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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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in our fair we will have a large concert program, where artists from belarus, representatives of different countries, diasporas who live here in belarus will perform; within the framework of the fair we will have a competition for the best slogan for this event, that is , every person who or... a child, an adult, a guest, he can come up with an interesting slogan and receive a prize for it. naturally, all funds raised at this charity fair will be transferred and transferred to certain individuals, because we have a certain plan that we have drawn up for those who urgently need such specific help today. and i believe that this
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is very, very important for us today, our women's club, all women, everyone has a family, everyone has children, grandchildren, we are outside politics, we are for the sun to shine, for the children to laugh, for they were happy, and if we can help, we must do so. we arrived at the secondary school in minsk, named after mukhtar oezov. this is our great poet, writer, publicist. and this school is located on the street that also bears the name mukhtar auezova. there is a stand here, and you can see exhibits of kazakh culture, as well as books by mukhtar uezov. copies of documents,
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i would also like to draw your attention to the fact that here at the stand there is a kazakh suit, a kazakh camisole, and also on the school grounds there is a monument to kazakh soldiers who fought on the territory of belarus, this monument was directly erected with the participation of our kazakh embassy, ​​as well as with administration. factory district, this is a direct connection between kazakhstan and belarus, also that in this school they study the culture of kazakhstan, study the history of kazakhstan, study the kazakh language, children dance, when i first came to this school, when i saw belarusian children on stage, dancing kazakh dances, dancing kamazhai, this it was... simply wonderful, and
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the children read poetry in the kazakh language, staged a play in the kazakh language, that is , here is a generation of young people, a direct connection between the peoples, kazakhstan and belarus, and this only strengthens our connection, and i i think this is probably one of the most important points. i want to introduce you to the traditional kazakh dwelling, this is a yurt , the kazakhs were nomads, they roamed from one place to another place, and they always carried their house with them, they chose a special place for the yurt, the door of the yurt was always located strictly to the south, because the sun entered the doors, the daily routine, the kazakhs built from the sun, that is, it was
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warm in this yurt in winter, and because it was made, from above, it was made of felt, here is the felt lining of this yurt, it consists of several three important parts, the most important part of the yurt is the shanerak, if you pay attention, we have a shanerak. in the coat of arms of kazakhstan and under the shenerak, a hearth was always installed, this is where the cauldron stood , and where the table stood, i also wanted to draw attention to the fact that the kazakhs from ancient times drank kumiss, and they poured mare’s milk here, after which they whipped it in this way, that is, milk was added yes or horses were whipped, whipped, it was a gorgeous drink,
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which was very useful, and it is still very popular, this is what i want to show, this is a special portable one. a small bag, it’s called a torsok, and it’s made of leather, and usually kumys was poured here, tied to the horse’s saddle, uh, the rider gallops, the kumiss is whipped up, it quenches thirst throughout the day, they took baursaks with them, i really love kumiss , my whole family loves kumiss very much, these bowls are also made of wood, they are very warm, they have a very warm temperature. energy and they drank kumys from them too, well, of course, i can’t help but note, here’s a cradle, it’s called besok, when a child is born, and they put it in, if the kazakhs have it at all there are a lot of traditions, rituals of all kinds, and
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there is a ritual of putting a child to bed for the first time, and my middle son was in besak, when he was born, we came home from the maternity hospital and... my husband’s mother, she put my son in bed, we they solemnly wrapped it, packed it, and it lay with me, that is, look, it’s also made of wood, a wonderful thing, and until i was 3 years old, it slept only in the besek, if i went to visit, i took it with me this devil, if we were going somewhere to relax... i’ll get up, i i took this little devil with me, he was already walking, talking, he was lying down here, he was trying to wrap himself up, shaking his head, that is, well , this is a wonderful thing, this is what concerns tradition, in general i want to note that the kazakhs
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very much observe tradition, there are a lot of traditions that are passed down from generation to generation, from family to... family, in my family, i always try to preserve traditions, increase them, and i have two daughters-in-law, from the eldest son to the second son, that’s when they came to my family, our family, i try all the time tell them, explain something, and the girls are very smart, reasonable, they will accumulate these traditions, because what... was passed on to me, for example, by my husband’s mother, what my mother passed on to me, i pass on to my children , i add from myself , and they will pass all this on to their children, and so, from generation to generation it will only increase,
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i have a fairly large family, i have three adult sons, two already have a profession, the eldest son is a sailor, which... is very surprising for kazakhs, he has three children, the middle son is mine, he has surprisingly, there was one profession, he graduated from school, oil field, he is an engineer, he completed his studies, completed his master's degree, worked, at some point he decided to change his profession, studied to become a psychologist, now he is a practicing psychologist, he has his own podcast, he hosts a program, very interesting , it’s called, and it will pass, discusses very different topics, the youngest son is a student, he’s a little over 20 years old, he’s still searching right now, but i think he’ll choose what he
