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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the program “zone x” continues on the tv channels belarus-1 and belarus24. i, yuri shevchuk. hello. forensic experts helped shed light on the circumstances of the chauss murder. last november , the body of a fifty-year-old man with signs of violent death was found in an apartment where two brothers, 63 and 52 years old, lived. as it turned out, during the investigation, the aggressive owner did not like the nervousness of an acquaintance who was visiting him. the aggressor hit the victim several times with a knife, one of the blows landed in the neck. after the conflict, the inhospitable owner went to bed, and in the morning he left for part-time work. he didn’t even attach any importance to the night’s incident; he thought that the guest would wake up later. during an inspection of the crime scene, a gks specialist seized two knives, one of which turned out to be the crime weapon. traces of hands, shoes, clothes and other objects. forensic examinations were carried out on them. according to
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the conclusion. shoe prints formed on the floor by a layer of blood were examined, their coincidence with the imprint of the sole of the accused’s shoe was established according to general signs. based on the results of forensic genetic examinations , biological material, including the victim’s blood, was found on the clothes of the sixty-year-old defendant. the publication will continue with a review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by victoria radevich. the leading accountant of the belles export enterprise is suspected of embezzling money on an especially large scale. the amount exceeds 1.2000 rubles. - reported the country's prosecutor general's office. a criminal case has been initiated against the defendant. his scheme to get rich lasted which was revealed for more than six months during the joint work of employees of the supervisory
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department and... with economic crimes of the ministry of internal affairs , capital investigators joined the case for a preliminary investigation. the suspect, being an official authorized to commit legally significant actions from april 28 to november 30, 2023. for selfish reasons, he sent a payment order to the banks using the electronic digital signature keys trusted to him. this made it possible to transfer in several stages to current accounts. enterprise controlled by him more than 1,200 thousand rubles, which he subsequently disposed of at his own discretion. they introduced themselves to clients using fictitious names, but until the very end they were sure that they were dealing with a legitimate business. in minsk, the investigation into the case against telephone scam couriers has been completed. the total damage from their actions is more than 128 rubles. the accused are two boys, 16 and 20 years old,
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according to the investigative committee, for criminal earnings. in the fall of 2022 on a tip from his younger friend. a fifteen year old asked friends to replace him at work, because he himself was ill, he promised a generous reward from his employers, clarifying that everything was legal. the young man himself did not suspect that he had found a job with scammers. the comrades agreed; one of their duties was to go to the specified addresses and collect money from people. but instead of wealthy investors, as the curators pictured it to them, ordinary pensioners came out, and excited ones at that. received from them. the money was transferred to the crypto currency, for each such delivery the couriers received an average of 100 us dollars. during 2 days of work, the defendants, without paying attention to suspicious circumstances, visited five addresses. investigators found that the organizers of the criminal group asked potential couriers to lure their acquaintances into illegal activities. for such a service they promised good money and further career growth. the teenager who asked his friends for help was also paid for bringing his friends. the investigation established that
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you... 2023, a minor, in addition to criminal part-time work, at the cash register in a restaurant fast food, stole 200 belarusian rubles from a minor. a study of the personalities of the accused showed that the boys were not brought to criminal liability, the teenager was brought up in a prosperous family and had a positive character at school, the eldest of the defendants does not work anywhere, the prosecutor’s sanctions were applied to them in the form of a personal guarantee. despite the fact that the teenager has not reached the age of criminal liability under the article of fraud, information. about his commission of illegal actions was sent to the authorities internal affairs. my boyfriend and i were looking for an apartment in kufer, he came across a girl who asked him to go to telegram. and then the standard correspondence asking clarifying questions about potential tenants. in minsk , a young couple contacted the police after almost falling for the trick of apartment scammers. a criminal case has been opened. timely vigilance helped to avoid not only the unpleasant aftertaste of deception, but to save
