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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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our fire-emergency-rescue team at nuclear power plant facilities, this is a unique unit designed and aimed at ensuring fire safety and preventing emergency situations directly at the nuclear power plant at the reception, we are setting up bondage in place of the candle, as i understand it, we underwent... training , studied, developed along with the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant, went out, studied the facility, prepared to eliminate emergency situations, directly at the facility, this achieved through hard work, we have been striving for this for a very long time, our fire-fighting and rescue squad is, first of all, of course, designed to ensure fire safety at the belarusian nuclear power plant. and
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of course, we go out to eliminate civilian situations in the ostorovets district and human life will be more important to us. for me, my work is an honest professional performance of official duty, this is the whole meaning of life for me, i am a one-woman man and the ministry of emergency situations comes first for me.
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hello, the sas program is on air i am authorized to say that its presenter nadezhda sas, i greet you, i remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how it is... we will tell you about the main events of world politics this week right now. on the night of january 28, an unmanned aerial vehicle struck a us military base in northeast jordan. dozens of people were injured as a result of the incident. three servicemen could not be saved. the american channel cnn called the incident a serious escalation of already tense situation in the middle east. were launched from
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iraq, the kataib hezbollah group, a member of the iraqi islamic resistance movement, was responsible for the attack on the americans. earlier , us president joe biden said that washington would respond to an attack carried out on an american military base on the border of jordan and syria. speaking in the city of iasi, romanian politician claudio tarzio said that bucharest could lay claim to a number of territories for. western ukraine. moreover, romania is even ready to leave nato if necessary for their accession. bessarabia must return home. northern bukovina cannot be forgotten. southern bessarabia, hertsa county, transcarpathia, everything that belonged and continues to belong to the romanian nation must return to the borders of the state. the politician who made such a loud statement heads the alliance for the unification of romanians, a party that took fourth place in the last parliamentary elections.
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elections, similar statements were made on the same day in hungary. the leader of one of the parties, laszlo torotskaya, believes that if ukraine is completely defeated loses its statehood, budapest may begin to lay claim to transcarpathia. in addition, claims to the still ukrainian lands are heard in poland, where they are called eastern lands. at the beginning of last week , information appeared in the ukrainian media that president zelensky. a few hours later, the president’s office denied these reports, but as journalists managed to find out, zelensky really tried to get rid of the commander-in-chief, who was popular in society, but to do it in his own favorite way, by forcing him zaluzhny refused to write a statement of his own free will. moreover, he leaked the details of the incident to the media. over the following days, information about the conflict between two key figures in ukraine hit the front pages of the news.
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western publications, which indicates that the elites of the united states and europe are tired of zelensky’s methods of rule and are not going to continue to cover him up, without abandoning the course of confrontation with russia. generally. it is clear that the conflict between the president of ukraine and the commander of the armed forces of ukraine has not been resolved; on the contrary, it has only begins to grow, against the backdrop of failures at the front and the need for extremely unpopular mass mobilization , internal squabbling has returned to ukraine, and there is no trace left of the ostentatious unity in the face of an external enemy. i would like to start today’s discussion with an extraordinary quote from the novel walking through the torments of alexei tolstoy. maslenitsa is a festival of eating. the sun, they conjured it with round dances, then ate its image and pancakes. as you can see, the slavs have always aimed very high in their worldviews. and the topic of our program today there will be a union state of belarus and russia. in its history, there was enough walking through torment,
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but also, of course, the desire for high goals, like projects that at the first stage few believed, considered round dances on the island of the ussr, after all.
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throughout russia, issues of integration interaction were on the agenda, not only minsk and moscow are closely cooperating in a variety of areas, the results are impressive about the achievements of the plans, we will tell you in more detail in our story. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union was held in st. petersburg
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state, the presidents of belarus and russia arrived together at the konstantinovsky palace. vladimir putin is driving, alexander lukashenko is in the passenger seat next to him. the main topic of the supreme state council, of course , is cooperation between belarus and russia, improving transportation logistics, deepening import substitution, and not only what else the heads of state talked about, we worked closely for 2 days, one might say, two days, moved smoothly into the third day, discussed we are economic problems and work.