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likes with my husband , i was amazing history, we met him on the streets, there is an exhibition at vdnkh in almaty. he often calls me: you are an achievement of the national economy, and we met, i was with my friends, we met each other halfway, that’s how we began a friendship, it grew into love at first sight, practically, and we have been together for many, many years. my husband’s profession is complex, interesting, most importantly, it brings benefits and results, and he is a diplomat. and therefore i am always with him and always support him, i am always behind his back, the support of my family, of course, is always is important, and first of all, your family, your loved ones, and my mother supports me very much, because due to circumstances we
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are not close now, naturally we call each other, communicate, in general we have a very large family, i have a large family , my...his husband, and we are very closely connected, we have a very close relationship, that is , kinship of souls, we often all get together, of course, all the relatives support. very much, let’s say i have an aunt, this is it, she turns out to be the sister of my husband, dad, i always feel her support very strongly in everything, in all questions, that is, i can always rely on my family, what belarus gave me, it happened so very surprisingly, we just arrived and immediately immersed ourselves in communication, immersed ourselves in interesting... meetings , because i
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didn’t have time, let’s say, to get distracted by getting used to it, just as i wouldn’t say that there was any specific getting used to it, so we arrived, we immediately started getting acquainted, finding new people, communicating, again i started studying important matter which i believe will bring very great benefits, and this is a very big responsibility. when you penetrate, when you accept , you begin to understand these people, then
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the country opens up to you, people open up to you, you feel it, no need to say that i really love belarus or some other country, you accept it, the country also accepts you, and am i sure that i will be comfortable here in this country?
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the thickness of the walls of this temple is 1 m 25 cm, what beauty, what power, what strength, how
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they say there was a time to scatter stones, a time to gather them up. look, spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. despite the distance, i think that there are a lot of things in common between our countries, but i think the main thing is value.
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how long have you held a book in your hands and leafed through it? page after page, greedily tasting every word, of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books, in books the thoughts of past times live, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that...
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humanity has accomplished, preserved as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24.
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interview there was the following phrase: our country is not a gateway, on the one hand we are in the center of europe, on the other, the safety of our citizens is above all, and an extremely competent balance is needed here. last year , citizenship legislation underwent significant changes, and i would begin our conversation with a completely non-fictional case, like a couple months ago in the agin department, i personally ...
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the danger that they feel on our roads, the social package that a foreigner who moves to permanent residence receives, this is also not shown, but only horror stories are shown, so ordinary lithuanians, yes , ordinary lithuanians who are in the country, they see the attitude of officials, of the entire vertical of power that we have built, in relation to solving everyday problems, they understand that
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these are completely different things, they understand that they of course, they live in an absolutely information vacuum, and even statistical figures show that we now have only 160,000 permanently residing foreigners and 62,000 of these are persons who have a temporary residence permit in the country based on the results of work in the twenty-third year, this is quite a large number , that is, foreigners strive to arrive on the territory of the country, strive to obtain a permanent residence permit, and every year we issue more than 10,000 permits only to new citizens, in quotes, while foreign citizens, this is also very a lot of. yeah, okay, then let's use the algorithm, and here's how to get it, you know, girls love to write on instagram. i’m hard to find, easy to lose, yes, but what about belarusian citizenship today, under what conditions is it easy to lose? yes, it is very difficult to acquire, but losing it is also not easy, yes, but it is also not very easy, you can lose it or lose belarusian citizenship under clearly defined conditions, that is, if a citizen of the republic of belarus actually, that is, made a decision to act for military
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service, police service in another state, then the loss of the civil republic of belarus actually occurs automatically. belarusian acquires foreign citizenship, then he also loses belarusian citizenship, then legislators considered that this would be somewhat undemocratic, taking into account the general coverage of the departure of belarusian citizens to third countries, and this legislative norm was removed since 2002, but in fact one can also lose belarusian citizenship in the event that a person actually commits war crimes, a crime against peace or a crime extremist and terrorist orientation on the territory of belarus with all the ensuing consequences, this... also indicates that a person loses the citizenship of our country, because citizenship is such a legal connection between belarus and the citizen himself, which provide for mutual rights and obligations, if the person does not fulfill his duties.
