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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 7, 2024 10:50pm-11:21pm MSK

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the most important thing is commercial , this is the heart in every company, yes, it should beat today at maximum blows, because all the time you need to search, all the time you need to navigate, tastes on the one hand, opportunities on the other hand, so keep a balance, we we know the face of our customers, we have serious analytics for each retailer. it has been around for decades , look, our companies have all been on the market for a long time, and we, of course, accumulate what we can sell on march 8, february 23, new year, we make estimates, this is what we need it allows you to, well, keep your face in the trade and be simple, but to be honest you are happy, for example, barkhim comes to you and says: we made a powder, it washes off everything.
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this is the question that everyone seems to think that everything is decided by the market, this is such a very populist opinion, it exists, well, i will say, probably, well, here i would probably like to note another nuance that, well, as it were, even in support, maybe yes in development, then that by determining the reasons for this situation that has developed in the consumer market and today we noted that prices continue to rise anyway, but as a rule they point to some external factors, that is, international regulations, sanctions pressure, that is, just like that.
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now we feel this result , what we were going for, it’s a classic, but i’ll remember it a little, citizens, of course, treat this situation with understanding, but still the main request remains, you know, what, so that prices rise somehow was commensurate with the growth of wages, they said today,
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they presented statistical data regarding level of wages, but there is, say , a subjective assessment, that is, what people have enough money for, and so, as a rule, the majority notes that they have enough money to purchase food.
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broadcasts said that no manufacturers , no businessmen, traders, etc., who are engaged in services, should run to ministries or the government in march to agree on prices, in general it worked out, this happened, yes, this task that the head of state set, it was solved in the current versions of the resolution installed the maximum growth limit per month, that is , 0.3%, which can be increased without agreeing on anything, without going anywhere, for fruit products - this is a seasonal fact. there is a slightly different mechanism that works at 3.5% compared to last year’s level for the same month, but if these parameters are met, then you don’t need to go anywhere, but we still kept the mechanism in case of some shocks, if something really happens, well relatively speaking, in terms of imports, coffee has become more expensive there, or some
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raw materials that the company brings, conditional fertilizers, and abroad, and necessary in the cost of goods has increased, then with a clear economic justification , please go to the relevant government agency , which... will consider these proposals, and if this is indeed objectively so, it will allow it to be raised more, and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation reviews such decisions on a monthly basis, if they are unfounded , we have the right. well, that is , there is a dialogue, and in general there are a lot of videos on social networks where foreigners are just foreigners and even our russian neighbors come to purchase from us, show assortments, prices, our neighbors are generally comfortable, fortunately we don’t need a visa, by presidential decree the visa-free regime has been extended until 2024, which everyone is enjoying with pleasure, as my colleagues told me, now i ’ll get acquainted with television slang, the assembly will cover a very wide geography, right?
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the store guys look great, in short, i went to the store for cheap milk, i really miss the huge psychopath after germany, and there’s no end to the edge, you see , saying that belarus sucks for living, look at the abundance of the store, here’s the raw material, the smoked stuff, this
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it’s just a hell of a lot, and guys, it’s really delicious, i’m telling you, it’s just fucking delicious, you can find this kind of horseradish in germany, look what’s going on, you see these endless rows of choices, this isn’t germany, it’s not germany, it’s complicated at all. follow the path, well, for an ordinary person, from world and geopolitics to the shelf in a belarusian store and you will probably be surprised when you hear this, but the crisis in the red sea also affects the cost of imported, for example, medicines in belarusian pharmacies. andrey mikhailovich, here explain, in the broad sense of the word, how a crisis somewhere or anything else can affect what we have in store. in a broad sense, of course, logistics problems in the world certainly affect prices, well , we have already experienced this more than once. starting from the twentieth year, when all the logistics chains simply broke down, and just business,
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it’s a business that is looking for opportunities, just trade - this is exactly the example when they are forced to look for these logistics routes, this enough lightning fast, one might say, because if you are delayed right away, your shelf is empty with all the ensuing consequences, so if they talk about the red sea, then of course we are not surprised. well, according to various expert estimates, the cost of a certain freight has doubled in price, i mean only the exact route , but if you look at the structure, what kind of cargo was moved there and how they are reflected in our country, taking into account sanctions restrictions, of course , this route is already less used was for our purposes, and just the same, oddly enough, now the analysts were heating it up. interest at the beginning of january they said that the cost of fragments would increase two to three times, or even more, now i just came across
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reviews just the other day, new analysts say that the ships all continue to sail, except for two continents, american and european, tell me, let’s we will return to the question of the share of domestic and imported products; this is a red sea issue; we need to develop domestic and the same tomatoes, but there is a corresponding instruction from the head. states for tomatoes and cucumbers, to meet the full needs of our country in the off-season period, this is classic import substitution, but we just said in the first part, when, if you remember, from year to year we have the cost of cucumbers there i always paid for 10 rubles, even the average one, now look at the belarusian cucumber, well done, our belarusian producers began growing it almost year-round in december and now the cucumber is 7, well, 7 and a half.