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at a meeting of the supreme state council of the head states also sat shoulder to shoulder, which once again emphasizes the countries’ friendly relations and close cooperation. the belarusian and russian media pay a lot of attention to him, and a union
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media holding will soon appear. a unified coordinated policy will be ensured by two weekly newspapers, a weekly magazine and a television channel. i think if we create a normal media holding taking into account. supreme state council of the union state - a meeting of the political establishment of belarus and russia. even if the mission is not simple - to resist sanctions and other attacks the west and at the same time move integration forward to new records, but there are forces, ideas and resources, and along with them there are quite clear prospects. the main directions of activity of the union state for 2024-2026 are aimed at further intensification. for action in various areas, dmitry fedorovich mezintsev,
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secretary of state of the union state of belarus and russia, is in touch with us right now, dmitry fedorovich, hello, dmitry fedorovich, you know better than anyone the inner workings, the functioning of the institutions of the union states, observed their evolution , overcoming emerging difficulties, there is an opinion that the geopolitical situation, and specifically the beginning of a special military operation in a decisive way... brought belarus and russia closer together and forced minor contradictions to be pushed into the background to focus on truly important unifying moments, so do you agree with these assessments? well, it would probably be strange to think that the pressure that we are experiencing, we are belarus, russia, from the collective west is the only factor that determines our rapprochement, as if there is no union treaty that will be implemented this year.
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deputy prime ministers alexei averchuk and nikolai snopkov at a meeting of the supreme state council, which took place last monday. and therefore, why do experts, good ones, not very deep ones, large-scale ones, or people who are just entering into this expert competition, try to ask us questions, connecting operational, momentary, and sometimes tactical tasks with a huge layer.
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import substitution, on the formation more successful work is underway along production chains, eliminating more
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and more elements of unnecessary competition. yes, the supreme state council has just made a decision confirming the new practice of industrial policy. avoiding the formation of barriers and transition to a barrier-free environment for the supply of components from russia to belarus, from belarus to russia. a lot has been done, but this does not mean at all that.
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is it possible to say that belarus and russia , adjusted for a fundamentally different economic model than in the soviet union, in general came up with similar topics. inter-republican scale of economic integration and cooperation ties, within the framework of the formation of the economic model of the soviet union , state planning dominated, the interconnectedness of the so-called economic regions, volgovyats, northwestern, central, dominated, of course,
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belarus was then a so -called assembly shop for the soviet union, because very the level was high.
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yours, thank you. dmitry fedorovich, thank you very much for taking the time to join our broadcast, well, we continue our discussion. natalya yurievna, for ordinary people, videos from high-level meetings and dry statistical data say little, but few people see the recent successes of union integration in the assistance that the republic of belarus provides to the civilian population of donbass. tell me what you think.
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i visited the republic of belarus, met with alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, also visited several industrial enterprises, met with the government of the republic of belarus, in fact, we are continuing this during the visit, there was also a meeting with the chairman of our government and a delegation from the donetsk people's republic. to the republic of belarus and also met, already discussed specific areas of interaction, so this is what they are already expressed in, an agreement has already been signed with amkador.