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own citizens in relation to the general political system in relation to other countries of peoples, but one must understand that only different actions, they should entail or
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lead to criminal prosecution, because the legislator considered that if these changes were made in july last year, that initially we deprived citizenship or considered the fact of loss of citizenship in relation to naturalized only foreigners who actually take the oath, now who took obligations that they will comply with the constitution and legislation.
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a system that gives a legal assessment of the actions of a given citizen, which allows the competent authority to initiate criminal proceedings case, consider it in the prescribed manner , send the material to the court, the court will decide,
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in fact, whether he is guilty or not, will assign him a punishment, based on the decisions of the court, that the court considered that the person is actually guilty, then according to the existing approved provisions in order to consider issues of civil mechanisms, the relevant authorities will initiate the issue of loss of citizenship of the republic of belarus by this person, and the ministry of internal affairs will initiate the established procedure. submit to the president for consideration the relevant material, i understand it’s not for nothing that we call ourselves a rule-of-law state, but still a soft rule-of-law state, but a rule-of-law state, because only at will , because citizenship is, after all, a rather serious institution that does not arise overnight, in the same way, it is very difficult to teach and not easy to lose, but in any case it is - a person loses citizenship only for specific actions that are given the right assessment, obtaining citizenship, this is how to find this very citizenship, but...
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in fact, live for 5 years , express yourself in relation to society, to integrate into society, to know the state language , to comply with the law and to be a worthy citizen of the republic of belarus, because by then accepting the attraction, solemnly swearing, he actually becomes a full member of society and must also at a certain moment, if necessary, and he gives the corresponding obligation for this, to go serve the people of the republic of belarus to defend our country, if necessary, to acquire citizenship and acquire a homeland, these are different things, does it become your own? we have ukrainian and other refugees, why is belarusian assistance not limited to issuing only passports? in fact , probably, acquiring citizenship and acquiring a homeland in our situation are most likely synonymous, because in fact, well, you see the experience of other countries that throw away their passports because there are some kind of gold investments, there are some -these are prerequisites for improving the democratic situation, but persons who acquire citizenship there by receiving the appropriate passport,
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they do not always... acquire a homeland, because they sometimes use passports in a mercantile situation. in our country , in fact, a person who acquires belarusian citizenship, he acquires a new homeland, because the person, firstly, well, i can’t say that he will suffer this, but in fact, having lived for 5 years on the territory of the country according to the censorship, he already manifests himself as a worthy member of society, as integrated into society, as a working person with all the ensuing consequences, so in fact in our situation it is completely, equivalent moments, because in fact, including taking the oath, as i said, i am then ready to serve allegiance to the people of the republic of verus and undertake corresponding obligations with all the ensuing consequences, therefore - that is why we have naturalization figures, of course, such as, for example, many would like to compare with the russian federation not very large, but by naturalizing, let’s say approximately 4-5 people per year, we guarantee, and we have conducted relevant research on this issue more than once, well, you need to understand how much in fact, the new citizens are law-abiding for us, to what extent they pose a threat to us, we checked them thoroughly or...
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along unknown paths and routes, a certain medieval traveler, a favorite of today's marketers, called belarus a country of castles and not to say that he was wrong, because sources from the 17th and 18th centuries.
