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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:51pm MSK

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means that there is no time to ask questions to the hero . natalya ivanovna, now you have to choose the best question of this program. you know, in fact, guys, i am sincerely grateful to you all for your questions, because the questions were all excellent, but there is a question that for me today is this, perhaps, it is about just and unjust warriors. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from the guest. applause, please come out on stage. it is with great joy that i present you with this souvenir, be it happy, be healthy, all the best, ivanovna, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question , the new school year has begun, just recently, you know, here alexander grigorievich spoke to the president of our country once again about...
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we study in specialized classes, but at the same time, well, just some subjects, for example, sometimes it happens that we don’t teach core subjects as often as, for example, physics and chemistry, although we ourselves don’t really want to do this and we will definitely discuss this issue with minister. here you go
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the programs need to be looked at, but we now have a unique opportunity to review all these issues, polish them, as the president said, and already make a final decision on the development of the education system in our country. chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly natalya kachanova, today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. here i ask you to stay. natalya ivanovna, what question were you waiting for, but never asked? i don’t even know, it seems to me that almost everything, guys they asked, they even talked about it, they asked about what i would do in retirement. today you managed to answer 48 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? with great joy. i address our audience. do you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you? who thinks so,
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please raise your hands. before that, i was sure that politicians were such serious people with whom you couldn’t joke or smile. but natalya ivanovna simply shattered all my myths. natalya ivanovna was very cheerful today, i didn’t i expected this from her, and in general, i didn’t know that there was such a kind person in politics, especially when... she talked about parents, children, grandchildren, she herself glowed, which indicates that for her family will always come first place, she said this more than once, and i really respected this woman, children, who thinks that natalya ivanovna was slightly disingenuous when answering the question? well , i’m quite sure that natalya ivanovna was quite honest in all matters, but a question was asked about her parents, and it sounded like this: did you quarrel?
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with your parents in your childhood in your adolescence? and natalya ivanovna answered that no, this has never happened, but i’m just sure that some everyday issues and everyday problems definitely sounded in her childhood, because i think that any person, in principle, has at least once , quarreled with my parents, and that's normal. natalya ivanovna, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. sum up the conversation that took place, that ’s what concerns parents, well, of course, it probably doesn’t happen that we just everything, everything, everything, but we were talking about conflicts, and a conflict and just a disagreement are different things, and then you should know, i was a child quite a long time ago, and in general children are wonderful, i am sincerely grateful for such a program because today adults come here, answer children’s questions, because you see their...
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eyes, you see their attitude towards you, and you understand whether you are right or wrong in what direction you need to work. chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly. see next issue, chairman national state television and radio company of the republic of belarus ivan eismand. ivan mikhailovich, do you know this game: truth or lie? yes, let's play. is it true that you watch tv at work and no one scolds you for it? television is often criticized. it doesn't offend you. how do you feel about people who
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disagree with you? what is more useful, sitting in front of the tv or on the internet? your wife is the president's press secretary, which of you is more important? 100 questions for an adult: what was your most cherished dream when you were a child? i wanted to become an athlete, goal, super, super! nato is starting its largest exercise since the cold war, some believe it may be a rehearsal for world war iii. the cia openly calls on russian officials and
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military personnel to betray. analysis of scandalous advertising. and the true enemy of russia is within itself. the dream of a ukrainian soldier is to... have his leg torn off and be sent to the rear. what do you dream about? i dream of having my leg blown off. what goes around comes around. farmers in europe are on strike and do not want a green agenda. she unprofitable. in america, buyers are shocked by the cost of eggs, in britain by censorship on social networks. this is the trends program. we begin. we are working. the largest nato military exercise in decades did not begin somewhere in or near america, but in close proximity to our borders. belarusians living near poland, as well as some baltic countries, will certainly be able to hear the echoes of these
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maneuvers. nato generals do not hide that the quotation “response to an attack from outside” will be worked out for a long time. all over russia apparently, without moving much, she moved towards the borders of the alliance, or rather, of course, the opposite is true, but who among western hawks cares about such trifles, formally, according to their logic, russia is at the borders of nato. of course, we must add that based on the geographical factor, nato is not very happy with belarus either. our territory in the fantasies of the north atlantic bloc allows us to cut off the baltic states from the rest of europe by... kiev, or strike along the polish border in the direction of lutsk-lviv, cutting off the main western logistics to the kiev regime. in general, as in the fable, it’s your fault that i want to eat, it seems that something is brewing. russia is attacking nato, such