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to see belarusian goods on the shelves of donetsk and lugansk stores, and the price, here we have the new year holidays now, here in lugansk, the famous soviet champagne, which is produced in minsk, the price was about the same as in belarusian shops, on the streets of the restored mariupol, we have already seen brand new trucks that are involved in the construction and... removal of construction materials there, well, in the analysis of the rubble that is there, that is, quite a lot of them are present, even to me women in the lugansk people's republic, employees
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governments have expressed, they say, that’s why in donetsk there is a whole store of belarusian goods, but we don’t have enough of them, even moreover, i’ll say, some are already produced, as is fashionable, we are not very happy with this, they pass it off as belarusian, for example, i saw an advertisement in some cities of the donetsk people's republic of brands that read: washing powder from belarus, i don’t know such washing powder, but this speaks of the demand, this is a brand, yes, this speaks of the demand for our products, i’m not saying that i saw in crimea, for example , belarusian, it says belarusian canteen, it says cheap, tasty, fair, that is , it is a certain brand, but we are interested in, as natalya yuryevna said, goods coming to us, and from the republic of crimea, and from the dpr, lpr, in general, there is no need. from this list excludes the zaporozhye region , the kherson region, with them there are also very good relations, at least we have a cultural exchange, and we must move from the level of, you know, providing humanitarian assistance to
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full-fledged economic cooperation, as for numbers, and growth, our enemies helped us very seriously, and it must be said that these figures are a major defeat for the west, one of their goals was to break off the close relations between russia and belarus, they so strengthened our union with their sanctions. this suggests that the presence of belarusian goods on the russian market is very serious, but for those who are very worried about dependence, let them look at the percentage of trade turnover between canada,
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which for a second is included in the big seven and the united states, there i may be i’ll be wrong in the details, but their trade turnover is more than 70 percent, that is , it is quite natural if the european union itself, by its own will, does not want to see our goods on its market, although we have trade turnover, in recent months it has even... been growing, doesn't want to see our goods, does not want to see russian ones, naturally, we are strengthening this mutual connection, but what is also important is that our partners from third countries see this, in the republic of belarus is now firmly in second place, in terms of commodity turnover the people's republic of china, until recently it was ukraine, and it consistently held second place, now china, why again are we redistributing our market, we are redistributing our goods. flows, and this is not just the supply of raw materials and products there, but this is very important at the interregional level cooperation with russia, especially, these are cooperation ties, that is, joint
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production. exchange of parts, related communications, we go so far as to produce, for example, some kind of product, not necessarily of the military-industrial complex, although now this is important, the same mass, mtz, some russian goods in modern electronics, up to 70 regions of the union state are participating in production up to 70, this indicates how strong a connection we have now established in our trade cooperation, about successful economic integration, alexanderuk expressed his point of view.
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you know what i would like to discuss with you, when the project began, many talked about the asymmetry of integration, this is how, in your opinion, it is possible to smooth out the difference that objectively exists in the scale, territorial, scale and size of the population of the same, well , first of all, i would of course argued with the phrase that at the beginning no one believed in the project of a union state; there was just enough faith in russia and belarus. from the very beginning there was faith in the union state, it’s there the moments of the formation of the union state were already quite obvious. another question is that there was no understanding, but how it will be built, how it will work, what principles will be inside, as you quite rightly noted, how a system will be built that does not allow, a system of checks and balances, let’s call it that, yes, in which may not be the case there , so as not to repeat, for example, the experience of the same
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european union, where today we see processes associated precisely with the fact that the centers of the european union are de facto colonizing small states of the european union, right? and this causes absolutely obvious social outbursts, that’s all, yes, when they say that the union state is developing slowly, such a thesis is quite common, that look how much time has passed, and that means you are still moving towards the construction of the union state. perhaps this is the answer, as in...
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in terms of technology, this was spelled out in doctrinal documents, nato, from the very beginning, including, by the way, regarding opposition to the eastern flank, as they describe it, and today we see that yes, including not only and not in many ways, including thanks to such an idealistic position of the west and such an approach, russia and belarus are not forced, but
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take advantage of the opportunity, yes. western companies are leaving, good, space is being freed up for belarusian companies, for russian companies, for - including production facilities of the lugansk people's republic, donetsk people's republic, zaporozhye and so on, i am absolutely convinced, by the way, they say that the interaction of belarus and the new russian regions will also be built not in the format of aid, as you correctly said, in the format of mutually beneficial cooperation, because yes, indeed in new ones...
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what will be the consequences, are the economic systems fully ready for this transition, why is this being done, is also important, yes , if today bilateral interaction is not hampered by absence. such a joint currency, then maybe it’s not worth it for now, we’ll see later, here i completely agree with these assessments, there’s no need to artificially indicate any problems, that here we are we think, yeah, this is a union state that should be, well, a single one, listen, we don’t have a single army, but the degree of interaction between the armed forces is such that, well , there’s no need for this single army, we have very serious mutual assistance here, financial, those who propose, let 's switch to the ruble, this is...