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money. she asked me to wait. and make a decision, because there were applications for the apartment a lot, and after some time she asked me to throw off 200 rubles, supposedly a goal, having shown activity. menchanka also wrote to this landlord from her account, who agreed to rent out the same apartment to her after making an advance payment. the girl realized that scammers were communicating with her and contacted the police. the visit of the obp operatives was unexpected for a resident of sludsk. the reason to visit the fifty-two-year-old man, as the department said, was information about his possible involvement in the sale of alcohol in the territory district. whether this is true or not is still being clarified as part of the investigation, but the police actually found it in the car and garage. canisters with intoxicating liquid, 155 liters in total, all this was confiscated to be sent for examination, this was a zone x project, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on
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instagram have a nice day, stay on the bright side, and we will tell you about the dark side and news from the world of crime in our evening
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program. short track is a type of speed skating. keep their distance, well, prevent the kind of fingers that help an athlete
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special fingers are put on the left glove to prevent injury, our colleagues from mogilev, nikolai kamantsev, ekaterina rubbekina, colleagues, good morning, share the news. good morning, studio , good morning, country, good ranitsa belarus , dear, beloved country, beloved dear colleagues, spring is just around the corner, and the march in the mogilev region is always theatrical, already in the mogilev regional drama theater they announced the poster for the seventeenth international youth theater martkontakt forum, this year it will be held from march 21 to 27, the geography of the forum has expanded significantly during this time. since then , theaters from belarus, russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, bulgaria and armenia took part in the festival. in the main program they will present 24 performances to the audience. this, by the way, is the highest figure for the entire existence of the forum. on this occasion, the theater holiday received
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one more extra day. as for the genre component, it is certainly varied to suit every taste, as usual. in this year, the organizers have added productions from age category 6 to the playbill. but the surprises for theatergoers do not end there. today, the possibility of holding a night theater show from guest director sergei fedotov is being considered. tickets for the production. youth theater forum is already on sale, so we are waiting for you to visit, dear iminsk residents. by the way, these tickets will also be a pass to an interesting interactive event; a mobile mobile phone will be operating in the theater park during the marchcontact exposition of the museum of the great patriotic war, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, so we unite art and patriotic moments together, yes, so come to us at... the theater forum, we note that
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there is no such forum in our country, only in our mogilev region , well, since we have already started talking about march, let ’s remember one event that will happen at the end of the month, at the end of march, we are talking about the republican competition, the final of the 100 ideas for belarus competition. so, recently, in our city in mogilev , the regional stage of the competition took place, which brought together 50...
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health care, as for the name li, it was not chosen by chance, because translated from english it means ally. the application can be downloaded using a unique qr code , everything you need is already inside , only one recommendation section remains to be finalized, well, in the future, of course, the functionality of the useful organizer will be improved, so use it to your health, use it to your health, well, we’re all - let's go back to february, because it has just begun and we won’t... run away from it, the other day in our chaus 300 guys from all the districts competed for the title of the strongest, yes, in the mogilev region, by the way, there are 21 districts, the guys had to cross a three-kilometer distance, and of course , excellent shooting at the firing line. the holiday, to be honest, was a success, all the details are in our story. thank you, colleagues,
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we are waiting for you next thursday, well now we... the main feature of the snow sniper is that its participants are not professional athletes, but simply schoolchildren who love sports, skiing and are ready to compete. at first i trained in borovka, one very cool girl there taught me how to skate, after that everything somehow started to take off , i moved back here. here i found a new school, started skating here, i was selected for a regional competition, after that i started training, training, training again and ended up here. before going to the start line , be sure to aim your rifle; alice knows this golden rule of biathletes well. korzun, the girl represented her team from babruisk for the second time. this is very important , because everyone needs to configure the rifle differently somehow, so that... even at competitions, so that the rifle is already
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sighted, as it should, so that they don’t miss, set up for victory, and for the start-march - this is the second day of the competition, girls and boys of two age categories took to the track, the oldest had to overcome the 3 km track, here are its pioneers, the evseenko sisters from the klimovichi district, i am the first, and she is the third, i really, i really would like to continue like this i wanted the two of us to stand together. will represent the mogilev region at the republican
