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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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why do we need an official database, and officially it’s not enough for me, the fact that you promised that everything would be anonymous, now everything has turned out in a completely different way, it turns out that you are deceiving, who deceived, i personally promised you, a crawl in almaty, four people died, among they have two children. the cause was a pipe break. a mass of mud covered two houses. there was a family in one of them. their bodies were recovered from the rubble by rescuers. in total, 160 special service employees are working at the scene of the emergency. and in iceland on the reykines peninsula a new thing began eruption. hot lava came to the surface of the earth in the same place as a month ago. the crack stretches for 3 km. people were evacuated in advance. in total , there are 33 active volcanic systems in iceland. the special forces olympics
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ended in dubai. on the last day of the competition, the organizers prepared an obstacle course for the teams. these are 19 complex diverse elements. many were distinguished by the originality of their passing technique. 74 teams took part in the championship. before the last competition the squad special forces almaz took tenth place. the women's team of the ministry of internal affairs of belarus was the best among the five teams in its category and was in thirty-ninth place in the overall standings. that is, she bypassed almost half of the male squads. now the judges count the teams' points based on the results of all days of the competition. and by this hour , my colleagues will continue to release all the news at 3:00 in the afternoon. stay on the first button. the terrazrasnik and the sun sneaks through the early forest, quietly. hold your breath, if only you wouldn’t
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atresce the hell out of you master. this is essentially a socio-political talk show, half an hour earlier today, let me remind you that since the 31st there has been a campaign campaign in the country, on february 25 we are electing deputies of all levels, so our broadcast is also provided to future deputies, and current candidates, well and today we will talk to you about whether it is good to have a house in the village and how to make sure that belarusians from...
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the channel, where you can see how the program and editors live off the air. let's get started, hello. what called from the sidelines? in general, when we choose the topic of the next program, we try to be guided either by the current agenda, what belarusians are talking about right now, or to raise some topics that, in our opinion, are important, but deprived of attention, that’s exactly what the story about a house in a village for belarusians seems to be on everyone’s lips, it seems to be about this all the time.
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this is such a lever and impetus for us to move more actively from the city, beyond its borders , or at least acquire our own houses there, thereby this is an increase, of course patriotism, in general, concern for one’s small homeland, but as practice and preparation
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for the program have shown, when people seriously think about it, everything turns out to be not quite as simple as it was before... go abroad tourism, immigration, go to a house where something on the edge of the forest - this is one story, buying a house on the edge of the forest, but moving here is another completely, at the same time, tamara petrovna, it seems like people go to the local authorities when they want to acquire that same house or land or plot , i i know that you are a record holder, so to speak, in terms of supplying belarusians with this very housing, is that still true? smoothly, as was stated, is everything so simple, and what perhaps surprises most of all at the first approach, well, they probably come to you and say, i want it, here’s 40 rubles, you can, give me a house, yes you can, well, the decree itself works for itself,
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i’ll start with the fact that everything is described step by step, everything is fine until we reach the most logical end, and as soon as we reach... certain problems arise until the very logical end, i’ll start with problems, right? yes, let 's, of course, that means what we mean by the logical end , yes by the logical end we mean the registration of the copyright holder, that is, he comes to the bti and begins to register the house, from the purchase to the bti it takes somewhere around nine 10 months, because so far heprazium , for now... bti queue, well, probably it’s also the mogilev region, because it’s a region, because it’s mogilev and the mogilev district, so it’s too long, but it’s starting, firstly, it’s not registered, we’re selling a house with an encumbrance or without encumbrance, history
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houses are different, some houses were sold, somewhere the owner died, everything is clear there, yes, and there may be no debts, but somewhere houses at one time were sold on receipts.
