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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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miracles, your cherished dreams will come true, can you imagine, i still, i still firmly believe in this, and i like it, because it makes us a little more children, takes us back to childhood, a time that, unfortunately, is no longer bring each of us back. hello, ruslan, my name is sofia, can i ask you to perform your song for us? seriously? what, extraordinary, let's get straight to it, extraordinary, affectionate, tender, like the ocean, boundless, your love, extraordinary, i am priceless, you are the whole
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universe, my extraordinary, extraordinary, ruslan, this signal means that the time for the hero’s questions has run out, now you have to choose the best question of this program, i would be
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in the fifteenth school in the seventh b-grade. i will ask the author of the best question to contact ruslan now. ruslan, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. if you could swim without holding your breath or fly, what would you choose? i would like to fly, because i like to watch people, so i would fly, i would watch people, cool, super, i would choose to swim, because when, if if a person could swim, he would be able to see all the depths of the ocean all his life, this is very interesting, i would like to fly, because at a height i could observe what is happening in the forest, it’s great what kind of children we have, huh? i note that no one thinks about themselves, and
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above all about helping everyone, thank you, ruslan, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, so, honored artist of the republic of belarus, ruslan olikhno, today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site, here i will ask you to stay, tell me which one...
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those children who are here today and those who will watch us in the program one hundred questions for adults will discover, perhaps, a new ruslan. lyakhno with my principles in life, with my shortcomings and the time spent with the children today, i will remember it for a long time, because this time is limited, but i would like more, to communicate and answer all their questions. honored artist of the republic of belarus, ruslan alekhno, is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. see you in the new year,
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this is an understandable policy, hello in the usa serious domestic policy. the governor of texas sent biden to hell and the residents supported him. what caused the american uprising, why is the specter of civil war looming in the states, is everything that serious? the situation that has developed is very typical not only for washington: mass riots in europe and a rebellion against the white house overseas are caused by one very simple reason: when the people speak, the authorities have played too much and do not listen point-blank, we will prove this as always. you can only draw conclusions using facts.
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texas is one of the main blood vessels for the usa systems the state accounts for half of the oil production and a quarter of the gas production in the entire country. if the capital of austin declares independence, it
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will immediately become the ninth economy in the world. the state's economy exceeds $2 trillion and can give odds to entire countries. to understand, this is more than in italy and canada. texas offers businesses cheap energy and has no corporate income tax, which attracts a large number of foreign companies, especially from europe. texas ranks first in the us in terms of gdp and population growth and export. there are other reasons for its economic strength, for example, texas has invested heavily in education. the state is home to more than 180 university colleges. over the past year , more new jobs have been created in texas than in any other us state, more than half a million. there are also 19 seaports to the space center of the world. almost 150,000 people are employed in the aerospace industry. there are 1,450 airports in the state. the largest
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johnson space center, nasa's space flight center, is located here. the heart of astronautics. american grandees also have texas residence permits. boeing, spacex are the largest american military corporation. this whole huge colossus refuses to obey the white house. in short, the open door policy just got to the heart of the borderlanders. texas governor greg abbott, from the comfort of his wheelchair, effectively declares war on biden. the treaty between the united states and texas has been violated, the state has the right to defend itself. migrants are kept in jail if they refuse to return to mexico.