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stage , the original idea of ​​these competitions was to screen and select promising children for biathlon, i hope that after all, these competitions will bring the result for which this was all created, and children will come en masse to study with us biathlon, and will not stop at the snow sniper, and even though these athletes are still very young, but who knows, maybe in the future one of them... will conquer the peaks just as confidently sports olympus. perfection and harmony of taste. getting acquainted with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work, we have exported countries such as germany, bulgaria, israel,
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due to the fact that there are difficulties, recently we have been able to export to some countries. increase export shipments. our pride is natural ice cream, which has been produced according to classic recipes for more than 40 years since the founding of the plant. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. all merit, what we have today is the merit of our large team and each individual. everyone is worried, everyone is trying, of course, to contribute. all food products require the approach of a good, competent, kind housewife. it seems that this is so, at least, i have always set such goals for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what our consumer will like, watch the quality mark project on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . good morning country, we continue to wake up, let's continue to meet together
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thursday, february 8, our studio clock is 7:30 minutes and it seems to me that this is the time to find out the weather for today, and so the most detailed forecast. what awaits us this morning right now in the capital until 9 with a minus sign cloudy with clearings even long perhaps snowy right now in brest there -1 -3 in vitebsk traditionally this morning it is coolest to 13° below zero, but at the same time cloudy with clearings, snow right now in gomel until five with a minus sign, there in grodna -4 -6 cloudy with clearings, in mogilev down to 10° below zero this morning and also dry. well, how will the picture change during the day? let's! let's see, in minsk it will be up to 4° below zero, in brest 0.2, -5, -7, in vitebsk, in gomel -1, minus3, up to 1° warmer, in grodno, in mogilev -3, -5, everywhere , cloudy , with clearings, well, beautiful, ideal weather for february, the weather is ideal, it seems to me
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that perhaps it will inspire some creative impulses, which is why i started talking about creativity now, then, according to thursday tradition, the time has come . in art. today with with our artistic expert matvey lyachonok, we will understand the demons of mikhail vrubel. sitting, flying, defeated, all these are the same demons of mikhail vrubel. and what is it? metaphorical images of the artist’s own soul or collective images taken from his life are still debated by art critics. it all started in 1890, when in rub. offered to work on lermontov's two-volume work. other artists also worked on the book, but it was the poem demon that was received by the then unknown master. although the topic of the essence of the devil had previously interested vrubel. he had already painted one demon, but he tore the painting and destroyed it.
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the public received the illustrations for the poem ambiguously. most of the artists ridiculed the sketches; only meerks, sires and cows were seen in this experiment. greek myths, his hands are clenched, every muscle is tense, and... the joints turn right at the viewer, looking at the canvas, a person experiences anxiety
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and tension that comes from the picture. the technique is also unique: the master recreates the effect of stained glass on canvas, cutting space and shape with broad brush strokes into thousands of rectangular areas that gather into a clear image if you move a sufficient distance. the demon looks thoughtfully into the distance. only the glare in his eyes reminds us that this is not an ancient greek statue, but a living thing. it seems as if the hero of the canvas has lost something and mournfully bowed his head over the loss. vrubel himself wrote about his character this way: the demon is not so much an evil spirit as a suffering, mournful one, with all this a powerful, majestic spirit. the next two demons, flying defeated, complete the story about the state of the soul. the artist's logical ending, creative rise and fall, and although the work is finally accepted by a wide audience, vrubel becomes more
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irritable and prefers reclusion. while painting a flying demon, signs of mental disorder are already making themselves felt, but when the artist paints a picture of a defeated demon, there is a premonition of madness. when the latter was exhibited at the art world exhibition, everyone obsessed with the ruble came to the gallery. and rewrote not only the look, but the expression demon faces. the artist alexander binua wrote about it this way. his demon remained true to his nature. he, who fell in love with vrubel, nevertheless deceived him. these sessions were pure mockery and teasing. vrubel saw first one side and then the other side of his deity, and sometimes both sides at once. and in pursuit of this elusive, he quickly began to move towards the abyss that his passion was pushing him towards. almost immediately after painting the painting, the demon defeated in rubel ended up in
