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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 7, 2024 11:20pm-12:06am MSK

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the thickness of the walls of this temple is 1 m 25 cm, what beauty, what power, what strength, as they say, there was a time to scatter stones, a time to collect them. look, spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. the theme of quality is the main one this year, and it’s not just about a good product, the meaning is much deeper, it’s about ours. life is with you, our country will have its own national mark, a state sign, which will mark all the best, make it unique, control of goods will be placed at a higher level, if many years of quality will accept you sincerely , tomorrow life will become better in belarus, everyone knows that belarusian means high quality, hence the high demand in foreign markets, by the way, six new countries have been added to the export treasury, these are argentina, turkmenistan, kenya, colombia, kuwait
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, a show where they fight not with the help of physical strength, as you know, playing sports contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness, our program, by the way, has the same effect, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, who won the 2023 belarusian hockey cup on the grass? arseny, a press builder, is absolutely correct, but activity will also
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play a role, the theme is football, this argentine player won the 22nd world cup with the national team, and also scored the winning goal in the final of the america's cup 20:21. i hope it's messi, that's the wrong answer. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel.
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our troops had the task of destroying the enemy’s defenses. hitler's directive to completely wipe out this city from the face of the earth, who lived there and saw everything, their heart skips a beat. this bread contained only 50% third-grade flour, which was not eaten in peacetime. there is no such family in russia, yes, where its hero is not remembered. the city of leningrad is completely liberated from the enemy blockade and from barbaric enemy artillery shelling. uruks. stories, they
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should not only be kept in memory, they should teach us to preserve peace, this is the scale that must be, regardless of how old each of us is, a scale of moral assessments. it's time to give truthful assessments of many events and their participants, history has become.
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after the shelling, they took water to simply quench their thirst. people are accustomed to the proximity of this grandeur with corpses on the streets. how i missed the death of my mother, spent half a day ... getting water - maria yagodnitsina recalls, a terrible picture from her childhood during the siege, like her mother’s body wrapped in a blanket, she had to go down the stairs as an 11-year-old girl, as she lay on the bed, we had an iron bed, we slept as jacks, i wrapped a blanket around one sides to the other, tied them with jump ropes over the nasanochki, and lowered them down, then they drove around, collecting the dead, that’s how... we had a car, it drove into the yard, there were a lot of dead people, but so that they wouldn’t fall out, they stood on the sides, tied like that to the board , so that they don’t fall, with a sled, where, on the minnow, 70 years have passed, i just found
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my mother’s grave, she’s already been in minsk for 58 years, but in the speech it’s still the same leningrad, where the front door and the paprika show us the book, created on... the memories of the children of the siege, everything is in it the pages are saturated with emotions, strong, when there is a lump in the throat, take at least the recipes in the besieged kitchen, little masha exchanged her mother’s singer typewriter for something that can hardly be called food, they gave me just such a tile of wood glue and duranda, she called it, cake, duranda , where, as they say, she melted the snow, mixed carpentry glue along with the duranda on top... on the stove she made pancakes like this , you know, it was such a hunger, but you look, you’re walking down the street, a man is lying, falling, and you can’t help him, battle we walked even fifty kilometers from leningrad
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and 80 years later, even though there has long been a museum here, you feel like you’re on a battlefield, the battle for the city lasted 3 years, one month, about the same amount of time the belarusians lived under occupation, to live? located inside the blockade ring, they also stood to protect the city, continuing to work at enterprises. when we were faced with the task of building a new museum, one of the examples of how it is necessary to create a museum space was the museum of the history of the great patriotic war in the city minsk. the exposition of military equipment also has a belarusian history, as this tank was raised from lake ladazh 20 years ago by belarusian search engines... members of the search club from the shklov region, our specialists continue to work on leningrad land, which still keeps military secrets. symbols of besieged leningrad in exhibits in minsk. here is the dress of a boy who did not survive the first harsh winter, a children's sled. yes, the
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same ones for transporting the dead. among dozens of originals, the same one from the siege bread. this bread contained only 50% rye, defective tretsor. this city, it will need to be maintained, that is, the population will have to go somewhere, feed it something, and in order to relieve ourselves of these obligations, a decision was simply made to starve the city of 2.5 million to death.