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headlines thoroughly flashed in the western media and were even illustrated with a map of the attack, which, according to the press. perhaps in the period up to forty-four: first cyber attacks, destruction of orbiting satellites, then a missile strike throughout europe, a ground operation, but when you read to the paragraph that this is the opinion of a team of ex-military officials and security experts, the information becomes clear stuffing, which, however, does not exclude a large order for it in order to begin to form public opinion on this issue, but there is something to worry about: this year there will be major... nato military exercises since the end of the cold war. about 90,000 military personnel, more than fifty ships, over 80 helicopter fighters , drones and at least 1,100 combat vehicles, including 133 tanks and 533 infantry fighting vehicles. sweden, which is
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on the verge of joining the alliance, will also take part in the exercises. the territory of maneuvers is poland and partly the baltic states, as well as water area of ​​the baltic sea. there is a clear focus on... the future battlefield on the eastern front from finland to romania; these exercises may well seem like preparations for a full-scale war. at the same time , the law on mobilization was tightened in poland. now the conscript is given only 6 hours to appear. otherwise, the draft dodger faces 5 years in prison. lithuania and latvia began construction of the baltic wall on the belarusian border. estonia plans to build the same on the russian site. it is expected to build 2,500 standard bunkers for placement. heavy infantry weapons and personnel. the structures will be either single for one
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machine gun, grenade launcher or other crew, or for a squad. however, later leaked information appeared in lithuania that the defensive rampart was just a way to attract the attention of nato allies, and therefore money from them. for example, estonia has already put forward an estimate of 60 million euros for 600 bunkers. a more significant security problem for the baltic states and lithuania in particular seems to be the presence of a certain one. belarusian liberation army in the forests, local media write that these people pose a danger to lithuania itself. citizens of belarus in military uniform, simulating military operations, are fugitive representatives of the pseudo-opposition, dreaming of returning to their homeland with tanks and weapons. lithuanians fear that these zamagars will become an instrument of war against their state. it is noted that fugitive belarusians are already looking for ways to acquire real weapons instead of airsoft ones. what is described does not exclude the flaring up of a real military conflict in european continent. this state
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of affairs would suit strategists from overseas, who were accustomed during the previous two world wars to seriously improve their strategic and economic position. almost a year ago, president alexander lukashenko once again gave an accurate account of the west’s attempts to involve both belarus and russia, as before. this happened to the soviet union during an exhausting arms race, constant calculation of probable scenarios for the outbreak of, if not a global, then still a global conflict, in general, has an impact on us serious pressure, and if they cannot crush it by force, then they will make attempts to undermine it from within, to corrupt the minds of citizens through rewriting history, through knocking out from under the feet the achievements of the victories of our ancestors, turning everything upside down.
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their national programs, in which they will become more comfortable with quickly
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moving american military cargo there, so americans always like to see how these conditions are met, now the main task of these exercises is to work out fast logistics, the so-called strategic movement of troops, that is, relatively speaking, if in russia it is 100 km per day per day, we can instantly transfer it from anywhere in our country by loading it onto trains. or by air, europe has always faced difficulties, such as old infrastructure, weak bridges, and unprepared tunnels for transporting large cargo such as tanks. abrams is american, and the most important thing is legal support, this is the possibility of unhindered advance of, well, a foreign army on its territory, then there is this, so that it does not require parliamentary ratification, the so-called military schengen , now in these exercises they are practicing all this, that’s why there are such large numbers, that’s why a large number of aviation and naval assets are involved there
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in order to show how quickly the europeans can make a maneuver with forces and means regarding... the flow of threats that they consider russia to belarus as allied states, and the opening of us military bases by finland after its accession to nato, and now there are no obstacles to sweden’s entry into the alliance, is this a serious problem for russia? the americans are creating one big wall, such an american european wall, they are afraid that such a project as the great eurasian partnership that russia and china are promoting, when the entire continent is... united, when there is a free trade zone, we will help each other develop , such a synergistic effect, it terribly scares the anglo-saxons, because there will be no place for them in this united europe from lisbon to vladivostok, so you need to create a barrier, and a completely barrier impenetrable, so that the border is guarded, so that no cargo, no people, nothing moves there, they
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create this barrier, we see how finland is now, which was a friendly country with russia, which was making money.
