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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 7, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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in the journalistic practice of maxim osipov, this is already the eighteenth election campaign, how does it differ from previous ones, how to make the right choice on a single voting day, does the candidate’s age and party affiliation matter? all the answers are in the full episode of the say don’t be silent program on our youtube channel. a resident of the petrikovsky district kept home-made carbines, cartridges and gunpowder . mozar border guards came to the arsenal. it is noted that the owner. illegal collection has already been
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repeatedly convicted of illegal hunting. in during operational testing, border guards found a handicraft carbine of various calibers on the man, an insert into a hunting rifle for firing small-caliber cartridges, as well as a container of gunpowder; a criminal case was initiated. affordable medicine, the construction of a new clinic of the minsk ankocenter is planned to begin next year, according to the project it will be eight floors for 1500. not per shift, modern computer tomographs, mri machines, mamographs will be installed, ultrasound rooms will be equipped, a small operating unit will appear. here residents of minsk will be able to apply, plus patients with thyroid diseases from all over the country. it's no secret that cancer patients need rehabilitation measures, both early rehabilitation measures, which are necessary immediately after treatment , and delayed ones. rehabilitation, so
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the decision was made to build a rehabilitation building on the territory of our hospital campus, in which our oncology patients will receive both early and delayed rehabilitation, that is, this this is also such a big project, and we also plan to complete this project simultaneously with the construction of our clinic building. over the past year , about 56,000 new cases of cancer were identified in belarus, with cancer in first place among men by a wide margin. gland, lung and colon; in women , breast cancer, colorectal cancer and gynecological disorders. distract children from gadgets. this is the task set by the organizers of the book festival in derzhinsk. at a local school, we implemented a project with a book on roads of childhood. the holiday is aimed at a children's audience, poetry recitation, a concert, an animation program with the participation of funny fairy-tale characters. the project is in its second year.
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a military-patriotic area, a shadow theater, a national crafts area, a sports and gaming space and an exhibition of thematic books. next we have sports news, a project of the tv news agency, also available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. new information at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you later. lost to montreal
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2:5 in the next match of the nhl regular season. the canadians have already scored three unanswered goals in the first period. canadian nick suzuki scored a double. in the second twenty minutes , the ice owners were able to win back one goal. alexander ovechkin scored with strome's pass. however, the third period was left to the guests, who hit the opponent’s goal twice more. and both times through the efforts of juraj slavkovsky. belarusian washington forward alexey protas spent 10 minutes on the ice.
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freestyle skiing, speed skating and short track, as well as figure skating and skiing. the competition starts on february 9 and ends on the eighteenth. they will become arenas.
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a popular program in the soviet union. song of the year. she was always looked forward to. favorite art pieces, hits loved by the audience, new names and already famous performers. the 1987 program came as a surprise and a complete surprise to the residents of the ussr. it was broadcast live not from a television center, as was customary, but from a belarusian collective farm.
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the party committee of belarus issued an appeal to farmers to lead the lagging collective farms in republic, it was possible to raise the economy from ruins, but in general the situation remained difficult: lack of equipment, farms, many of which are in decline, low milk yields, low yields, people willing to go to work in the lagging economy. it turned out there were quite a few, for many an example was the collective farm rassvet in myshkovichi, which they managed to turn into a strong farm in a few years. among the volunteers was twenty-nine-year-old vladimir leontievich bedulya, later twice a hero
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of socialist labor. at that time he took over the farm in a deplorable state: no equipment, no cattle, no... milking herd, when he arrived from the post of second secretary of the brezsky city committee of the komsomol, one of the leaders told him: we don’t have chairmen, we need chairmen, but the poor guy is not a chairman, so he had to all the time work of the chairman, proved his worth as chairman, and bidulya proved this with his extraordinary actions, bold decisions, which often ran counter to what came down from above?
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at the beginning of 1960 , another commission worked on the collective farm of soviet belarus they carefully examined the inspectors, this time from the central committee, from moscow. cows , milkmaids were interviewed, some notes were taken, then everything was repeated again, the questions were tricky: well, where are the cows from, what is the reason for such milk yield, notes, well, we feed them beforehand, so for milking. now the inspectors were shrugging their shoulders. until recently
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, in the reports the collective farm was listed as lagging behind, and there was no need to talk about nadoi at all. but in front of them there really were well-fed cows that did not give the impression of emaciated cattle. when the inspectors again began to question the obvious. the chairman of the collective farm, vladimir bidulya, intervened. to another question from the inspectors: where are the cows coming from? what kind of breed is this? he answered clearly with his characteristic humor. belarusian humpback, well fed. the inspectors had no choice but to confirm what they saw. the milking herd really exists in reality, above and beyond. success depended primarily on the actions of the head of our farm, vladimir
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yaontsievich, reads something somewhere, finds these people, gets in touch, inquires, we find contacts, medical production. the solution was then found in expanding the crops; there was no corn like that. demanded from managers at all levels during that period, but potatoes. despite criticism, it was decided that each village would plant 10 hectares of potatoes, which they themselves would harvest and send to the farm. they didn’t copy niskogo, it was apparently zhelevich, potatoes gave money, and... meat, milk, as they say. the decision was made to expand
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the planting of other crops. every farm, every milkmaid took plots of fodder beets, they prepared very large quantities of fodder beets for the winter, and this helped very well to increase milk yield. we started sowing crops. which are rich in protein, alfalfa , white clover, red clover, began to harvest our beautiful silage, despite the plans that were communicated to each farm, and which had to be carried out, on the collective farm they proposed their own path, and the result was not long in coming, the first chairmen we ate 700-800 kg per cow, now...
