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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 12:05am-1:06am MSK

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to lead the country from the brink, we can already call you an expert on color revolutions, if a color revolution happens somewhere else, here are the people who will come out and support it, they will either, excuse me, stupid, or bigots and hypocrites, visa-free very good, it seems to me, public diplomacy, since the pandemic, in fact, it is here in belarus that this human life has remained. hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio of svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shchyurbina. and today our guest is our colleague, journalist, political observer of the belarus today publishing house, maxim osipov. maxim, hello.
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this in itself is a very unique work , well, suffice it to say that the editorial board of this book, it included both the editor-in-chief, the director of the publishing house belarus, today dmitry aleksandrovich dzhuk, and professor sarbony, olivya rakhplo, yeah, among the authors are two dozen leading scientists from almost every continent, probably excluding antarctica and australia, buenos aires, belgrade. moscow mgemult, parisian the sorbonne, minsk authors, the middle east, the far east, china, thailand , etc., etc., etc., all of them, as they say, without saying a word and not even a fact, that knowing about each other, in fact, revealed the main thing, the absolute stereotype of people of color revolutions in any country, and more. point
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of view, the uniqueness of the book is that journalists practically did not have a hand in it, that is, the only material that was written by my colleague journalist andrei nikolaevich mukovoschik, it was only included in the reissue with the flavor of color revolutions according to scripts, in the first part of it was not there, there was not a single, as our opponents, opponents of belarus say, not a single propagandist, there were exclusively scientists and these scientists exclusively... for some reason came to the same conclusion, that any color revolution , it is always conceived under very beautiful, very motivating, very rosy slogans, it always, always ends in collapse, blood, a wild decline in the standard of living, and most likely, precisely the collapse of the state, or its...
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the moment became clear, that he is already in principle survived the newspaper format, and it simply asks to be put into a book, the uniqueness of this book is that...
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color revolutions, and most importantly, it gave a recipe for how to resist. you , the compiler of this book, did you expect such success and interest at the very beginning of the project? honestly, no, no, the work, firstly, was quite difficult, because i emphasize that the authors are different, and the authors are from different countries, each has its own specifics, letters, each has its own specific reasoning, plus there was a lot of... internal national moments, which were incomprehensible not only to the general reader, they were incomprehensible to me, although i am a political scientist by training, and i had to go deeper into the question, that is, to understand, well , plus surnames, especially in southeast asia, surnames are often translated into
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russian differently, yes and it was necessary to find that classic sound, like them, how we used to perceive it, how they wrote it, therefore...
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in latvia he was considered a threat to national security and everything was going towards the fact that he would be sent to prison, at the end of last year he produced the whole special operation, he left latvia, he deceived the intelligence services, he figured out the operation of all thermal imagers and various engineering structures on the border, and pretended to be a fisherman, as far as i read there. just a detective story, he waited for the moment when it began to get dark, when the cameras had already lost their effectiveness, they don’t recognize very well at dusk, and the thermal imagers had not yet dialed in effectively, but at that very moment of the day, he put on the purchased norwegian wetsuit and swam away
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, uh to the russian federation across the river, an action adventure already, that's exactly what it is just a detective, after... what are the fundamental features and differences in this or that country? according to the materials that i prepared, which the book contains , there are, in principle, no differences as such, there are, one way or another, some purely national specifics that are inherent in this or that country,
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well, relatively speaking, the revolution in hong kong, by the way, this is our representative of the belarusian institute for strategic studies, prepared this material, it was extremely high-tech, because hong kong is a fairly high-tech country, the development of telegram, whatsapp, various instant messengers, there... has penetrated society very, very deeply, so thanks to this, even revolutions through social networks, the so-called ones, which the arab world at one time blew up north africa, they are not to the same extent electronics, so the internet was present in them, as in hong kong, that is, well , this is a purely technological example, that is , it is clear that - say, the student protests of sixty-eight in paris, there could not be the internet there. basically there it was not working then at all as such, essentially
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student networks were working there, what was later called the so-called swarm theory, that is, a small group that were among themselves, but there was no internet as a connecting link, that is, here this kind of purely specificity from time to time and specificity, well, some national characteristics, that is, this is...
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just a red line through all revolutions, the more unique the political system, that is, the more local the state is not based on some external patterns borrowed, imported, based on their own traditions, mentality of the people, interests, which, above all, the more stable it is.