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there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela, but for some time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to appreciate us, supposedly more democratic than all of the above state. the most psychologically difficult thing is it is monotonous, methodical, calm, but high quality.
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nuclear weapons irritate nato as a kind of uncontrollable strategic balcony. let's just say it's a strategy. nato regarding russia, they understand that a direct collision is impossible, so they use the strategy of such a flock of jackals that attack besons, that is
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, try to tear away from the flock some weak individuals who are lagging behind, cannot run together, do not defend themselves, they are simply relatively speaking, eat there, as they are trying to do with the post-soviet space, so happened to ukraine, as soon as it wavered from the point of view of the military-political... as soon as it became possible to buy them for little money, the whole country immediately begins to break away, we see the same thing now in moldova, which was in excellent economic conditions, bought our cheap gas, sent us various duty-free products and in general was in a state of observers in the eurasian economic union was very angry, now the leadership is biting it off for its weaknesses and is taking it, as they say, under its influence, the same plans there are them in belarus. and they also view it as a strategic asset from the point of view of logistics, movement, from the point of view of citizens, a powerful industrial base, they really want to make it weak, they really
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want to make a revolution, install a weak pro-western leader there, by weakness it is not physical weakness or reluctance to make political decisions, weakness towards his people when he is able to betray them, that is, in fact, install a traitor, but belarus is lucky, she has a very strong leader and... and belarus could go through these imposed color revolutions from the outside, these very seriously rocked society, and i’ll be honest, this is not the last attempt that will be made in belarus, because the west perceives belarus as very ethnic similar to russia, in miniature it is possible to work out some new elements related to destabilization, in fact a very serious factor, someone might say, oh well, why was it necessary to place tactical nuclear weapons there, which are of low power, a small radius, if russia has... strategic nuclear weapons, in principle they can always inflict, but here, if we look more deeply into this analysis, the americans are the trendsetters,
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so to speak, in the western bloc in terms of the use of nuclear weapons, it is they who place their tactical nuclear weapons in countries that are not part of the nuclear five, well, formally they seem to keep them at their bases, but we understand that european troops are constantly training to use, among other things, these b-61 nuclear bombs and the latest version, the so-called version 13, they are now deploying in countries that have a very unusual feature, the so-called nuclear mining function, when a stealth f-35 or some other aircraft , or under cover, enters the territory of a state, launches a bomb, they like to call it gravitational, this does not mean that it uses gravitational waves to strike, it is just a free- falling bomb, which, due to its powerful body, when it hits the ground, it causes mining, and it cannot be cleared, it there will be a nuclear explosion, and in this way they can carry out nuclear blackmail, that if you do not fulfill some of our conditions, then we will carry out this explosion, well
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, this is a very purely american position related to the fact that countries can be struck and to blackmail them with nuclear weapons, by the way, the americans are the only nation in the world that has the ability to use nuclear weapons preventively . that is, literally it sounds like this: a preventive nuclear strike to escalate the conflict, in order to finish it on favorable terms for themselves, as they once did with japan and considered that this case could , relatively speaking, be continued in the future, so they have another concept called limited nuclear war, which means that countries , such as russia and china, will not decide on a full-fledged exchange of strategic nuclear weapons, because this is mutual destruction, tactical ... grain strikes on the territory of third countries, this is quite possible, they can exchange there, as if the countries themselves will not strike. therefore, having moved
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our infrastructure, nuclear, with nuclear , tactical nuclear charges to the borders of the union state, we had to place our tactical nuclear weapons on parity, to indicate that guys, in the event of any escalation, we are also ready to use this type of weapons, yes, it will not cause mutual strikes with the americans, but we are ready to strike here in this local area, and i believe that this is one of the main deterrents from the transition european united or nato troops, from crossing the border with ukraine from belarus, because well, let me remind you, the same poles, they still believe that they can lay claim to the territory of western ukraine in western belarus, when they controlled in 1939, they they talk about this very often,
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the american intelligence agency cia launched an entire media campaign to recruit citizens of the russian federation, that is, if you call a spade a spade, motivating advertising to betray the homeland, this has never happened before, this is something new, in the form of internet videos and commercials that are easily accessible on the internet. almost in open text, one state called on the citizens of another to betray the country of nations, there is something to make out here: firstly, the words that the authors use do not tell the target audience, they hint that, on the contrary, this will become almost an act of true patriotism, and secondly, such works allow us to give an idea of ​​how the cia sees those same residents of post-soviet countries,