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a psychiatric hospital with signs of acute disorder, but three known demons so the artist’s work remained gay and to this day are proof of the ruble’s genius. more for frying, probably, and for baking - this is queen anne, a guy from ecuador, he lives
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here for 8 years and travels around our towns and villages, i would also like to see you a lot, yes, what's the problem? no, it’s not a problem yet, while i’m still young, and it won’t spoil here, no, there’s thermometry, fans are blowing the air, he’s happy to talk about the most colorful places in the country, well, it’s delicious, i don’t know. there are so many vegetables here, just it’s incredible how many hectares you need to dig to get so many vegetables, i already know how sugar is obtained, the most difficult thing was to love the sephir itself, because it floats on shahulyads, watch the travel project white dew on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . good morning, country on february 8, ekaterina antonova and anna quilloria continue to meet you, and we are not alone. yes, on the day of winter fishing, which, by the way, is celebrated today, it would not be amiss to remember when and how to fish safely, because any stay on a reservoir is always fraught with danger. so now, let's talk about precautions on ice. with the official representative of the minsk regional department of the ministry of emergency situations anastasia shvaibovich. good morning. good morning. anastasia, hello. anastasia, that’s how it
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is with such unstable weather, yes, we have a minus in the morning, then a plus. during the day, but how to protect yourself and not become a victim of thin ice, what simple rules should not only an adult, but probably even a child know, how not to become a cartoon hero about a baby mammoth, when you are floating on an ice floe somewhere out there, you rightly noted, that of course such weather is unstable, when it’s plus or minus, it affects the thickness of the ice, so the first thing you need to know is that if a positive temperature remains for three days, then
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the strength of the ice decreases by 25%. fishermen arm themselves with such things and only after making sure that the ice is really strong, and this is at least 7-10 cm to go out onto it, but first of all, even to do this, you need to think about your equipment: be sure to wear a life jacket, it will allow you even in any emergency if the situation you encounter on a body of water, staying afloat will give you a chance for your rescue, be sure to take life-saving gear with you, the so-called hand-on ones are available. there are metal tips at the end , they will help you get out on the surface of the ice if you fall through, that is , you need to fish with them, you need to have them with you , attach them, so that if suddenly you have already fallen through, you can take them, arm yourself with them , and that’s the only thing can help you quickly get to the surface of the ice, this must also be done if if you think you can help someone,
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leave them there, the person will try to get out, which is not... you also need to take into account, if you go to a body of water, take some kind of rope with you, if you become an eyewitness, you can help the person, and let's emphasize that if such a situation arises, then the first thing you need to do is not to rush to help, call rescuers by calling 101 or 112 and only then try to help, only if you are really confident in your abilities, do not be a hero, you too may end up v cold water, and here salvation is counted in minutes; it is very dangerous for a person to be in cold water. pond , then you need to look around, if you are sure that you can help a person, make your way to him in a polished manner, do not get close to the hole in which the person is located, at a distance of about 3-4 m, try to give him a stick, or if you don’t have a stick, you can use a belt, a scarf, when you helped a person get out, you
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demonstrate everything correctly, yes, you also need to not stand up right away. on your feet and crawl away after all, from the wormwood, where there is blood ice at a safe distance, get ashore, then, naturally, the first thing you need to do is warm up the person, take off his wet clothes, if you were driving a car, then put him in the cabin, not in under no circumstances do we give alcohol, but it is only necessary to give it, this is an imaginary idea, since you can harm a person’s health, we give a warm drink and... we call an ambulance, what a nightmare, no, you just know, i ’m telling you this, but i have this picture in front of me i see with my eyes how all this can really unfold when you say that you need to call the ministry of emergency situations first, yes, but at the moment of such an emergency situation, time stretches incredibly, and it seems that in these 30 seconds, while you you call 112, let us remind you that there a person can already drown, so after all, where is that balance,
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there is only one balance, you need to immediately call rescuers, because. a situation may arise that you will need help, yes, and if you do not call rescuers and there will be no one nearby eyewitnesses who can do this for you , then naturally two people will be in danger, and anastasia, of course, you come to us every year, we constantly discuss this topic, we film stories, we talk about it from the screens