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you can put it this way, it’s falling, as one bsu professor i respect said, there used to be a time when there were churchers and de gaullies, now it’s all microns and cans, but it’s the same thing, by the way, great britain, churcher, again a politician on a global scale, very from the point of view of the soviet union, ambiguous and even hostile, as a matter of fact, his speech in folton opened. cold war, but not less, he ruled england with dignity and allowed it to survive the very difficult second world war, but when the war ended, life began to be good, and churchel was tired, and people are starting, perhaps psychology, perhaps some specialists, well, political scientists, sociologists there say
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the factor of fatigue, there is a factor, it seems to me that this is more suitable for this... maybe not quite, as they say, the parliamentary expression has become too greedy, to be honest, that’s exactly what it is, now after the book has been published and after everything is done, as they say , spread out on the shelves, i can at least have the full moral right to say that if a color revolution happens somewhere else, the people who will come out and support it will either, excuse me, be stupid, or...
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it is being replenished on the internet, it is replenished practically every day, although i would give a lot for it to end. most recently , the president extended the term of the commission on the return of fugitives back to their homeland, that is, we are still giving a chance to correct ourselves. the meaning in this is another very humane, essentially sovereign step of the state and the head of state, to hold out. those who have stumbled, just extend a hand, the president has said many times, i remember in many election campaigns, that no matter how anyone votes, who votes against him, someone doesn’t like him, but he is still the head of state, and he, well, at least he is forced by virtue of his official position, and most
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importantly, by virtue of his human make-up , to take care of everyone. these are our people, just yes, these are our people, they are good, they are bad, uh, in the end, society will appreciate them, society will appreciate them will be judged, if not, by justice, society , in principle, they are already on the internet, from the comments, you can see how they are perceived, at the same time i, well, somewhere due to official needs, and sometimes personally for the sake of one’s own interest. sometimes i look at the accounts of fugitive people called simply i don’t comment on myself in any way, it doesn’t indicate to me that i can understand what they are talking about and what their mood is like in general, even i see how much the mood changes
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, how much on the one hand there is a growing feeling of hopelessness from everything that is happening, growing envy of those who... where were you doing there, well, if it wasn’t just some kind of lawlessness with arson, with molotov cocktails and everything else, but i don’t believe that such a person, as they say. think about it, it emphasizes the absolutely humane
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nature of the belarusian state. and for now , well, yes, the commission once again gives time to all of them , let’s take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest us new interesting guests, we are connected! we talk about the most fascinating things in the world science: magic turned out to be powerless, who made the first attempts to create a precious stone. the world's first peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists. synthetic stones, they are quite close in their characteristics to natural ones, so here are all the myths that exist, what if we omit them.
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after all, centuries, nevertheless, researchers of ancient russian architecture associate the personality of ian with the heyday of the polotsk school of zotchestvo of the 10th century. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian
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traditions. and right now i'm heading to weaving museum to learn more about this art. these longitudinal warp threads were threaded by two or three of the most experienced women, because it was important to thread every thread exactly, so that later our product would also turn out beautiful and not... not a single thread got tangled during the weaving process , most importantly, we experience vivid emotions, kissing, yes, kissing, hello, i look like a seed, god, how tender, lush, builds on childhood, i want to go back, the project route has been built, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again and today our guest is the political observer of the belarus publishing house, today maxim osipov. maxim, our country is in the active phase of the election campaign. on february 25, for the first time in belarus, a single voting day will be held, in your opinion, what should a candidate for deputy be like in order to be voted for, what should you pay attention to, his program, profession , merits, biography, it’s personally difficult for me to answer this question, i have already calculated the eighteenth electoral company during my work and there were two more referendums, that is, you can say the twentieth, i... i know who i voted for last time and this person became a deputy, now he is ending his term, and i know, he has already looked at the candidates in his
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constituency , i know for whom. to vote this time, both times people are personally familiar to me and have crossed paths at work more than once, that is, i imagine that if they matter and what i can imagine them to be, they will become deputies, but i ’m trying to speculate if this happened, that relatively speaking, for me absolutely all the figures in my electoral... district would be unfamiliar, well, apparently, of course, i would pay attention to consistency, professional consistency, life, what a person was like before he decided to run for a deputy in the national parliament, who did he work for, how long did he work, that is, who is he as
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a person, well, which one is important to you? this is a specific profession, that is, should it be a civil servant or a businessman? no, he must have a certain level of income, well then is there according to what criteria? well , i will say unequivocally, i personally will admit that under no circumstances will i vote for unemployed, yeah, well, at least because i myself have always worked and there were small breaks when i changed jobs, but this is purely situational.