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i am happy to go to kindergarten. students, sixth-year subordinates of the belsk state medical university are practicing the skills of providing emergency care in various clinical situations. situations. watch on tv channel belarus 24. on savbez on tuesday. our commander-in-chief outlined: ensuring national security is our common task, every citizen of belarus. now, since we have already touched on this topic, yes, you said, it is necessary to defend with weapons in
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hand. in russia this problem now exists. the question that new citizens of russia are not ready to defend their new homeland with weapons in their hands is very relevant, it is widely discussed. getting belarusian. citizenship equals duty to protect homeland? of course, that is, new citizens receive exactly the same rights, as i said, of military age, he can be called up, so not only he, he is called up in any case , and our mechanisms for recording this category of citizens together with military military commissariats work very well clearly, that is , this is a new citizen, which means the military registration and enlistment office has the appropriate information, if he is of military age, then tomorrow he will answer, that is, there are no restrictions and no, no concessions, the most important thing. he has, figuratively saying, well, there will be some kind of urgent service from military service, then he will receive it in any case, and so he and many want to serve, the most important thing is that they write us a corresponding appeal: please speed up the naturalization, because my enlistment age is ending, and i also want to serve the belarusian army, and there are such appeals, look, but aleksevich,
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okay, but since we have already touched on these special conditions, yes, which exist in other countries, we understand perfectly well that in some countries the acquisition of real estate, for example, yes, the so-called golden visa exists, or there is a certain investment contribution. in belarus, are there any of these non-standard forms or, in principle, there is not even such a thing for obtaining citizenship - for obtaining citizenship, even in principle , such a thing does not exist ; in fact, if you have invested 150,000 euros, up to 150,000 euros, in the economy of the republic of belarus, then you can receive the appropriate type of residence permit from us in fact, every year we issue about three or four permits for permanent residence to investors, yeah.
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long maternity leave to care for a child, 3 years, which, as it turned out, is very i know that in belarus almost the most strongly attracts foreign women, this is an unexpected fact for me, really, but what do we still not know about the privileges of our own citizenship, which can be voiced, for example, or needs to be voiced, well, these are not only the privileges of one’s own citizenship, let’s say, figuratively speaking, a person who even receives resident status or citizenship if he marries citizens in belarus. then they give birth, then the child actually becomes a citizen of belarus upon birth from a joint marriage with a citizen of belarus, and even regardless of the place of birth of the child, even if this family temporarily went to the country of the spouse’s civil affiliation and gave birth to this child there, then he still becomes
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principle of blood as a citizen of the republic of belarus, but along with this, a person who permanently resides on the territory of the republic of belarus has a so-called allowance births, in fact, you said correctly, this is not the case in any state of the former soviet union. such a long maternity leave , which is 3 years, there is no such large enough social support, well , maternity leave is two weeks in some countries, there is even six months in some countries , then there are no free social institutions, no free medical care, no social support for mother and child and, most importantly, there is no even such patronage from medical institutions in in relation to adult children, there is no such school education, no, and you know when to evaluate and consider. this huge package, then we understand that new citizens receive and become full-fledged members of society and want to become only because we provide sufficiently large social protection, they specifically want to give birth here, they specifically want to move here, and yes, and this is also a trend. , it
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exists, well, it’s a good trend, well, look alekseevich, for many years belarus has been very was loyal to the presence of citizenship of another country or residence permit for our citizens. citizenship and in fact why should we lose , figuratively speaking, our own citizens,
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because they only received foreign citizenship due to certain circumstances, so the legislator took the path of simplification, this norm was removed, but even the pandemic situation showed that when many countries were closing in 2021, then the ministry had to organize flights for all interested bodies, we even suddenly they didn’t understand that a fairly large number of belarusian citizens are located outside of belarus without going through the appropriate records. even then, the idea crept in that it was necessary to make the appropriate obligations so that the citizen would submit a declaration of his foreign citizenship so that, understanding that sometimes he acquires foreign citizenship, he gives the corresponding oath of allegiance to the people of that country, and in fact there are already some restrictions in this category of citizens in relation to this category citizens can be identified, in fact, you need to understand that you should be very careful, for example , in matters of access to state secrets, in matters of public service, in matters. service in the army to the issues of appointment and
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, figuratively speaking, or selection of deputies, the house of representatives, deputies of local authorities, because in fact he already has, at least absolutely correctly, a connection with a foreign state and therefore, therefore, into legislation in july last year came into force with the rule that a citizen within 3 months from the date of receipt of, let's call it, a foreign document, he is obliged to inform either the internal affairs authorities or the diplomatic service authorities, or by personally contacting, filling out the appropriate notification or on... well, there is such a norm, our representatives of the border service, and the internal affairs authorities
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constantly record then when citizens , due to certain circumstances, sometimes due to forgetfulness, sometimes due to reluctance to report it at all, that is, do not want to inform the competent authorities about the presence of them of foreign citizenship, and at present this is of course not an offense, but the legislator has also thought about this and the competent authorities of the republic of belarus are also thinking about it, so when it appears, we are now working together with interested parties on this issue so that everything still bring the appropriate responsibility, because it is the duty to inform citizens. there are some law-abiding citizens, thank you very much, in fact, having fulfilled this duty, someone thinks to stay on the sidelines or not report this, in any case, the age of modern technology, the age of total control at certain points, as it were , control over an individual, this is quite easily revealed, so if they think that they will avoid the need to notify our competent authorities of the presence of foreign citizenship or permanent residence, then they are very they are deeply mistaken, in any case, when there is a corresponding responsibility, then...