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the tax base from kaliningrad to kamchatka, the kuril islands and the russian sees, this actually creates very serious grounds for the development of business, entrepreneurship for the future, this makes our entire tax system, why don’t we adopt the best practices in this regard that were laid down in the tax sphere by mikhail vladimirov mishusin, when he headed this area or the russian federation, we see how industrial policy is happening, let’s ask questions. related to state support for certain areas of import substitution, we started this work earlier, 10-15 years, than in the russian federation, we see how they accept these practices, that is, this is a mutual process, fundamentally a matter of our
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integration is on a parity basis, regardless of the size of the territories, population and other things, and this benefits both the russian federation and the republic of belarus, and it closely resonates with politics. based on the results of the supreme state council and the implemented programs, we do not see any infringement of the sovereignty of each of the participants, we are not even talking about the delegation of sovereignty at this stage , for example, if we compare with european integration, there is a priori a state, especially in this stage, which declares by joining the european union, even at the application stage, it loses a significant part of its sovereignty, it gives up entire industries and directions. our policy, especially economic, social, agricultural policy under external control, we have nothing close to that. france, let us draw your attention, for clarity, dear viewers, we will show the graph, import-export, please, natalya
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yuryevna, one of the important aspects of union integration was interaction in the field of port activities due to the unfair ones introduced by the european union restrictions, belarusian exporters lost their usual channels.
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including, of course, the interest in using our port, and i think that in the near future we will see concrete manifestations of the results of this activity. in this direction as well. thanks a lot. dmitry alexandrovich, if you have anything, please add it. it’s not just that alexander grigorevich lukashenko said that in dialogue with my colleague vladimir vladimirovich putin we walked from south to north. he practically said with a refrain about the fact that this north-south corridor, the participation of russia and belarus in it, as important parts of this corridor, is one of the megaprojects of the 21st century.
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the geopolitical situation is pushing us to engage in this more and more actively, so for me personally, as a person who has been involved in science and the humanities closely and for a long time, including with the participation of belarusian colleagues, special attention is being paid to this , this is extremely significant. radio association, newspapers, here it is important not
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to destroy existing strong positions, but increase, especially on the internet, in audience coverage, but the media holding is very closely connected with what dmitry spoke about with the ideological component, so we often don’t talk, let’s say right here why our union building has been slowed down for a long time, because in in the government offices, unfortunately, first of all in russia , but also in belarus, now let’s clarify, there were people who directly interfered with this, here’s the start... the head of the presidential administration, but show, when chubais arrived in minsk, he was no longer a very influential person in moscow circles, which directly torpedoed the idea of ​​a union state, just with this crazy concept of a liberal empire, where let’s build businesses here, create some kind of corrupt community, he certainly didn’t say the word corrupt, but we understand what was going on. promoted this, how many years mikhail kasyanov headed the government for four
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years, speech, these oligarchic structures, this will be the basis of integration, complete nonsense, but in my opinion, yes, misha - 2%, where is kasyanov now, what do you think, he was then big a supporter of integration, and for how many years andrei ilarionov was an adviser on economic issues, 5 years, he was also a big supporter of integration, where is ilarionov now, i can continue this list, we didn’t have such people, but there were enough like... this sucker - latka, yes, he held a ministerial post, in our diplomatic circles there were enough such people, skeptics, as you said, all these centers of influence, in fact pro-western agents, for almost 20 years prevented the normal development of integration, the implementation of the main provisions of the treaty on a union state, and the twentieth year in belarus, the second year of the start of the special operation in russia allowed us to actually carry out within the framework of us... we cleared ourselves to belarus
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, threw them out, someone is sitting with a sentence, someone else is yet to be punished to get it abroad, got rid of these oligarchic interests, almost got rid of them in the russian federation, look how much easier it has become to resolve issues, before there were fights and entire dairy and meat wars in order to put sausage on the russian market, i remember what there was an atmosphere. in that period or there , to put some kind of confectionery on the belarusian market , also what kind of war was launched around kale because of oligarchic interests, where are these people now, including in the russian federation, here we are...