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party affiliation, already yes, uh-huh, already yes, because, party, the process, or rather, of party building in belarus, which last year, in principle, reached a qualitatively new level, which swept away all this little crap in the form of non-existent or pseudo parties, left the real ones, real and only four. out of fifteen, but
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something that represents, real , besides letters on paper, now it not only matters to me, i even find it interesting and professional, as a human being, i was very lucky, due to my work, i attended the congresses of three of these four parties, i would have attended four, but for me, unfortunately, two parties are about...
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but you yourself have already admitted that this is not your first or even your tenth, but almost your eighteenth or twentieth election campaign , yes, from your memory, as far as if we compare, it differs from the previous ones, in terms of the degree of tension , in the atmosphere in society, and so on, they are not all alike, all companies in one way or another, well, firstly , they always occurred in different conditions, but it seems to me that even
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according to... which material, it became kimina, and we took part there, students as volunteers, carried leaflets, i encountered this, that is, to some extent i understood how society reacted to the deputies of that time, and that is, i can to judge, then there was essentially a war of populism, now who will cross whom, who is the loudest slogan?
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i don’t like it, because debates are still a show, i know the audience loves them, that is , society needs them, debates are, you know, it’s a competition between the voice of assertiveness, by and large, a bright performance, that’s all
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great, but that’s all -well, if we are talking about the formation of a professional parliament, this is precisely what is focused on, this is precisely the key to normal development, remember, before the book there was a taste of the revolution
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of the people of color, we had another book, also made with the center of ikov, pride in belarus, yeah, also arose from a newspaper project, even awarded a special presidential prize, which was unexpectedly very honorable, and this book clearly showed exactly the development of belarus, that is, again , it was exclusively a newspaper project, but when we...
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came here, i realized that, my god,
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and this is where life is, here you can go to a cafe, go to a restaurant, go to the cinema, or just walk along the street, just walk against the backdrop of evening lights along the svislosha, watch people who are not intimidated, not intimidated, not hiding and do not avoid encounters with patrols who seize them for violation, well, again, this visa-free regime is very good , it seems to me...
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all the information, how much it costs, when departures, everything else, that is, business, transport, logistics, yes, tourism, he instantly got his bearings, and he transports people, that is, about... in minsk, anyone can go to the central bus station and see how many buses there go to vilnius, kaunos, warsaw, etc., this is when it would seem that the borders are practically closed, when schengen visas, as far as i know, the embassy is given extremely reluctantly, and more often they do not, but there five or six flights every day, in my opinion, in
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a prosperous time, when there was no cooling in relations yet, there was no such thing, and in the meantime... the two fundamental principles on which her regime was based, which we, relatively speaking, call capitalist, this is the principle of a transnational corporation , which is on top of borders, on top of states, that is , the whole world is a giant market, and
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the capitalist world has been building this system, well, probably for the last 40 years, for the last 20 years it has been hit by sanctions, and sanctions are ... it’s just a blow to this system - constant trade turnover, this is one side, the other side, as it seems to me, was at the end of last year, when in europe in the usa they started talking seriously about the nationalization of our russian property, that’s when the conflict was with our sanatorium in durskinkai, with the belarusian , the second capitalism undermined, let's say, the whale on which it stood, inviolable property, property is a centuries -old and unshakable postulate of this, i mean society, by blowing up these two bitches, on which he essentially sat, having broken or cut down these two branches, now that system
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is marrying what you see, and to be honest, it didn’t even surprise me - one of the very recent news is that holland is going to legalize cocaine, the hardest drug, the hardest, which, well, just a priori brings, yes, big profits to those who sell it, but at the same time to everyone else, pain, death, illness and the wildest undermining of the national security of any state, holland will legalize it, well, why not... what to expect? this is such a blooming garden, okay, that we are not in it, and we will now take a short break, after a short pause , we will return to this studio again, for now , subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our releases on the youtube channel belarus 1.
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they are distinguished by their kindness and ingenuity hard work, one of those people who are ready to surprise surprise themselves first of all, without interest, without fantasizing, without living any illusions in their lives, it is, well, why then, a small country, but big people with the same heart and soul, dream. with school bench to become an artist singer was realized on march 1 , 1987, i don’t regret it at all, and they...