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other legislators should get their bearings here, yeah, this is a huge question, and it’s the most important, then tell me in the brest region, the other end of the country, it was said here, maybe in mogilev, the mogilev region it’s like this, in the brest region it’s different,
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or the story is the same, you’re selling, i looked it up, it’s clear that menchan the conditional beloyezhskaya pushcha is very attractive, let’s go there in your direction and somewhere there will be stones, we’ll buy a house. for 40 rub. do such questions arise there, or is it somehow different for you? but i want to say that for the brest region the issue of acquiring empty housing is less relevant, because uh. the brest district is located next to the regional center and the mostly empty housing has definitely found its owner. we have several ways for a person to buy a house in the village. the first one is classic when we build building block, we build complete infrastructure there, we supply gas, electricity, water here, we build a road, then we distribute these presidential houses among the people, which they say, right? women's houses - this is when a farm builds houses, takes out a preferential loan from a bank, builds a house and gives it to its
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employee for living, and we are talking on general general grounds, that is , any resident of the brest region, the city of brest or other regions of the republic of belarus can apply for a development block , that is, the person first in turn, we provide large families with plots for housing construction, then along the general queue, this is the first classic way, when... a person acquires a plot for housing construction, the second way is when, for some reason , a person was given a plot and he for 8 years he was unable to build a house there, or he left somewhere, or he did not have enough funds, or he changed his mind about building a house, by a court decision we confiscate these plots, and then the village executive committee disposes of them, also either putting them up for auction or provides a large family, also by decree, when there is empty housing, the same procedure there is not complicated, around the city we have decided by the executive committee of the
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settlements where we will auction these empty houses, those whose plots are located further from the city, they are also sold for one base price, if only one buyer came to the auction, he may well buy for one base price, look, i just this morning - i climbed onto this site, which, in fact, shows state property committee, we’ll get back to you now, well, just for me. from the point of view of the executive branch , that is, i come in as a guest and look, i just have an understanding, i’m fine, well, i think that many people, who may be incompetent to some extent, begin to look, and a large number of houses appear there , which are sold at auction, which are sold for one base, that’s the difference, what to watch, what do i need to find there, if i’m just, again, not deeply immersed in the topic, but i’m just trying to realize a dream for myself, where to start, what?
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now i understand, and now look at me , tell me this question, if, for example, i
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clearly understand what i will buy, i want to buy such and such a house in such and such an area, that’s one story, yes, but what if i just want buy yourself a house for 40 rubles, this means that when you go to this database, you need to select the box for sale, and only those houses that are currently selling will be displayed there, some statistics, what is being bought, what is being sold more often, or, well, let’s say uh. an analysis was carried out for 2023, in general , about 4,000 residential buildings are involved in economic turnover in the republic, of which 3,000, well , approximately, have been demolished, and more than a thousand houses, a little over a thousand have been sold, are being demolished in order to build something, well, this is a decision is adopted by the relevant executive committee, if the house is the last one in the village, it can be attached to agricultural fields, then it is brought into circulation by demolition. and that is, we are talking about the fact that buying a house can be to increase the area of ​​land times, for
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there are two or three residences there, well, relatively speaking , to create almost some kind of enterprise there, this could happen, well, i want to open a sawmill on the edge of the matter, you know, this question about the possibility of creating production enterprises in populated areas, there are corresponding requirements to the noise level to emissions, this is a different matter, we speak in theory
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, today we are a vector, of course, in this direction we determine the sale, even though there are dilapidated houses and a second life, that is , we carry out demolition in the case when we understand what it’s impossible to give this house a second life, it’s just being demolished, but we’re focusing on selling, selling why, because they’re buying a house, landscaping it, putting things in order nearby, landscaping, moving in, that’s a duty, that’s right, absolutely right, and for how much? buy, basic, 40 rub. but there are settlements, 12 settlements in our area, where the auction is, yeah, and there up to what price it can be, well, it’s like how many people, well, i’ll just remind you that in our country it’s impossible to sell according to this principle for the base price in the capital and it’s impossible in regional centers, and in fact, everywhere the regional executive committees make a decision regarding the auction, or there it can be sold for one base, so our viewers
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are interested, but just about the olympic track, if not a citizen of belarus.
