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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 7, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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zhenya, it’s become really cold, and i only left the heating stack in order to save a little more fuel, we have to be patient, major, i have to be the first to talk to the pilot, i ’ll try, there’s no need to try, you just have to do it, quickly, quickly, girls .
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follow me, follow me, you won’t be able to shoot me, comrade colonel, but maybe. listen, jer major, shut up, shut up, here , free up the bed, doctors, quickly, quickly , we slept already, this happened a long time ago, 12 hours ago, what doctor, it’s bad, we don’t have the conditions, an operation is needed here, you failed it’s not me, not me, but your german colleagues , the damn woman who should have completely flown, don’t be silent, i’ll try to help you out, i understand, but... doesn’t have a clue about our man,
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or what? be patient, olechka, be patient, dear, and your hands, your hands, what the hell are you doing, my hands, i said, are crazy! stand, stand, become a major, comrade major!
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we follow the sporting life of our country, he congratulated and promised to buy medals himself, this is how the captain of the belarusian men's biathlon team anton smolsky reacted to the gold and bronze of his partners in the team race russian championship.
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statistically, he’s even better than djokovic, nadal and federer at his age, because he already has two helmets, he’s just still very young, he’s 12 years old today. all this is in sports projects on the belarus24 tv channel. they are smart, enterprising and courageous. maxim, hello, well, i answered yes, but i remembered that minsk was. founded in
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1667, it was mentioned, you probably meant a thousand, and then you did the math and it turned out that most likely, i understand their age to them. not a hindrance, because the questions of an adult character express in seconds 10 minutes and 10 seconds, in one minute there are 60 seconds, and 60 already by 10 is 600 and another plus 10 seconds is 610 seconds, and this is the absolutely correct answer, the fight for the title of the best intellectual, as if someone some of you didn’t want to, and some of you maybe didn’t want to, but it’s time to take stock and understand who those two are? who goes to our final fourth round, who are those to whom we say for today, goodbye, we have a draw again, look, in the new season of the project , i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like,
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belarus? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant
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events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, i am very pleased to introduce the first guest, who, of course, does not need long introductions, historian, writer, brilliant
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lecturer, andrey fursov, connections with the studio, andrey lich, hello, thank you for being with us, hello, well, there are really a lot of topics, and to start, i suggest the one that suits. with the semantic lines of various events, these are elections in the united states. watching their election campaign, it is impossible not to notice that this time it is not just a traditional competition between democrats and republicans, but a truly serious battle. here's the situation around texas. there was an interesting moment in new hampshire when one of the most prominent candidates, veve karamaswamy, announced that he was joining the trump team. but after said: “we are in the midst of a war in this country.” this is not... i'm not trying to romanticize trump in any way, but the intensity of the confrontation makes me wonder if this is the beginning of the end of america, at least as we have known it up to this
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point. i think that the beginning of the end of america in the form in which we knew it was generally the arrival of trump, but you are absolutely right that... what is flaring up now in america is not so much an intra-american fight, it’s just america, as in central platform, a battle of completely... different world forces, and first of all, this is a battle of 1% of the world's elite and approximately 10-12% of the world's middle class, and since the elite and the world's middle class are mostly concentrated in the united states, then the united states ended up there the platform on which this fight takes place, but it has a lot of different dimensions, which is why it is so sharp, well, for example, in addition to the fight between the 1% and 10-12% of the middle layer, this is a fight within the 1% between
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industrial capital on the one hand and financial capital and corporatocracies with the other is a fight between what is left of state-monopoly capital, what trump calls great america, this is america in the thirties and eighties, and new it structures. who support him are supported by the white middle class and part of the white
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upper class, while most of the black population and latinos support the democrats, which is why it is so important for biden to drag as many democrats as possible, as many migrants as possible into the united states, these are potential votes, that is this is very, very complicated there is a conflict that exists in the... global dimension, and i think that in the middle of summer and at the very beginning of autumn, very, very hot events await us in the united states, and this will not be resolved so easily. the trumpists this time will not make the mistake they made when trump was overthrown with a coup, essentially throwing him out of the white house, and now they know that this is possible, they will not repeat the mistakes. will it come to civil war there at this rate? well, i think
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not at this stage yet, because there is social fat in society as long as there is something to share in society, and this is just a civil conflict, but this does not exclude the possibility that this will happen in the future, by the way, uh 20 years ago, uh, a man named chit wrote a book there in america , the second civil war into
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the question: kibono, cyrodetus, as they said in ancient rome, who benefits? and here is a very
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interesting thing, beneficial to the americans and the british, the fact is that the americans, here is a big war in the middle east, the americans are thereby delivering an additional blow to europe, but since there is already a ukrainian conflict and partly it solves the problem of an attack on europe, therefore this war is not urgent for them. and especially the elections, especially taiwan, who needs war here right now, it’s the british, you need to remember that whoever supports hamas qatar, qatar is...