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the teacher and what does he do? he works with children. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. the main mission of our university is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. when children feel good with each other, they feel good individually, so if the emotional background is stable in the group and
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the teacher has a good mood in each child, which means the child is happy to go to kindergarten. sixth-year subordinates at the belarusian state medical university are practicing the skills of providing emergency care in various clinical situations. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again, our guest is the political observer of the publishing house belarus today maxim osipov. maxim, you love minsk very much childhood, photograph various corners of your beloved city of our capital. minsk is changing, developing, looking back at your photos, snapshots, seeing the changes in person,
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what are you proud of, what are you impressed by, and what might you be sad or regret about, by the way, your first camera, a seagull, yes, yes, is still alive still, alive, alive, i was just doing it a month ago, when i accidentally discovered it, i actually wrote it, checked it, clicks the shutter, works on...
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you now perceive the capital of russia, for the first time, it was ninety-second year, the first time in the soviet union, i mean, everything was depressing, it was march of ninety-two,
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dirty, uncleaned, unkempt, uh, with a huge number of spontaneous markets right in the snow - in the mud, the city, well, actually, this is not the fault moscow, something similar happened all over. in the soviet space, it was the time of the collapse of a large country, when a large country was still destroyed, but they had not yet had time to interpret anything new, so those who remember the ninety- second year, this is the time when what was called so was born the so-called dash of the nineties, banditry, well, the film, brother, very clearly describes that situation in principle, these are these all sorts of flash markets right from the floor, these are the brothers who tried to take control of these unfortunates, who, this, this, if
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you remember moscow , these are trolleybuses converted from buses, accordion buses. they rode in the form of trolleybuses on them, a huge advertisement mmm, also a grandiose scam, this is this, this is a monument to derzhinsky, who is still dumb and no longer felix, this is the time when the events have already happened in the ninety-first year, when the democrats had already shouted, when the damned communists had already been swept away, the building of the cpsu central committee had already been sealed, it turned out that there was nothing to eat, but...
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broadcasts, in general there were a lot of events, a lot of very important government meetings, which took place, including visits of the leaders of the cis countries to minsk, i don’t know, the second games of the cis countries , i remember, i was at the official opening ceremony, in addition, to one of the games in molodechno, there was beach volleyball, i even went on a day off, i didn’t the light is not dawn, although
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i wanted to get some sleep, but, but skip the beach volleyball... it turned out that everything is possible if they want , that’s why, to be honest, i remember a lot, but the year was extremely busy, so the kaleidoscope, well, i don’t want to name something specific to belittle other events, there were actually a lot of them but perhaps probably the most. the main thing is that they were all positive, they were all aimed at the actual year of peace and creation, they were, not only aimed at creation, they preserved the world, and in one way or another they all contributed to its preservation, that is, this, it seems to me, is the main thing, well , it showed us that our meeting today was also colorful and multifaceted, we discussed many topics, many interesting facts,
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for example, i have a very pleasant aftertaste from this... conversation, maxim, we of course, we wish you further success in your journalistic research work, you are a very open, friendly person, this is recognized not only by colleagues, but also by ordinary people who leave their comments under your photos on facebook and other social networks, and artists who were in our studio and spoke about you with the kindest words, success to you and further development, and we tatyana,
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as a souvenir, wishes for our program to our viewers and an autograph, probably taking into account the fact that a year of quality, well-being with a quality mark.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. the central council of the presidential sports club approved the list of its scholarship recipients, these are 349 athletes and coaches, teachers , their most devastating victory at the grand slam tournament, at the start of the astralian open, the second ragetkamira met with representative of the second hundred, german ella seidel, and gave only one game to her opponent. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. according to statistics, he does even better than.
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it is possible for everything to change, the forests are not fallen, not to be seen in the smoke of spring, the rain is clear, only this life will not be for hours, life will be eternal, as it is, bright folk words, a monthly squeezing on the grass, and no matter how you live it’s not a great fox, you , kamu aychyny.
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they weren’t invited, was it really up to them, because girls
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don’t play war, they were given more and more outfits, midnight ones, but they lit up the side ones lights, the best to... not wanting our daughter, our daughter's country, swept and praised with a whirlwind of fiery trails, with a whirlwind of fiery trails, and then far, far away, and the world is far, far away , on a plane, knocking on the dogs, girls, come back, on time, aunt arina lives here, they said that here, aunt arina, aunt arina, aunt arina,
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hello, hello, you are arina ponomareva, i’m vasenka, i’ve become like my mother, what are you doing, it’s okay, it’s normal, we snetsy, he mistook me for... her, mistook me for her, but what happened to her?


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