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you know, there are such stories when grandchildren and children return to their parents’ homes , you know, to their parents’ homes, the inside and the children still return one way or another, here we are talking more about a conscious, conscious move, i don’t know, buy a new car there or a house there for 250-300 km, here you also need to understand, you need to understand that 40 rubles is the price of a plot and a house, but relatively speaking or in terms of encumbrances, right? or with the responsibility that within a year you have to invest there in order to a) put it in order, b, put the territory in order, and even better, so that somehow in a year, well, something will already be there and how -it smelled like bread and comfort, what statistics say, what research says, this is the effect there since twenty -one, yes we can trace it,
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the belarusian institute of strategic studies became interested in the topic due to the fact that it is very relevant for...
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people note both the pros and cons of living in rural areas, and one of the main disadvantages of living in rural areas, unfortunately, is the lack of a well-paid job, that is , people are ready, even without getting a house for 40 rubles, if they have a job, they are ready to live in the countryside, but here the very question of 51% says that it is difficult for us to find a well-paid mura petrovna, among those who bought houses from you lately ?
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the land was registered, they didn’t apply here
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, now we’re back to the decree again, it doesn’t say what i should do with them, well now i’ll bring them to justice for not applying for state registration, then i’ll draw up an administrative protocol for not restoring order, but this can’t go on forever , it can’t, how long should this house stand for another 3 years?
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those who want to live not in the city, but outside it, you have created conditions for housing and leisure there. but - our editors told us directly, yes, when they were preparing, when we they were looking for guests, they said, this is the person and the story that can inspire the whole country
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, that’s how you succeeded, well, our situation is a little different, we don’t have empty housing, if a person wants to buy housing, it will only be at the market price, there are no other options, it’s just the market price, the market price - that’s where the assessment is done, well, all the procedures are as they should be. as in the city, as everywhere else, and it will be a fairly high price, that is, not for one basic increase, it has always been like this in the village, we have had this for a long time 15 years ago, since 2000 we have built two twenty four-apartment houses on the farm, two four-apartment houses and 100, here is your village, and 102 houses with a garden plot, from which during this time they have already been sold to the farm workers. houses, apartments, that is, the essence of the purchase is an assessment - in the bti as it should be, with all the documents, the assessment look, look, people
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are like... we’re not like that, yes, every time we wait for people who want to earn money, work, but a lot comes, after some time you will become a small town, then the point is moving, well, many people don’t want to move, we have also created conditions for this, we don’t want to live in the countryside, please, we take you, we take 35 km from the city of pinsk, all people who want to work in agriculture, but don’t want
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live, there are no problems here. look, do you have residents of the area who would like to buy, for example, such houses? that is, we are now all talking about the fact that city residents are coming, but there are also those who, for example, live in your area, well, relatively speaking, have moved away from parents, create a new family, there are those, absolutely true, and there are those too, but they have the same story, they just want to live, or they are trying, i don’t know, to move there in order to start some kind of business start or something.
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now the mentality has changed and the dacha is already needed for relaxation, now no one invests in the dacha, then you invested and took it out from there, and the logic was, now you invest so that there is a lawn there, well, no, why a lawn, i don’t i agree, but people take up to
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a hectare of land, those who buy. behind the basic size of the house, and you know , i’m surprised, they plant nuts, look, but with regards to the basic question, i ’m buying a house, what kind of land is included, included, you say they take up to a hectare, we buy a house, and they register the land plot already separately, yes, of course, they buy a house for the base price, and they register the land plot. when a person buys, if we are now talking about an empty residential building, when he buys an empty residential building, after the purchase he contacts the corresponding rural
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executive committee statement. about the provision of a land plot, and he writes in the application for the construction of services for a residential building, so here the maximum area is 1 hectare, from january 1 , 2023, we have an updated land code, which allowed us to provide up to a hectare in rural settlements. if a person plans to continue farming in the future, then he accordingly submits an application for the provision of land plots for farming.
