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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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one of the types of fuel, environmentally friendly, economical, which is so in demand in modern conditions. coke is a new fundamental product that is already being sold and used as fuel in power generating units in russia, china and other countries. today, naftan products, as in the soviet period, are widely known in the world for their advanced quality. in the sixties, novopolotsk turned into a major industrial center of the ussr, a large industrial city, a hub in the north of the republic. thanks to television, the country recognized new heroes. journalists have always strived. talk
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about working people, about their contemporaries, who lived not just, so to speak, by some personal experiences, personal achievements, personal successes, but also, above all, thought about how their work helps the development of the country, while the republic rushed forward, together over time and...
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i am belarusian, i am overjoyed. on this cossack land, between the forests and the pushchad dziks, hell lived for a long time, i am belarusian, i am proud that i have this name, and the good glory of belarus is known forever, i am belarusian, and i am happy you, what mother gave me that i can smell the songs of my relatives from a distance, i’m belarusian, and at least this... no, i’m too small, but i’ll say, i
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come from a tribe of pakornas and i won’t give a damn about hell. hello, this is a project with you, everything is clear with marina karaman, where we do not hesitate to talk about complex things in simple language. today we look at why we need an all-belarusian people's assembly, what is its role in the political structure of the country and what place in it will the national assembly leave for alexander lukashenko? go! first, materiel. all-belarusian people's assembly abbreviated the supreme national assembly is the collective governing body of the country. everyone you see in the hall at his meetings is not deputies, but delegates. they were delegated, that is, they were given powers.
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in order to quickly respond to the demands of society in the future, not to allow someone cunning, but very persistent, to push through ideas and laws that could jeopardize the national security of the country, in general, and the well-being of every belarusian in particular. the threat to national security lies not only in terrorist or military risks, but in attempts to overturn our economic strategy. for example, deprive us of trading partners, destroy the production of technology and food, curtail social policy, at the same time distort beliefs about the value of family, abolish the laws of biology, deprive us of a full-fledged education, and all this will demolish science, culture and medicine to the very foundation. since 1996, once every 5 years, representatives of government and public associations have met to discuss events that have occurred in the country. and
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decide how to live the next 5 years, but in the referendum in february this year, we all voted together to change the constitution, which, among other things, gave the ons a new status. the status of a constitutional governing body, that is, we have loaded this meeting with additional functions, so it needs to change the format, and in order to make it not a meeting twice every 10 years, but a full-fledged structure that will justify the trust of belarusians constantly, our legislators have prepared a draft law on formation of the all-belarusian people's assembly. we all have to discuss it and make our comments and proposals, after which it will be sent to parliament to be checked and approved again. according to this law , the vns will then work in our interests. the spa law will simply describe in detail who can be a delegate of the meeting, what this body is responsible for and what it is not, what decisions it can make and approve, and which can be made at another level. delegates
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will meet more than once every 5 years, and at least once a year, and if the political situation requires it, they will hold an extraordinary meeting. the vns will have a permanent leader, his. deputy, presidium secretariat for technical support, that is, they want to make it a full-fledged working structure where you can come with a question or problem, and not a group of people with unclear powers and permanent meetings. if until now the people's assembly adopted some documents, summed up the results and made plans and strategies, now it will become a body that will recognize the legitimacy of the elections of the president and parliament, will have the right to introduce a state of emergency or martial law, if so...
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this is an additional platform for protecting national security and the interests of each of us. the all-belarus people's assembly will consist of three groups of delegates. the first is those who are obliged to work for the country by their positions, the president, prime minister, members of parliament, judges and heads of executive committees. in this category the limit is 440 people. second: deputies of regional and city councils, who were elected by the people, the limit is 300. 50 people, third - representatives of real civil society from each region - 400 people, that is, the vns will gather a maximum of 1,200 delegates, and this should be a concentrate of energizers who are burning because the solution to the problem is hanging somewhere. the formatting
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of the status and function of the vns is the evolution of power in response to the request of society. firstly, we need to unload the president, who... has saddled himself with responsibility for all spheres of the country’s life at all levels, our sovereignty is 32 years old, adults are already responsible for something. secondly, 2020 showed us that the majority are not always heard, people who are busy with work and family do not have time, to run through the labyrinths of authorities, if the wording in the law needs to be adjusted, in acute situations, they simply do not want to go somewhere and prove something to someone. they need those who will do this on their behalf, and without failure. and this can only be achieved by bringing the author of the issue and those who can solve it nose to face. the people's assembly will be the place where this is possible, as long as it is the most real democracy on the entire continent. no. the soviet of the ussr, which arose
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immediately after its formation, was a meeting of government representatives from different republics federal state, that is, a temporary common cabinet of officials. the ans is not an object, but an action. this is not an office, but a dialogue between ordinary people directly with the legislative, executive and judicial authorities. the current version is more of a sequel to the people's council from the grand duchy of lithuania, where hot issues of protecting the interests of the population were resolved. but both of these examples are components of our history, that is, of ourselves, and for us they are not national. the grand duchy of lithuania is our roots, the ussr is the recent past as part of the second aid powers of the planet. no one in...