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accordingly, the quality of our products raise the level further so that the consumer votes, as they say, in rubles for domestic goods, then everyone will be interested, well, what can i say, some domestic positions actually gave in to the competition, lost. to our partners, for example, there is china, russia, they aggressively, so to speak, entered our market enough, offered the product that can be bought or that is there... in terms of consumer qualities, and , accordingly, our manufacturers failed, so say, refocus, release those goods that the market needs, but on the other hand, let’s do it this way, we need to support our employees, manufacturers, here one small but very important point is missed: market volumes, the cost of products produced by a large russian or
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chinese company, when more volume is produced , what is involved, their cost of this product is much lower than ours.
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the state provides a platform, then we ’re like, yes, everything depends on people, everything depends on people, absolutely true, and to put it even more simply, the market is not a bazaar, and in no country in the world is there such a thing that the market regulates itself, we already talked about this in the studio, this is a fable. that in europe or america , sellers and manufacturers simply agree among themselves. my colleague veronica buta has studied world experience, we will now look at the story. in many developed countries of the world , mechanisms are used to stabilize the price situation in the food market, as well as in the drug market. for example, the swedish economic model is based on a system additional prices. products that fall
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into this category have special red price tags. the state strictly regulates purchase prices for... products ; the price level for food products is set annually, so approximately 30% of all products and up to 90% of meat are sold in stores at reduced prices assigned to regulatory authorities. in japan, the state regulates about 20% of consumer prices, including for grains, meat and milk, electricity, gas, education and medical care. in spain it is carried out control over pricing of essential goods, as well as manufactured goods. supplied by monopolies, the situation is similar in denmark. the austrian ministry of economics has the right to introduce price regulation for up to 6 months, and for any product or type of service. in france , there is a law on a fixed price for books; they also set a ceiling on rent per square meter; in
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2020, during covid, prices for hygiene products were limited. to reduce the level of inflation in the country. french the ministry of finance has to regularly bow to private companies that actually control the domestic energy market with a request to limit the upper ceiling on fuel prices, for example, last year it was set at 1.99 euros per liter, they agreed to keep the price at the same level until the end of the twenty-third year and extend to the twenty-fourth. price regulation in the uk began in the eighties, when the thatcher government carried out privatization. previously nationalized industries, primarily energy, utilities and transport. the trend continues now: companies, together with investors, often make a fuss at the next price revision, saying that they do not have the opportunity to continue to work effectively, persuading the regulator to make concessions. as a result , it is almost always possible to achieve the required indicators by reducing the size
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of the resulting margin. as with prices in germany, for some reason we have this as a guideline. in germany and for 15 years i didn’t think about prices at all, this is specifically the first case - it was when it started corona, yes, we lost some products here, some went up in price, and then, when the special operation began in ukraine, there was just such an inflationary explosion here, although our government says that not everything is so scary, something is even falling here , but you, when you go into a store and see those goods that have cost you 15 years. there is an example, here is a simple example, red, salted fish there cost 200 g, always 2.99, for 15 years it cost 2.99, now it costs five, for example. the fact that refueling has become incredibly expensive, this is already clear, that is, when i came here, gasoline cost 1 euro, now it costs 80 euros, 90 euros, when there was a peak in 2022,
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gasoline cost 2.50 and 2.60 per liter, in a month turns out to be such a good expense item only on fuel and electricity, that is, now everyone in germany mainly thinks about utilities. expenses, because when we arrived here, we paid about an ordinary three-room apartment, we always paid about 50, at most 70 euros per month for electricity, we didn’t they never saved, but this was the amount, now, when there was a price increase, they sent me a bill for the same apartment, for the same expenses, 180 euros per month, that is, they say our inflation there is 5-6%, but the bills look like this. taking into account all that has been said, of course, the numbers are simply cosmic, we summarize. it is clear that all interested parties are now in the studio, it is clear that if we rise to the level of a national
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idea, we all want our stores to have everything from eggs to kamchatka crabs, to normal prices. of course, there will always be something more expensive, something cheaper, but i want belarusians themselves to tell belarusians that our stores are good. let's briefly summarize what is needed for this. on the part of the state, what is needed for this on the part of retail, perhaps, what is needed for this on the part of the local authorities, briefly based on the results of what we have already talked about here, the two factors that you outlined are the availability of the product, its availability on shelf, especially domestic, for this purpose there is a decree that regulates prices, it regulates the entire chain, from the manufacturer to the trading link, it has proven its effectiveness, and we will continue to work in the same vein in the twenty -fourth year, perhaps making further improvements.