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the americans call it, it’s of course a union, this is conditional, this is a tributary relationship, yes, at best, yes, this is not quite a client structure rather than an alliance, the united states openly almost declares that they do not need allies in general, they rather need obedient executors of their will, despite
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that this will is translated, well, maybe not always with the united states, for example, britain, and mr. cameron recently... announced that we will determine what the structure of the new state in palestine will look like, unexpectedly, he said, yes, it seems that almost a century has not passed since britain lost the status of the holder of the mandate for these territories, yes, and therefore here we need to learn rather what not to do in relations with our partners and allies, yes , allied relations... yes, they are built on mutual consideration of interests, sometimes even to some extent at the expense of part of their own interests, sometimes this is also required in allied relations, this consideration leads to the fact that between allies, real allies, firstly,
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there is always an open dialogue exists, and secondly, no one imposes anything on anyone, this is a principled position, it has always been. probably the dominant one within the union state, but it is very important that the union state is creating, you know, already now at the level of the modern level of integration, not a barrier-free environment, as they say, yes, and a seamless environment, this is also very important , because this is very clearly visible in the media, and we have russian experts who are actively, more and more actively participating in the functioning of the belarusian media space, a belarusian expert. work regularly in russia, i think we regularly meet on russian channels here, that is, the geography is changing, but we are still the same, getting bigger, it’s also important to note here that the nomenclature , let’s call it that, is also expanding, i remember how
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four years ago i came to the broadcasts, but there were few people from russia, but today i’m so sweaty, and tomorrow we will talk about the same thing, but in others. let me remind you that on the air of the sas program i am authorized to announce the topic of today’s program is the union state, achieving the future. natalya yuryevna, with your permission, let's talk in our final third block about the new union. not so long ago, the president of the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko, at a meeting with vladimir putin , spoke about ukrainians.
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a major military operation against that neo-nazi kiev regime, which today has essentially captured normal ukrainians. yes, what they do, of course, they do perfectly. cynical , crazy in scale things, they literally reflash from infancy
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to the youngest years, schoolchildren are taught an absolutely perverted history, taking into account the amount of time this takes, that is, we can already talk about a whole generation of these young people who today have absolutely no knowledge nor their roots, they don’t understand what brotherhood is, they don’t understand what in general... they feel some kind of threat from a hostile aggressive mood on the part of russia, which, which is completely absent, they are told about this exclusively from all tv channels, by the way, let me remind you, yes, that the so -called democratic regime, in quotes, i’m now saying, destroyed absolutely all opposition parties, absolutely any other point of view on what is happening in the form of the absence of any... tv channels , media that could take some kind of objectionable position to the kiev regime, so these people are deceived,
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of course, they will return, they will return in the sense that in any case, when fulfilling our goals of demilitarization and denazification, of course they will know reliable history, b - reliable facts from the reality that is actually happening now, because the kiev regime told, that they are fighting in donbass with russian troops, with the russian regular army, yes, not with the civilians of donbass, not with the militia, but with the russian army, suddenly in february 22, they began a new countdown, which means the fifth day was going on there them.
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now she’s still trying to regain something, but at the same time, the republic of belarus has always provided assistance, is providing, and i am sure that it will continue to provide, you have made trips to donbass and you know what people have faced, their fates are not indifferent, well, look , it’s not like we’re not fighting the ukrainians, but the russian federation, there in moscow is the taras shevchenko embankment, ukrainian boulevard, everything has been preserved there.