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tvs. it started at the beginning of the month, called security in every home, who is the focus of rescuers this time? everything is still our people, our fellow countrymen, in the center of attention we work with large families, with families where children are recognized as being in socially dangerous situation, the main goal of the action is to bring safety to every home, as this can be done, naturally, by becoming a participant in our action, accept, come to our event, we will be very happy to conduct interactive activities with you, including family competitions , when both children and parents are reminded of safety rules, the simplest way possible with... bring your home to safety, install an autonomous fire detector in the living room, this is the device that can help you promptly notifying about the occurrence of a fire, including even at night, is very effective and , by the way, you have a great video
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on this topic in tiktok, go to tiktok to the account of the ministry of emergency situations of belarus and you will be pleasantly surprised, yes anastasia, thank you very much for came to us this morning, i want to remind our viewers that today our guest was the official representative of the minsk regional department of the ministry of emergency situations anastasia. shvaibovich, well , our correspondent, matvey lichonok also decided to go winter fishing, according to the rules, everything is fine, all the details are in the story, february 8 is the day of all winter fishing lovers, and i decided to try this hobby for myself, but i can’t do it without special equipment. to assemble a beginner's winter fisherman's kit, we need a magic chest, it's called a winter fishing box, which will fit here today. necessary. such a box is not just a place to store fishing equipment, but a chair on which you will have to sit for quite a long time until the fish starts to bite. cost 35 rub. the next thing you need is a fishing rod. for
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winter fishing you don’t need clay, i fish under my feet. the cost of the fishing rod - note, only 13 rubles. true, it still needs additional details. only 2.5 rubles for the rod. the fishing line will also be somewhere around 4-5 rubles. i. jig also 4-5 rubles. we've sorted out the fishing rod and put it in the magic box. the next item is rescue equipment. first of all, these are special knives. before fishing, they are put on the neck, passed through the sleeves, and if you fall through the ice, you can cling to it with knives and stay on the surface. the principle is the same as that of rock climbers, the cost is 2350, relatively low for saving lives. now, according to the new legislation, it is mandatory
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to catch. which is soldered into a ball, we select the most universal, bloodworm, this means that the bait clings to it, in slang this is a bloodworm, the cost of the jig is 4 rubles, all that remains is to find the bait, for there, well, ordinary fishing , 20 g is enough. 20 g easily fits into this one, whose these are the larvae you say, the twitching mosquito, great, everything you need for the winter fishing is complete, the total check is 157 rubles and 40 kopecks, comparatively. a small amount for a beginner, well, it’s time to go on the ice, this is the most budget type of fishing, if you take it from
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all, summer, there is winter fishing, they are the most affordable fishing, because you don’t need a boat of any kind to get there , or a boat, to get to the middle of the reservoir, the fisherman can go to any place he wants and there he does his... fishing, anyone can do winter fishing , you don’t need to study for this to cast a spinning rod, you just need to drill a hole, throw some bait and play with the fishing rod to get it to bite. the main winter fish that fishermen catch are urzh, perch, roach, and bream. we start by drilling a hole with a drill, rotate, but do not press, the ice goes up. when the hole is ready, we sit next to it on a fishing box or on... our knees, but you must be in specialized clothing, firstly, it is waterproof, and secondly, your knees will not hurt, there is a soft lining inside, then a fishing rod unwinds, searches for the bottom, when the bottom is found,
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the fish is fed, all that remains to do is play with the fishing rod, the tip is called a nod, it is very sensitive when it goes down, the fish is on the hook, it’s time to get it. winter fishing can be an excellent leisure activity or even a good hobby. the main thing is to follow safety rules and not go out on the ice when the temperature is above zero. once again, don’t try to become the cartoon hero of a promotional guy who was floating somewhere on an ice floe. this is our second hour, broadcasting programs for the second hour of our broadcast the belarus goodness program is ending, and we are also waking up with you, as you understand, friends, we will meet you again very soon in this studio and again tell you
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good morning to belarus, see you. yes ma krynitsy vada prybyvae, prybyvae vada , yashche lugavaya, to whom you were given so young,
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to whom you are yes... you became so young, oh you are a recruit, drink cold water, forget the recruit, a good freak, forget the cool, good race.
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you matsi, matsi, dzesiran, matsi, you tell me matsi, dze shchastya shukat, tell me matsi, dze shchastya shukatsi, oh, don’t take a breath. ulatsі, shchastse pryidze stanku, ne trebá shukatsi,
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shchastse prýydze samo, not trebá shukatsi, you are watching the morning news in the studio, hello, the president of belarus


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