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and i would say now this: a high degree of responsibility, such as decision-making in
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executive discipline and in the performance of our direct official duties, will allow us to always be at the level that the buyer expects from us. you know, for my part i will add that it seems to me that all this will work when we think about each other. well, it’s better to say, well, because yes, because no matter who does what, our parents, our children still go to stores, look at it all, i would, of course , really want my son to talk about what we have everything, we have everything, and kamchatka crab, i ate it and so on. thank you very much for the valuable discussion and we will monitor the market, stores and price tags in them, together with all our viewers in life on our broadcasts, we hope that this talk show was for you interesting and answered. to your questions, all the best to you, thank you again,
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when joining the service, our main duty is to perform efficiently. our work to ensure road safety , which will help our citizens live in peace and creativity. my work, the purpose of life , service to the people, the law, you can work somewhere else, here it is written down in our code, service to the people is the law, that’s why we all serve, we don’t have such a concept of work. i believe that the special unit strela is an elite service, according to our service our whole country looks, guests arriving here, the first thing... they are greeted by the state traffic inspectors is an arrow, well, our suspicion has always been completed, first of all, with all the technical devices, equipment, communications equipment, initially, that
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if we are developing somewhere, then... immediately we are looking at all these technical parts, our equipment is at the highest level, in addition to ensuring road safety, we provide practical assistance to other road users and territorial divisions of gi, as well we check how they perform their service, communicate with citizens, communicate with other road users, do it in a humane way, firstly, and secondly, how you would like to be communicated with, if you look at an employee of the special unit strela , he is already... in himself , he is an example not only for others, he is for himself, and if he is an example for himself, then he will also be an example for others, initially everyone looks at him, it turns out that if a person, an employee, initially , he must become a man, and he must only be an example for himself, and others will look at him within the framework of all concepts, i believe that there must initially be a sense of purpose, professional education, psychological
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preparation of the employee is implied: i work with all categories of citizens that we have, you need to be a worthy officer, a worthy person so that behind his back, when he retires, they will say that he was a worthy man who served, gave everything to his homeland and his service to the people. tv channel belarus24 broadcasts for you round day, don’t switch, the task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing. welcoming, bright and
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festival, generous, picturesque and monumental, sports, and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to
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to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. we will tell you about important church dates and holidays. the church is gradually preparing us. it is in this way that liturgical services are used to celebrate this holiday, therefore this day is mainly dedicated to the remembrance of events associated with the birth of christ. we will introduce you to ancient relics and miraculous icons. she occupies such a special place of honor in the center of the temple, not far from the altar. people always resort to this image with their prayers, asking the mother of god to help with their needs. let's discuss
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the issues. this is what beauty, this is what power, this is what strength, as they say, there was a time to scatter stones, a time to collect them. watch spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. quality is the main theme this year, and it’s not just about a good product, the meaning is much deeper, it’s about our lives. our country will have
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its own national one. a mark, a state sign that will mark all the best. make yours unique, product control will be placed at a higher level. if many years of quality will accept you sincerely tomorrow in belarus.


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