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austin is from the obama clan, and sulivan is from the clinton clan, the clinton clan is not it is necessary to know what is happening inside the clan of the austin clan, that is, the severity of the conflict in the ruling layer of the united states is such that clan interests there take precedence over the national one, the british, let's get back to them, the british need a big war because they need a macrozone in the post-global.
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but the british, in order to implement their projects , they need america to deal with someone else, during some conflicts it weakened, i have no direct evidence, but i am deeply convinced that the current situation in america was definitely involved in weakening the situation british, i also want to remind you that in the assassination of john kennedy, three mi6 agents were involved, that is, in other words, here we see completely different behavior the british and israelis on one side , the americans on the other, remember, linkin arrives, agrees that everything is just negotiations, leaves, suddenly someone blows up a hospital, everything goes awry, that is, there is a very, very cunning combination there,
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it’s completely understandable, here for example , it is clear to me that the conflict was provoked by the british, who control hamas very much... but the israelis control it, very interesting alliances are emerging in the middle east, on the one hand, great britain, qatar, turkey, hamas, on the other hand china, saudi arabia, iran. and, here’s another thing why the anglo-saxons need a big war in the middle east, to turn the arab part of the world into a huge ghetto, which will be, well, beyond development. by the way, it is enough to remember that recently almost all secular regimes in the arab world have been defeated; in the arab world, there are now significantly more secular regimes than 30 years ago. here two questions arise at once, the first of them is, what is or who is behind the integrity of the houthis, in this case, i’m not trying to seem
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thus, bring the conversation to the obvious to iran, especially since - you just see more. deep-seated processes , you have already spoken about some of them, the second question is these fears about whether a big war will come out of the middle east, which will capture everyone, but if, in order, after all, firstly, who is behind the houthis, and then about the big war, andrey lich, what do you think, behind the houthis, behind the houthis is definitely iran, it is the same proxy of iran as hezbollah, let’s say, at this stage within a year, let’s say, the same it is not beneficial for the americans if... the war goes beyond large limits, and iran is in no hurry to do this, i think that different countries will fight so that some will bring the conflict closer, others will push it further, but for now the houthis will inflict these blows to world trade, take the breath away from iran’s opponents, provoke them, iran itself will say,
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take such a position, threaten from time to time, the iranians are very reserved guys. in fact, on the one hand they can say: keep me seven people, on the other hand on the other hand, to say, to tear your vest off yourself, but nevertheless, at the same time, assess the situation with a very cold gaze. current threats that are heard literally these days from washington regarding the fact that austin says that we will not leave this so easily, meaning the three dead military personnel, and they openly say that they will take revenge on iran, while talking about that we cannot directly attack iran on behalf of... the united states, we will find a way to do this, do you think, after all, we are talking about two nuclear powers, expect that something will come out of this rhetoric, well, for real. i think that in the near future we should not expect a serious aggravation, but a lot will
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depend on how the situation develops in the united states, and if it requires diverting attention from internal problems, then completely different options are possible. there are a lot of things that i like, for example, i love to relax in logoisk, we really like visiting nesves, we have been there several times, the world too, in general i can say that the atmosphere is wonderful, really in fact, my children, i repeat, enjoy it, they love winter, they love to play with the snow, again, i thought that i would suffer, but no, the children like it, i see that they benefit from this...
