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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 7, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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that's right, learn and don't want to become communists. city of grozna. while grazing on the 19th century for the fall of the americans, the family of ivan yakaulevich semyanovich came here. their hands are tired of working. at the same time, all members of the getai are working at the grodzen fine cloth factory, ivan yakaulevich himself is working in svesaram at the parasilov workshop. iago son albert is the prafessed weaver. this workshop has the oldest son, ivan yakaulevich, peter. good creative haste in a short hour , the wife of pyatra yaugeniya vasileina simanovich.
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marriage he turned 71 years old, if the castle was captured, or there was a traitor who opened the gates, or in some peaceful way, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. bykhovsky district is one of the richest in treasures in belarus, 32, and this is only officially registered. there are even antique ones. the first icon of queen razaria was brought by the franciscans in the 14th century, but it was destroyed in a fire. this is an image.
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the smoke of the spring, the rain and the spring, only this life will not last for hours, it will live forever, as it already does, bright words in the native language, monthly expressing on the grass, and nyakhay zhytstse not great fox, you, kama aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song. there will be a song and a life of joy.
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from the order of the head of the operational headquarters of the isd security police, rikskomissariat ostland on the organization of the fight against partisans in the general commissariat of belarus. minsk november 18. the 1942 experience teaches that collective executions, the burning of villages without complete liquidation or eviction of their inhabitants, have bad consequences for us. oberergrurer ss bach gives the sd team leader the power to decide whether to burn villages, destroy them, or evacuate their inhabitants.
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acted according to orders. in november 1942, local reconnaissance. the detachment monitored the road in the area of ​​the village of polosy, kirovsky district. soon they could already observe how the inhabitants of the neighboring village, among whom there were many children and elderly
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people, were slowly moving in his direction. they were guarded by police on both sides. the old people walked barely able to move. who were supported as best they could by those who could go. the police did not open fire. it didn't look like an execution. the partisans continued observation. soon the situation became clear. it was a human shield. the fastas covered themselves with the population in order to overcome the dangerous area for them. they were afraid of an attack on the convoy with weapons; local residents covered it from both sides. but
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no one was going to let people go. according to the materials of the prosecutor general's office, they were loaded onto cars and taken to the concentration camp in bobruisk.
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and residents who sympathized with them, as documents show, were fascists a special method for their destruction has been developed. from the interrogation of rotko vsevolod filoretovich, the former burgomaster of vitebsk. october 22 , 1945, nkvd, bssr. the extermination took place mercilessly where no one had seen it further from the city.
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they did not have the expected result, the fascists thirsted for revenge, the year 43 became bloody. in december 1943, in the village of oryol , kobrin district, brez region , they were preparing for the christian holiday of st. anna. she was revered as an intercessor and... patroness of all women. war is heavy
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a burden fell on their shoulders, hunger, life in constant fear for themselves. the germans did not spare anyone. residents often saw clouds of black smoke suddenly bursting out from behind the forest, first on one side, then on the other, burning neighboring villages. trouble passed them by. suddenly the sounds of approaching cars were heard, and soon the smell of harry began to be felt in the house. their house was already on fire. hanna only managed to grab the still sleeping child, wrap her in a blanket and run out into the street. there were germans all around, the village was on fire.
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there is a saving swamp ahead. one shot, two. the women only had a little time to reach the forest. pleased with what he had done, the fascist now examined those lying in the snow with disgust. the women's attention was attracted by a package in which something was fumbling around, how they managed to survive, in the memories of maria ivanovna khamuk, she turned out to be the same child who was left lying in the snow near her murdered mother. her grandmother told her about what happened in their village on that terrible day. naturally, like... houses are being burned, everyone is trying to run away, hide somewhere, my mother and
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another daughter-in-law ran out, took me in their arms, rather, she wrapped herself in a blanket , she was in only a blouse, they ran to the swamp towards the town, there towards pinsk, but the german noticed and started shooting at them with a machine gun, that’s it, and there were two corpses lying, somehow she could see me. in one of the houses where the german entered, there were
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relatives of the dead woman, and he said, then there is a child’s place, i farted, farted, the grandmother immediately realized that it was me, she screams, this is mine, mine of the child’s, and then he schnel- schnel began to drive her to take everything. so he didn’t shoot me. the fastas destroyed everyone settlement, which was suspected of cooperation between residents and partisans. and in the village the eagle had everything conducive to this, there was a railway nearby, a river and a forest nearby.