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here... it turns out that they are for them something like natives, savages, and the idea of ​​them is stuck somewhere at the level of the eighties of the last century, remember the spreading hollywood cranberry about a soviet policeman in the usa, red heat, where schwarzenegger also played the main role. the bear with balalaikas was not there, but without them the image in the heads of the overseas comrades was clear, and if nothing much has changed since that time, then... the western elites in the international arena, like a bull in a china, degraded in a unipolar world, shop. over the past 8 months, this is already the third and this explains the actions of the united states on the cia video with a call to betray russia and report some information important to the us intelligence services. in the group i found a new way to serve my country. however, he soon
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realized that the true enemy of russia was within itself. when such works first began to appear, there was a feeling that this was still a fake or a provocation of some ukrainian tsypso. in fact, the videos were uploaded verified with a check mark on the cia account on youtube. there is already a whole series of such videos, they perfectly show the intentions of western intelligence services we are interested in this as a manipulative technique for schizophrenia in... the audience, creating doubt in the viewer, an attempt to convince him to commit a crime, so this is how they do it in the west in relation to other countries, in this version work has already been done on the mistakes: firstly , the announcer's voice has become more emotional, and a living person behind it is better represented. in the first versions , artificial speech was generated, and secondly, they are trying to interrupt the fact of betrayal of millions of compatriots with a child. traitor from the video says that it saves him and his
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future. it turns out one person at the cost of millions of victims. this is justifiable logic. the target audience of the video is representatives of the russian intelligence service. the game with this viewer begins on the theme of heroic ancestors, in this case the father who died at the age of 35. it is not said how this happened, but it is stated that the father talked about the soviet union and was proud of its achievements. and then there is a transition to the modern agenda, it tells how corrupt it is. temporary power everything is stolen, how disgusting it is. the reception is clear. everything was good and heroic, patriotic, but unscrupulous people came to power, they are enemies. this is the kind of drama offered by the scriptwriters of the video. all the romanticization and justification for betrayal lies on him. if you start to analyze, the technique of schizophrenia is easily discovered: firstly, the ussr, that is, the past. the cia hints at the greatness of the disappeared country. well,
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her father, the hero, was proud of her. at the same time , it is silent that for the cia the ussr was the enemy of the evil empire, and the cia itself did a lot for liquidation of the soviet union , without a doubt, modern russia is compared with the ussr, and instantly loses it, they say, an unworthy state, a rotten government, the authors do not say that modern russia in the nato doctrine is also called the enemy of america, here it is appropriate to recall the german propaganda for the red army, the political instructor is lying all the time, it’s good in german captivity. the following phrases of wishes flash in the video. quote: so that the russian people prosper. of course, the goal of a country that considers russia an enemy in its military doctrine, first of all its defeat, not its prosperity. this is in general. well, as you know, the devil is in the details. an interesting conclusion follows from them: the cia officers, or the authors of the video, have no real idea of ​​the state of affairs within russian society. they are deeply stuck in
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movie clichés. such basic things that they don’t understand not just the logic of the russians, but winters, twilight, soldiers eat rotten potatoes, salute, don’t put a hand to their head without a headdress, although when
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these same special services come to belarus, they they are sincerely surprised by the abundance of products on store shelves in a calm, measured life. in the course of our counterintelligence work, we record the arrival of foreign diplomats on our territory. witchers with various goals and an interesting reaction when they visit the city of minsk, various objects, recently there were cia employees, just the other day they were very actively moving around the city of minsk, their surprise is that the people are not starving, transport works, people live their lives , people are in the mood, waiting now holidays, and this is a strong dissonance with that... information, with the ideas that exist in the society of western countries. in general, either the cia is in complete trouble with the new generation of agents, there are only old people left who do not understand the basic things of modern life, or such videos are outright hack work to cut up the budget. and
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it may well be that the cia no longer employs professionals, but those same representatives of the virtual reality generation who insert blacks and lgbt people into scripts, but simply because it is necessary. however, in this too there is danger. fools on the ground in the special services are sometimes even worse than competent specialists, because of such people wars can begin. we will tell you about important church dates and holidays. the church is gradually preparing us prayerfully and liturgically in this way to celebrate this holiday. so basically.