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that i want to go there, my starting capital to invest, supply electricity there, drill a well, do something else, and then start farming, this stage usually involves how many, or rather this process, how many stages? broken, how long does it take? well, i don’t know, it’s a matter of creating a legal entity, developing a business model, taking into account all the risks, situations and so on, they can provide him with a plot, and well, look, all the houses, again in your register, everything the houses come with a plot, the plot is written everywhere, some kind of plot for a residential the house that was originally at the moment, if he no longer needs it. i have a question, if we are just buying a house , there is also a plot listed on the website, but with
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the plot this is the second step of registration, well, it ’s quick, he writes here when concluding the contract, the house and the plot with it, yes, yes, but he writes a mandatory application for construction.
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the percentage was quite small, if there is farming, then this is already a category of people somewhere around 40-40 plus, but i want to try everything in life, and now i’ll go and the youth will not wants due to the fact that it is very difficult, well , 40 plus is also young people, in general, well , yes, the world is changing, a second life, why? to do this, you definitely need to duplicate the documents, in one case the contract works, but you definitely need a certificate of the copyright holder, if the contract can have one, although we don’t register it anywhere, it remains, we hand it over, we
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don’t legally register it anywhere, but i have this question: how many adjacent structures do they understand that they work, relatively speaking, with some kind of, well, it seems to me, a preferential story. well, it’s clear that the same thing, connecting electricity, supplying water, even registering with the bti, does everyone understand, or does everything happen on equal terms, this benefit for buying a house, it is then leveled out by these bureaucratic approaches, well, i i want to say again that this problem has only arisen now, now we have already begun to raise it at the level and solve it, but will it be solved?
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it turns out, but again, purely legally, as a lawyer i can say that if the buyer at the time of purchase did not know about all the characteristics of the house, then he can subsequently recognize this transaction as invalid , well, you see, the situation, the situation is that we said yes in the first part that if the one who bought this plot , this land , this house there, they don’t keep it in an appropriate condition, which means unilaterally
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the steps that need to be taken, it’s clear that they are not always simple, they need to be done by people who want to move in with you, or when you call people to work, you do you help them with housing? with us everything is much simpler, in principle we always have some vacancies available, every person who works for us during the year is a guarantee, if he is a conscientious worker, fulfills his job descriptions, the farm sees what he can do results, he is in any way.
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look, the minsk region is probably the same area where, well, a third of belarusians now live, take minsk, plus the surrounding area, the buzzword is agglomeration, yes, that is, a third of belarus lives somewhere on the territory of minsk regions, no matter what, and i understand perfectly well that the minsk region borovlyany and the minsk region lyubonsky district are two different minsk regions, and if everyone wants to come to borovlyany and work, then houses can be given away here, or not, they will cost they're crazy here.
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looks for a vacancy on the employment service portal, for example
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, yes, a vacancy, a person is sitting at home, looked at the vacancy on the employment service portal, advertised with the provision of housing, comes to the employment service at the place of registration and says: i want, now i have the opportunity i want to move there and i want to work, so i saw that there is a vacancy for a driver in an agricultural organization, for example, and it’s clear that there will be housing there, right? there is a checkmark that with the provision of housing, if a person needs to go through an interview, the employment service at the place of registration of the unemployed issues a referral and sends this person to an organization, even to another region or within the region, the person arrives, talks with the employer, is ready to stay, concludes quadrilateral agreement, service employment at the place of registration of the person, employer, employment service at the location .