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information received by the country's leadership about atrocities against civilians in the occupied territories during punitive operations became increasingly alarming. the fastas attracted more and more forces to exterminate the population in the occupied territories. from stalin's special folder,
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document signed by the people's commissar internal affairs of the ussr, bury. in the veleisky and glubokoye districts, the germans formed polish and belarusian sd detachments. in the velei district , combat companies carrying out police service were created under the german commandant's offices. the combat companies were entrusted with the task of seizing the families of partisans, sending the population to germany, setting fire to villages and other reprisals against civilians.
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and the civilian population, 60 large-scale punitive operations were carried out, they involved significant fascist forces, motorized formations, tanks, aviation, behind each of them there were huge casualties.
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produces amino acids, in particular lysine, trianine, tryptophan, various feedstuffs, premixes, all this goes to livestock complexes and is used as animal feed, and i believe that bnv as a whole is aimed at peace and creation in our country. even at school i liked chemistry, after finishing school i entered the belarusian state technological university, studied biotechnology, and in my third year i got an internship at the belarusian national biotechnological corporation, after completing
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his studies at the university, he came here to work as a young specialist, i realized that this is really mine, what i need... alkalis, these are pressure vessels, that is , a lot of dangerous production factors are collected specifically in this dry place. i believe that my work is important for the country, for various aggressive environments, our acids, for society, our corporation is a very large-scale project, quite
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a large number of people work here, as far as i know, there are bmbc staff. a person , this is a huge number of jobs, a person must have, first of all , responsibility, because this is working with people, working with subordinates, this is always associated with some risks, since this is production, i come to work at bnbk with pleasure. at the moment, this is, so to speak, a unique enterprise on the territory of the republic, and we don’t have anything like it anymore. the days of the brest region are being held at vdnkh in moscow; this is a new tradition in union relations. the exhibition also demonstrates scientific innovation potential of the brest region. today she works closely together. with almost all russian regions, it produces and develops gas pipes, remote automation devices, led strips, and creates joint projects in industry
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and agriculture. the academy of sciences of belarus is actively working on human dna research. what have scientists already come to? medical genetics helps solve a number of problems from making a diagnosis to creating drugs. special attention of scientists of the academy of sciences to oncological diseases of the cardiovascular system. another group of children. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are setting off on an expedition through the corners of our country. new day, new year! for sustrecha, with special handles, the racks are cleaned, special instantaneous dust is applied to the hour. things will happen again and again in the past in the grodzen region. let's follow the history and myastsovye
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abrads. i am talking about the mythical past of the zhytka region. so offensive the legend was started by hell mary luzai in 1938. i fall apart and smack her right.
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porovsky haymaking began in this very place, and i am a direct participant in these haymakings, it was very interesting, well, i try to glorify our telekhans, as it were, and i want our telekhans to know that they live an active life, that the life in us in the telekhans has not stopped.
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highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. when children feel good with each other, they feel good individually. therefore, if the emotional background is stable in the group and the teacher is in a good mood in each child, then the child is happy to go to kindergarten. students, sixth-year belarusian subordinates. healthy medical university trains the skills of providing emergency care in various clinical situations. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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everyday broadcast on tv channel belarus 1 is based on the names of the capital of the minsk region, elizaveta lashkevich is with you live, good evening! pra asnoўnyya padzei koratka: quaternary tortures, amal millions of square meters zhillya pabuduyutsya teleta ў minsk region traditsyyny az sign.


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