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usa and mexico in just 2 minutes via this dozens of migrants climbed through the area. i have seen many migrants with small children who had to enter the us illegally. whoever makes his way to the states for a better life, across the mexican border, not only mexicans themselves, but also ecuadorians, panamanians, guatemalans, and representatives of other countries in latin america, where the economy is tight, pass through in droves. of course, these are different people with different understandings of life, what is not allowed in it and what is possible. local residents are shocked by this gift. residents of small border towns
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cities are also complaining about rising crime rates. in particular , the number of robberies has increased. many are scared because of migrants. they are afraid because at some time they have invaded people's homes, stolen or broken into doors. in general, it’s a complete mess,” said one of the residents of the city of eaglepass. prosperous texas - the second us economy is choking from the influx of migrants. we are used to living here. rich, well-fed and quiet, all this against the backdrop of huge spending on ukraine and fueling the conflict in the middle east. the situation is aggravated by the fact that along with migrants , weapons and drugs enter the united states; the american media have repeatedly written that an opioid epidemic has broken out in the united states; every year about 100 thousand people in the country become its victims. the governor of texas called the influx of illegal immigrants an invasion and decided to spit on washington’s inaction. the white house
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called it arbitrariness and demanded the release of federal border guards and the removal of the fence. the supreme court made a corresponding decision, but the governor refused to obey the decisions of the capital. just imagine, the us has a 314.5 km border with mexico, about a third of which is in texas, and you can walk there almost freely. the main businessman of texas, elon musk, is also shocked by the situation. the problem is federal border guards who have been ordered to assist illegal immigrants. the fundamental problem is that anyone, without any evidence, can get asylum in the united states, which means the entire population of the earth can just come to america. and when the white house said houston. you problems, 25 governors and the same number of prosecutors immediately sided with the rebellious state. in doing so, greg abbott became a symbol of
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defiance against washington. but with ordinary americans, things are even more serious. according to recent data, 68% of us residents support the construction of barbed wire barriers on the border with mexico. thus, in the still divided states of america they are again talking about the effectiveness of the zero tolerance policy. last year, a lot of migrants entered the united states, a historical record. state institute migration policy puts the figure at 2.5 million people, which is exactly how many crossed the border and disappeared into the country with varying degrees of legality. main load.
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an increase in crime, disease and other unpleasant consequences. here is part of the official address to washington. we the people are determined to send a message of peace to the politicians and immigration officials who allow tens of thousands of illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists from more than 160 countries to enter our country every day along our southern border. authorities states tried to solve the problems themselves, repeatedly turning to the white house for help, but washington stubbornly
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ignored it. moreover, the door at the border, let’s say, was not closed tightly. the fact is that the feds working for biden treat illegal immigrants well, allowing them to infiltrate the country, and texans are tired of this, is it easy for more than 2 million illegal immigrants to pass through their state a year, many of them carrying weapons and drugs, robbing, killing, etc. .. they are nightmares for the population of the state, you may ask why this is for biden, what kind of normal president would allow millions of unexpected guests into the country, far from fluffy law-abiding ones, the answer is quite simple: for democrats, this is a future electoral base, time-tested, so the issue of open borders is even more political. the democrats really want millions of migrants to continue to penetrate into the united states, this is their fixed idea, this is what they are obsessed with today. all these years, biden kept our borders open with a banner at the ready: come in,
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come in, why does he need almost 20 million migrants, he will legalize them without any problems, they are just a pinch. more than a billion dollars of illegal immigrants, it would seem, why why, and even here our old friend george soros comes up, who spent the federal budget on resettlement and is trying to make texas his own, that is, to tear it away from the republicans. as fox news found out, the billionaire has poured millions of dollars into support over several years. the fact is that the state is considered the heart of the republicans; the sla party could never lay claim to this territory, but through texas majority pak, public fund, recruited employees who had previously worked for the governor's company of democrat betta orurka. soros is pouring money through the texas majority pac
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to boost democratic turnout in '24 because he doesn't want latino leaders. republicans have gained the upper hand over those who traditionally vote for democrats. the situation for the united states is unique in two ways. firstly, never before has the texas national guard behaved so bossily, blocking the entry of the feds establishing control over the border. secondly, never before have local authorities had such widespread support. on texas' side are those same 25 states, that is, about half the country. they simultaneously accused the biden administration of complete inaction and unwillingness. protect the border, instead of enforcing the law and protecting the border, the biden administration is suing texas for actions to protect american citizens from historic levels of illegal immigration, deadly drugs and terrorists entering the us, it says joint statement of republican governors. of course, the whole mess is also an element of the election race; against the backdrop
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of unyielding texas, it is trump who looks handsome. during his presidency he was active. defended the border and even built a wall against migrants. when biden came to power, the project was quickly scrapped. therefore, trump traditionally attracts greater support from southern voters. moments after my inauguration, we will begin the largest us deportation operation in american history. the desire for independence texas is in the blood of cowboys and oil workers. it is worth recalling that in the 19th century this territory. the us actually annexed it from mexico. for three decades now, there has been a secession movement in the state, separation from washington. today there are about a million people there. confrontations with the federal authorities once again fueled separatist sentiment. a little over a month ago, residents collected 139 thousand signatures in order to
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hold a referendum on secession from the united states in parallel with the presidential elections in november. the growth of autonomist sentiments.