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for almost 3 months of bombing in civilian areas and infrastructure , almost 22 thousand residents of the gas sector were killed,
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the number of wounded exceeded the figure of 56. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already divides. the remnants of ukraine, without waiting for the end of the special military operation, the latter is, in principle, no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . we continue. 80 years since the complete lifting
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of the siege of leningrad, the opening of a memorial complex to peaceful citizens of the soviet union who died in the great patriotic war. memory of the victims of that war, of the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers. today, many people are being hindered from living, especially by ideological henchmen of murderers and traitors, they are the ones today honoring the executioners in their parliaments, they are the ones who started the war with the graves and monuments in poland, the baltic states and ukraine, complete madmen, how is it possible... that by destroying the monument, you will destroy the memory that lives in the heart of the people, the people who found have the strength to build new
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peaceful relations with those states that just yesterday brought suffering and death on our land. peter, for those who have not fully understood why such memorials and the events around them are still relevant today, what would you say? many today reduce the issues of the blockade of leningrad or the great patriotic second world war to questions of history, but this is not quite so far, because as a result of the great patriotic second world war , a new coordinate system of international relations was approved, and the soviet union became a full-fledged, full-fledged participant in this international system.
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helped bandera in ukraine presented itself as almost a continuation of the fight against nazism, that is, they twisted everything as best they could, so such events are not just events, even events, one cannot say that this is just an event, the policy that we are pursuing today is not just a policy of protection, it is a policy of continuation, the introduction of those values, let me remind you, this is not only the fight against racism.
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or there was someone standing nearby from ukraine or there from ukraine, after all, there are three slavic peoples, i think that this phrase resonated with many, but the question immediately arises, under what conditions today is this in principle possible, given the situation in which where is our state and relations today? well we always talked about the three slavic peoples and never denied that we want to be united, as we once were, but today this situation will not change yet, the authorities in ukraine, well, how do you... how can we imagine, is it really anyone... then today from the ukrainian, the ruling government of today, could send their representatives to such an event, so until they come to power, the policy changes, there are people who are close to our humanistic values, this is impossible to even imagine, unfortunately , but we leave this message, we are ready, we are ready for the reunification of the three slavic peoples, well , first of all, i agree with peter that
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memorialization. today, the memory of the great patriotic war, of the second world war, of the real participants, winners, losers , real aggressors, real victims, this is really a matter not only and not so much of history, but this is still a matter of modern politics, and that yalta-podzdam system of international relations, which was built after the end of the second world war, was based on clear and clear narratives. there is nazi germany , there is fascist italy, there is fascist japan , there is fascism and nazism as anti-human ideologies, they are to blame for unleashing a world bloodbath, those who supported all these movements bear responsibility, including legal responsibility, and thus support was also affected the same germany in the interwar period, and those sponsors who helped, primarily western sponsors,
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helped to come to power,
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the politics of memory, yes, which they later turned into a historical politics, it was is aimed primarily at changing ideas about the germans, about removing the blame from the germans, about
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artificially shifting the blame to some new ukrainian nation without roots, without a historical past, because what they did was they destroyed their historical past, they are trying to ignore reality when in the country , most of the population used either
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the russian language or these surzhiks, the fact that in belarus we also have such a concept as trosyanka, that is, the people use the language that is convenient for them, to which they are accustomed, the language that is used in everyday life by their parents, which... fed them with mother's milk, attempts to artificially break it over the knee, artificially eradicate all this through repression in the first place, it is clear that they will lead to nothing, but the opposite is true there is a reaction, i just want to record this, a reverse reaction, a significant part of the population, which is significant, young people, teenagers do not want to accept this, they go to russian odnoklassniki vkontakte, but i want to return to the president’s statement that it would be nice if he stood... here with us, the leader of ukraine, indeed , what we are talking about here is that they are trying to get rid of historical memory, destroy it, they are trying to erase themselves from world history altogether, in fact, and we we leave a chance to the ukrainian people, not to the ukrainian authorities,
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not to these ukrainian nazis, who do not make up the majority of society, namely the main part, to those who continue, despite persecution today, to profess the orthodox religion and...