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online travel and a healthy lifestyle will surprise and lift your spirits, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. the degradation of the american elites is the same a click capable of detonating the third world war. that's how many people there are left
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who remember the real results and course of the second world war, who are able to make realistic risk assessments, and not based on the pr of the hegemon's foot stomping. information... the united states' half-century-long campaign to transform america into the only winner of fascism has played a cruel joke on its politicians. they believed in their own lies, which were initially addressed to others.
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who were flying for exchange, at first it was presented as a victory, then shamefully rubbed messages about the recognition of the terrorist attack, the clearest symbol of cutting off one’s own head, the test for statehood is completely failed, for their partners, like the usa, they are cannon fodder, but they still can’t believe it, although people at the front seem to be beginning to understand something , or go crazy. this is the dream of one soldier in the ssu who shared it.
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will conduct real estate transactions, they write interesting things, without a military id you cannot use money and medical services, and even drive a car, and those who fled abroad, who decide to change their passport before the adoption of the law, will receive only temporary travel cards to return to their homeland, that is , to the front, if at least half of this is true, no one is a meat grinder.
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countries and send fellow citizens whom the armed forces of ukraine cannot find inside for slaughter, only because they are doing everything not to come to the attention of the state, but officials and military commissars in television studios are thinking about how to catch them and send them. today there are 3.4 million, the fewest people that the power knows about - this їkhnіy іndifice number , stinking is not behind the cordon, not in the zsu, the stench is not іnvalіdi, the stench is not in order, the stench is not prazlastovanі, 3.4 million, it is not known, the people, the elegant vika, the visual vika, all the stink, the stink of the dies on the territory of ukraine.
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it turns out that a completely standard ukrainian infantry brigade is knocked out in about 3 months, that is, this is the average life span of a soldier, infantryman on the eastern front (77 days), with a very high mortality rate from wounds (40%) dying in the hospital. what does this indicate about the extremely low level of military field medicine in ukraine, another confirmation that lives there are not particularly important. the united states has moved to form a colonial administration in ukraine, the russian foreign intelligence service reports. the new colonial administration will consist of ukrainians trained in the west. the united states brought urgent recommendations to zelensky. according to the reshuffles in the ukrainian government during his
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visit to the states in december, the americans also demanded that a number of people who had lost the confidence of the white house be removed from government posts, otherwise the united states would threaten to transfer glasnost's killer corruption dossier regarding zelensky's entourage. however, even ukrainian propagandists keep saying on television that in the current regime, ukraine is a colony. we have. professional villains who know perfectly well how to govern, but at the same time they plunder the country like a colonial administration, as befits any colonial administration, professionally competent. plunder the colony. a fugitive russian businessman begins making scandalous revelations to ukrainian television. evgeny chichvarkin. his characterization of the west and mainly its corruption contrasts greatly with when chichvarkin just fled to london with the money he earned in russia and praised the english
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system as it should, having not yet drank all its delights. on the one hand, looking at this is a little ridiculous, nothing. new disheveled chichvarkin, he doesn’t look very good, to put it mildly, he doesn’t reveal, except perhaps his own naivety, which is unlikely, rather disappointment from a series of incorrectly made steps and statements, on the other hand, even this has at least some effect on lovers of western fantasies in pink, the sight of the ukrainian presenter on the left, and chachvarkina will not let you lie, in general, the fact that they have the law and well-intentioned people... does not mean at all basic honesty and basic honesty intentions, this is very important to know about the european union, and about nato, and about all the big ones , and about the un, and about all the big international organizations, especially about big countries with a colonial, with a big colonial past,