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the people of belarus and russia do not want marches with swastikas along their avenues. seeing what is happening today, the leadership of the soviet union at one time would hardly have agreed to the unification of germany, but the withdrawal of troops was interpreted overseas and european politicians as a need to strengthen security. if then the german chancellor had told the leadership of the ussr, the head of the soviet state, that you are not worried, now you will retreat, succumbing to the naive, now you will give up your memory. national interests, and in a few decades we will bring leopard tanks to the territory of the soviet union, our tanks, our german tanks with crosses will iron your land generously watered with the blood of the soviet
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soldier who liberated the territory of the ussr from the fascist game. how would you react then? soviet union? but today. exactly so, because the role of the ussr in the unification of germany is key and exclusive, the role of the ussr in reducing the level of confrontation in europe is key.
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armor for placing weapons. finland's accession to nato, in sweden's perspective, is considered by the alliance as filling the missing link for a full-fledged eastern flank. in essence, washington seeks to ensure total dominance in the region and prevent the strengthening of the positions of minsk and moscow, a union state. today we see an incredible amount increase in ongoing exercises on the territory of the european region, directly near the borders of the republic of belarus, respectively... russian federation and the objectives of the exercise are completely different from what they were before: a staunch defender of europe, which will take place in the twenty
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-fourth year, over 32 countries will participate in these exercises, and the number of participants is 90 thousand military personnel. the purpose of the exercise is to conduct training in an operational-strategic operation to supposedly repel aggression from the russian federation, the republic of belarus, but not from the territory of russia, not from the territory of belarus, we are not creating a similar one. groups and do not set any aggressive goals. our goals are to ensure the safety of citizens, to create normal conditions for life under a peaceful sky in comfort and prosperity. the situation on the borders of the union state forces us to rely on a set of strategic containment measures. as a military man, i absolutely support the decision made by the president of our country, the president of the russian federation, of course, agreed on the deployment on the territory republic of belarus tactical nuclear weapons. this is an exceptional measure. deterrence: today we are not increasing the grouping of troops , we are not increasing the number of our
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armed forces today, we are not conducting exercises today near the borders with our neighboring countries, not so as not to provoke this, but we see an increase in the number of armed forces of poland, an increase in the number of armed forces of the baltic states, the acquisition of new types of weapons , military equipment, increasing budgets, we see their intelligence activities, which they carried out in relation to our states. genocide has no statute of limitations, and this is about the siege of leningrad and about the belarusian khatyn, and its burned villages, sisters, about ruined lives in death camps, to forget this means to give history the opportunity to repeat itself, this is from podlogoisk, we collected this from... belarus,
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one of the fairly new locations, says prosecutor general andrei shved, walking along the corridor on official business, he tries not to look in the direction of this glass box. you feel a chill down your spine when you stand next to those found at mass grave sites. all these terrible discoveries in large-scale materials... we see that the evil that we call fascism, nazism, today is part of the ideology, the ideology of western states, part of their policies, and today this evil, as during the great patriotic war, stands at our borders, they are doing everything possible to rewrite our history, erase our memory, erase data about the feat of the soviet people, about the horrors that were committed here. nazis, whitewash the nazi scoundrels, frame them
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heroes, you see, they not only destroy monuments to the liberating soldiers, it has come to the point that they are already fighting with the remains of those soldiers, officers, of the red army, who, in fact, saved the same poles and balts from extermination. the siege of leningrad is the genocide of civilians, the extermination of the population on belarusian soil, now it is under one cover in every sense. a unique publication from the project library of the union state was presented in the place of power for both peoples of the brest fortress. and we have prepared a joint publication related to what leningraders experienced horrors during the siege, and accordingly, in the same publication we drew parallels with what happened here on the territory of the bssr. the plans of the fascists were well known then, the total destruction of the indigenous population, the seizure of territories, and we proceed from the fact that history develops in a spiral, the same thing
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is happening now. we actively cooperate, study archives, belarusian archives. colleagues are studying our materials, a large burial place was recently discovered under the skov, more than 2,500 civilians, decisions were made courts that recognized these crimes as war crimes and genocide of the soviet people. by the way, in 2024 the citadel museums will become even more modern and interactive with money from the union budget; funds have been allocated for restoration, museification, and the fortress. all these years i was simply waiting for the creation of a patriotic center here, no to fascism, they say today in the union state, at the highest level. it is important to see the position of national leaders. for many, many years, presidents, given the pressure that we experience the west, outside of this pressure