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for example, just last year we had, well, in a week, yes, i’ll just give you a young man with his family who moved within the region from one region to another. with children, he received a house from an agricultural organization, yes, he even had to do some repairs there, but again the employer promised compensation and paid it for these repairs, the man works as a veterinarian, he is happy with his conditions, his children go to school, they are driven to school, because what's in this there is no school in the village, his wife even started planting
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a vegetable garden in order to improve the house where they live, and he receives a good salary. well, i don’t know if he wants me to voice it, but in principle these materials were in soviet belarus, so maybe you know, his house is wooden, no, not wooden, so let’s return to another such loud and, well, interesting story due to the fact that there are certain benefits for belarusians who want to build houses in rural areas from natural materials
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fashion, 70 square, well, 60-80, well, i’m talking about this, because it’s such a stable two-room apartment in minsk now, somewhere around 60, at the cost at the moment, as if for one cube, people would have to pay about 65- 70 rubles, yes, i’ll say this is the market price, so that everyone understands, 150-180, well, depending
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on the breed, 2 2 times or 2 and a half times, but just like you come to the bank, you will have to provide it. plot, demolished the old house, build one, maybe go through this story first, buy a house, conditionally speaking for 40 rubles, demolish it and then build such a house, it will be legal, it’s not just legal, that’s basically what people do, they buy a house that is already dilapidated, well , they are not used, as a rule, those houses that... wear and tear is indicated on the website, i read, yes , they, a person first of all focuses on the place, he needs a place closer to the city or closer to krechka or anyone’s interests, naturally communal, so that all issues are resolved there, then he naturally demolishes the house and he is already building the house he needs, in size, from wood, from brick, or from other materials are combined
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together, well, roughly speaking, the benefit is this: you look for a place, demolish a house, yes, but conditionally on that foundation you can... that’s right, or buy house kits from us, we offer five standard solutions, currently, why five standard solutions, because everyone has their own demands and offers, that is , someone wants floor-to-ceiling windows, someone doesn’t want floor-to-ceiling windows, yes, someone wants five, who doesn’t want windows at all, to what extent is this in demand ? , it is in demand so that you understand, we are at the beginning of the journey, we started doing this in 2023 year, but in 2023 we have already developed 10 ready-made house kits, yes, to make it clear, this is so-so, but 5,000 people across the republic contacted us for wood, who wanted it there, some for repairs, some for construction, in general, where are we - 95.00 cubic meters at a discounted price we sold the wood for these, we didn’t drink the wood, but the mechanism for buying these ready-made houses, but are you
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selling it as a designer or is there installation, i don’t know who, look at us? at the moment we, as a forestry company , produce only wooden structures yes, and we sell them assembled, that is , we guarantee that by purchasing our design you will assemble a house, but in a wooden configuration, everything is shorter, but it just turns out that windows, doors, everyone has their own preferences, everyone wants their own eyeliner , the foundation is the same, the floors are the same, so here you can either order a conditional subfloor from us there, and you can refuse, look, but i have another question: you sold a conditional house kit at a discounted price, but is there control, that... that this house will remain in belarus, and will not, for example, taken away and sold somewhere else, we enjoy benefits as citizens
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of belarus, for our own, yes, and then suddenly it turns out that, relatively speaking, of those 10 people, eight transported the house there to russia and sold it, some kind of control that is, we have now found out that for 40 rubles, even russians can buy it in general, or it is not preconditioned, we collected so much from you, bought it, sold it, see if it’s from us. if a citizen of the republic of belarus disconnects, then there is definitely a benefit, yes, that is, we, if citizens of the russian federation, then we say, what is this export price, guys, for you , what am i talking about, belarus was bought and sold in the bryansk region, but the question is that first, there is a control service that checks, double-checks, of course, but, but not in the ministry of forestry, in general , the republic, which takes lists from us, who purchased these houses, they go to the site and look at whether they built it, didn’t build it, assembled it, didn’t assemble it.
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you see, it’s much stricter than with houses and property, so maybe it makes sense to look, reconsider and somewhere, well toughen it up, or not, or won’t it work that way? well, this is a contractual relationship , so as i answered earlier, in principle, liability for failure to fulfill the contract is provided for in the purchase and sale agreement, yeah, that is, it should be prescribed locally, and at the stage of selling empty residential buildings, the consequences of non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract should be prescribed , one of the conditions of the contract is to bring the house into proper condition and use it, well, that is, this is a question of the local authorities, but at the stage of signing the contract, it’s just you need everything. again from
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yesterday's news feeds, a synagogue is being sold for 40 rubles. or some historical house for 40 rubles. this often appears, or do you not have such a mark: a house with historical value? well, this is definitely not on the register of empty houses, since a synagogue is not a residential building. house, well, of course, yes, yes, this is already a sale, the sale of state property, there is such a unified register of state property, yes, a unified register of empty houses is a subsystem in the unified register of state property, there in in principle, everything that is sold from state property is displayed, some historical and cultural values, production facilities, warehouses there, i don’t know, factories, but these historical and cultural values ​​are also superimposed on others.