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have this foreign document or refuse it, because in fact everyone
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remembers everything, that is, in fact, an opportunity teaching the citizens of belarus the cards of the pole, well, yes, this is like such a sensational project that the polish side is developing on the territory of the republic of belarus, including through its embassies, has begun to implement , including on the territory of poland, and in fact we now have, including and civil servants who voluntarily refuse the pole card, because it is clear that the status of a civil servant or the status of a certain official who has access to state ...
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councils, regional, and there minsk city, everyone will be checked by the house of representatives , if they are registered as candidates, we can say for sure that he does not have dual citizenship, he does not have a pole card, and he does not have dual citizenship and does not have a pole card, well, you need to understand that this not only, we check not only by the information that citizens provided to us voluntarily when they declared the presence of foreign citizenship, internal affairs bodies and diplomatic bodies...
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it is unacceptable to receive a pole’s card, because be used on the territory of belarus and it is clear that the person who acquires the pole card, he gives the corresponding obligations, including loyalty to the people of the republic of poland, he is obliged to know the constitution there, complete a number of other formalities, and in fact, he is given goodies , he is given goodies by itself on territory
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of poland, but there are no questions, including he receives a possible visa there and a simplified procedure for naturalization of citizenship, but for a citizen of the republic of belarus, at least i think. my point of view is unacceptable, and in fact , that’s why the state perfectly understands the threats and risks from all this, and is taking a number of steps in order to minimize the general desire of belarusian citizens to receive a pole’s card, they return, they return very often, and i want to say that in only six months in the past, we have recorded more than 100 cases when citizens publicly contacted us in order to refuse the pole’s card, that is, this is only the first poland reacts, and poland also reacts for its part, they have no legislation mechanism for refusal and... from a pole’s card , so once they have issued it, they believe that it is already for life and so on and so forth, well, we send the relevant documents in the prescribed manner, diplomatic representatives with a notification and, as it were, we record these facts in any case , on the part of our citizens, that is , such a small diplomatic war gets, and i also want to return once again to the topic of our
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fugitives, for some, the debate about their number does not subside, and the fake about 97%, well... for many, sorry, idiots, got stuck in my head very much well, i know the real numbers, yes, how many were staggering on the 11th, 23rd, and you have a relatively real number of those who left the country after the twentieth year for political reasons, taking into account families, well , a number that you can actually operate , look, again, you can’t say political motives, not political motives, that is, let’s say when... the relocation of it specialists took place and is happening, these are political motives, no, these are issues related to sanctions, we are actually, that is, the competent authority, in fact by using information resources quite clearly contain information about those persons who are not employed in the economy and who, during a certain period of time, left the territory of the republic of belarus, including with their family members, all of whom are not located
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in the country, and we can of course talk about , that we and we know everyone, but let’s say that it was a departure for political reasons. or not for political reasons now is not always correct, that is, we are actually saying, but due to the fact that as i say, everyone’s information resources have been counted, you can’t, of course, shout about him, it ’s not entirely convenient for us, but in 2021, the twenty-second year , more than 2,000 citizens left the territory of belarus, that is, these are various reasons, either a residence permit, or the in fact, the revocation of it specialists, members of their families, and so on and so forth, that is , of course, a lot, because this is the working population, but on the other hand, the state is always open to them. we have never put obstacles in the way of the return of our own citizens and we are saying that please, if you have committed a criminal offense, that is , the corresponding commission, it works for them, it receives an appropriate appeal so that the citizen can... but no one prevents these citizens from returning
