kuwait, japan. cooperation between belarus and china. it is developing super dynamically, trade turnover has increased 130 times, more than 50 projects are being implemented with the participation of chinese capital, more than ten are in development. our country, by the way, has extended visa-free travel for another year. at first
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, the visa-free regime to belarus followed more than 785 thousand foreigners. these are poles, latvians, and lithuanians. how many are left in the country? main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus 24 tv channel . live main news at noon. olga kalairova in the studio. hello. and briefly about the topics of the issue.


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