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the independence of the consciousness of ukrainians, that their that is, a - this is enslavement and there should not be some kind of statehood on its own, on the contrary, that it should serve someone who knows what, b terrorist extremist methods of struggle based on xenophobia and hatred of other religions and nationalities. but the fact is that, again , people who are ordinary people, who are tired, strive to remember history, to speak russian.
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leave his post, he refused,
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then they began to say that these were rumors, well, look, serious confirmation, two the most serious western publication new york times , the american, citing its sources, the ukrainian authorities postponed zaluzhny’s resignation due to leakage of information about the resignation, and further clarifies the british magazine, the british economist magazine, zaluzhny refused the offer to become the post-secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine, in this case i understand that... it turns out that london and washington are sorting things out on the ukrainian field, what do you think this fight between zelensky and zaluzhny is about? well, there is also information that the west is in moreover, they do not understand how this could happen, they are against such relations in general, resignation, not resignation, that is, this decision was supposedly made without their knowledge.
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to step back from solving military issues, but to remain under the control of zelensky, yes, then in this case it’s all clear, a really high-rated competitor is removed, all his successes are reset.
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i hoped that he would take him under supervision, if not, then there is no need to release him, let him sit in his place for now, and it is absolutely true that here we are not even talking about coordination of this decision with the west, this decision should have been made by the west, it was not thought out now either in london or in washington, there were no prerequisites or desires to remove zaluzhny, especially since we see that the west is promoting this figure as a counterweight to zelensky to have your own person.
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because he needs the elections to take place without any military or armed actions, calmly, as much as possible, and he can demonstrate this, that look, we seem to have frozen and held the front conflict, throughout 2023 we saw how it sparked before the nato summit, after it sparkled, when in fact zelensky tried to extort military equipment, military assistance, and this is very strong for many...
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they expressed their conditions to him, they just want a temporary freeze of the conflict until they figure it out in internal election processes, a short video, and we will continue this same topic, the other day a video was released in which the former adviser to the ukrainian president alexey aristovich, while in the united states of america, answering a journalist’s question, talked about what the negotiating group came to in the twenty-second year, many saw in this video an attempt, an unsuccessful attempt to arrest these
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tobto, not because i calmed down with nonsense, but it’s true, i’m miraculously intelligent in the military, i then washed myself, as you remember, having said, this war will be until the 35th day, i respect you, not only the russian-ukrainian, but a series of wars in the world, and ukraine will be included, so will it be otherwise under the influx of these yen, because there was going to be a war, because when it flooded in, i told the truth, god, there was such a panic, so i slept then, for you, two or three years ago it was true, although in reality two or three years ago it was true, i knew for sure the calendar of the istanbul zustriches, everything went to a point of reconciliation. so, for three weeks, everything was about reconciliation , and we saw that in fact, of course, the ukrainian
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leadership at the moment the special military operation began was in panic, at a loss, did not know what to do, and those very negotiations that were started on the territory of belarus, thanks to the mediation of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, and then disrupted by part of the ukrainian elite itself. which began to eliminate its own negotiators, then transferred to the territory of turkey and failed because the british leadership intervened at the last moment, this all says, firstly, that today it is useless to talk about reconciliation with ukraine itself, because ukraine is not subjective, the question of reconciliation must be about the possibility of this or that conclusion of this or that configuration.