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, please, so that they do not give rise to any then numerous fakes about what scares them on purpose, in fact it scares them on purpose, so that they themselves do not understand that their state, when, let’s say, again, for example, last year changed the mechanism issuing passports to its own citizens, it changed not because it wanted, again, for all permanent residents to return to the territory of the country. because the sanctions policy of the european union also does not allow diplomats to quickly satisfy the despair of our citizens regarding the replacement of passports, therefore, everyone has decided that everyone should now receive passports on the territory of belarus and we are happy to issue them and there are no obstacles, citizen arrived in promptly, received a biometric passport or an ordinary passport and returned to the country of citizenship, no bureaucracy, no responsibility, no horror stories, if there are no administrative or criminal charges against him, if no one to him. children, which does not determine the position at all, well
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, as you already said, they took with them , let’s be honest, these same children in relation to the state, they will grow up, sometimes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but they will want to return to their homeland, now you thought? about an individual approach to such hostages of the parental position, if now, for example, he cannot renew his passport, but in 5 years he wants to come, the procedure for verifying his affiliation is in effect at every diplomatic mission of the institution , including at checkpoints on the state border, if he arrives even after 5 years with an invalid passport, then the border guard officer, after conducting an appropriate check on a whole range of issues and databases, will make a decision on the person’s admission to territory of the country, or he will say that , well, that is, you need to get a return, because there is no document confirming your identity, there is no similarity, and your biometric data is also not in the information resource, but this is not even an individual approach, and this is
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probably an approach in relation to all citizens who currently reside outside of belarus and each of them is not deprived of the constitutional right to return to the territory of the country, he can do this, but the only thing is that he must have a documenting identity and he must not it’s clear that losing the citizenship of the republic of belarus only requires certain actions, well, you understand perfectly well, why i asked the question, but now many parents may simply not give the opportunity, well, i mean...
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lithuania, latvia, poland. this year our president decided to extend the visa-free regime, one of the far-sighted goals is to overcome the information blockade, and the leadership of neighboring countries, they tried to ensure this, and through personal contact, personal communications, even the most fashionable marketer today, he understands that word of mouth - this is a great tool for really forming your opinion, but... how do you think it works? look, if our neighbors, again, word of mouth worked great, if our
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neighbors had not closed checkpoints, then we would have had more numbers. more, but seeing about this and - enclosing their own citizens with fences and saying that by hanging horror stories at checkpoints, reducing the number of checkpoints, reducing communications, they create specially artificial barriers for them in order for citizens to be convinced from their own experience, their own example, that no one is persecuting them here, there is clear legislation: you have committed an administrative violation, you will bear responsibility, do you want to go to our belarusian? store, you want to buy fuel at a gas station, please , there are no problems, no discrimination , no one, no one puts any obstacles in your way for being lithuanian or pole or latvian, no one punishes you more harshly, they treat you exactly the same the same as for simple citizen, to his neighbor, who has always been a neighbor for us and no political realities affect this now, so people see this, post a lot of videos on social networks, there is a whole group
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for moving even to belarus for permanent residence, where but moving. tourists, so the number, if there were more checkpoints, then the attitude of belarusians towards these same tourists would be an order of magnitude greater, especially since the visa-free regime applies to citizens of third countries at the border, this and the grodno and brest regions, and it operates...
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according to the doctrine, not a single people is considered an enemy by belarus, not a single people, i emphasize, well, some of the rulers, you see, are real scumbags, but is it necessary, taking into account the visa-free period during the active phases of elections, well, let’s say, the borders should be somewhat closed or additional control implemented, or this is done automatically, well, you can’t say that this is done automatically, in any case it is done on the basis. decisions, because in every step, in every step, without visas, for example, liberalization of other aspects of stay, there are corresponding risks, but in any case , our experience in the relevant election campaigns suggests that those information resources that work in this area, those, probably, employees who work at checkpoints, who work on the territory of the country can identify , among other things, potential violators,
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potential extremists, persons who pursue theoretical goals, and that is...


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