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they confirmed that respect for the veteran of the great patriotic war, for ours. monuments , to our graves, this is the scale that must be, regardless of how old each of us is, a scale of moral assessments, to listen to what we are told from the baltic states, from poland, from the european union, those people who sanction the barbaric demolition of monuments, we do not have the right and we will not, all this political fuss is vanity. it costs nothing to convey the truth to the younger generation, raising patriots using heroic examples is a separate big job. the memory train , supported by the leaders of the two countries, is one of the most striking examples, and this is a project of union significance. the main thing is to vaccinate our youth. the main thing is that our youth understand the danger of nazism and can
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resist it. and the only way is... this is memory, and no matter how well they talk about this in history lessons, no matter how convincingly they write it in textbooks, until you see it with your own eyes, you will not visit the memorials belarus and russia, you cannot touch the memory of the exploits of our grandfathers, great-grandfathers of our generation. the winners, it seems to me, this still won’t touch a nerve, that’s when the idea of ​​a memory train was born, we are happy that today we have guys from kyrgyzstan, guys from armenia, i’m sure that other countries will join us on the next memory train, we can do everything when we are together, when we are
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united, i would really like to wish you that you do everything. so that our countries, our peoples will live in peace in the future, so that we are always united and together, because we have very important bonds, this is our great victory. 900 hungry days and nights with the road of life across the frozen lake, and these kids from the black and white chronicle will never see their parents again. among them is arkady skachkov. we have freight cars, and we are 2 and a half months old. we drove to chelyabensk. he was 2 years old, he could barely wait for evacuation, he almost didn’t walk anymore, remembering, like a man, he holds back his tears. i tasted the full horror of genocide, and today, like no one else, i have the right to argue about memory. even no politics, nothing can happen while preserving memory. how can it really be said that a person who has no memory is
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practically no longer a person. in addition to friendship, close allied relations, the people of belarus and russia are also united by desire. collect as much evidence as possible about the genocide, so on leningrad victory day, the presidents are together. our two leaders, the president of russia and the president of the republic of belarus, defend historical truth, and not just historical truth, but those our spiritual values, which were laid down by our ancestors, who... countries they save the whole world, which wants to live independently, a just world. what they are doing for historical memory, and today the education of youth
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is moving on a slightly different track, this is very important, we will always support them in all their actions and putin, vladimir vladimirovich and lukashenko, because they are doing the right thing, truth, justice, honesty , nobility are traits inherent in our peoples, and most importantly , open ones. hearts and friendship, and we are their helpers, we must do this, who will, if not we, who have gone through this crucible, life has passed. the new monument, opened by the allies, is visible from afar, on top of the stele, directed into the sky, a female figure presses the frightened children, like a mother in her homeland in mortal danger, but ready to protect her children to the last. the idea was approved by leningrad veterans and former concentration camp prisoners. the authors of the monument project were the sculptor. andrey korobtsov and architect konstantin fomin. their tandem was already working on a soviet soldier in varzhevo. bas-reliefs they tell stories:
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a boy burned alive in the belgorod region, a village shot in the smolensk region, dead teenagers in concentration camps in karelia - a poignant monument to the perseverance and courage of the soviet people. more than half of the almost 27 million people our country lost during the great patriotic war were civilians . killed at home, died in concentration camps, died from hunger, from bombing, from everything that is called deliberate destruction, genocide of soviet civilians, the expressive silence of the memorial beskorevsky cemetery and the living family memory of several generations of leningraders, petersburgers, will not allow... the world to forget about this terrible tragedy, about this terrible crime of the nazis. even after 80 years , the memory of these events makes
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the heart ache. the same emotions overwhelmed all the participants and spectators of the big requiem performance and concert dedicated to this date. then, in 1945, nazism was defeated, but not eliminated. russophobia, xenophobia, nationalism. became a weapon of revanchists in many countries europe, the baltic states, and, unfortunately, ukraine. they are hampered by the unfavorable real, genuine history, hence the constant attempts to revise, distort the causes, the course of the very results of the second world war, to glorify the murderers and slander the heroes. they blatantly lie, in impotent anger they demolish monuments to those who... liberated the planet from nazism, and thereby refuse, renounce their own ancestors. and this is also a crime. we will never