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now and from afar bogdanovich is published in russian, they will publish in ukrainian, in crimean tatar, there is no problem with this problems, so there is no war with ukraine , another thing is that there is ukrainian bandera integral nationalism, he has many fathers there, and dontsov, and therefore bandera, not only them, yes, because they always achieved a certain priority, at the expense physical elimination of their opponents, this was the case in galicia during the time of austria-hungary, when the so-called... expert assessments are already
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in the west that ukraine will probably remain, but not within those borders, this is what we must record, we must return ukraine her normal state, but it will no longer be within those borders, both vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko spoke about this, there was a chance as soon as they were elected, look, every president of ukraine... came with a huge chance for peace, moreover, he came from this program. what program did poroshenko follow in 1914? he said: "i am the president of the world." what did he do? he unleashed an even bloodier war. zelensky was elected only because he is russian-speaking, worked with russia, is a representative of the south, and who promised peace, promised to reach an agreement with putin. what he did? this nit, which our president aptly named, deceived his voters, deceived him. there was a chance at the end of twenty -one, when there was an offer from russia, there was a chance when they walked ahead. russia will fulfill
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its constitution, at least according to the constitution there are four regions of the new russian federation, russia is conducting military operations on its territory, now, further, ukraine in any case will not remain within the borders in which it was in the ninety-first year, i also since i’m saying this, it’s recognized in the west, now we’re talking about if it’s peaceful settlement, what territorial concessions could be made by ukraine, just feel the difference, what happened, the question is, what will the future be like? ukraine is not a nato member, this is our position, at least neutral, and secondly, but we must not forget, yes, these people are crushed by repressions, threats, but we are well aware that in the territory that is under the control of the kiev regime, there are people who sympathize with our union, there are the same people who believe that if ukraine joined, how would it have had this chance in during the time of kuchma in 2004
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, she joined the union state, none of this would have happened. there would have been no tragedy of the ukrainian people , there would have been no crisis in ukraine, this is what we are talking about and our people are talking about. it’s important to note that this week there was news that was quite alarming for the current ukrainian government, the hungarian politician lasladskaya and the romanian politician with similar words, but spoke out regarding the fact that their states have territorial claims to those lands that were once included and were given away naturally ukraine. dmitry alexandrovich , what do you think, when this day x comes, do you think, will the territory of ukraine be preserved, in the form in which we know it at the moment, or, in addition to the ukrainian authorities, special negotiations and sharing with their other allies. let's be realistic, the geopolitical
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decomposition of post-soviet ukraine has begun. in the fourteenth year with a coup d'etat, within the framework of which the people who came to power in kiev declared, and we have the right to freedom of free choice in side of the european union, and at the same time, with a second hand, they denied the right to freedom and democratic choice to approximately half of the country, yes, after which crimea made its completely meaningful choice by holding a referendum, including after that with... others made a completely meaningful choice regions of post-soviet ukraine and for many years defended this choice with arms in hand. now it is absolutely obvious that, according to the constitution of the russian federation, these territories are already part of russia. in this sense, part of ukraine, like this strangely enough, it has already become part of the union state. what remains of ukraine is,
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again, from post-soviet ukraine in ninety -one. on... probably, after some time it may also become part of a union state, if this happens, we do not yet know what the general scheme of a peaceful settlement will look like, which will certainly take place, and whether some will go somewhere to romania - some of this is already the remainder, yes, but please pay attention, please pay attention that the ukraine that will be new should, in principle, let’s frankly speaking, to earn the right to join the union state. show that she is ready for this , that she wants it, that she is ready to work for this, including through the efforts of those people, as was quite rightly noted, who , yes, indeed now under the kiev regime of zelensky, think that they do not support this nazi regime, but they will still have to make efforts
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to become part of the union state of russia and belarus.
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union republics gorbachev and his entourage to from the very end they remained hostage to marxist postulates about the supremacy of the economic class over the national, and one might say otherwise, the caretakers. generations. thank you, it was a saz program of illusions to destroy what was created, authorized to declare. the union state is a factor in real politics and economics in eastern europe.
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the prospects for interaction between belarus and uzbekistan are discussed on the sidelines of the second regional forum in tashkent. contracts worth $80 million have already been concluded. the belarusian
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delegation is headed by deputy prime minister leonid hare. it includes a number of ministers, heads of regions and enterprises, in total more than 150 representatives of regions and the country's business community. on the agenda are cooperation in agriculture, investment, industrial cooperation, development.