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for a longer war of attrition, and that its ultimate goal is, of course, military defeat, that is, they are here consolidated with
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europeans, although they left the european union, but russia has no illusions about the reliability of the agreement with western countries, this is how the secretary of the russian security council, nikolai patrushin, expresses it: the usa, nato, their satellites are at the hands of the kiev nazi regime and various kinds of mercenaries. yes, these are a number of other states, that is, when they get tired of the ukrainian project or when they achieve some goals that they
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planned there, they will also stop it, today, as you can see. america the usa refused to give money, that is, there is no money, the state, which prints money endlessly, they have no money, that is, they left the british to deal with these problems on their own, and as if confirmation of this, sunok’s visit to kiev again made regular promises to support them in these hostilities until the last ukrainian. well, here we are again mentioning the states, and meanwhile, under self-propelled joe’s window, if not a civil war, then unrest is brewing. they clearly demonstrate that the american idea is no longer selling well not only in the world, but in the united states itself. governors of several states at once pledged support for texas amid a feud with the biden administration over its right to enforce its borders. virginia, oklahoma and south dakota said they were joining texas. florida governor ron disantis said the same thing. what do these states have in common? common values ​​from
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christianity to large families. in general , the story with tihass is interesting, few people do.” there is the rust belt of the united states of america, these are actually those industrial centers that fell victims of neoconservative policies, reaganomics, shock therapy, washington consensus. there is, you just said, the biblical, so -called us belt, one-story america, even if we look at those electoral
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discourses during the election campaign. which are carried by different candidate parties, then we see that the issue of internal policy of establishing order is opposed to the question of whether the united states of america, as the world hegemon, will reach a revolution or agree at the last moment, while i do not see that they will reach a revolution, why because rather here we can talk about such a quietly sluggish rebellion down. than in the elites, because the elites very clearly limit themselves, they understand that the system cannot be broken, this is a matter of survival, yes, the question is different, that the same trump is not against globalization, trump just proposes for now to focus on internal problems, to select villages, to carry out reindustrialization and
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deep modernization of the united states, including, by the way, at the expense of the european union. that is , suck out enterprises and banks from there as much as possible, then launch a new attack on china, on india, on russia, on all countries, who oppose the unipolar system of international relations. well, in principle, a lot of people in america like to scare people about a civil war, but it would be beneficial for us, of course, the point is what we mean by a civil war, what goals it should pursue. who should stand as one of the warring parties, that is, it is a priori assumed that the current political elite will advocate maintaining the status quo, and what the civil war should give to america, that is, to divide the united states states, to allocate there a separate state or a conglomeration of states, as was the case during the era of the war between the north and south, i think that today
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there are no such large forces in the united states, so... today they operate, despite the supposed confrontation, the confrontation of local authorities , central, federal authorities, we see that they still act within the framework of the american constitution, american laws, all the actions of the governor of texas, they are based on the american constitution and the opportunities that he has, he absolutely legally uses the national guard, which is under his command, he absolutely legally refers to... articles of the constitution that each state has the right to protect the security of the united states, so he establishes his own border rules there as opposed to federal demands to stop this migration, civil war as such, as a big rebellion of armed battles with the goal of changing power, changing the political system, it seems to me that for now the united states,
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i propose then to interrupt this topic on this sad note, why? the main thing is this it makes sense for us to pay attention, the old world is bursting at the seams and it’s time to stick to our own, a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state in 3 days. a huge range of issues from creating a media holding to working at the poles, from increasing port capacity to developing microelectronics. our desire for russia and belarus, the people's republic of china , russia is at the forefront of this, because it bears the most burden and suffers more than anyone, and the reason for all this is the houthis and the middle east, and south china sea, standing problems. this is all because a multipolar world is coming, as the russian foreign minister said , the monopolists don’t want this, so they are trying to maintain a unipolar world using different methods, using different
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methods, they have reached armed conflicts, we discussed economic problems, and work on the asian continent, especially in africa , where we are called, vladimirovich knows, we coordinated my trips to africa, i talked with...