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the country has put the steering wheel of a state machine in the hands of such a wide circle of citizens. the view of collective forms of government as something outdated and undemocratic is usually promoted by countries that have democracy only on paper. if we consider society as a pyramid, then real dialogue along its entire vertical does not work in any country that calls itself democratic. all the bricks of this pyramid will constantly appear in our vns. in the avns bill
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the participation of the current president of the country and the person who no longer exercises presidential powers, that is , the former president, is prescribed, and contradictions are unlikely to arise here. the current president as part of this body is the guarantor of the rapid adoption of critical decisions. a person who has worked with the country for years knows all the nuances of management, can adjust decisions based on the experience of past years and give advice on plans for the future. as for alexander lukashenko specifically, belarus as a state with its own it was this person who created the economic structure, the path of development and the right to sovereignty, and the body that decides the fate of the country will need him more than anyone else, especially during the period of formation. therefore, he will definitely be a delegate of the all-belarus people's party. if a person buys an orthopedic mattress for back health,
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does this mean that he no longer needs his head? the emergence of a new body to improve the political system does not in any way cancel the work of the president, at first it’s more likely the opposite, but after a while it control over major decisions that can affect people's lives will not weaken. by transferring new powers to the supreme national assembly, the president does not relieve himself of responsibility for us, but makes it deeper. and gives us the opportunity to direct it ourselves in the direction where it is needed, so there is no need to worry , alexander grigorievich will stay with us, get involved, take an interest in local elections, the work of officials, new laws and how they work, and be sure to participate in discussions of bills. the ans are representatives of each of us, which many wanted, we are the power here, the vns is us, i, we, the vns. i. marina caramans that looks out of the vns case, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you.
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we, the young generation of sovereign belarus, must remember the past and appreciate the present, so that our native belarus lives in peace and creation. indeed, social life has always aroused great interest, even studying at school since the eighth grade. i was elected secretary of the primary organization of secondary school no. 1 in the city of novolukoml, in principle,
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probably from that moment an active social life began, being elected secretary at school, well, it was very honorable, probably important, and indeed among my classmates there was no such thing as that i was the secretary of the primary organization, but, on the contrary, it was just very pleasant when the guys... with whom we studied, let's say, we expressed trust and united them around us, together to come up with something new, to bring it to life, of course, we also initiated a number of volunteer actions, we removed memorial monuments, helped veterans, elderly people, and uh, we didn’t have to sit and wait until they told us to help the elderly, but it’s everyone’s duty, i think it’s a young man’s duty today to help the elderly. and do everything to make their life more comfortable and cozy. of course, helping veterans
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is the sacred duty of absolutely every belarusian, because thanks to these people today we can, in principle, live under a peaceful sky, calmly walk down the street, participate in various events, promotions, projects that we offer today, which are initiated today youth, in in principle, for the right to live under a peaceful sky, i think that, and... the most important thing that can only be, the emotions that you experience after volunteer events are probably hard to experience after anything else, i just recently had a charity concert, which we conducted. this is one of the first, probably, significant events in terms of volunteer activities for me, because i still probably have this feeling, as if, well, we turned the world upside down. bersem is the future of the homeland to be built by young people, of course, today, thanks to the youth union, every young person can not
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remain aloof from all the events that take place in the country, first of all, of course, getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our export countries now include germany, bulgaria, and israel. due to the fact that there have been recent difficulties in terms of export supplies, we have managed to increase export shipments to some countries. our pride is natural fortification,
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which is made according to classic recipes for more than 40 years since the founding of the plant. yes, an approach to business that everyone should strive for. all the merit, what we have today is the merit of our large team and each individual. everyone is worried, everyone is trying, of course, to make their contribution. all food products require the approach of a good, competent, kind housewife. it seems to me that this is so. at least, i have always set such goals for myself that what i like, i roughly understand what our consumers will like. see the project. sign quality on tv channel belarus 24. in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime. but the head of european diplomacy, jose barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who
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could be killed tomorrow. but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22,000 residents of the gaza strip were killed, the number of injured exceeded the figure of 56,000. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already dividing the remains. ukraine is not waiting for the end of the special military operation; in principle, they are no longer interested in the latter. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. shows where they fight not with the help of physical force. as you know, playing
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sports promotes the production of hormones happiness. our program, by the way, has the same effect. show where. weapons, intelligence, who won the 2023 belarusian field hockey cup? arseniy, a sharp builder , absolutely true, but activity will also play a role, the topic is football, this argentine player won the 22nd world cup with the national team, and also scored the winning goal in the final of the copa america 20:21, i hope this messi, this. incorrect answer. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel.
1:00 pm
there is one news on belarus now in the studio of vladislav bundir. hello. uzbekistan has become a stronghold for belarus in central asia. about it. alexander lukashenko said at talks with the president of the host country in an expanded format. shavkat mirziyoyev confirmed: our countries managed to bring relations to a qualitative level.


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