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for the better, especially after the meeting in leningrad in 1957. khrushchev on it put forward his famous thesis: to catch up and overtake. america in terms of meat and milk production per capita. the period of the notorious corn was coming, the crops of which had to be increased everywhere. corn is a wonderful product, it is really very good, but growing corn, say, in krasnodar and somewhere in vladivostok, these are completely different conditions. what were they doing in belarus? nobody
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resisted. by and large, everyone understood that this could be done. and it is possible to increase the area sown under corn, but we simply did it in sum, increased the crops for clover, sugar beets, potatoes, for what grew well and brought profit; among the initiators of such approaches, the soviet belarus collective farm sowed sugar beets, and we were there for years. for this, even the board of the collective farm gave us a bonus for the brigade; we received 3,000 rubles. the entire team who worked was bought gifts, the leadership of the republic chose
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the right path, how to move and develop the republic? maintaining subsidiary farms and some small farmsteads, at the same time developing large economic some complexes that, as a result , brought small farms under themselves and thereby created a common basis for the development of all agriculture and the republic, which, by the way, did not exist in general in other, probably , regions of the country, the main guidelines of the leadership of the bssr, attention to the peasant. support for personal farming. a peasant should not live worse than in the city. they clearly went against the general guidelines of the party and this irritated the center and khrushchev. there was also such an indicative case in minsk, there was a meeting, khrushchev had just arrived, and the oryol chairman of the collective farm,
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a famous, so to speak, partisan, spoke. and he asked orlovsky that way. he says to the whole room how much potatoes you are sowing , orlovsky says 900 hectares, but now , after we received instructions from the center, and we discussed everything, how much you will, well, orlovsky hesitated and said, well, we’ll be 850, so that means... continue to sow potatoes, that ’s how much, that means you sow corn, 50 hectares, and how much will you, well, say 100, well, khrushchev was annoyed, he saw that he couldn’t do anything about it and... by chance he’s talking about his father he said, this partisan, and he put all his attitude into it. the republic went its own way, despite constant checks and criticism from the center. on the farms of the republic, the collective farm of soviet belarus , they tried to introduce everything new, advanced, at
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some meeting they learned about transplantation, celiac is obtained through transplantation. this was new in the whole republic for the first time and from our collective farm it went around the region, they transplanted embryos, got the target, chose bulls, they came to our farm, very often, often the delegation from other collective farms came from other collective farms, from other districts they came, especially when... the novalevsky equipment was installed, successes were also due to caring for the common worker, he liked to repeat, the collective farm is the people, the people are the collective farm, and definitely a new
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urban village, and if the song of the year, then why not broadcast from kolkho? it is thanks to you that we live lionti came tolkunova came when song 87 was on. and well-deserved awards. in 1971, the collective farm was awarded the order of the red banner of labor. bidule
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awarded the title of hero of socialist labor with the order of lenin. second gold star and order of lenin in 1987. the collective farm itself was repeatedly awarded orders, medals, and diplomas. prestigious exhibitions with the order of the badge of honor, friendship of peoples, and the red banner of labor.
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in the progress collective farm, the vertelishki of the grodno region in december 1971 were waiting for an important message. on this occasion, they were waiting for the time for the broadcast of the evening program to begin. those who were not busy gathered in the portkom. no one could contain their emotions anymore. that's even i remember that in the seventy-first year in
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the program, igor kirillov and i read information that a state prize was awarded to the millionaire collective farm vertelishki, the belarusian ussr, you understand, the grodno region. in general , the situation in belarus is paradoxical. khrushchev’s reforms in the late fifties and early sixties hit the villages hard first of all; in the republic they are thinking about how to pave the entrances to fields and farms, how to build a modern school, kindergarten, and store. as for our economy, it was revived when there was a resolution of the council of ministers of the central committee of the cpsu.
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what people had in private hands, the equipment was low-powered, we have such people who worked in the ussr, which means there were only eight tracked tractors in one area, not
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counting the t-25, there, as they say, mtz 82 - that was main tractor. at that time there were very few tractors and agricultural machinery, but the material base gradually increased, and around the 80s...
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look, corn is such an insurance crop, a fodder crop, when another crop can prevent drought, it does, corn helps out , for example, according to our recommendations, the feed should be 50% corn silage , for example, and 50% weed karma, we began to grow other crops to feed stingrays, and concentrated farms in let's say in one place, there are only three dairy farms, and also... they built their own feed shop so as not to carry feed, they installed a herringbone complex, it was know-how, delegations had already arrived, sometimes from the farm, sometimes from the region, they came from russia, they looked, maybe they asked everything, our farm, one of the best, one of the first, installed this particular milking installation, everyone came to us to learn from the experience.
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bold experiments were carried out on the farm. for the first time in the republic, production sites were introduced. shop culture of production management - dispatch service. savings in everything, rational use of fuel and feed. this made it possible to purchase equipment, seeds, and replenish the milking herd. the result is not short-term.
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when compared in terms of security supplies, probably, our economy was at a level comparable even with some of the capacities of an entire region, say, some, say, ostrovets or ashmyany, the results became convincing, the increase in milk was 350 kg per cow, production increased significantly.
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demonstrated real achievements, what happened with these large collective farms that were created in that period of time, they have now turned into agricultural holdings, yes, huge, it’s on that basis that huge ones were created, in fact, these are generally the same enterprises, like in industry, but this is only in agriculture. in those years , the foundations were laid for the future development of agriculture. thanks to these measures, today we have agricultural enterprises that not only serve as a model in the post-soviet space, but are considered one of the best in europe. progress of skewers, dreams, entire regional republics, grodno, kopolsky, pruzhansky, derzhinsky. and this is all during the period.


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