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betray the memory and feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. allow the revival of nazism as a weapon of the collective west, aimed against the slavic world, we are simple. and those who left us inspire us to create in the name of the future of our peoples, in
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the name of peace, we will preserve our civilization, of this you can be sure, leningrad is completely freed from the enemy blockade and... this happened on january 27, 1944 , the complete liberation of leningrad, people cried, hugged in the streets, many did not even have the strength to express happiness in emotions, because there were five attempts. breaking the blockade ring and even after the last successful one in 1943, the city was besieged for another year. for belarusians and for russians these memorable dates will never become
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passable, but it has been said. these days the words are on duty, our strength is in the unity in the memory that is alive in people. the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. many.
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first of all, we received a one-time pear aid and free shopping tickets. many of them have been going on for thousands of months. former farm laborer, anna trabimaina kunets, the famous
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vyalik rich kalgaty kalgas, yak cyaper u... geta has laudatory moment ivan gaurylavich kobranets remembers all her life, like no other until now, there have been rumors of happiness in argentina, and as we know in the land of our native pinsk, for a happy life, work, education, and
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no longer. become kamunists. city of grozna. while grazing on the 19th century for the fall of the americans, the family of ivan yakaulevich semyanovich came here. their hands on the work have become tired. now all the members of the getai are working at the grodzen fine cloth factory. ivan yakau himself. good creative haste in a short hour the wife of pyatra yaugeniya vasileina simanovich was born, i am much more advanced established standards. pratsoўny days are over.
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how many lieutenants on the maidan already, the sea, the ocean of lieutenants, since our azov heart was extreme, and now everything is filled with proportions, but we chose this freak of powder, and the mica arrived, but normally, nulantra created cookies, hundreds and hundreds thousands killed for for... so who, why and after all they don’t let go, they hold tightly, they are ready to kill , kill, but don’t choke on cookies, a lie is not the truth, the truth is always the same, my name is grigory ozarenok, this is a secret spring politicians, hello, these cemeteries
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are the price of horse racing, this is what our land would look like if they didn’t give us time on our asses, they have prepared us for the role of a sacred victim, let’s watch a short cartoon about this. we've invested over $5 billion to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic ukraine. we've invested over $5 billion, $5 billion, $5 billions in ukrainian genocide. i made a sacred sacrifice, but i already came up with a scheme, total mobilization, it solves
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all my problems, this is the optimal solution, they will forget about the promise, total mobilization, there will be no population, i need sausages, i need cutlets. so take the pistols apart, you don’t want your brother to live freely, open the guns, run into the field, but the daddy didn’t let him, he saved him, covered himself, he averted the trouble now he’s averting, and not all the same, war, war, war, war and war, they are preparing for war, conducting gigantic exercises, screaming about these useless bullshit, preparing provocations, the americans need europe in ruins and
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ruins, they need a completely destroyed and our lives are ruined, we need the corpses of your children, this is the key to their prosperity, their burgers and cutlets are paid for with your blood, now they are already zigging, there in general you just get the impression that such huge units are already standing all over the country, that they will just take over the territory of poland, they will seize the territory of lithuania, make their way to the kaliningrad region, this is all a targeted information and propaganda campaign in order to justify, first of all, their exercises, the concentration on our borders is enormous. groupings of troops, because it we say that 90 thousand, but how much is actually concentrated there, if the guards, plus these pontoons, we understand all this perfectly well, there are probably already over 350 thousand, and
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why this is being done, they are working out, the americans are working out the issues of transferring large force means by sea to ports, by rail and along roads, and now many citizens of poland and germany are posting videos of military columns being transported, that is, for them this is a test of the real thing. uh real combat actions with the russian federation, yes , that is, it is not a fact that they will start, but, uh, any military man, uh, including the nato military, even not in the status of a general, can explain to politicians what the effect of nuclear weapons can be, what no matter how much military equipment they concentrate, especially in one place, tactical nuclear weapons sweep away everything, and strategic nuclear weapons sweep away not only...