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when we are isolated and what it is to live in
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, we have gained experience, we know what it is, isolation and try, losing the markets that are familiar to us, losing the business conditions that are familiar to us, to enter new markets and thus develop new ones, you know, yulia konstantinovna, you are fully supported by cia director william burns, we called you. yes, he, he talks about the collapse of the old globalization, expresses it in these words: the united states has lost its undeniable supremacy in the world due to the rise of china and the revanchism of russia. even here they could not ignore this assessment. alekseitrovich, how do you look at this? well, firstly, the union of belarus of russia must be perceived not only, even not so much, as a response to the challenges there of globalization, deglobalization, but this must be perceived as... first of all, our internal sovereign matter. belarus, as a sovereign state, determines for itself the direction of its foreign and domestic policy, determining for itself how it will build the lives
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of its citizens in order to make this life as good as possible, already determined in the last 20th century at the end, and in the ninety-fifth year at the referendum, making a choice for close integration with the russian federation, we have identified this as the main vector of our foreign policy. and we see that we did not make a mistake, because we preserve our thousand-year-old historical connections, spiritual connections, economic connections, political, military and all the rest, and we see that this was laid down even before all the crises of globalization, the desire to create not just partnerships with our closest neighbors, but purely trusting ones to build a union state, which is what these aspirations are today in the era of collapse.
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russia helps us join these alliances, which are also beneficial for us, but we must understand that this is also our sovereign choice. the union state of belarus russia is, first of all , an instrument for the implementation of the sovereignty of both belarus and russia, we see this from the agenda that was, this agenda is not about the past, this is an agenda about electronics, about space, about...
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to prevail, why ? because we are the center of growth, we are the center, one of the points of this new multipolar globalization, and this again, returning to the first thesis, the guarantee of our sovereignty and independence. thank you for participating in this conversation, that’s all for today, thank you for being with us for this hour, see you in a week, happily. belarusian winter, all its little things, all its details.
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some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are absurd, but together they are one whole, together, they are harmony, looking at them you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer. electronic money as a legal tender will appear in belarus in 2025 digital ruble, initially the technology will be launched in test mode for settlements between legal entities, and then in 2026 they can use it... for
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cross-border transactions, the technology also has an anti-sanctions orientation, because it allows settlements with other countries that are developing their own digital currencies, bypassing, for example, the international swift system. this is, first of all , the decentralization of cross-border payments, the problem of the modern world is that, in general, cross-border payments, all payments, let's say about...
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and this trend in the financial sector, it it is observed that even modern calculations are in many ways trying to be carried out, we already know in national currencies, bypassing the dollar, the euro, yes, so simply this will be another such technological breakthrough that will allow us to pay with our trading partners more easily and easily, the digital ruble is the third form of money, on a par with cash and without... it is already actively used in china, our eac partners, russia and kazakhstan, are joining the technology. more than 19 units of equipment in minsk. tractor plant supplied russian market in 2023, in this year they plan to increase export figures, new prospects for cooperation with the kamchaska territory were discussed in detail at mtz, the region is interested in belarusian technology, of all the tractors that are used today in agricultural production in kamchatka, mtz occupies
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63%. we are within the framework of a union state today, and today there are no certain barriers that exist with other countries, today there are no those same sanctions that today yes... came in one piece, and those who previously bought some italian equipment there, maybe there are other european countries there, but today they are experiencing problems with the same, elementary spare parts, we supply equipment not only for general special purposes of the classical layout, but also, even now winter equipment has arrived in the regions, i think that we will only expand the possibility that we ourselves have planned many new products for this year, planned many changes in terms of design and technology, specifically in terms of the external design of this car of ours, which has been modernized 82.3.
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specialists will replace lighting equipment, the ceiling will be restored. these types of work are carried out at night, when there are no trains running, when the tension of the contact realism is removed, that is, a fairly high structure of about 8 or 10 m is built, so our specialists are engaged in this work, for this purpose. you need to assemble the structure, carry out the work, disassemble the structure, remove the station platform itself, then still have time so that everything is clean, cozy and good by 5:30 and so that the metro starts working and the passengers do not notice it. for all types of work in
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the external appearance of the station, which was originally embodied by designers and architects, is necessarily preserved. today the minsk metro consists of three lines with a total length of 40 km or more. thirty stations. remind belarusians about constitutional suffrage, civil responsibility and a single voting day. at the initiative of the belarusian republican youth union , the youth awareness-raising project poshtovka bel was launched. more than 70 thousand postcards will be sent throughout the country. until february 20 inclusive, everyone can fill out and send it to the recipient absolutely free. our youth did it very creatively in the form of something like this.


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