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there should be a difference between the benefits for our
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citizens and for foreign citizens, because we understand that on vacation in belarus, today the head of state is there, and he voiced the figure, about a million russians came to belarus on vacation last year, of course, when they come here to tizhde glad, in general, one way or another, the idea of ​​getting a dacha here may creep in, well, investing is good. when we talk about the fact that this can be done at a very low cost, mm, the question seems to arise here, how fair is it that we have equal conditions, is there any difference or can it be envisaged in the future? well, not for one, but for two, like the export of medical products, significant savings, of course, the difference lies in the fact that in principle there is a difference in purchasing a residential building. no, we have equal rights, and as for land, yes, in limited cases foreign citizens can
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have land in private ownership. he will have completely different conditions , well, maybe, i won’t say, we won’t give our land to the americans, absolutely, no, we won’t, so here’s the story, vera nikolaevna, in the minsk region, again, as for foreigners and people in general who create a certain business, again through, for example, the purchase or lease of land, this
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in general, what is the story, does this happen often? is not happening at all, it doesn’t matter, russians are investing, other foreigners are investing, i understand that the creation of jobs, in principle, does not depend on what kind of passport the owner of this land or house has, yes, in principle, it absolutely does not depend, the creation of jobs we welcome any businessmen, and they create jobs, the only thing is that belarusians, again, if we are talking about the unemployed, they have the right to take advantage...
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just like we said, in minsk district , of course, citizens are trying to resettle, as you gave an example, for example, what is the difference, minsk district and lyubonsky district, at the same time, from other regions they come to us under the resettlement program with the payment of funds for resettlement, you just hooked lyubonsky district, so i remembered that quite recently we had a case from the mogilev
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region to the lyuban region, a young man came from the engineering department, do you have a neyke? seven times the size of the subsistence level budget, for a second this is more than 2800 per at the moment, an unemployed person can get and get a new place of work and place of residence, including well, not for a quiet life, they are clearly going for such conditions as viktor mikhailovich has, so that if we are talking about resettlement, if we are talking about
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dacha plots, say this , that people come to work for you from pinsk?
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and i will return to the forest houses, i was very interested in the topic, is there a difference in what type of wood these houses are made of, and in cost, of course, there is a difference,
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we offer three technologies, yes rounded timber, profiled timber , double dry timber, i’ll explain now, rounded timber is raw wood, which, in principle , is brought to you rounded, but there are nuances, that is , it must be ventilated and dried throughout the year. you can’t move in, yes , when you put it together, you bought firewood, there’s firewood lying around, that’s it, yes, but the cost, of course, there will be 30,000 , well, conditionally, if it’s 60 square meters, 3000 is the house , yes, well, belarusian rubles, of course, belarusian rubles, we are all belarusian rubles, so, but if it turns out dry double, there with insulation, they bring you a house, you fold it, you move in right away , of course, accordingly there will be 60, 7000 depending on the square meters, yes, so at the moment people, so...
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the average is like i calculated with you square meters 70, how much is the average , now just tell me, again , one house will cost, so you say 70,000 rubles, this will cost a house for occupancy or turnkey, it’s wooden and turnkey how much will it cost turnkey depending on what you are do you want windows, which ones? buy in in minsk an apartment with rough finishing, but it costs a certain amount, this is a house, somewhere else you have an additional 50,000 for everything else, that is, communication lines, that is, 70 + 50 we can say somewhere around 120-13,000
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rubles the house costs , yes, as much as the number of participants , according to your information, it would be possible to buy only a house, well, this cost, again, is not a premium two-room apartment in minsk, well , here you have to choose who wants what, who wants a comfortable life outside the city. quiet, who wants life in a noisy metropolis? i really like i liked viktor mikhailovich’s phrase: people want to live easier now, and it seems to me that this is precisely the essence of the points that we touched upon today, i want cool ideas that have cool cases so that they can be implemented simpler and easier, for this it seems that all the conditions have been created, and if there are any nuances, then do not hesitate to suggest, they can be resolved.


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