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they read it as a treacherous elite, as a relaxed society that will not want to stand up to defend the country, and here too miscalculated , the rubbish under the fence left, everything is with us, we are here, we are with russia, we are independent, we are strong, we are on our own land, whoever is against the homeland is against us, and you will be lost, team fas, let the world, debauched
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in sins, be mired in sins , the courts of judas, it is not a decree for us, whoever is against the homeland is against us, and from yakutia to the southern highways, the enemies are scared, the unity of the masses is thundering. if you did, you started dancing, you’ll be a bear,
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you’ll get out of sight, you’ll be safer, and the whole story here is that whoever is against the homeland is against us. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you round day, don’t switch, op filmed, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country because. abroad. more than 100 million
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viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for it development. belarus can be different in order to understand and feel it. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the most important thing is to pay attention to its color. it should be uniform, streak-free, not dull, and free of
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rust, brown or yellow spots. often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and... good mood, did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to have a snack yet, let ’s cook it together, come on, breakfast of a champion, today we’re having spinach quiche for breakfast, red fish, it will be amazing , exquisitely tasty, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to be filled with energy for the whole day, look at the project: champion on the belarus 24 tv channel - secrets of good morning and good mood. good morning belarus is broadcast on the satellite tv channel belarus24 good morning belarus program. svetlana barovskaya is with you in the studio. so, i cut the meat, cover it with sauce and one
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sea buckthorn, and turn away from you. directly the body sings, you know, it sings. meet amazing people. people, hello, beautiful people, good morning, we are glad to be here, shanovnogo donation at the mir castle, well, let's go for a walk, forward 500 years ago, and a lot of useful and interesting information, once they prepared faren, the cooks fried it from the head , boiled in the middle, baked in the tail, and the guests were pleasantly surprised, is it possible in the modern world to do this, this chair, this, this table is 400 years old, this cannot be, it must be opened, look at the good mornings of belarus from svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel knows. house
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belarus today launched a special project called the taste of color revolutions. there used to be a time when there were churchills and de gaullies, but now it’s all microns and cans. maxim, in our country the active phase of the electoral campaign, the first program, by the way, the electoral one, with which the then future first president of the country went to the elections, was to take the country back from the abyss. we can already call you an expert on color revolutions, if it happens somewhere else. color revolution, these are the people who will come out and support it, they will be either, excuse me, stupid, or hos and hypocrites, without a visa - this is very good, it seems to me, public diplomacy, right from the moment of the pandemic, in fact, right here in belarus what remains is this human life.
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hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio of svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is our colleague, journalist, political observer of the belarus today publishing house, maxim osipov. maxim, hello. good afternoon, maxim, the publishing house belarus today launched a special project, called the taste of color revolutions, in support of the book of the same name. the book turned out to be very popular among readers, and the first edition was sold out very quickly, soon the book was republished with additional chapters, to what do you attribute such popularity of this publication? probably due to the fact that nothing like this has ever happened before, this book is essentially logical.


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