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this was discussed today during the visit . guests came to appreciate belarusian new products. in the delegation of the south african country at mtz. the previous time a large batch of equipment - about
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800 tractors - was delivered to south sudan almost 10 years ago for the amount of 10 million dollars. now they want to resume relations. mtz plans export tractors, agricultural equipment for planting vegetables and fruits, plus special equipment. in addition, south sudan is... in fact, but taking into account our actions and work on the continent, this is a very important aspect of development, because african countries are developing, in fact, a living example is zimbabwe, where the ministry of industry's third-party equipment with a large number of and all the projects that we are going to have on the african continent, including the countries that today our delegation came to the south sudan plant, this... mtz supplies products to almost 30 countries of the african
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continent, so in january belarusian tractors were sent to egypt and sudan, and 2 months ago 150 machines were exported to togo. in the first half of the year they plan to resume supplies of equipment to algeria, morocco and south africa. economic integration and international. as well as allied interaction from south to north. belarus and russia are developing partnership in many areas, passenger and municipal transport, as well as the location of service centers in the far east, agro-industrial complex, logistics. and tourism is a priority cooperation with kamchatka. the agreements were cemented during a joint meeting of the working group. in addition, the parties are beginning to develop a roadmap for cooperation for the next 4 years. an emphasis on expanding the product range in the russian region awaits belarusian food products, clothing and cosmetics. we are ready to supply more fish products to the belarusian market. we know that there is a need to increase the supply of raw materials, both... kamchatka fish and the famous
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kamchatka salmon, and there are companies here this includes one of the largest companies ocean rflot, the lenin collective farm, they are ready to supply raw materials, and there are companies that are very interested in supplying finished products, they are also famous for their quality, they are very tasty, and of course, our famous omega-3 , which is distinguished by a very important factor, it is obtained from wild kamchatka salmon in that place. about a million square meters of housing are planned to be built in the minsk region this year, and this is the largest volume among the regions, a significant part of the apartments are for large families. last year alone, in the central region , 1,700 families received the right to improve their living conditions, and satellite capital cities are also developing. this year , several socially significant facilities will appear in the minsk region, a clinic in zaslavl and schools in fannepol and soligorsk. a total of 16 multi-storey buildings are planned. at the moment
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, the construction of four multi-storey residential buildings is underway, which will relieve the queue of more than 200 positions, the infrastructure is being developed, roads and stopping points are being built, and over time, the microdistrict will have pharmacy, shops, kindergarten, clinic, school, harvest. the vegetables are collected in greenhouses at the zhdanovich agricultural complex. green plantations occupy 4 hectares; the area has been increased by a third this year; the goal is to provide the domestic market with high-quality vegetables in the off-season. in january , bogatyrevo received over half a thousand tons of crispy grains, with an average yield of 13 kg per square meter. the greenhouse plant's harvest palette also includes roses. in total , over 10 varieties are grown. red and yellow buds, pink, white, ripen one and a half times daily. thousands of flowers in the coming
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there will be more bouquets during the festive period. persian miniatures performed by contemporary artists and traditional art. an exhibition in the university of culture gallery will introduce the cultural heritage of iran. the opening is timed to coincide with the forty-fifth anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution in iran. the exhibition is divided into several thematic zones, lectures and master classes are planned.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our export countries now include germany, bulgaria, and israel. due to the fact that there is...
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that the introduction of all food products requires the approach of a good, competent, kind housewife, it seems to me that this is so, at least i have always set such tasks for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what our consumer will like, see the project , a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. let you love it like a vegetable in the field. i'm young, there's a flock above the crayfish, like a patched bird, that's alive in the wild, may you love me, may i love you for the song that i can smell, for the laughter that's loud, that's so sweet
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ring for your clear eyes, for your young soul, may you love me. may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every time, for the most intense, dear daughter, may i love you. evgeniy viktorovich, what do you think? who is a good photographer? a good photographer is one about whom colleagues will not say a bad word, and those who see his photographs will say, well , i should look at something else.
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my guest has been writing history in photographs for half a century; in the lens of his camera there are real people with true emotions, real problems and genuine feelings. today my guest is the legend of belarusian journalism, photojournalist for the newspaper zvezda, evgeniy pesetsky. evgeniy viktorovich, hello. evgeniy, i know that you have been interested in photography since childhood.
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