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sent his troops to help texas. texas joined the ranks of the united states, being not just a territory, with an independent state and has managed to maintain a number of privileges to this day. thus, texas is the only state that has the right to hold a popular referendum on the issue of secession and independence. also, and this is a matter of special pride for freedom-loving texans, only this state is allowed to raise its so -called one-star flag on the same level as the general one. state tekzit supporters are confident that the federal system is falling apart, and ordinary texans, at their own expense, are dragging the poor states of the rust belt, the midwest and others. according to the locals. republicans, the authorities violated the right of texas to self-government; in the report, the current head of state, joseph biden, is called the acting president, since, according to the authors
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of the document, he did not win legally . they believe that significant voter fraud was committed in the country's main cities, which helped the democratic candidate ultimately come to power. another stumbling block - second amendment to the constitution. yes, this is the notorious right to keep weapons. this is not a myth, texans can really go to the grocery store with a gun, and even from this point of view, angering the most armed state in the united states is fraught, since the population has more than a million guns in their hands. the press is increasingly writing about the risk of civil war. in texas, there is a whole scattering of national movements calling for independence for the region. they have accumulated many grievances against the federal center, and if during the time of republican presidents, texans are calming down their ardor. what exactly
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are the complaints, bend your fingers: the separatists oppose the lgbt agenda, they really don’t like feminism and the environmental agenda. confident that eco-fanaticism will kill the local brand, the famous livestock industry and the oil industry. and of course taxes. the texas national movement is the main separatist party.
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has already been torn to pieces, local residents say. there are parents who unite as a community to teach their children in normal schools, without an lgbt agenda. are there gangs? antifa and blm, who intimidate voters in elections, raid stores in their spare time. there are cities in which abortion is prohibited, and there are cities where abortion is openly, including financially, encouraged. there are states in which the second amendment, that is, the right to use firearms, is sacred. there are cities that call themselves a sacred refuge for illegal migrants, there are settlements whose center is the church, and there are cities like portland, where the only religion is the blm cult, that is, the cult
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federal law and national unity are being destroyed one after another. it is difficult to say for sure whether an independent center of power will emerge in the united states; at least legally, the states have long protected themselves from such things. in 1869, the supreme court banned unilateralism. argue that prohibitions for states are assigned to the us constitution, there is no ban on annexation in this list, the precedent created by the supreme court can be revised, because if it ever comes to texas secession from the united states, then, as a number of experts believe, this will be peaceful process will not be. in april , a new film, civil war, will be released in the united states. the scriptwriters of the film ask themselves: what will happen if
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texas and california declare independence? 19 states seceded. the us army is increasing its activity. the white house warned western forces, as well as the florida alliance, and the three-term president assured that the uprising would be suppressed quickly. in one of the episodes of the commercial, a man with his family, at whom a soldier is aiming, shouts: hey, we are americans, to which the military man slyly replies: ok, but what kind of americans exactly? having cut and crushed many countries of the world alive, it seems that today the chimera is beginning to devour itself, and absolutely deservedly so. happily.
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may you love me like a little flower in the field, like a young bird that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i hear. for the deepest laughter, which is a frequent sign, for clear eyes, for the young soul, may you love, may you love, for the bright hours that you give me in happiness perazhyts, for the most part, dear daughter, let me love you.
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belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you need to learn and master. russian style, it’s work
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and self-care. symbolic elements of that old architecture, but the materials were already different: there were trees, there were stone materials, and there there were trees like this, well, it looked imitation. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. shchuchansky palace of drutsky-lubensky prisoners on the old month. there was already a nobleman there sit down, what kind of breakdown, seemingly...
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you are watching the news now, tatyana korol is with you. hello. belarus and uzbekistan will continue to make efforts to further develop the partnership. alexander lukashenko and shavkat mirziyoyev adopted a joint statement following negotiations in tashkent. the priority direction is further expansion of mutually beneficial activities.


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