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i absolutely agree with you, we need to keep with their ear is sharp. thank you for your help, of course, you need to do it every day, everyone should continue to do this and continue to make every effort, all this needs to be done, but you just need to very carefully keep your ear to the ground and try to understand what their intentions really are and where they are in front of their voters, in front of their press win where they lose the mic. paris found itself under a tractor siege. french farmers are protesting against falling incomes and the eu's green plans. roads in the capital and other cities were blocked. europe in recent months there was a wave of farmer protests. farmers rebelling against government decisions, blocking highways, disrupting the work
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of transport and enterprises, even burning buildings. the scale of the unrest suggests systemic problems. accumulated in the european union, even if you do not take into account that it is not only farmers who are on strike, all this is happening on the eve of the upcoming elections to the european parliament. many farmers consider the eu green deal unfeasible and expensive, so , as they say, what goes around comes around. green is the color of the pan-european mood, everything often acquires brown shades. dung riot. is growing stronger and expanding, and the streets and roads of the old world are buried in natural fertilizers. farmers from different countries have put a united front on the warpath against the authorities who have become insolent in the region. this is due to brussels’ green policy, according to which carbon dioxide emissions should be reduced
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by 55% by 2030. and to achieve this, mechanisms are being introduced that can simply strangle farmers, such as a border carbon tax and engine abandonment. internal combustion, hence a reduction in production agricultural machinery, exorbitant expenses for the purchase of new environmentally friendly transport, plus a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, including through livestock. it is not surprising that this ecological transition has already been popularly nicknamed technocratic fascism, since a draconian and destructive deindustrialization program has been imposed on europeans without any public debate. people say: leave us alone, there are too many problems of crises, we have war, inflation, i ’m afraid of losing my job, i don’t know who will take care of me when i 'm old, because the population is aging, all these problems combined, spiced up with populist attacks using social media,
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spreading fake news, create a toxic mixture of rejection of the green deal, like that instead of a solution. to move their production to the usa or china, then the situation is stalemate for farmers, and therefore they are not just screaming for help, they are directly stating that if they drown, the entire economy will choke.
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truckers and railway workers, political demands are increasingly being heard. i i’m dissatisfied with the current government of germany, i ’m disappointed, this is too much, costs for citizens are rising, the authorities have money for everything else, just not for people. the situation is similar in france, only everything that is happening there is more like a civil war. the farmers have decided. do not wait for negotiations and do not believe false promises, everything goes in, road closures, manure, burning tires and pallets, they deal
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with food imports with particular predilection, even the french capital is under blockade, the main highways leading to paris, and... a sword of mocles over the heads of agricultural producers throughout the european union. farmers in belgium, italy, greece, lithuania,
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poland and a number of other countries are trying to follow the example of their friends in misfortune. of course, so far it’s not happening so massively and brightly, but righteous anger is growing. it is unlikely that the european authorities will back down on the agrarian issue. what kind of concessions? yes, but whether they will be able to put down the raging flame is the question of where. with her, adventures of foreigners in belarus, i’m calling you, how are you name, and my name is evgenia, evgenia, it’s very nice to meet you, well, for me, i prefer it if you cook it, i like lily, and it also tastes great.
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i don’t know how many vegetables there are here , it’s just incredible how many hectares you need to dig to get such a vegetable, i generally know how sugar is obtained, the most difficult thing was to get the sephir itself, because it floats on chocolate, see the white dew travel project on the belarus 24 tv channel, the topic of quality is the main one this year and it’s not just about a good product with... the meaning is much deeper, it’s about our life with you. our country will have its own national mark, a state sign, which...


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